midterm study guide

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Ponce de leon hotel, growth of miami, florida east coast railroad, key west railroad all represent what? The achievements of Henry Flagler. The successes of Reconstruction. The impact of Antitrust Legislation. The accomplishments of the Progressives.

The achievements of Henry Flagler.

(photo of statue of liberty being disgusted and annoyed with immigrant ships and people surronding it) This cartoon best represents the views of which group? Grangers Anarchists Populists Nativists


Which of the answers below best completes the diagram? Foreign Competition Threatens Prosperity Warfare Brings New Inventions Government Subsidies Encourage Inventors Innovations Stimulate Economic Growth

Government Subsidies Encourage Inventors

What was a long-term consequence of sharecropping A majority of African Americans migrated to Northern states. Southern landowners were unable to sell their raw cotton or other cash crops. A majority of African-American workers fled from rural areas to Southern towns. African Americans failed to achieve social equality for almost a century.

African Americans failed to achieve social equality for almost a century.

"Nearly a generation has intervened since I insisted that...all must be equal before the law without any distinction of color" Based on the speech, with which statement would Sumner have agreed? African Americans could not be given voting rights until they were educated. African Americans were entitled to full civil and political rights in the South. African Americans should not be given full rights because this would result in further conflict. Former Confederates should be given full voting rights because they were social and political leaders.

African Americans were entitled to full civil and political rights in the South.

What was the main economic challenge faced by American farmers in the late 19th century? Intensive farming had reduced the prairies and Great Plains to fields of dust. The declining U.S. population led to a reduced demand for food. Agricultural overproduction led to falling prices for their crops. The arrival of European immigrants led to overcrowding on the Great Plains.

Agricultural overproduction led to falling prices for their crops.

"The United States needs new markets for its manufactured products. American manufactures also need access to raw materials found overseas". Which historical argument is supported by this statement? American imperialists feared foreign control of major sea-lanes. Most Americans opposed imperialism because they thought it was anti-democratic. American imperialism was mainly economically motivated. Indigenous peoples in the Pacific and Caribbean welcomed American investment.

American imperialism was mainly economically motivated.

How did U.S. intervention in World War I represent a turning point in American foreign policy? Americans obtained their first colonies after the war. American scientists developed nuclear weapons. Americans became deeply entangled in European affairs. Congress refused to declare war on Germany.

Americans became deeply entangled in European affairs.

(photo of native children with long hair, followed by same children in sterotypical late 1800's haircut with proper suits on) Which concept is illustrated? Nativism Assimilation Allotment Expansionism


(photo of USA holding a rope leading to european and foreign nations, the rope reading league of nations) what can you infer Believes that England and Japan will soon be at war. Believes that the League of Nations will prevent future wars. Opposes U. S. participation in the League of Nations. Believes that the U. S. should become a member of the League of Nations.

Believes that the U. S. should become a member of the League of Nations.

It is illegal: • To "willfully display the flag of a foreign enemy"• To "urge, incite, or advocate any curtailment of production in this country of anything or things ... necessary or essential to the prosecution of the war."• To "cause ... or incite ... insubordination, disloyalty, mutiny, or refusal of duty, in the military or naval forces of the United States" Espionage Act of 1917 Selective Service Act 1917 War Industries Board Committee on Public Information

Espionage Act of 1917

Which consequence of Reconstruction is depicted in this drawing? (photo of african americans waiting in line) Freedmen invested their savings in Southern manufacturing. Freedmen purchased railroad tickets to travel west on the transcontinental railroad. Freedmen exercised new voting rights guaranteed by federal law. Freedmen were given free plots of land from their former owners' plantations

Freedmen exercised new voting rights guaranteed by federal law.

How did the writings of Alfred Thayer Mahan encourage United States imperialism? His published speeches to the U.S. Senate persuaded public opinion to favor acquiring colonies in order for America to remain an industrial power. His articles for popular newspapers condemned Spain on humanitarian grounds for its treatment of the Cuban rebels. His books demonstrated the importance of obtaining colonies for naval bases, increasing overseas trade, and building a canal in Central America. His letters as the Secretary of State during the Spanish-American War persuaded President McKinley to annex territories from Spain.

His books demonstrated the importance of obtaining colonies for naval bases, increasing overseas trade, and building a canal in Central America.

How did the work of Jacob Riis help improve the lives of average Americans? His work focused on highlighting the conditions of the urban/immigrant poor. He wrote about regulating large trusts. He called out the farmers and their lack of care for land. He wrote about expanding suffrage for women and children.

His work focused on highlighting the conditions of the urban/immigrant poor.

Which of the following conclusions can be drawn from the above chart regarding slave ownership? Owning slaves was a common practice in the United States in 1860. Less than half of total Southern families owned slaves. The total number of free persons was probably lower in the Northern states than in the South. Northern states like New York and Ohio probably had as much slaves as Florida and Georgia.

Less than half of total Southern families owned slaves.

Why did the United States Senate fail to ratify the Treat of Versailles in 1919? Many Senators feared the League of Nations would involve the United States in foreign wars. Many Senators predicted that membership in the new League of Nations would be too expensive. Many Senators opposed the severe sanctions that the treaty placed on Germany. Many Senators felt the League of Nations would interfere with American plans in the Philippines.

Many Senators feared the League of Nations would involve the United States in foreign wars.

Based on the cartoon, why was Florida important to the US during the Spanish American War? (man holding back dog that says army and dragging him into his cage that says tampa) McKinley gained support for the war in Florida. Florida contributed the most troops to the war effort. Military forces were deployed from Florida bases. Florida was the main industrial contributor to the war effort.

Military forces were deployed from Florida bases.

The chart below shows some of the characteristics of the United States as an agrarian and industrial society. Which phrase completes the chart? agrarian society: farming is the most common occupation industrial society: ?

Most Americans work in manufacturing, transportation or services.

Which factor contributed to the shift in population shown on the graph above? (rural being way high then urban from 1870 to 1900) Houses in cities were less expensive than those in the countryside. Not enough families took advantage of the Homestead Act. The Great Plains Indians left their reservations to buy new farmland. New jobs in industry attracted farmers and farm laborers to cities.

New jobs in industry attracted farmers and farm laborers to cities.

which foreign policy is associated with this cartoon: (photo of men holding knives on table and pointing them at each other and another man standing over them asking for order) Ostend Manifesto Platt Amendment Good Neighbor Policy Open Door Policy

Open Door Policy

Based on these statements(civil rights billof 1866), which factor divided members of the Republican Party? President Johnson wanted to lead the party. President Johnson wanted a return to slavery. President Johnson feared the freedmen were not prepared for public life. President Johnson thought the freedmen should vote.

President Johnson feared the freedmen were not prepared for public life.

what was americas reaction the headline " the lusitania is sunk, 1000 are probably lost" There was widespread outcry to join the war effort against Germany. Most Americans wanted to remain neutral during World War I. The construction of the atomic bomb was approved. President Wilson wanted to declare war, but Congress wanted to remain neutral.

President Wilson wanted to declare war, but Congress wanted to remain neutral.

What was the long-term effect of the reasoning above? (plessu vs ferguson) Racial segregation remained dominant in the South for another half-century. State governments had to ensure the economic and social equality of all individuals. Government leaders would introduce social insurance and other programs to avoid unrest. Workers would overthrow the bourgeoisie in a violent revolution.

Racial segregation remained dominant in the South for another half-century.

How did the spread of railroads after the Civil War contribute to the Second Industrial Revolution? Railroads encouraged the growth of cities and the creation of a national market. Railroads led urban workers to migrate to rural farms. Railroads caused cotton and rice production to move to the Pacific Northwest. Railroads stimulated steamship travel along America's inland rivers.

Railroads encouraged the growth of cities and the creation of a national market.

How did this law influence conditions for African Americans in Florida? African-American adults were permitted to attend night school to improve their literacy skills. Schools for African-American children recieved fewer resources than schools for white children. African-American parents who opposed racial segregation sent their children to private school. African- Americans were given the right to attend free public schools in Florida for the first time.

Schools for African-American children recieved fewer resources than schools for white children.

"Uncle Sam: Now children, you've got to learn those lessons whether you want to or now! But just take a look at the class ahead of you, and remember that, in a little while, you will be glad to be here as they are!" Most imperialists intended to use local populations as an inexpensive labor force. Imperialists generally planned to replace local peoples with American colonists. Imperialists planned to spend more in development costs than they could ever recover in profits. Some imperialists wanted to educate and help the local peoples of annexed territories.

Some imperialists wanted to educate and help the local peoples of annexed territories.

How was Florida affected by the construction of the Panama Canal? Tampa lost most of its commercial traffic to Panama City. Cuban refugees in Tampa left for other cities in Florida. Tampa became a major port for shipping goods to Latin America. Tampa became a center of U.S. steel production.

Tampa became a major port for shipping goods to Latin America.

Which event led to the outbreak of World War I in Europe? The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. A dispute with the Soviet Union over the future of Eastern Europe. Submarine attacks on merchant shipping in the Atlantic. The invasion of Poland by Nazi Germany.

The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

What happened in the timeline between 1857 and 1861 that led to the outbreak of the civil war? A Naval blockade of the South. The 13th Amendment abolishes slavery The first enslaved persons arrive from Africa. The election of Abraham Lincoln.

The election of Abraham Lincoln.

The excerpt below is from the autobiography of Frederick Douglass. Which problem did Frederick Douglass expose in this excerpt? The need to preserve of the rule of law. The survival of slave families in the South. The threat to American independence from foreign powers. The existence of a nation that was half slave and half free.

The existence of a nation that was half slave and half free.

Which of the following best describes a laissez-faire economic policy? The government should leave business alone. The government should protect small business form failing. The government should heavily regulate business. The government should prevent big business from expanding.

The government should leave business alone.

Which of the following was a major factor contributing to late nineteenth-century United States imperialism? The closing of the frontier. The need for overseas markets due to increased industrial production. The need to increase the labor force beyond the agrarian markets. The desire to acquire more farmland for cotton production.

The need for overseas markets due to increased industrial production.

no state shall deprive any person of life liberty without due process of law The impeachment of Andrew Johnson The election the first African American Senator The assassination of President Lincoln The passage of "Black Codes" in Southern states

The passage of "Black Codes" in Southern states

1) bessemer process 2) improvements on communication 3)rise of oil and electrical industries 4)? Which development completes the diagram? The spread of railroads across the nation. The invention of the steam engine. The invention of television. The introduction of the U.S. patent system.

The spread of railroads across the nation.

How did American farmers respond to the problems identified in the excerpt Farmers declaration of independence They passed "Granger laws" in their state legislatures to regulate the railroads. They grew fewer crops to keep food prices high. They lobbied Congress to pass the Federal Reserve System to regulate the money supply. They formed farmers' cooperatives to buy their own railroad lines.

They passed "Granger laws" in their state legislatures to regulate the railroads.

The cartoon below shows a party boss handing out "special favors" to a few of his supporters. What statement was the cartoonist trying to make about party bosses? They were progressive reformers. They were followers of Social Darwinism. They were unfairly treated by muckrakers. They were corrupt public officials.

They were corrupt public officials.

What was the primary goal of the AFL To help cigar makers obtain better housing and U.S. citizenship. To obtain better pay and conditions for skilled workers. To replace separate unions with a single national union for all workers. To assist in the transition from a capitalist to a socialist society.

To obtain better pay and conditions for skilled workers.

what conclusion can be made from the united states foreign policy 1898 to 1905 spanish american war->big stick expansion->platt amendment->panama canal zone American imperialism was more successful in the Caribbean than in the Pacific. U.S. imperialism was welcomed by native peoples. U.S. involvement in the Spanish-American War helped lead to U.S. imperialism. Anti-imperialists successfully prevented the United States from acquiring colonies.

U.S. involvement in the Spanish-American War helped lead to U.S. imperialism.

Take up the White Man's burden, The savage wars of peace—Fill full the mouth of Famine And bid the sickness cease;And when your goal is nearest The end for others sought,Watch sloth and heathen Folly Bring all your hopes to nought. What view is this: US imperialism is justified because it benefits the colonized territory. US imperialism is never justified. US imperialism only benefits the United States. US imperialism brings starvation and war to territories.

US imperialism is justified because it benefits the colonized territory.

Why did demobilization after World War I lead to a temporary economic downturn? War production ended while millions of soldiers returned looking for jobs. Britain and France announced they would not repay their war debts to America. Millions withdrew their savings from banks at the end of the war. Investors lost millions on the New York Stock Exchange.

War production ended while millions of soldiers returned looking for jobs.

"for every fighter a woman worker back our second line of defense" Women are neglecting their duties at home. Women are helping to win the war. Women should join the armed forces. Women are taking jobs from men.

Women are helping to win the war.

(photo of people in line grabbing each other threatening each other) Which of the following causes of WWI is expressed in the political cartoon? Alliances Nationalism Imperialism Militarism


Which belief completes the Venn diagram of the beliefs of president andrew johnson and radical republicans Opposed any return to slavery Wanted all freedmen to vote Permitted Southern "Black Codes" Favored equal rights for women

opposed any return to slavery

The following political party platform from 1892 would most likely appeal to what group of people?(demand a graduated tax income, government should own and operate railroads) Democrats Populists Republicans Communists


The election results that are shown on the election map of 1860 most clearly reflect the influence of Sectional Differences National Motives Political stability Ethnic Conflicts

sectional differences

Which law did Congress pass to prevent abuses arising from business arrangements such as the one above? Pure Food and Drug Act Sherman Antitrust Act Interstate Commerce Act Homestead Act

sherman antitrust act

Which speaker would most likely have supported the Progressive movement? Speaker A: "The business of America is business, and we would be wise to remember that." Speaker B: "Government ownership of business is superior to private enterprise." Speaker C: "Strict government regulation of business practices is a means to insure the public good." Speaker D: "Only through personal effort can wealth and success be achieved." Speaker C Speaker D Speaker B Speaker A

speaker c

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