Nutrition Chapter 1

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calorie, kilocalorie, C

-A _________ is the amount of heat (energy) needed to raise the temperature of 1 g (1 mL) of water 1°C --Small unit of measurement --*Food energy is reported in 1000-calorie units (kcals) -*A ___________ (or __alorie) is the heat energy needed to raise the temperature of 1000 g (1 L) of water 1°C

dietary, supplement, 1994, not

-A ___________ supplement is a product that contains a vitamin, mineral, herb or other plant product, an amino acid, or a dietary substance that supplements the diet by increasing total intake -The Dietary ________ Health and Education Act of ______ allows manufacturers to classify nutrient supplements and herbal products as foods --Do ________ undergo rigorous testing before being marketed


-An ______________ food supplies excessive calories from unhealthy types of fat, added sugar, (SoFAS) and/or alcohol --Not all energy-dense foods are empty-calorie foods -Examples include: --Candy --Snack chips --Alcoholic or sugar-sweetened drinks


-Concept 1: Most foods are __________ of nutrients -Concept 2: ____________, moderation, and balance can help ensure a diet's nutritional adequacy -Concept 3: ___________ is the best source of nutrients -Concept 4: Foods and the nutrients they contain are ______ cure-alls -Concept 5: ______ nutrition includes overnutrition as well as undernutrition -Concept 6: Nutrition is a _________ science

physical, subjective

-Deficiency disease: a state of health characterized by certain abnormal physiological changes that occur when the body lacks a nutrient --Signs: the _________ changes associated with a disease state that are observable or measurable --Symptoms: ____________ complaints of ill health that are difficult to observe and measure

physiological, metabolism

-Each nutrient has more than one ______________ role in the body -The body uses nutrients for: --Energy --Growth and development --Regulation of processes -Cells use nutrients to carry out metabolic activities -_____________ the total of all chemical processes that occur in living cells


-Environmental factors --Income --Location of home --Availability of food --Relationships --*_________


-Food is a basic human need for survival -___________: the life-sustaining substances found in food --•Necessary for growth, maintenance, and repair of the body's cells

habits, obesity

-Health experts are concerned with Americans' eating _______ --Poor dietary practices are associated with: ---________ ---Type 2 diabetes -To live longer, we must improve the nutritional quality of our diets

sensory, texture

-Humans rely on ________ information to develop personal food likes and dislikes: --Taste --__________ --Odor --Appearance

similar, less, fat, 50-70

-Men and women have ________ amounts of vitamins, minerals, and carbohydrates -Women have _____ water and protein and more _____ ____-____% of total weight is water

fruits, low, red, cheese

-Most Americans do not purchase recommended amounts of ________, vegetables, whole grains, fish, and ____-fat dairy products -Americans tend to purchase more than recommended amounts of ____ meats, candies, ________, sugary beverages, and refined grain products


-Most foods are sources of __________ fuels -Every cell in the body needs energy to carry out its activities -People need to consume energy in foods and beverages to survive

megadose, drugs, toxic, minerals

-Most foods do not contain toxic levels of vitamins and minerals -A ___________ is an amount of a vitamin or mineral that is very high, generally at least 10 times the recommended amount of the nutrient •When taken in high amounts, many vitamins behave like _______ and can produce unpleasant and even _________ side effects Compared to vitamins, ___________ generally have very narrow ranges of safe intakes


-Nutrients are sources of elements needed by the body to carry out its activities -_________ substances that cannot be separated into simpler substances by ordinary or physical means

genomics, lifestyle

-Risk factors: personal characteristics that increase a person's chances of developing a chronic disease --Genetic background- __________ --Family history --Unsafe environmental conditions --Psychological factors --Lack of access to health care --Advanced age --Unhealthy _________

diet, heart, cancer

-Several of the leading causes of death in the United States are ______-related -_________ disease and _________ make up about 50% of all deaths

4, 9, 4

-Step 1: Determine how many kcal are provided by each type of macronutrient --54 g carbohydrate × __ kcal/g = 216 kcal --15 g fat × __ kcal/g = 135 kcal --6 g protein × __ kcal/g = 24 kcal -Step 2: Add the individual kcal from macronutrients to determine the total --Total kcal = 216 kcal + 135 kcal + 24 kcal = 375 kcal

regulate, recall

-The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not _________ dietary supplements as strictly as prescription medications --If a supplement presents risk of harm, FDA alerts consumers and seeks to ________ product


-The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services issued Healthy People 2020 in 2011 --It includes national health promotion and disease prevention goals to be met by 2020 --Several nutrition-related objectives are included --Its major focus is to prevent ________ and chronic health problems

essential, food, water

-The body can use raw materials from food to synthesize many nutrients --Cholesterol --Fats -___________ nutrient: must be supplied by _______ because the body does not synthesize it or make enough to meet needs --_______ is the most essential nutrient


-To be considered an essential nutrient: --A ___________ disease results if the nutrient is missing --When added back to the diet, abnormal physiological changes are corrected --There is an explanation about why the abnormalities occurred when the substance was missing

4, 4, 9, 7

-To calculate the number of kcal in a diet, know the amounts of macronutrients and alcohol in the food and beverages --1 g of carbohydrates has __ kcal --1 g of protein has __ kcal --1 g of fat has __ kcal --1 g of alcohol has __ kcal


-To test a subject's need for vitamin C: --Subject avoids foods with vitamin C --Develops ________ ---Gums bleed when brushing teeth ---Wounds heal slowly --Foods with vitamin C are again incorporated --Signs and symptoms of scurvy disappear

chronic, diabetes

-________ diseases are long-term conditions that usually take many years to develop and have complex causes --Heart disease --__________ --Cancer


-________: a person's usual pattern of food choices -To eat well we should learn about: •The nutritional value of foods •The effects of diet on health •Changing our ingrained food-related behaviors

energy, kcal, 4.0

-_________ density refers to the amount of energy (_____) a food provides per given weight of the food (grams) --Fatty foods are more energy-dense because fat supplies the most energy per gram --Fruits and vegetables have low energy density because water supplies no energy for the body -Energy-dense food has a kcal-to-weight ratio of __.__ or higher -Although each of these portions of food supplies about 400 kcal, they differ in their energy density

medical, modified

-__________ nutrition therapies are nutritionally _________ diets for people with chronic health conditions --Can be planned by registered dieticians or registered dietitian nutritionists -Many factors are considered: --Current health status --Occupation --Food likes and dislikes --Budget --Support systems --Ability to access and prepare food

organic, inorganic

-__________: refers to compounds that contain carbon --Carbohydrates --Lipids --Proteins --Vitamins -_________: nutrients do not contain carbon --Minerals --Water

lifestyle, habits

-___________ a routine way of living --Dietary practices --Exercise _______ -A person's lifestyle may increase or reduce their chances of developing a chronic disease or delay their occurrence

nutrient, solid, sugars

-___________-dense food supplies more key beneficial nutrients in relation to total calories --Broccoli --Leafy greens --Fat-free milk --Oranges --Lean meats --Whole-grain cereals -Generally don't contain: _______ fats, added ________, refined starches, sodium

conditionally, conditions

-______________ essential nutrients are normally not essential but become essential under certain ____________: --Metabolic disorders --Serious illness --Prenatal development

macronutrients, grams, micronutrients, small

-_______________: nutrients that the body needs in large amounts- measured in ______ --Carbohydrates --Fats --Proteins -_______________: nutrients that the body needs in very _______ amounts- measured in mg/µg --Vitamins --Minerals

phytochemicals, healthful, beta

-_________________: substances in plants that are not nutrients but may have __________ benefits -Examples include caffeine and ______-carotene -Not all phytochemicals have beneficial effects: --Nicotine --Ricin --Oxalic acid

bomb calorimeter

A _________________ is a device used to measure the calorie content of foods and beverages

caregivers, broaden, health

Age Influences Food Choices: -Infants and young children --Rely on ___________ -Teenagers --More control over diet -Young adults --_________ food choices -Older adults --May have limited food choices due to _________ issues -"Gatekeepers"


Beverage Comparison: -Although equivalent amounts of fat-free milk and a sugar-sweetened soft drink have similar _______ contents, the milk contains considerably more protein, riboflavin, vitamin A, calcium, and phosphorus

external, hunger

Biological & Physiological Factors: -Age -Ability to perceive ________ sensory information --Taste --Smell --Texture -Internal sensations --__________ --Thirst

experiences, stress

Cognitive & Psychological Factors: -Cognitive factors --Past ____________ --Cultural practices --Religious teachings -Psychological factors --_______ level --Mood ---Depression ---Anxiety


Concept 1: -Most foods are mixtures of nutrients --_________ is the major nutrient in most foods-All foods have some nutritional value --Some are healthier than others

adequacy, balance

Concept 2: -Variety, moderation, and balance can help ensure a diet's nutritional _________ --Variety: a diet that contains foods from each food group --Moderation: eating reasonable amounts of each food --_________: a level of calorie intake that enables a person to maintain a healthy weight

food, phytochemicals, supplemental

Concept 3: -________ is the best source of nutrients --Reliable --Economical --Contains _________________ -Some individuals need higher amounts of vitamins and other nutrients than those found in food --In these cases, __________ nutrients may be required

not, functional

Concept 4: -Foods and the nutrients they contain are _____ cure-alls --Diet is only one aspect that influences a person's health -_________ foods are manufactured to boost nutrient intake or help manage specific health problems

malnutrition, knowledge, income, medical

Concept 5: -___________: a state of health that occurs when the body is improperly nourished --Overnutrition --Undernutrition -Nutritionally inadequate diets may be selected because of: --Lack of ___________ --Low or fixed _______ --Eating disorders --Alcohol or drug addiction --________ problems

dynamic, changing

Concept 6: -Nutrition is a _________ science --Researchers continue to explore the relationships between diet and health --Dietary practices and recommendations are constantly _________


MyPlate Food Groups: -People can add _______ to their diets by choosing different foods from each of these five food groups --Fruits --Grains --Vegetables --Protein --Dairy


Range of Safe Intake: -"More is not always better" -The _____________ dose of a nutrient is the amount of a nutrient that is within the range of safe intake and enables the body to function optimally


____% of the body is composed of five elements: •Oxygen •Carbon •Hydrogen •Nitrogen •Calcium


__________: the scientific study of nutrients and how the body uses them

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