NTR108: Exam 3

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Breastfeeding can be a rewarding experience for both mother and baby. However, inadequate nutrition and hydration can interfere with lactation or lead to health problems for the mother. From the list below, choose all the correct statements about nutrient recommendations for breastfeeding women. Select all that apply. A. Recommendations for calcium intake are the same for lactation as for pregnancy. B. Fluid needs are higher during lactation than during pregnancy. C. Energy needs are lower for breastfeeding women than for pregnant women. D. Compared to prepregnancy needs, breastfeeding women require an additional 15 to 20 g of protein per day. E. Requirements for iron are greater during lactation than during pregnancy

A,B, and D

are substances that cause the body to lose water via urine.


T/F: Eating disorders do not occur in adolescent boys.


is achieved when there is an equal concentration of water and electrolytes inside and outside the body's cells.

Fluid balance

occurs when the extracellular concentration of sodium is too low.


T/F: Binge-eating disorder is common in men.


Adolescents need proper nutrition to support their still-growing bodies. However, many adolescents choose and/or purchase much of their own foods. These choices may be influenced by convenience, cost, body image concerns, their peers, or the media. Choose the statement about nutritional concerns during adolescence that is not correct. a. Adolescents generally consume recommended amounts of vegetables and fruits, but not whole grains. b. A low glycemic load diet may reduce the incidence and severity of acne in teens. c. Both male and female adolescents are at risk for developing eating disorders. d. Both cigarette smoking and alcohol consumption may interfere with proper nutrient metabolism. e. Due to the influences of their peers and the media, as well as the availability of inexpensive fast foods, adolescents are at risk for excessive weight gain


Athletes participating in an intense competition lasting more than one hour should drink __________. a. a beverage containing protein, carbohydrate, and fluid, such as chocolate milk, after a workout b. a beverage containing carbohydrates, sodium, and other electrolytes c. a beverage containing 100 percent fruit juice d. plain, room-temperature water


Chocolate milk may beneficial as a post-workout drink for some individuals because __________. a. it contains amino acids utilized for repairing and building muscle mass, water to rehydrate the body, and carbohydrates for glycogenesis b. it can replenish the amino acids that were used to produce ATP during the workout c. it contains lactose, which is essential as a post-recovery energy boost d. it contains calcium, which is essential for muscle contraction


In 2014, it was estimated that this percent of U.S. households experienced food insecurity. a. 14% b. 16% c. 18% d. 20%


The RDA for carbohydrate from toddlerhood through older adulthood is how many grams per day? a. 130 b. 10 c. 95 d. 250


The absorption of which vitamin increases in older adults? a. A b. B12 c. C d. D


This is a defining characteristic of the nutritional paradox. a. stunting and overweight/obesity occurring simultaneously b. adequate maternal nutrition and low infant mortality c. adequate maternal nutrition and high infant mortality d. stunting and underweight occurring simultaneously


Which of the following should women consume in abundance throughout pregnancy? a. protein b. vitamin A supplements c. deli meats and soft cheeses d. shark, swordfish, and albacore tuna


Which of the following statements about syndromes involving disordered eating is TRUE? a. The female athlete triad is a syndrome characterized by low energy availability, menstrual dysfunction, and a low bone density that increases the risk for fractures. b. Night-eating syndrome rarely results in obesity because the person eats very little during the day. c. Muscle dysmorphia is a syndrome characterized by low energy availability, abuse of anabolic steroids, and a high risk for suicide. d. Night-eating syndrome is characterized by sleep apnea, anxiety, and consumption of at least 25% of daily Calories at night.


Beverage choices are plentiful, and all contribute to a person's fluid needs. Some provide important nutrients like calcium and vitamin D, while others contribute a substantial amount of sugar and caffeine. Choosing wisely can affect overall health as well as weight-management efforts. From the list below, choose all the correct statements about popular beverages. Select all that apply. a. Sports beverages offer no established benefits for people who do little or no regular exercise or manual labor. b. Flavored milk and milk substitutes may provide important nutrients, but can also be a significant source of added sugars. c. Beverages sweetened with honey instead of high-fructose corn syrup are more healthful options. d. Caffeinated beverages should never be consumed because they significantly decrease the body's hydration status. e. Specialized energy drinks are no more dangerous than a cup of coffee or soft drink.

a and b

Imbalances of fluid and electrolytes can be caused by a variety of situations and health conditions. From the list below, choose all the correct statements about risks of electrolyte imbalance. Select all that apply. a. Muscle cramps or weakness can occur as a result of electrolyte imbalances. b. Elderly adults and children are at the lowest risk for dehydration. c. Overhydration is always caused by medical disorders that lead to fluid retention. d. Overweight football players practicing in a humid environment have several risk factors for heatstroke. e. A weekend stomach bug will not lead to dehydration in a healthy adult.

a and d

One way the body works to maintain fluid balance is via the thirst mechanism. This mechanism stimulates the desire to drink fluids in response to changes in blood volume, blood pressure, and concentration of sodium in the blood. Fluids are regularly lost through urine, feces, sweat, evaporation, and exhalation. In some cases, the amount is small, but in certain situations, the fluid loss can be significant. From the list below, choose all the correct statements about fluid intake and excretion. a. Low blood pressure can stimulate thirst. b. Water evaporates from the skin, but only when the body is sweating. c. Dehydration occurs when fluid intake exceeds fluid loss. d. An increased concentration of sodium and other dissolved substances in the blood leads to increased thirst. e. An increase in blood volume stimulates thirst.

a and d

A child's family and school environments can heavily influence behaviors related to eating and physical activity. Many different approaches can be taken to ensure these influences are positive. Choose all the statements below that describe effective strategies to prevent childhood obesity. Select all that apply. a. By eating a healthy diet and regularly engaging in physical activity, parents model obesity-prevention behaviors that children are likely to mimic. b. To increase self-efficacy, young children should be given the responsibility of choosing and preparing their own snacks. c. Engaging children in food shopping and meal preparation is not recommended because these activities place too much emphasis on eating and food and may lead to overeating. d. Parents should only encourage their children to engage in vigorous and competitive sports (e.g., hockey, basketball, or gymnastics) since these require the children to expend more energy than less intense, noncompetitive activities (e.g., hiking, walking, and yoga). e. Children attending schools that offer garden-based learning may be more likely to increase their intake of fruits and vegetables.

a and e

Hydration status can be determined by paying attention to various indicators. Read the statements below and select the correct statements regarding how to assess hydration. Select all that apply. View Available Hint(s) a. Dark urine can be an indicator of water imbalance. b. Reduced saliva production can be an indicator of dehydration. c. Weighing the body before and after exercise can be used to detect overhydration and dehydration. d. Urine color can be an indication of hydration status, with nearly clear urine indicating that fluid intake needs to be increased.

a, b, and c

Preschool and school-age children continue to grow and explore new interests. It is important to provide adequate energy and nutrients, while helping them establish healthful habits. Choose all the statements below that correctly describe the nutrient needs of preschool and school-age children. Select all that apply. a. It is appropriate for preschool children to drink 1% fat milk instead of whole milk. b. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children meet their fluid needs with beverages that do not contain caffeine or added sugars. c. Preschool and school-age children have higher protein requirements per kilogram of body weight than do toddlers. d. Because most children in the United States consume at least 3 servings of dairy per day, most meet the DRI for calcium. e. It is important that the diets of preschool and school-age children provide enough energy to support their growth and daily activities, but not so much as to cause excess weight gain.

a, b, and e

When physical activity increases, energy requirements increase also. Depending on the type, intensity, and duration of physical activity, the body's requirements for certain macronutrients may change as well. From the list below, choose all the correct statements about the effects of increased physical activity or athletic training. Select all that apply. a. Athletes who are following energy-restricted diets are at risk for consuming insufficient protein. b. Those participating in vigorous exercise should restrict their fat intake to less than 15% of total energy intake. c. An athlete who weighs 70 kg (154 lb) should consume 420 to 700 g of carbohydrate per day. d. How much additional energy an athlete needs depends on the specific activity the athlete engages in and the frequency of the activity. e. The recommendation to limit saturated fat intake to less than 10% of total energy intake does not apply to athletes or those who regularly engage in vigorous physical activity.

a, c, and d

Breastfeeding is considered the ideal method of infant feeding. While the practice can be challenging (and, in rare cases, contraindicated), it can offer many advantages over formula feeding. Choose all the statements below that describe the advantages of breastfeeding. Select all that apply. a. Breastfed infants have a reduced risk for childhood and adulthood obesity. b. Breastfeeding reduces the likelihood of uterine contractions. c. Choosing to breastfeed can save a substantial amount of money. d. Women who breastfeed resume ovulation sooner. e. Women who breastfeed typically return to their prepregnancy weight more quickly.

a, c, and e

Older adults have unique challenges in terms of their nutrient needs and physiological changes. Some changes may make it difficult to consume a healthful diet, so it is important to identify strategies to help overcome these obstacles. From the list below, choose all the correct statements about changes in older adults. Select all that apply. a. Poor vision can make it difficult for older adults to get to a supermarket, and to prepare meals. b. As people age, salivary production increases. c. In older adults with dysphagia, foods like creamy soups, applesauce, and yogurt are usually well tolerated. d. Lean body mass increases in older adults. e. With age, taste and visual perception decline.

a, c, and e

Gestational diabetes is a type of diabetes that occurs in previously nondiabetic women during pregnancy. When this occurs, a pregnant woman is unable to produce sufficient insulin or becomes insulin resistant, leading to elevated levels of blood glucose. Choose all the correct statements about gestational diabetes. Select all that apply. a. Offspring of mothers with poorly controlled gestational diabetes may have a higher risk of overweight and diabetes later in life. b. Women with gestational diabetes are at significantly increased risk for type 2 diabetes 5 to 10 years after delivery. c. Gestational diabetes is rare, affecting less than 1% of all pregnancies in the United States. d. Treatment for gestational diabetes focuses on diet and/or medication with little emphasis on physical activity since exercise can be dangerous during pregnancy. e. Babies born to mothers with poorly controlled gestational diabetes may be too large and, thus, may experience trauma during vaginal birth

a,b, and e

A balanced diet throughout pregnancy is necessary to support both the developing fetus and the health of the mother. Choose the statement below that correctly describes the relationship between a pregnant woman's nutrient requirements and fetal development. a. The fetus is at greatest risk for birth defects from nutrient deficiencies in the third trimester of pregnancy. b. Good nutrition is important throughout pregnancy to both ensure proper fetal development and prevent nutrient depletion in the mother. c. Beginning in the second trimester, when fetal bone mineralization occurs, the pregnant woman's calcium requirements increase above prepregnancy levels. d. Because the fetus undergoes dramatic growth in the third month of gestation, the pregnant woman's energy needs are highest at this time.


A child with a body mass index (BMI) __________ is considered obese. a. at or higher than the 85th percentile for age and gender b. at or higher than the 95th percentile for age and gender c. 25.5 d. of 30.0


A pregnancy is most vulnerable to maternal alcohol intake during __________. a. the third trimester b. the first trimester c. breastfeeding d. the second trimester


During the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, the woman's energy needs increase by how many kilocalories per day? a. 700 to 800 b. 350 to 450 c. more than 900 d. 500 to 650


Fluid needs are higher during periods of physical activity, and consuming sufficient fluid before, during, and after exercise is necessary to prevent dehydration and heat-related illnesses. Physically active individuals also have higher requirements for certain micronutrients, such as B-vitamins and iron. Complete the sentence about iron requirements. Among physically active people and athletes in training, iron deficiency ___________. a. is effectively treated with vitamin B12 supplements b. is a significant risk for physically active females c. is known as sports anemia d. is rare due to physiologic adaptations that reduce iron losses in sweat and urine


Infants may be small, but they grow rapidly and have high nutrient needs. Proper nutrition is important to help support their unique needs for growth and development. Complete the sentence about an infant's nutrient needs. Recommendations for the infant diet ____________. a. include advice to begin a liquid iron supplement no later than 3 months of age b. are based on the nutrient composition of breast milk c. state that no more than 35% of energy intake should come from fat d. state that protein intake should make up at least 50% of energy requirements e. include a recommendation for 1 oz of fluid per pound of body weight


It takes the liver up to _____ hour(s) to metabolize one standard alcoholic drink. a. 1 b. 1.5 to 2 c. 3 to 4 d. 2.5 to 3


The absorption of alcohol by the body can be slowed by __________. a. walking around b. fatty food in the stomach c. drinking beer or wine instead of liquor d. being female


The female athlete triad consists of three conditions, including low energy availability/level, low bone density, and __________. a. rapid fluctuations in weight b. amenorrhea (menstrual disruption) c. sleep disruption d. bulimia


The optimal window for post-exercise recovery to replenish nutrients lost during training begins __________. a. anytime before your next workout b. within 30 minutes after exercise c. whenever you are hungry d. within four hours after training ends


To fuel physical activity, cells may use ATP and creatine phosphate stored in muscle, or they may rely on glycolysis or the TCA cycle to supply ATP. Which energy system is used, in turn, determines the extent to which each macronutrient (glucose, fatty acids, and/or amino acids) serves as fuel. Fill in the blank about the metabolic processes cells use to fuel physical activity. The primary fuel the body uses during a long event of low intensity (like a 4-hour walk) is ___________. a. stored adenosine triphosphate b. fatty acids c. amino acids d. creatine phosphate e. glucose


Which of the following families is LEAST likely to suffer from food insecurity in the United States? a. elderly couple with fixed income at 150% of the U.S. poverty threshold b. two-parent family with two school-age children in a city in the northeastern U.S. c. single African American mother of a high-school student d. single Hispanic father of two preschoolers


Which of the following is NOT a strategy to help toddlers develop healthy eating habits? a. Prepare and serve foods in fun ways. b. Reward meal completion with dessert. c. Provide small portion sizes. d. Include toddlers in food shopping and preparation


Which of the following sports is frequently associated with its female athletes being at risk for developing the female athlete triad? a. soccer b. gymnastics c. basketball d. field hockey


Which of the following statements about pediatric obesity is TRUE? a. About 45% of obese children maintain their higher weight as adults. b. About 17% of U.S. children and adolescents age 2 to 19 years are classified as obese. c. Because early intervention is not typically effective against pediatric obesity, pediatricians recommend delaying intervention until early to mid-adolescence. d. The prevalence of class 1, 2, and 3 obesity has declined modestly over the past decade.


Which of the following would NOT be good advice to give to a parent regarding the introduction of solids to their six-month-old infant? a. Introduce one new food at a time and watch for signs of allergies. b. Add honey to the infant's cereal and yogurt to improve acceptance of these new foods. c. Begin with pureed foods before advancing to soft foods and then to textured foods. d. Avoid seasoning foods with either salt or spices.


Women younger than 20 and older than 35 are both vulnerable to __________ during pregnancy. a. iron deficiency anemia b. hypertension c. gestational diabetes d. having a baby with Down syndrome


Worldwide, about how many people experience hunger? a. about 395 million b. about 795 million c. nearly 80 million d. about 1 billion


Introducing solid food to an infant is an important process, but should not be done before an infant is ready. There are also a variety of recommendations in place to help reduce the risk of food allergies and keep children safe from choking, digestive problems, bacterial infections, and nutritional deficiencies. Read each of the examples below, and choose those that describe an acceptable and/or recommended infant feeding method. Select all that apply. a. Brian was small for his age, so his parents began adding rice cereal to his bottle for extra calories when he was 2 months old. b. Nine-month-old Jackie loves apple juice, but her parents limit her intake to 4 oz of unsweetened juice per day. c. At 7 months old Jenny loved to eat, so her parents gave her a new food each day to make sure her diet contained a wide variety of foods. d. After testing each food individually for any allergic reactions, 10-month-old Eric's parents have been pureeing a small portion of their dinner each night to give to Eric. e. When Ethan was 8 months old, his parents added honey to his cereal to make it more palatable

b and d

Water contained in the food or drink you consume is absorbed from the digestive tract into the bloodstream. There are many routes by which water can then leave the body, resulting in water loss. Read the statements below and select the correct statements regarding water loss. Select all that apply. a. There is no water loss from stool excretion since all the water in stool gets absorbed by the large intestine. b. The greatest amount of water loss occurs via production of urine by the kidneys. c. Water loss through sweating is considered insensible water loss. d. Water loss through breathing (respiration) is a type of insensible water loss.

b and d

All of the following describe characteristics of the female athlete triad EXCEPT __________. a. menstrual dysfunction b. osteoporosis c. diabetes mellitus d. disordered eating


All of the following factors are thought to contribute to disordered eating behaviors EXCEPT __________. a. genetic factors b. peer relationships c. an individual's BMI in late childhood, prior to puberty d. media


As toddlers start exploring the world around them, their diet must support their rate of growth and activity. Their dietary needs include adequate calories, macronutrients, micronutrients, and fluid. Choose the correct statement about nutrient needs of toddlers. a. As infants enter the toddler stage, they no longer require dietary intake of the unsaturated fatty acids arachidonic acid (AA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). b. Toddlers' energy needs per kilogram of body weight are greater than that of infants. c. The most common nutrient deficiency in young children is iron deficiency. d. To ensure that toddlers meet their high carbohydrate requirements, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends no restriction on fruit juice intake between the ages of 1 and 6 years.


Being overweight and underweight are both concerning for older adults. Each is associated with unique health risks and may affect an older adult's quality of life. Choose the correct statement below about overweight and underweight in older adults. a. In the United States, about 20% of older adults are classified as obese. b. Older adults with dementia tend to gain weight. c. For older adults, being underweight may actually be more risky than being overweight. d. Thanks to advances in dental care, it is uncommon for older adults to lose weight due to problems with their teeth.


Currently, the best known treatment of eating disorders is __________. a. IV therapy b. a high-calorie, high-protein diet c. a team-management approach d. psychotropic medications


For recovery after an intense workout, a trained athlete should __________. a. drink Gatorade to replenish the electrolytes and fluid lost during the workout b. eat a meal in the form of a liquid rather than a solid, as liquids are absorbed faster than a solid meal c. consume fluids or foods that contain more carbohydrate than protein, fluid, and minerals including calcium and electrolytes to replenish nutrients lost during exercise d. eat a meal that contains twice as much protein as carbohydrate to recover muscle tissue broken down during training


It has been suggested that what percentage of neural tube defects could be prevented if all women of childbearing age consumed adequate amounts of folate or folic acid? a. 20 percent b. 30 percent c. 70 percent d. 50 percent


Over half of a healthy adult's weight comes from fluid. It is present as extracellular fluid (which includes tissue fluid, plasma, and lymph) or intracellular fluid. Complete the sentence below about body fluid. About two-thirds of our body fluid is known as _______________. a. intravascular fluid b. extracellular fluid c. intracellular fluid d. tissue fluid


Sodium is an essential nutrient but many adults consume very high levels of sodium and not enough potassium. Many researchers believe this high sodium-to-potassium ratio increases risk of hypertension. Choose the meal below that would be the best choice for a person trying to limit sodium while consuming adequate potassium. a. a lettuce and tomato salad topped with bacon and cheese, with regular tomato juice b. a ham and cheese sandwich with mayo and pickles and an apple c. a low-fat yogurt parfait with granola, sliced bananas, and dried apricots with water d. fast food French fries with bean chili and a soda


The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends the intake of fruit juice be limited to a maximum of how many fluid ounces per day for children 1 to 6 years of age? a. 8 b. 16 c. 6 d. 3


The condition of extreme energy deficit, causing tissue wasting, is known as a. malnutrition. b. pellagra. c. severe acute malnutrition (SAM). d. kwashiorkor.


The type of alcohol found in alcoholic beverages is _____. a. methyl b. isopropyl c. ethanol d. denatured


To improve fitness, a person needs to reach an appropriate "overload," or extra physical demand on the body. A good way to achieve this is to utilize the FITT principle when designing an exercise program. Choose the statement below that correctly describes the FITT principle. a. The "I" in FITT stands for "interval" training or alternating high-intensity periods with rest or low-intensity periods during the workout. b. Time of activity refers to the time of day in which the activity session occurs, like morning versus evening. c. Type of activity refers to the range of activities (such as running for cardiorespiratory fitness and yoga for flexibility) a person can participate in to promote health and fitness. d. Frequency refers to the number of times an activity is included in a workout.


Water plays an important role in solubility, transport, blood volume, blood pressure, and regulation of body temperature. Electrolytes help maintain fluid balance and assist with the generation of nerve impulses. Each of these contributions is essential for life and must remain in balance. Choose the correct statement about water and electrolytes. a. Water does not make a good solvent. b. Water has a low heat capacity. c. After a muscle fiber is stimulated by a nerve signal, a release of stored calcium ions leads to muscle contraction. d. Sodium influx into a nerve cell leads to an increase in negative charge and depolarization.


Which grouping of signs and symptoms is associated with anorexia nervosa? a. dental problems, eating most of a day's intake after the evening meal, and inflamed throat b. amenorrhea, gastroesophageal reflux disorder (GERD), and binge eating c. fear of gaining weight, amenorrhea, and nutrient deficiency d. obesity, elevated lipid levels, and frequent binging


Which of the following is NOT associated with binge-eating disorder? a. depression b. low self-esteem c. purging d. obesity


Which of the following statements about the effects of drinking alcohol is true? a. Alcohol is stored in the watery tissues of the body. b. Alcohol enhances deep, restful sleep. c. Alcohol depresses the central nervous system. d. Alcohol improves physical coordination.


Which of the following statements about treatment of eating disorders is true? a. There is no effective treatment for eating disorders. b. Anorexia nervosa is most effectively treated by force-feeding the patient. c. Nutrition counseling is an important aspect of effective inpatient and outpatient treatment for eating disorders. d. Patients with anorexia nervosa who are medically stable but underweight require immediate hospitalization.


Regular physical activity not only helps improve overall health and fitness, but it can also reduce the risk of developing certain chronic health conditions and can help manage existing health conditions. Complete the sentence about health benefits of regular physical activity. A regular physical activity regimen ___________. Select all that apply. a. is an effective treatment for severe depression b. eliminates the risk of heart disease and diabetes c. decreases the risk of obesity d. can improve sleep patterns and improve immune function

c and d

Breast-fed newborns need supplemental _____. a. iron b. fluids c. antibodies d. vitamin D


Bulimia nervosa is characterized by __________. a. self-starvation b. uncontrolled and unconscious eating at night c. extreme overeating (binging) with no compensatory behavior following it d. extreme overeating (binging) followed by compensating behavior (purging)


Devin frequently comes home from campus, eats dinner, then over the course of the evening's studying consumes whatever ready-to-eat food—cookies, ice cream, chips, breakfast cereal, etc.—is in the house. When the food runs out, she stops, brushes her teeth, and goes to bed disgusted with herself. Since the beginning of her first year in college, she has gained 45 pounds and charged hundreds of dollars on her credit card for sweets and snack foods. Devin would MOST likely be diagnosed with __________. a. anorexia nervosa b. bulimia nervosa c. disordered eating d. binge-eating disorder


Disordered eating is __________. a. a problem limited to film stars and other celebrities b. synonymous with eating behaviors c. a psychiatric condition that involves extreme body dissatisfaction and long-term eating patterns that negatively affect body functioning and can even threaten the person's life d. any of a variety of unusual eating behaviors that people use to control their body weight


Inadequate consumption of which of the following causes the most common nutrient deficiency in young children? a. calcium b. vitamin C c. folate d. iron


Optimal nutrition is important even before conception in order to __________. a. lose weight to attract a mate b. gain weight in preparation for pregnancy c. reduce overconsumption of folic acid d. develop healthy sperm and egg cells


The loss of the menstrual cycle among female athletes __________. a. is caused by higher than normal levels of estrogen and progesterone b. is a harmless, but a common side effect of intense training c. has no harmful physiologic consequence d. indicates the athletes are not eating enough to cover the energy costs of their training and daily living


Weight gain recommendations during pregnancy depend on a woman's weight status before conception and how many babies she is carrying. Risks are involved when a woman gains too little or too much weight during her pregnancy. Choose the statement below that correctly describes recommended weight gain for a pregnant woman carrying one baby. a. An underweight woman should gain 15 to 25 lb. b. A normal weight woman should gain 28 to 40 lb. c. An obese woman should gain 25 to 35 lb. d. An overweight woman should gain 15 to 25 lb.


What is the term for a situation in which people have unreliable access to sufficient nourishing food? a. food poverty b. food anxiety c. food shortage d. food insecurity


When your friend has had too much to drink and has passed out, it is usually safe to __________. a. let the person sleep it off b. let the person drive home as soon as he or she wakes up c. let the person stay at the scene of the party while you go home d. take the person to the hospital


Which of the following symptoms is characteristic of bulimia nervosa? a. intense fear of weight gain b. restrictive eating pattern c. frequent and uncompensated episodes of extreme overeating d. frequent episodes of extreme overeating followed by purging


With the onset of puberty, girls tend to gain __________ body fat and __________ muscle mass than boys. a. more, more b. less, more c. less, less d. more, less


- This state can occur as a result of severe diarrhea and vomiting, or abuse of diuretics. - Older adults, those with vigorous jobs, and individuals who are physically active are particularly at risk for this state.


If you are not consuming enough water, or if you are excreting too much water from your body, _________ can occur.


Charged ions such as sodium, potassium, and chloride are called


- This state can result in swelling of tissues, including the brain, and lead to seizures, coma, and death. - This state can occur when too much fluid (particularly pure water) is consumed in a short period of time.


The liquid that is between cells is called

interstitial fluid

The process by which water moves in and out of cells from an area of lower concentration of solutes to an area of higher concentration of solutes is called


The feeling of dry mouth experienced during dehydration is part of the body's

thirst mechanism

- This state occurs when enough fluid is consumed to allow for an equal concentration of electrolytes between the intra- and extracellular fluid compartments. - This state occurs when the thirst mechanism has been successful.

water balance

- Urine becomes lighter in color. - The fluid volume in blood is increasing. - Concentration of electrolytes outside the cells is decreasing compared to that inside the cells. - Net movement of water is into the cells.

water gain

- The thirst mechanism is triggered. - Urine becomes darker in color. - The fluid volume in the blood is decreasing. - Net movement of water is out of the cells.

water loss

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