PEDS Exam 1

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15. Preschoolers fears can best be dealt with by which intervention? a. Actively involving them in finding practical methods to deal with the frightening experience b. Forcing them to confront the frightening object or experience in the presence of their parents c. Using logical persuasion to explain away their fears and help them recognize how unrealistic the fears are d. Ridiculing their fears so they understand that there is no need to be afraid

ANS: A Actively involving the child in finding practical methods to deal with the frightening experience is the best way to deal with fears. Forcing a child to confront fears may make the child more afraid. Preconceptual thought prevents logical understanding. Ridiculing fears does not make them go away.

30. Steven, 16 months old, falls down a few stairs. He gets up and scolds the stairs as if they caused him to fall. This is an example of which of the following? a. Animism c. Irreversibility b. Ritualism d. Delayed cognitive development

ANS: A Animism is the attribution of lifelike qualities to inanimate objects. By scolding the stairs, the toddler is attributing human characteristics to them. Ritualism is the need to maintain sameness and reliability. It provides a sense of comfort to the toddler. Irreversibility is the inability to reverse or undo actions initiated physically. Steven is acting in an age-appropriate manner.

17. An appropriate play activity for a 7-month-old infant to encourage visual stimulation is: a. Playing peek-a-boo. c. Imitating animal sounds. b. Playing pat-a-cake. d. Showing how to clap hands.

ANS: A Because object permanence is a new achievement, peek-a-boo is an excellent activity to practice this new skill for visual stimulation. Playing pat-a-cake and showing how to clap hands will help with kinesthetic stimulation. Imitating animal sounds will help with auditory stimulation.

3. The nurse is doing a routine assessment on a 14-month-old infant and notes that the anterior fontanel is closed. This should be interpreted as: a. A normal finding. b. A questionable findingthe infant should be rechecked in 1 month. c. An abnormal findingindicates the need for immediate referral to a practitioner. d. An abnormal findingindicates the need for developmental assessment.

ANS: A Because the anterior fontanel normally closes between ages 12 and 18 months, this is a normal finding, and no further intervention is required.

14. The nurse is interviewing the father of 10-month-old Megan. She is playing on the floor when she notices an electrical outlet and reaches up to touch it. Her father says No firmly and removes her from near the outlet. The nurse should use this opportunity to teach the father that Megan: a. Is old enough to understand the word No. b. Is too young to understand the word No. c. Should already know that electrical outlets are dangerous. d. Will learn safety issues better if she is spanked.

ANS: A By age 10 months, children are able to associate meaning with words. The child should be old enough to understand the word No. The 10-month-old is too young to understand the purpose of an electrical outlet. The father is using both verbal and physical cues to teach safety measures and alert the child to dangerous situations. Physical discipline should be avoided.

7. In terms of fine motor development, the infant of 7 months should be able to: a. Transfer objects from one hand to the other. b. Use thumb and index finger in a crude pincer grasp. c. Hold a crayon and make a mark on paper. d. Release cubes into a cup.

ANS: A By age 7 months, infants can transfer objects from one hand to the other, crossing the midline. The crude pincer grasp is apparent at about age 9 months. The infant can scribble spontaneously at age 15 months. At age 12 months, the infant can release cubes into a cup.

32. A parent of an infant with colic tells the nurse, All this baby does is scream at me; it is a constant worry. The nurses best action is: a. Encourage parent to verbalize feelings. b. Encourage parent not to worry so much. c. Assess parent for other signs of inadequate parenting. d. Reassure parent that colic rarely lasts past age 9 months.

ANS: A Colic is multifactorial, and no single treatment is effective for all infants. The parent is verbalizing concern and worry. The nurse should allow the parent to put these feelings into words. An empathic, gentle, and reassuring attitude, in addition to suggestions about remedies, will help alleviate the parents anxieties. The nurse should reassure the parent that he or she is not doing anything wrong. The infant with colic is experiencing spasmodic pain that is manifested by loud crying, in some cases up to 3 hours each day. Telling the parent that it will eventually go away does not help him or her through the current situation.

24. The most fatal type of burn in the toddler age-group is: a. Flame burn from playing with matches. b. Scald burn from high-temperature tap water. c. Hot object burn from cigarettes or irons. d. Electric burn from electrical outlets.

ANS: A Flame burns from matches and lighters represent one of the most fatal types of burns in the toddler age-group. Scald burns from water, hot object burns from cigarettes or irons, and electric burns from outlets are all significant causes of burn injury. The child should be protected from these causes by reducing the temperature of the hot water in the home, keeping objects such as cigarettes and irons away from children, and placing protective guards over electrical outlets when not in use.

15. Sara, age 4 months, was born at 35 weeks gestation. She seems to be developing normally, but her parents are concerned because she is a more difficult baby than their other child, who was term. The nurse should explain that: a. Infants temperaments are part of their unique characteristics. b. Infants become less difficult if they are not kept on scheduled feedings and structured routines. c. Saras behavior is suggestive of failure to bond completely with her parents. d. Saras difficult temperament is the result of painful experiences in the neonatal period.

ANS: A Infant temperament has a strong biologic component. Together with interactions with the environment, primarily the family, the biologic component contributes to the infants unique temperament. Children perceived as difficult may respond better to scheduled feedings and structured caregiving routines than to demand feedings and frequent changes in routines. Saras temperament has been created by both biologic and environmental factors. The nurse should provide guidance in parenting techniques that are best suited to Saras temperament.

21. The leading cause of death during the toddler period is: a. Injuries. c. Congenital disorders. b. Infectious diseases. d. Childhood diseases.

ANS: A Injuries are the single most common cause of death in children ages 1 through 4 years. It is the period of highest death rate from injuries of any childhood age-group except adolescence. Infectious and childhood diseases are less common cause of deaths in this age-group. Congenital disorders are the second leading cause of death in this age-group.

3. In terms of cognitive development, the 5-year-old child would be expected to: a. Use magical thinking. b. Think abstractly. c. Understand conservation of matter. d. Be able to comprehend another persons perspective.

ANS: A Magical thinking is believing that thoughts can cause events. Abstract thought does not develop until school-age years. The concept of conservation is the cognitive task of school-age children ages 5 to 7 years. Five-year-olds cannot understand anothers perspective.

15. Parents tell the nurse that their toddler daughter eats little at mealtimes, only sits at the table with the family briefly, and wants snacks all the time. The nurse should recommend that the parents: a. Give her planned, frequent, and nutritious snacks. b. Offer rewards for eating at mealtimes. c. Avoid snacks so she is hungry at mealtimes. d. Explain to her in a firm manner what is expected of her.

ANS: A Most toddlers exhibit a physiologic anorexia in response to the decreased nutritional requirement associated with the slower growth rate. Parents should assist the child to develop healthy eating habits. The toddler is often unable to sit through a meal. Frequent nutritious snacks are a good way to ensure proper nutrition. To help with developing healthy eating habits, food should not be used as positive or negative reinforcement for behavior. The child may develop habits of overeating or eat nonnutritious foods in response.

25. The parents of a 4-month-old infant tell the nurse that they are getting a microwave oven and will be able to heat the babys formula faster. The nurse should recommend: a. Never heating a bottle in a microwave oven. b. Heating only 10 ounces or more. c. Always leaving the bottle top uncovered to allow heat to escape. d. Shaking the bottle vigorously for at least 30 seconds after heating.

ANS: A Neither infant formula nor breast milk should be warmed in a microwave oven as this may cause oral burns as a result of uneven heating in the container. The bottle may remain cool while hot spots develop in the milk. Warming expressed milk in a microwave decreases the availability of antiinfective properties and causes separation of the fat content. Milk should be warmed in a lukewarm water bath.

34. Clinical manifestations of failure to thrive caused by behavioral problems resulting in inadequate intake of calories include: a. Avoidance of eye contact. b. An associated malabsorption defect. c. Weight that falls below the 15th percentile. d. Normal achievement of developmental landmarks.

ANS: A One of the clinical manifestations of nonorganic failure to thrive is the childs avoidance of eye contact with the health professional. A malabsorption defect would result in a physiologic problem, not behavioral. Weight (but not height) below the 5th percentile is indicative of failure to thrive. Developmental delays, including social, motor, adaptive, and language, exist.

38. With the goal of preventing plagiocephaly, the nurse should teach new parents to: a. Place the infant prone for 30 to 60 minutes per day. b. Buy a soft mattress. c. Allow the infant to nap in the car safety seat. d. Have the infant sleep with the parents.

ANS: A Prevention of positional plagiocephaly may begin shortly after birth by implementing prone positioning or tummy time for approximately 30 to 60 minutes per day when the infant is awake. Soft mattresses or sleeping with parents (co-sleeping) are not recommended because they put the infant at a higher risk for a sudden infant death incident. To prevent plagiocephaly, prolonged placement in car safety seats should be avoided.

26. Which toy is the most developmentally appropriate for an 18- to 24-month-old child? a. A push-pull toy c. A bicycle with training wheels b. Nesting blocks d. A computer

ANS: A Push-pull toys encourage large muscle activity and are appropriate for toddlers. Nesting blocks are more appropriate for a 12- to 15-month-old child. A bicycle with training wheels is appropriate for a preschool or young school-age child. A computer can be appropriate as early as the preschool years.

8. In terms of gross motor development, what would the nurse expect a 5-month-old infant to do? a. Roll from abdomen to back. c. Sit erect without support. b. Roll from back to abdomen. d. Move from prone to sitting position.

ANS: A Rolling from abdomen to back is developmentally appropriate for a 5-month-old infant. The ability to roll from back to abdomen usually occurs at 6 months old. Sitting erect without support is a developmental milestone usually achieved by 8 months. The 10-month-old infant can usually move from a prone to a sitting position.

16. Which information could be given to the parents of a 12-month-old child regarding appropriate play activities for this age? a. Give large push-pull toys for kinesthetic stimulation. b. Place cradle gym across crib to facilitate fine motor skills. c. Provide child with finger paints to enhance fine motor skills. d. Provide stick horse to develop gross motor coordination.

ANS: A The 12-month-old child is able to pull to a stand and walk holding on or independently. Appropriate toys for a child of this age include large push-pull toys for kinesthetic stimulation. A cradle gym should not be placed across the crib. Finger paints are appropriate for older children. A 12-month-old child does not have the stability to use a stick horse.

14. The parents of a 2-year-old tell the nurse that they are concerned because the toddler has started to use baby talk since the arrival of their new baby. The nurse should recommend that the parents: a. Ignore the baby talk. b. Explain to the toddler that baby talk is for babies. c. Tell the toddler frequently, You are a big kid now. d. Encourage the toddler to practice more advanced patterns of speech.

ANS: A The baby talk is a sign of regression in the toddler. It should be ignored, while praising the child for developmentally appropriate behaviors. Regression is childrens way of saying that they are expressing stress. The parents should not introduce new expectations and should allow the child to master the developmental tasks without criticism.

4. By what age does the posterior fontanel usually close? a. 6 to 8 weeks c. 4 to 6 months b. 10 to 12 weeks d. 8 to 10 months

ANS: A The bones surrounding the posterior fontanel fuse and close by age 6 to 8 weeks. Ten weeks or longer is too late.

18. The best play activity to provide tactile stimulation for a 6-month-old infant is to: a. Allow to splash in bath. c. Play music box, tapes, or CDs. b. Give various colored blocks. d. Use infant swing or stroller.

ANS: A The feel of the water while the infant is splashing provides tactile stimulation. Various colored blocks provide visual stimulation for a 4- to 6-month-old infant. A music box, tapes, and CDs provide auditory stimulation. Swings and strollers provide kinesthetic stimulation.

35. Which is an important nursing consideration when caring for an infant with failure to thrive? a. Establish a structured routine and follow it consistently. b. Maintain a nondistracting environment by not speaking to the infant during feeding. c. Place the infant in an infant seat during feedings to prevent overstimulation. d. Limit sensory stimulation and play activities to alleviate fatigue.

ANS: A The infant with failure to thrive should have a structured routine that is followed consistently. Disruptions in other activities of daily living can have a great impact on feeding behaviors. Bathing, sleeping, dressing, playing, and feeding are structured. The nurse should talk to the infant by giving directions about eating. This will help the infant maintain focus. Young children should be held while being fed, and older children can sit at a feeding table. The infant should be fed in the same manner at each meal. The infant can engage in sensory and play activities at times other than mealtime.

22. The nurse notices that a 10-month-old infant being seen in the clinic is wearing expensive, inflexible, high-top shoes. The nurse should explain that: a. Soft and flexible shoes are generally better. b. High-top shoes are necessary for support. c. Inflexible shoes are necessary to prevent in-toeing and out-toeing. d. This type of shoe will encourage the infant to walk sooner.

ANS: A The main purpose of the shoe is protection. Soft, well-constructed, athletic-type shoes are best for infants and children. High-top shoes are not necessary for support but may be helpful keeping the childs foot in the shoe. Inflexible shoes can delay walking, aggravate in-toeing and out-toeing, and impede development of the supportive foot muscles.

23. The parent of 16-month-old Chris asks, What is the best way to keep Chris from getting into our medicines at home? The nurse should advise that: a. All medicines should be locked securely away. b. The medicines should be placed in high cabinets. c. Chris just needs to be taught not to touch medicines. d. Medicines should not be kept in the homes of small children.

ANS: A The major reason for poisoning in the home is improper storage. Toddlers can climb, unlatch cabinets, and obtain access to high-security places. For medications, only a locked cabinet is safe. Toddlers can climb by using furniture. High places are not a deterrent to an exploring toddler. Toddlers are not able to generalize as dangerous all of the different forms of medications that may be available in the home. Teaching them not to touch medicines is not feasible. Many parents require medications for chronic illnesses. They must be taught safe storage for their home and when they visit other homes.

34. A nurse places some x-ray contrast the toddler is to drink in a small cup instead of a large cup. Which concept of a toddlers preoperational thinking is the nurse using? a. Inability to conserve c. Centration b. Magical thinking d. Irreversibility

ANS: A The nurse is using the toddlers inability to conserve. This is when the toddler is unable to understand the idea that a mass can be changed in size, shape, volume, or length without losing or adding to the original mass. Instead, toddlers judge what they see by the immediate perceptual clues given to them. A small glass means less amount of contrast. Magical thinking is believing that thoughts are all-powerful and can cause events. Centration is focusing on one aspect rather than considering all possible alternatives. Irreversibility is the inability to undo or reverse the actions initiated, such as being unable to stop doing an action when told.

6. A 3-month-old infant, born at 38 weeks of gestation, will hold a rattle if it is put in her hands; however, she will not voluntarily grasp it. The nurse should interpret this as: a. Normal development. b. Significant developmental lag. c. Slightly delayed development caused by prematurity. d. Suggestive of a neurologic disorder such as cerebral palsy.

ANS: A This indicates normal development. Reflexive grasping occurs during the first 2 to 3 months and then gradually becomes voluntary. No evidence of developmental lag, delayed development, or neurologic dysfunction is present.

3. A parent of an 18-month-old boy tells the nurse that he says no to everything and has rapid mood swings. If he is scolded, he shows anger and then immediately wants to be held. The nurses best interpretation of this behavior is that: a. This is normal behavior for his age. b. This is unusual behavior for his age. c. He is not effectively coping with stress. d. He is showing he needs more attention.

ANS: A Toddlers use distinct behaviors in the quest for autonomy. They express their will with continued negativity and the use of the word no. Children at this age also have rapid mood swings. The nurse should reassure the parents that their child is engaged in expected behavior for an 18-month-old.

12. A useful skill that the nurse should expect a 5-year-old child to be able to master is to: a. Tie shoelaces. c. Hammer a nail. b. Use a knife to cut meat. d. Make change from a quarter.

ANS: A Tying shoelaces is a fine motor task typical of 5-year-olds. Using a knife to cut meat is a fine motor task of a 7-year-old. Hammering a nail and making change from a quarter are fine motor tasks of an 8- to 9-year-old.

5. The nurse is caring for a hospitalized 4-year-old boy, Ryan. His parents tell the nurse that they will be back to visit at 6 PM. When Ryan asks the nurse when his parents are coming, the nurses best response is: a. They will be here soon. b. They will come after dinner. c. Let me show you on the clock when 6 PM is. d. I will tell you every time I see you how much longer it will be.

ANS: B A 4-year-old understands time in relation to events such as meals. Children perceive soon as a very short time. The nurse may lose the childs trust if his parents do not return in the time he perceives as soon. Children cannot read or use a clock for practical purposes until age 7 years. This answer assumes that the child understands the concept of hours and minutes, which is not developed until age 5 or 6 years.

14. The parent of a 4-year-old son tells the nurse that the child believes monsters and the boogeyman are in his bedroom at night. The nurses best suggestion for coping with this problem is to: a. Insist that the child sleep with his parents until the fearful phase passes. b. Suggest involving the child to find a practical solution such as a night-light. c. Help the child understand that these fears are illogical. d. Tell the child frequently that monsters and the boogeyman do not exist.

ANS: B A night-light shows a child that imaginary creatures do not lurk in the darkness. Letting the child sleep with parents or telling the child that these creatures do not exist will not get rid of the fears. A 4-year-old is in the preconceptual age and cannot understand logical thought.

18. Acyclovir (Zovirax) is given to children with chickenpox to: a. Minimize scarring. c. Prevent aplastic anemia. b. Decrease the number of lesions. d. Prevent spread of the disease.

ANS: B Acyclovir decreases the number of lesions, shortens duration of fever, and decreases itching, lethargy, and anorexia; however, it does not prevent scarring. Preventing aplastic anemia is not a function of acyclovir. Only quarantine of the infected child can prevent the spread of disease.

19. At what age should the nurse expect an infant to begin smiling in response to pleasurable stimuli? a. 1 month c. 3 months b. 2 months d. 4 months

ANS: B At age 2 months, the infant has a social, responsive smile. A reflex smile is usually present at age 1 month. The 3-month-old can recognize familiar faces. At age 4 months, the infant can enjoy social interactions.

5. What describes a toddlers cognitive development at age 20 months? a. Searches for an object only if he or she sees it being hidden b. Realizes that out of sight is not out of reach c. Puts objects into a container but cannot take them out d. Understands the passage of time such as just a minute and in an hour

ANS: B At this age the child is in the final sensorimotor stage. Children will now search for an object in several potential places, even though they saw only the original hiding place. Children have a more developed sense of objective permanence. They will search for objects even if they have not seen them hidden. Putting an object in a container but being unable to take it out indicates tertiary circular reactions. An embryonic sense of time exists; although toddlers may behave appropriately to time-oriented phrases, their sense of timing is exaggerated.

2. The nurse is assessing a 6-month-old healthy infant who weighed 7 pounds at birth. The nurse should expect the infant to now weigh approximately: a. 10 pounds. c. 20 pounds. b. 15 pounds. d. 25 pounds.

ANS: B Birth weight doubles at about age 5 to 6 months. At 6 months, an infant who weighed 7 pounds at birth would weigh approximately 15 pounds. Ten pounds is too little; the infant would have gone from the 50th percentile at birth to below the 5th percentile. Twenty pounds or more is too much; the infant would have tripled the birth weight at 6 months.

7. In terms of language and cognitive development, a 4-year-old child would be expected to: a. Think in abstract terms. b. Follow simple commands. c. Understand conservation of matter. d. Comprehend another persons perspective.

ANS: B Children ages 3 to 4 years can give and follow simple commands. Children cannot think abstractly at age 4 years. Conservation of matter is a developmental task of the school-age child. A 4-year-old child cannot comprehend anothers perspective.

31. Which should the nurse expect for a toddlers language development at age 18 months? a. Vocabulary of 25 words b. Increasing level of comprehension c. Use of phrases d. Approximately one third of speech understandable

ANS: B During the second year of life, level of comprehension and understanding of speech increases and is far greater than the childs vocabulary. This is also true for bilingual children, who are able to achieve this linguistic milestone in both languages. The 18-month-old child has a vocabulary of 10 or more words. At this age, the child does not use one-word sentences or phrases. The child has a limited vocabulary of single words that are comprehensible.

18. The most effective way to clean a toddlers teeth is for the: a. Child to brush regularly with toothpaste of his or her choice. b. Parent to stabilize the chin with one hand and brush with the other. c. Parent to brush the mandibular occlusive surfaces, leaving the rest for the child. d. Parent to brush the front labial surfaces, leaving the rest for the child.

ANS: B For young children, the most effective cleaning of teeth is done by the parents. Different positions can be used if the childs back is to the adult. The adult should use one hand to stabilize the chin and the other to brush the childs teeth. The child can participate in brushing, but for a thorough cleaning adult intervention is necessary.

4. What is descriptive of the preschoolers understanding of time? a. Has no understanding of time b. Associates time with events c. Can tell time on a clock d. Uses terms like yesterday appropriately

ANS: B In a preschoolers understanding, time has a relation with events such as, Well go outside after lunch. Preschoolers develop an abstract sense of time at age 3 years. Children can tell time on a clock at age 7 years. Children do not fully understand use of time-oriented words until age 6 years.

32. Kimberlys parents have been using a rearward-facing, convertible car seat since she was born. The parents should be taught that most car seats can be safely switched to the forward-facing position when the child reaches which age? a. 1 year c. 3 years b. 2 years d. 4 years

ANS: B It is now recommended that all infants and toddlers ride in rear-facing car safety seats until they reach the age of 2 years or the height or weight recommended by the car seat manufacturer. Children 2 years old and older who have outgrown the rear-facing height or weight limit for their car safety seat should use a forward-facing car safety seat with a harness up to the maximum height or weight recommended by the manufacturer. One year is too young to switch to a forward-facing position.

33. Which play item should the nurse bring from the playroom to a hospitalized toddler in isolation? a. Small plastic Legos c. Brightly colored balloon b. Set of large plastic building blocks d. Coloring book and crayons

ANS: B Large plastic blocks are appropriate for a toddler in isolation. Play objects for toddlers must still be chosen with an awareness of danger from small parts. Large, sturdy toys without sharp edges or removable parts are safest. Small plastic toys such as Legos can cause choking or can be aspirated. Balloons can cause significant harm if swallowed or aspirated. Coloring book and crayons would be too advanced for a toddler.

24. When is the best age for solid food to be introduced into the infants diet? a. 2 to 3 months c. When birth weight has tripled b. 4 to 6 months d. When tooth eruption has started

ANS: B Physiologically and developmentally, the 4- to 6-month-old is in a transition period. The extrusion reflex has disappeared, and swallowing is a more coordinated process. In addition, the gastrointestinal tract has matured sufficiently to handle more complex nutrients and is less sensitive to potentially allergenic food. Infants of this age will try to help during feeding. Two to 3 months is too young. The extrusion reflex is strong, and the infant will push food out with the tongue. No research base indicates that the addition of solid food to bottle-feeding has any benefit. Tooth eruption can facilitate biting and chewing; most infant foods do not require this ability.

7. Two toddlers are playing in a sandbox when one child suddenly grabs a toy from the other child. The best interpretation of this behavior is that: a. This is typical behavior because toddlers are aggressive. b. This is typical behavior because toddlers are egocentric. c. Toddlers should know that sharing toys is expected of them. d. Toddlers should have the cognitive ability to know right from wrong.

ANS: B Play develops from the solitary play of infancy to the parallel play of toddlers. The toddler plays alongside other children, not with them. This typical behavior of the toddler is not intentionally aggressive. Shared play is not within their cognitive development.

6. A 4-year-old boy is hospitalized with a serious bacterial infection. He tells the nurse that he is sick because he was bad. The nurses best interpretation of this comment is that it is: a. A sign of stress. b. Common at this age. c. Suggestive of maladaptation. d. Suggestive of excessive discipline at home.

ANS: B Preschoolers cannot understand the cause and effect of illness. Their egocentrism makes them think that they are directly responsible for events, making them feel guilt for things outside of their control. Children of this age show stress by regressing developmentally or acting out. Maladaptation is unlikely. This comment does not imply excessive discipline at home.

16. A normal characteristic of the language development of a preschool-age child is: a. Lisp. c. Echolalia. b. Stammering. d. Repetition without meaning.

ANS: B Stammering and stuttering are normal dysfluencies in preschool-age children. Lisps are not a normal characteristic of language development. Echolalia and repetition are traits of toddlers language.

20. An appropriate recommendation in preventing tooth decay in young children is to: a. Substitute raisins for candy. b. Serve sweets after a meal. c. Use honey or molasses instead of refined sugar. d. Serve sweets between meals.

ANS: B Sweets should be consumed with meals so the teeth can be cleaned afterward. This decreases the amount of time that the sugar is in contact with the teeth. Raisins, honey, and molasses are highly cariogenic and should be avoided.

30. The clinic is lending a federally approved car seat to an infants family. The nurse should explain that the safest place to put the car seat is: a. Front facing in back seat. b. Rear facing in back seat. c. Front facing in front seat if an air bag is on the passenger side. d. Rear facing in front seat if an air bag is on the passenger side.

ANS: B The rear-facing car seat provides the best protection for an infants disproportionately heavy head and weak neck. Infants should face the rear from birth to 20 pounds and as close to 1 year of age as possible. The middle of the back seat provides the safest position. Severe injuries and deaths in children have occurred from air bags deploying on impact in the front passenger seat.

31. A nurse is teaching parents about prevention and treatment of colic. Which should the nurse include in the teaching plan? a. Avoid use of pacifiers. b. Eliminate all secondhand smoke contact. c. Lay infant flat after feeding. d. Avoid swaddling the infant.

ANS: B To prevent and treat colic, teach parents that if household members smoke, they should avoid smoking near the infant; smoking activity should preferably be confined to outside of the home. A pacifier can be introduced for added sucking. The infant should be swaddled tightly with a soft, stretchy blanket and placed in an upright seat after feedings.

25. The mother of a 14-month-old child is concerned because the childs appetite has decreased. The best response for the nurse to make to the mother is: a. It is important for your toddler to eat three meals a day and nothing in between. b. It is not unusual for toddlers to eat less. c. Be sure to increase your childs milk consumption, which will improve nutrition. d. Giving your child a multivitamin supplement daily will increase your toddlers appetite.

ANS: B Toddlers need small, frequent meals. Nutritious selection throughout the day, rather than quantity, is more important with this age-group. Physiologically, growth slows and appetite decreases during the toddler period. Milk consumption should not exceed 16 to 24 oz daily. Juice should be limited to 4 to 6 oz per day. Increasing the amount of milk will only further decrease solid food intake. Supplemental vitamins are important for all children, but they do not increase appetite.

8. Which statement about toilet training is correct? a. Bladder training is usually accomplished before bowel training. b. Wanting to please the parent helps motivate the child to use the toilet. c. Watching older siblings use the toilet confuses the child. d. Children must be forced to sit on the toilet when first learning.

ANS: B Voluntary control of the anal and urethral sphincters is achieved sometime after the child is walking. The child must be able to recognize the urge to let go and to hold on. The child must want to please the parent by holding on rather than pleasing self by letting go. Bowel training precedes bladder training. Watching older siblings provides role modeling and facilitates imitation for the toddler. The child should be introduced to the potty chair or toilet in a nonthreatening manner.

8. Which type of play is most typical of the preschool period? a. Solitary c. Associative b. Parallel d. Team

ANS: C Associative play is group play in similar or identical activities but without rigid organization or rules. Solitary play is that of infants. Parallel play is that of toddlers. School-age children play in teams.

13. A parent asks the nurse At what age do most babies begin to fear strangers? The nurse responds that most infants begin to fear strangers at age: a. 2 months. c. 6 months. b. 4 months. d. 12 months.

ANS: C Between ages 6 and 8 months, fear of strangers and stranger anxiety become prominent and are related to the infants ability to discriminate between familiar and nonfamiliar people. At age 2 months, the infant is just beginning to respond differentially to the mother. At age 4 months, the infant is beginning the process of separation individuation when the infant begins to recognize self and mother as separate beings. Twelve months is too late and requires referral for evaluation if the infant does not fear strangers at this age.

17. Developmentally, most children at age 12 months: a. Use a spoon adeptly. b. Relinquish the bottle voluntarily. c. Eat the same food as the rest of the family. d. Reject all solid food in preference to the bottle.

ANS: C By age 12 months, most children are eating the same food that is prepared for the rest of the family. Using a spoon usually is not mastered until age 18 months. The parents should be engaged in weaning a child from a bottle if that is the source of liquid. Toddlers should be encouraged to drink from a cup at the first birthday and weaned totally by 14 months. The child should be weaned from a milk/formula-based diet to a balanced diet that includes iron-rich sources of food.

33. Parent guidelines for relieving colic in an infant include: a. Avoiding touching the abdomen. b. Avoiding using a pacifier. c. Changing the infants position frequently. d. Placing the infant where the family cannot hear the crying.

ANS: C Changing the infants position frequently may be beneficial. The parent can walk holding the infant face down and with the infants chest across the parents arm. The parents hand can support the infants abdomen, applying gentle pressure. Gently massaging the abdomen is effective in some infants. Pacifiers can be used for meeting additional sucking needs. The infant should not be placed where monitoring cannot be done. The infant can be placed in the crib and allowed to cry. Periodically, the infant should be picked up and comforted.

28. Which comments indicate that the mother of a toddler needs further teaching about dental care? a. We use well water so I give my toddler fluoride supplements. b. My toddler brushes his teeth with my help. c. My child will not need a dental checkup until his permanent teeth come in. d. I use a small nylon bristle brush for my toddlers teeth.

ANS: C Children should first see the dentist 6 months after the first primary tooth erupts and no later than age 30 months. Toddlers need fluoride supplements when they use a water supply that is not fluorinated. Toddlers also require supervision with dental care. The parent should finish brushing areas not reached by the child. A small nylon bristle brush works best for cleaning toddlers teeth.

27. What is the primary purpose of a transitional object? a. It helps the parents deal with the guilt they feel when they leave the child. b. It keeps the child quiet at bedtime. c. It is effective in decreasing anxiety in the toddler. d. It decreases negativism and tantrums in the toddler.

ANS: C Decreasing anxiety, particularly separation anxiety, is the function of a transitional object; it provides comfort to the toddler in stressful situations and helps make the transition from dependence to autonomy. A decrease in parental guilt (distress) is an indirect benefit of a transitional object. A transitional object may be part of a bedtime ritual, but it may not keep the child quiet at bedtime. A transitional object does not significantly affect negativity and tantrums, but it can comfort a child after tantrums.

39. An infant has been pronounced dead from sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) in the emergency department. Which is an appropriate question to ask the parents? a. Did you hear the infant cry out? b. Why didnt you check on the infant earlier? c. What time did you find the infant? d. Was the head buried in a blanket?

ANS: C During a SIDS incident, if the infant is not pronounced dead at the scene, he or she may be transported to the emergency department to be pronounced dead by a physician. While they are in the emergency department, the parents are asked only factual questions, such as when they found the infant, how he or she looked, and whom they called for help. The nurse avoids any remarks that may suggest responsibility, such as Why didnt you go in earlier? Didnt you hear the infant cry out? or Was the head buried in a blanket?

12. Which behavior indicates that an infant has developed object permanence? a. Recognizes familiar face such as the mother b. Recognizes familiar object such as a bottle c. Actively searches for a hidden object d. Secures objects by pulling on a string

ANS: C During the first 6 months of life, infants believe that objects exist only as long as they can see them. When infants search for an object that is out of sight, this signals the attainment of object permanence, whereby an infant knows that an object exists even when it is not visible. Between ages 8 and 12 weeks, infants begin to respond differentially to their mothers. They cry, smile, vocalize, and show distinct preference for their mothers. This preference is one of the stages that influence the attachment process, but it is too early for object permanence. Recognizing familiar objects is an important transition for the infant, but it does not signal object permanence. The ability to understand cause and effect, such as pulling on a string to secure an object, is part of secondary schema development.

6. Although a 14-month-old girl received a shock from an electrical outlet recently, her parents find her about to place a paper clip in another outlet. The best interpretation of this behavior is that: a. Her cognitive development is delayed. b. This is typical behavior because toddlers are not very developed. c. This is typical behavior because of inability to transfer knowledge to new situations. d. This is not typical behavior because toddlers should know better than to repeat an act that caused pain.

ANS: C During the tertiary circular reactions stage, children have only a rudimentary sense of the classification of objects. The appearance of an object denotes its function for these children. The slot of an outlet is for putting things into. Her cognitive development is appropriate for her age and represents typical behavior for a toddler. Only some awareness exists of a causal relation between events.

17. During the preschool period, the emphasis of injury prevention should be placed on: a. Constant vigilance and protection. b. Punishment for unsafe behaviors. c. Education for safety and potential hazards. d. Limitation of physical activities.

ANS: C Education for safety and potential hazards is appropriate for preschoolers because they can begin to understand dangers. Constant vigilance and protection is not practical at this age since preschoolers are becoming more independent. Punishment may make children scared of trying new things. Limitation of physical activities is not appropriate.

27. The parent of 2-week-old Sarah asks the nurse if Sarah needs fluoride supplements because she is exclusively breastfed. The nurses best response is: a. She needs to begin taking them now. b. They are not needed if you drink fluoridated water. c. She may need to begin taking them at age 6 months. d. She can have infant cereal mixed with fluoridated water instead of supplements.

ANS: C Fluoride supplementation is recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics beginning at age 6 months if the child is not drinking adequate amounts of fluoridated water. The recommendation is to begin supplementation at 6 months, not at 2 weeks. The amount of water that is ingested and the amount of fluoride in the water are evaluated when supplementation is being considered.

23. A mother tells the nurse that she is discontinuing breastfeeding her 5-month-old infant. The nurse should recommend that the infant be given: a. Skim milk. c. Commercial iron-fortified formula. b. Whole cows milk. d. Commercial formula without iron.

ANS: C For children younger than 1 year, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends the use of breast milk. If breastfeeding has been discontinued, iron-fortified commercial formula should be used. Cows milk should not be used in children younger than 12 months. Maternal iron stores are almost depleted by this age; the iron-fortified formula will help prevent the development of iron deficiency anemia.

1. Which statement best describes the infants physical development? a. Anterior fontanel closes by age 6 to 10 months. b. Binocularity is well established by age 8 months. c. Birth weight doubles by age 5 months and triples by age 1 year. d. Maternal iron stores persist during the first 12 months of life.

ANS: C Growth is very rapid during the first year of life. The birth weight approximately doubles by age 5 to 6 months and triples by age 1 year. The anterior fontanel closes at age 12 to 18 months. Binocularity is not established until age 15 months. Maternal iron stores are usually depleted by age 6 months.

11. According to Piaget, the 6-month-old infant would be in what stage of the sensorimotor phase? a. Use of reflexes c. Secondary circular reactions b. Primary circular reactions d. Coordination of secondary schemata

ANS: C Infants are usually in the secondary circular reaction stage from age 4 months to 8 months. This stage is characterized by a continuation of the primary circular reaction for the response that results. For example, shaking of a rattle is performed to hear the noise of the rattle, not just for shaking. The use of reflexes is primarily during the first month of life. The primary circular reaction stage marks the replacement of reflexes with voluntary acts. The infant is in this stage from age 1 month to 4 months. The fourth sensorimotor stage is coordination of secondary schemata. This is a transitional stage in which increasing motor skills enable greater exploration of the environment.

10. By what age should the nurse expect that an infant will be able to pull to a standing position? a. 6 months c. 9 months b. 8 months d. 11 to 12 months

ANS: C Most infants can pull themselves to a standing position at age 9 months. Any infant who cannot pull to a standing position by age 11 to 12 months should be referred for further evaluation for developmental dysplasia of the hip. At 6 months, the infant has just obtained coordination of arms and legs. By age 8 months, infants can bear full weight on their legs.

9. Imaginary playmates are beneficial to the preschool child because they: a. Take the place of social interactions. b. Take the place of pets and other toys. c. Become friends in times of loneliness. d. Accomplish what the child has already successfully accomplished.

ANS: C One purpose of an imaginary friend is to be a friend in time of loneliness. Imaginary friends do not take the place of social interactions but may encourage conversation.

35. Parents need further teaching about the use of car safety seats if they make which statement? a. Even if our toddler helps buckle the straps, we will double-check the fastenings. b. We wont start the car until everyone is properly restrained. c. We wont need to use the car seat on short trips to the store. d. We will anchor the car seat to the cars anchoring system.

ANS: C Parents need to be taught to always use the restraint even for short trips. Further teaching is needed if they make this statement. Parents have understood the teaching if they encourage the child to help attach buckles, straps, and shields but always double-check fastenings; do not start the car until everyone is properly restrained; and anchor the car safety seat securely to the cars anchoring system and apply the harness snugly to the child.

9. At which age can most infants sit steadily unsupported? a. 4 months c. 8 months b. 6 months d. 10 months

ANS: C Sitting erect without support is a developmental milestone usually achieved by 8 months. At age 4 months, an infant can sit with support. At age 6 months, the infant will maintain a sitting position if propped. By 10 months, the infant can maneuver from a prone to a sitting position.

42. The nurse should teach parents that which age is safe to give infants whole milk instead of commercial infant formula? a. 6 months c. 12 months b. 9 months d. 18 months

ANS: C The American Academy of Pediatrics does not recommend the use of cows milk for children younger than 12 months. At 6 and 9 months, the infant should be receiving commercial infant formula or breast milk. At age 18 months, milk and formula are supplemented with solid foods, water, and some fruit juices.

12. A toddlers parent asks the nurse for suggestions on dealing with temper tantrums. The most appropriate recommendation is to: a. Punish the child. b. Leave the child alone until the tantrum is over. c. Ignore the behavior, provided that it is not injurious. d. Explain to child that this is wrong.

ANS: C The parent should be told that the best way to deal with temper tantrums is to ignore the behaviors, provided that the actions are not dangerous to the child. Tantrums are common during this age-group as the child becomes more independent and increasingly complex tasks overwhelm him or her. The parents and caregivers need to have consistent and developmentally appropriate expectations. Punishment and explanations will not be beneficial.

40. An infant experienced an apparent life-threatening event and is being placed on home apnea monitoring. The parents have understood the instructions for use of a home apnea monitor when they state: a. We can adjust the monitor to eliminate false alarms. b. We should sleep in the same bed as our monitored infant. c. We will check the monitor several times a day to be sure the alarm is working. d. We will place the monitor in the crib with our infant.

ANS: C The parents should check the monitor several times a day to be sure the alarm is working and that it can be heard from room to room. The parents should not adjust the monitor to eliminate false alarms. Adjustments could compromise the monitors effectiveness. The monitor should be placed on a firm surface away from the crib and drapes. The parents should not sleep in the same bed as the monitored infant.

10. In the clinic waiting room, a nurse observes a parent showing an 18-month-old child how to make a tower out of blocks. In this situation the nurse should recognize that: a. Blocks at this age are used primarily for throwing. b. Toddlers are too young to imitate the behavior of others. c. Toddlers are capable of building a tower of blocks. d. Toddlers are too young to build a tower of blocks.

ANS: C This is a good parent-child interaction. The 18-month-old is capable of building a tower of 3 or 4 blocks. The ability to build towers of blocks usually begins at age 15 months. With ongoing development, the child is able to build taller towers. At this age, children imitate others around them and no longer throw blocks.

36. An important nursing responsibility when dealing with a family experiencing the loss of an infant from sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is to: a. Explain how SIDS could have been predicted and prevented. b. Interview parents in depth concerning the circumstances surrounding the infants death. c. Discourage parents from making a last visit with the infant. d. Make a follow-up home visit to parents as soon as possible after the infants death.

ANS: D A competent, qualified professional should visit the family at home as soon as possible after the death and provide the family with printed information about SIDS. An explanation of how SIDS could have been predicted and prevented is inappropriate. SIDS cannot be prevented or predicted. Discussions about the cause will only increase parental guilt. The parents should be asked only factual questions to determine the cause of death. Parents should be allowed and encouraged to make a last visit with their infant.

13. The nurse is guiding parents in selecting a day care facility for their child. When making the selection, it is especially important to consider: a. Structured learning environment. b. Socioeconomic status of children. c. Cultural similarities of children. d. Teachers knowledgeable about development.

ANS: D A teacher knowledgeable about development will structure activities for learning. A structured learning environment is not necessary at this age. Socioeconomic status is not the most important factor in selecting a preschool. Preschool is about expanding experiences with others; cultural similarities are not necessary.

11. By what age would the nurse expect that most children could understand prepositional phrases such as under, on top of, beside, and in back of? a. 18 months c. 3 years b. 24 months d. 4 years

ANS: D At 4 years, children can understand directional phrases. Children 18 to 24 months and 3 years of age are too young.

10. Which characteristic best describes the language of a 3-year-old child? a. Asks meanings of words b. Follows directional commands c. Can describe an object according to its composition d. Talks incessantly, regardless of whether anyone is listening

ANS: D Because of the dramatic vocabulary increase at this age, 3-year-olds are known to talk incessantly, regardless of whether anyone is listening. A 4- to 5-year-old asks lots of questions and can follow simple directional commands. A 6-year-old can describe an object according to its composition.

26. Parents tell the nurse that their 1-year-old son often sleeps with them. They seem unconcerned about this. The nurses response should be based on the knowledge that: a. Children should not sleep with their parents. b. Separation from parents should be completed by this age. c. Daytime attention should be increased. d. This is a common and accepted practice, especially in some cultural groups.

ANS: D Co-sleeping or sharing the family bed, in which the parents allow the children to sleep with them, is a common and accepted practice in many cultures. Parents should evaluate the options available and avoid conditions that place the infant at risk. Population-based studies are currently underway; no evidence at this time supports or abandons the practice for safety reasons. This is the age at which children are just beginning to individuate. Increased daytime activity may help decrease sleep problems in general, but co-sleeping is a culturally determined phenomenon.

22. The nurse recommends to parents that peanuts are not a good snack food for toddlers. The nurses rationale for this action is that: a. They are low in nutritive value. c. They cannot be entirely digested. b. They are very high in sodium. d. They can be easily aspirated.

ANS: D Foreign-body aspiration is common during the second year of life. Although they chew well, children at this age may have difficulty with large pieces of food such as meat and whole hot dogs and with hard foods such as nuts or dried beans. Peanuts have many beneficial nutrients but should be avoided because of the risk of aspiration in this age-group. The sodium level may be a concern, but the risk of aspiration is more important. Many foods pass through the gastrointestinal tract incompletely digested. This is not necessarily detrimental to the child.

29. The parents of a 12-month-old child ask the nurse if the child can eat hot dogs. The nurses reply should be based on knowing that: a. The child is too young to digest hot dogs. b. The child is too young to eat hot dogs safely. c. Hot dogs must be sliced into sections to prevent aspiration. d. Hot dogs must be cut into small, irregular pieces to prevent aspiration.

ANS: D Hot dogs are of a consistency, diameter, and round shape that may cause complete obstruction of the childs airway. If given to young children, the hot dog should be cut into small irregular pieces rather than served whole or in slices. The childs digestive system is mature enough to digest hot dogs. To eat the hot dog safely, the child should be sitting down, and the hot dog should be appropriately cut into irregularly shaped pieces.

37. Which is the most appropriate action when an infant becomes apneic? a. Shake vigorously. b. Roll head side to side. c. Hold by feet upside down with head supported. d. Gently stimulate trunk by patting or rubbing.

ANS: D If the infant is apneic, the infants trunk should be gently stimulated by patting or rubbing. If the infant is prone, turn onto the back. The infant should not be shaken vigorously, have the head rolled side to side, or be held by the feet upside down with the head supported. These actions can cause injury.

2. The psychosocial developmental tasks of toddlerhood include: a. Development of a conscience. b. Recognition of sex differences. c. Ability to get along with age mates. d. Ability to withstand delayed gratification.

ANS: D If the need for basic trust has been satisfied, toddlers can give up dependence for control, independence, and autonomy. One of the tasks that the toddler is concerned with is the ability to withstand delayed gratification. Development of a conscience occurs during the preschool years. The recognition of sex differences occurs during the preschool years. The ability to get along with age mates develops during the preschool and school-age years.

28. A mother tells the nurse that she doesnt want her infant immunized because of the discomfort associated with injections. The nurse should explain that: a. This cannot be prevented. b. Infants do not feel pain as adults do. c. This is not a good reason for refusing immunizations. d. A topical anesthetic, eutectic mixture of local anesthetic (EMLA), can be applied before injections are given.

ANS: D Several topical anesthetic agents can be used to minimize the discomfort associated with immunization injections. These include EMLA and vapor coolant sprays. Pain associated with many procedures can be prevented or minimized by using the principles of atraumatic care. With preparation, the injection site can be properly anesthetized to decrease the amount of pain felt by the infant. Infants have the neural pathways to sense pain. Numerous research studies have indicated that infants perceive and react to pain in the same manner as do children and adults. The mother should be allowed to discuss her concerns and the alternatives available. This is part of the informed consent process.

4. The nurse is planning care for a 17-month-old child. According to Piaget, in what stage would the nurse expect the child to be? a. Trust c. Secondary circular reaction b. Preoperations d. Tertiary circular reaction

ANS: D The 17-month-old is in the fifth stage of the sensorimotor phase: tertiary circular reactions. The child uses active experimentation to achieve previously unattainable goals. Trust is Eriksons first stage. Preoperations is the stage of cognitive development, usually present in older toddlers and preschoolers. Secondary circular reactions last from about ages 4 to 8 months.

9. Which characteristic best describes the gross motor skills of a 24-month-old child? a. Skips c. Broad jumps b. Rides tricycle d. Walks up and down stairs

ANS: D The 24-month-old child can go up and down stairs alone with two feet on each step. Skipping and the ability to broad jump are skills acquired at age 3. Tricycle riding is achieved at age 4.

43. A parent asks the nurse whether her infant is susceptible to pertussis. The nurses response should be based on which statement concerning susceptibility to pertussis? a. Neonates will be immune the first few months. b. If the mother has had the disease, the infant will receive passive immunity. c. Children younger than 1 year seldom contract this disease. d. Most children are highly susceptible from birth.

ANS: D The acellular pertussis vaccine is recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics beginning at age 6 weeks. Infants are at greater risk for complications of pertussis. The vaccine is not given after age 7 years, when the risks of the vaccine become greater than those of pertussis. The infant is highly susceptible to pertussis, which can be a life-threatening illness in this age-group.

11. The parents of a newborn say that their toddler hates the baby . . . he suggested that we put him in the trash can so the trash truck could take him away. The nurses best reply is: a. Lets see if we can figure out why he hates the new baby. b. Thats a strong statement to come from such a small boy. c. Lets refer him to counseling to work this hatred out. Its not a normal response. d. That is a normal response to the birth of a sibling. Lets look at ways to deal with this.

ANS: D The arrival of a new infant represents a crisis for even the best-prepared toddler. Toddlers have their entire schedule and routines disrupted because of the new family member. The nurse should work with parents on ways to involve the toddler in the newborns care and help focus attention on the toddler. The toddler does not hate the infant. This is an expected response to the changes in routines and attention that affect the toddler. This is a normal response. The toddler can be provided with a doll to tend to its needs when the parent is performing similar care for the newborn.

16. A father tells the nurse that his daughter wants the same plate and cup used at every meal, even if they go to a restaurant. The nurse should explain that this is: a. A sign that the child is spoiled. c. Regression, common at this age. b. A way to exert unhealthy control. d. Ritualism, common at this age.

ANS: D The child is exhibiting the ritualism that is characteristic at this age. Ritualism is the need to maintain sameness and reliability. It provides a sense of comfort to the toddler. It will dictate certain principles in feeding practices, including rejecting a favorite food because it is served in a different container. This does not indicate a child who has unreasonable expectations or a need to exert control, but rather normal development. Toddlers use ritualistic behaviors to maintain necessary structure in their lives. This is not regression, which is a retreat from a present pattern of functioning.

19. The nurse is discussing with a parent group the importance of fluoride for healthy teeth. The nurse should recommend that the parents: a. Use fluoridated mouth rinses in children older than 1 year. b. Have children brush teeth with fluoridated toothpaste unless fluoride content of water supply is adequate. c. Give fluoride supplements to breastfed infants beginning at age 1 month. d. Determine whether water supply is fluoridated.

ANS: D The decision about fluoride supplementation cannot be made until it is known whether the water supply contains fluoride and the amount. It is difficult to teach this age-group to spit out the mouthwash. Swallowing fluoridated mouthwashes can contribute to fluorosis. Fluoridated toothpaste is still indicated, but very small amounts are used. Fluoride supplementation is not recommended until after age 6 months.

5. The parents of a 9-month-old infant tell the nurse that they have noticed foods such as peas and corn are not completely digested and can be seen in their infants stool. The nurse bases her explanation on knowing that: a. Children should not be given fibrous foods until the digestive tract matures at age 4 years. b. The infant should not be given any solid foods until this digestive problem is resolved. c. This is abnormal and requires further investigation. d. This is normal because of the immaturity of digestive processes at this age.

ANS: D The immaturity of the digestive tract is evident in the appearance of the stools. Solid foods are passed incompletely broken down in the feces. An excess quantity of fiber predisposes the child to large, bulky stools. This is a normal part of the maturational process, and no further investigation is necessary.

13. A parent asks the nurse about how to respond to negativism in toddlers. The most appropriate recommendation is to: a. Punish the child. b. Provide more attention. c. Ask child not always to say no. d. Reduce the opportunities for a no answer.

ANS: D The nurse should suggest to the parent that questions should be phrased with realistic choices rather than yes or no answers. This provides a sense of control for the toddler and reduces the opportunity for negativism. Negativism is not an indication of stubbornness or insolence and should not be punished. The negativism is not a function of attention; the child is testing limits to gain an understanding of the world. The toddler is too young to be asked to not always say no.

29. What is helpful to tell a mother who is concerned about preventing sleep problems in her 2-year-old child? a. Have the child always sleep in a quiet, darkened room. b. Provide high-carbohydrate snacks before bedtime. c. Communicate with the childs daytime caregiver about eliminating the afternoon nap. d. Use a night-light in the childs room.

ANS: D The preschooler has a great imagination. Sounds and shadows can have a negative effect on sleeping behavior. Night-lights provide the child with the ability to visualize the environment and decrease the fear felt in a dark room. A dark, quiet room may be scary to a preschooler. High-carbohydrate snacks increase energy and do not promote relaxation. Most 2-year-olds take one nap each day. Many give up the habit by age 3. Insufficient rest during the day can lead to irritability and difficulty sleeping at night.

41. The parents of a 3-month-old infant report that their infant sleeps supine (face up) but is often prone (face down) while awake. The nurses response should be based on knowledge that this is: a. Unacceptable because of the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). b. Unacceptable because it does not encourage achievement of developmental milestones. c. Unacceptable to encourage fine motor development. d. Acceptable to encourage head control and turning over.

ANS: D These parents are implementing the guidelines to reduce the risk of SIDS. Infants should sleep on their backs and then be placed on their abdomens when awake to enhance development of milestones such as head control. The face-down position while awake and positioning on the back for sleep are acceptable because they reduce risk of SIDS and allow achievement of developmental milestones. These position changes encourage gross motor, not fine motor, development.

21. Austin, age 6 months, has six teeth. The nurse should recognize that this is: a. Normal tooth eruption. c. Unusual and dangerous. b. Delayed tooth eruption. d. Earlier-than-normal tooth eruption.

ANS: D This is earlier than expected. Most infants at age 6 months have two teeth. Six teeth at 6 months is not delayed; it is early tooth eruption. Although unusual, it is not dangerous.

2. In terms of fine motor development, what could the 3-year-old child be expected to do? a. Tie shoelaces. b. Use scissors or a pencil very well. c. Draw a person with seven to nine parts. d. Copy (draw) a circle.

ANS: D Three-year-olds are able to accomplish the fine motor skill of drawing a circle. Tying shoelaces, using scissors or a pencil very well, and drawing a person with multiple parts are fine motor skills of 5-year-old children.

1. Which accomplishment would the nurse expect of a healthy 3-year-old child? a. Jump rope b. Ride a two-wheel bicycle c. Skip on alternate feet d. Balance on one foot for a few seconds

ANS: D Three-year-olds are able to accomplish the gross motor skill of balancing on one foot. Jumping rope, riding a two-wheel bike, and skipping on alternate feet are gross motor skills of 5-year-old children.

`1. Which factor is most important in predisposing toddlers to frequent infections such as otitis media, tonsillitis, and upper respiratory tract infections? a. Respirations are abdominal. b. Pulse and respiratory rates are slower than those in infancy. c. Defense mechanisms are less efficient than those during infancy. d. Short, straight internal ear/throat structures and large tonsil/adenoid lymph tissue are present.

ANS: D Toddlers continue to have the short, straight internal ear canal of infants. The lymphoid tissue of the tonsils and adenoids continues to be relatively large. These two anatomic conditions combine to predispose the toddler to frequent infections. The abdominal respirations and lowered pulse and respiratory rate of toddlers do not affect their susceptibility to infection. The defense mechanisms are more efficient compared with those of infancy.

19. Which medication may be given to high risk children after exposure to chickenpox to prevent varicella? a. Acyclovir b. Vitamin A c. Diphenhydramine hydrochloride d. Varicella zoster immune globulin (VZIG)

ANS: D VZIG is given to high risk children to help prevent the development of chickenpox. Immune globulin intravenous may also be recommended. Acyclovir is given to immunocompromised children to reduce the severity of symptoms. Vitamin A reduces morbidity and mortality associated with the measles. The antihistamine diphenhydramine is administered to reduce the itching associated with chickenpox.

20. Latasha is a breastfed infant being seen in the clinic for her 6-month checkup. Her mother tells the nurse that Latasha recently began to suck her thumb. The best nursing intervention is to: a. Recommend that the mother substitute a pacifier for Latashas thumb. b. Assess Latasha for other signs of sensory deprivation. c. Reassure the mother that this is very normal at this age. d. Suggest that the mother breastfeed Latasha more often to satisfy sucking needs.

NS: C Sucking is an infants chief pleasure, and she may not be satisfied by bottle-feeding or breastfeeding alone. During infancy and early childhood, there is no need to restrict nonnutritive sucking. Dental damage does not appear to occur unless the use of the pacifier or finger persists after age 4 to 6 years. The nurse should explore with the mother her feelings about pacifier vs. thumb. This is a normal behavior to meet nonnutritive sucking needs. No data support that Latasha has sensory deprivation.

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