MKTG 404 Exam 2

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What visual cue do heatmaps use?

Color saturation

Clutter can make visuals seem more __________________?


What is a slope graph?

Condensed version of line graph

What are the steps required to create advanced parameters? (5 steps)

Create the parameter control Expose the parameter control on the desktop Use the parameter in a Calculated Field (optional) Use the calculated field in the view If the parameter is being directly placed in the visualization, it may be unnecessary to create a calculated field

You know the order date within your dataset. You are aware that each order takes three days to be delivered and wish to calculate the delivery date for each order. What DATE function would you use to calculate the delivery date.? This function will add three days to every instance of order date.

DATEADD DATEADD('day',3,{Order Date})

Imagine you have the order date and shipping date in your data. You need to calculate the time it takes for an order to get fulfilled, i.e. the difference between the order date and the ship date. What function would you use?

DATEDIFF DATEDIFF ('day',{Order Date},'{Ship Date})

Sometimes you may want to change the format of your date, i.e. from a mm/dd/ yyyy to a dd/mm/ yyyy for example. What funciton would you use?

DATEPARSE('dd/MM/YYYY',str({Order Date}))

Sometimes you may want to extract the individual components of a date, like the month, year or day, to use them in your visualizations. Which function would you use?

DATEPART DATEPART('month',{Order Date}) You can change month to reflect whichever date part you want, such as year or day

Basic Calculations allow you to transform values at what 2 levels?

1) a visualtization level of detail (aggregate calculation) 2) data source level of detail (a row-level calculatio, FUNCTIONS)

How should Dashboards be Designed? (best practices)

1) to avoid clutter - ideally only 2 - 4 charts per dashboard 2) don't add too may filters and legends 3) make sure filters and legends are arranged in a way that relates to the content on the dashboard 4) "give guidance" - whn using dashboard "actions" arrange them in order that helps the viewer find them and understand the results 5) Use a unified color scheme

How many worksheets or dashboards can each Story Point contain?

1 (one)

What should you do during the "test it" step?

1) 5 second rule 2) Usability Test - do users need more guidance" 3) Check performance

What are the 2 ways calculations can be built?

1) Calculation editor 2) ad hoc calculation

What are the 4 functions for DAte Calculations?

1) DateAdd -Adding a specified interval to a specific date 2)DateDIFF - Finding the number of days between two dates 3)DatePart -Parsing date parts 4)DateParse -Date format conversions

What are the 4 steps in creating a successful dashboard?

1) Determine purpose and audience 2)Plan the dashboard 3) Build using design best practices 4) Test it

What are the 6 "actions" you can do?

1) Filter 2) Highlight 3) Go to URL 4) Go to Sheet 5) Change Parameter 6) Chage Set Values

What are the 2 dashboard sizes?

1) Fixed 2) Automatic or Range

What are the 8 Dashboard objects (not including Tiled and Floating)?

1) Horizontal 2) Vertical 3) Text 4) Image 5) Web Page 6) Blank 7) Button 8) Extension

What is the purposes of a dashboard?

1) Monitor - Quick insight 2) Explore - help users answer their own questions, drill down on subsets 3) Inform - help users understand data quickly, combine views to show specific point or information

What are the 4 basic types of calculations?

1) Number Calculations 2) String Calculations 3) Date Calculations 4) Logical Calculations

What are the 6 Gestalt Principles?

1) Proximity 2) Similarity 3) Continuity 4)Enclosure 5) Closure 6) Connection

What are the 9 Aggregations?

1) Sum 2) Average 3) Median 4) Count and Count (Distinc) 5) Minimum and Maximum 6) Percentile 7) Std Deviation and Std Deviation (Pop) 8) Variance and Variance (Pop) 9) Dimension

What is meant by "plan the dashboard" step?

1) will it be dynamic, interactive or PDF 2) What device are your users viewing the dashboard on 3) What are the chart types and views you will use 4) How should users interact with the dashboard - (filters, parameters?)

What are the 3 types of Calculations?

1)Basic Calculation 2) Table Calculation 3) Level of Data (LOD) expression

What are Dashboard Actions?

Actions are a feature of dashboards that allow users to interact directly with data in the view and access related web based content

Actions require a _______________________, where the user ____________________to run the action

Actions require a source sheet, where the user interacts to run the action

What are advanced parameters?

Advanced parameters can be used in all situations, not just those specified for basic parameters

Basic Calculations can either be ____________________ or ________________?

Aggregation or Functions

Aggregation values change based on?

Aggregation values change based on what other dimensions/measures are in the view

What are common types of clutter in Tableau?

Alingment White Space Non-Stratecic use of Contrast

What are Table calculations?

Allow you to transform values at the level of detail of the visualization only

What should a heatmap always include?

Always include a legend to help the reader interpret the data

Color attritrute characteristics

Color grabs attention Color can signal where to look Color should be used sparingly Color can carry quantitative value Color carries tone and meaning Not everyone sees color Color should be used consistently

What are the 2 types of parameters?

Basic Advanced

What is the Time of Prcessing for Basic, Table and LOD?

Basic - Data Source Table - Tableau (after filters are applied) LOD - Data Source

What are basic parameters?

Basic parameters are variables that are provided in specific situations that reduce the number of steps required to create a parameter control

Why are blank objects useful?

Blank objects are useful to add space to a visualization and To push an item to one side

Are Calculations used as dimensions or measures in your visualization?


What tells Tableau that you are using a LOD Expression?

Braces { } { <LOD Keyword> <Dimension(s)> : <Aggregate Calculation>}

How can you adjust how the filter pane looks?

By right clicking on the filter, you then will be able to select ( e.g. single value dropdown,slider etc.)

How are calculations created?

Calculations are created using formulas and functions that you define

Where are calculations saved when you create them?

Calculations are saved as new fields in the data model of your workbook

What are Level of Detail (LOD) Calculation charateristics?

Calculations do not depend on the dimensions in the view You can specify the level of detail at which the aggregation of a calculated field happens LOD calculations are calculated directly at the data source yielding better performance in Tableau Filters do not affect the calculations

What are three functions for Logical Calculations?

Case Statement If-Then-Else IIF

What is closure?

Closure says that people like things to be simple and fit in the constructs that are already in our heads People tend to view a set of individual elements as a single, recognizable shape when they can When parts of the whole are missing, our eyes fill in the gaps

___________ can contribute to extraneous cognitive load


The table design should fade into the back so the ________ stands out.


What is the level of evaluation for table calculations?

Data in view (table), after filters have been applied

What are the processes to design effective Stories?( 5 process)

Deciding what type of story you want to tell Building evidence in Story Points to support your thesis Organizing your arguments in a logical sequence Adding descriptions and annotations that highlight the important evidence Providing support details

What does the Dimension function do?

Dimension by default dimensions are aggregated , because all unique values are returned when a dimension is added to the view. The values are then used to group and aggregate other measures.

2) Step 2 remove Gridlines

Don't let grid lines compete with your data Often times they can be eliminated unless you feel they help to process your data better

What are the 3 Keyword types of LOD Expressions?

FIXED defines which dimensions and measure used in the calculation regardless of which dimensions are in the view. Example: { FIXED [Segment] : SUM([Sales]) INCLUDE manually includes another dimension(s) in addition to those already used in the view. Example: { INCLUDE [Customer Name] : SUM ([Sales]) EXCLUDE manually excludes another dimension(s) from those already in view. Example { EXCLUDE [Category] : SUM( [Sales])

T/F - With a live connection, both sheets and data sets will only update with the latest data when the refresh occurs

False - with live connections both sheets and dashboard update with the latest available data from the data source automatically

What is the most common action?

Filter Action - commonly used to enable filtering across mutiple charts

What requires more work tiled or float? Which one is easier for beginners?

Float option can require more work to resize elements. Tiled is easier for beginners. The layout pane offers more options

How should a layout be on a dashboard?

From Most Emphasis (most important) in the Left Top corner, to neutral charts in the middle and Least Empashis (least important) in bottom Right corner - since we typically read form left to right and top to bottom

HOw do you add an action?

From the Dashboard menu, you can add and edit actions

1) Step one remove border

Gestalt principle of closure tells us that the borders are unnecessary

What function would be used if you had missing data values?


When is it important to use IFNULL and when does it not matter?

Important when using aggregation of AVERAGE, does not matter when using SUM as an aggregation

What is the difference between SUM(Profit)/Sum(Sales) instead of Profit/Sales in the calculated field?

In the first case SUM(Profit)/SUM(Sales), the Sum of Profits and the Sum of Sales is first calculated followed by the ratio In the second case Profit/Sales, the ratio will be calculated for each row and then the sum aggregation would be carried out Thus, depending on when the aggregation is carried out there can be very different results It is advisable to explicitly define the aggregation in the formula of the calculated field

Why would you make the dashboard interactive?

Increase Usability

How are Story Points introduced?

Introduced through navigation captions that include descriptive text

What does the navigation button allow users to do?

Jump from one dashboard to another

What is level of detail expressions?

Just like basic calculations however, LOD calculations give you even more control on the level of granularity you want to compute.

Imagine you have the postal code of all customer addresses in your data. However, you need either the first two digits or the last two digits of the postal code for your analysis. You can use the LEFT and RIGHT functions to extract the required data. What would be the calculated field function fo left? Right?

LEFT (STR({Postal Code}),2) (this would be for 1st 2 numbers) RIGHT (STR ({Postal Code}), 2) this would be for last 2 numbers

Does Tableau perform calculations before or after filters in its processing of the information?

Last - filters come before table calculations

What is the benefits of an Automatic or Range size?

Let the size vary freely according to the availablespace Use the range option to let the size of the dashboard vary, within a certain range Automatic or range-sized dashboards have the advantage that they can make use of the full screen

5) label data directly

Leverage Gestalt principle of proximity Eliminate the audience's need to go back and forth between the legend and the graph

6) make the labels color match the line color

Leverage Gestalt principle of similarity and make the labels match the line

Commonly connection are used with what type graph?

Line graph

What are the predefined Quick Table Calculations?6 examples

Moving Average Running Total Difference Percent Difference Percent of Total Rank Percentile

if a field is not in the view can it be used as a filter? Y/N

NO - Only if a field is in the view can it be used as a filter

Is there any single , perfect dashboard?

NO, usually an iterative process

What does the Navigator check box do in Stories?

Navigator check box lets you turn on (and off) arrows that enable scrolling of the Navigator bar

Should you use diagonal text ?

No, require greater cognitive processing

What are the 4 Basic Types of Calculations?

Number Calculations String Calculations Date Calculations Logical Calculations

What is similarity?

Objects with similar color, shape, size or orientation are perceived as being related or part of a group Can be used in tables to help draw your audience's eye in the desired direction

How do you update other worksheets with a new filter?

On the filter window, select the arrow and "apply to worksheets" to get the options to update other worksheets with the new filter

What are parameters?

Parameters enable you to capture user input on worksheets and dashboards

What does the percentile aggregation do?

Percentile aggregation function returns the value for the selected percentile, chosen from the submenu: 5,10, 25, 50, 75, 90, or 95.

3) step 3 remove markers

Recall every element adds to cognitive processing If the exact points are not of value to your story, they can be removed

Sometimes, you may want to replace all occurrences of a particular string with an alternative, to ensure consistency. For example, within state you may want to replace TX with Texas. You can use the which function to do that in Tableau

Replace REPLACE({State}, "TX, "Texas'}

You have the product name field in your dataset. However, the specific data field you need is the Manufacturer name which is contained in the first word of the product name e.g. Apple in Apple iPhone 5. What would be your calculated field function be to extract Apple by itself?

SPLIT({Product Name)," ",1)

What is Tableau's default aggregation?


Imagine that you have data on profits and sales for each customer, but also want to learn the profit margin (profit/sales) for every customer. What would be the calculated field formula for Profit Margin?


Scatter plots are commonly used in what field?


What does "only relevant values" do when you select it as part of the edit filters?

Selecting "Only relevant values"shows values presented in the data. e.g if a state did not sell any appliances, that field will be dropped from the view.

What is continuity?

Similar to closure: our eyes naturally create continuity in what we see This can be used in visuals to eliminate unnecessary elements

What are the most common visual and % used?

Simple text - 91%

What is the level of evaluation for Basic Calculations?

Single row or mark defined by dimension in view

What are the 4 pre-attentive attributes?

Size Orientation Color Texture

Some __________________ also use a __________ __________ where the results of the action are displayed

Some actions also use a target sheet, where the results of the action are displayed

What is the level of evaluation for LOD?

Specific dimensions (independent of those used in view)

What are the 3 situations where you can use basic parameters?

Specify the size of each bin in a histogram Creating flexible top or bottom filters Make reference lines user selectable

What are the 5 Functions for String Calculations?

Splits Functions= SPLIT Shortening character strings Functions -LEFT, RIGHT Converting between upper case and lower case Functions-LOWER,UPPER Searching strings Functions-CONTAINS Replacing substrings Functions -REPLACE

The Story Point main title is dynamic or static


What is the Std. Dev and Std. Dev (Pop) aggregation do?

Std. Dev and Std. Dev (Pop.) aggregation functions return the sample standard deviation and the population standard deviation , respectively. Use the former in most cases

What are Stories in Tabluea?

Stories are made up of dashboards or worksheet views that have been sequenced to support a guided analytic tour of your subject

How are the views in a story expressed (called)?

Story Points

What does Story Size enable?

Story Size enables you to define the size of your Story

What does Story Area define?

Story area allows you to define the width and height of your story

The captured values in parameters can be used in ______________ or ________________

The captured values can be used in calculated fields or to display reference lines

How do you change the default aggregation?

To select a different function use the small arrow when hovering over the measure in your view

4) Clean up axis labels

Trailing zeros carry little informative value here, they can be removed Rather than having slanting labels for the month, abbreviate them so they are horizontal These reduce unnecessary burden on audience's cognitive load

T/F - After content (worksheet or dashboard) is placed in the Story, you must navigate back to the source worksheet or dashboard to make design changes


T/F - Basic calculations are always evaluated at the row level?


T/F - Connection has the strongest associative value over similar color, size or shape?


T/F - Dashboard actions can be used to implement sophisticated linkages between charts?


T/F - Parameter control elements allow the end user to either select values from a list or freely enter values in text fields


T/F - Table calculations are derived from data shown in the view?


T/F - When design is thoughtful, it fades into the background and the data stands out


T/F - When you modify a sheet, any dashboards containing it change and Vice Versa?


T/F - legends and filters are automatically added to dashboard?


T/F -When visualizing your data, you are not restricted to the dimensions and measures in your data source, you can also add your own calculated fields.


T/F - Clutter can make visuals seem more complicated?

True Your visualizations should reduce the perceived cognitive load

What are number calculations?

Typically involve aggregates of data measures Example: Cost = SUM (([ Sales]) SUM (([Profit}) Uses mathematical operators ( +,--, *,/) Follow algebraic order of operations Example:[ Profit]//[ versus SUM (([ SUM (([ Can include a variety of other functions available in the calculation pane Example: POWER, LN, LOG, ROUND, EXP

How would you convert cumstomer name to all UPPER or all LOWER case?

UPPER ({Customer Name}) LOWER ({Customer Name})

Example of Common Grid layout

Use of White Space important and notable numbers across the top

When is a scatter plot useful to use?

Useful in showing the relationship between two things

When is a slope graph useful to use?

Useful when you have 2 time periods or points of comparison Quickly shows relative increases or decreases between two time periods

When should you use tables?

Useful when your audience has different needs Useful to communicate multiple different units of measure

What does the Variance (Pop) aggregation function do?

Variance and Variance (Pop.) aggregation functions return the sample variance and the population variance , respectively. Use the former in most

What is a dashboard?

Visual representation of data from multiple reports ran as a specific user.

What is proximity?

We consider objects that are physically close to one another as belonging to a group

What is enclosure?

We consider objects that are physically enclosed together as belonging to one group This can be used in creating visual distinctions within the data

What is connection?

We tend to see elements that are physically connected as part of a group

What are the 6 questions you should ask yourself in the "determine purpose and audience" step?

What are you hoping to achieve? What is the intended effect? Who's the audience? What aspects of the data are relevant/interesting to your audience? How can the data help them make better decisions? What kind of questions might they have?

When do the arrows that enable scrolling of the Navigator bar "appear by defalut"

When one or more Caption is in view, these arrows will appear by default

When should you use simple text?

When you have just a number or two to share ^ Make it as prominent as possible in presentation

When do measures transform into aggregations?

When you move them into the view

How do you place charts on a dashboard?

Worksheets and dashboard items can be added by dragging them to the view area

Do Table calculations allow you to create computations that span accross different marks in you visulization?


Is Connection principle stronger than enclosure?


Is data in sheets and dashboards connected? yes or NO


Should you set you Set the Story Point size pixel width and height to fit your presentation environment?


Can you specify the source and target worksheets of an action?

Yes - You can specify the source and target worksheets as well as on what task of the user the action will be run

What is the benefits of a fixed dashboard size?

You can manually define the width and height of yourdashboard, or use common formats Dashboard will look the same on each screen Dashboard can load faster (due to caching) Floating dashboard elements are always in the samespot Desktop browser (1000*800) works well in practice

What is a heatmap?

a table with colored cells to convey the relative magnitude

What is the Sum aggregation?

aggregation adds up the measure's values

What are Minimum and Maximum aggregation

aggregation functions return the smallest and largest values, respectivelycount the number of occurrences of different values; count the number of distinct occurrences of different values

What is the Average aggregation?

aggregation give you the arithmetic mean of the measure's values

What is the median aggregation?

aggregation give you the median of the measure's values

What is a table calculation?

allow you to transform values at the level of detail of the visualization only

What is a Basic Calculation?

allow you to transform values at the visualization level of detail (an aggregate calculation) or at the data source level of detail (a row level calculation)

What is the objects in the dashboard pane?

allows you to add additional dashboard objects, eg text image, blank, web page, button and extension

Clutter is also known as ________.


When are line graphs commonly used?

conitnous data

What is the Count and Count (Distinct)?

count the number of occurrences of different values; count the number of distinct occurrences of different values

What is the size in the dashboard pane?

defines the size of the dashboard, contains pre-set sizes and customizable options (1000 x 800)

What is the gestalt principales?

describe how we subonsciously order what we see in the world

What is the sheets in the dashboard pane?

existing worksheets are listed to the left of the view workspace

What is a filter action?

filter the target charts based on the selection in the source chart

What are pre-attentive attributes?

help our audience to see what we want them to see before they even know they are seeing it!

Heatmaps help reduce ____________________ processing


What is a float dashboard?

new elements can be moved and sized independently of each other and placed on top of one another

What are URL actions?

open web content according to the selection in the source chart (email notifications also)

What is a Tiled dashboard?

sheets and dashboard objects are placed next to one another on a grid

What is devce preview in the dashboard pane?

shows how the dashboard will look on different devices

What is cognitive load?

the mental effort required to learn new information

Where are worksheets listed on the dashboard

they are listed to the left of the view workspace

Usually line graphs include what type of data?

time: days, months, quarters or years

T/F- Data plotted on line graphs must be in consistent intervals on the horizontal x-axis?


What is Desctiption Icon used for in the Story workspace?

used to add floating text boxes to the view

What are Go-to-Sheet actions?

used to take the user to another sheet or dashboard based on selection

Tables interact with our _________ ___________, when we read them

verbal system

What is Clutter?

visual elements that take up space but don't increase understanding

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