Media Studies

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The link between violence in the media and school shootings has been proven to be direct.


The mammy stereotype is very similar to the contemporary welfare queen stereotype.


The primary purpose of TV, magazines, movies is to entertain.


The "typical" position by conservatives is that more welfare is needed.


Which of the following was NOT commonly seen in 1950s family shows?

Families with lots of daughters

Which of the following describes the new style of housing and neighborhoods that became popular after World War II?

Family rooms became popular

The Internet is written in a "language" called _____.


Television producers typically stick with the norms of a television genre and aren't too creative about challenging these norms.


The catharsis effect refers to the theory that violence in the media gives people an opportunity to "let go" of violent and negative feelings.


The violent scene in The Matrix shown in Congress actually depicts the "killing" of computer simulations, not people.


There's not much police can do about the Nigerian scam, so victims often lose lots of money.


Younger people haven't established brand loyalty the way older people have.


Because advertising funds most news media in the United States, the media are reluctant to air programming that challenges the cultural value of consumerism.


Most American cities have more local newspapers today than they did in 1900.


The ___ places movies into different age-appropriate categories.

MPAA rating system

How much television does the average American child watch per week?

25 Hours

_____ refers to the way a television show looks and sounds.


Which of the following stereotypes was used as a justification for slavery?

All of the above.

In the United States, the government controls and owns a very large percentage of the media.


Beulah was the name of an overbearing, obnoxious woman on Amos 'n' Andy.


CNN first became very popular during:

The Persian Gulf War

Which of the following is an argument that supports the idea that the media have a liberal bias?

The majority of working journalists are Democrats.

Which of the following is not true about media and behavior?

There is no data that supports that the media affects our behavior.

TV news broadcasts might not run a story if _____.

all of the above.

Which of the following is an advantage of using focus group research instead of survey research?

You can get more detailed information from individuals.

After seeing an ad for jeans, Ashley tells her mom that she wants to buy those jeans immediately. This is an example of the media impacting Ashley's _____.


A camera scan of grieving Columbine family members and friends ______.

is an invasion of privacy and therefore not newsworthy

The Internet is owned by _____.

none of the above

PICON stands for "private interest, convenience, or necessity."


The Internet was created by university computer science departments.


1. Whose campaign had ads that were simple and to-the-point? 2. Whose ad focused on appeals to fear? 3. Whose ads emphasized hopeful images? 4. Whose ad worked at instilling fear about his opponent?

1. Dwight Eisenhower 2. Lyndon B. Johnson 3. Richard Nixon 4. George H.W. Bush

MATCHING 1. A stereotype of a fat domestic woman who loves taking care of white people 2. A stereotype about "uppity" black men who thinks they're much more savvy and sophisticated than they really are 3. A stereotype of a loud, obnoxious, nagging black woman 4. A dehumanizing stereotype of black children 5. A stereotype about black men that became popular after the Civil War 6. A stereotype of a joyful, childlike, docile black man who loves to sing and isn't too bright

1. Mammy 2. Coon 3. Sapphire 4. Pickaninny 5. Brute 6. Sambo

1. Why We Fight 2. Famous anti-war Walter Cronkite broadcast 3. Press pools 4. Embedded journalists

1. World War II 2. Vietnam War 3. Persian Gulf War 4. War in Iraq

1. Theory that in the modern day, the media instructs people who the world works 2. Inaccurate belief that the world is more scary and dangerous than it actually is. 3. Argument that the media are full of violent images of men.

1. cultivation theory 2. mean world syndrome 3. Jackson Katz' Tough Guise

From the television industry's point of view, which of the following would be the most desirable viewer?

A 20-year-old white woman

Children between 2 and 11 see several hundred ads per year, minus product placement


Companies don't like to give away free merchandise at promotional events because that can be very expensive.


Hooking a young person on a product during their adolescence is useless, seeing as they usually grow out of it by the time they reach college.


Political parties and churches often were not allowed to have a radio station in the 1920s.


Television news usually is more detailed than the news found in newspapers.


The American television show that has been the most popular abroad is The Cosby Show.


The Federal Communications Commission has always had a heavy hand in regulating the media in the United States; in fact, the FCC is much more strict in regulating the media than are the regulatory agencies in most of the world's countries.


In 2007, advertising companies spent nearly half the amount spent in 1992 - or $17 billion - on targeting children and teens.


Which of the following is a bias frequently seen in the media?

A bias towards presenting news that is pro-consumer.

In order to make money, television producers need to constantly be on the lookout for new, innovative ideas for TV programs.


Which of the following is the best example of association?

An ad for peanut butter that shows a happy family eating peanut butter sandwiches together.

The "lotus blossom" is a stereotype about passive _____.

Asian-American women

According to a 2003 report, only about 3 percent of news stories were about Latinos, even though Latinos make up about 13 percent of the population.


After World War II, society embraced women's newfound independence, and women were often promoted in their jobs. The social pressure to get married, have kids, and be traditional housewives was also rapidly declining.


Along with Hurricane Katrina, many of the natural disasters such as the massive earthquake in Pakistan and the typhoons in East Asia were equally covered by the news media.


As a Democrat, President Bill Clinton strongly disagreed with President Ronald Reagan's media deregulation policies and worked hard to undo them.


Which of the following is an Internet browser?

Internet Explorer

Which is TRUE about the PICON standard?

PICON stands for "public interest, convenience, or necessity."

Life and Look magazines are examples of what type of magazine?


Hispanic men are not often portrayed in the media as _____.


This magazine is noted for regularly publishing articles by muckrakers.


Which of the following is not one of the five biggest media corporations in the United States?


Which minority group is often shown as a mascot for sport teams?

Native Americans

Which of the following techniques is used by the Nielsen company to measure ratings?

Set meters

TV was so popular in the 1950s because it reflected the needs of American culture at the time, especially in relation to the growing emphasis on the role of one's immediate family.


A group of people who share the same characteristics of the population is called a representative sample.


A news organization that pays a great deal of attention to an American tornado that kills 3 people and ignores an earthquake in Uzbekistan that kills 30,000 people can be described as ethnocentric.


Deregulation means that many rules imposed by the FCC are lifted.


Five corporations own over 90 percent of the media in the US.


Minimizing the risk is the most important principle in the television business.


Most of the U.S. media was controlled by 50 corporations in 1983, and that number dropped to 23 in 1990 and down to five today.


National Public Radio is controlled by a combination of government, corporate sponsorship, and individual donations.


News found on the Internet tends to be more accurate than news found in newspapers.


People can reject lessons they learned through socialization.


Promotional videos for products on YouTube often have an amateurish quality to give the illusion that everyday people created them.


Which of the following is the best example of a story that might be in the news because of its novelty?

a man giving birth to a baby.

"The media doesn't tell us what to think, but it tells us what to think about" describes the _____ function of the media.

agenda setting

Which of the following is a common financial aid scam that students sometimes find on the Internet?

all of the above

An ad for a clothing store shows a large group of popular people wearing the store's clothing. This is an example of _____.

bandwagon approach

If Joseph McCarthy put you on the "black list," that means he probably thought you were a _____.


The cultural value that promotes the idea that spending money is good for the economy is called _____.


In relation to tragedies such as the ones at Columbine and Virginia Tech, another issue that comes up is the issue of celebrity status for killers and the possibility of _____ crimes.


An emotional state that occurs when the public spends a good deal of time and energy focusing on a disaster ______.

is known as disaster fatigue.

The tendency to look at the world events primarily through the lens of one's own culture ______.

is known as ethnocentrism.

Screening the tape made by the Virginia Tech shooter ______.

is questionably newsworthy because it brings celebrity status to the culprit.

Sending a reporter into a storm area that has been evacuated ______.

is too dangerous just for the sake of promoting ratings.

The "fourth estate" refers to the media's responsibility to _____.

keep tabs on the powerful people in society to make sure they aren't abusing their power.

Typical American conservatives support _____.

less restrictive gun control laws to ensure the Second Amendment is upheld.

Media _____ refers to a worldwide educational movement that aims to teach to people to understand how the media affect both individuals and society as a whole.


In the beginning of the 20th century, the population of the country largely was moving from rural areas to urban areas, and the economy was transforming from an agrarian economy to a _____

manufacturing economy

Asian-American men are often represented in the media as _____.

math nerds

One effect of the sponsors' push for characters who visibly used products in their home was that television shows quickly came to focus almost exclusively on people who were _____.

middle class

Which of the following types of news was NOT considered sensationalistic?

objective journalism

You get an email that looks like it's from a legitimate company telling you that you are eligible to win a sweepstake. You follow the email's link, and it tells you to enter your Social Security number, birth date, and other private information. This is known as _____.


Attendance at movie theaters declined in the 1950s due to the ______.

popularity of TV

_____ is when a company or advertising agency pays to have its product displayed within a movie, television show, or publication. For example, the characters in a movie might be sitting on either side of a can of Coke.

product placement

Today, three forms of advertising remain most popular. These are traditional advertising, product placement, and _____.

programming that promotes consumerism

A newspaper decides not to run a story about an economic crisis that's affecting hundreds of thousands of people in rural Romania. This is probably because the story lacks _____.


A car commercial shows the car's logo over and over again. This is an example of _____.


An advertisement manipulates the image of a can of Pepsi to make it look larger than life. This is best described as an example of _____.


Early magazines were often a more ___ medium than today's magazines.


The plot of a _____ is typically defined as having a simple conflict or misunderstanding resolved in half hour and usually lack of serious topics.


Carlos grew up believing that it's not normal for boys to play with dolls because his older brothers and male friends didn't play with dolls, and because he only saw girls in doll commercials. This is an example of the media affecting Carlos' _____.


Placing shows at the same time everyday so that people will get into the habit of watching them is called _____.


Two young men listen to Marilyn Manson songs and play lots of violent video games. One comes from a household where he is exposed to real violence, and he becomes a violent person. The other comes from a stable household and does not become a violent person. This can be seen as evidence of _____.

the rule of the real

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