Org Behaviors Exam 2 Study Guide

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PepsiCo Inc. replaces some of its stock options programs with a _____ because companies now have to report the stock options as an expense.

Cash incentive programs

Hindrance stressors refers to

Stressors that detract from personal goals and prevent personal growth.

In simulations examining whether reinforcement theory explains ethical research found that ...

Subjects were less likely to continue kickback payments if they made a profit after providing the kickbacks.

Persistent stress has the potential to place vulnerable individuals at an increased risk for depression. T/F


The absence of hygiene factors in the work environment leads to worker dissatisfaction. T/F


Nancy is the human resource manager at Alba Company. She needs to lay off twenty employees who are all located at her facility. Which communication channel should she use to deliver the layoff information?

face-to-face conversation

A high need for power is always a destructive element in the workplace. T/F


Storytelling is an effective form of communication for which of the following situations?

orienting new employees to the company's culture

Effective managers tend to use more...

information-rich channels.

The use of jargon can strengthen professional bonds with those of similar backgrounds. T/F


The use of stock options remains a popular incentive technique in start-up organizations. T/F


There are cultural differences in the use of nonverbal communication elements like body language and facial expression. T/F


Using the Extinction approach to get a coworkers to quit using inappropriate jokes during his conversations means you ignore the jokes instead of laughing at them. T/F


Virtual teams represent special management challenges because of issues related to trust and communication. T/F


Praising the employee occasionally when the person shows up on time is an example of ________________ of reinforcement.

Variable ratio

Individuals with a high need for affiliation...

Want to be accepted by others

Under what conditions would SMART goals be most effective?

When employees have a supportive and trusting relationship with their managers.

According to ERG theory, if an individual is frustrated in the growth opportunities of his job,

he may regress to either relatedness or existence needs.

An example of extinction is...

ignoring a coworker who is telling dirty jokes.

Negative reinforcement...

increases the desired behavior.

In what stress phase does the body release cortisol and begin to adjust to the demands of the stress?

Alarm Phase

Which of the following statements about listening is correct? a. Listening takes practice and concentration. b. Effective listening has a behavioral and emotional component. c. Active listening creates a real-time relationship between the sender and receiver. d. All of the above.

All of the above

Which of the following is an example of anticipatory stress?

Anna's coworker Julie was just let go due to downsizing. Anna worries about whether she will get to keep her job.

A group where there is a great deal of camaraderie is a group experiencing...


Genuine acting is

Displaying emotions in alignment with your emotions

Crucial conversations are discussions where the stakes are high, so many opinions need to be in line with the majority in the group. T/F


In the communication process, noise is found only in the external environment of the communication situation. T/F


Listening is an art, not a skill, and thus individuals cannot be trained to be better listeners. T/F


Physically active work breaks lead to reduced mental concentration levels and increased mental fatigue. T/F


There are two types of communication in organizations: verbal and written. T/F


Though employees seem more satisfied when their company communicates with them about issues that impact them, effective communication does little to improve the firm's market value. T/F


Written communication is best utilized when the ideas are simple. T/F


Rodney is a new project team leader. Jerome is chatting with him about some of the problems that could arise and prevent his team from being successful. Jerome offers which of the following pieces of advice to overcome barriers to team success?

Floundering often results from a lack of clear goals; clarify goals from the outset of the project.

The first step of organizational behavior modification (OB Mod) program is..

Identify behavior to be modified

Positive Reinforcement

Increase in the desired behavior

Since the Hackman and Oldham model was developed in the 1970s, jobs have changed in what way?

Increased in autonomy and skill variety

Which of the following statements regarding work-life conflict is accurate?

Increased work hours and dual-earning households in the U.S. have contributed to greater work-life conflict.

Communication that is asynchronous...

Is written by the sending and can be read any time by the receiver

Which of the following statements regarding verbal and written communication is true?

Over ninety percent of employers consider writing a key skill for hiring new employees.

The procedures, policies, and methods used to support and improve employee performance are known as

Performance management

Which of the following statements about workplace gossip is accurate?

Politically motivated employees use the grapevine to disseminate self-promoting information in the grapevine

Mary is a new employee in the handbag department of a major department store. She is not entirely sure whether she is to simply stay on the sales floor and sell purses to customers, or if she is to sell the items and then go back into the stockroom to replenish them. Mary is experiencing...

Role ambiguity

Facing contradictory demands at work is a form of...

Role conflict

The ability for employees to do interesting and rewarding work at The Walt Disney Company satisfies which of Maslow's hierarchy of needs?


The individual originating a message is called the...


In which of the following situations would a team be needed?

The organization benefits from shared goals.

In expectancy theory, valence is...

The perception that high level of effort will lead to outcomes interest like performance.

Another model , the Job Demand Resources model, states that even with control over the situation, people are still subject to stress if...

They don't have the resources to meet the demands of the job

Flow is the state of consciousness where individuals are totally absorbed in an activity. T/F


Upward communication refers...

communication that travels from frontline employees to management.

To influence instrumentality, managers can...

consistently reward high performers.

Which of the following factors has the most influence on worker motivation?

job design

Olaf works on an assembly line in an Oslo factory. Last month the assembly line processes were overhauled. Olaf is still responsible for soldering electrical contacts on an appliance component, but now he is also expected to review each component for quality defects after he solders. If he notes any defects, he can place the component in the scrap bin. If he scraps five such pieces in succession, he is permitted to press an emergency button above his station, which stops the assembly line completely. This job re-design is a reflection of the _____ ______________ philosophy.

job enrichment

Which of the following is a criterion one may use in deciding whether or not to filter a message?

knowledge and perception of speaker.

Research on team size suggests...

larger groups are generally required for very complex tasks.

Task interdependence...

refers to the degree that team members are dependent upon one another to get information, support or materials from other team members to be effective.

Which job would be best suited for someone with high need for affiliation?


According to Herzberg, hygiene factors are part of the context of the job. T/F


Process-based theories view motivation as a rational process. T/F


In comparing Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory to Alderfer's ERG theory...

ERG theory recognizes more than one need may operate at one time.

What motivates, other than financial, might prompt an employee to engage in unethical behavior?

Gain prestige and belong in a group

Judgement based on evidence refers to

Documenting performance problems and using factual evidence in rating performance.

Which of the following is a need-based theory of motivation?

ERG Theory

Which of the following statements regarding communication and ethics is true?

Ethical, forthright communication by an organization should occur internally as well as externally.

Abdul tends to emphasize harmonious interpersonal relationships, prefers to be with friends, and enjoys family events. Abdul would probably be categorized as being

High in need for affiliation

Which of the following statements about job enlargement is accurate?

Job enlargement is beneficial because it is positively related to higher quality customer service

One way to recover from stress is to leave work at work, referred to as...

Psychological detachment

What are some factors of environment?

Support, information, resources

Jennifer strongly dislikes her next-door neighbors, yet every time she sees them she stops to pleasantly chat with them for a few moments. Jennifer is engaging in...

Surface acting

Which of the following statements regarding team size and diversity is correct?

Teams that believe in the value of diversity perform better than those which do not.

Nancy goes to work at her job at the university after the December holiday break. She opens her email and finds 312 emails after her vacation. Nancy is experiencing information overload. T/F


One technique to reduce the likelihood of unethical behavior resulting from goal setting is to create multiple levels of goals and distribute rewards according to the goals achieved rather than rewarding only those who reach the highest goal. T/F


People in high power distance countries expect unequal power distribution and greater stratification in economic, social, and political settings. T/F


Research shows that the psychological state of meaningfulness is the most important state for employee attitudes and behaviors. T/F


Role conflict is a result of contradictory demands at work. T/F


Social roles in a group or team include cooperator, communicator, and calibrator. T/F


Stress-related issues cost companies billions of dollars annually due to absenteeism, lost productivity, and accidents. T/F


Which of the following statements about individual approaches to managing stress is correct?

When workdays are broken into smaller parts, stress can be shifted to a state of flow.

The concept of flow refers to...

a state of consciousness where a person is totally absorbed in an activity.

Job enrichment

allows workers more control over how they perform their own tasks.

A meeting that helps analyze how a project went, what went well and what could have been done better is...

an after-action review.

Which of the following is the order Tuckman proposes for group development stages?

forming, storming, norming, performing, and adjourning

Maria works at a factory in Lima, Peru where she sews blue jeans for a major American firm. On Mondays, she sews the side seams of the jeans, on Tuesdays she sews on pockets, Wednesdays she presses finished jeans, Thursdays she folds jeans, packages sets of twelve in shrink wrap and places them in boxes, and on Friday she sews decorative stitching on the pockets and side seams. Maria is working under the job design technique of...

job rotation.

A Type B personality displays which of the following characteristics?

logical decision making.

Research on stress in the workplace indicates which of the following is an outcome of experiencing stress?

lower organizational citizenship behaviors

Work that flows offers...

opportunities to use skills possessed by the employee.

A memo is an example of...

written communication.

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