OT Poetry- Wisdom Testament Test

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What is the imperatives of the wisdom literature?

"Listen, look, think, reflect"

What is the book of Ecclesiastes a contrast between? What do they describe?

"Prophet" and "Portion" -Prophet describes the pride of human endeavor -Portion describes the gift God provided

Fill in the blank: Proverbs are "______________" maxims with which to live by.

"Rule of thumb"

What is Ecclesiastes sometimes called?

"The Anti-Proverb"

What is the often repeated phrase in Ecclesiastes? What is the phrase saying? What does it remind us of?

-"Under the sun" -A nagging reminder of the earthbound life of perplexed human existence. -Reminds us that "under the sun" is not all there is. There is true purpose to life found in obedience to God.

What faith lesson can we learn from Psalm 23?

-We are under-shepherds (responsibility we have toward others) -Obedience to "the voice" (Listen to Gods word and obey it) -Following the shepherd (The one who laid down his life for us, we follow his example) Protection & Provision

What two major categories can the figures of speech in OT poetic texts be placed?

1. Figures of speech involving analogy 2. Figures of speech involving substitution

What are the two themes in Song of Songs?

1. Intense desire: seeking and finding 2. The joy of physical attraction

Song of Songs is all love poetry, what is love poetry doing in the bible? (3 main interpretations)

1. Jewish tradition- an allegory of Israel=woman and God=man (Their love is a covenant) 2. Christian tradition- An allegory of the church and God (A christian man loving his wife represents Gods love for the church) 3. Collection of ancient poetry- reflects of the divine gift of love

What are three broad categories of wisdom literature in the O.T.?

1. Popular proverbs that express practical truth 2. Riddles or parables with a spiritual meaning 3. Discussions on the problems of life

If we placed the wisdom books in order of increasing emotional orientation, and correspondingly, the increasing use or figurative imagery, how would we order them?

1. Proverbs 2. Ecclesiastes 3. Job 4. Song of Songs

What books make up the "wisdom books"?

1. Proverbs 2. Ecclesiastes 3. Job 4. Song of Songs

How is Psalms like the Torah?

5 books in one

What exactly are the wisdom books if they are not a collection of universal promises?

A collection of valuable insights into godly living to help develop godly character.

What is wisdom?

A combination of knowledge and character that allows one to live in the real world in a right and godly manner.

What is Irony?

A literary device that is used when the writer says the exact opposite of what he really means.

What is an acrostic?

A poem in which each successive line of poetry starts with the next letter of the Hebrew alphabet.

What kinds of trees are rooted in the wadi?


What is the Hebrew word for love?


What is antithetic Parallelism?

Also known as contrastive, uses contrast, the thought of the 2nd line is contrasted with the 1st line.

What is synthetic Parallelism?

Also known as developmental, the 2nd line develops further or finishes the idea of the 1st line.

Identify the correct figure of speech: "The eyes of Yahweh are toward the righteous." (Ps. 34:15)


Identify the correct parallelism: "For you save a humble people, but the haughty eyes you bring down." (Ps. 18:27)

Antithetic (Contrastive)

Identify the correct parallelism: "For the Lord watches over the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked will perish." (Ps. 1:6)

Antithetic (contrastive)

Fill in the blank: _______________ Parallelism is preferred in the book of proverbs, exhorting the student to make the __________ _________.

Antithetic, wise choice

Most of the poetry of the proverbs is what kinds of Parallelism?

Antithetical (contrastive)

What is Zoomorphism?

Attributes animal images to God.

What is the Torah from Yahweh the foundation of?

Biblical wisdom

Which of the wisdom books is an intellectual search for meaning in life?


Which poetic book offers a philosophical discussion on the emptiness of life without God?


What is a hyperbole?

Exaggeration for the sake of effect.

T or F: As the shepherd leads the goats, they "hear his voice" (obey) and always follow him


T or F: Lead by streams of quiet water are pictured by the dry wadis that fill quickly when it rains or floods.


T or F: Hebrew wordplays always transfer well into English.


T or F: The many proverbs in the book of Proverbs are universals (things that are always true)


T or F: The writer of Ecclesiastes makes the case that wisdom alone provides meaning to life.


Fill in the blank: Proverbs are_____________ grounded in ________________ __________________.

Generalizations, Deuteronomic instruction

What does the pillar of cloud/fire in the wilderness symbolize?

God's feet

Fill in the blank: Biblical poetry communicates the __________ of the author and affects the ________ __________ of the hearer.

Heart, emotional intellect

Describe Hebrew poetry:

Heightened and impassioned speech and it is vivid, rich in images, ambiguity, symbols, similes and metaphors.

What is the Hebrew word for meaningless?


Identify the correct figure of speech: "All night long I flood my bed with weeping." (Ps. 6:6)


How could Proverbs be misleading?

If they are viewed as magical sayings which always and automatically bring results.

Identify the correct figure of speech: "Roaring lions tearing their prey, open their mouths wide against me." (Ps. 22:13)

Indirect analogy

What is synonymous Parallelism?

Involves a close similarity between lines using words with similar meanings, The 2nd line repeats much the same idea as the 1st line, using similar terminology.

What distinguished the Hebrew wisdom literature from the wisdom writings of other cultures?

It was centered on revelation from Yahweh.

Which of the wisdom books demonstrates that there are often events in life that humans cannot grasp or understand through the proverbial wisdom?


Which poetic book is a classic examination of the problems of evil and human suffering, in the end helping us to understand that we can understand only what God chooses to reveal to us?


What is the green pastures in Psalm 23 a metaphor for?

Lush belly deep alfalfa

What is the theme/message of the book of Ecclesiastes?

Meaninglessness of mans efforts on earth apart from God.

Identify the correct figure of speech: "The Lord God is a sun and shield." (Ps. 84:11)


Identify the correct figure of speech and parallelism: "The Lord is my shepherd" (Ps. 23)

Metaphor, Anthropomorphism

Fill in the blank: Proverbs are _______ absolute promises


Where do the Bedouin live? (Abram lived here)


Hebrew Poetry's most distinctive and pervasive feature is what?


What does the wisdom literature use as their standard structural feature?


Identify the correct figure of speech: "All of the trees of the forest will sing." (Ps. 96:12)


What does Terseness mean?

Poetry uses a minimum number of words. The words are chosen carefully for their impact and power.

Hebrew poetry is prevalent throughout what?

Prophets (latter prophets and the 12)

What book talks about "The fear of the LORD" the most?


Which of the wisdom books presents the rational, ordered norms of life?


Which poetic book provides wise sayings and observations designed to develop proper attitudes and godly behavior?


Essay/short answer: Do we still have access to the Tree of Life?

Proverbs 3:18 "She is a tree of life to those who take hold of her; those who hold her fast will be blessed." -We therefore find the Tree of life in the Torah and through it we gain the wisdom of the Torah.

Why is figurative imagery not used as much in proverbs as it is in Psalms?

Proverbs concentrates more on thinking than on feeling.

What is the Hebrew word for Ecclesiastes? What does the QHL signify?

QoHeLeth-"One who gathers a congregation" QHL-a gathering

Hebrew poetry lacks what? This is common in English poetry.

Rhyme and regular meter

What does Psalm 1 set the foundation for?

Sets foundation for rest of the Psalms, set it firmly on wisdom.

What is the Hebrew word for to obey or listen?


What does psalm 1 and 2 show us about the rest of the book of psalms?

Shows us that psalms is a prayer book of Gods people who are striving to be faithful to the torah and waiting for the messianic kingdom.

Identify the correct figure of speech: "As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God." (Ps. 42:1)


What is the distinction between simile, metaphor and indirect analogy?

Simile: Uses "like" or "as" in comparison "Yahweh's wrath is like a storm" Metaphor: Makes the analogy with a direct statement "Yahweh's wrath is a storm" Indirect analogy: Uses the analogous item without directly stating the comparison, goes directly into it "The storm of Yahweh burst out in wrath"

How is the Hebrew word for wisdom translated?

Skill for living, applied knowledge

Which of the wisdom books celebrates the many aspects of true love?

Song of Songs

Identify the correct parallelism: "The One enthroned in heaven laughs, the Lord scoffs at them." (Ps. 2:4)


Identify the correct parallelism: "The cords of death encompassed me, the torrents of destruction assailed me." (Ps. 18:4)


Fill in the blank: _____________ Parallelism pervades the book of job as the one who suffers cries out in ___________ __________

Synonymous, anguished petition

Identify the correct parallelism: "He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake." (Ps. 23:3)

Synthetic (Developmental)

Identify the correct parallelism: "I call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praised, and I am saved from my enemies." (Ps. 18:3)

Synthetic (Developmental)

What is Psalm 1 and 2 an introduction for?

The KETUVIM (Writings)

What is Anthropomorphism?

The Representation fo God with human features or characteristics.

How and why are Psalm 1 and 2 connected as the opening of the whole Psalter?

They are untitled and brought together by framing clauses ("Blessed is the one...whose delight is in the law of the Lord" Ps. 1:1 --- "Blessed are all who take refuge..." Ps. 2:12) Point to instruction of Gods and instruction of wisdom teachings (Those who are blessed will find their foundation in the torah of Yahweh and their hope in his messiah)

What is the purpose of the wisdom books?

To develop character in the reader

What is the prime mission of Proverbs?

To spell out strikingly, memorably, and concisely just what it means to be fully devoted to Yahweh.

What kind of a Psalm is Psalm 1?

Torah Psalm

Where is poetry strategically placed?

Torah and former prophets (Pentateuch and books of history)

What does the TNK stand for in Tanak?

Torah, Nevi'im, Ketuvim

T or F: Every book in the bible includes some type of figurative language.


T or F: Next to narrative, poetry is the most prevalent type of writing in the bible.


T or F: A characteristic of Hebrew poetry is the use of figurative imagery.


T or F: Although the book of Psalms is not technically a wisdom book, there are some wisdom Psalms


T or F: An anthropomorphism can also be a simile, metaphor or indirect analogy. Ex: "The Lord is my shepherd"


T or F: Job teaches us that in situations where life is inexplicable to us as mere humans, we are forced to rely on faith in the Creator.


T or F: Old testament poetry is characterized by terseness, a high degree of structure and figurative imagery


T or F: Parallelism is the dominant structural element of OT poetry


T or F: The authors of biblical poetry convey real thoughts, events, and emotions to us- that is, literal truth, but they express this truth figuratively.


T or F: The jews regarded wisdom in very practical terms, and the wisdom literature of the O.T. provided guidance for moral behavior and everyday living.


T or F: The majority of wisdom literature is poetry.


What is an Anti-proverb?

Wisdom sayings which state the opposite of traditional proverbs

Hebrew poetry saturates or defines characteristics of what?

Writings (Poetic and wisdom books)

What is Job 28 about?

Yahweh's wisdom

What is the Hebrew word for fear?


Identify the correct figure of speech: "In the shadow of your wings I will take refuge." (Ps. 57:1)


What were the Jewish people/wilderness people called? What other two groups of people were also called this?

a. Bedouin b. Midianites and Amalekites

What is personification?

attributing human features or characteristics to non-human entities.

Fill in the blank: Hebrew poetry not only speaks to the ___________, but to the __________

intellect, emotion

What does Negev mean in Hebrew?

means south or dry

Identify the correct parallelism: "He will not let your foot slip, he who watches over you will not slumber." (Ps. 121:3)

synthetic (developmental)

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