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company executive officer

1st lieutenant Performs duties directed by the company commander Supervise the activities of the company HQ Aware of the tactical situation of the company in combat Assume command in the absence of the company commander

Safety on, magazine inserted, round in chamber, bolt forward, ejection port cover closed

1st weapon condition

platoon commander

2nd Lieutenant Controls the actions of their squad leaders Responsible for the training, combat efficiency, discipline, administration, and welfare of their platoon


2nd weapon condition

Enemy forces, Friendly forces, Attachments and Detachments

3 sub paragraphs of situation

Safety on, magazine inserted, chamber empty, bolt forward, ejection port cover closed

3rd weapon condition

commanders intent, concept of operations, tasks, coordinating instructions

4 sub paragraphs of execution

Safety on, magazine removed, chamber empty, bolt forward, ejection port cover closed

4th weapon condition

when is who, doing what, where and why

5 w's


A flag carried by mounted, mechanized, motorized, or aviation units to identify general officers, or national and foreign dignitaries Marine Corps flag is also called a standard


A place or area where a sentry is stationed, or the place where a member of the guard other than a sentry (COG-OOD) is required to be when not performing duties elsewhere


A small rectangular flag carried by company, battery, platoon, or detachment identification

company commander

Captain Control the actions of their rifle platoons and their weapons platoon Responsible for the training, combat efficiency, discipline, administration, and welfare of their company

guard mount

Conducted prior to standing post to ensure all personnel are present, knowledgeable, and able to stand duty

fire team leader

Corporal Supervise the members of their team Responsible for the fire discipline and control of their fire team, and for the condition, care, and economical use of its weapons and equipment

defend, reinforce, attack, withdraw, delay


enemy's most likely course of action


company gunner sergeant

Gunnery Sergeant Principle enlisted advisor to the company commander in logistical and training functions Ensure a high state of police and sanitation are maintained in the company area

higher unit mission, subordinate unit mission, supporting unit mission


light weight, magazine fed, gas operated, air-cooled, shoulder fired weapon


10 November 1775

Marine Corps Birthday

corporal, sergeant


obstacles and movement, key terrain, observations and fields of fire, cover and concealment, avenues of approach, weather


observe, orient, decide, act


orientation, situation, mission, execution, admin and logistics, command and signal


purpose, method, end state



Refers to a national flag or a unit or organization-distinguishing flag Also refers to the raising and lowering of the National Ensign aboard Navy and Marine Corps Installations Colors Ceremony occurs daily at 0800 and sunset

staff sergeant, gunnery sergeant, master sergeant, first sergeant, master gunnery sergeant, sergeant major, sergeant major of the marine corps


search, tag, report, evacuate, segregate, safeguard


platoon guide

Sergeant Administrative duties, supply and timely resupply The senior sergeant in the platoon

squad leader

Sergeant Supervise their fire team leaders Responsible for the discipline, training, control, conduct, and welfare of their squad at all times, and for the care and economical use of tis weapons and equipment

time, size, unit, activity, location, equipment


deadly force

The force which a person uses causing, or that they know or should reasonably know would create a substantial risk of causing death or serious bodily harm

major, lieutenant colonel, colonel

field grade officer

know your target and what lies beyond and in between

fifth weapon safety rule

special guard

fire watch is a type of ___________ guard

company 1st sergeant

first sergeant senior enlisted marine in the company Principle advisor to the company commander in administration and legal processes

treat every weapon as if it were loaded

first weapon safety rule


flown during pleasant weather; 10x19


flown of sundays and holidays; 20x38


flown only in inclement weather; 5x9.5

keep the weapon on safe until you intend to fire

fourth weapon safety rule

brigadier general, major general, lieutenant general, general

general officer


hardest part of decision phase

implicit guidance and control

how to scale up the OODA loop to an organization

subordinates' loop

in an organization, the loop can only cycle as fast as the...

seek, observe, remove magazine, speed reload, bang

indicator of bolt locked to the rear and ejection port cover open

seek, observe, remove magazine, lock bolt to rear, reload, bang

indicator of brass obstructing chamber area

seek, observe, tap, rack, bang

indicator that the bolt is forward or the ejection port cover is closed

coordinating instruction

instructions common to two or more people in a unit

private, pfc, lance corporal

junior marines

1 lb 1 oz

magazine 30 rounds

memorize, understand, and comply with general orders for sentries

main/special guard sentries must...


max effective area target


max effective point target


max range

5 ws



most important 5 w


most important step in the OODA loop

garrison, post, storm

national ensign sizes

outside information, unfolding circumstances, interaction with one's environment

observations are influenced by:


post and relief of interior guard personnel occurs...


private/lance corporal Responsible for the effective employment, condition, and care of their weapon and equipment

Preserve order Protect property Enforce regulations

purpose of interior guard:

7 lbs 8 oz

rifle w/o magazine

never point a weapon at anything you do not intend to shoot

second weapon safety rule

45 rpm

semi - rate of fire

guard school, guard mount brief, weapon inspection, guard mount, personnel inspection, weapons load/unload

six elements of guard mount

4 oz

sling, adjustable

platoon sergeant

staff sergeant Performs duties assigned by the platoon commander Assists the platoon commander in the supervision and control of the platoon

12-15 rpm

sustained - rate of fire

warrant officer

technical expert for their MOS, they receive a warrant instead of a commission

delegate, absolute

the Commanding Officer in regards to the security of the command may ____________ authority, but the responsibility is ______________

keep your finger straight and off the trigger until you are ready to fire

third weapon safety rule

fixed, mobile, administrative

three basic types of posts

main guard, special guard

two types of interior guard

general, special

two types of orders

formal, informal

two types of relief


what allows for adjustments to be made in the OODA loop

disseminating, supervising, monitoring

what do you do in the act phase

genetic heritage, cultural traditions, previous experience, new information, analysis and synthesis

what is orientation affected by

positive recognition

what is the sentry's main consideration

cloc, obj loc, doa

what should you always include in your orientation


which type of relief needs to be directly supervised

USAF colonel john boyd

who created the OODA loop


your act is like a...


your decision is like a...

observation, orientation

your decision is only as good as your...

deadly force is allowed

•In defense of non-DoD members to prevent death or serious bodily harm •Protection of assets vital to National Security. •Protection against theft or sabotage of inherently dangerous property. •Protection against the sabotage or destruction of national critical infrastructure. •Defense against serious offenses against persons. •Arrest or Apprehension of persons who pose an imminent threat or have committed a serious offense. •Escape of prisoners who have or attempted to commit serious offenses.


are observations meant to be filtered?

15.5 oz

bayonet with scabbard

90 rpm

burst - rate of fire


centralized command with ___________ control


cognitive process of selecting of Course of Action


commander's intent

2nd lt, 1st lt, captain

company grade officers

scheme of maneuver, fire support plan

concept of operations

Feeding Chambering Locking Firing Unlocking Extracting Ejecting cocking

cycle of operation


execution of the decided COA

infantry weapons warrant officer

exploding bomb insignia

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