PHHA370 Final

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Which of the following statements is true about drug misuse?

- Occurs when a prescription or otc drug is used inappropriately. - Often instrumental in motivation Correct answer: both

Alcohol is categorized as which of the following?


Which of the following is an example of recreational drug use?

Using cough syrup to get high

A protective factor is something that will ____________________ the likelihood that an individual will engage in negative behaviors.


Methamphetamine is a stimulant and is known for giving people energy while inhibiting sleep. Which of the following brain areas are being effected?


Which of the following happened as a result of prohibition?

- Manufacture, sale transport or import of alcohol became illegal from 1920-1933. - Illegal saloons called "speakeasies" were created. - An intial decline in alcohol related disease, death and crime occurred. - Overall, alcohol related crime and death increased to the point of being out of control. Correct answer: all the above

The cost of chronic alcohol abuse are estimated to exceed ____________ annually.

$224 billion

3. What are the phases of the cycle of addiction?

(1) Relief (2) Increased use (3) Preoccupation (4) Dependency (5) Withdrawal

Today, Americans spend more than _____________ annually on alcohol. It's actually about the same amount that the world spent on Apple products in 2018.

- 250 billion

Binge drinking is defined as having ___[a]____ or more drinks in a 2 hour period (for men) and having ___[b]____ or more drinks in a 2 hour period (for women).

- 5 - 4

Please match the following statements about drug interactions.

- Additive: When the effect of 2 drugs together is greater than if either drug were administered separately (drug A = 4 and drug B = 6, effect = 10) - Hyperadditive: When the effect of 2 drugs together exceeds the strength of both drugs combined. (drug A = 4 and drug B = 6, effect > 10) Also referred to as synergism. - Potentiation: When one drug has no effect unless it's taken with another drug. - Antagonistic: When the effect of one drug is diminished when taken with another drug.

Which of the following statements is true about the physical and psychological effects of alcohol?

- Alcohol can help people relax and fall asleep, however it interferes with REM sleep so the sleep is not restful or restorative. - Alcohol consumption, even in moderation, greatly increases the risk of fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS). - Decreases driving ability because motor skills, response times and awareness of peripheral stimuli are severely impaired. - Behaviors range from exhilaration/excitement, talkativeness, slurred speech, and irritability to more potentially harmful behaviors such as DUI, unprotected/unwanted sex, or blackout. Correct answer: all theabove

Which of the following statements are true about how alcohol effects the brain?

- Alcohol is a CNS depressant - Inhibitory control in the brain is disengaged so people are uninhibited (less thoughtful about their decisions and the related consequences) - As Blood Alcohol Concentration increases, depressive action extends to medulla (controls essential functioning), inhibiting respiratory control, possibly leading to asphyxiation. Correct answer: all 3

Which of the following statements are true about fetal alcohol syndrome?

- Alcohol is teratogenic- meaning is produces specific birth defects by disrupting fetal development during pregnancy - Fetal alcohol syndrome is a syndrome that is caused by alcohol consumption during pregnancy and - Occurs because the developing fetus is extremely susceptible to conditions (alcohol) in the mothers bloodstream). The fetus does not have adequate levels of alcohol dehydrogenase so alcohol stays in the fetus' system longer. - Concentrated episodes of drinking pose the greatest risk (1 drink each day vs 5 in one day). Correct answer: all the above

Match each phase of alcohol withdrawal with it's appropriate description.

- Alcohol withdrawal syndrome: Insomnia, vivid dreams, and a severe hangover followed by tremors, sweating, mild agitation, anxiety, nausea, vomiting, increased heart rate and blood pressure - Delerium tremens: Extreme disorientation, fever, confusion, sweating, disturbing nightmares. Occasionally accompanied by frightening hallucinations, requires hospitalization.

Which of the following is a way we can help to reduce the impact of ACES?

- Building a person's capabilties and skills - Building a sense of attachment and belonging (health relationships) - Building a sense of community (this can include cultural or spiritual community) Correct answer: all of the above.

What other physical issues can be caused by chronic alcohol use/abuse?

- Cardiovascular issues such as inflamed heart muscle, poor circulation to the heart, irregular heart contractions, accumulation of fat in the heart and arteries, high blood pressure and stroke. - Cancer of the throat and liver. - Dementia like symptoms. Correct answer: all the above

4. What does it mean to have a co-occurring or dual diagnosis?

- Co-occurring or dual diagnosis means to be diagnosed with both a substance use and mental health disorder.

Please match the following terms with the correct definition.

- Cross tolerance: Developing a tolerance for one drug can contribute to the tolerance of another drug, even if the second drug has never been taken by that individual. - Cross dependence: When withdrawal symptoms for one drug can sometimes be mitigated by the administration of another drug.

Please match each of the following neurotransmitters to it's correct function.

- Dopamine: Affects motor control, emotions and pleasure center of the brain. Also plays a role in drug craving and addictive behavior. - Norepinephrine: Principal neurotransmitter for sympathetic autonomic activation (stress response). ALso helps regulate mood. - Serotonin: Helps regulate sleep patterns - Endorphins: Body's naturally produced pain killers

Which of the following statements is true about drug abuse?

- Drug taking behavior results in some form of impairment (physical, mental or social) - Often recreational in motivation Correct answer: both

Please provide an example of a risk factor.

- Family history of drug use - Peer drug use - History of mental health illness

Please match each type of liver disease with it's correct description.

- Fatty liver: Accumulation of fat in the liver that interferes with liver function. Reversible if the drinker abstains. - Alcoholic hepatitis: Inflammation of the liver that causes fever, jaundice, abdominal pain, caused in part by a low functioning immune system. It is also reversible with abstinence, some scarring may remain - Alcoholic cirrhosis: Progressive development of scar tissue that chokes blood vessels in the liver and destroys liver cells by disrupting the cells oxygen use. Abstinence can help prevent further degeneration of the liver but the condition is not reversible without a transplant.

Alcohol influences what 2 neurotransmitters.

- GABA - dopamine

Please provide an example of a protective factor.

- Healthy family relationships - Strong connection to the school - Involved in extracurricular activities

Which of the following statements are true about absorption across skin membranes as a route of drug administration?

- It is a moderately quick method of administration. - Absoprtion can occur in several areas of the body including in the mouth, in the nose or applied directly to the skin itself. - It can cause skin irritation. Correct answer: all of the above.

Which of the following statements is true about inhalation as a drug administration method?

- It is the fastest drug administration route, with drugs moving from the lungs to the brain in 8 seconds or less. - A side effect of inhalation can be damage to the throat, airways and lungs. Correct answer: both

There are 4 methods of drug administration. Which of the following statements are true about oral administration?

- It is the slowest route of administration - It is the only route administration with it's own built in safety mechanism (vomiting) Correct answer: both

Which of the following statements are true about injecting drugs as a route of administration?

- It is very rapid - Drugs can be injected into a vein, a muscle or into the skin - The reaction to whatever substance is injected is so quick, that it's often not reversible - It is a highly utilized administration method, both in medical and recreational settings Correct answer: all of the above.

Which of the following statements is true about therapuetic index:

- It is what determines how dangerous a drug can be (toxicity) - Ratio of LD50:ED50 - Ratio of lethal dose in 50% of the population to effective dose in 50% of the population Correct answer: these 3

Which of the following are true about the term "expectation effect"?

- It is what the individual perceives will happen when under the influence of a drug; what they "expect" to happen. - A placebo effect. - Can enhance or diminish the actual effect of the drug, based upon how the individual perceives they will respond to that drug. Correct answer: all the above

Which of the following statements are true about the margin of safety?

- LD1:ED99 - The higher the ratio, the wider the margin of safety and the less toxic a drug is.

2. Describe one of the three theories on addiction.

- One of the models of addiction is Moral model. It is a belief that people who abuse the use of drugs lacked willpower and that is seen as a reflection of the person's poor moral and choices they've done.

Which of the following is categorized as an ACE?

- Physical, emotional or sexual abuse - Substance abuse in the home - Parental separation or divorce - Neglect (physical or emotional) Correct answer: all of the above.

Please match each of the following alcohol related issues with it's correct description.

- Preoccupation: Thinking about alcohol constantly and incorporating it into daily life - Emotional problems: Alcoholics display long term depression more than the general population. Approx. 40% of those who meet the criteria for alcohol dependence will also have one or more alcohol induced depressive episodes. - Vocational, social and family: Problems in one area of life often spill over into other areas of life as well. For example, alcohol related issues at home often tend to carry over into stress at work or with other family.problems - Physical problems: Primary site of damage is the brain. Scans show brain shrinkage in areas specific to complex thinking and memory. Brain changes are observed even when other health issues are not.

Which of the following is a factor that influences substance use/abuse?

- Route of administration - Gender - Ethnicity - Brain structure/function Correct answer: all the above

Codependency is defined as which of the following:

- Someone who is over-involved with the alcoholic - Someone who makes obsessive attempts to control the alcoholic's behavior - Someone who relies strongly on external sources of self-worth (requiring the approval of others) - Someone who makes personal sacrifices to improve the abusers condition Correct answer: all the above

1. List 5 (of the 11) signs/symptoms of substance use disorder?

- Take the substances in larger amounts or over a longer period of time than originally intended - Spends a great deal of time obtaining the substance, using the substance, or recovering from its effects. - May withdraw from family activities and hobbies in order to use the substances. - May take the form of recurrent substance use in situations in which it is physically hazardous. - Tolerance is signaled by requiring a markedly increased dose of the substance to achieve the desired effect or a markedly reduced effect when the usual dose is consumed.

Please match the following historical events with their correct description.

- Temperance movement: Late 1700's- physicians and scientists becoming aware of negative effects alcohol could have; goal was to reduce consumption of distilled liquors - Prohibition: 1917- Congress passed a resolution the prohibited manufacture, sale, transportation or importation of intoxicating liquors

The 60's were a time of social unrest, which contributed to increases in marijuana and heroin use. What historical events added to the social unrest being experienced during that time?

- The assasination of publlic figures such as JFK and MLK Jr. - The Vietnam War Correct answer: both

Which of the following is true about ACES?

- Those who experience ACES are more likely to experience a negative health outcome of some kind. - Childhood trauma can impact brain development, which impacts behavior. - Those who experience ACES are more likely to struggle with an addiction. Correct answer: all of the above.

Please match the following statements about tolerance.

- Tolerance: When a drug produces a diminished physical or psychological effect as a result of repeated use at the same dosage. - Behavioral tolerance: Tolerance effects are enhanced when drug taking behavior happens repeatedly under the same conditions. - Metabolic tolerance: Occurs in the liver, which metabolizes substances more quickly when exposed to them more more frequently. - Cellular tolerance: Neuron receptors become less sensitive to substances as they become exposed to those substances more often.

Which of the following is an example of instrumental drug use?

- Using cough syrup to sleep at night - Using cough syrup to treat a cough Correct Answer: both

Define the term "drug":

- a substance intended for use in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment or prevention of disease. - a chemical substance that, when taken into the body, alters the structure or functioning of the body in some way, excluding those nutrients considered to be related to normal functioning. -something, and often an illegal substance that causes addiction, habituation or a marked change in consciousness. Correct answer: all of the above.

Physical dependence is continuing to use a drug so the individual can __________________________________ and psychological dependence is continuing to use a drug so the individual can ________________________________________.

- avoid withdrawal - experience pleasure

The central nervous system is comprised of the ___________________ and the _____________________________.

- brain - spinal cord

Acute toxicity is the potential harm a drug might cause in the _____________ term while chronic toxicity is the harm a drug might cause over the ___________ term.

- short - long

Our involuntary responses are further categorized into sympathetic responses, which control our ________________ responses and parasympathetic responses, which control our ___________________ responses.

- stress - rest

The peripheral nervous system collects sensory information through nerves and sends it to the central nervous system for processing. The peripheral nervous system then process the response in one of two ways: ____________________________ or ______________________________.

- voluntary somatic - involuntary autonomic

In the opioids part 2 power point, there are 5 things "you can do" to help keep yourselves and others to stay safe and make good decisions related to opioids. What are those 5 things?

1. Never take any drug not directly supplied to you by a doctor or pharmacy 2. Ask! If a doctor prescribes an opioid painkiller to you, ask him or her if there is another, less addictive, option 3, If you are prescribed an opioid medication, take the medication exactly as prescribed. 4. Deadly Mix: Never mix opiates with alcohol or other drugs. This significantly increases the risk of overdose and death. 5. Prescription drugs should never be shared with anyone else. This is both illegal and dangerous

ACES stands for which of the following:

Adverse Childhood Experiences

People are most likely to develop a dependence on alcohol if:

Someone who has a famliy history and is less responsive to alcohol. It's the worst case scenario.

Heavy alcohol use has been shown to increase blood flow to the brain and increase brain activity; both in the short term and long term.


There is a dose response relationship between ACES and negative health outcomes. The higher the ACES score, the more likely the negative health outcome.


Tolerance to alcohol is built in what two ways?

Metabolically and Neurally

After a couple of drinks, reflex time decreases. Which of the following brain areas are being effected?

Substantia nigra

Evidence indicates that drug taking behavior (and addiction) have a genetic foundation.


With regard to athletic performance/training, 1 time drunk can cancel out up to 14 days (2 weeks) of training effect. Please briefly describe why this happens.

What happens is that it disrupts training, sleep, recovery, and cancels out the adaptation. The training cycle is training, recover then adapt but being drunk once would disrupt all the hard work and training.

A risk factor is something that will ____________________ the likelihood that an individual will engage in negative behaviors.


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