MGMT 310A Exam 3
13: Legitimate Power
"formal authority"; has the title
14: All of the following are tasks associated with leadership (as opposed to managers) except:
-Controlling or solving problems
14: Time Driven Model
7 factors to consider when making a decision Based on two styles: Autocratic: Reserved for decisions that are significant, where commitment is not important Delegative: reserved for circumstances with employees with strong teamwork skills and employees are not likely to engage in blind obedience -Decision Significance -Importance of commitment -Leader Expertise Likelihood of commitment -Shared objectives -Employee expertise -teamwork skills
12: GroupThink
A pitfall of Team Decision Making The tendency of group members to conform to the consensus viewpoint in group decision making - pressure towards uniformity - disagreement/dissent can be uncomfortable - Overestimation of groups abilities
12: Taskwork Processes
Activities of team members that relate directly to the accomplishment of team tasks (hoping to increase process gains, and decrease process losses)
12: Transition Processes
Activities that focus on preparation for future work; can happen before teamwork begins, or be 'readjustments' Mission Analysis: involves an analysis of the team's task, the challenges that face the team, and the resources available for completing the team's work Strategy formulation: Refers to the development of courses of action and contingency plans, and then adapting those plans in light of changes that occur in the team environment Goal Specification: involves the development and prioritization of goals related to the team's mission and strategy
14: delivery
Animated voice facial features gestures
16: Physical structure
Aspects about the physical space, building, office layout is the workplace open? does top management work in separate part of the building
13: Collaboration
Assertive and Cooperative -> both groups concerns are too important to be compromised -> gain commitment; need other party to help execute
13: Competition
Assertive and Uncooperative -> No long term relationship -> unpopular courses of action needs implementations -> its an issue of survival
11: Reciprocal Type
Back-and-Forth type work between an employee ad the person his/her part of the task is linked with
16: Socialization Stage 2: Encounter
Begins the day the employee starts Compares OC info he/she encounters to what was expected Mismatch of info = a reality shock
Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement #1 power source - "if your negotiation fails, what will you do?"
14: transactional Leader
Built around exchanges of rewards and punishments, or laissez-faire leadership, which is the absence of action
11: Member Personality
CANOE; want members that are high on: - Conscientiousness, Agreeableness, Extraversion
13: Personal power
Captures the 'something else' factor not captured in formal roles (closer to 'status') think personal 'informal' influence Expert and referent
12: Coordination Loss
Cause of process loss Members need to not only accomplish their own tasks, but work together to coordinate their activities with their teammate's activities - lots of energy, time, and resources
11: Member Ability
Cognitive, emotional, and physical abilities Depending on the type of task, the ability of each group member carries more or less weight Disjunctive Tasks: member who possesses the highest level of ability relevant to the task while having the most influecne on the team; requires that only one group member needs to perform well to achieve success Conjunctive Tasks: Tasks where it is critical that every member of the team possesses the abilities; require every group member perform at a minimally acceptable level Additive Tasks: abilities of members add up; require summing each group members effort or output, where each member has an equal part to play
12: Team States
Cohesion, potency, mental models, transactive Specific types of feelings and thoughts that occur in the mind of team members due to working together all together these states enhance team effectiveness and process gain will occur when teams possess effective task work, teamwork processes, communication, and team states
13: styles of Conflict Resolution
Competing, collaboration, avoiding, accommodating how assertive leaders want to be in pursuing their goals How cooperative they are with regard to the concern of others
11: The highest level of interaction and coordination among members is required in ____ interdependence.
12: Production Blocking
Coordination loss can create production blocking Team members have to wait on one another before they can do their part of the team task
13: Organizational Power
Derived from a person's position within an organization (positional 'formal' influence - control over resources that are valued by others - based on hierarchical differentiation - influence is coercive coercive, legitimate, reward, information
11: The type of task a team is assigned affects how that team opperates. At MHR Corporation, your team is assigned a project in which the group's score depends on the strongest member's score. This type of tasks is known as:
11: Comprehensive Type
Each team member has high levels of discretion in who they work with/how the team functions
13: organizational Politics
Efforts to increase one's power to get the organization to pursue goals that an individual/group favor Politics often happen when critical, limited resources are at stake Political Skill: the ability to effectively understand others at work and use that knowledge to influence others in ways that enhance personal and/or organizational objectives
13: fast forward 30 years. Sam has been working at MHR Corporation for most of his life. He has assisted in the development of the company's computer system, and there are only a few people who understand its inner workings and can fix a problem should one arise. If you have any concerns about this computer system, Sam is the person to go to with your questions. Because of this Sam has ______ power.
11: Project teams are formed to take on recurring tasks that are generally simple. T or F
14: Path-Goal Leader
Focuses on getting a follower along their tasks by removing barriers and utilizing the followers motivation leaders can help people: - believe they are capable of accomplishing task, clearly see a connection between accomplishing the task and a desirable outcome
13: Referent Power
Followers have the desire to identify and/or be associated with the person
11: Franco is part of a group which must resolve a quality control issue at his company. Franco is not sure who is in charge. What stage of development is this group most likely in at this time?
11: Stages of Development - Teams
Forming to Storming to Norming to Performing to Adjoirning
14: Charisma triangle Factors
Frame, Delivery, Substance
12: Creative Behavior
Generate novel and useful solutions/ideas organizations can foster creativity Openness to Experience use tactics to generate positive moods
12: Process Gain
Getting more from the team than you would expect according to the capabilities of its individual members - Synergy, critical in highly complex work environments, critical when team members need to combine their KSAs to engage in problem solving
12: Communication (network structure)
Given the interdependence of teamwork, effective communication between members is critical Information goes from the Sender -> encoding -> message -> decoding -> Receiver Lack of Communication Competence: needs to be able to encode and process messages and then transmit them to team members - also applys to recievers who aren't skilled in processing communications Emotions and emotional intelligence: impacts how well people are able to articulate thoughts, ideas, etc. to teams Noise
14: Consultative Decision Making
Gives employees a say in the process, but ultimately makes the decision alone
14: Delegative Decision Making
Gives employees responsibility to make decision with some set of specified boundary conditions (leader plays no role in deliberations)
16: Socialization Stage 1: Anticipatory
Happens prior to an employee even starting the job Involves info communicated during recruitment, selection, etc Sets expectations for what it might be like working at a company
13: Centrality
High centrality: leader's role is important to others roles; leaders role is critical to others success
13: Discretion
High discretion is when the leader has the ability to make decision; not bound by organizational policies and rules
16: Communal
High sociability and High Solidarity -> employees think alike and are friendly to each other
16: Networked
High sociability and Low solidarity -> employees think differently, but are friendly to each other
13: Visibility
High visibility is how aware others are that the leader is in a position of power and influence; if everyone knows it, ability to use power goes up
12: Transactive memory
How specialized knowledge is distributed among members in a manner that results in an effective system of memory for the team
11: Forming Stage
Ice breaking stage; uncertain about who is in charge but formal or informal leader should emerge; some conflict can be beneficial during this stage (boosts creativity)
12: Interpersonal Processes
Important before, during or between periods of taskwork; related to how team members manage relationships Motivating and confidence building: refers to things team members do or say that affect the degree to which members are motivated to work hard on the task Conflict management: involves activities that the team uses to manage conflicts that arise in the course of its work
11: Storming Stage
Individuals test leader's policies and assumptions as they try to determine how they fit in; subgroups form; subtle forms of rebellion (procrastination) takes place
13: Moderately Effective Influence Tactics
Ingratiation: use of favors, compliments, friendly behaviors, e.g. 'sucking up' and 'brown nosing' -- more likely to see this in upward influence Personal Appeals: requestor asks for something based on personal friendship and/or loyalty Appraising: requestor explains how the task will benefit the person being asked; answers the 'whats in it for me?' question (differs from rational persuasion because it focuses solely on benefit of the target as opposed to simple logic or benefits to the organization)
14: Four I's of Transformational leadership
Inspirational Motivation, Intellectual stimulation, individualized consideration, idealized influence
11: Management Team
Integrat activities of subunits across business functions; moderate member involvement Not just focused on a single work related task/project, but concerned with functioning of a whole department, division etc. MTs make strategic decisions about the ENTIRE organization
12: Teamwork Processes
Interpersonal activities that facilitate the accomplishment of the team's work, but do not directly involve task accomplishment of the team's work, but do not directly involve task accomplishment itself Transition vs action processes
13: Substitutability
Leader is in position where there are no others to compare
14: Facilitative Decision Making
Leader presents problem to a gorup of employees and seeks consensus on solution; everyone gets equal say (leader is more facilitator than decision maker)
14: Intellectual Stimulation
Leader stimulates followers to 'think outside the box" and creatively leader encourages followers to think for themselves and challenge the typical way of doing things
14: Autocratic Decision Making
Leaders make decisions without asking for other's opinions or suggestions; employees not asked to generate solutions
12: Mental Models
Level of common understanding among team members with regard to important aspects of the team and tasks Awareness of 'who knows what' and how situations should typically be handled
13: Positional(formal) Source of Influence
Level of hierarchy, control over rewards, resources, Centrality, relevance, visibility of position
16: Mercenary
Low sociability and High solidarity -> employees think alike but aren't friendly to one another
16: Fragmented
Low sociability and Low solidarity -> employees are distant, disconnected from one another
11: Factors of Team Composition
Member Roles, Member Ability, Member Personality
11: Performing Stage
Members are comfortable within their work roles, and team starts making goal progress
12: Motivational Loss
Members don't work as hard as they could Often difficult to gauge how much people contribute to a team
11: Adjourning Stage
Members experience anxiety/emotion as they disengage and separate from the team
11: Norming Stage
Members realize that they need to work together to accomplish team goals; need to cooperate
11: Hybrid Outcome Interdependence
Members recieve rewards that are dependent on - their team members - How well they perform as individuals
11: Task Interdependence
Moderate positive effect Team Performance, however the correlation is higher in teams involved in more complex knowledge work rather than less complex Weak relationship with Team Commitment, however, the correlation is stronger for teams involved in more complex knowledge with then in tams with less complex
Responses to Influence tactics
Most Effective -> internalization: target agrees with and becomes committed to the request (behavioral and attitudinal changes) Moderately Effective -> Compliance: target is willing to perform request, but does so with indifference (behavioral change only) Least Effective -> Resistance: Target is opposed to request and attempts to avoid doing it (no change in behavior or attitude)
16: Stories
Narrative based on true events that is repeated and shared among organizational employees stories told to new employees to keep the org's values alive
12: Cross Training
Need to foster transportable teamwork competencies - transport competencies developing in one team content and bring it to the next team experience - develop and share mental models of what is expected in other members roles - personal clarification: receive info about other members job requirements - positional modeling: observing how other team members perform - Positional Rotation: actually trying other team members roles
13: Stages of Negotiation
Negotiation is a process of which two or more interdependent individuals discuss and attempt to come to an agreement about their different preferences Preparation -> Exchanging INfo -> Bargaining -> Closing and commitment
11: The Kohler Effect
Occurs when less capable members on teams working on conjunctive tasks (where poorest performance defines the groups score) increase their efforts Two Explanations: - Upward social comparison/goal setting - Increased responsibility
12: Abilene Paradox
Paradox where a group collectively decide a course of action that is counter to the preferences of any of the individuals in the group - pressure to conform -> don't want to rock the boat
11: Member Roles
Patterns of behavior that a member is expected to display consistently Team Task Roles: Behaviors that directly facilitate the accomplishment of team tasks - Initiator, contributor, orienter, devils advocate, energizer Team Building Roles: Behaviors that are targeted at positively influencing the quality of the team's social climate - Encourager, Harmonizer, compromiser Individualistc Roles: Behaviors that benefit (or intended to benefit) the individual at the expense of the team - Aggressor, blocker, recognition seeker, self-confessor, slacker, dominator
11: Action team
Perform complex tasks that vary in duration and take place in highly visible/challenging circumstances; member involvement varies Time that group is together is brief, but the tasks at hand are very complex
13: Coercive Power
Person controls punishments
13: Reward Power
Person has control over rewards/resources (money, salary raises)
11: Task Interdependence
Pooled, Sequential, Reciprocal, Comprehensive
13: Least Effective Influence Tactics
Pressure: pressure coercive power; threats, demands - may be effective, but only in the short term; not effective for long term influence and subsequent performance Coalitions: influencer enlists other people to help influence target (peers, subordinates, other supervisors in the organization) Exchange: offers rewards/resources in exchange for a request
14: management
Process of dealing with and controlling people or things - Planning and budgeting - Organizing and staffing - Controlling and solving problems Carrying out the vision
14: Leadership
Process of directing and influencing people toward attaining defined organizational goals - setting direction - aligning people; getting buy in - providing motivation - building and communicating a vision
11: Project Team
Produce a one time output (product,service); involvement varies Time commitment varies because some projects need full time commitment whereas others require only part time Timeline will also vary depending on length of projects
11: Work Teams
Produce goods or provide services; high member involvement
11: Parallel Team
Provide recommendations and resolve issues; low involvement Requires only part time commitment from team members since their goals, while related, are not directly overlapping. Quality circle teams may only meet periodically to try and identify opportunities for improvement
14: Servant Leader
Putting others needs first, highest ethical standards Listen first, act after Aware of surroundings, utilizes resources, manages growth and builds community, persuasive with foresight, empathetic and healing
13: Most Effective Influence tactics
Rational persuasion: use of logical arguments and hard facts Consultation: target is allowed to help decide how to carry out tasks (voice in the decision making process) Inspirational Appeal: appeals to target's ideals/values; creates an emotional attachment to the leader Collaboration: leader helps make task accomplishment easier for the target; leader may help with task, give resources, etc.
11: Sequential Type
Really depends on the person doing the task in front of you
12: Staff Validity
Refers to the degree to which members make good recommendations to the team leader
16: Safety Culture
Reflects the extent to which safe behaviors at work are both expected and valued - not engaging in workarounds research has found that exhaustion related to engaging in safety workarounds, which leads to more injuries
12: Decision Informity
Reflects whether members possess adequate information about their own task responsibilities
13: Gina promised her employees if they reached the goal of fewer than 5 customer complaints during December she would give them each a $500 gift card. What type of power is Gina using and what is likely her result?
Reward, compliance
14: Authentic Leader
Self Aware, internalized moral perspective, balanced processing, relational transparency Confidence, hopefulness, optimism, resilience
12: A psychology class has been assigned an individual case study project as well as a group project. Group members will recieve the same grade for the group project, but they will be graded separately for their individual projects. Drew, Ben and Donna, and Julia are members of one group. Drew and Donna worked very ahrd on the group project. Ben and Julia however, did not contribute much to the group project because they felt that Drew and Donna would manage to get good grades for it. Instead they focused their efforts on their individual projects. Ben and Julia's behavior is an example of
Social Loafing
16: Espoused Values
Stated values (mission statements) the desired culture
13: Contingencies
Substitutability, Discretion, Centrality, Visibility
16: Artifacts
Symbols, physical structures, languages, stories, rituals, ceremonies relating to the organization
16: Observable artifacts
Tangible aspects that can be seen, heard, observed game rooms, open office spaces for gathering, formal and informal social events, performance metrics
13: Susie is looking for a TV for her new apartment. She hopes to negotiate a price of $250 for a used TV she found online. She has decided that if they charge more than $400 she is walking away from the TV and will take an old box tv that her parents said they might have in the basement. The $250 in this case is Susie's _____, the $400 is her ____, and the tv in her parents basement is her _____. (which is target point, BATNA, and reservation point)
Target point, reservation price, BATNA
12: Boundary Spanning
Tasks/activities with individuals other than team members Ambassador activities,: communications that are intended to protect the team, persuade others to support the team, or obtain important resources for the team Task Coordinator Activities: Communications that are intended to coordinate task related issues with people/groups in other functional areas Scout Activities: things team members do to obtain information about tech, competitors, or the broader marketplace
11: Diversity in Teams
Team Diversity: Degree to which members are different from one another in terms of any attribute that might be used by someone as a basis of categorizing people (physical, values, beliefs) Pros and Cons associated with team Diversity- Value in Diversity Problem Solving Approach: diversity is beneficial because it provinces a larger pool of knowledge Similarity-Attraction Approach: people tend to be more attracted to others who are perceived as more similar and avoid interacting with dissimilar others to reduce uncomfortable disagreements Surface Level Diversity: diversity reagrding physical attributes; might have negative effects at first, but negative tends to dissipate over time - salience of ingroup differences also get minimized in presence of an out-group Deep level Intensity: diversity regarding attitudes, beliefs, values, etc; time tends to increase the negative effect of deep level diversity
11: Goal Interdependence
Team members have a shared vision of the team's goal and align their individual goals with that vision as a result 'Rowing the Boat' analogy
11: Team Interdependence
Team members interact with and rely on other team members for the information. materials, and resources needed to accomplish work for the team
11: Outcome interdependence
Team members share in the rewards that the team earns Same reward for all members of the team, be it pay, bonuses, feedback, recognition awards, extra time off, etc.
11: Pooled Type
Team members work separately and 'pool' their parts of the project together in the end
14: Readiness
The degree to which employees have the ability and willingness to accomplish their specific tasks
14: _____ Leadership focuses on motivating followers by providing them with positive and negative rewards contingent on performance.
12: ____ Processes are primarily important before and between periods of taskwork, whereas ___ processes are primarily important as the taskwork is being accomplished
Transition, Action
12: Getting more from the team than you would expect given the capabilities of its individual member refers to process gain. T or F
12: Team Processes
Two behaviors that teams share 1. Team members spoke for equal amounts of time; this enhanced the collective intelligence of the team 2. Higher levels of social sensitivity; team members were adept at reading nonverbal and social cues from team members to determine how everyone was thinking/feeling during team time
13: Accommodation
Unassertive and Cooperative -> realize you are wrong, issue is more important to other party -> build credit for the future
13: Avoidance
Unassertive and Uncooperative -> need to let people cool down
16: Strong Culture Strength
Values, assumptions, beliefs are widely held and agreed upon Exert a strong impact on behavior
13: Integrative Bargaining:
Win-win style utilziing mutual respect and problem solving - similar to the collaboration approach in conflict resolution - ideal negotiation strategy
14: Transformational
a pattern of behaviors that inspires followers to commit to a shared vision that provides meaning to their work and sets the leader up as a role model who helps people reach their potential
13: We discussed 5 different conflict management styles and when they might be appropriate. Which conflict management style is appropriate when the issue is much more important to the other group than yours, you want to build credit for the future, or you realize you might have been wrong?
14: Situational leader
changes and adapts as the jobs, tasks, and followers needs change
14: idealized influence
charismatic leader
12: Action Processes
critical as the task work being accomplished; monitoring progress towards goals; Differs from transition processes that occur before/between periods of task work System monitoring: involves keeping track of things that the team needs to acomplish its work Helping behavior: involves members going out of their way to help or back up other team members Coordination: refers to synchronizing team member activities in a way that makes them mesh effectively and seamlessly
16: Rituals
daily or weekly routines that occur in organizations
14: Leader effectiveness
degree to which a leader's actions result in the achievement of the unit's goals, continued commitment of the unit's employees, and the development of mutual trust, respect, and obligation in leader-member dyads
12: Potency
degree to which team members believe the team can be (is) effective across different types of situations/tasks - Develops from: team members confidence, trust in other team members, feedback about past performance - High potency = high levels of effort and motivation -> can lead to over confidence - Low potency = lack of confidence
12: Cohesion
development of strong emotional bonds to other team members; emotional attachment - high levels of motivation and commitment to the team, can promote higher performance, BUT can promote Groupthink
16: Weak Culture Strength
disagreement of confusion around values, assumptions, beliefs Behavior is influenced through formalized systems, bureaucracy
16: Diversity Culture
extent to which company embraces having a diverse workforce Hiring women/minorities, diversity sensitivity training, how to be inclusive of all employees
12: Brainstorming
face-to-face meetings used to generate as many potential solutions as possible (quantity of quality)
16: Customer Service Culture
focused o service quality (customer is always right) Important since 65% of US orgs are service based Goal is to change employee attitudes/behaviors towards customers to increase customer service
12: Process Loss
getting less from the team than you would expect based on the capabilities of its individual members - Having high potential/ability but lacking synergy
12: Network Structure
important determinant in team effectiveness and team performance; pattern of communication that occurs regularly between team members - All channel: highly decentralized; all members can communicate with everyone - Wheel: highly centralized; typical of situations with a 'team leader'
14: Life Cycle Theory
initiating structure/consideration behavior may be more or less important depending upon the readiness of employees on the work unit
14: Individualized consideration
leader provides a supportive climate in which he/she listens carefully to the needs of followers
14: Inspirational Motivation
leaders communicate high expectations Leader inspires followers and fosters enthusiasm for a common goal/vision leader is 'team spirit' oriented
16: Socialization Stage 3: Understanding/Adaption
learns from socialization and begins to internalize norms and expected behaviors
14: Frame
metaphors and stories contrasts rhetorical questions lists and repetitions
14: Substance
moral convictions sentiments of the collective Ambiguous goals confidence in goals
13: Compromise
mutual exclusive goals -> outcome is less important to your group than to the other group -> temporary settlement is needed or intense time pressure
16: Symbols
objects, acts, or events that convey organizations important values
12: Social Loafing (nominal group technique)
occurs because team members feel reduced accountability for team outcomes - relying on the 'star' to shine (opposite of Kohler effect
13: Information Power
person has access to and control over information that others need to complete their work
13: Expert power
person has the expertise, tacit knowledge, skills, etc, that others depend on
16: Languages and Slogans
phrases or sentences that succinctly expresses a key organizational value
16: ceremonies
planned affairs that make up a special event and is conducted for the benefit of an audience
16: Enacted Values
preceived values the "real" culture
12: Hierarchical Sensitivity
reflects the degree to which the leader (of the team) effectively weighs the recommendations of the members
13: Personal(informal) Source of Influence
relationships, expertise and knowledge, Personal attributes
16: Organizational Culture
set of values, attitudes, beliefs, and expected behavior shared by members of an organization Internal personality of an organization Similar to national culture: common values, shared understandings "shared social knowledge"; it lets employees know what rule, norms, and values are within the organization
16: Creativity Culture
stresses importance of innovation and new ideas Can affect both the quantity and quality of creative ideas generated from employees in the organization
16: Attraction-Selection-Attrition Theory
the culture of a whole organization is largely a product of the personalities of its workers Individuals with similar personalities tend to be: -attracted to the same kind of organization (attraction) -Hired by the same organization (selection) Individuals with other types of personalities tend to: -Leave the organization (attrition)
13: Influence
the most effective strategies take advantage of more personal forms of power (leader/follower relationship) rather than explicit power categorized in most effective, moderately effective, and least effective
14: leader emergence
the process of becoming a leader in the beginning
13: Leadership
the use of influence to direct the activities of followers toward goal achievement
12: Decision Making
there are 3 factors that come into play to determine whether teams make effective decisions Decision Conformity, Staff Validity, and Hierarchical sensitivity
13: Distributive Bargaining
win-lose style with fixed pie, zero sum conditions - buying a car: you know the price is negotiable, but every dollar you save, dealership loses and vice versa - similar to the competing approach to conflict resolution