midterm, Chapter #1-5: Soc 101

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Max Weber

WEBERIAN THEORY - Applying economic logic to human activity - Very interested in society becoming industrialized from the bureaucracy - Bureaucracy leads to Rationalization, disenchantment - Mcdonaldization - Iron cage of bureaucratic rules - Wanted VALUE FREE sociology

Hawthorne effect

Specific example of reactivity Effect of being researched changes results Solution: Deception

Karl Marx

- CONFLICT THEORY man - CAPITALISM = BAD, SOCIALISM = YES - Split society into bourgeoisie (owners) and proletariat (working class)

August Comte

- Coined the term sociology -Made sociology a discipline

George Herbert Mead

- Credited for founding SYMBOLIC INTERACTIONISM - Looked at children interactions in play yard

Herbert Spencer

- Established basically sociology in Britain and America - Huge on evolution, coined the phrase "SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST" - He believed that societies evolve through time by adapting to their changing environment. - His philosophy is often referred to as SOCIAL DARWINISM

Émile Durkheim

- Founder of STRUCTURAL FUNCTIONALISM - Studied the correlation between social isolation and suicide - Wrote a book about suicide, altruistic suicide - Mechanical solidarity (agrarian: shared traditions and beliefs creating a sense of social cohesion - Organic solidarity (modern: difference interdependence and individual rights)

Harriet Martineau

- Precursor of the naturalistic sociologist - Radical social activist at the time - Translated Comte's work to America & England

C Wright Mills

- coined the term Sociological Imagination (awareness of societal influence)

Scientific Method

1. Problem/ question 2. Literature review 3. Hypothesis 4. Choose research method 5. Collect data 6. Analyze data 7. Share (Psst in scientific method you gotta define&state everything)


70% use this Type of research method Uses - Likert scale: answers from a continuum -Negative Q's: What dont u like? - Representative sample: generalizing - Probability sample: mathematically generalizes - Simple random sample: every population member can be equally selected - Weighting: makes sample represent larger population more


normlessness from weak social bonds (everythings all new and disorienting..)


A dominating ideology


A minority group absorbed into dominant group

Queer theory

A paradigm (i know, contradictory much?) saying categories of sexual identity are social constructs. No sexual category is fundamentally either deviant or normal because we create the definitions.

Absolute vs. Relative deprivation

Absolute: cant meet living requirements Relative: Based on standards of living, you feel poor around rich people


Abstract propositions that -explain the social world -make predictions about the future Theories are explanations.

George Herbert Mead: Stages

Agreed with Cooley's looking glass idea Prep stage (mimic others), play stage (play role of other), taking on someone's role role stage, game stage (child takes it in)


Application of economic logic to human activity

Status ascribed vs achieved

Ascribed: gender Achieved: doctor


By August Comte Theory: Perceptions are the only valid source of knowledge

Looking Glass Self

By Cooley Others reflect us and form us

Symbolic Interactionism

By George Herbert Mead - Society is produced and reproduced through our interactions - Massive help in creation by Chicago School of Sociology - Influenced by Pragmatism - #1 symbol: Language [chair example]

labeling theory

By Howard Becker Once negatively labelled, deviance will occur

Class Consciousness

By Karl Marx Realizing social inequality when you're oppressed Leading to revolutionary action

Conflict Theory

By Karl Marx Social conflict is the basis of society and social change. Emphasizes SOCIAL INEQUALITY as a huge factor of our society due to CLASS CONFLICT. [You have red light, they have green light. Kill them.]

Thesis, antithesis, synthesis

By Karl Marx Thesis: existing social arrangement Antithesis: Contradicting the existing social arrangement Synthesis: New social arrangement caused by the conflict "Middle ground"

Psychoanalytic Theory

By Sigmund Freud Id: Instinct Ego: Real world Superego: Both Four psychosexual stages of development. Being stuck in a stage results in personality quirks. What we learn as kids carries onto adulthood

Paradigm shift

By Thomas Kuhn Major change in perspective about things once assumed

Structural Functionalism

By Émile Durkheim - Everything in our society, so societal institutions, serves a FUNCTION 1. Society is a stable, ordered system of interrelated parts, or structures. 2. Each structure has a function that contributes to the continued stability, or equilibrium, of the whole.

Latent functions vs. Manifest functions

By Émile Durkheim Latent functions are less obvious, maybe unintended functions (ex: schools keeping kids busy) Manifest functions are obvious, intended functions (ex: schools meant to teach)

Cultural change

Change is SLOW Exception: Technology

Situational ethnicity

Changing name from Juan to John

Culture wars

Clashes over norms that should be upheld [Liberals vs. conservatives]

Social mobility; closed vs open system

Closed: very little opportunity to move from one class to another Open: lots of opportunity

Research ethics

Code of ethics given to researches Institutional review board to review research proposals of their colleagesk

Coercive vs influential power

Coercive: threatened by force Influential: supported by persuasion

Role conflict, role strain, role exit

Conflict: 2+ roles, different expectations Role Strain: Contradictory expectations in one role [family man but also a buff masculine man] Role exit: bye bye to role

Correlation, Causation, Spurious Correlation

Correlation: relationship between 2 variables Causation: One variable causes other variable to change Spurious correlation: Thinking there's a relationship but there is an external variable

Differential Association Theory

Deviants learn to be deviant through interacting with other rule breakers

Cultural diffusion, leveling, imperialism, technological determinism

Diffusion: Dissemination of material and symbolic culture from one group to another [movement of fast food culture, obesity rates] Leveling: Once-distinct cultures go bye bye [bye ma and pa hello walmart] Imperialism: Mass media imposes another culture, rather than the military Technological determinism: technology is primary force behind social change

Culture shock

Disorientation at a new social/cultural environment. Its a way to get sociological perspective. [Ex: technology to someone from a desert island]

Dominant, sub, counter culture

Dominant culture: The ones with the power [white] Subculture: Any one group in society [goths] Counterculture: Rejecting norms [KKK]

Dyad, triad

Dyad: 2 ppl Triad: 3 ppl


Encourages embracing diversity

Culture definition

Entire way of life for a group of people


Face to face/small group interactions and how they affect larger groups/systems

Agents of Socialization

Family (most significant) Schools (hidden curriculum like punctuality, neatness, competition) Peers (esp teen) Mass Media

Folkways, Mores, Taboos

Folkways: loosely enforced [talking to strangers on the elevator] Mores: moral significance, shows core values, all expected to conform [don't steal] Taboos: most powerful norm [no sex with siblings]

Deviance through Functionalist view and through Conflict Theory:

Functionalist: deviance clarifies moral boundaries and promotes social cohesion Conflict Theory: deviance a result of social conflict, power to remain in power

Erving Goffman

Furthered SYMBOLIC INTERACTIONISM - Used the word "Dramaturgy" (comparing life to a play) meaning people strategically present themselves certain ways to people "Life is a play," impression management is front+backstage together - Front + backstage behavior - Self developed through societal interactions - "true self?" does it exist?

Group vs Crowd vs Agregates

Group you identify with Crowd is a whole lotta people that dont really usually come back after dispersed [tourist groups] Aggregates: collections of people in same physical location [could be a crowd]

Horizontal vs vertical social mobility vs Intra vs Intergenerational

Horizontal: movement within a social class [change job] Vertical: movement up/down the social ladder[promotion] Intragenerational: In one lifetime Intergenerational: One gen to the next

Culture of poverty

Idea of those poor that they can't do anything about it they accept it

Content Analysis

Identifying and studying specific variables [Noticing that women as lower status in TV shows]

Individual vs Institutional Discrimination

Individual: One person hates another cus of their ears Institutional: Police pulls everyone with those ears over


Influenced Symbolic Interactionism Assumes organisms make practical adaptations to their environments

Ingroup, outgroup, reference group, group cohesion, social influence, group thing

Ingroup: A group identifies with and feels loyal to [gang] Outgroup: Hostility towards this group [opposing gang] Reference group: One you use as a comparison standard[same major, family] Group cohesion: Sense of loyalty to a group they belong in Social influence: group control over others decisions Groupthink: the conformity in tight group members


Large scale social structure affecting smaller groups

Feminist Theory

Looks at gender inequalities, how gender structures the world, looks for solutions. Gender&power are intertwined.

Positive Deviance

Something like scoring perfect on SATs while being 12

Material vs. Symbolic culture

Material: tangible Symbolic: Language, gestures, signs

Postmodern Theory/ Postmodernism

Modernism: - Linear view of of history - Think the Enlightenment and Scientific Method Postmodernism: - NO ABSOLUTES! - It's all relative! - No universal truths. - Suggests that social reality is diverse, pluralistic, and constantly changing

Master status

Overrides others, ex: teacher


Part of postmodernism, taking apart old ways of thinking, reevaluating it. Questions grand narratives

Group dynamics

Patterns of interaction between groups and individuals


Positive or Negative reactions to norms. Establishes SOCIAL CONTROL [Positive: cookie for good, jail for bad]

Prejudice vs Discrimation

Prejudice: (the thought) Idea applied to all members of a group unlikely to change Discrimination: (the action) Unequal treatment based on being a part of a group (often motivated by prejudice)

Primary vs Secondary group

Primary: most important to us, we belong with [best friend] Secondary: larger and less intimate [clubs with goals]


Process: 1) Be functional member of society 2) Learn/internalize values and norms of the group

Quantitative Research vs. Qualitative research

Quantitative: Information in numbers Qualitative: Not numbers: Fieldnotes, photos, transcripts


Replacing learned norms and values with new ones happens in adult socialization

Nature vs. Nurture

Roles of genetics vs. socialization making individual/behavior traits Probs 50/50


SOCIALLY DEFINED category based on Language, Religion, History ethnicity can be displayed hidden


SOCIALLY DEFINED category based on REAL or PERCEIVED biological differences between groups of people race identity always on display

Bureaucracies are built upon the idea of


Feral Children

Social isolation [Tarzan]

Social network vs Social ties

Social network: direct, indirect ties connecting individuals to those who even vaguely affect the individual Social ties: connections b/w individuals


Term for any physical/social attribute that devalues a person deviants are 'stigmatized' [Ex child molestor]


These are PERSPECTIVES. How we shape&see the world.

Traditional,charismatic,legal rational authority

Traditional: inherant authority Charismatic: Based on leader qualities [Jesus christ, Hitler] Legal rational: Authority from laws and procedures [president]


Type of research method Uses - PARTICIPANT OBSERVATION - Rapport (Positive relationship characterized by mutual trust) - Access to the field setting - Thick description of data - Reflexivity (researchers affect on data) [Crack house]


Type of research method Uses - sample of a target population - informed consent - open ended question - close ended question: imposes response limit - double barreled questions: too many issues lots of qualitative data!


Type of research method Uses: an EXPERIMENTAL group and a CONTROL group (no intervention) to compare the experimental one to Independent variable: what effects the situation Dependent variable: what might change cus it could be dependent on the independent variable


Wanting research to do something, action research!

Emotions work, emotion rules, co prescence

Work: Managing feelings, like telling men not to cry Rules: norms we follow to restrict emotions Co prescence: physical presence with others

Total insitution

being cut off from rest of society to be regulated [jail, asylum]

Social Reproduction

by Pierre Bordough Tendency for social class status to be passed from one generation to the next because each class has CULTURAL CAPITAL to gain societal advantages

Social stratification

dividing society into hierarchical groups

Internal Colonialism

economic and political subjugation of minority group by dominant group

Symbolic ethnicity

going to an ethnic festival like day of the dead but only for that one day

Thomas theorum

if people define situations as real, they are real in their consequences.

Sapir Whorf hypothesis

language structures thought


most extreme form of social stratification


part of mainstream

Pilot study

small study testing if the bigger study will work

Pierre Bordough

the class stuff

Social loafing

the more people added to a group the less work individuals contribute [the dude that doesn't do shit in group assignments]

Social inequality

unequal distribution of wealth power prestige


violates a norm causing a negative reaction

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