Nutrition exam 4 terms

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Umbilical cord

the fetus is connected to the fetal circulatory system via the ___________, an extension of fetal blood vessels emerging from the fetus's navel; blood rich in oxygen and nutrients flows through the placenta and into the umbilical vein; wastes are excreted in blood returning from the fetus to the placenta via the umbilical arteries 490


the first fluid made nad secreted by the breasts from late pregnancy to abou a week after birth; it is rich in immune factors and protein 505


$7 million dollar cost annually in an organization 470


folate deficiency is associated with neural tube defects, such as ____________, a fatal defect in which brain tissue is partially or fully absent, and spina bifida 496

Neural tube

folate is required for the formation adn closure of the __________, an embryonic structure that eventually becomes the brain and spinal cord 496

eating and control issues

food should never be forced on a child because doing so sets the stage for _____________ later in life 533

thin strips/ wedges

foods should be soft and sliced into ____________ that are easy for children to grasp; as the child develops more teeth and becomes more coordinated, the range of food can expand 533


full-term infants are born with sufficient iron stores to last for apprximately the first 6 months of life; in older infants and toddles, however, iron is the mineral most likely to be deficient; iron deficiency __________ causes pallor, lethargy, and impaired growth 520

High yield varieties

semidwarf varities of plants that are unlikely to fall over in wind and havy rains and thus carry larger amounts of seeds, greatly increasing the yield per acre 469


serious and sometimes fata lillness caused by infection with the bacteria Listeria monocytogenes, typically from consumption of contaminated food 501

Morning sickness

there is no cure for __________; however, some women find the following strategies helpful for reducing its severity: eating small, frequent meals and snacks throughout the day consuming the majority of fluids between meals; frozen ice pops, water melon, gelatin desserts, and mild broths are some well- tolerated sources of fluid keeping snacks such as dry cereal or crackers at the bedside to ease nighttime queasiness or nausea before rinsing taking prenatal supplements at a time of day when vomiting is least likely avoiding sights, sounds, smells, and tastes that bring on or worsen queasiness 499

side effects of smoking

the _____________ include: addiction to nicotine, reduced rate of lung growth, impaired athletic performance and endurance, shortness of breath, early signs of heart disease and stroke, and increased risk for lung cancer and other smoking related cancers 545

Food and Agricultural Organization

the _____________ of the United Nations estimates that about 795 million people (one in nine people) worldwide are chronically undernourished, and 98% of these people live in developing nations 462


the average annual income for a contingent US farm worker is ____________; large farms are required to pay minimum wage, but small farms are not, and a majority of contingent farm workers live below the poverty line 467


the bacterium listeria monocytogenes, which causes _____________ is of particular concern to a pregnant woman and her fetus; __________ is the third leading cause of death from foodborne illness, and 90% of people who contract the disease are in highly vulnerable groups, including pregnant women; in the fetus, __________ can result in severe infection that triggers miscarriage or premature birth 501


the birth of a baby prior to 38 weeks gestation 492

5-8 cups of beverages

the daily fluid recommendations for childrne are about _____________ including drinking water; the exact amount of fluid needed varies according to a child's level of physical activity nad the weather conditions 536


the elderly (those 65 and above) number over 45 million and account for about ____________ of the American population 549

Spina bifida

the embryonic neural tube defect that occurs when the spinal vertebrae fail to completely enclose the spinal cord, allow it protrude 496

Global warming

the increase of about 1.5 degrees F in temperarature that has occurred near the Earth's surface over the past century 466


the inner portion of the __________, called the __________ has implanted into the uterine lining by day 10 of pregnancy 489

.95 g/kg

the protein recommendation for boys and girls is _____________ per day; lean meats, fish, poultry, lower fat dairy products, soy-based foods, and legumes are nutritious sources of protein that can be provided to chidlren of all ages 536

3 days

the pysical activity guidelines for Americans recommend bone-strengthening activities for children at least __________each week 548


the third month of pregnancy marks the transition from embryo to ___________; to support its dramatic growth, the ________ requires abundant nutrietnts from the placenta; it is connected to the fetal circulatory system via the umbilcal cord 490

Green revolution

the tremendous increase in global productivity between 1944 and 2000 due to selective cross breeding or hybridization to produce high yield grains and industrial farming techniques 468-9


the uniting of an ovum and sperm to create a fertilized egg, or zygote; aka fertilization


the use of five or more prescription drugs at any time

Food diversity

the variety of different species of food crops available 469

Fetal adaptation

____________ occurs when a fetus exposed to a stressful environment, such as maternal starvation or malnutrition, goes into survival mode; fetal production of hormones shifts in favor of those that promote energy storage, the activity of certain enzymes may change, and the size and functioning of body organs such as the liver ,kidney, and pancreas are affected; there may even be changes in the expression of certain genes; although these adaptations enable the fetus to survive the harmful prenatal environment, these same hormonal, enzymatic, organ, and genetic changes may contribute to the development of chronic diseases over the life span 525


____________ of full time workers in the US receive government assistance; in essence, this means that the average american taxpayer is subsidizing grocery stores, fast-food chains, and other food-service coroporations, making up the difference in the inadequate wages individuals pay their employees 468

Older women

____________ typically have reduced fertility and an increased risk for miscarriage, stillbirth, gestational diabetes, and hypertension; the risk for chromosomal and other birth defects is also increased; however, on average, older women have higher incomes and more education that younger women, and these can support a healthy pregnancy 502

Both boys and girls, age 9-18

The RDA for calcium is 1300 mg for which fo the following groups?

Infant mortality

a population's rate of death of infants between birth and 1 year of age

Macular degeneration

a vision disorder characterized by deterioration of the macula, the central portion of the retina, and marked by loss or disrotion of the center of the visual field 556

Intermittent fasting

___________, also known as every other day feeding, alternate day fasting, or time restricted feeding, does not reduced average energy intake but simply alters the pattern of food intake; these approaches been shown, in animals, to prolonge life span and improve a range of metabolic measures of health; although not as well stuided as CR, ADF, for example, has produced beneficial changes in metabolic profile including blood lipid levels 564


____________ is the ability to satisfy humanity's basic needs now and in the future without undermining the natural resource base and environmental quality on which life depends; whereas some people view sustainability as a lofty but impractical ideal, others point out that it's a necessary condition of human survival; that's because sustainable practices can reduce pollution of our air, soil, and water and preserve resources for future generations 468


$10.3 million dollar cost annually in an organization 470

Food manufactures

$18.3 million dollar cost annually in an organization 470


$2.9 million dollar cost annually in an organization 470

beer, wine, and liquor

$25 million dollar cost annually in an organization 470


Agriculture ranks as one of hte most dangerous industires, with a fatality rate 7 times higher than the average for all workers in private industry; on average, more than 100 youths die each year from farm labor injuries; deaths are most commonly due to when a tractor overturns or other trautmatic injuries 467

None of the above

After 6 months of age, it is safe and healthful to give infants

The prevelance of obesity declines after 75

Among older adults

The epiphyseal plates close

An adolescent continues to grow in height until

Basal mebatolic rate

Babies' ____________ are high, in part because their body surface area is large compared to their body size; still, their limited physical activity keeps total energy expenditure relatively low; for the first few months of live, their activites consist maily of eating and sleeping 512

Harmful effects of livestock

Depeltion of topsoil due to erosion from heavy tilling leading to desertification of once-arable land pollution of soils and water from salt build-up due to excessive irrigation, pesticide and fertilizer residues, animal waste, and other un-off, leading to loss of clean water and abandonment of once arable land 469

Neural tube defects

Folate deficiency in the first weeks after conception has been linked with which of the following problems in the newborn


Which of the following micronutrients should be added to the diet of breast fed infants when they are around 6 months of age

Infant mortality

SAM also dramatically increases a population's rate of _________, the death of infants between birth and 1 year

Maternal mortality

SAM also dramatically increases a population's rate of __________ (deaths of a woman during pregnancy, childbirth, or in the immediate postpartal period 481

Unequal distribution of food, largely because of poverty

The leading cause of longstanding hunger in a region is

A pint of strawberries you pick yourself at an organic farm

Which of the following purchase would optimally support food equity, sustainability, and quality

Lactating women need more Calories than pregnant women

Which of the following statements about maternal lnutritio nis true?

The US food industry produces about twice as many caloreis per capita per year than Americans require

Which of the following statements about the food industry is true

It has dramatically increased food security throughout South America, Asia, and Africa

Which of the following statements about the green revolution nis true

Certai nproteins in breast milk help protect the newborn from infection

Which of the following statemnts about breast milk is ture

first trimester

during the ___________, a woman should conume approximately the same number of calories daily as during her nonpregnant days; instead of eating more; she should attempt to maximize hte nutrient density of what she eats 495


True or false? Adults over age 65 years are at greatest risk for food insecurity in the US


True or false? Crop rotation and terracing are farming methods used in sustainable agriculture


True or false? If gestational diabetes is uncontrolled, the fetus may not receive enough glucose and may be born small for gestational age.


True or false? Major developmental errors and birth defects are most likely to occur in the first trimester of pregnancy


True or false? Mortality rates are higher in the underweight elderly than in the overweight elderly.


True or false? The blackberries on your morning cereal could have been harvested by a 12 year old.


True or false? The food choice patterns of children are heavily influenced by the food choices of their parents

Between 1990-92 and 2014-16, the share of under nourished people worldwide fell by nearly 45%

Which fo the following statements about food insecurity is true

A majority of contingent farm workers in the US live below the poverty line

Which fo the following statements about food system labor is true

None of the above is true

Which fo the following statements about pediatric obesity is true?

Children require a diet providing between 25% to 35% of total energy as fat

Which hof the following statements about the nutrient needs of preschool and school age children is true?

Class 3 obesity

_________ is a BMI greater than or equal to 140% of the 95th percentile or a BMI greater than or equal to 40; approximately 2% of US children meet the criteria for ____________ 547


_________ women need to be more vigilant than usualy about their intake of nutrients that are derived primarily or wholly from animal products; these include vitmain D, riboflavin, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, calcium, iron, and zinc as well as EPA and DHA; supplements containing these nutrients are usually necessary 503


__________ can induce acute food shortages when tehy interfere with planting or harvest times, when they destroy standing crops, or when popualtions are forced to flee 464

vitamin A

______ requirements are the same for adults of all ages; however, older adults should be careful not to consume more than the RDA becasue the absorption of ___________ is actually greater in older adults; thus, this group is at greater risk for _________ toxicity, which can cause liver damage and neurologic problems 554


________ improves muscle tone, strength, and endurance 503

Urinary tract infection

abacterial infection of the urethra, the tube leading from the bladder to the body exterior 498

Severe acute malnutrition

about 51 million children worldwide don't weigh enough for their height; this is because they suffer from ____________, a condition in which energy intake is so inadequate that the child experiences wasting 481


about ________ of the agriculture workfore is contingent, up from 14% in hte early 1990s; often referred to as migrant workers 467


about __________ of the world's hungry people live in Asia, and sub-Saharan Africa--the region with the highest prevalence of hungry people--23% accounts for almost 28% 462


about once each month, a nonpregnant woman of childbearing age experiences ___________, the reelase of an ovum from an ovary; the ovum is then drawn into the uterine tube 489

14 g

adequate fiber is important for toddles to maintain bowel regularity; the adequate intake is _________ of fiber per 1000 kcal of energy, or, on average, 19 g/ day 531


adolescence is a critical time to support the achievement of optimal peak bone density; the RDA for ___________ for adolescents 14 to 18 years of age therefore increases to 1300 mg/day; this amount of ____________ can be difficult for adolescents to consume if they don't follow a healthful eating pattern; milk is the leading food source of both ___________ and vitamin D, yet average milk intake has decreased significantly over the past decade 542


adopting a healthful diet prior to conception includes the avoidance of alcohol, illegal drugs, and otehr known _________, substances that can cause birth defects; women should also consult their healthcare provider about their consumption of caffeine, medications, herbs, adn supplements, and if they smoke they should attempt to qut


an substance that can cause a birth defect


any one of three stages of pregnancy, each lasting 13-14 weeks 489

Cash crops

crops grown to be sold rather than eaten, such as cotton or tobacco 465

Dental caries

dental erosion and decay caused by acid secreting bacteria in the mouth and on the teeth; the acid produced is aby product of bacteria metabolism of carbohydrates deposited on the teeth 520

Low birth weight

having a weight of less than 5.5 pounds at birth 492

minimize/ skip

hectic morning schedules cause many children to ______________ breakfast completely 538

Sustainable agriculture

in response to the new environmental problems and loss of food diveristy associated with industrial agriculture, a new global movement toward ____________ has evolved; the goal of ________ is to develop, local, site-specific farming methods that improve soil conservation, crop yields, and food security 472

10 kcal and 7 kcal

it is estimated that total daily energy expenditure decreases approximately ________ each year for men and ________ each year for women ages 19 and older 552


may cause weight gain as a result of increased appetite 557

antiretroviral agents

reduce absorption of most nutrients 557


reduce the activity of vitamin K 557


reduces lower back pain and shortens the duration of active labor 503

Sustainable agriculture

term referring to techniques of food production that preserve the environment indenftify 472

14 g/ 1000 kcal

the AI for fiber for children is ____________ of energy consumed 536

Food insecurity

unreliable access to a suffienct supply of nourishing food 462

1 year

when a child reaches the age of _________, whole cow's milk can be given 531

2 years

when a child reaches the age of __________, the child can begin to receive reduced fat-milk 531

350 to 450 kcal/ day

During the last two trimesters of pregnancy, about how many extra calories per day does a woman need over her pre pregnancy intake

The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program

Of the following federal programs, which provides food assistance to low income individuals of all ages

Green revolution

WWII led to innovations in industrial technology, engineering, and chemistry; after the war ended, these innovations were directed toward agriculture, specifically toward increasing worldwide food production to meet the food needs of a dramatically increasing postwar population; together the new technologies and practices because known as the ____________, a massive program that has led to improved seed quality, fertilizers, pesticides, and farming techniques, which have boosted crop yields throughout the world 458-9

A ½ cup of iron fortified cooked oat cereal, 2 tsp of mashed pineapple, and 1 cup of whoel milk

Which of the following breakfasts would be most appropriate to serve a 20 month old child?

All of the above occur with normal aging

Which of the following events occurs with normal aging?


Which of the following hormones is responsible for the letdown response?

Keep dry cereal or crackers at the bedside to ease nighttime and morning nausea

Which of the following is a valid recommendation for reducing symptoms of morning sickness?

Iron and zinc

Which of the following is most likely to be deficient in the diet of a vegetarian toddler


________ needs decrease with aging; this decrease is primarily due to reduced muscle and lean tissue in both men and women and the cessation of menstruation in women; the decreased need for _______ in older men is not significant enough to change the recommendations for iron intake in this group; thus, the RDA for iron is the same for older and younger men, 8 mg/day 554


________ of pregnant women in the US report having used illicit drugs 504


________, which causes AIDS, cna be transmitted from mothe rto baby through breast milk; thus, ________ positive women in the US and canada are encouraged to feed their infants formula; this recommendation does not apply to all women worldwide; however, because the low cost of sanitary nature of breast milk, as compared to the potential for waterborne diseases with formula feeding, often make breastfeeding the beste choice for woemn in developing countries 512


_________ enhances posture and balance 503

Class 2 obesity

_________ is a BMI greater than or equal to 120% of the 95th percentile or a GMI greater than or equal to 35; approximately 6% of US children meet the criteria for ___________547

gastroesophageal reflux

__________ is common during pregnancy because pregnancy related hormones relax the smooth muscle of the lower esophagus; during the last two trimesters, the enlarging uterus pushes up on the stomach, worsening the problem 500

vitamin A

__________ is critical to support the rapid growth and development that occur during adolescence; the RDA for _________ is 900 ug/day for boys and 700 ug/day for girls ages 14-18 years; the RDA can be met by consuming at least 5 servings of dark green, yellow, and orange fruits and vegetables each day 542

vitamin B12

__________ is vital during pregnancy because it regenerates the active form of folate; not suprisingly, deficiencies of vitamin B12 can also result in macrocytic anemia; yet the RDA for vitamin B12 for pregnant women is only 2.6 ug per day, a mere 8% iacrease over the RDA of 2.4 ug per day for nonpregnant women 496


___________ and lack of healthcare resources to fight disease reduce the work capacity of individuals, and this in turn reduces their ability to ward off poverty and malnutrition; this economic phenomenon is demonstrated by the AIDS epidemic; the WHO reports that there were nearly 37 million people living with HIV at the end of 2014; that year, about 2.3 million people died from AIDS; HIV is most likely to affect young, sexually active adults who are the primary wage earners in their families 466

vitamin A

___________ deficiency is the leading cause of blindness in children; an estimated 250 million children worldwide are vitamin A deficient; in addition, because vitamin A supports immune function, these children are highly vulnerable to severe, often fatal infections 482


___________ helps prevent excessive prenatal weight and body fat gain 503


___________ is characterized by a sudden increase in maternal blood pressure, edema, which leads to excessive and rapid weight gain unrelated to food intake, and protein in the urine; if left untreated, it can progress to eclampsia, a very serious condition characterized by seizures, kidney failure, and potentially, fetal and/or maternal death; no one knows exactly what causes the various hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, but some deficiencies in dietary protein, vitamin C, vitamin E, calcium, and magnesium seem to increase the risk; other risk factors include first pregnancy, age over 40, African American race, obesity, diabetes, multiferal pregnancy, and family history of ____________ 501

Gestational diabetes

___________ is increasingly common in hte US, diagnosed in as many as 10% of US pregnancies; it is generally a temporary condition in which a pregnant woman is unable to produce sufficient insulin or becomes insulin resistant, resulting in elevated levels of blood glucose; screening for ___________ is a routine aspect of prenatal care because the symptoms, which include frequent urination, fatigue, and an increase in thirst and appetite, appear to be the same as normal pregnancy symptoms 500

Iron deficiency

___________ is the most common micronutrient deficiency in the world; although it occurs in both males and females of all ages, it is more prevalent in pregnant women and young children because of the demands of fetal ahd childhood growth; ___________ contributes to 20% of maternal deaths 481

iron deficiency anemia

___________ is the most common nutrient deficiency in young children in the US and around the world; ___________ can affect a child's energy level, attention span, and mood; the __________ for iorn for toddlers is 7 mg/day 531


___________ needs increase signfiicantly during pregnancy, but the RDA of 220 ug per day is easy to achieve by using a modest amount of iodized salt during cooking 498

Vitamin A

___________ needs to increase during pregnancy by about 10%, to 770 ug per day; however, excess preformed ________ can cause fetal abnormalities, particularly hear defects and facal malformations; a well-balanced diet supplies sufficient _________, so supplementation during pregnancy is not recommended 497

carbohydrate intake

___________ should be at least 175 g per day 495


___________, a stimulant found primarily in coffee, tea, soft drinks, and chocolate, crosses the placenta and thus reaches the fetus; current thinking holds that women who conume less than about 200-300 mg per day are very likely casuing no harm to the fetus; however, some studies have linked maternal intakes as low as 100 mg per day to an increased risk for miscarriage, stillbirth, preterm birth, and decreased birth weight 504

Dental caries

___________, or cavities, occur when bacteria in the mouth feed on carbohydrate sdeposited on teeth; as a result of metabolizing the carbs, the bacteria then secrete acid, which begins to erode tooth enamel, leading to tooth decay; the development of __________ can be minimized by limiting intake of sweets, especially those such as jelly beans that stick to teeth 539

Morning sickness

___________, or nausea and vomiting of pregnancy is a condition characterized by varying degrees of nausea, from occasional mild queasiness to constant nausea with bouts of vomiting; in truth, _____________ is not an appropriate term becasue the nausea and vomiting can begin at any time of the day and may last all day; ________ usually peaks between weeks 8 and 12, then resolves by weeks 12 to 16, but some women experiecne it throughout hte pregnancy; usually hte mother and fetus do not suffer lasting harm; however __________ can become threatening in women who experience such frequent vomiting that they are unable to nourish or hydrate themselves or their fetus adequately 499


___________, though a municipal water supply, through fluoridate toothpase or mouthwash, or through supplements, also helps deter the development of dental caries 540


____________ reduces the risk of gestational diabetes and preeclampsia 503


____________ reduces the risk of preterm birth and large-for-gestational age infants 503

Macular degeneration

_____________ is damage to the macula, the portion of teh retina of the eye that enables us to see the center of the visual field and to see details; affecting mroe than 1.75 million US adults, it is the leading cause of blindness in the elderly 556

Vitamin C

_____________ is necessary for the synthesis of collagen, a component of connective tissue and part of the organic matrix of bones; the RDA for vitamin C during pregnancy is increasde by a little mor ethan 10% over the RDA for nonpregnant women 496

Global warming

_____________ is the general term used for hte increase of about 1.5 degrees F in temperature that has occured near the earth's surface over the past century; the great majority of climate scientists agree that it has been caused by human activities that have released large amounts of carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping green house gases into the atmosphere; _________ is, in turn, the most significant factor contributing to climate change 466


_____________, the production of breast milk is a process that is set in motion during pregnancy in response to estrogen and progesterone, which are produced by the placenta; in addition to performing various functions to maintain the pregnancy, these hormones prepare the breasts physically for lactation; the breasts increase in size, and milk-producing glands and milk ducts are formed 505

contingent farm workers

______________ housing is often overcrowded and substandard, with some units lacking electricity, toilets, and running water 467


a _________ is a cloudiness in the lens of the eye; this condition affects 20% of audlts in their 60s and almsot 70% of those in their 80s 556


a ___________ is a severe food shortage affecting a large percentage of the population in a limited geographic area at a particular time; _________ have occurred throughout human history and typically result from a combination of factors, including weather events adn human miscalculations 464

healthful diet and physical activity

a _____________ can help women achieve and maintain an optimal body weight prior to pregnancy; women with a prepregnancy BMI between 19.8 and 26 have the best chance of a successful pregnancy; women who are under-or overwight are at greater risk for infertility as well as complications when pregnacy does occur


a bacerium called ____________ can contaminate powdered infant formulas; it causes several cases of sepsis and often fatal meningitis in infants each year 510


a balanced, nourishing diet is important throughout __________, the period from conception to birth, to provide the nutrients needed to support fetal development without depriving the mother of the nutrients she needs to maintain her own health 488

Gestational diabetes

a condition nof insufficient insulin production or insulin resistance that results in consistently high blood glucose levels, specifically during pregnancy; the condition typically resolves after birth occurs 500


a condition of incosolabe infant crying that lasts for hours at a time 519

Stunted growth

a condition of shorter stature than expected for chronological age, often defined as 2 or more standard deviations below the mean reference value 481


a damaged portion of the eye's lens, which causes cloudiness that impairs vision


a fatal neural tube defect in which there is partial absence of brain tissue, most likely caused by failure of the neural tube to close 496


a fertilized ovum consisting of a single cell 489


a full term pregnancy lasts 38-42 weeks and is divided into three __________, with each _________ lasting about 13-14 weeks 489

Food desert

a geographic area where people lack access to fresh, healthful, and affordable food 484


a lower than expected body weight caused by severe acute malnutrition 481

Spina bifida

a neural tube disease in which a portion of the spinal cord protrudes through the spinal vertebrae, causing varying degrees of paralysis; adequate folate intake does not guarantee normal neural tube development because the precise cause is unknown 496


a physical condition of very low body weight for height or extreme thinness 481

Maternal mortality

a population's rate of deaths of a woman during pregnancy, childbirth, or in the immediate postpartal period 481

Calorie restriction

a practice known as _________ has been getting a great deal of press lately; _______ involves consuming 20-30% fewer calories than would be typical for your weight, body composition, and level of activity, while still getting enough nutrients to keep your body functioning in good health 563


a pregnancy-specific organ formed from both maternal and embryonic tissues; it is responsible for oxygen, nutrient, and waste exchange between mother and fetus 490


a severe food shortage affecting a large percentage of the population in a limited geographic area at a particular time 464


a singly crop species cultivated over a large area 469

Excessive polypharmacy

a small, but significant number of older adults use 10 or more medications, a practice known as ___________; the more medications older adults take, the greater their risk for cognitive decline, falls, drug-drug interactions, medication errors, and rehospitilization 557

Severe acute malnutrition

a state of severe energy deficit defined as weight for height more than 3 standard deviations below the mean, or the presence of nutrition related edema 481


a surprising number of prgnant women crave nonfoods, such as laundry starch and clay; this craving, called __________ can result in nutritional or health problems for the mother and fetus 500

two factors behind nutrition paradox

a tend toward decreased physical activity due to the increasingly sedentary nature of many forms of work, changing modes of transportation, and increasing urbanization a global shift toward increased consumption of energy dense foods high in saturated fats and added sugars but low in micronutrients and fiber

Fair trade

a trading partnership promoting equity in international trading relationships and contributing to sustainable development by securing the rights of marginalized producers and workers 474

Salmonella enteriditis

a virus, _____________, and other foodborne microbes can contaminate produce during harvesting, and meat during processing 468

geriatric failure to thrive

aka the dwindles, illustrates the complexity of inapproriate age-related weight loss and related health issues 555


although _______ recommendations are the same for all adults, it is a critical nutrient for optimizing immune function and wound healing in older adults; _______ intake can be inadequate in older adults for the same reasons that heme iron intake may be deficient: red meats, poultry, and fish are relatively expensive, and older adults may have a difficult time chewing meats because of loss of teeth and/or the use of dentures 554

Food insecurity

although a variety of factors contribute to disparities in infant mortality, body weight, and life expectancy, one of the most important is a population's level of __________, unreliable access to a sufficient supply of nourishing food; globally, the greatest health disparities are found between populations that are impoverished and those with a dependable supply of nourishing food 462

Vitamins C and E

although it is though that older adults have increased oxidation stress, the recommendations for the antioxidant vitamins ___________ are the same as for younger adults 554


although some people believe we ________ what we need, scientific evidence is lacking; it is more likely that __________ during pregnancy are due to hormonal fluctuations or physiologic changes or have familial or cultural roots; most _______ are, of course, for edible substances 500


although the dangers of __________ are well known, about 10% of pregnant women smoke during pregnancy; maternal ___________ exposes the fetus to toxins such as lead, cadmium, cyanide, nicotine, and carbon monoxide; fetal blood flow is reduced, which limits the delivery of oxygen and nutrients, resulting in impaired fetal growth and development; maternal _________ increases the risk kfor miscarriage, stillbirth, placental abnormailities, preterm delivrey, and low birth weight; rates of sudden infant death syndrome, respiratory illness, and allergiesare higher in the infants and children of smokers compared to those of nonsmokers 504

total energy

although the energy requirement per kilogram of body weight for toddles is slightly less than for infants, ___________ requirements are higher because toddlers are larger and much more active than infants 530


although there is no consensus on the exact age range corresponding to the term adolesence, this life stage begins with the onset of _________, the period in life which seondary sexual characteristics develop and we become capable of reporducing, and continues through the age of 18; the nutritional needs of adolescents are influenced by their rapid growth in height, increased weight, changes in body composition, and individual levels of physical activity 541

adequate, nourishing diet

an ________________ is one of the most important variables under a woman's contro lfor increasing hte chances for borth of a mature newborn; proper nutrition also increases the likelihood that hte newborn's weight will be appropriate for his or her gestational age; generally, a birth weight of at least 5.5 pounds is considered a marker of a successful pregnancy 492


an abnormal carving to eat nonfood substances such as clay, paint, or chalk 500


an area is said to experience ____________ when its resources are insufficient to support the number of peopole living there; in parts of the world with fertile land and adequate rainfall or irrigation systems to support abundant harvets, food shortages rarely happen; however, in mroe aird climates, especially in areas with high birthrates and low access to imported foods, seasonal and chronic food shortages are common; clean water, clean air, arable land, safe housing, jobs, health care, quality education, and many other resources can be insufficient for the population's needs 465

Low birth weight

an undernourished mother who gains too little weight during her pregnancy is more likely to give birth to a _____________ baby than a woman with appropriate nutritional intake; an infant weighing less than 2,500 g at birth is considered to be of low borth weight and an infant weighing less than 1500 g is termed very low birth weight; both groups are at increased risk for infection, learning disabilities, impaired physical development, and death in the first year of life 492


another concern related to appearance is teh acne flare-ups that plague many adolescents; the hormonal changes that occur during puberty are lergely responsible, although stress, genetic factors, and personal hygene may be secondary contributors 545


another nutrition-related concern for children is an inadequate intake of ____________; adequate __________ is necessary to achieve optimal bone density as well as for numerous other critical body and cell functions; because peak bone mass is achieved by the late teens or ealry 20s, inadequate __________ during childhood and adolescence can set the stage for poor bone health and potentially osteoporosis in later years 540

Climate change

any significant change in the measures of climate such as temperature, precipitation, or wind pattenrs—that occurs over several decades or longer 466

Stunted growth

approxixmately 161 million of the world's children also experience __________; they are shorter than expected for their age; __________ occurs when energy intake or specific nutrietns are inadequate to sustain normal linear growth; in some impoverished communities, the great majority of residents are very short and small; thus community members may not percieve their stunted growth as unusual or recognize it as a sign of undernourishment 481


as many as ________ of pregnant women in the US abuse prescription medications 504

cow's milk, goat's milk, and blant based milk alternatives

as noted earlire, these milks do not have a nutrient profile that meets infnat's needs; infants can begin to consume them after the age of 1 year; infants nad toddles should not be given reduced-fat milks before the age of 2 because tehy do not contain enough fat; infants hsould not be given evaportted milk or sweetened condensed milk 519

High yield varieties

as part of the Green Revolution, for example, new ____________ of grain were produced by cross-breeding plants and sleecting for the most desirable traits; the first _____________ were rice and wheat, but now corn, beans, anf many other crops are ____________ 469


at birth, the suppressive effect of estrogen adn progesterone ends, and prolactin is free to stimulate milk production; the first substance released ________, sometimes called pre-milk or first milk; it is thick, yellowish in color, and rich in protein and micronutrients, and it include santibiodiesthat help protect the newborn of infection; _____________ also contains a factor that fosters the growth of a particular species of friendly bacteria in the infant gastrointesitnal tract 505


at higher risk for food insecurity are households with incomes below 185% of the official US poverty threshold, families consisting of single mothers or fathers and their children, African American households, and Hispanic households 463

folate intake

because folate is necessary for cell division, it follows that, during a time when both maternal and fetal cells are dividing rapidly, the requirement for this vitamin increases; adequate folate intake is especially critical during the first 28 days after conception when it is required for the formation and closure of the neural tube 496


breast fed infants are knwon to have a different profile of gastrointestional flora compared to formula-fed infants; they have greater numbers of health-promoting ____________ and lower counts of infection-producing bacteria; moreover, it is though that the microbiome of breast-fed intants reduces future risk of obesity as well as protecting agaisnt infections and diabetes 510


breastfeeding is among the most intimate of human interactions; ideally, it is a quiet time away form distractions when the mother and baby begin to develop an enduring bond of affection known as ___________ 510

foods healthful for you and the environment

buy organic foods to reduce the use of synthetic pesticides and fertilizers; buy produce from a local farmers market to encourage greater local availability of fresh foods; this reduces the costs and resources devoted to distribution, transport, and storage choose whole or less processed versions of packaged foods; this necourages their increased production and saves energy look to see if your grocery store displays candy and other junk foods at childrne's eye level--for example, beside the check out line; if it does, complain to the store manager avoid empty- calorie foods nad beverages when your're shoping and eating out to discourage their profitability 475


by the end of the _________ stage, about 8 weeks postconception, the embryo's tissues and organs have differentiated dramatically; a primitive skeleton has formed and muscles have begun to develop, making movement possible; a primitive heart has begun to beat, and the digestive organs are becoming distinct; the brain has differnetiated, and the head has a mouth, eyespots with eyelids, and primitive ears 490


by the fourth week of pregnancy, a primitive ___________ has formed in the uterus from both embryonic and maternal tissue; within a few more weeks, the ___________ will be a fully functioning organ through which the mother will provide nutrients and remove fetal wastes 490

confined animal feeding operations

cattle, pigs, and chickens are now increasingly raised in huge and crowded _____________ there their movement is restricted and they are fattneed with high-energy feed often containing growth hormones and--until recently banned in the US by the FDA--growth promoting antibiotics

vitamins D and B12

children consuming strict vegan diets are at risk for deficiencies of both of these vitamins; some cereals and soymilks are fortified with _____________; however, toddlers may still need a _________ containing supplement; __________ is not available in any amount form plant foods nad must be obtained from fortified foods such as soymilk or from other supplements 534

2-4 inches

children grow at a slow and steady rate, averaging __________ per year until the rapid growth of adolesence begins 535


children who consume no milk, yogurt, or cheese are at risk for ___________ deficiency; as wigh protein, few children can consume enough calcium from plant sources to meet their daily requirement; although most brands of soymilk and other milk alternatives nad certain fruit juices nad cereals are now fortified with calcium, supplementation may be necessary 534

impacts on seafood availability

climate change is reducing the abundance and distribution of seafood in tropical and temperatre regions 466


colostrium has a laxative effect in infants, helping the infant expel __________, the sticky first stool 505


condition in which a region's available resources are insufficient to support the number of people living there 465

milk production

continued, sustained breast ____________ depends entirely on infant suckling; infant suckling stimulates continued production of prolactin, which in turn stimulates more milk production; the longer and more vigorous the feeding; the more milk will be produced

poverty obesity paradox

could poverty be an independent risk factor for obesity? even among established populations in developed natioons, some research has suggested a _______________ in which obesity is more prevalent in low income populations; in the US, for example, studies following children over time have found that a reduction in family income during early childhood increases the child's risk for becoming overweight or obese, whereas a shift to a higher family income increases the likelihood of weight loss 484

Harmful effects of livestock

depletion of ground water supplies from irrigation techniques requiring heavy water consumption development of insecticide-resistant species of insects and herbicide-resistant varieties of weeds resulting from intensitifed use of agrochemical products increased release of greenhouse gases from increasing mechanized production adn from methane released from animals in CAFOs 469

Vitamin D

despite the role of ___________ in calcium absorption, the RDA for this nutrient does not increase during pregnancy; pregnant women who recieve adequate exposure to sunlight do not __________ supplements; however, pregnant women with darkly pigmented skin and/or limited sun exposure who do not regularly drink _______________ fortified milk will benefit from vitamin D supplementation; most prenatal vitamin supplements contain 10 ug per day of vitamin D, which is considered safe and acceptable; pregnant women should avoid consuming excessive ___________ because toxicity can cause developmental disability in the newborn 497


difficulty swallowing, clinically known as __________, can also result from a stroke or a condition such as Parkinsonism; smooth, thick foods, such as cream soups, applesauce, milkshakes, fruit nectars, yogurt, and puddings are usually well tolerated 550

Urinary tract infection

drinking adequate fluid also helps combat two common discomforts of pregnancy: fluid retention, and possible constipation; drinking lots of fluids may also lower the risk for ______________, which are common in pregnancy 498

protein intake

during pregnancy, protein needs increase to 1.1 g per day per kg of body weight 495


improves mood, energy level, sleep patterns 503


during pregnancy, the AI for ___________ is the same as for a nonpregnany adult woman, or 1500 mg per day ; although too much ___________ is associated with fluid retention, bloating, and high blood pressure, and increase in body fluids is a normal and necessary part of pregnancy, and as during any life stage, some ___________ is necessary to maintain fluid and electrolyte balance 498


during pregnany, the demand for red blood cells increases to accommodate the needs of the mother's expanded blood volume, the growing uterus, the placenta, and the fetus itself; thus, more _________ is needed; fetal demand for ___________ increases even further during the last trimester, when the fetus stores iron for use during the first few months of life 497

last two trimesters

during the __________ of pregnancy, calrotic needs increase by about 350-450 kcal per day; at the same time, some vitamin and mineral needs increase by as much as 50%, so again, the key for geetting adequate micronutrients while not consuming too many extra calories is choosing nutrient dense foods 495

third trimester

during the ___________ (weeks 28-birth), the fetus gains nearly half its body length and three quarters of its body weight; average birth length is approximately 18-22 inches and average birth weight about 7.5 pounds; brain growth (which continues to be rapid for the next two years of life) is also quite remarkable and the lungs become fully mature; the fetus acquires eyebrows, eyelashes, and hair on the head 490

Second trimester

during the ______________, the fetus continues to grow and mature; it develops the ability to suck its thumb, hear, and open and close its eyes in response to light; at the beinning of the __________, the fetus is about 3 inches long and weighs about 1.5 pounds 490

Neural tube

embryonic tissue that forms a tube, which eventually becomes the brain and spinal cord 496

Slow Food

experts in sustainable agriculture and public health are increasingly challenging our loss of food quality and diversity by advocating slow food; that is, nutritious, fresh food produced in ways that preserve biodiversity, sustain the environment, ensure animal welfare, and are affordable by all while respecting the consumer 473

Fair Labor Standards Act

farm workers are not entitled to breaks for rest or meals as mandated for other US workers by the Fair Labor Standards Act 467

balanced and nourished diet

finally, maintaining a ______________ diet before conception reduces a woman's risk of experiencing any of several nutrition related concerns during her pregnancy 488


finally, the very last 5% or so of the milk produced during a feeding is very high in fat, similar to cream; this milk is thought to satiate the infant; it is importnat to let infants suckle for at least 20 minutes at least eeding so that they get these ______________ 509


for corn-fed animals, the efficiency of converting grai nCalories to meat and dairy Calroides ranges from roughly 3% to 40% meaning that on average, a crop capable of sustaining four to five people per acre will sustain oly one person 469

Family farms

for three decades, the number of farms in the US has been decreasing, form 2.48 million in 1982 to 2.11 million in 2012; hwoever, since 2007, the number of small farms has not decrease, and in some states, mainly in New England and the Southwest, they have increased; some small farmers are takign advantage of programs offering land at reduced prices, community support, and mentoring; many of these small farms are dedicated to community support, and mentoring; many of these small farms are dedicated to organic farming, crop diveristy, and other practices of sustainable agriculture 472


frequent drinking or occasional binge drinking during pregnancy increases the risk for miscarriage, complications during delivery, preterm birth, and sudden infant death symdrome; in addition, ______________ is a known teratogen, adn its consumption during pregnancy increases the risk that the baby will be born with any of a variety of birth defects, including heart, skeletal, kidney, ear, and eye malformations as well as a range of life-long developmental, behavioral, and mental problems 504

9 to 11 pounds

from their first to their third birthday, a toddler will gain an average of _____________ 530

5.5-7.5 inches

from their first to their third birthday, a toddler will grow a total of about ____________ 530


further cell growth, multiplication, and differentiation occur, resulting in the formation of an ___________; over the next 6 weeks, embryonic tissues continue to differentiate and fold into a primitive, tubelike structure, which eventually develops limb buds, organs, and facial features 489

Climate change

global warming is hte most significant factor contributing to ____________, which the US EPA defines as any sigificant cahnge in the measures of climate--such as temperature, precipitation, or wind patterns--that occurs over several decades or longer 466


in 2014, average life expectancy at birth was projected at ___________ 549

hormonal changes

growth durnig adolescence is driven primarily by _____________, including increased levels of testosterone for boys and estrogen for girls; both boys and girls experience growth spurts, or periods of accelerated increase in height, during later childhood and adolescence 541


growth of the fetal skeleton requires a significant amount of ___________; however, the RDA for adult pregnant women is the same as that for nonpregnant women, 1000 mg per day, for two reasons; first, pregnant women absorb calcium from the diet more efficiencly than do nonpregnant women; second, the extra demand for __________ has not been found to cause deminilerization of the mother's bones or to increase fracture risk; thus, there is no justification for high intakes 497


healthy toddlers of appropriate body weight need to consume __________ __ of their total daily energy intake as fat 530

crop destruction

heat waves, droughts, tornados, hurricanes, and lfood have all destroyed standing crops outright. Crops have also been destroyed by emerging varities of pests such as fungal species that thrive in higher heat and humidity 466


high blood pressure that is pregnancy specific and accompanied by protein in the urine, edema, and unexpected weight gain 501

Dental caries

high carbohydrate fluid provides an optimal food source for the bacteria that are the underlying cause of __________ , or cavities 520

Reduced crop yields

higher average temperatures and elevations in greenhouse gases have reduced crop yields in many regions of the world 466


hormone production during pregnancy causes the smooth muscles to relax, including the muscles of the large intestine, slowing colonic movement of food residue; in addition, the pressure exerted by the growing uterus on the colon can slow movement even further, making elimination difficult; practical hints that may help a pregnant woman avoid __________ include consuming 25 to 35 g of fiber each day, concentrating on frsh fruits, legumes, and other vegetables, and whole grains 500

Umbilical cord

the cord containing the arteries and veins that connect the baby to the mother via the placenta 490

very low food security

in 5.6% of US households, one or more members had to reduce not only the quality, variety, or desirability of their food choices, but also the amount they were able to eat; in other words, people in these homes, at times, were hungry; in 2014, 12.4 million adults and 914,000 children experienced ______________ 463

Community supported agriculture

in ______________ programs, a farmer sells a certain number of hsares to the public. shares typically ocnsist of a box of produce from the farm on a regular basis, such as once weely throughout the growign season; farmers get cash early on, as well as guaranteed buyers; consumers get fresh, locally grown food; together farmers and consumers develop ongoing relationships as they share the bounty in a good year, adn the losses when weather extremes or blight reduces yield 473

pattern of weight gain

in addition to amount of weight, the ______________ is important; during the first trimester, a woman of normal weight should gain no more tahn 3 to 5 pounds; during the second and third trimesters, about 1 pound per week is considered healthful; overweight women should gain only .6 pound per week, and for obese women, a gain of .5 pound per week is appropriate; if weight gain is excessive in a single week, month, or trimester, the owman should not attempt to lose weight 493


in early childhood, _________ can worsen asthma, increase risk of dental caries, cause sleep apnea, impair the child's mobility, reduce academic performance, and lead to intense teasing, low self esteem, depression, and social isolation; fatty liver is diagnosed in one half of _____________ adolescents, and increasing numbers of obese children are experiencing abnormal blood lipids, high blood pressure, high blodo glucose, metabolic syndrome, skeletal disorders, and other medical problems 546

extrusion reflex

in early infancy, the suckling response depends on a particular movement of the tongue that draws liquid out of the breast or bottle; but when solid foods are introduced with a spoon, the ____________ causes the baby to push most of the food back out of the mouth; the _________ begins to lessen around 4-5 months of age 519

Spontaneous abortion

in some cases, the damage from teratogen exposure is so severe that the pregnancy ends in a ___________, most of which occur in the first trimester 490


in the US, nearly ________ of adults between the ages of 65 and 74 years are obese; however, the incidence drops to just below 28% for those 75 years and older 555

United States

in the _________, infant mortality is only 6 per 1000, and instead of being underweight, over 8% of children age 2-5 are obese; average life expectancy is now over 78 years; however, the average life expectancy of the poorest Americans is 10 years shorter for women and 15 years shorter for men than the average of the wealthiest Americans 462


increase fecal excretion of dietary fat, fat-soluble vitamins, calcium, and other minerals 557

Amniotic fluid

increased fluid allows for the necessary increase in the mother's blood volume, aids in regulating body emperature, and helps maintain the _____________ that surrounds, cushions, and protects the fetus in the uterus; the AI for total fluid intake, which inlcudes drinking water, beverages, and food, is 3 liters per day 498

Food diversity

industrial agricultre has reduced __________, that is, the variety of different species of food crops available; beginnin in the 1960s, revisions of the federal agricultural adjustment act, commonly called the farm bill provided financial incentives for america's farmers to grow monocultures 469

too much salt and sugar

infant foods should not be seasoned with salt or spices; naturally occuring sugars, such as those found in fruits, are acceptable, but cookies nad other processed desserts high in added sugar should be avoided 519

foods that can cause choking

infants cannot adequately chew foods such as grapes, hot dogs, cheese sticks, nuts, popcorn, raw carrots, rasins, and hard candies 519

nursing bottle syndrome

infants should not be left alone with a bottle, whether lying down or sitting up; as infants manipulate the nipple of the bottle in their mouth, the high-carbohydrate fluid drips out, coming into prolonged contact with the developing teeth; this high carbohydrate fluid provides an optimal food source for bacteria that are the cause of dental caries 520


interfere with activation of vitamin D 557


it has been estimated that over 1/2 of older adults experience a significant impairment in their ______________; older adults who cannot adequately appreciate the appealing aromas of food may be unable to fully enjoy the foods offered in a meal 550


it is recommended that adolescents consume about __________ of their total energy as carbs and most sould come from fiber-rich carbs 542


it is recommended that older individuals consume a diet that contains no more than __________ of total energy intake as sugars 552


long term exposure to _________, crop dusts, and excessive UV radiation causes lung disease and cancer, and constant bending and stooping causes musculoskeletal injuries 467

Food deserts

low income people's high rates of obesity may reflect their environment; many obese people live in so-called ___________, defined by the USDA as geographic areas where people lack access to fresh, healthful, and affordable food; rural food deserts may have no access to any foods, whereas inner city food deserts may be served only by fast food restaurants and convince stores that offer few healthful options


lowers blood folate levels; increases iron loss due to gastrointesitnal bleeding 557


many foods have the potential to stimulate an _____________ reaction; breastfeeding helps reduce the risk of food allergies, as does delaying the introduction of solid foods until the age of 4-6 months 519


many low and very low birth weight babies are born __________, that is, before 38 weeks gestation; others are born at term but are small for gestational age; in other words, they weight less than expected 492


may decrease the absorption of iron, calcium, folate, vitamin B12 557


may increase urinary excetion of potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium; may cause retention of potassium, other electrolytes 557


may reduce the absorption of calcium, fat soluble vitamisn, reduces the production of vitamin K by gut bacteria 557

food insecurity

nearly 4 million households with children, representing 16 million american children, are faced with ____________ and hunger; _________ occurs whe na household lacks a consistent, dependable supply of safe and nutritious food 540

total weight gain

of the _____________ during pregnancy, 10-12 pounds are accounted for by the fetus itesslf, the amniotic fluid, and the placenta; in addition, the woman's blood volume increases 40-50% accounting for another 3-4 pounds; a woman can expect to be about 10-12 pounds lighter immediately after the birth, and within about 2 weeks, another 4 to 8 pounds lighter because of fluid loss 493

Vitamin D

older adults living in long-term care facilities are at increased risk for ___________ deficiency because they may not be exposed to amounts of sunlight adequate for ____________ synthesis in the skin; even among older adults leading active lives, the use of sunscreen may block the sunlight needed for _________ synthesis 553

B vitamins

older adults need to pay close attention to their intake of the B-vitamins--specifically vitamin B12, vitamin B6, and folate; inadequate intakes of these nutrients increase the levels of the amino acid homocysteine in the blood 554


only _________ have any form of healthcare insurance and few have paid sick leave 467

warning signs of eating disorders

parents, teachers, and friends should be aware of the ______________; which include restricted eating patterns; excessive exercise; rapid and extreme weight loss; regular trips to the bathroom after meals; and signs of frequent vomiting or laxative use 543

85 and older

people ____________ currently represent the fastest growing US population subgroup, projected to increase from 6 million in 2015 to nearly 20 million by the year 2050 549


perhaps nothing is more frustrating to new parents than the relentless crying spells of some infants, typically referred to as ___________; in this condition, newborns and young infants who appear happy, healthy, and well-nourished suddenly begin to cry or even shriek, continuing for several minutes to 3 hours or more, no matter what their caregiver does to console them 519

Epiphyseal plates

plates of cartilage located toward the end of long bones that provide for growth in the length of long bones 541


prenatal ___________ intake is particularly improtant for fetal prain development, and severe iodine deficency is the single largest cause of mental impairment worldwide; nearly a third of the world's population is idine deficient; iodine deficency disorders have largely been eliminated in areas of the world with access to iodized salt or oil, and areas where iodine is added to irrigation water 482


preventing or minimizing the consequences of osteoporosis is a top priority for older adults; the RDA for __________ is higher for all adults over the age of 70 years compared to younger adults; the calcium requirement increases at an earlier age for women compared to men due to the earlier onset of bone loss, typically at the onset of menopause 553

Supplemental nutrition assistance program

previously known as the food stam program, this USDA program provides food assistance for low-income households; it is designed to meet the basic nutritional needs of eligible people of all ages; participants are provided with a monthly allotment, typically in the form of a prepaid debit card or food coupons 558

weight gain

recommendations for ___________ vary according to a woman's weight before she became pregnant and whether she is expecting a single or multiple birth; the average recommended ___________ for women of normal prepregnancy weight is 25-35 pounds; underweight women should gain a little more than this amount, and overweight and obese women should gain less; adolescents should follow the same recommendations as those for adult women; women of normal prepregnancy weight who are pregnant with twins are advised to gain 37-54 pounds 492


single crops cultivated on a massive scale 469

Epiphyseal plates

skeletal growth ceases once closure of the ____________ occurs; these are plates of cartilage located toward the end of the long bones that provide for their growth in length 541

Crop rotation

soil erosion can be controlled by ____________, by terracing sloped land for the cultivation of crops, and by tillage that minimizes disturbance to the topsoil 472

low nutrient value

some schools continue to sell foods with ___________ at bake sales and other fund raisers; also , despite recent legislation and industry-sponsored intiatives, some schools still have vending machines offering snacks that are high in empty calories 539

School gardens

teh School garden association of America was founded in 1910, and during WWI and II, school gardening became part of the war effort; however, in the postwar decades, school gardens dwindled; recently, school garden programs have been increasing across the US; in addition to introducing stuends to a variety of fruits and vegetables and promtoing their acceptance, school garden programs teach valuable lessons in nutrition, agriculture, and even cooking 473


the AMDR for fat is _________ of total energy in adolescents 542


the RDA for _________ for pregnant women is 27 mg per day, compared to 18 mg per day for nonpregnant owmen and 15 mg per day for nonpregnant adolescents; this represents a 50-80% increase, despite the fact that ____________ loss is minimized during pregnancy because menstruation ceases; typically, women of childbearing age have poor _________ stores and the demands of pregnancy are likely to produce a deficiency 498


the RDA for ___________ for adult pregnant women increases by about 38% over the RdA for nonpregnant women, from 8 to 11 mg per day; _________ is critical in DNA, RNA, and protein synthesis, and inadequate intake can lead to malformations in the fetus, premature labor, adn extended labor; the absorption of __________ from supplements may be inhibited by high intakes of non-heme iron, such as high potency iron supplements, when these two minerals are taken together 498

vitamin D

the RDA for ____________ for adolescents is 600 iu/day; most foods are naturally low in _____________; thus, fortified foods, such as milk and cereals, are important sources of this vitamin; if an adolescent is not consuming adequate _____________ and does not get enough sunlight year-round, he or she may need to take a supplement 542

700 mg/ day

the RDA for calcium in toddlers is _________ 531


the RDA for carbohydrate for toddles is 130g/ day, and carbohydrate intake should be about ______________ of total energy intake 531

130 g/day

the RDA for carbs for adeolscents is _________542

130 g/day

the RDA for carbs for children is ______________, which is about 45-65% of total daily energy intake 536

.85 g/ kg

the RDA for protein for adolescents is only slightly higher that that of adults, _________ of body weight per day

1.1 g/kg

the RDA for protein for toddles is ____________ body weight per day, or approximately 13 g of protein daily 530


the Research Service of hte USDA estimates that 14% of US households experienced food insecurity in 2014 462


the WHO estimates that the worldwide prevalence of obesity more than doubled between 1980 and 2014; currently, 1.9 billion people worldwide are overweight, and 600 million of these are obese; moreover, overweight and obesity are now linked to more deaths worldwide than underweight 483


the ________ requirements of adolescents are relatively high; this is because iron is needed to replace the blood lost during menstruation in girls and to support the increase in blood volume and growth of muscle mass in boys; between the ages of 14-18 years, the RDA for iron for boys is 11 mg/day, whereas the RDA for girls is 15 mg/day 452

Fair trade

the __________ movement was born in response to the exploitation of farm laborers around the world; it began decades ago in North America and Europe, and has becoem a global effort that depends on support from consumers worldwide to purchase fruits, vegetables, coffee, tea, cocoa, wine, and many other products that display hfe Fair Trade Certified logo; fair trade empowers farm laborers to demand living wages nad humane treatment; it also reduces child labor and increases children's access to education, because parents earning higher wages are able to allow their children to leave the fields and attend school 475

Nutrition paradox

the ___________ is characterized by the coexistence of stunting and overweight/obesity within the same region, the same household, and even the same person; people born in developing nations who were undernourished when young are likely to be short but experience rapid weight gain when their country transitions out of poverty 483

man's nutrition

the ____________ and health prior to pregnancy is important as well; parental obesity contributes to abnormalities in sperm, imparied fertility, alterations in gene expression, increased risk of pregnancy loss, and increased risk for chronic disease in offspring; also, both sperm number and motility are reduced by alcohol conumption as well as by the use of certain prescription and illegal drugs 488


the ability to meet or satisfy basic economic, social, and secruty needs now and in the future without undermining the natural resource base and environmental quality on which life depends 468

Nutrition paradox

the coexistence of aspects of both stunting and overweight/obesity within the same region, household, family, or person 483


the first trimester of pregnancy begins when the ovum and sperm unite to form a single, fertilized cell called a __________; as the _________ travels through the uterine tube, it divides into a ball of 12-16 cells, which, at about day 4, arrives in the uterus 489

fat intake

the guideline for the percentage of daily Calories that comes from fat does not change during pregnancy; however, consumption of the right kinds of fats is important 495

Lead poisoning

the heavy metal ______ is a neurotoixn that is especially harmful to infants and children because their brains and central nervous systems are still developing; ____________ can result in decreased mental capacity, behavioral problems, impaired growth, impaired hearing, and other problems; unfortunately, leaded pipes and lead paint can still be found in older homes and buildings 520

Poverty obesity paradox

the high prevalence of obesity in low income populations 484


the human growth and developmental stage lasting from the third week to the end of the eighth week after fertilization 489


the human growtn and developmental stage lasting from the beginning of the ninth week after conception to birth 490


the median hourly wage for retail cashiers is __________, an amount that puts a single person with no departments at increased risk for food insecurity 468


the milk that is initially released _-__________ is watery and low in fat, and is though to satisfy the infant's initial thirst 509

Spontaneous abortion

the natural termination of a pregnancy and expulsion of pregnancy tissues because of a genetic, developmental, or physiologic abnormality that is so sever that the pregnancy cannot be maintained 490


the number of ___________, persons over the age of 100 years continues to grow 550

super centenarians

the number of ____________, persons over the age of 110 continues to grow 550

docosahexaenoic acid

the omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid ____________ and the omega 6 arachidonic acid have been linked in some, but not all, studies to both enhanced brain growth and eye development; because the fetal brain grows dramatically during the third trimester; ____________ is especially important in the maternal diet; good sources are oilf fish, such as salmon, sardines, anchovies, and mackerel; it is also found in smaller amounts in tuna, chicken, and eggs enhanced by feeding hens a DHA rich diet 495


the outer portion of the zygote becomes the ___________, 489


the period of intrauterine development form conception to birth; typcically 38-42 weeks 488


the period of life in which secondary sexual characteristics develop and people become biologically capable or reproducing 541


the point at which a woman's ovum is fertilized with a mans' sperm; deficiency related porblems can develop extremely early in the pregnancy, typically before hte mother even relizes she is pregnant; an adequate and varied preconception diet reduces the risk for such early onset problems

Crop rotation

the practive of alternating crops in a particular field to prevent nutrient depletion and erosion of the soil and to help with control of crop specific pests 472

Fetal adaptation

the process by which fetal metabolism, hormone production, and other physiologic processes shift in respose to factors, such as inadequate energy intake, in the maternal environment 525


the production of breast milk 505


the release of an ovum from a woman's ovary 489


the share of undernourhished people in the global population fell from 18.6 in 1990-92 to 10.9 % in 2014-2016, a reduction of nearly ___________ 462

Sudden infant death syndrome

the sudden death of a previously healthy infant; the most common cause of death in infants over 1 month of age

sudden infant death syndrome

the sudden death of previously healthy infant; the most common cause of death in infants over 1 month of age; in the US, exclusive breasfeeding for 6 months has the potential to lower healthcare costs by as much as $13 billion per year, in large part to a reduction in infant mortality rates related to _____________ and necrotizing enterocolitis in breast fed infants 510


the use of five ore mroe prescription drugs at any given time; nearly 40% of Americans age 65 and older take five or mroe prescription medications, meeting the definition of ____________

Amniotic fluid

the water fluid contained within the innermost membrane of the sac containing the feturs; it cushions and protects the growing fetus 498

2600 kcal

the world produces enough food to meet everyone's needs; even developing nations currently produce about 2600 kcal per person per day; worldwide, the leading cause of longstanding hunger in a region is unequal distribution of this adequate food supply, largely because of poverty 464

Farmers markets

there are now more than 8400 ________ in hte US, more than four times the number when the USDA began compiling these data in 1994; with the help of hte USDA, many farmers markets are now able to accept SNAP benefits for payment; thus, farmers markets are helping to increase everyone's access to nourishing food 473

corn syrup and honey

these may contain spores of the bacterium clsotridium botulinum; these spores can germinate and grow into viable bacteria in the immautre digestive tract of infants; the bacteria secrete in the potent botulism toxin, which can be fatal; children older than 1 year can safely consume corn syrup adn honey because their digestive tract is mature enough to kill any c. botulinum bacteria 519

zinc and iron

these minerals, which are abundant in meat, poultry, and seafood, are commonly low in vegan diets; although both zinc and iron are found in legumes, young children simply cannot eat enough legumes to meet their needs, and supplementation is advised 534

Nutrition Services incentive program

this USDA administered program provides a limited number of commodity foods to nearly 600,000 low-income adults 60 years and older; foods are distributed to state-level agencies, then to community organizations; they include cereals, peanut butter, dry beans, rice or pasta, and canned juice, fruits, vegetables, meat, poultry, and tuna 558

Congregate Nutrition Services Program

this program is administered by the Administration on Aging, a unit within the HHS; each year, it provides more than 200 million meals to disabled, low income, minority, and rural elderly, as well as those with limited English language skills, and those at risk for institutionalization 558

Senior Farmers' Market Nutrition Program

this program, sponsored by the USDA, provides funds to states and Indian tribal governments to distribute coupons to 865,000 low-income seniors, so that they can buy eligible foods cuh as fruits and vegetables at farmers' markets and roadside stands 558

2-3 hours

toddler's stomach are very small, and they cannot consume all of the calories they need in three meals; they need small meals alternated with nutritious snacks every ____________ 533


total fat intake should gradually be reduced to a level closer to that of an adult, _____________ of total energy 536


toward the end of pregnancy, the hormone __________ increases; ________ is released by the anterior pituitary gland and is responsible for milk synthesis 505


under federal law, young people aged ____________ are allowed to work on farms during shcool hours, adn children aged 12+ may work on farms after school and weekends with parental permission 467

cultural biases

unequal distribution also occurs because of _____________; in many countries, limited food is distributed first to men and boys and only secondarily to women and girls 465

Cash crops

use of land for _____________, such as cotton, coffee, and tobacco, may replace ladn use for local food crops, or food crops such as corn and soybeans may be diverted to industrial uses; also harmful is the practice of growing food for livestock, which compared to food crops feed far fewer people for the resources used 465

Morning sickness

varying degrees of nausea and vomiting associated with pregnancy, most commonly in the first trimester 499


vegan diets can be too low in total __________ or _________ quality for toddlers, who need adequate amounts of high quality _________ for growth and increasing activity; few toddlers can consume enough legumes and whoel grains to provide sufficient ________; the higher fiber content of legumes and whole grains results in a rapid sense of fullness for toddlers, decreasing their total food intake; soymilk, tofu, and other soy-based products are excellent sources of complete dairy _____________ 534


vegan diets often contain a higher amount of fiber than is recommended for toddlers, resulting in lowered absorption of iron and zinc, as well as the early onset of fullness or satiety 534

priority nutrients

vitamin D, calcium, and iron have been identified as ________ in children aged 2-4 years 531


whether the cause is diarrhea, vomiting, or inadequate fluid intake, ___________ is extremely dangerous to infants and, if left untreated, can quickly result in death; treatment includes providing fluids, a task that is difficult if vomiting is occuring 519


wit hthe possible exception of iron, zinc, and the fatty acids EPA and DHA, __________ women who consume dairy products and/or eggs have no nutritional concerns beyond those encountered by every pregnant woman 503

muscle mass

with aging, body fat increases and _____________ declines, leading to impaired physical functioning in the elderly; it has been estimated that women and men lose 20% to 25% of ther lean body mass, respectively, as they age from 35-70 years 551

types/ amounts

with no one monitoring what they eat, children in school do not always consume appropriate ____________ of food; it they purchase a school lunch, they might not like alll the foods being served, or their friends might infleunce them to skip certain foods 539

prepregnancy BMI

women who have a low ______________ or gain too little weight during pregnancy increase the risk of having a preterm or low-birth-weight baby; the pregnancy may also dangerously deplete their own nutrient reserves 493

43/ 1000

worldwide, ____________ children die before reaching age 5; about 45% of these deaths of young children are due to malnutrition

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