Nervous System 1

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The following are steps involved in a reflex arc. 1. activation of a sensory neuron 2. activation of a motor neuron 3. response by an effector 4. arrival of a stimulus and activation of a receptor 5. information processing The proper sequence of these steps is a. 1, 3, 4, 5, 2 b. 4, 5, 3, 1, 2 c. 4, 1, 5, 2, 3 d. 4, 3, 1, 5, 2 e. 3, 1, 4, 5, 2

c. 4, 1, 5, 2, 3

Auditory information about the frequency and intensity of stimulation is relayed to the CNS over the cochlear branch of cranial nerve a. IV b. VI c. VIII d. X


A better than visual acuity rating a. 20/20 b. 20/30 c. 15/20 d. 20/15

d. 20/15

A progressive disorder characterized by the loss of higher order cerebral function is a. Parkinson's disease b. parasomnia c. Huntington's disease d. Alzheimer's disease

d. Alzheimer's disease

A graded potential a. decreases with distance from the point stimulation b. spreads passively because of local currents c. may involve either depolarization or hyperpolarization d. a, b, and c are correct

d. a, b, and c are correct

The organ of Corti is located in the ____ of the inner ear. a. utricle b. bony labyrinth c. vestibule d. cochlea

d. cochlea

Sound waves are converted into mechanical movements by the a. auditory ossicles b. cochlea c. oval window d. round window e. tympanic membrane

e. tympanic membrane

Coordination of learned movement patterns at the subconscious level is performed by a. the cerebellum b. the substantia nigra c. association fibers d. the hypothalamus

a. the cerebellum

Damage to the cupula of the lateral semicircular duct would interfere with perception a. the direction gravitational pull b. linear acceleration c. horizontal rotation of the head d. vertical rotation of the head e. angular rotation of the head

c. horizontal rotation of the head

Reflex arcs in which the sensory stimulus and the motor response occur on the same side of the body are a. contralateral b. paraesthetic c. ipsilateral d. monosynaptic

c. ipsilateral

The retina is the a. vascular tunic b. fibrous tunic c. neural tunic d. a, b, and c are correct

c. neural tunic

Displacement of steroclia toward the kinocilium of a hair cell a. produces a depolarization of the membrane b. produces a hyperpolarization of the membrane c. decreases the membrane permeability to sodium ions d. increases the membrane permeability to potassium ions e. does not affect the transmembrane potential of the cell

a. produces a depolarization of the membrane

When viewing an object close to you, your lens should be more ____. a. rounded b. flattened c. concave d. lateral e. medial

a. rounded

A neuron exhibiting facilitation requires a ____ additional stimulus to trigger an action potential. a. smaller depolarizing b. larger depolarizing c. smaller hyperpolarizing d. larger hyperpolarizing

a. smaller depolarizing

The part of the nervous system that controls voluntary contractions of skeletal muscles is the a. somatic nervous system b. autonomic nervous system c. visceral motor system d. sympathetic division of the ANS

a. somatic nervous system

The division of the autonomic nervous system that prepares the body for activity and stress is the ____ division. a. sympathetic b. parasympathetic c. craniosacral d. intramural e. somatomotor

a. sympathetic

The two cerebral hemispheres are functionally different, even though anatomically they appear the same. a. true b. false

a. true

Dual innervation refers to situations in which a. vital organs receive instructions from both sympathetic and parasympathetic fibers b. the atria and ventricles of the heart receive autonomic stimulation from the same nerves c. sympathetic and parasympathetic fibers have similar effects d. a, b, and c are correct

a. vital organs receive instructions from both sympathetic and parasympathetic fibers

Proceeding inward from the outermost layer, number the following in the correct sequence: a.__walls of vertebral canal b.__pia mater c.__dura mater d.__arachnoid membrane e.__subdural space f.__subarachnoid space g.__epidural space h.__spinal cord

a.1 b.7 c.3 d.5 e.4 f.6 g.2 h.8

The basic receptors in the inner ear are the a. uricles b. succules c hair cells d. supporting cells e. ampullae

c. hair cells

The larger the receptive field, the a. larger the stimulus needed to stimulate a sensory receptor b. fewer sensory receptors there are c. harder it is to locate the exact point of stimulation d. larger the area of the somatosensory cortex in the brain the deals with the area e. closer together the receptor cells

c. harder it is to locate the exact point of stimulation

The primary purpose of the blood brain barrier is to a. provide the brain with oxygenated blood b. drain venous blood via the internal jugular veins c. isolate neural tissue in the CNS from the general circulation d. a, b, and c are correct

c. isolate neural tissue in the CNS from the general circulation

The CNS interprets information entirely on the basis of the a. number of action potentials that it receives b. kind of action potentials that it receives c. line over which sensory information arrives d. intensity of the sensory stimulus e. number of sensory receptors that are stimulated

c. line over which sensory information arrives

The major nerve of the cervical plexus that innervates the diaphragm is the a. median nerve b. axillary nerve c. phrenic nerve d. fibular nerve

c. phrenic nerve

the contraction of flexor muscles and the relaxation of extensor muscle is the a. reverberating circuitry b. generalized facilitation c. reciprocal inhibition d. reinforcement

c. reciprocal inhibition

During sympathetic stimulation, a person may begin to feel "on edge". this is the result of a. increased energy metabolism by muscle tissue b. increased cardiovascular activity c. stimulation of the reticular activating system d. temporary insensitivity to painful stimuli e. decreased levels of epinephrine in the blood

c. stimulation of the reticular activating system

Regulation by the nervous system provides a. relatively slow, but long-lasting responses to stimuli b. swift, long-lasting responses to stimuli c. swift, but brief, responses to stimuli d. relatively slow, short-lived responses to stimuli

c. swift, but brief, responses to stimuli

A cerebrovascular accident occurs when a. the reticular activating system fails to function b. the prefrontal lobe is damaged c. the blood supply to a portion of the brain is cut off d. a descending tract in the spinal cord is severed e. brain stem nuclei hypersecrete serotonin

c. the blood supply to a portion of the brain is cut off

The synapsing of several neurons on the same postsynaptic neuron is called a. serial processing b. reverberation c. divergence d. convergence

d. convergence

A possible side effect of a drug used to open the airways of someone suffering from an asthma attacks a. decreased activity of the digestive system b. diarrhea c. profuse urination d. decreased blood pressure e. decreased heart rate

d. decreased blood pressure

Damage to the vestibular nucleus would lead to a. loss of sight b. loss of hearing c. inability to sense pain d. difficulty in maintaining balance e. inability to swallow

d. difficulty in maintaining balance

The dural fold that divides the two cerebellar hemispheres is the a. transverse sinus b. falx cerebri c. tentorium cerebelli d. falx cerebelli

d. falx cerebelli

The adult spinal cord extends only to which vertebral level? a. coccyx b. sacral c. third or fourth lumbar d. first or second lumbar e. last thoracic

d. first or second lumbar

Receptors in the saccule and utrible provide sensations of a. angular acceleration b. hearing c. vibration d. gravity and linear acceleration

d. gravity and linear acceleration

Phagocytic cells in neural tissue of the CNS are a. astrocytes b. ependymal cells c. oligodendrocytes d. microglia

d. microglia

The area of sensory cortex devoted to a body region is relative to the a. size of the body area b. distance of the body area from the brain c. number of motor units in the area of the body d. number of sensory receptors in the area of the body e. size of the nerves that serve the area of the body

d. number of sensory receptors in the area of the body

The only cranial nerves that are attached to the cerebrum are the ____ nerves. a. optic b. oculomotor v. trochlear d. olfactory e. abducens

d. olfactory

The autonomic division of the nervous system directs a. voluntary motor activity b. conscious control of skeletal muscles c. unconscious control of skeletal muscles d. processes that maintain homeostasis e. sensory input from the skin

d. processes that maintain homeostatsis

Polysynaptic reflexes can produce far more complicated responses than can monosynaptic reflexes because a. the response time is quicker b. the response is initiated by highly sensitive receptor c. motor neurons carry impulses at a faster rate than do sensory neurons d. the interneurons involved can control several muscle groups

d. the interneurons involved can control several muscle groups

Depolarization of neuron cell membrane will shift the membrane potential toward a. 0 mV b. -70 mV c. -90 mV d. a, b, and c are correct

a. 0 mV

The centers in the pons that modify the activity of the respiratory rhythmicity centers in the medulla oblongata are the a. apneustic and pneumotaxic centers b. inferior and superior peduncles c. cardiac and vasomotor centers d. nucleus gracilis and nucleus cuneatus

a. apneustic and pneumotaxic centers

The afferent division of the PNS a. brings sensory information to CNS b. carries motor commands to muscle and glands c. processes and integrates sensory date d. is the seat of higher functions in the body

a. brings sensory information to CNS

The corticospinal tract a. carries motor commands from the cerebral cortex to the spinal cord b. carries sensory information from the spinal cord to the brain c. starts in the spinal cord and ends in the brain d. a, b, and c are correct

a. carries motor commands from the cerebral cortex to the spinal cord

Ascending tracts a. carry sensory information to the brain b. carry motor information to the brain c. carry sensory information from the brain d. carry motor information from the brain e. connect perceptive areas with the brain

a. carry sensory information to the brain

The subarachnoid space contains a. cerebrospinal fluid b. lymph c. air d. connective tissue and blood vessels e. denticulate ligaments

a. cerebrospinal fluid

Receptors that bind acetylcholine at the postsynaptic membrane are a. chemically regulated channels b. voltage-regulated channels c. passive channels d. mechanically regulated channels

a. chemically regulated channels

Your friend Shelby suffers from myopia (nearsightedness). You remember from your physics class that concave lenses cause light waves to converge and convex lenses spread light waves. What type of corrective lenses would you suggest to your friend? a. concave lenses b. convex lenses

a. concave lenses

Spinal nerves are called mixed nerves because the a. contain sensory and motor fibers b. exit at intervertebral foramina c. are associated with a pair of dorsal root ganglia d. are associated with dorsal and ventral roots

a. contain sensory and motor fibers

The establishment of emotional states is a function of the a. limic system b. tectum c. mammillary bodies d. thalamus

a. limbic system

The genitofemoral, femoral, and lateral femoral cutaneous nerves are major nerves of the a. lumbar plexus b. sacral plexus c. brachial plexus d. cervical plexus

a. lumbar plexus

The reflexes that control the most rapid, stereotyped motor response of the nervous system to stimuli are a. monosynaptic reflexes b. polysynaptic reflexes c. tendon reflexes d. extensor reflexes

a. monosynaptic reflexes

All preganglionic autonomic fibers release ____ at their synaptic terminals, and the effects are always ____. a. norepinephrine; inhibitory b. norepinephrine; excitatory c. acetylcholine; excitatory d. acetylcholine; inhibitory

c. acetylcholine; excitatory

During an absolute refractory period, the membrane a. continues to hyperpolarize b. cannot respond to further stimulation c. can respond to larger-that-normal depolarizing stimulus d. will respond to summated stimulation

b. cannot respond to further stimulation

Ceebrospinal fluid is produced and secreted in the a. hypothalamus b. choroid plexus c. medulla oblongata d. crista galli

b. choroid plexus

Which of the following is the sire of cerebrospinal fluid production? a. dural sinus b. choroid plexus c. falx cerebri d. tentorium cerebelli e. isula

b. choroid plexus

Damage to the posterior spinocerebellar tract on the left, side of the spinal cord at the L1, level would interfere with a. coordinated movement of the right leg b. coordinated movement of the left leg c. coordinated movement of the right arm d. coordinated movement of the left arm e. both a and c

b. coordinated movement of the left leg

Under which set of circumstances would the diameter of peripheral blood vessels be the greatest a. increased sympathetic stimulation b. decreased sympathetic stimulation c. increased parasympathetic stimulation d. decreased parasympathetic stimulation e. both increased parasympathetic and sympathetic stimulation

b. decreased sympathetic stimulation

Side-to-side movements of the spinal cord are prevented by the a. filum terminale b. denticulate ligaments c. dura mater d. pia mater e. arachnoid mater

b. denticulate ligaments

Effects produced by the parasympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system include a. dilation of the pupils b. increased secretion by digestive glands c. dilation of respiratory passages d. increased heart rate e. increased breakdown of glycogen by the liver

b. increased secretion by digestive glands

The neural cells responsible for the analysis of sensory inputs and coordination of motor outputs are a. neuroglia b. interneurons c. sensory neurons d. motor neurons

b. interneurons

If the resting membrane potential is -70 mV and the threshold is -55mV, a membrane potential of -60 mV will a. produce an action potential b. make it easier to produce an action potential c. make it harder to produce an action potential d. hyperpolarize the membrane

b. make it easier to produce an action potential

The malleus, incus, and stapes are the tiny bones located in the a. outer ear b. middle ear c. inner ear d. membranous labyrinth

b. middle ear

An example of a stretch reflex triggered by passive muscle movement is the a. tendon reflex b. patellar reflex c. flexor reflex d. ipsilateral reflex

b. patellar reflex

At sunset, your visual system adapts to a. fovea vision b. rod based vision c. macular vision d. cone based vision

b. rod based vision

The final relay point for ascending sensory information that will be projected to the primary sensory the primary sensory cortex is the a. hypothalamus b. thalamus c. spinal cord d. medulla oblongata

b. thalamus

The primary determinant of the resting membrane potential is a. the membrane permeability to sodium b. the membrane permeability to potassium c. intracellular negatively charged proteins d. negatively charged chloride ions in the ECF

b. the membrane permeability to potassium

A sensory region monitored by the dorsal rami of a single spinal segment is a. a ganglion b. a fascicle c. a dermatome d. a ramus

c. a dermatome

Damage to the hippocampus, a component of the limbic system, leads to a. a loss of emotion due to forgetfulness b. a loss of consciousness c. a loss of long term memory d. an immediate loss of short term memory

c. a loss of long term memory

In the CNS, a neuron typically receives information from other neurons at its a. axon b. nissl bodies c. dendrites d. nucleus

c. dendrites

Which of the following statements is false concerning the gray matter of the spinal cord? a. the gray matter is located in the interior of the spinal cord around the central canal b. the gray matter functions in processing neural information c. the gray matter is primarily involved in relaying information to the brain d. the gray matter contains motor neurons e. the gray matter is divided into regions called horns

c. the gray matter is primarily involved in relaying information to the brain

A blind spot in the retina occurs where a. the fovea is located b. ganglion cells synapse with bipolar cells c. the optic nerve attaches to the retina d. rod cells are clustered to form the macula e. amacrine cells are located

c. the optic nerve attaches to the retina

The pons contains a. sensory and motor nuclei for six cranial nerves b. nuclei concerned with control of blood pressure c. tracts that link the cerebellum with the brain stem d. no ascending or descending tracts e. both a and b

c. tracts that link the cerebellum with the brain stem

The neurotransmitter at tall synapses and neuromuscular or neuroglandular junctions in the parasympathetic division of the ANS is a. epinephrine b. borepinephrine c. cyclic-AMP d. acetylcholine

d. acetylcholine

A reduction in sensitivity in the presence of a constant stimulus is a. transduction b. sensory coding c. line labeling d. adaptation

d. adaptation

The term higher brain centers refers to those areas of the brain involved in higher order functions. These centers would probably include nuclei, centers, and cortical areas of the a. cerebrum b. cerebellum c. diencephalon d. all of the above e. a and c only

d. all of the above

Smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and glands are among the targets of the a. somatic nervous system b. sensory neurons c. afferent division of the PNS d. autonomic nervous system

d. autonomic nervous system

The ventral roots of each spinal segment a. bring sensory information into the spinal cord b. control peripheral effectors c. contain the axons of somatic motor and visceral motor neurons d. both b and c are correct

d. both b and c are correct

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