MS 2 - Ch. 67: Cerebrovascular Disorders

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A 76-year-old male client is brought to the clinic by his daughter. The daughter states that her father has had two transient ischemic attacks (TIAs) in the past week. The physician orders carotid angiography, and the report reveals that the carotid artery has been narrowed by atherosclerotic plaques. What treatment option does the nurse expect the physician to offer this client to increase blood flow to the brain? Select all that apply.

-Carotid endarterectomy -Balloon angioplasty of the carotid artery followed by stent placement If narrowing of the carotid artery by atherosclerotic plaques is the cause of the TIAs, a carotid endarterectomy (surgical removal of atherosclerotic plaque) could be performed. A balloon angioplasty of the carotid artery, a procedure similar to a percutaneous transluminal coronary artery angioplasty, may be performed alternatively to dilate the carotid artery and increase blood flow to the brain, followed by stent placement. The other options are not options to increase blood flow through the carotid artery to the brain.

Thrombolytic therapy should be initiated within what time frame of an ischemic stroke to achieve the best functional outcome?

3 hours Rapid diagnosis of stroke and initiation of thrombolytic therapy (within 3 hours) in clients with ischemic stroke lead to a decrease in the size of the stroke and an overall improvement in functional outcome after 3 months.

A nurse is teaching a community group about modifiable and nonmodifiable risk factors for ischemic strokes. Which of the following is a risk factor that cannot be modified?

Advanced age Modifiable risk factors for ischemic stroke include hypertension, atrial fibrillation, hyperlipidemia, diabetes mellitus, smoking, asymptomatic carotid stenosis, obesity, and excessive alcohol consumption. Nonmodifiable risk factors include advanced age, gender, and race.

Which term refers to the failure to recognize familiar objects perceived by the senses?

Agnosia Auditory agnosia is failure to recognize significance of sounds. Agraphia refers to disturbances in writing intelligible words. Apraxia refers to an inability to perform previously learned purposeful motor acts on a voluntary basis. Perseveration is the continued and automatic repetition of an activity, word, or phrase that is no longer appropriate.

Which of the following is the most common side effect of tissue plasminogen activator (tPA)?

Bleeding Bleeding is the most common side effect of tPA. The patient is closely monitored for bleeding (at IV insertion sites, gums, urine/stools, and intracranially by assessing changes in level of consciousness). Headache, increased ICP, and hypertension are not side effects of tPA.

A nurse is caring for a client diagnosed with a cerebral aneurysm who reports a severe headache. Which action should the nurse perform?

Call the physician immediately. The nurse should notify the physician immediately because the headache may be an indication that the aneurysm is leaking. Sitting with the client is appropriate but only after the physician has been notified of the change in the client's condition. The physician will decide whether or not administration of an analgesic is indicated. Informing the nurse manager isn't necessary.

After the patient has received tPA, the nurse knows to check vital signs every 30 minutes for 6 hours. Which of the following readings would require calling the provider?

Diastolic pressure of 110 mm Hg A diastolic pressure reading of over 105 mm Hg warrants notifying the health care provider. The other choices are within normal range.

Which statement reflects nursing management of the client with expressive aphasia?

Encourage the client to repeat sounds of the alphabet Nursing management of the client with expressive aphasia includes encouraging the client to repeat sounds of the alphabet. Nursing management of the client with global aphasia includes speaking clearly to the client in simple sentences and using gestures or pictures when able. Nursing management of the client with receptive aphasia includes speaking slowing and clearly to assist the client in forming the sounds. Nursing management of the client with cognitive deficits, such as memory loss, includes frequently reorienting the client to time, place, and situation.

A client undergoes cerebral angiography for evaluation of a subarachnoid hemorrhage. Which findings indicate spasm or occlusion of a cerebral vessel by a clot?

Hemiplegia, seizures, and decreased level of consciousness Spasm or occlusion of a cerebral vessel by a clot causes signs and symptoms similar to those of a stroke: hemiplegia, seizures, decreased level of consciousness, aphasia, hemiparesis, and increased focal symptoms. Nausea, vomiting, and profuse sweating suggest a delayed reaction to the contrast medium used in cerebral angiography. Difficulty breathing or swallowing may signal a hematoma in the neck. Tachycardia, tachypnea, and hypotension suggest internal hemorrhage.

Which disturbance results in loss of half of the visual field?

Homonymous hemianopsia Homonymous hemianopsia (loss of half of the visual field) may occur from stroke and may be temporary or permanent. Double vision is documented as diplopia. Nystagmus is ocular bobbing and may be seen in multiple sclerosis. Anisocoria is unequal pupils.

A diagnostic test has determined that the appropriate diet for the client with a left cerebrovascular accident (CVA) should include honey thickened liquids. Which of the following is the priority nursing diagnosis for this client?

Impaired Swallowing Impaired Swallowing was evident on the video fluoroscopy. Risk for Aspiration, Altered Nutrition, and Fluid Volume Deficit can occur but are not the primary diagnosis at this point in time.

A client has experienced an ischemic stroke that has damaged the lower motor neurons of the brain. Which of the following deficits would the nurse expect during assessment?

Lack of deep tendon reflexes Damage to the occipital lobe can result in visual agnosia, whereas damage to the temporal lobe can cause auditory agnosia. If damage has occurred to the frontal lobe, learning capacity, memory, or other higher cortical intellectual functions may be impaired. Such dysfunction may be reflected in a limited attention span, difficulties in comprehension, forgetfulness, and lack of motivation. Damage to the lower motor neurons may cause decreased muscle tone, flaccid muscle paralysis, and a decrease in or loss of reflexes.

A client is admitted with weakness, expressive aphasia, and right hemianopia. The brain MRI reveals an infarct. The nurse understands these symptoms to be suggestive of which of the following findings?

Left-sided cerebrovascular accident (CVA) When the infarct is on the left side of the brain, the symptoms are likely to be on the right, and the speech is more likely to be involved. If the MRI reveals an infarct, TIA is no longer the diagnosis. There is not enough information to determine if the stroke is still evolving or is complete.

Which of the following is accurate regarding a hemorrhagic stroke?

Main presenting symptom is an "exploding headache." One of hemorrhagic stroke's main presenting symptom is an "exploding headache." In ischemic stroke, functional recovery usually plateaus at 6 months; it may be caused by a large artery thrombosis and may have a presenting symptoms of numbness or weakness of the face.

The nurse is participating in a health fair for stroke prevention. Which will the nurse say is a modifiable risk factor for ischemic stroke?

Smoking Modifiable risk factors for transient ischemic attack (TIA) and ischemic stroke include hypertension, type 1 diabetes, cardiac disease, smoking, and chronic alcoholism. Advanced age, gender, and race are nonmodifiable risk factors for stroke.

When should the nurse plan the rehabilitation of a patient who is having an ischemic stroke?

The day the patient has the stroke Although rehabilitation begins on the day the patient has the stroke, the process is intensified during convalescence and requires a coordinated team effort.

A client's spouse relates how the client reported a severe headache and then was unable to talk or move their right arm and leg. After diagnostics are completed and the client is admitted to the hospital, when would basic rehabilitation begin?

immediately Beginning basic rehabilitation during the acute phase is an important nursing function. Measures such as position changes and prevention of skin breakdown and contractures are essential aspects of care during the early phase of rehabilitation. The nursing goal is to prevent complications that may interfere with the client's potential to recover function.

A nurse in a rehabilitation facility is coordinating the discharge of a client who is tetraplegic. The client, who is married and has two children in high school, is being discharged to home and will require much assistance. Who would the discharge planner recognize as being the most important member of this client's care team?

spouse The client's spouse and family would need to be involved in the everyday care of the client; without their support, it is unlikely that the client would be able to manage at home.

A patient presents to the emergency room with complaints of having an "exploding headache" for the last 2 hours. The patient is immediately seen by a triage nurse who suspects the patient is experiencing a stroke. Which of the following is a possible cause based on the characteristic symptom?

Cerebral aneurysm A cerebral aneurysm is a type of hemorrhagic stroke that is characterized by an exploding headache.

While providing information to a community group, the nurse tells them the primary initial symptoms of a hemorrhagic stroke are:

Severe headache and early change in level of consciousness The main presenting symptoms for ischemic stroke are numbness or weakness of the face, arm, or leg, especially on one side of the body, confusion or change in mental status, and trouble speaking or understanding speech. Severe headache, vomiting, early change in level of consciousness, and seizures are early signs of a hemorrhagic stroke. Foot drop and external hip rotation can occur if a stroke victim is not turned or positioned correctly.

When developing a care plan for a client who has recently suffered a stroke, a nurse includes the nursing diagnosis Risk for imbalanced body temperature. What is the rationale for this diagnosis?

The stroke may have impacted the body's thermoregulation centers. The body's thermoregulation centers are located in the hypothalamus. A stroke may impair their functioning. A decreased body temperature isn't necessarily an indication to cover the client. Although an elevated temperature may indicate cerebellum malfunction or infection, these factors aren't the focus of the risk described in the nursing diagnosis.

A client is hospitalized when presenting to the emergency department with right-sided weakness. Within 6 hours of being admitted, the neurologic deficits had resolved and the client was back to his presymptomatic state. The nurse caring for the client knows that the probable cause of the neurologic deficit was what?

Transient ischemic attack A transient ischemic attack (TIA) is a sudden, brief attack of neurologic impairment caused by a temporary interruption in cerebral blood flow. Symptoms may disappear within 1 hour; some continue for as long as 1 day. When the symptoms terminate, the client resumes his or her presymptomatic state. The symptoms do not describe a left- or right-sided stroke or a cerebral aneurysm.

A client diagnosed with a stroke is ordered to receive warfarin. Later, the nurse learns that the warfarin is contraindicated and the order is canceled. The nurse knows that the best alternative medication to give is

aspirin If warfarin is contraindicated, aspirin is the best option, although other medications may be used if both are contraindicated.

A nurse is instructing the spouse of a client who suffered a stroke about the use of eating devices the client will be using. During the teaching, the spouse starts to cry and states, "One minute he is laughing, and the next he's crying; I just don't understand what's wrong with him." Which statement is the best response by the nurse?

"Emotional lability is common after a stroke, and it usually improves with time." This is the most therapeutic and informative response. Often, most relatives of clients with stroke handle the physical changes better than the emotional aspects of care. The family should be prepared to expect occasional episodes of emotional lability. The client may laugh or cry easily and may be irritable and demanding or depressed and confused. The nurse can explain to the family that the client's laughter does not necessarily connote happiness, nor does crying reflect sadness, and that emotional lability usually improves with time. The remaining responses are nontherapeutic and do not address the spouse's concerns.

The nurse is caring for a client with a history of transient ischemic attacks (TIAs) and moderate carotid stenosis who has undergone a carotid endarterectomy. Which postoperative finding would cause the nurse the most concern?

Difficulty swallowing The client's inability to swallow without difficulty would cause the nurse the most concern. Difficulty swallowing, hoarseness, or other signs of cranial nerve dysfunction must be assessed. The nurse focuses on assessment of the following cranial nerves: facial (VII), vagus (X), spinal accessory (XI), and hypoglossal (XII). Some edema in the neck after surgery is expected; however, extensive edema and hematoma formation can obstruct the airway. Emergency airway supplies, including those needed for a tracheostomy, must be available. The client's neck pain and mildly elevated blood pressure need to be addressed but would not cause the nurse the most concern. Hypotension is avoided to prevent cerebral ischemia and thrombosis. Uncontrolled hypertension may precipitate cerebral hemorrhage, edema, hemorrhage at the surgical incision, or disruption of the arterial reconstruction.

Which of the following statements reflects nursing management of the patient with expressive aphasia?

Encourage the patient to repeat sounds of the alphabet. Nursing management of the patient with expressive aphasia includes encouraging the patient to repeat sounds of the alphabet. Nursing management of the patient with global aphasia includes speaking clearly and in simple sentences and using gestures or pictures when able. Nursing management of the patient with receptive aphasia includes speaking slowing and clearly to assist the patient in forming the sounds. Nursing management of the patient with cognitive deficits, such as memory loss, includes frequently reorienting the patient to time, place, and situation.

A client has been diagnosed as having global aphasia. The nurse recognizes that the client will be unable to do perform which action?

Form understandable words and comprehend spoken words Global aphasia is a combination of expressive and receptive aphasia and presents a tremendous challenge to the nurse to communicate effectively with the client. In receptive and expressive aphasia, the client is unable to form words that are understandable. The client who is unable to speak at all is referred to as mute.

During assessment of cognitive impairment, post-stroke, the nurse documents that the patient was experiencing memory loss and impaired learning capacity. The nurse knows that brain damage has most likely occurred in which lobe?

Frontal Frontal lobe damage results in impaired learning capacity, memory, and other higher cortical intellectual functions.

The nurse is caring for a client diagnosed with a hemorrhagic stroke. The nurse recognizes that which intervention is most important?

Maintaining a patent airway Maintaining the airway is the most important nursing intervention. Immediate complications of a hemorrhagic stroke include cerebral hypoxia, decreased cerebral blood flow, and extension of the area of injury. Providing adequate oxygenation of blood to the brain minimizes cerebral hypoxia. Brain function depends on delivery of oxygen to the tissues. Administering supplemental oxygen and maintaining hemoglobin and hematocrit at acceptable levels will assist in maintaining tissue oxygenation. All other interventions are appropriate, but the airway takes priority. The head of the bed should be elevated to 30 degrees, monitoring the client because of the risk for seizures, and stool softeners are recommended to prevent constipation and straining, but these are not the most important interventions.

A client who complains of recurring headaches, accompanied by increased irritability, photophobia, and fatigue is asked to track the headache symptoms and occurrence on a calendar log. Which is the best nursing rationale for this action?

Migraines often coincide with menstrual cycle. Changes in reproductive hormones as found during menstrual cycle can be a trigger for migraine headaches and may assist in the management of the symptoms. Cluster headaches can cause severe pain but is not the reason for tracking. Tension headaches can be managed but is not associated with a monthly calendar. Headaches are common but not the reason for tracking.

The nurse is providing information about strokes to a community group. Which of the following would the nurse identify as the primary initial symptoms of an ischemic stroke?

Weakness on one side of the body and difficulty with speech The main presenting symptoms for an ischemic stroke are numbness or weakness of the face, arm, or leg, especially on one side of the body; confusion or change in mental status; and trouble speaking or understanding speech. Severe headache, vomiting, early change in level of consciousness, and seizures are early signs of a hemorrhagic stroke. Foot drop and external hip rotation are things that can occur if a stroke victim is not turned or positioned correctly.

A patient is admitted via ambulance to the emergency room of a stroke center at 1:30 p.m. with symptoms that the patient said began at 1:00 p.m. Within 1 hour, an ischemic stroke had been confirmed and the doctor ordered tPA. The nurse knows to give this drug no later than what time?

4:00 p.m. Tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) must be given within 3 hours after symptom onset. Therefore, since symptom onset was 1:00 pm, the window of opportunity ends at 4:00 pm.

A 154-pound woman has been prescribed tPA (0.9 mg/kg) for an ischemic stroke. The nurse knows to give how many mg initially?

6.3 mg A person who weighs 154 lbs weighs 70 kg. To calculate total dosage, multiply 70 × 0.9 mg/kg = 63 mg. Ten percent of the calculated dose is given as an IV bolus over 1 minute. The remaining dose (90%) is given IV over 1 hour via an infusion pump. So initially the nurse gives 10% (6.3 mg) over 1 minute.

The nurse is caring for a client with aphasia. Which strategy will the nurse use to facilitate communication with the client?

Establishing eye contact The following strategies should be used by the nurse to encourage communication with a client with aphasia: face the client and establish eye contact, speak in your usual manner and tone, use short phrases, and pause between phrases to allow the client time to understand what is being said; limit conversation to practical and concrete matters; use gestures, pictures, objects, and writing; and as the client uses and handles an object, say what the object is. It helps to match the words with the object or action. Be consistent in using the same words and gestures each time you give instructions or ask a question, and keep extraneous noises and sounds to a minimum. Too much background noise can distract the client or make it difficult to sort out the message being spoken.

What clinical manifestations does the nurse recognize when a patient has had a right hemispheric stroke?

Left visual field deficit A left visual field deficit is a common clinical manifestation of a right hemispheric stroke. Aphasia, slow, cautious behavior, and altered intellectual ability are all clinical manifestations of a left hemispheric stroke.

A patient who has suffered a stroke begins having complications regarding spasticity in the lower extremity. What ordered medication does the nurse administer to help alleviate this problem?

Lioresal (Baclofen) Spasticity, particularly in the hand, can be a disabling complication after stroke. Botulinum toxin type A injected intramuscularly into wrist and finger muscles has been shown to be effective in reducing this spasticity (although the effect is temporary, typically lasting 2 to 4 months) (Teasell, Foley, Pereira, et al., 2012). Other treatments for spasticity may include stretching, splinting, and oral medications such as baclofen (Lioresal).

A client is suspected of having had a stroke. Which is the initial diagnostic test for a stroke?

Noncontrast computed tomography The initial diagnostic test for a stroke is usually a noncontrast computed tomography (CT) scan. This should be performed within 25 minutes or less from the time the client presents to the ED to determine whether the event is ischemic or hemorrhagic (the category of stroke determines treatment). Further diagnostics include a carotid Doppler, electrocardiogram, and transcranial Doppler.

A client who's paralyzed on the left side has been receiving physical therapy and attending teaching sessions about safety. Which behavior indicates that the client accurately understands safety measures related to paralysis?

The client uses a mirror to inspect the skin. The client demonstrates understanding of safety measures related to paralysis when he uses a mirror to inspect his skin. The mirror enables the client to inspect all areas of the skin for signs of breakdown without the help of staff or family members. The client should keep the side rails up to help with repositioning and to prevent falls. The paralyzed client should take responsibility for repositioning or for reminding the staff to assist with it, if needed. A client with left-side paralysis may not realize that the left arm is hanging over the side of the wheelchair. However, the nurse should call this position to the client's attention because the arm can get caught in the wheel spokes or develop impaired circulation from being in a dependent position for too long.

A nurse is reading a journal article about stroke and the underlying causes associated with this condition. The nurse demonstrates understanding of the information when identifying which subtype of stroke as being due to atrial fibrillation?

cardio embolic Ischemic strokes are further divided into five subtypes, according to a mechanism-based classification system: large-artery thrombotic strokes (representing 20% of ischemic strokes); small, penetrating artery thrombotic strokes (25%); cardio embolic strokes (20%); cryptogenic strokes (strokes that cannot be attributed to any specific cause) (30%); and "other" (5%). Large-artery thrombotic strokes are caused by atherosclerotic plaques in the large blood vessels of the brain. Thrombus formation and occlusion can occur at the site of the atherosclerosis and result in ischemia and infarction (tissue death). Small, penetrating artery thrombotic strokes that affect one or more vessels and cause reduced blood flow are the most common type of ischemic stroke, typically caused by longstanding hypertension, hyperlipidemia, or diabetes. Cardio embolic strokes are associated with cardiac dysrhythmias, such as atrial fibrillation, but can also be associated with valvular heart disease or left ventricular thrombus. The last two classifications of ischemic strokes are cryptogenic strokes, which have no identified cause, and strokes from other causes, such as illicit drug use (cocaine), coagulopathies, migraine, or spontaneous dissection of the carotid or vertebral arteries.

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