Module 3.01-3.10, 8.04

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Which of these cultural and social structure influences would you be likely to find in someone highly influenced by the dominant Filipino-American culture? Select all that apply.

A combined use of Western medical practices with traditional healing practices and herbal remedies

Which of the following is not a cultural care value of the dominant Hispanic culture?

An older woman referred to as the "Old lady" is consulted about common ailments

Which cultural practice is a social characteristic of the Appalachian culture?

Avoid direct eye contact so as not to appear aggressive

With regard to access to health care, African Americans have better outcomes on the HIV continuum of care, including higher rates of linkage to care, retention in care, being prescribed HIV treatment, and viral suppression.


Which activity is not characteristic of the cultural values of the Japanese American culture?

Resolving conflict through direct confrontation

Which core values are essential to the Filipino American culture? Select all that apply.

Respect for one's elders Honor Pride

Which of the following is not a generic care practice of the Old World Amish culture?

Science and technology will one day conquer illness.

In the dominant Arab American culture, the predominant worldview is "present-focused" or atomistic, meaning that a person highly influenced by this culture will tend to focus on the present moment as its own disconnected event as opposed to the Western cause-and-effect point of view.


In the dominant Chinese American culture, yin and yang are two of five states that must be balanced to ensure harmonious health.


Which proverb demonstrates the Japanese American culture's perspective on conflict?

"The nail that sticks out gets hammered"

What are some of the reasons for inequality in health care for patients from diverse populations? Select all that apply.

All of the above

Which are beliefs or generic care practices you would likely find in patients highly influenced by the dominant Old Order Amish culture? Select all that apply.

All things—good and bad—come from God, including health and healing. Technology is seen as a threat to families.

Which of these cultural and social structure influences would you be likely to find in someone highly influenced by the dominant Japanese American culture? Select all that apply.

A desire to incorporate both traditional Eastern and professional Western modalities into the health and healing experience Acceptance of technology into the health and healing experience Very traditional, patriarchal decision-making patterns Decision-making that is shared equally among male and female family members

Which of these cultural and social structure influences would you be likely to find in someone highly influenced by the Appalachian culture?

A high potential for initial distrust, followed by a desire to rely on the expert opinion of the professional caregiver

Which cultural beliefs associated with pregnancy are characteristics of the Hispanic culture? Select all that apply.

A pregnant woman avoids reaching over her head in order to prevent the umbilical cord from wrapping around the fetus's neck Pregnant women are encouraged to sleep lying on their backs Exposure to moonlight may cause the fetus to be born with a deformity

Which of these cultural and social structure influences would you be likely to find in someone highly influenced by the dominant Chinese American culture? Select all that apply.

A stoic attitude toward pain A high regard for privacy

Which statement reflects a cultural care value of the dominant African American culture? Select all that apply.

Health is related to harmony in nature Good health comes from good luck Illness may be God's punishment Illnesses are classified as "natural" or "unnatural."

From the options below, which are beliefs or generic care practices that you would likely find in patients highly influenced by the Filipino-American culture? Select all that apply.

Breastfeeding your baby is natural and should persist until they are a toddler. Eating garlic will prevent hypertension. Ingesting ginger—through food, juice, and teas—helps with digestive issues.

Which cultural care practice is characteristic of the Appalachian culture?

Develop a close personal relationship with the health care provider

What are some obstacles that prevent people from obtaining health care?

Economic inequality

Which of these cultural and social structure influences would you be likely to find in someone highly influenced by the dominant Arab American culture?

Elderly are highly regarded, and it is required that children, especially sons, care for aging parents, usually in the home.

Read this scenario and determine which statements about cultural or social structure are true for someone highly influenced by the dominant African American culture. Select all that apply. Tameka awakens at 3 a.m. with shooting pains in her upper abdomen. The pain radiates to her back and is excruciating. She calls her grandmother, who tells Tameka that she saw her in pain "in her prayers" and thinks that Tameka's pain is related to her recent job relocation that took her far away from her family. Her grandmother tells Tameka to drink some celery juice, which will calm her down, and tells Tameka that she will pray for her. Tameka's pain eventually subsides, and she experiences no pain for a few weeks. After a particularly heavy dinner, however, the pain returns and is worse than before. She tries a number of other remedies recommended by her grandmother, but the pain intensifies. She prays about what she should do and finally asks a neighbor to take her to the hospital.

Female elders often play an important role in decision-making Prayer and spirituality may play an important role in decision-making

Which belief regarding care practices is characteristic of the Filipino American culture?

Daily baths and frequent shampoos during pregnancy will produce a clean baby.

Which belief is characteristically observed among people of the Chinese culture?

Life energy flows along specific pathways in the body.

Which belief concerning mental health is characteristic of the Filipino American culture?

Mental health problems could bring shame to an individual's family or community Rationale: The Filipino American culture believes that having mental health problems could bring shame to an individual's family or community, and the individual is extremely reluctant to seek help.

Which characteristic is represented in the health care practices of the Hispanic culture? Select all that apply.

Spiritualists are consulted about the meaning of health-related dreams. A sabador is consulted regarding musculoskeletal-related problems. A family member may be consulted regarding mild, common illnesses.

Vulnerable cultural populations like African American women with AIDS still face racism and stigma from health care providers, even in today's modern world.


Which of the following is not a true statement concerning the biologic tendencies observed in the dominant African American culture?

The culture has a lower prevalence of hypertension than other cultures.

Which cultural care value is characteristic of Western culture?

The culture is placing increasingly more emphasis on the quality of pregnancy.

Which of these cultural and social structure influences would you be likely to find in someone highly influenced by the dominant Hispanic cultures? Select all that apply.

The father is typically the authority figure, and the oldest male is the power figure of the family. Mental illness may be considered a punishment from God for living immorally. Some individuals may consult spiritual/folk healers simultaneously with biomedical professionals.

The Appalachian culture is characterized by which cultural value related to childbirth?

The use of granny midwives is common among the poorer members.

Which cultural care value associated with healers is characteristic of the Chinese culture?

The use of herbal remedies is common among Chinese healers.

Which behavior is characteristic of the Old World Amish culture?

There is cooperation and support among the extended family members.

Around one hundred thousand HIV-infected people in the African American community may be unaware of their HIV status.


From the options below, Which beliefs or generic care practices would a nurse likely find in patients highly influenced by the dominant European American culture? Select all that apply.

Using nutritional supplements can offset nutritional deficiencies in a poor diet. Maintaining a diet that corresponds to how ancient ancestors with your blood type ate will maximize how your body processes the food and keeps you thin and healthy.

Which beliefs or generic care practices would the nurse likely find in patients highly influenced by the dominant Arab American culture? Select all that apply.

Washing one's hair is often limited to once a week to prevent catching cold and to speed recovery from illness Illness may be viewed as an imbalance in the body by some, and remedies focus on restoring balance. For example, an illness is considered a hot disease and will be balanced with a cold treatment.

Which care practice is characteristic of the American Indian/Alaskan Native culture?

Wellness focuses on spiritual retreats.

Which cultural practice is not in accordance with the Arab American's Islamic faith?

Women remove their head coverings only when attending religious rituals

Health care provider bias is defined as the:

pervasive bias of health care professionals toward cultural groups and diseases associated with the lifestyle of certain minority groups.

Which belief is characteristic of the Japanese American culture?

A happy pregnant woman will give birth to a joyful, lucky baby

From the options below, which belief or generic care practice would a nurse likely find in patients highly influenced by the dominant African American culture? Select all that apply.

Eating clay or dirt if it is craved during pregnancy will reduce nausea and facilitate an easier birth Not eating a food craved during pregnancy may cause stillbirth or birthmarks

In the dominant American Indian/Alaskan Native cultures, the predominant worldview is shaped by the power of the individual over his or her destiny.


All Appalachians practice Pentecostalism, which believes that taking any kind of medicine is a sin.


All Arab Americans are Muslim and therefore will refuse all pork-based products such as gelatin tablets made from pork bone marrow.


In the Filipino-American culture, the belief about health and wellbeing is shaped only by the power of the individual over their destiny.


In the dominant African American culture, the predominant worldview is shaped entirely by cultural heritage.


In the dominant Chinese American culture, the stress is openly acknowledged and treatment for depression is encouraged.


In the dominant European American culture, the predominant worldview is shaped by identification with the collective community.


In the dominant Hispanic cultures, the predominant worldview is shaped by the power of the individual over his or her destiny.


In the dominant Old Order Amish culture, the predominant worldview is shaped by the power of the individual over his or her destiny.


As an African American enters into the older adult stage of life and develops health issues and difficulties with self-care, what would be the expected response from family members?

Family members will be available to provide for the patient's care

Which of these are reasons that inequality exists in vulnerable cultural populations? Select all that apply.

Geographic location Socioeconomic inequality Ethnic differences

In the dominant Appalachian culture, the predominant worldview can be summarized as "You only live once!"


Read this scenario and determine which statements regarding cultural or social structure is true for someone highly influenced by the dominant Old Order Amish culture. Select all that apply. Rebekah is a 15-year-old girl raised in an Old Order Amish community. She works as a baker for an Amish restaurant and sustained third-degree burns on her right hand 5 days ago. She treated the burn herself using vinegars infused with herbs, baking soda, and some homemade salves. Although she rates her pain at a "10" on a scale from 0 to 10, her face and voice do not reflect any pain. She said she did not tell her mother that she was seeking professional medical care and asked to call her at the restaurant. She was also concerned that the injured hand was her dominant hand, asking several times when she would be able to have full use of the hand so she could work at full capacity.

There is a tradition of using folk remedies before seeking professional care. Showing emotions in public is discouraged There is a strong work ethic.

Which beliefs or generic care practices practice would a nurse likely find in patients highly influenced by the dominant Hispanic cultures? Select all that apply.

All things—good and bad—come from God, including health and healing. There is no need for prenatal care because pregnancy is a natural process. Susto is anxiety, trembling, or phobias from sudden fright.

When compared to Asian cultures, which term is often used to identify a member of Western culture?


Healers in the Chinese culture are known to be proficient in which form of folk medicine?


Which cultural care issue is observable among the American Indian/Alaskan Native population? Select all that apply.

Alcohol abuse Suicide Physical abuse

Which of these culture-specific health conditions would you be likely to encounter in a Filipino-American patient? Select all that apply.

Biocultural skin variations Positive reaction to tuberculosis testing Lactose intolerance

Which of these statistics about the burden of HIV and AIDS on the African American population is true?

In 2016, 44% of the estimated new cases of HIV/AIDS in the US were in African Americans, despite their only being 12.7% of the total national population.

Which of these cultural and social structure influences would you be likely to find in someone highly influenced by the dominant African American culture? Select all that apply.

Inner strength for many African Americans is drawn from their strong religious convictions; it is possible to encounter the belief that health and illness are influenced by God, and may, in fact, be a part of God's plan Group members often use informal greetings among themselves and may refer to each other by titles such as aunt, cousin, sister, or brother.

Which is a belief or generic care practice that you would likely find in patients highly influenced by the dominant American Indian/Alaskan Native cultures? Select all that apply.

Intentional dancing and singing may be used to enhance health. Sweating, especially when combined with specific rituals, is cleansing for the body, mind, and spirit, and is conducive to health and healing. Smudging, or burning sage or other herbs, can clear the energy of a space and create an environment conducive to health and healing.

Among Islamic Arab American women, what is the expected response to male health care providers?

Interaction with the male provider would be accepted only when unavoidable and then kept to a minimum

In the dominant American Indian/Alaskan Native cultures, which of these beliefs regarding health and disease might you encounter? Select all that apply.

Intrusion by a spirit Sorcery or supernatural causes Breach of taboo

Which of these cultural and social structure influences would you be likely to find in someone highly influenced by the dominant Old Order Amish culture? Select all that apply.

It is an individual's responsibility to provide self-care before seeking care from health care providers. Technology is seen as an interference with simple living but is accepted if required for medical purposes other than prolonging the life of a chronically ill person. Working with the family and learning a trade are often more valued than attending secondary school for a formal education.

Which of the following is not a characteristic of the spiritual beliefs held by the American Indian/Alaskan Native culture?

Native Americans rely on the traditional religions for their spiritual needs.

Which of these cultural and social structure influences would you be likely to find in someone highly influenced by the dominant European American culture?

Present day actions highly influence future possibilities.

Which beliefs or generic care practices would a nurse likely find in patients highly influenced by the dominant Japanese American culture? Select all that apply.

Purging and purification are pursued before professional Western medicine is attempted Health and healing practices may include alternative options like acupuncture and massage

Which beliefs or generic care practices would a nurse likely find in a patient highly influenced by the dominant Chinese American culture? Select all that apply.

Qi, the body's life force and energy, is believed to travel through the body, improve blood circulation, and enhance immune function "Cold" states—such as childbirth—are often balanced by consuming warming foods.

Read this scenario and determine which statement regarding cultural or social structure is true for someone highly influenced by the dominant Hispanic cultures. Vanessa is a 23-year-old young professional woman who presented with intense abdominal pain. She allowed the nurse to take her medical history. Even though she maintained her own medical insurance and had lived apart from her parents for many years, she asked the nurse to wait to ask any more questions until her father arrived. After he arrived, the father—a first-generation Mexican American—told the nurse that Vanessa has had empacho since she was little and that food just sticks to her intestines and doesn't go all the way through

Reliance on her the father for protection and decision-making

Which Eurocentric value is at the core of the dominant Western value system?


Which statement is not a belief or generic care practice that the nurse would likely find in patients highly influenced by the Appalachian culture?

Singing "The Wanderer" song to relieve gout

Which cultural practice is reflective of how Arab Americans are referred to by name? Select all that apply.

The father's first name is used as the child's middle name. A person is called formally by the first name and title. Both male and female children are given a first name.

Which characteristics are commonly observed cultural care values of the Old World Amish culture? Select all that apply

The raising of children is attended to by the members of their large families. Illness is experienced by all and is endured with patience and faith. Family includes "non-blood relatives."

Read this scenario and determine which statement regarding cultural or social structure is true for someone highly influenced by the dominant American Indian/Alaskan Native cultures. Select all that apply. Thomas Proudfoot is an elderly American Indian man recently diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. He arrives for his appointment 2 days after it was scheduled. The assistant at the front desk asked Mr. Proudfoot about the best way to contact him because they had left multiple appointment reminders at the number he had provided. He responded that the number is to his niece's cellphone because he does not have access to a phone himself. He is confused when the assistant tells him that they may not have any appointments, and he may need to come back another time for his check-up.

There can be limited access to technology. There is a sense of fluidity about time.

Read this scenario and determine which statement regarding cultural or social structure is true for this person who is highly influenced by the dominant Japanese culture. Ayana is a 15-year-old third-generation Japanese American. She arrived at your clinic to proactively discuss birth control options. Even though her features are very strongly Asian, she has platinum blonde hair with blue streaks in it. She is wearing a miniskirt and a shirt that intentionally reveals her undergarment straps. While she was waiting for you, she had been researching birth control options on her smartphone and was prepared to engage you in a discussion about the options that are right for her.

There is high comfort with technology

Read this scenario and determine which statement regarding cultural or social structure is true for someone highly influenced by the dominant European American culture. Select all that apply. John has worked his third 10-hour day in a row. He is saving up for the newest model of his favorite sports car. John has been experiencing digestive upset and tightness in his chest and left arm for many days, but doesn't want to see a doctor for fear that he'll be told to stop working for a while. John does not want to be away from work because it would put him further away from his goal of a new car. Because of the long days, he hasn't been motivated to go to the grocery store for fresh fruits and vegetables. Instead, John opts for convenience by getting meals from fast food restaurants.

There is high value for one's time There is high value on the accumulation of material possessions.

In the dominant Japanese culture, the predominant worldview is shaped by the belief that an individual's actions have cascading repercussions that can span generations and lifetimes.


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