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90 percent of the cycle occurs here Where a cell will spend most of its time

Cleavage furrow

A contractile ring of actin and myosin- that pinches the cell in two- Is the first step of cleavage in a cell

In animals -Heme group

A heme group is most structurally similar to chlorophyll. Each of the polypeptides in a hemoglobin protein has one heme cofactor


A protein that cycles through stages of synthesis and degradation

For how many hydrogen bonds would be present in the following double stranded DNA molecules ?

ACCGTGATGC TGGCACTACG Count the AT pairs and the CG pairs 4 - for AT these get 2 hydrogen bonds 6- for CG these get 3 hydrogen bonds 8+18=26

Somatic Cells

All Body cells excluding the gametes and diploid cells in humans

Genetic recombination

An exchange of DNA between chromosomes to produce genetically diverse offspring



Heme cofactors

Are organic molecules that are built around an iron atom , while chlorophyll is built around a magnesium atom




Bad cholesterol- transport cholesterol to the peripheral tissue - can cause vessel blockage



Gap Phase (G1)

Cell grows in preparation for cell division - If favorable cells will enter the S phase - if not favorable will enter Go

Synthesis Phase

Cell replicates its genome here and moves to G2 phase - also the chromosomes duplicate

Gap phase 2 - known as G2

Cells continue to grow and prepare for cell division by checking for any errors after replication - they also check for the Mitosis promoting factor - needs to be present in adequate amounts for the cell to continue - organelles are replicated here

In plant cells

Chlorophyll is a special pigment that captures photons

Basal Body

Cilia and Flagella are produced by

Cytokinesis in animal cells

Cytokinesis begins in late anaphase - the formation of the cleavage furrow also occurs

Cytokinesis in plant cells

Cytokinesis begins in telophase with the formation of a cell plate

The expected result of increasing oxygen levels during photosynthesis is

Decreased efficiency of RUBISCO


During the next day the stomata are closed again and malate is covered back into oxaloacetate which releases CO2 and PEP - Thus CO2 accumulates in the leaf for use in the Calvin Cycle through temporal isolation

Mitochondria and chloroplast

Each have their own DNA

C3 photosynthesis

Endergonic- accompanied by or requiring the absorption of energy, the products being of greater free energy than the reactants.

Glycosidic bond links

Formed through dehydration


Found in the nucleus of a cell



Good Mnemonic for Cell Cycle

Go- Gap phase Sam- Synthesis Phase (S) of interphase- DNA replication Go- Gap Phase 2 (G2) of interphase Make- Mitosis of M phase Cake- Cytokinesis of the M phase


Good cholesterol - bring cholesterol to the liver to make bile

Central vacuoles

Have tonoplast which help maintains a cell rigidly by exerting turgor - function and storage and breakdown


Have tublin protein dimers - function in cell division, cilia and flagella


Help with detoxification


Helps with adhesion, protection and cell recognition

Obligate anaerobes

Here in this compartment - oxygen is largely absent- and it is poisonous

Meiosis 1

Homologous chromosomes separate


Indicates a carbohydrate


Is an anaerobic pathway- no oxygen and only relies on glycolysis Occurs in the cytosol and the two most common types are lactic acid fermentation and alcohol fermentation

Hydrolysis of ATP

Is exergonic and spontaneous


Is the final electron acceptor - forms into water

The Krebs Cycle

Known as the Citric Acid Cycle - also known as the Tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA cycle)


Light dependent reactions occur

A way the glucose levels are not modulated after a large meal is

Lipoproteins take glucose to body cells


Located in the cytosol - helps make up the cytoplasm


Lowers the activation energy


Made of tubulin is not a defining characteristic

Rough ER

Make proteins that are sent out of the cell or cell membrane- -Protein synthesis

The function chylomicrons lipid management serve within animals

Move fats from the digestive system to the lymphatic system

Simple Diffusion

Movement across a phospholipid bilayer membrane -


Non living because they must infect living cells to multiply.


Non spontaneous and endergonic - producing glucose after 1 input of solar energy


Occurs for a plant living in a hot environment


Organelles found in animal cells that contain a pair of centrioles - which act as the microtubule organizing center Also links two sister chromatids together- contains kinetochores where spindles attach Larger organelle- contains the centrioles - General microtubule organizing center for the entire cell


Photostem 1 and 2 are used There is also glucose used in this process


Physical separation of the cytoplasm and cell membrane into two daughter cells

Microtubule organizing center (MTOC)

Present in eukaryotic cells- Organize extension of microtubules which are made of tublin -- Also are responsible for forming the spindle apparatus - which guides the chromosomes during karyokinesis

1 Glucose

Produces 2 G3P Then 2 ATP are produced for 1 glucose


Produces 4 haploid daughter cells from 1 diploid parent cell Prophase 1 of meiosis - Genetic variation

NADP+ reductase

Reduces NADP+ into NADPH. Used as a reducing agent in the Calvin Cycle. Is the last enzyme in the transfer of electrons during photosynthesis from photosystem I to NADPH.


Refers to the reverse process- the conversion of glucose into glycogen to be stored in the liver when energy and fuel is sufficient


Releasing heat while forming products Delta G is neg it is spontaneous

Within a eukaryotic cell

Ribosomal subunits are found in the nucleus, cytosol and ER

Haploid Cell

Same as Gametes



Meiosis 2

Sister chromatids separate - Also 3 haploid cells divide into 4 haploid daughter cells

Anchoring junctions

Skin cells and other cell types that regularly undergo heavy mechanical stress largely rely on


Stirring of the cytoplasm



After the S phase

The 46 chromosomes are duplicated - after there is still 46 chromosomes but there is 92 chromatids - they line up in metaphase individually


The breakdown of the cell's own machinery for recycling

Go Phase

The cell still carries out their function but halts in the cell cycle - Cells that do not divide get stuck in this phase

Cell Membrane

The location of the ETC for prokaryotes

If the Bundle Sheath cells were removed from the C4 plant

Then Malate would accumulate in the mesophyll cells


These are light energy

Centrosomes located near the nucleus

They replicate during the S phase of the cell cycle so that each daughter cell after cell division has one centromere

Ammonia must be converted to uric acid -

This is then excreted as urine for humans

Cyclic and Non Cyclic Photophosphorylation

To generate substrates for the Calvin Cycle - primary goal

Primary function of fermentation in anaerobic respiration is

To oxidize NADH


Type of Karyokinesis- or nuclear division that involves a diploid parent cell dividing into two diploid daughter cells

Binary Fission

Used by archaea, bacteria, and certain organelles to reproduce - they replicate their genome while cell division is happening - there is no spindle apparatus- Also prokaryotes and the mitochondria and chloroplasts of eukaryotes


Used to increase the number of cells in an organism Produces genetic variation

CAM photosynthesis

Uses temporal isolation of carbon dioxide to prevent photorespiration in hot environments

M phase

Where Karyokinesis and more importantly cytokinesis occurs

Redox reactions

Within the ETC- photons are pumped from the stroma to the thylakoid lumen -then it is deposited into photo stem 1

The Golgi Apparatus is made of

cisternae - flattened sacs that modify and package substances The main function is to direct molecules to their correct location


contains one glucose and one fructose


contains two glucose monosaccharides

Red Blood cells

have tetrameric hemoglobin polypeptides. Carbon fixation is catalyzed by RUBISCO - Also known as erythrocyte and it only does glycolysis. It Does not contain mitochondria and when mature it does not contain a nucleus

Hydrogen bonding

is a common secondary structure


is a polysaccharide that provides structural support- in Plants

For the exception and what is not a key difference

is that Eukaryotic flagella contain a basal body and prokaryotic flagella lack a basal body - this is not true - so therefore is the exception


mRna to proteins


makes Rrna


non-sex chromosomes

Calvin Cycle

occurs in the chloroplast - stroma of plant mesophyll cells Also it is made up of light independent reactions-They do not directly use light energy but can only occur if the light dependent reactions are providing ATP and NADPH It fixes carbon dioxide that enter the stomata


produces 2 ATP


takes place in the cytoplasm of a eukaryotic cell and does not require oxygen -

Nuclear envelope

the membrane of the nucleus

For why photosynthetic plants split water molecules is

to release electrons that become energized


transferring amino groups

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