MGMT 4300 Exam 3 & Final

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Which of the following would be required to provide critical skills to employees that might be needed in the future?

b. training

Companies generally try to minimize turnover that is ________.

b. voluntary, dysfunctional, and avoidable

Why did the growing use of ability tests come to an abrupt halt during the late 1960s and 1970s?

because of EEO laws and early Supreme Court decisions that specifically addressed a few of the most popular of these tests

Which of the following is NOT an ability that has been extensively used to select employees for physically demanding jobs?

gross body mass

When an applicant takes a test without the presence of an organizational representative who monitors the testing behavior of the applicant they are taking a(n):

unproctored test.

It would seemingly be more effective in selection to use traits that affected a narrow set of behaviors rather than a wide set


Personality is highly correlated to other useful selection tools


Personality seems clearly related to job performance for those jobs that rely more on specific knowledge and procedures and have few acceptable ways to produce desired performance


Projective techniques could be classified as "powerful testing situations."


Research evidence uniformly rejects the use of projective techniques in selection


Self-reports of personality (from self-report inventories) likely produce overestimates of the true predictive validity of the traits


Socially appropriate answers are more likely to result from projective techniques than self-report questionnaires


The scores derived from projective techniques generally have high reliabilities


Two large-sample studies have concluded that distortion of self-report personality inventories is a large problem


____________________ is a technique for analyzing the interrelationships among several tests or a set of tests.

Factor analysis

Ability tests measure what a person has learned and can learn.


Aptitude tests and achievement tests measure the same thing.


Mental ability tests are among the least valid of all selection tests.


The Minnesota Clerical Test has consistently resulted in disparate impact.


The courts have consistently held that height and weight requirements are reasonable measures of strength.


In a weak situation it is assumed that individuals interpret the situation and act in accordance with personality traits


In powerful situations, individual behavior is more attributable to the known situational roles than to individual traits


It is possible to infer personality traits from job analysis data in much the same way as WRCs are inferred


Managers intuitively believe that personality traits matter at work


Observer ratings of personality reflect the way we are perceived by others


Performance in jobs that are very structured in terms of work behaviors would seem to be less related to personality than those that are unstructured


Personality instruments for which appropriate responses are not apparent are preferable to those for which answers are apparent


Personality tests could be viewed as medical examinations and therefore must be constructed very carefully


Raters tend to interpret even the simplest behaviors as signs of underlying traits and motives


Responses to projective techniques may be biased by specific skills (such as verbal or test-taking) of those people being assessed


The most frequently used technique to assess personality is to ask for self-reports


When co-workers rate their colleagues, these ratings add incremental validity to predictions solely based on self-reports of personality


When selecting effective leaders from ineffective ones, research shows that those candidates high in extroversion, openness to experience, and emotional stability experience the greatest success on the job


When the application of knowledge and predetermined actions are critical to successful job performance, cognitive based WRCs are more important for selection than personality traits


Which of the following is true about the Wonderlic Personnel Test?

The primary factor measured is verbal comprehension.

Validity studies for the same job have found which of the following to be true?

The validity coefficient for the predictor and criterion measures is stable across organizations.

Mental ability tests and I.Q. tests are the same type of test.


Mental ability tests are valid for many jobs and increase in predictability of job performance as the job becomes more complex.


Meta-analysis has consistently shown that there are significant differences in mean test scores on cognitive ability among racial/ethnic groups.


One conclusion that can be drawn from mental ability validity generalization studies is that these tests are stable across organizations.


While women score lower than men on strength and endurance tests, they also demonstrate lower performance on jobs that require these abilities.


If a hiring manager is unhappy that the staffing system requires her to take two hours of her limited time to interview each candidate, which staffing goal is not being met?

b. generating positive stakeholder reactions

Workforce redeployment applies the ________ principles used to optimize inventory management, planning, and production to optimize the utilization of a firm's employees.

b. supply chain

A minimum reliability estimate of _____________ is commonly thought to be necessary for selection use.

.85 to .9

What do projective techniques and self-report questionnaires have in common? a. They both require verbal responses which are scored to obtain measures of personality characteristics. b. The structure of the questions is intentionally ambiguous in both devices. c. The structure of the responses is intentionally ambiguous in both devices. d. Both devices might be classified as "weak testing situations" in which individual differences in personality strongly account for the differences in response among people.


What type of situation (in a personality context) is the selection interview considered to be? a. powerful c. moderate b. weak d. inconsistent


Which of the following is a major conclusion from the field of personality psychology and the use of personality in organizations? a. There are five general factors of personality that can now serve as a meaningful taxonomy for describing traits. b. There are ten general factors of personality that can now serve as a meaningful taxonomy for describing traits. c. There are literally thousands of core traits that influence behavior. d. The circumstances of different situations apparently have no influence on behavior, resulting in traits being the best explanation of behavior.


Which of the following is a reasonable conclusion to be drawn concerning the use of personality measurements for predicting job performance? a. Personality data can make an independent contribution to selection decisions. b. Personality data is not useful for making selection decisions. c. Personality data is the single most important information for making selection decisions. d. Research evidence is too inconsistent to make any reasonable judgments about the use of personality data in selection.


In interviews the most frequently measured personality trait is: a. agreeableness. c. integrity. b. conscientiousness. d. punctuality


Traits are a more likely explanation of behavioral differences in which type of situation? a. powerful c. job interview b. weak d. moderate


Which of the following is TRUE about the validity of self-report inventories that measure the Big Five? a. The conscientiousness dimension was a valid predictor for some, but not all, of the occupations. b. Conscientiousness was a valid predictor of overall work performance over all studies examined. c. Agreeableness and openness to experience demonstrated the highest validity. d. Conscientiousness was a valid predictor for only one of three criteria.


Emotional intelligence reflects a dispositional approach toward taking initiative at work and effecting environmental changes


Which of the following is true about the concept of a trait? a. It begins with the common observation that individuals are quite similar in their reactions to the same situation. b. There is general consensus on which traits are common across individuals. c. It is used to explain the consistency of one individual's behavior over a variety of situations. d. It is used to explain the consistency of group behavior over a variety of situations


Which of the following personality variables is appropriately measured in the selection interview? a. ambition c. work habits b. aggressiveness d. sociability


Which of the following traits is NOT an element of Core Self Evaluation? a. self-esteem c. need for power b. self-efficacy d. emotional stability


All of the following are components of the Five Factor Model EXCEPT? a. extraversion. c. conscientiousness. b. agreeableness. d. happiness.


An employee's personality can predict all of the following EXCEPT: a. performance. c. likelihood of being a leader. b. likelihood of stealing. d. long-term health.


Which of the following is TRUE about self-report questionnaires in personality measurement? a. These instruments usually consist of long scenarios followed by multiple-choice response formats. b. These questionnaires don't assume that there is a correspondence between what a person says about himself/herself and what is actually true. c. The assumption is made that the individual is unaware of his/her thoughts, emotions, etc., but that the questionnaire responses will reveal such thoughts, emotions, etc. d. The assumption is made that the individual is aware of his/her thoughts, emotions, etc., and is willing to openly share them.


What is the general conclusion of studies examining differential validity?

Differential validity does not exist.

A recent study found that managers of small business were concerned more with personality characteristics such as honesty, integrity, and interest in the job than with an applicant's ability


Forced-choice measures of personality require test-takers to choose the most liked item of two to four equally desirable items


Which of the following is true about integrity tests?

a. Integrity tests have the ability to overcome the problem of faking.

When should medical tests be administered?

a. after a job offer has been extended

Exit interviews should be directed at ________.

a. areas in which the company feels it could improve

RBC Electronics is a retailer of electronic appliances. If Sandy does not see or understand the work processes and rules that influence RBC employees' task behaviors and has limited knowledge of the regulations, policies, and resources that affect employees' behavior, then Sandy is most likely a(n) ________.

a. external customer

Which of the following would enable a firm to hire the fastest?

a. hiring the first candidate who exceeds a minimum cut score

External customers are often best for evaluating an employee's ________.

a. interpersonal behaviors

The fit between a person's abilities and the demands of the job and the fit between a person's desires and motivations and the attributes and rewards of a job is ________.

a. person-job fit

Which of the following raters is often the most controversial feature of a multisource assessment?

a. subordinates

Behavioral interviews are more reliable and substantially better than ________ at predicting job performance.

a. unstructured interviews

All of the following selection methods have demonstrated less adverse impact than cognitive ability tests EXCEPT:

academic performance

Which of the following is not measured by mechanical ability tests?

accuracy in processing verbal and numerical data

Research has consistently identified all but which of the following factors or components of physical abilities?

anaerobic strength

Which of the following is true of person-organization fit?

b. It is positively related to job satisfaction.

Which of the following is a limitation of using supervisors in performance reviews?

b. They may be less able to see the employee's task and interpersonal behaviors.

Which of the following would reduce adverse impact?

b. Use assessment methods with less adverse impact early in the selection process.

In the selection procedure of a firm, an applicant must obtain a minimum passing score on two different assessment methods before being allowed to continue in the hiring process. What type of assessment plan is being used?

b. multiple hurdles

The higher the fidelity of a job simulation test, the higher is the ________.

b. similarity between the real job and the test

If an applicant is not hired because the applicant has previously claimed overtime which they were owed, they are likely to be covered under the ________.

c. Fair Labor Standards Act

Which of the following is true of a maximum job offer?

c. It can be a low, competitive, or high offer.

Which of the following would result in peer ratings being a successful method of internal assessment in a firm?

c. Work in the firm is done in teams.

Allowing a candidate's high score on an interview to make up for a low score on a personality test is an example of the ________.

c. compensatory approach

Don is a high-ranking manager in an advertising firm. He was recently offered a job with higher pay and more lucrative benefits by a rival firm. On coming to know about this, Don's employers decided to make him a(n) ________ matching the offer from their rival firm.

c. counteroffer

A layoff is an example of which type of turnover?

c. involuntary

When a finalist does not get a job offer, they are likely to perceive ________.

c. low distributive fairness

Assigning a new employee to regularly meet with a more senior, more experienced employee to further the career development of both employees is ________.

c. mentoring

An organization claiming to provide an environment in which employees can grow their careers has to ________.

c. provide performance feedback and development opportunities

A socialization program that requires new hires to "pass" different stages of socialization or be removed from the organization is a ________.

c. tournament program

Averaging candidates' scores from an interview, job knowledge test, and work simulation to derive a summary score to use in comparing candidates is an example of ________.

c. unit weighting

Which type of physical ability test demonstrates relatively more adverse impact against females?

cardiovascular endurance

Which of the following is true of voluntary turnover?

d. It can be reduced by giving new hires a realistic job preview.

Which of the following is true about downsizing?

d. It can improve shareholders' return.

Which of the following, if true, would result in a new hire to a company getting paid less than existing employees?

d. The company wishes to preserve internal equity.

The first stage of the socialization process is ________.

d. anticipatory

A company cannot know what training to offer employees unless it ________.

d. assesses their strengths and weaknesses

Internal assessment typically improves a firm's strategic capabilities by ________.

d. assisting "blocked" employees to improve their performance

Having a low selection ratio means ________.

d. hiring only a few applicants

Asking a candidate during an interview to indicate how she would respond to an irate customer is an example of which external assessment method?

d. situational interview

The best time to pursue workforce diversity is during ________.

d. sourcing and recruiting

What is a useful way to differentiate among ability tests?

physical, mental

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