NCLEX Unit 19

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constipation and urinary retention

Psychomotor retardation and side effects of medication can cause this?

open ended questions and silence; allows the client to discuss the problem

The nurse is assigned to care for a client experiencing disturbed thought processes. The nurse is told that the client believes that the food is being poisoned. Which communication technique should the nurse plan to use to encourage the client to eat?

tasks of termination

include evaluating client performance, evaluating achievement of expected outcomes, evaluating future needs, making appropriate referrals, and dealing with the common behaviors associated with termination


refusal to admit to a painful reality and is treated as if it does not exist

ill fitting clothes

these could be a sign of nutrition deficiency; needs further data collection

"Are you fearful and think that others may want to hurt you?"; recognizes the client's needs

Laboratory work is prescribed for a client who has been experiencing delusions. When the laboratory technician approaches the client to obtain a specimen of the client's blood, the client begins to shout, "You're all vampires. Let me out of here!" The nurse present at the time should respond by stating which?

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