Module 1 Business communication, management, and success
An informal source of company information
Verbal communication
Communication that uses words includes face to face or phone, meetings, text, email, voice mail, letters, memos, and reports
Build goodwill
Create a good image of yourself and your organization
Nonverbal communication
Does not use words such as pictures, company logos, gestures and body language, who sits where at a meeting, how long someone keeps a visitor waiting.
Explain or tell reader something
C context
How will the contexts affect reader response? Think about your relationship to the reader, morale in the organization, the economy, the time of year, and any special circumstances
What are the five basic criteria for effective messages?
Is clear, complete, correct, saves the reader's time, builds goodwill
Internal audiences
Other people in the same organization such as subordinates, superiors, peers.
External audiences
People outside the organization such as customers, suppliers, unions, stockholders, potential employees, government agencies, the press, and the general public
What does PAIBOC stand for?
Purpose, audience, information, benefits, objections, context.
What are the three basic purposes of business messages?
To inform, to request or to persuade
Request or persuade
Want the reader to react
P purpose
What are your purposes in writing or speaking?
I information
What information must your message include?
O objections
What objections can you expect your readers to have? What negative elements of your message must you deemphasize or overcome?
B benefits
What reasons or reader benefits can you use to support your position?
A audiences
Who is (are) your audiences? How do they differ? What characteristics are relevant?