PHIL 350

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14) A perennial issue in business ethics is called ... A) the problem of moral accountability B) the problem of moral standing C) neither of these D) both of these


15) Whether preference units or some other utilitarian value can be measured and compared to determine the best action among alternatives is primarily ... A) an empirical question. B) an ethical question. C) an applied ethical question. D) a business ethical question


16) According to Kantian ethics, which of the following is a morally praiseworthy motivation for carrying out an action. A) motives from a sense of moral obligation B) motives from emotions of sympathy and compassion C) motives of prudence D) all of the above


50) A law-abiding person is not necessarily virtuous. A) True B) False


51) Imperatives can be hypothetical or categorical. A) True B) False


1) Whether failing to contribute to famine relief is wrong, is primarily ... A) a business ethical question B) an empirical question C) an applied ethical question D) an ethical question


10) Which ethical theory has at its core the idea of respect for persons? A) Utilitarianism B) Kantian Ethics C) Rights theory D) Moral Relativism


11) Which of the following is not true about Jeremy Bentham? A) He was in favor of the separation of church and state. B) He developed the idea of the "panopticon". C) He claimed that the idea of utilitarianism was "nonsense on stilts". D) He argued for the abolition of slavery.


12) According to the lecture notes, which of the following is not true of the branch of philosophy called ethics? A) It offers theoretical explanations for why one or another action or practice is either right or wrong. B) It records and describes different moral frameworks from around the world. C) It addresses fundamental questions about the nature of what is right. D) It seeks to justify general ethical principles that are valid across a broad range of cases.


13) What main area of philosophy is associated with the following statement: "You should only pursue a career that makes you a lot of money."? A) logic B) ethics C) metaphysics D) epistemology


17) According to the lecture notes, which of the following is NOT a step in the process of ethical decision making? A) Identify whose interests must be taken into account. B) Combine a list of interests that must be taken into account with a list of relevant normative ethical theories to generate a list of "ethical considerations." C) Combine a list of ethical considerations with a list of interests that must be taken into account to generate a list of "normative ethical theories." D) Understand how various normative ethical theories are relevant to a particular case.


18) Which of the following is not an essential element of any utilitarian theory? A) A theory of freedom. B) A theory of the measurement and comparison of goods. C) A theory of the good. D) A theory of right action.


19) Which of the following is not true about Immanuel Kant? A) Was a staunch supporter of consequentialism. B) Published a book called The Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals. C) Wrote about metaphysics, logic, law, geography, and anthropology. D) Born in East Prussia.


2) Which of the following is not an early figure whose writings developed the ideas of utilitarianism? A) John Stuart Mill B) David Hume C) Jeremy Bentham D) Thomas Hobbes


20) Which of the following is not one Aristotle's list of virtues? A) justice B) courage C) beneficence D) terperance


21) Which of the following is not true of John Stewart Mill A) Advocated for labor unions. B) Wrote a history of Roman law at the age of eleven. C) Rejected the idea of individual rights. D) Learned Greek at the age of three.


22) According to the lecture notes, an explanation is used to give an answer to a ... A) "why"-or-"how" question B) "yes"-or-"no" question C) none of these D) both of these


23) Which book is most closely associated with Kant's moral theory? A) A Companion to Business Ethics B) The Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals C) The Groundwork for the Morals of Metaphysics D) The Critique of Pure Reason


24) Utilitarian theories can be ... A) hedonistic B) pluralistic C) both of these D) none of these


25) Which of the following is not an element of Kant's ethical theory? A) Treating people as ends in themselves. B) Doing an action with the proper motivation. C) Respecting a person's dignity. D) People should be free to do whatever they want, as long as it does not infringe on the freedoms of others.


26) Which of the following is NOT true of prudential reasoning? A) It emphasizes self-interest. B) It is "hypothetical". C) It is "particular". D) It applies regardless of who you are or what your position is.


27) Which of the following is NOT a common aim of philosophy, that is described in the lecture notes? A) To analyse and evaluate concepts. B) To provide different ways of looking at things. C) None of these. D) To answer questions that cannot be answered solely on the basis of observation and measurement.


28) According to Kant's universalizability principle, freedoms and privileges should be universally available. A) True B) False


29) Morality exists prior to the acceptance (or rejection) of its standards by particular individuals. A) True B) False


3) Which of the following is not an ethical question in business? A) What interest rate should we set for our creditors? B) Will outsourcing this service make it more likely that our employees will organize to strike? C) Which applicant should we hire? D) Should people doing the same job get paid the same amount?


30) Virtue ethics is an "action-based" theory A) True B) False


31) That an action is legally acceptable does not entail that it is morally acceptable. A) True B) False


32) It is possible to offer a prudential justification for an action that is ethically right. A) True B) False


33) Ethical theory consists of what persons ought to do in order to conform to society's norms of behaviour. A) True B) False


34) Utilitarian theories are challenged by needing to avoid tyrranies of the majority. A) True B) False


35) Ethical egoism is the view that everyone is always motivated to act in his or her perceived self-interest. A) True B) False


36) Eudamonia translates loosely as 'happiness.' A) True B) False


37) Virtue ethics claims that determinations fo right and wrong should be made by looking at the decisions of virtuous people. A) True B) False


38) The preference utilitarian approach to value maintains that any act or practice that maximizes pleasure is right. A) True B) False


39) According to the lecture notes, premises in ethical arguments for or against a particular course of action can be used as "ethical considerations." A) True B) False


4) Which of the following is NOT a question, described in the lecture notes, to ask yourself in order to take notes on , and obtain an understanding of, the assigned readings for the course? A) Are there any noteworthy concepts or distinctions that the author invokes in their answer? Can you explain them? B) What is the argument that the author uses to support their answer? C) What opinions are expressed in the text? D) What is the question (or questions) that the text sets out to answer


40) Appeals to conscience alone are insufficient for ethical judgments. A) True B) False


41) It is acceptable to explain why an action is ethically wrong by saying that it is against the law. A) True B) False


42) Human rights are essentially the same as legal rights. A) True B) False


43) Kant thinks that what is right has to do with freedom. A) True B) False


44) Feminist ethics emphasizes relationships. A) True B) False


45) The view that different societies have fundamentally different conceptions of right and wrong is called common-morality theory. A) True B) False


46) According to the lecture notes, to answer a "yes"-or-"no" question, philosophers will offer an explanation. A) True B) False


47) Jeremy Bentham thought that the morally right thing to do had to do with seeking pleasure. A) True B) False


48) An argument must include premises. A) True B) False


49) Utilitarianism was first fully developed by Jeremy Bentham. A) True B) False


52) According to Kant, a person is free in the ethically relevant sense if they do not have any obstacles to seeking pleasure or avoiding pain. A) True B) False


53) Aristotle held that people acquire virtues as they do skills such as carpentry or playing a musical instrument. A) True B) False


54) An argument might not have a conclusion. A) True B) False


55) Kant's theory puts forward one rule, called "the categorical imperative". A) True B) False


56) The word 'deontology' derives from the Greek word 'deon' which means duty. A) True B) False


57) The ethical egoist believes that each person should obey laws of the state only to protect oneself and create a situation of communal living that is personally advantageous. A) True B) False


58) The view know as "ethical egoism" claims that the morally right thing to do is to promote one's well-being above everyone else's. A) True B) False


59) "Do people always do what pleases them or what is in their interest?" is an empirical question. A) True B) False


6) Which of the following is NOT true of the concept of "morality"? A) It exists prior to the acceptance or rejection of its standards by individuals. B) It depends on the intuitions of a group of people within a certain context. C) It has to do with social practices that are transmitted within cultures. D) It brings clarity, substance, and the precision of argument to peoples' intuitions.


60) Prudential reasoning tends to be "categorical" and "universal". A) True B) False


61) Kantian ethics prohibits the use of persons as means to an end. A) True B) False


62) Under certain circumstances, it is possible to be law-abiding and unethical. A) True B) False


63) It is acceptable to give a prudential argument in answer to an ethical question. A) True B) False


64) Virtue ethics emphasizes character over other ethical considerations such as duty or consequence. A) True B) False


65) It is possible to offer an prudential justification for an action that is ethically wrong. A) True B) False


66) Virtue ethics is fundamentally incompatible with Kantian ethics. A) True B) False


67) According to the lecture notes, philosophers take a normative (as opposed to descriptive) approach to concepts. A) True B) False


68) According to Kant, treating someone with dignity means respecting their autonomy. A) True B) False


69) Ethical decision involve an agent who makes a decision that has consequences for other people. A) True B) False


7) The trolley problem A) highlights the difference between consequentialist and deontological theories B) shows that there is no right or wrong answer when it comes to philosophy C) illustrates unscruprulous practices in the transportation industry D) demonstrates how to apply ethics to real life situations


70) It is a mistake to attempt to account for the moral status of an action on the basis of prudential reasons. A) True B) False


71) Saying that something is "right" is essentially the same as saying that something is "good". A) True B) False


72) The view know as "psychological egoism" claims that people are always motivated to act in their own perceived self-interest. A) True B) False


73) According to the lecture notes, philosophical analyses often aim to make implicit knowledge explicit. A) True B) False


74) Mill's "Rule Utilitarianism adds "the Liberty Principle" to utilitarianism's theory of right action. A) True B) False


75) Kant appeals to noncontradictoriness as a test of what's rational. A) True B) False


76) Business ethics is a sub-discipline of applied ethics. A) True B) False


77) Metaphysics is an area of philosophy that primarily deals with questions about knowledge. A) True B) False


78) Kant thinks that what is right has to do with respecting a person's dignity. A) True B) False


79) Utilitarianism was renewed and refined by John Stuart Mill. A) True B) False


8) Which of the following is not an ingredient in Kants ethical theory? A) rationality B) conscientiousness C) duty D) intent


80) Ethical theory attempts to introduce clarity, substance, and precision of argument into the domain of morality. A) True B) False


9) From the point of view of the study of ethics, the term "good" DOES NOT apply to A) none of these B) actions carried out by agents C) circumstances D) states of affairs


Virtue ethics is primarily designed to A) Provide conclusions that are radically different from those provided by other ethical theories. B) evaluate the morality of a person's character. C) Say when an institution is just or unjust. D) Say when an action is right or wrong.

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