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18. All processes will have what type of variation? a) Random b) Assignable c) Identifiable d) Stochastic e) Common


20. What measures the difference between the largest and smallest observations in a set of data? a) Range b) Coefficient of variation c) Coefficient of kurtosis d) Coefficient of skewness e) Standard deviation


21. What measures symmetry of a distribution? a) Range b) Skewness c) Standard deviation d) Mean e) Variance


16. An OC curve is an example of what? a) Traditional statistical tools b) Fishbone diagramming c) Acceptance sampling d) Experimental design e) Statistical process control


43. What process width is typically used when computing the process capability index Cp? a) 1σ b) 2σ c) 3σ d) 4σ e) 6σ


5. Common causes of variation are also known as __________________________. a) frequent b) usual c) inexpensive d) ordinary e) random


56. The person that comes from the top ranks of the organization and is responsible for providing direction and overseeing all aspects of a six-sigma implementation process is called a ________________________. a) general b) admiral c) director d) producer e) champion


22. Which of the following would imply that data observations are closely clustered around the mean? a) Small range and small standard deviation b) Small range and large standard deviation c) Large range and small standard deviation d) Large range and large standard deviation e) Neither range nor standard deviation has anything to do with "clustering."


24. What are the four most common control charts? a) x-bar, R, p, c b) x-bar, R, p, OC c) x-bar, R, c, OC d) x-bar, p, c, OC e) R, p, c, OC


31. What is the term for the probability that a value falling outside the control limits is still due to normal variation? a) Type I error b) Type II error c) Normalization anomaly d) Beta risk e) Standard deviation irregularity


33. What is a control chart that monitors changes in the mean value of a process? a) x-bar chart b) R-chart c) p-chart d) c-chart e) OC chart


37. What are the two types of control charts for attributes? a) p and c b) x-bar and p c) x-bar and R d) R and c e) p and R


51. Six-sigma quality implies how many average defects per million? a) 3.4 b) 6 c) 2600 d) 3σ e) 6σ


53. In six-sigma programs, individuals who have extensive training in the use of technical tools and are responsible for carrying out the implementation of Six Sigma are __________________. a) black belts b) green belts c) blue belts d) red belts e) white belts


6. The range is an example of what? a) Traditional statistical tools b) Fishbone diagramming c) Acceptance sampling d) Experimental design e) Statistical process control


60. According to the text, what percent of defects are consumers generally willing to accept? a) 1-2% b) 2-3% c) 3-4% d) 4-5% e) 5-6%


66. Suppose that you have calculated the control limits for a p-chart to be the following: LCL = 0.02 and UCL = 0.08. Today, you took 10 samples of 20 units each. The first nine samples each had one defect. The last sample had zero defects. What can you conclude? a) the process is out of control b) the process is in a state of control c) the last sample should be ignored because it was "too good" d) you calculated the limits incorrectly because the LCL must be either negative or 0 e) the sample size must be increased


69. Each day for two workweeks (10 days total), George weighs 4 bags from that day's production. If the average of the means is 14 oz. and the average range is 0.4 oz., what is the lower control limit for an x-bar chart for this process? a) 13.7084 oz. b) 13.8768 oz. c) 14.2916 oz. d) 12.8000 oz. e) 13.5908 oz.


7. Variation in the production process leads to: a) quality defects b) process improvement opportunities c) quality improvements d) product consistency e) service improvements


70. If the upper control limit for a c-chart is 28 and the lower control limit is 4, what is the average number of defects per sample? a) 16 b) 12 c) 5.29 d) 7.29 e) 4


71. Suppose that you want to monitor the average ounces of a process that fills beer cans. Which control chart would be appropriate? a) x-bar chart b) R-chart c) p-chart d) c-chart e) OC chart


72. What is the upper control limit for a c-chart if the total defects found over 200 samples equals 32? a) 1.36 b) 13.75 c) 0.56 d) 25.00 e) 48.97


8. The standard deviation is an example of what? a) Traditional statistical tools b) Fishbone diagramming c) Acceptance sampling d) Experimental design e) Statistical process control


11. For the standard normal distribution, how much confidence is provided within 2 standard deviations above and below the mean? a) 97.22% b) 95.44% c) 99.74% d) 99.87% e) 90.00%


17. Causes of variation that can be identified and eliminated are called what? a) Random b) Assignable c) Identifiable d) Stochastic e) Common


2. What technique determines whether a batch of goods should be accepted or rejected? a) Statistical process control b) Acceptance sampling c) Fishbone diagramming d) Scatter plotting e) Experimental design


25. On a control chart, what separates common from assignable causes of variation? a) x-bar lines b) Control limits c) Specification limits d) Production limits e) Mean divided by standard deviation


30. What is the probability of a Type I error for a control chart with limits set at ± 3 standard deviations from the mean? a) 0.00% b) 0.26% c) 4.56% d) 20.00% e) 50.00%


32. The different characteristics that can be measured by control charts can be divided into what two groups? a) Parameters and attributes b) Variables and attributes c) Variables and constraints d) Variables and parameters e) Attributes and constraints


34. What is a control chart that monitors changes in the dispersion or variability of a process? a) x-bar chart b) R-chart c) p-chart d) c-chart e) OC chart


39. Consider a p-chart measuring the percentage of defective light bulbs. If the LCL is .04 and a sample has 1% defects, what is the implication? a) The process is in a state of control. b) The process is out of control even though the variation is "good." c) The value of sigma must be increased. d) The process has too many errors. e) A calculation error must have occurred.


4. Statistical process control tools are used most frequently because a) they are mathematically based b) they are helpful in measuring and evaluating the quality of products c) they are helpful in measuring and evaluating the customers' needs d) they are qualitative evaluation techniques e) they provide a definitive ROI calculation


41. What are preset ranges of acceptable quality characteristics? b) Control limits. b) Product specifications. c) Six-sigma limits. d) AQC limits. e) R-chart limits.


48. According to the textbook, the way to reduce the ppm defective is to a) change product specifications b) increase process capability c) increase the number of inspection points. d) employ more inspectors e) increase process throughput


57. When should 100% inspection be used? a) Whenever attributes are being measured b) When the expected cost of a defective item exceeds the cost of inspecting a unit c) With destructive testing d) When the cost of inspecting a unit exceeds the expected cost of a defective item e) 100% inspection should never be used


59. Single sampling plan is when a) a non-random sample is drawn from every lot. b) a random sample is drawn from every lot. c) a second lot is sampled due to the first sample inconclusive results. d) only one time is tested. e) a sample plan used once and discarded.


67. Suppose that you want to monitor the variability in ounces of a process that fills beer cans. Which control chart would be appropriate? a) x-bar chart b) R-chart c) p-chart d) c-chart e) OC chart


68. What is the lower control limit for a c-chart if the average number of defects found over 320 samples is equal to 16? a) 6.584 b) 4 c) 20 d) 0 e) 12


74. What program at Intel enforces the policy to make chips in the same way at all facilities? a) "make-same" b) "copy-exactly" c) "duplicate-same" d) "duplicate-exactly" e) "one-size-fits-all"


12. The A2 factor includes how many standard deviations of ranges? a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4 e) 6


14. P-charts are used to measure: a) continuous variation b) intermittent random variation c) proportion of items in a sample that is defective d) the count of defective parts e) proportion of items in a sample that are good


26. The center line of a control chart represents what? a) Range b) Standard deviation c) Mean d) Mean divided by standard deviation e) Skewness


3. What technique answers the question of whether the process is functioning properly or not? a) Fishbone diagramming b) Acceptance sampling c) Statistical process control d) Scatter plotting e) Experimental design


35. What is a control chart that monitors the proportion of defects in a sample? a) x-bar chart b) R-chart c) p-chart d) c-chart e) OC chart


38. What are the two types of control charts for variables? a) p and c b) x-bar and p c) x-bar and R d) R and c e) p and R


44. Setting up control charts to monitor whether a process is in control a) guarantees process capability b) guarantees process specifications c) does not guarantee process capability d) does not guarantee product specification e) guarantees meeting client needs


49. What is the relationship between Cp and Cpk? a) Cp ≥ 2 Cpk b) Cp ≤ Cpk c) Cp ≥ Cpk d) Cp ≤ 2Cpk e) Cp ÷ Cpk ≥ 3σ


54. In six-sigma programs, individuals are given __________________ titles that reflect their skills in the six-sigma process. a) Olympic medal b) academic c) martial arts d) medieval jousting e) boxing


58. What is a graph that shows the probability or chance of accepting a lot given various proportions of defects in the lot? a) S curve b) Z-chart c) OC curve d) p-chart e) R-chart


61. Which of the following is the least important point to perform inspection? a) Incoming materials b) Prior to costly processing c) Just after costly processing d) Prior to bottleneck (limited machine capacity) processing e) After the product is finished


63. Suppose that you want to measure the percentage of candles that are cut longer than 9 inches. Which control chart would be appropriate? a) x-bar chart b) R-chart c) p-chart d) c-chart e) OC chart


64. What is the upper control limit for a c-chart if the total defects found over 20 samples equals 150? a) 7.5 b) 2.739 c) 15.72 d) 20 e) 30


1. Which of the following is not associated with descriptive statistics? a) mean b) standard deviation c) range d) proportion e) measure of the distribution of data


19. What measures the central tendency of a set of data? a) Coefficient of variation b) Variance c) Standard deviation d) Mean e) Range


27. What is the first step that should be taken if an observation falls below the lower control limit on a control chart? a) Recalibrate the machine b) Perform a new process capability study c) Try a larger standard deviation value d) Search for assignable causes e) Nothing—a low value is a "good" thing


28. Upper and lower control limits are usually set at ± how many standard deviations from the mean? a) 0.5 b) 1.0 c) 2.0 d) 3.0 e) 6.0


29. Assuming that data exhibit a normal distribution, control limits set at ± 3 standard deviations from the mean capture how much common variation? a) 50.00% b) 80.00% c) 95.44% d) 99.74% e) 99.99%


45. What is the formula for the process capability index Cp? a) process width / specification width b) specification width × process width c) specification width / Type I error d) specification width / process width e) specification width / 99.74%


46. What process capability index (Cp) value implies that the process "exceeds minimal capability?" a) 0 b) < 1 c) = 1 d) > 1 e) 6σ


47. A process capability index (Cp) value of 1 means that what percent of products produced will fall within the specification limits? a) 0.26% b) 90.00% c) 95.44% d) 99.74% e) 100.00%


50. Which company is known for coining the term "six-sigma?" a) Ford Motor Company b) Proctor and Gamble c) IBM d) Motorola Corporation e) Hewlett-Packard


52. What are the two aspects to implementing the six-sigma concept? a) numerically controlled machines and inventory management b) numerically controlled machines and people involvement c) numerically controlled machines and technical tools d) technical tools and people involvement e) inventory management and technical tools


55. The Six Sigma approach is organized around a _______ plan known as ________. a) four step, PDAC b) four step, DMAC c) five step PDACR d) five step DMAIC e) five step, DMCRA


62. What is the only service company to have won the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award twice? a) Marriott b) Nordstrom Department Stores c) Wal-Mart d) Ritz-Carlton e) Northwest Airlines


65. Suppose that Matt wants to use a process control chart to monitor the number of different types of mistakes that he makes when giving motivational speeches to student groups. Which control chart would be most appropriate? a) x-bar chart b) R-chart c) p-chart d) c-chart e) OC chart


9. A process chart is a a) graph that shows how the population was evaluated b) graph of the population failures c) graph that shows whether a sample of data falls within assignable causes d) graph that show whether a sample falls within the common or normal range e) table showing final inspection results


10. An x-bar chart is an example of what? a) Traditional statistical tools b) Fishbone diagramming c) Acceptance sampling d) Experimental design e) Statistical process control


13. A p-chart is an example of what? a) Traditional statistical tools b) Fishbone diagramming c) Acceptance sampling d) Experimental design e) Statistical process control


15. A c-chart is an example of what? a) Traditional statistical tools b) Fishbone diagramming c) Acceptance sampling d) Experimental design e) Statistical process control


23. What is a distribution called when the same numbers of observations are below the mean as are above the mean? b) Proportional b) Equalized c) Wholly Uniform d) Balanced e) Symmetric


36. For which of the following would a control chart for attributes not be appropriate? a) Number of nonfunctioning light bulbs b) Proportion of broken eggs in a carton c) Number of rotten apples d) Number of complaints issued e) Length of metal rods


40. For a p-chart or c-chart, what is the implication of a negative value for the LCL? a) A calculation error must have occurred. b) The value of sigma must be reduced. c) The process has too many errors. d) The process is in a state of control. e) The LCL can effectively be rounded up to 0.


42. Product tolerances are often called a) SPC b) Product drawings c) Product descriptions d) Process capability e) Product specifications


73. Ritz-Carlton employees are empowered to spend up to how much money on the spot to correct any customer complaint? a) $25 b) $50 c) $100 d) $1000 e) $2000


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