Operating systems

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What is the size of the page table on a 32 bit machine with 4kb page size

(number of pages * size of each page table entry) = 2^20 * 32 bits = 4MB

What are the two things to think about when choosing a Round Robin Quantum

- Should be much larger than context switch cost - But still provide decent response time (typically between 10 -200ms)

HERE Number of table entries on a 32 bit machine with 4 KB page size

2^32 / 2^12 = 2^20

What are the number of page table entries if you have 4KB (2^12) page size on a 32 bit machine

2^32/2^12 = 2^20

What is the size of each page table entry on a 32 bit machine with 4kb page size

32 bits (20 bits for page number + other bits (eg protection bits))

Typical page size


What is a hole in memory

A block of available memory Holes of various sizes are scattered throughout memory

What is a page

A block of logical memory that is the same size as a frame (a block of physical memory)

Three disadvantages of user level threads

A blocking system call stops all threads in the process During a page fault the OS blocks the whole process - wasteful for threads that might be runnable Difficult to implement preemptive scheduling and generally difficult to program

What are the two components of a semaphore data structure?

A counter (non-negative) integer A queue of processes currently waiting for that semaphore - queue is typically first in first out (FIFO)

What is a frame

A fixed sized block of physical memory

What is a monitor

A higher-level synchronisation primitive - a language construct. Makes programming easier and less error prone than using semaphores - however not supported by all languages

What are UNIX signals

A limited form of inter-process communication (IPC). A signal is an asynchronous notification sent to a process or to a specific thread within the same process in order to notify it of an event that has occured

What is a pipe

A method of connecting the standard output of one process to the standard input of another. One-Way communication, two types: names and unnamed

Device controller

A piece of hardware that controls the device and implements an interface between the device and rest of the system

What is a device driver

A piece of software that is part of the OS and is responsible for interacting with a particular device

Describe two general parts that you can find in an operating system that has been designed to be highly portable

A portable operating system can be split into a (1) platform specific section and (2) a platform independent part The platform-specific part contains any OS code that is dependent on the given processing architecture and platform. All other OS functionality is implemented as part of the platform independent part that uses the API exposed by the platform-specific part to invoke any low-level hardware functionality. When porting the OS, only the platform-specific part has to be reimplemented for a new platform. The rest can just be recompiled for the new architecture (This type of division is found in the Linux kernel)

What is mounting

A process by which the operating system makes files and directories on a storage device available for users to access via the computer's file system

Why is the separation into a user mode and a kernel mode considered good operating system design?

A process executing in user-mode can cause less damage because it is restricted from executing privileged operations. By splitting an OS design into user-mode and kernel-mode components, the OS designer makes it explicit which parts of the OS require raised privilege and full access to the hardware. This is an example of the principle of least privilege that should guide the design of any secure systems

What is a critical section/region

A section of code in which processes access a shared resource

What is a critical section

A section of code in which processes access a shared resource (It is critical if it reads a memory location which is shared with another process) (Updates a shared memory location with a value which depends on what it read)

Describe a communication deadlock and how to solve it

A sends message to B and blocks waiting on B's reply. If B did not get A's message, then A is blocked and B is blocked waiting on message = deadlock Solution - communication protocol based timeouts

What is an atomic operation

A sequence of one or more statements that is/appears to be indivisible

What is a deadlock

A set of processes is deadlocked if each process is waiting for an event that only another process can cause

What is the condition for a deadlock

A set of processes is deadlocked if each process is waiting for an event that only the other process can cause

What is required at the entry and exit of the critical section

A synchronisation mechanism

Why is having Address Space Identifiers (ASIDs) as part of the Translation Lookaside Buffer (TLB) useful?

ASIDs allow the TLB to protect certain entries by having entries from several processes, otherwise on a context switch the entire TLB must be flushed

Physical address space

Address seen by the memory unit Refers to physical system memory

Give 2 advantages and 2 disadvantages of monolithic kernels

Advantages: - Efficient calls within kernel - Easier to write kernel components due to share memory Disadvantages - Complex design with lots of interactions - No protection between kernel components

Microkernel three advantages and one disadvantage

Advantages: Kernel itself not complex = less error prone Servers have clean interfaces Servers can crash and restart without bringing kernel down Disadvantages - High overhead of IPC within kernel

What is internal fragmentation

Allocated memory is larger than requested memory, but size difference is internal to partition

What is internal fragmentation

Allocated memory is larger than requested memory. Some portion of memory is left unused as it can not be used by another process.

Describe the Copy-on-Write virtual memory trick

Allows parent and child processes to initially share same page in memory - if either process modifies shared page, then copy page This gives you efficient process creation - only modified pages are copied

What does Multiprogramming allow

Allows the processor to be used by other programs while one program is performing I/O

What is an associative memory? How does it work and how is it implemented?

An associative memory is one that is accessed by content rather than by address. Often an 'entry' in associative memory will have two parts, a tag and a value. To access the associative memory one supplies a tag (Page number from virtual address). If that tag matches the tag of an entry in the associative memory, that entry is returned giving the frame number. In a hardware implementation (e.g. a TLB), the tags of all entries are checked in parallel

What is another name for the TLB

Associative memory

Describe lottery scheduling

At each scheduling decision, one ticket is chosen at random and the job holding that ticket wins (A job can hold more than one ticket = gives it higher chance of winning)

How can deadlocks be prevented with reference to four conditions

Attack on of the four deadlock conditions: Mutual exclusion Hold and wait No preemption Circular wait

In what environment are non preemptive algorithms acceptable

Batch systems

Give two advantages of user level threads

Better performance - Thread creation and termination are fast - Thread switching is fast - Thread synchronisation is fast - None of the aforementioned activities involve the kernel Application specific run-times - each application can have its own scheduling algorithm

Two types of device

Block devices, Character devises

What is the difference between block and character devices

Blocks stores information in fixed size blocks and transfers are in units of entire blocks Character Devices, delivers or accepts stream of characters, without regard to block structure. Not addressable, does not have any seek operation

How does disabling interrupts work?

By disabling interrupts the CPU will be unable to switch processes. This guarantees that the process can use the shared variable without another process accessing it CLI() (clear interrupt flag) STI() (set interrupt flag)

How can the circular wait condition be prevented?

By ordering the resources we can prevent the circular wait condition. For example with the Dinning Philosphers problem if we order the resources and request them in a specific order where processes request lower numbered resource first and only request higher numbered resource if lower resource is already acquired, then the circular wait condition is prevented

Difference between CPU-bound and I/O bound processes

CPU-bound processes spend most of their time using the CPU I/O bound processes spend most of their time waiting for I/O. Tend to only us CPU briefly before issuing another I/O request

Name four space allocation techniques

Contiguous file allocation Block chaining File allocation table Index blocks

What does fork do?

Creates a copy of the current running process

Disks can be broken down into

Cylinders, Tracks, Sectors

What does a cycle in a directed resource allocation graph mean?


What is defragmenting a file system?

Defragmenting a file system means that blocks belonging to the same file are move around to ensure that they occupy consecutive disk blocks. This improves the read/write performance because it avoids unnecessary disk seeks In general any file systems can become fragmented to a certain extent. However, some file systems may suffer less from fragmentation when they ensure that blocks for files are allowed in nearby or consecutive locations on the disk. For example, block allocations may be done according to zones

What is the algorithm for detection and recovery

Do a depth first search from each node in the graph and check for cycles

What is low-level format

Done to create the disk sector layout of the hard drive. Usually done by the manufacturer

How does the CPU communicate with Devices

Each hardware controller has a few registers used for communication with the CPU - OS can write to these registers to command the device, to deliver data, accept data, switch on/off, perform some action OS can read from the device registers to learn about the state of the device - whether it is ready to accept commands

What is the basic idea behind virtual memory

Each program has its own address space which is broken up into chunks called pages

Give five goals of scheduling algorithms

Ensure fairness (comparable processes should get comparable services) Avoid indefinite postponement Enforce Policy Maximise resource utilisation Minimise Overhead (from context switches, scheduling decisions)

What is thrashing

Excessive paging activity causing low processor utilisation - Program repeatedly requests pages from secondary storage

What is external fragmentation

External fragmentation arises when free memory is separated into small blocks and is interspersed by allocated memory.

If Quantum tends towards infinity in round robin scheduling, what do you get?

FCFS behaviour

What sort of job is favoured by General Purpose Scheduling

Favour short I/O bound jobs (however not always clear cut - processes have periods when they are I/O bound and periods when they are CPU bound)

Describe in memory terms how to run a program of size n pages

Find n free frames and load program into physical memory ( can be non continuous between frames) Set up page table to translate from logical into physical addresses (advantages - avoids external fragmentation and avoids problems of variable-sized memory chunks)

(3) dynamic memory allocation algorithms

First fit Best fit - produces smallest leftover space Worst fit - produces largest leftover space (Best fit and Worst fit have to search all array unless already ordered)

Dynamic memory allocation alogrithms (3)

First-fit, Best-fit, Worst-fit

What are the two types of process and what is the distinction

Foreground process - interacts with users Background process - (eg syslog) (daemons)

How do we manage a storage device's free space?

Free list - a linked list of blocks containing locations of free blocks

What is logical address space

Generated by the CPU (virtual and does not exists physically) Address space seen by the process

What is a memory management unit

Hardware device for mapping logical to physical addresses

SECOND ROUND: The Kernel executes in privileged mode, what does this mean in practical terms?

Has access to all hardware

If there are no empty pages on a SSD what is the process of writing to a page?

Have to find a page to erase and then erase it before you start writing to it

Three types of page tabling

Hierarchical, Hashed, Inverted

What are the highest priority jobs in multilevel feedback queues

I/O bound with shortest quantum

What is the advantage of multiprogramming

I/O is slow compared to computation time and so programs spend a lot of time waiting for I/O. Multiprogramming allows the processor to be used by other programs while one program is performing I/O. It improves the utilisation of expensive resources Multiprogramming also allows the user to perform different activities at the same time - a compilation of one program while editing or another

Give two examples in which processes switch from user to kernel mode

If a process is running a user program in user mode and needs a system service, such as reading data from a file, it has to execute a system call to transfer control to the operating system. The operating system then figures out what the calling process wants by inspecting the parameters. A system call is then carried out and after the control is returned to the instruction following the system call. Anything related to Process Management, IO hardware manage, memory management requires a process to execute in Kernel mode

What problem does Scheduling deal with

If multiple processes are in the read to run state then which one should be run. Allocates processes to processors

What does scheduling deal with

If multiple processes are ready, which one should be run

When is the bankers algorithm in a safe state

If there exists a sequence of allocations that guarantees that all customers can be satisfied (Request granted only if it leads to a safe state)

Four ways of dealing with deadlocks

Ignore it Detection and recovery Dynamic avoidance Prevention

What is 'aging' in the context of multilevel feedback queues

Increasing a job's priority as it waits

How can a OS construct a bitmap from scratch

Initialise the block bitmap Start at the root of the file system (the '/' directory), and mark every block used by every file found through a recursive descent through the file system. When finished should update the stored free block bitmap

SCAN Scheduling (Elevator Algorithm)

Is the most common form of scheduling Long delays for requests at extreme locations Process requests that result in the shortest seek time in the preferred direction. The direction is only changed after reaching the outmost/innermost cylinder (or no further requests in preferred direction) Has almost as good throughput as SSTF and doesn't starve any process

Describe priority scheduling

Jobs are run based on their priority - Always run the job with the highest priority. Priorities can be externally defined or based on same process-specific metrics Priorities can be static or dynamic processes are run to completion§

Kernel threads advantages (2)

Kernel can simultaneously schedule multiple threads from the saem process on multiple processors Blocking system calls/page faults can be easily accommodated (if one thread calls a blocking system call or causes a page fault, the kernel can schedule another runnable thread from the same process) Kernel routines can be multi-threaded

What are the LFU and MFU algorithms

Least frequently used Most frequently used When thinking about page replacements

User level threads are scheduled by the

Library (at the user level the kernel cannot see them)

An example of a monolithic kernel


Kernel-level threads

Managed by the kernel (can also have hybrid user level threads and kernel level threads)

What does the memory management unit do?

Maps logical addresses to physical addresses

What are real time systems specific goals

Meeting predictable deadlines - avoid losing data Predictability - avoid quality degradation in multimedia systems For example: you have a device that regularly collects data - missing a deadline means missing data

Give two issues with threads that come from share address space

Memory corruption - one thread can overwrite another thread's stack Concurrency bugs - managing concurrent access to shared data

What allows the processor to used by other programs while one is performing I/O

Multiprogramming - improves the utilisation of expensive resources

The four necessary conditions for a deadlock to hold

Mutual Exclusion Hold and Wait No Preemption Circular Wait

Three critical section requirements

Mutual Exclusion - No two processes may be simultaneously inside a critical section. Processes must request permission to enter critical sections Progress - No process outside the critical section may prevent other processes from entering the critical section Bounded Waiting - No process wanting to access its critical section can be delayed forever

The four conditions that must hold for you to have a deadlock

Mutual exclusion Hold and wait No preemption Circular wait

What are SSDs built on

NAND flash memory

What is NAND memory

NAND flash memory is a type of nonvolatile storage technology that does not require power to retain data

What is a File

Named collection of data of arbitrary size

Give the five process states

New (the process is being created) Ready (runnable and waiting for processor) Running (executing on processor) Waiting/Blocked - waiting for an event Terminated (process being deleted)

What are the five states of the five state process model

New, Ready, Running, Waiting/Blocked, Terminated

If a single threaded process is blocked on the keyboard can it fork?

No (but a multi threaded process with one thread stuck on keyboard can fork)

Can mutual exclusion be provides by general semaphores

No - general semaphores are used for counting. Binary semaphores are used for mutual exclusion (so are locks)

Is multilevel feedback scheduling algorithm suitable for real time and multimedia apps?

No because for priorities to be properly reflected in the decisions, the system needs to be up and running for a while, so not suited for real time and multimedia apps

Can 2 User level threads synchronise using a kernel semaphore

No because the kernel can only see kenal level threads

Can general semaphores provide mutual exclusion

No only locks and binary semaphores

Describe the disk seek FCFS algorithm

No ordering of requests = random seek pattern - Ok for lightly loaded disks - performs best when the average queue length is close to one - Poor performance for heavy loads - Fair scheduling

Is it possible to go from waiting to running?

No, in order to run, a process that is waiting has to be added to the ready queue before it can be run

Five types of process termination

Normal completion (completes execution of body) System call - exit() in UNIX Abnormal exit - process has run into an error or an unhandled exception Aborted - process stops because another process has overruled it execution (e.g. killed from terminal) never - many real-time processes run in an endless loop and never terminate unless error occurs

What is a race condition

Occurs when multiple threads or processes read and write shared data and the final result depends on the relative timing of their execution (i.e. on the exact process or thread interleaving)

What is a race condition

Occurs when multiple threads read and write shared data and the final result depends on the relative timing of their execution on the exact process or thread interleaving

Where is space space located?

On hard disk - it is a dedicated area of disk where memory data can be swapped out into and later swapped back into memory as necessary

What is a bitmap

One bit in memory for each disk block - can quickly determine available contiguous blocks are certain locations on secondary storage (disadvantage - may need to search entire bitmap to find free block, resulting in execution overhead)

What is a non preemptive system

One in which a process is run until it blocks or voluntarily releases the CPU

Multilevel Feedback Queues describe

One queue for each priority level Run job on highest non-empty priority queue

Describe Shortest seek time first (disk seek algorithm)

Order requests according to shortest seek distance from current head position - Has good throughput - Discriminates against innermost/outermost tracks - Unpredictable and unfair performance

How can the circular wait condition be prevented

Ordering the resources

What happens if the scheduling Quantum allocated is too short

Overhead is too high as there are too many context switches. (Ideally you want a Quantum that is the average length of a process time but this is impossible to know)

What are PThreads

POSIX (Portable Operating System Interface) Threads - provides APIs for creating and managing threads

An address generated by the CPU can be divided into two parts:

Page number (used as an index into the page table) & Page offset (Defines physical memory address sent to the memory unit, combined with base address)

What do you do if the page table gets too large

Page the page table

What are the two registers associated with page table implementation

Page-table base register Page-table length register

How is virtual memory implemented

Paging and segmentation

What is it called if a process is stopped after a given period of time (Quantum)


What is Preemptive Scheduling

Preemptive Scheduling is a CPU scheduling technique that works by dividing time slots of CPU to a given process.

Describe Shortest Remaining Time

Preemptive version of shortest job first - run times have to be known in advance Choose process whose remaining time is shortest - when new process arrives with execution time less than the remaining time for the running process, run it (Although do not want to do this if the overhead is greater than the difference in remaining run-times for the two jobs)

Multi level feedback queue general notes

Priorities make no guarantees - what does priority 15 mean? (different level queues can implement different scheduling algorithms) Does not react quickly to changes - a problem for real-time systems (multimedia apps) Cheating is a concern - add meaningless I/O to boost priority Cannot donate priority Worry about the starvation of lower-priority jobs

At a high level the three types of data stored in a PCB

Process management Memory management File management

Round-Robin Scheduling

Process runs until it blocks or time quantum exceeded

In the multilevel feedback scheduling algorithm can processes move between different queues?

Processes are allowed to move between different queues based on how their priorities change over time

What is a livelock

Processes/threads are not blocked, but they or the system as a whole does not make progress

What does PSW stand for?

Programme status word - contains the information required for proper program execution

The I/O Techniques

Programmed I/O, interrupt driven I/O, Direct Memory Access

What is the idea of locality of reference

Programs tend to request same pages in space and time

Describe four advantages of Processes

Provides the illusion of concurrency Provides isolation (each process has its own address space) Simplicity of programming (can write programs independently (emacs doesn't worry about chrome) Allows better utilisation of machine resources (different processes require different resources at different times)

What information needs to be saved and restored during a context switch between two threads from different processes

Registers, stack pointer, PC, also need to load the pointer to the top level page table of the new process. No need to save this for the old process as it does not change and is already in the PCB

What information needs to be saved and restored during a context switch between two threads in the same process

Registers, stack pointer, and PC need to be saved and restored

What does the Banker's Algorithm ensure

Request granted only if it leads to a safe state

Describe the two partitions that main memory is usually split into

Resident operating system (Kernel): usually held in low memory with interrupt vector User processes: held in high memory

What is a key problem with Shorest Job First and Shortest Remaining Time

Run times are usually not available in advance - Could have user supplied estimates but then need to counteract cheating to get higher priority

Total disk access time can be broken down into

Seek + latency + transfer


Services requests in one direction only. Maintains two queues, but when the current one becomes empty it seeks to serve the request closest to the farthest edge of the disk and resumes seeking in the same direction from there. It is slightly slower than SCAN but does not discriminate in favour of blocks in the middle of the disk. - When head reaches innermost request, jump to outermost request - Lower variance of requests on extreme tracks - May delay requests indefinitely

the four main characteristics of an operating system

Sharing (data, programs, hardware, resource allocation) Concurrency (support multiple parallel activities, switch activities, safe concurrency) Non-determinism (interrupts, input errors, network packet loss) Storing Data (persistent storage)

Describe how compaction reduces external fragmentation

Shuffle memory contents to place all free memory together in one large block

What is spooling

Spooling is the allocation of all interaction with a given device to a single process; other processes that want access to the device must go through the spool process.

Busy waiting

Strict alternation solution requires continuously testing the value of a variable called - busy waiting Wastes CPU time Should only be used when wait time is expected to be short

describe the difference between swapping and paging in the context of memory management

Swapping means moving entire address spaces between the disk and the memory. Paging means moving individual pages, so that part of an address space may be on disk while the other part is in main memory

What is dynamic avoidance of deadlocks and what is an algorithm for it?

System grants resources when it knows that it is safe to do so Banker's algorithm - Dijkstra

Three ways in which processes are created

System initialisation User request System call by a running process

Describe N-Step SCAN

Take a snapshot and service all things that exist in that snapshot. Wait until after finished serving all these requests until you move onto next batch. Uses SCAN Requests arriving during sweep serviced during return sweep

Why is process switching more computationally expensive than thread switching?

The amount of data associated with a process is far higher

What is the ideal quantum for Round robin

The average CPU time between I/O

What does the page table store

The base address of pages in physical memory

Give the biggest advantage and disadvantage of implementing threads in user space

The biggest advantage is efficiency - No traps to the kernel are needed to switch threads. The ability of having their own scheduler can also be an important advantage for certain applications. The biggest disadvantage is that if one thread blocks, the entire process blocks

What does mounting allow

The combination of multiple file systems into one namespace

What happens when a signal is received by a process

The default action for most signals is to terminate the process, unless the process has installed a handler for that signal (note SIGKILL and SIGSTOP cannot be ignored/handled)

What problem does the Translation Look-aside buffer look to solve

The fact that every data/instruction access requires two memory accesses - one for page table and one for data instruction The solution is a special fast-lookup hardware cache as associative memory

What is the difference between user level threads and kernel level threads

The kernel is not aware of user level threads - each process manages its own threads (maintains a thread table and does thread scheduling)

What is the flash translation layer

The layer between the OS and the NAND memory

Describe the ideas behind policy versus mechanism

The main process may have an excellent idea of which of its children are the most important and which the least Want to have a way that user processes can input into scheduling decisions Separate the scheduling mechanism from the scheduling policy The scheduling algorithm is parameterized in some way but the parameters can be filled in by user processes

What is the trade off between lock overhead and contention

The more contention the lower overhead (more contention = less parallelism)

Lottery scheduling notes

The number of lottery tickets is meaningful - unlike priorities, job holding %p of the tickets gets p% of the resources Highly responsive - New job given p% of tickets has p% change to get the resource at the next scheduling decision No starvation Jobs can exchange tickets that allow for priority donation. Allows cooperating jobs to achieve certain goals Downside: Unpredictable response times - a processes could theoretically get continuously unlucky

What is the Kernel of an operating system

The part of the operating system that is always in memory and implements the most commonly executed functions of the OS. The OS Kernel executes in kernel or privileged mode and therefore has complete access to all hardware (in contrast to user mode)

What are threads

The smallest unit of execution that can be allocated processor time

What is a thread

The smallest unit of execution that can be allocated processor time

Four reasons for context switches

The time slice of process A has expired (periodic) Process A is blocked waiting for I/O or a resource Process A has run to completion External event results in a higher priority process B to be run

Consider an Operating System that uses Inodes the provides two system calls - COPY (which copies file) and RENAME (which renames file). Briefly discuss the difference between using these system calls to change the name of a file

There is some performance impact as COPY creates a new copy while rename only the indone entry needs to be changed. Some space impact as well since the old file with COPY is still available With COPY the file attributes will change (creation time and date etc.) while with RENAME this would not be the case

Describe inodes

They store information about files and directories. They contain a list of pointers to the file data blocks and also store pointer to more index blocks which are used as necessary

Kernel threads disadvantages (2)

Thread creation, termination and switching is more expensive (but cheap compared to the same operations with processes) No application specific scheduler

Why is thread synchronisation required

Threads in a process share its global variables Threads in a process shares its address space Threads in a process share its files

Seek time

Time taken for the necessary track to appear under the read/write head of the hard drive

In First Come First Served where are runnable processes added?

To the end of the ready queue (No indefinite postponement - all processes are eventually scheduled, very easy to implement)

Describe a situation when block size is too large or too small

Too large = wastes space for small files, also more memory needed for buffer space

What is the name of the memory cache that stores recent transactions of virtual memory to physical addresses for faster retrieval

Translation lookaside Buffer (TLB)

The time interval from a process being submitted to the time of its completion is called

Turnaround time

What is Fair Share Scheduling

Users are assigned some fraction of the CPU - scheduler takes into account who owns a process before scheduling it

What is Belady's Anomaly

Using the FIFO algorithm more frames actually results in more page faults

Block Linkage (Chaining) disadvantages

Wastes pointer space in each block

What is the idea of copy on write in SSDs

When a OS updates a page, write a new page rather than overwrite on and update the mapping (this is because erasing is so slow) Older pages can be erased later

What problem does virtual memory try to solve

When a process is too large to fit into main memory

When is shortest job first provably optimal?

When all jobs are available simultaneously (Non preemptive scheduling with run-times known in advance)

When are signals generated

When an exception occurs

When does page replacement occur

When there are no free frames (replacement algorithm is looking for lowest page fault rate)

What is a process control block (or process descriptor =)

Where data on non completed processes is stored. Contains all information needed to safely restart the programme should be stored

How can mutexes be created with semaphores

With binary semaphores

Does each thread have its own stack, registers, program counters and state?


Can a thread access the memory of the process to which it belongs

Yes Access to the memory and resources of its process - shared with other threads belonging to that process

Can a kernel level thread running in a critical section be context switched?

Yes and no. Kernel-level threads which run with interrupts disabled would not get context-swichted, but can be otherwise

Can a user level thread running in a critical section be context switched?

Yes since they use locks/semaphores at the user-level and which are 'invisible' to the scheduler

What does non determinism mean in the context of OS

You cant assume how a user will use the system

What is the turn type of this function declaration: void *producer (void *id);

a void pointer - this is a generic pointer type that can point to an object of any type

Which two registers define logical address space

base and limit base register contains the physical start address for the process The limit register contains the maximum logical address for the process

What are semaphores

blocking mechanisms that allow synchronisation

File space is allocated in

blocks (typically 512 - 8192)

A process encapsulates

code and state of a program

I/O is slow compared to

computation time


contains one bit (in memory) for each disk block to indicate whether block is in use

What is a page offset used for in address translation

defines physical memory address sent to the memory unit. Combined with base address

Describe the idea of wear levelling

distribute writes as evenly as possible across the NAND blocks so that it lasts longer

Give three semaphore operations

down(s) up(s) init(s, i)

what are the three atomic operators of semaphores?

down(s) up(s) also called P() init(s, i) also called V()

What is trashing

excessive paging activity causing low processor utilisation. Program repeatedly requests pages from secondary storage

GOT TO HERE! What does the initial value of a semaphore counter indicate

how many processes can access shared data at the same time The initial value defines how many processes can execute down without being blocked

The initial value of a semaphore counter indicates

how many processes can access shared data at the same time (defines how many processes can execute down without being blocked)

Where is the page table located?

in main memory

How many clock cycles does register access take?

in one CPU cycle (main memory can take many cycles)

What is a index block called in UNIX/Linux


What does IPC stand for

interprocess communication

What is lock contention

lock contention: this occurs whenever one process or thread attempts to acquire a lock held by another process or thread. The more fine-grained the available locks, the less likely one process/thread will request a lock held by the other. (For example, locking a row rather than the entire table, or locking a cell rather than the entire row.);

Modern disks use

logical sector addressing


maps symbolic file names to logical disk locations

What is a requirement of real concurrency

multiple processors

Calculate internal fragmentation when process size is 72,766 bytes

number of full pages = 35 Number of Bytes left over for page 36 = 1086 Internal fragmentation = 962 bytes

What is a race condition

occurs when multiple threads or processes read and write shared data and the final result depends on the relative timing of their execution on the exact process or thread interleaving

For a given address size of m-bits and page size 2^n bits how large is the page number (d) and page offset (d)

p = (m -n) bits d = n bits

If Valid-invalid bit is zero during address translation then what do you get?

page fault

How does logical address translate into physical address?

page number and page offset

Reading and writing can be done in what size chunks on SSDs

pages while erasing can be done over multiple pages

Idea behind the hierarchical page table

paging the page table if it is too big

The larger the time quantum for Round Robin the lower the

proportion of time taking up by context switching

terminal command to see processes

ps (htop is a more detailed version

Locks using busy waiting are called

spin locks

How do you deal with the fact that the number of processes that can be run is limited by available memory

swap processes temporarily out of memory to the backing store

The time interval from a process being submitted to the time it is completed is called the

turnaround time

What is a page number used for in address translation

used as an index into the page table, Page table has base address of pages in physical memory

Block size too small

wastes space for large files, high overhead in terms of management data, High file transfer time - seek time greater than transfer time

If no process is suspended in the Monitor, the signal operation will

will happen, but there is no recipient for the signal

Do both user level and kernel level threads have there own stack?


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