MG 412 Exam 1

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Strategic Staffing

the process of staffing an organization in future-oriented, goal-directed ways that support the business strategy of the organization and enhance its effectiveness

reverse discrimination

The act of giving preference to members of protected classes to the extent that unprotected individuals believe they are suffering discrimination.

Staffing goals

--Process Goals—during the hiring process Attracting sufficient numbers of appropriately qualified applicants Complying with the law and organizational policies Fulfilling any affirmative action obligations Meeting hiring timeline goals Staffing efficiently --Outcome Goals—after hire Hiring successful employees Hiring individuals who will be eventually promoted Reducing turnover rates among high performers Hiring individuals for whom the other HR functions will have the desired impact Meeting stakeholder needs Maximizing the financial return on the firm's staffing investment Enhancing employee diversity Enabling organization flexibility Enhancing business strategy execution

explain why complying with staffing laws can be strategic

-Avoid the expense of lawsuits -Avoid the negative public relations that comes with litigation -Allows companies to capitalize on the strengths of diversity and perform better because they focus more on performance and merit -Be better able to hire quality people from all segments of the labor force

complying with staffing laws continued

-Enhances hiring quality -Enhances the firm's reputation and image as an employer -Promotes fairness perceptions among job candidates -Reduces spillover effects (for example, rejected applicants not becoming customers or discouraging others from applying for jobs) -Reinforces an ethical culture -Enhances organizational performance by ensuring that people are hired or not hired based on their qualifications, not biases -Promotes diversity, which can enhance an organization's ability to appeal to a broader customer base

Describe staffing analytics and technology

-Involves the application of software and research methodology to statistically analyze staffing-related data with the goal of optimizing staffing systems -Defining, standardizing, and tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) enables employers to analyze trends; understand drivers of diversity, performance, engagement, and turnover; and make better decisions. Technology: • Recruitment tracking systems • Human resource information systems • Live and asynchronous video interviews • Artificial intelligence • Chatbots • Social media • Blockchain

Staffing goals continued

-Should be aligned with improving the strategic performance of the staffing system. -The primary staffing goal is to match the competencies, styles, values, and traits of job candidates with the requirements of the organization and its jobs. -Strategic staffing goes even further and enables the organization to better execute its business strategy and attain its business goals. -Staffing goals should be consistent with the goals and needs of all stakeholders in the staffing process, including applicants and hiring managers.

describe various barriers to legally defensible staffing

-The "like me" bias -Stereotypes -Ignorance -Prejudice -Perception of loss by persons threatened by EEO practices -Hiring managers

list and explain the components of the organizations staffing decisions

1. Do we want a core or flexible workforce? 2. Do we prefer to hire internally or externally? 3. Do we want to hire for or train and develop needed skills? 4. Do we want to replace or retain our talent? 5. What levels of which skills do we need where? 6. Will we staff proactively or reactively? 7. Which jobs should we focus on? 8. Is staffing treated as an investment or a cost? 9. Will staffing be centralized or decentralized?

Explain how different staffing strategies support different business strategies

Business strategy involves the issue of how to compete, but also encompasses: -The strategies of different functional areas in the firm. -How changing industry conditions such as deregulation, product market maturity, and changing customer demographics will be addressed. -How the firm as a whole will address the range of strategic issues and choices it faces.

explain the types of evidence for a disparate treatment and its 4 requirements

1. That he or she belongs to a group protected from discrimination (race, gender, etc.). 2. That he or she applied for the job and was qualified for the job for which the employer was seeking applicants. 3. That despite being qualified, he or she was rejected. (The plaintiff does not need to prove that he or she was rejected because of his or her protected status, only that despite his or her qualifications, he or she was rejected.) 4. That after being rejected, the position remained open, and the employer continued to seek applicants whose qualifications were similar to those of the plaintiff.

define applicant in general and list 4 criteria necessary for defining an internet applicant according to the OFCCP for federal contractors; what are the other issues surrounding defining applicants

1. The individual expresses an interest in a job via the Internet or related electronic data technologies. 2. The contractor considers the individual for employment in a specific position. 3. The individual's expression of interest indicates that he or she possesses the basic qualifications for the position; and 4. The individual at no point in the contractor's selection process, prior to receiving an offer of employment from the contractor, removes himself or herself from further consideration or otherwise indicates that he or she is no longer interested in the position

7 components of strategic staffing

1. Workforce planning: Strategically evaluating the company's current lines of business, new businesses it will be getting into, businesses it will be leaving, and the gaps between the current skills in the organization and the skills it will need to execute its business strategy 2. Sourcing talent: Locating qualified individuals and labor markets from which to recruit. 3. Recruiting talent: Making decisions and engaging in practices that affect either the number or types of individuals willing to apply for and accept job offers 4. Selecting talent: Assessing job candidates and deciding who to hire, 5. Acquiring talent: Putting together job offers that appeal to chosen candidates and persuading job offer recipients to accept those job offers 6. Deploying talent: Assigning people to appropriate jobs and roles in the organization to best utilize their talents 7. Retaining talent: Keeping successful employees engaged and committed to the firm.

3 types of business strategy

1. cost leadership strategy 2. differentiation strategy 3. specialization strategy

5 requirements of a competitive advantage

1. resource must be valuable to the firm by exploiting opportunities or neutralizing threats 2. must be rare among current and future competition 3. must not be easily imitated 4. must not be easily substituted or replaced 5. company must be organized

other characteristics

Catchall category that includes legal, availability, and character requirements


Affirmative Action Plan (AAP) • Formal document that an employer compiles annually for submission to enforcement agencies • Three reason to have AAP: court order, federal contract, and voluntary 1. Court ordered • To address previous practices • Stop discriminatory practices • Increase participation from minority or women by using creative recruiting methods 2. Federal contractors: • Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) • Responsible for ensuring that employers doing business with the federal government comply with the laws and regulations requiring nondiscrimination • Provides requirements and suggestions to organizations: 1. Provide an organizational profile that graphically illustrates their workforce demographics 2. Establish goals and timetables for employment or underutilized protected classes 3. Develop actions and plans to reduce underutilization, includes proactive recruiting and selection methods. 4. Monitor progress of the entire AAP. 3. Voluntary AAP • Supreme Court says it must be temporary, have no permanent adverse impact on White workers, and be designed to correct a demonstrable imbalance between minority and nonminority workers.

define affirmative action and explain when an organization might implement an AAP

An affirmative action plan describes in detail the actions to be taken, procedures to be followed, and standards to be adhered to, when it comes to establishing an affirmative action program


An obligation to perform certain tasks and duties.

how to plan a job analysis

Determine time and resources necessary and available Collect background information about the company, its culture and business strategy, the job, and the job's contribution to strategy execution and competitive advantage O*NET - Occupational Information Network ( Identify job experts Identify appropriate job analysis technique(s) to use

Differentiation Strategy

Developing a product or service that has unique characteristics valued by customers (Johnson & Johnson, Nike, 3M). • Involves an attempt to set a company's products or services apart from those of its competitors. • Competitive advantage based on product innovation.


Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT) • A systematic occupational classification structure based on interrelationships of job tasks and requirements. • Contains standardized and comprehensive descriptions of twenty-thousand jobs. O*NET Database (replaced DOT) • A online database of all DOT occupations plus an update of over 3,500 additional DOT occupations. Data are collected and published continuously. Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor • Comprehensive resource of occupational information with a database on many different jobs

explain employment relationship

Employee: someone hired by another person or business for a wage or fixed payment in exchange for personal services, and who does not provide the services as part of an independent business •Independent contractor: performs services wherein the employer controls or directs only the result of the work • Contingent workers: any job in which an individual does not have a contract for long-term employment -Temporary workers -Leased workers -Part-time and seasonal workers -Unionized workers (e.g., hiring electricians for a project from a union hall) -Outsourced work

Specialization Strategy

Focus on a narrow market segment or niche and pursue either a differentiation or cost leadership strategy within that market segment (Starbucks, Red Lobster, Seiko).• Competitive advantage based on customer intimacy: deliver unique and customizable products or services to meet their customers' needs and increase customer loyalty.

describe the types of contingent work arrangements

INTERNS: Perform work for an organization while receiving on-the-job training for a limited time. Interns are often being screened for full-time positions while they work as interns. TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES: Can be hired directly or through an outside agency that continues to supervise them. They can quickly provide needed skills for a limited time. PART-TIME EMPLOYEES: Work less than a full work week and may or may not receive benefits. Can be long-term or short-term employees. SEASONAL EMPLOYEES: Hired for a short time to do seasonal work. When UPS hires more workers during the busy holiday season, and when growers hire laborers to harvest fruit, they are hiring seasonal workers. ON-CALL WORKERS: Employed by a company but only report to work on an as-needed basis. "GIG" WORKERS: Contingent work that is transacted on a digital marketplace (e.g., Uber or MechanicalTurk). CONSULTANTS: Typically hired through a consulting firm or contract, they are typically hired for a specific project. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS: Typically, sole proprietors who work similarly to consultants on an hourly or project basis. LEASED WORKERS: Paid and managed by a third-party firm that is the formal employer of the worker. Usually work for a longer term than temporary workers. OUTSOURCED WORK: Contracting with an outside firm to assume complete responsibility for a specific contracted service—not just to supply workers (e.g., payroll, landscaping, and food service). OFFSHORE WORKERS: These can be company employees or the employees of a third-party outsourcing firm. They can be temporary, part-time, consulting, or independent contractors or occur as a result of a joint venture or partnership

explain when an organization would use talent-oriented rather than job-oriented staffing

Organizations typically recruit when they need to fill a specific job opening, which is job-oriented staffing. However, when labor markets are tight and good recruits are hard to find, organizations must pursue talent-oriented staffing and pursue scarce talent constantly—not just when a vacancy occurs.


Information (often technical in nature) needed to perform the work required by the job (UGESP)

Strategic HR management

It involves designing and implementing a set of internally consistent policies and practices that ensure a firm's human capital contribute to the achievement of its business objectives. - This includes both vertical (linking HRM practices with strategic management process) and horizontal (the integration of the various HRM practices) integration as well. - Additionally, linking the people of the firm (in terms of their skills and actions) to the strategic needs of the firm

job analysis

It is a systematic process of identifying and describing the important aspects of a job and the characteristics workers need to perform the job well

explain JA model

JA produces the job description (task, duties, and responsibilities) and job/person specification (KSAOs)


Observable competence for working with or applying knowledge to perform a particular task or duty

explain ADA of 1990 and reasonable accomodation

Prohibited discrimination • Definition of disability • Physical and mental impairments substantially limiting a major life activity • A record of such impairment • Being regarded as having such an impairment. • EEOC clarifications• Impairment - "A physiological disorder affecting one or more of a number of body systems or a mental or psychological disorder." • Expanded major life activities include "sitting, standing, lifting, and mental and emotional processes such as thinking, concentrating, and interacting with others." • Whether an impairment is substantially limiting depends on its nature and severity, duration or expected duration, and its permanency or long-term impact. • To be substantially limiting, impairment must prevent/significantly restrict a person from performing a class or broad range of jobs in various classes.

Describe resource-based view of the firm and how staffing can contribute to a company's sustainable competitive advantage

Proposes that a company's resources and competencies (including its talent) can produce a sustained competitive advantage by creating value for customers by: -Lowering costs of products or services -Providing something of unique value -Or some combination of the two Focuses attention on the quality of the skills of a company's workforce at various levels, and on the quality of the motivational climate created by management. • Human resource management is valued not only for its role in implementing a given competitive scenario but also for its role in generating strategic capability. • Staffing has the potential to create organizations that are more intelligent and flexible than their competitors, and that exhibit superior levels of cooperation and operation.

Explain strategic HR managements relationship and integration to various HRM functions and to the organizations strategic plan

Strategic human resource management aligns a company's values and goals with the behaviors, values, and goals of employees and influences the sub strategies of each of the firm's human resource functions, including its staffing, performance management, training, and compensation functions. The alignment of these separate functions creates an integrated human resource management system supporting the execution of the business strategy, guided by the talent philosophy of the organization.

Cost Leadership Strategy

Strive to be the lowest cost producer for a particular level of product quality (Wal-Mart, Dell, FedEx). • A firm pursuing a cost leadership strategy aggressively seeks efficiencies in production and uses tight controls to gain an edge on competitors. • Competitive advantage based on operational excellence: maximizing the efficiency of the manufacturing or product development process to minimize costs.

describe the components of the organization's talent philosophy, HR strategy, and staffing strategies

TALENT PHILOSOPHY: is a system of beliefs about how its employees should be treated. Typically shaped by its founders, it reflects how an organization thinks about its employees. HR STRATEGY: the linkage of the entire human resource function with the company's business strategy STAFFING STRATEGIES: the constellation of priorities, policies, and behaviors used to manage the flow of talent into, through, and out of an organization over time

describe human capital advantage and human process advantage and the differences between them

The organization can generate human capital advantage by hiring and retaining outstanding people and producing a stock of exceptional talent. A human process advantage is obtained when the firm's work gets done in a superior way. The phenomenon can be thought of as a function of complex processes that evolve over time because of learning, cooperation, and innovation on the part of employees. Human process advantages are very difficult to imitate

How does strategic staffing differ with less strategic views of staffing?

Traditional staffing: Less tied to strategy More reactive and likely to be done in response to an opening Lacks continuous improvement effort Strategic staffing systems incorporate: Both short and long-term planning Alignment with the firm's business strategy Alignment with the other areas of HR Alignment with the labor market Targeted recruiting Sound candidate assessment on factors related to job success and longer-term potential The evaluation of staffing outcomes against pre-identified goals

Describe how staffing influences and is affected by the other functional areas of HR management

Training Performance management Compensation Succession planning Career development Recruitment impacts selection activities and the likelihood of successfully identifying good hires


Underlying, enduring trait of the person useful for performing a range of different tasks

need for laws and regulations and the UD legal system

Why Do Employment Laws Exist? -Because the employer typically has disproportionate power in the employment relationship -Help to promote fairness and consistent treatment among different employees by prohibiting unfair discrimination in employment and providing equal employment opportunity for everyone Need for laws and regulations • Balance of power • Protection of employees • Protection of employers • Sources of Laws and Regulations • Common law • Constitutional law • Statutory law • Executive order • Agencies

define and explain job description and job specification and their relationship

Written narrative describing tasks, duties, and responsibilities (TDRs) of a job to be performed that includes information about equipment used and working conditions. • Identifies minimum qualifications need to perform essential job activities; outlines specific KSA, and other physical and personal characteristics of the person that are necessary to perform a job.

discuss role affirmative action and equal employment opportunity play in a firms staffing process

affirmative action: the proactive effort to eliminate discrimination and its effects and to ensure nondiscriminatory results in employment practices in the future Equal employment opportunity (EEO) means that a firm's employment practices must be designed and used in a "facially neutral" manner. Facially neutral means that all employees and applicants are treated consistently regardless of their protected characteristics, such as their sex and race. EEO laws require firms to make an unbiased assessment and interpretation of applicants' job qualifications


collection of activities. Meaningful, discrete, unit of work activity that are directed toward the achievement of a specific job objective.


collection of tasks. Area of work that includes several distinct tasks.


group of positions that are identical with respect to their major significant tasks and sufficiently alike to be covered by single analysis.


set of tasks and duties performed by single individual

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

• All private employers in interstate commerce who employ fifteen (15) or more employees for twenty or more weeks per year • State and local governments • Private and public employment agencies, including the U.S. Employment Service • Joint labor-management committees that govern apprenticeship or training programs • Labor unions having fifteen or more members or employees • Public and private educational institutions • Foreign subsidiaries of U.S. organizations employing U.S. citizens • It shall be an unlawful employment practice for an employer - • (1) to fail or refuse to hire or to discharge any individual, or otherwise to discriminate against any individual with respect to his compensation, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment, because of such individual's race, color, religion, sex, or national origin; or • (2) to limit, segregate, or classify his employees or applicants for employment in any way which would deprive or tend to deprive any individual of employment opportunities or otherwise adversely affect his status as an employee, because of such individual's race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.

explain how task statements should be written, and all 4 parts

• Each statement should include • What the employee does, using a specific action verb • To whom or what the employee does, stating the object of the verb • What is produced, indicating the expected output of the verb • What equipment, materials, tools, or procedures, are used

Executive Order 11246

• Executive order 11246 of 1965 • Prohibits federal contractors and subcontractors and federally assisted construction contractors and subcontractors that generally have contracts that exceed $10,000, or that will (or can reasonably be expected to) aggregate to more than $10,000 in any 12-month period, from discriminating in employment decisions on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin; and it requires them to take affirmative action to ensure that equal opportunity is provided in all aspects of their employment. • For federal contractors with 50 or more employees and government contracts of $50,000 or more are required to develop and implement a written affirmative action program (AAP).

identify and briefly discuss the court cases in staffing

• Griggs v Duke Power Company (1971) • The Supreme Court ruled that employer discrimination need not be overt or intentional to be present—employment practices having an adverse impact on protected classes can be illegal even when applied equally to all employees. • Employers have the burden of proving that employment requirements are job-related or constitute a business necessity and are absolutely necessary for job success. • Good intent, or absence of intent to discriminate, is not a sufficient defense of adverse impact.

Civil Rights Act 1991

• Significant provisions: • Employment practices must be job-related and consistent with business necessity. • Plaintiffs must identify particular employment practice and show that protected-class status was a factor in the employment practice. • Provided limited compensatory damages for intentional discrimination. • Allows plaintiffs to seek jury trials. • Prohibited norming and use of alternative scoring based on protected class membership. • Extended EEO coverage to U.S. citizens overseas.

Describe implications of staffing and why it is critical to an organization's performance

• Staffing outcomes determine who will work for and represent the firm, and what its employees will be willing and able to do. • Staffing influences the success of future training, performance management, and compensation programs, as well as the organization's ability to execute its business strategy.

Who is an applicant

• The legal definition of an applicant is particularly important with regard to two employment law issues: 1. Only "applicants" may establish a prima facie case of unlawful discrimination regarding hiring decisions under state and federal discrimination statutes 2. Employers must determine who qualifies as an "applicant" in order to identify the gender and race of all applicants to evaluate whether its hiring practices have an adverse impact on men, women, or minorities • The question of who an applicant is, is critical to establishing the proportions of the applicant pool belonging to different legally protected groups (e.g., sex, race, national origin, etc.). • Understanding the definition of an applicant can help employers minimize risk and protect themselves from costly audit defense.

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