Merchant Of Venice Test Quizlet

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What news has Salerio heard, making him anxious?

A Frenchman informed him that a Venetian ship has been wrecked in the English Channel, and Salerio fears it may be one of Antonio's.

Why does Portia want Bassanio to wait before facing the challenge of the three caskets?

Afraid that Bassanio will fail, but desirous of his company, Portia wishes to spend as much time with him as possible.


Another Jewish Moneylender;Friend of Shylock

Why does Antonio advise his friends to give up attempting to dissuade Shylock?

Antonio believes that Shylock cannot be reasoned with, due to a racially-determined stubbornness within him. He claims, "You may as well do any thing most hard/ As seek to soften that—than which what's harder?—/ His Jewish heart."

What is Antonio's response to Shylock's accusation?

Antonio insists their mutual hatred is a proper business relationship, telling Shylock, "If thou wilt lend this money, lend it not/ As to thy friends.../ But lend it rather to thine enemy,/ Who if he break, thou mayst with better face/ Exact the penalty."

How does Antonio attempt to placate Portia?

Antonio promises Portia that "[his] soul upon the forfeit... [Bassanio]/ Will never more break faith advisedly."

Which casket does Aragon choose, and why?

Aragon selects the silver casket, engraved "Who chooseth me shall get as much as he deserves," because, he asks, "who shall go about/ To cozen fortune, and be honorable/ Without the stamp of merit? Let none presume/ To wear an undeserved dignity." Aragon feels whoever wins Portia had better be deserving of her.

Why does Bassanio select the lead casket?

Bassanio distrusts attractive surfaces, for fear they contain corrupt things. As he addresses his choice, "But thou, thou meager lead/ Which rather threaten'st than dost promise ought,/ Thy paleness moves me more to eloquence;/ And here choose I."

Why is Bassanio reluctant to give up the ring?

Bassanio promised Portia that he'd take it off only when he'd stopped loving her.

What is Bassanio's reservation about Gratiano accompanying him to Belmont?

Bassanio suspects that Gratiano will appear "too wild, too rude, and bold of voice" for the people of Belmont. "[W]here thou art not known," Bassanio warns, such traits "show/ Something too liberal."

Why does Bassanio want Antonio to loan him more money?

Bassanio tells Antonio that "had [he] but the means" to compete with Portia's suitors, he would "questionless be fortunate," i.e., win the wealthy heiress's hand, thus solving his financial difficulties.

Why is Portia angry with her deceased father?

Because of the provisions of her father's will—the challenge of the three caskets—Portia cannot choose her own husband. As she says, "I may neither choose who I would nor refuse who I dislike, so is the will of a living daughter curbed by the will of a dead father."


Christian companion of Antonio and Bassanio. He marries Nerissa.


Christian man, Antonio's best friend, owes 3000 ducats, and picks lead casket(and with this marries Portia)


Daughter of Shylock(but unhappy about it), Lover of Lorenzo

Sal(arino) and Sol(anio)

Friends of Bassanio and Antonio, and also cause Shylock to deliver his important speech in Act 3

What does Gratiano reveal after Bassanio solves the riddle of the three caskets?

Gratiano announces that he and Nerissa intend to marry.

What humorous advice does Gratiano offer Antonio?

Gratiano tells Antonio not to be so grave about worldly affairs, but rather "With mirth and laughter let old wrinkles come,/...Why should a man whose blood is warm within/ Sit like his grandsire.../...And creep into the jaundice/ By being peevish?" In other words, he suggests Antonio is acting old before his time.


Heiress of Belmont, looks for a suitor and ends with Bassanio, also the Doctor[in trial disguise], heroine of the play

What does Portia claim will occur if Bassanio gives up the ring she gives him?

If Bassanio does "part from, lose, or give away [Portia's ring],/ [will] presage the ruins of [his] love."

What does the lead casket contain?

Inside the lead casket, Bassanio finds a picture of Portia—signifying his success—and a scroll instructing him to kiss her.

What is Jessica's dilemma concerning her father, Shylock?

Jessica believes it is a "heinous sin.../ To be ashamed to be [her] father's child!" Although she is Shylock's daughter by "blood," she claims not to be by "manners" and hopes to become a Christian by marrying Lorenzo.

Why does Jessica not want Lorenzo to see her when he arrives at Shylock's house?

Jessica is ashamed because she has been "transformed to a boy," i.e. is dressed in men's clothing in order to make her escape.

How does Lorenzo plan to disguise Jessica in order for her to escape from her father?

Jessica will be dressed as Lorenzo's torchbearer for the street festivities.


Jewish Moneylender, constantly harassed by Antonio and other Christians, father of Jessica

What opinion does Lorenzo hold of men who don't like music?

Lorenzo claims that "The man that hath no music in himself,/ Nor is not moved with concord of sweet sounds,/ Is fit for treasons, stratagems, and spoils" and is thus not to be trusted.

Why does Morocco fear Portia will reject him at the outset?

Morocco fears Portia would not want to marry someone of his race. Upon entering the play, he pleads: "Mislike not for my complexion/ The shadowed livery of the burnished sun..."

What do Portia and Nerissa think of Bassanio?

Nerissa claims that Bassanio, "of all the men that ever [her] foolish eyes looked upon, was the best deserving a fair lady." Portia agrees and "remember[s] him worthy of [Nerissa's] praise."

To whom does Nerissa claim to believe Gratiano gave his ring?

Nerissa claims whoever has the ring "will ne'er wear hair on's face..." In other words, she says she suspects him of giving it to a woman.

Why does Nerissa tell Portia she "need not fear" her unwelcome suitors?

Nerissa tells Portia she "need not fear" marrying any of the undesirable suitors because "[t]hey have acquainted [Nerissa] with their determinations; which is indeed to return to their home, and trouble [Portia] with no more suit..."

What does the disguised Portia demand from Bassanio for her services?

Portia asks for Bassanio's gloves and his ring.

What does Portia decide to do at the end of Act III?

Portia decides that she and Nerissa must go to Venice disguised as men, to help resolve the situation there.

Why does Portia allow Bassanio to leave before they get married?

Portia discovers, while reading Antonio's letter, that he fears "it is impossible [he] should live" and wishes to see Bassanio before he is killed.

What good news does Portia tell Antonio?

Portia gives Antonio a letter in which it is revealed that "three of [his] argosies [i.e., ships]/ Are richly come to harbor suddenly."

What does Portia order her household not to do?

Portia insists that no one reveal that she and Nerissa have been away from home.

What does Portia offer Bassanio to seal the new promise?

Portia offers the same ring she initially gave Bassanio, claiming she recovered it by sleeping with the doctor.

What secret does Portia reveal to the company?

Portia reveals that she and Nerissa were in fact the doctor and his clerk.

What does Portia claim she will do if she encounters the doctor to whom Bassanio gave the ring?

Portia says to Bassanio, "Since [the Doctor] hath got the jewel that I loved,/ And that which you did swear to keep for me,/ I will become as liberal as you,/ I'll not deny him anything I have,/ No, not my body nor my husband's bed."

What does Portia threaten when Bassanio admits he gave the ring away?

Portia swears that she "will ne'er come in[Bassanio's] bed/ Until [she] see[s] the ring!"


Portia's lady-in-waiting. She marries Gratiano, and she's also the clerk[in trial disguise]

What causes do Salerio and Solanio suggest for Antonio's melancholy?

Salerio and Solanio think Antonio is distracted because his money is tied up in his ships, which are sailing on dangerous seas. When he denies this suggestion, Solanio guesses that he's in love, an answer Antonio also rejects.

Lancelet Gobbo

Servant to Shylock, but leaves him to work for Bassanio since he was made fun of; also passes notes between Jessica and Lorenzo

In exchange for what does Shylock agree to lend Antonio and Bassanio the money?

Shylock asks Antonio to sign a bond stating that, if he doesn't repay Shylock within the allotted time, he must sacrifice "an equal pound/ Of [his] fair flesh, to be cut off and taken/ In what part of [his] body pleaseth[Shylock]."

What reason does Shylock give for his wanting the pound of Antonio's flesh?

Shylock claims he can "give no reason, nor will [he] not,/ More than a lodged hate and a certain loathing/ [He] bear[s] Antonio..."

According to Shylock, why does he hate Antonio?

Shylock claims to hate Antonio because "he is a Christian;/ But more, for in that low simplicity/ He lends out money gratis, and brings down/ The rate of usance here with us in Venice." He also remembers being personally insulted by Antonio.

Apart from the financial conditions, what does Antonio's new arrangement demand of Shylock?

Shylock must convert from Judaism to Christianity.

Why is Shylock indignant over Antonio's request?

Shylock suggests that Antonio is a hypocrite, having first spurned him for being a usurer and now asking him for a loan. As Shylock taunts him, "You come to me and you say,/ 'Shylock, we would have moneys'—you say so,/ You that did void your rheum upon my beard..."

Before going to dine with Antonio and Bassanio, what advice does Shylock give his daughter?

Shylock tells Jessica that if she hears commotion outside, she should "Clamber not...up to the casements then,/ Nor thrust [her] head into the public street/ To gaze on Christian fools.../ But.../ [she should] Let not the sound of shallow fopp'ry enter/ [his] sober house."

Although she acknowledges Shylock's right to a pound of Antonio's flesh, how does Portia prevent the usurer from acting on it?

Shylock thinks that the Duke must uphold the terms of the bond, otherwise all Venetian law will be held up to scorn and ridicule

Why does Shylock believe the Duke must enforce the terms of the bond?

Shylock thinks that the Duke must uphold the terms of the bond, otherwise all Venetian law will be held up to scorn and ridicule

Why does Portia, disguised as the lawyer, initially conclude that Shylock's bond must be adhered to?

Shylock thinks that the Duke must uphold the terms of the bond, otherwise all Venetian law will be held up to scorn and ridicule.

Why, since it won't result in any financial gain, does Shylock insist on the terms of his bond with Antonio?

Shylock wishes to cut off Antonio's flesh in order to "feed [his] revenge. [Antonio] hath disgraced [him]...laughed at [his] losses...scorned [his] nation, [and] thwarted [his] bargains" out of (so Shylock claims) pure racial hostility.

Why is Shylock stripped of his possessions?

Shylock's goods are confiscated because Venetian law ¬decrees such a penalty to a foreigner who "by direct or indirect[s] the life of any citizen..."

How does Solanio interpret Antonio's sadness at Bassanio's departure?

Solanio believes that Antonio "only loves the world for [Bassanio]." In other words, his friendship with Bassanio is the one thing which keeps Antonio from being overwhelmed by melancholy.

What message does Stephano deliver to Lorenzo and Jessica?

Stephano announces that Portia "will before the break of day/ Be here at Belmont. She doth stray about/ By holy crosses where she kneels and prays/ For happy wedlock hours."

What does the Duke request of Shylock?

The Duke asks Shylock if he will "not only loose the forfeiture,/ But touched with human gentleness and love,/ Forgive a moiety of the principle,/ Glancing an eye of pity on [Antonio's] losses." In other words, he asks Shylock to consider Antonio's financial predicament and not only accept money in place of the pound of flesh, but also reduce the amount of the debt.

According to Antonio, why won't the Duke be able to intercede on his behalf?

The Duke cannot deny the course of the law;/ For the commodity that strangers have/ Venice, if it be denied,/ Will much impede the justice of the state." In other words, the Duke must uphold the law for non-citizens, so that Venice may maintain its good standing in international business affairs.


The Merchant Of Venice, Christian, Best friend(maybe more) of Bassanio, provides his credit to Bassanio

What is Morocco's rationale for choosing the gold casket?

The gold casket is engraved "Who chooseth me shall gain what many men desire." As Morocco points out, "All the world desires [Portia];/ From the four corners of the earth they come/ To kiss this shrine, this mortal breathing saint."

What news does Tubal bring Shylock?

Tubal tells Shylock that one of Antonio's ships has been wrecked "coming from Tripolis" and that Jessica has spent a great deal of his money.

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