Marquis Leadership 8e Ch 25: Problem Employees: Rule Breakers, Marginal

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24. Which is a management function associated with dealing with a problem employee? A) Forewarns the employee of the consequences of breaking a rule B) Encourages employees to be self-disciplined in conforming to rules C) Serves in the role of coach in performance deficiency coaching D) Recognizes and reinforces the intrinsic self-worth of each employee

Ans: A Feedback: Clearly identifies performance expectations for all employees and confronts employees when those expectations are not met. The other options are leadership roles.

3. Which statement about rules is correct? A) If a rule or regulation is worth having, it should be enforced B) Most rule breaking is a result of the actions of a few employees C) Organizations should have as many rules and regulations as possible so employees are clear about what they are to do D) Managers should increase monitoring efforts if a particular rule is constantly broken by many staff members

Ans: A Feedback: If a rule or regulation is worth having, it should be enforced. When rule breaking is allowed to go unpunished, other people tend to replicate the behavior of the rule breaker. An organization can have too many rules making enforcement very difficult. Evaluation of a rule that is being constantly broken is more effective than simple increased monitoring.

15. Which statement is true regarding chemical addiction among nursing professionals? A) Most chemically impaired nurses obtain drugs by stealing them from work B) Morphine is the most commonly abused drug by nurses C) Most nurses obtain their drugs on the street and avoid taking drugs from work D) Most chemically impaired nurses cannot be diverted from drug use

Ans: A Feedback: Most chemically impaired nurses abuse drugs they were taking for legitimate health reasons, or they steal drugs from work. The remaining options are not statements supported by research.

12. A nursing aide has been given a formal written warning regarding arguing repeatedly with the team leader about the given assignment. Today the nursing aide has taken four lengthy personal phone calls during work time. This is the first offense of this nature. How will the manager deal with this disciplinary situation? A) Provide a verbal warning that includes the rules related to personal telephone calls B) Determining whether there is a legitimate personal problem that justifies the telephone calls C) Presenting the nursing aide with a formal written reprimand D) Suspending the nursing aide for a week

Ans: A Feedback: The best choice of action in this case would be to provide an explanation for the rule and proceed to give a verbal admonishment. Since this is a new infraction, the progressive discipline starts with a verbal warning again and none of the other options.

8. Which statement is accurate when describing performance deficiency coaching? A) It is less spontaneous and requires more planning than ongoing coaching B) It is a one-time way of solving problems C) It requires the manager to assume the role of enforcer rather than supporter or enabler D) It occurs as a component of an employee's annual performance appraisal

Ans: A Feedback: This form of coaching is less spontaneous and requires more managerial planning than ongoing coaching. In performance deficiency coaching, the manager actively brings areas of unacceptable behavior or performance to the attention of the employee and works with him or her to establish a plan to correct deficiencies.

17. What is the most common initial response of an employee to a manager's confrontation regarding suspected chemical impairment? A) Emphatic denial and defensiveness B) Reluctant acceptance C) Gratefulness for finally being discovered D) Silence

Ans: A Feedback: Employee denial and defensiveness are common behaviors in those who are confronted with their impairment. Often, these individuals are in self-denial.

6. Which statement accurately describes a disciplinary conference? A) It is generally a highly charged emotional event, so the manager should try to soften criticisms to reduce the employee's defensiveness B) It should be scheduled in advance at a time agreeable to both the employee and the manager C) When it is held in front of peers it can be used as a teaching tool D) It requires the manager to adopt nurturing and counseling roles

Ans: B Feedback: All formal disciplinary conferences should be scheduled in advance at a time agreeable to both the employee and the manager. Both will want time to reflect on the situation that has occurred. Allowing time for reflection should reduce the situation's emotionalism and promote employee self-discipline, because employees often identify their own plan for keeping the behavior from recurring. None of the other options accurately describe this process.

23. What is the principle that guides constructive discipline? A) Constructive discipline is punitive in its nature B) The focus of constructive discipline is employee growth C) Constructive discipline employs the manager as a resource not a helper D) Behavior modification is the desired outcome of constructive discipline

Ans: B Feedback: Constructive discipline uses discipline as a means of helping the employee grow, not as a punitive measure.

22. Which statement accurately describes the initial deterrent against breaking a rule according to McGregor's Hot Stove Rules? A) All discipline should be administered immediately after rules are broken B) Each time the rule is broken; there are immediate and consistent consequences C) All employees must know the rule beforehand and be aware of the punishment D) Everyone must be treated in the same manner when the rule is broken

Ans: C Feedback: All employees must be forewarned that if they break a rule, they will be punished or disciplined. They must know the rule beforehand and be aware of the punishment.

21. What is the manager's initial progressive initial response when a staff member is caught stealing $3.00 from a patient's bedside stand? A) Dismissal B) Suspension C) Written notice D) Verbal notice

Ans: C Feedback: An employee caught stealing is initially presented with a written warning.

5. What would be the most appropriate level of employee discipline for a first infraction of gross mistreatment of a patient? A) Suspension with pay B) Suspension without pay C) Termination D) Written admonishment

Ans: C Feedback: For a first infraction of gross mistreatment of a patient, the most appropriate level of employee discipline would probably be termination. The organization's first responsibility is in the protection of patients.

16. Which statement concerning the recognition of chemical impairment in an employee is correct? A) It is relatively easy to identify employees who are chemically impaired B) It is easier to recognize if the employee is impaired by alcohol than by drugs C) Impairment should result in an immediate intervention by the manager D) Impairment must be supported by data gathering before intervention occurs

Ans: C Feedback: For safety reasons and to protect clients, employees should be confronted as soon as possible after chemical impairment is recognized. None of the remaining options are true statements regarding the recognition of a chemically impaired employee.

2. Which statement concerning self-discipline is true? A) It is one of the least effective forms of discipline B) It decreases as an awareness of the rules and regulations that govern behavior increases C) It increases when employees identify with the goals of the organization D) It is internalized, and thus the leader can do little to create an environment that promotes self-discipline in employees

Ans: C Feedback: The highest level and most effective form of discipline is self-discipline. When employees feel secure, validated, and affirmed in their essential worth, identity, and integrity, self-discipline is enhanced.

19. Which statement represents a correct statement regarding the identification and assisting interventions provided employees with substance abuse problems? A) It is done as an altruistic and benevolent action by the organization B) It should not be undertaken by management or the personnel department C) It should include screening that focuses on early detection D) Is best handled through disciplinary action of the personnel department

Ans: C Feedback: The personal and professional cost of chemical impairment demands that nursing leaders and managers recognize the chemically impaired employee as early as possible and provide intervention since such behavior is a serious safety issue associated with patient care. The remaining options are not correct.

11. What action will the manager take when implementing the second step in the progressive disciplinary process? A) Suspend the employee from work for a specified period of time B) Explain in detail the nature of the inappropriate behavior C) Complete a formal written reprimand D) Verbally instruct the employee not to repeat the infraction

Ans: C Feedback: The second step in the progressive disciplinary process is for the manager to complete a formal written reprimand signed by the employee and the manager. The second step in the progressive disciplinary process does not involve any of the other options.

7. What should an employee expect when a manager terminates his/her employment for continuous rule breaking? A) The employee will be escorted from the building by security staff B) The employee will be allowed to work out a 2-week termination period C) The manager will describe what, if any, references will be supplied to future employers D) The manager will arrange for a meeting between the employee and senior administration

Ans: C Feedback: When a manager terminates an employee for continuous rule breaking, the manager should tell the employee what, if any, references will be supplied to future employers. The remaining options are not generally associated with such a termination.

10. What does the filing of a grievance by an employee do? A) It serves as evidence that a manager's actions have been unfair or arbitrary B) It means that the conflict will have to be resolved in arbitration C) It negates the need for the manager to attempt to solve the conflict through communication, negotiation, compromise, or collaboration D) It requires a great deal of time and energy from both the employee and the manager

Ans: D Feedback: Although grievance procedures extract a great deal of time and energy from both employees and managers, they serve several valuable purposes. However, most grievances or conflicts between employees and management can be resolved informally through communication, negotiation, compromise, and collaboration before grievance procedures need to be undertaken. The remaining options are not the result of a grievance filing.

1. What is the primary difference between constructive and destructive discipline? A) The manager is friendlier to the employee in constructive discipline than in destructive discipline, so that the employee likes the manager as a person B) Constructive discipline includes verbal and written reprimands, whereas destructive discipline includes suspension without pay and termination C) The person who has received constructive discipline always appreciates and believes the feedback given, whereas it is resented and disbelieved in destructive discipline D) Constructive discipline helps the person to grow and to behave in a manner that allows him or her to be self-directive in meeting organizational goals. Destructive discipline focuses more on punishment

Ans: D Feedback: Constructive discipline uses discipline as a means of helping the employee grow. It is not used as a punitive measure. Destructive discipline focuses more on punishment. The remaining options are not necessarily true statements

25. What is the fundamental rational for conducting a disciplinary conference for a staff member who has failed to significantly modify the practice of arriving late for assigned shifts? A) This behavior disrupts the efficiency of the nursing team B) The tardiness is costing the facility money C) This behavior encourages other staff to disregard rules D) The problem will get worse if it is ignored

Ans: D Feedback: Disciplinary problems, if unrecognized or ignored, generally do not go away; they only get worse. The other options are likely outcomes of the staff member's unacceptable behavior but not the fundamental rational for the disciplinary action.

20. Which statement is true concerning the management of an employee who performs at the marginal level? A) Marginal performance is generally a result of employee burnout B) Poor motivation is the most common reason for marginal performance C) Improving skill should be the focus when assisting the marginal employee D) Some marginally performing employees will never improve their function levels

Ans: D Feedback: It is important for the manager to remember that each person and situation is different and that the most appropriate strategy depends on many variables. Looking at past performance will help to determine if the employee is merely burnt out, needs educational or training opportunities, is unmotivated, or just has very little energy and only marginal skills for the job. If the latter is true, then the employee may never become more than a marginal employee, no matter what management functions and leadership skills are brought into play.

13. How do managers view their responsibility to discipline staff? A) It is a necessary means for controlling an unmotivated and self-centered workforce B) It is a ìBig stickî that management can use to eliminate behavior that conflicts with organizational goals C) It is a means to assist in the development of self-discipline in an employee D) It is necessary to the organization if established rules are to be enforced

Ans: D Feedback: Managers use discipline to enforce established rules, policies, and procedures. The other options are very limited views regarding discipline.

18. Which statement identifies a truth regarding the generally accepted plan for the reentry of the chemically impaired employee into the workplace? A) It is successful in only a small number of cases despite active treatment programs B) It is discouraged by the board of registered nursing C) It should not occur until 3 years after the employee has completed the treatment program D) It often includes an employer requirement that the employee agree to random urine screening on request by the employer

Ans: D Feedback: Most nurses successfully return to work following a treatment program, and this generally takes 1 year. Often, the conditions that the employee has successfully changed his or her lifestyle and will submit to random drug tests must be met before the employee can be allowed to return to work.

4. What is the process involved in progressive discipline? A) A written warning precedes verbal warnings B) Formal warnings are followed up with informal warnings C) Written warnings are advocated only in the most serious of offenses D) The initial step is the delivery of a verbal warning by the manager

Ans: D Feedback: The first step of the progressive disciplinary process is an informal reprimand or verbal warning. This reprimand is followed by a formal reprimand or written warning when the behavior has not been changed.

14. What is the manager's role when dealing with employees who break the rules? A) To terminate their employment B) To be a good listener C) To act as counselor D) To ensure organizational goals are met

Ans: D Feedback: To act as coach and supporter, counselor, or good listener could be enabling to the employee who breaks the rules. The manager should be humanistic, however, and not scold or blame. Not all situations would result in employment termination.

9. Which statement most accurately describes how discipline in a unionized organization may vary from one that is nonunionized? A) Nonunionized organizations require a demonstration of just cause, whereas unionized organizations do not B) Discipline in nonunionized organizations tends to entail more procedural, legalistic safeguards than unionized organizations C) Only unionized organizations have grievance procedures D) Unionized employees must generally be disciplined according to specific steps and penalties within an established time frame

Ans: D Feedback: Unionized employees must generally be disciplined according to specific, pre- established steps and penalties within an established time frame. The remaining options do not accurately describe unionized organizational discipline procedures.

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