phylum mollusca

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(adj.) relating to the land (class gastropoda)

what are the characteristics of a respiratory organ

-Axix has afferent vessel= brings blood to gills -effernt vessel taking blood back to heart -cilia produce water flow opposite to blood flow


Neopilina class


part of the shell. the basal projection of the oldest part of the valve of the adult animal. (bivalvia)


Where ink is expelled through. modified foot.


blood cavity

Class Bivalvia what type of animals are included

boring clam, scallops, oysters, shipworms


born a male, change to a female.


brightly colored, glossy shells, formerly used as currency in parts of Africa and Asia.


class Amphineura, having a mantle covered with calcareous plates, found adhering to rocks.


class cephalopods. diocious.


class gastropoda

in which class is torsion common

class polyplacophora

Class Scaphopoda describe their shell

cylindrical, open both ends

class bivalvia how is a pearl produced

formed by mantle as response to irritant

veliger larva

free swimming larval stage that develops from the trocophore larva of some mollsucs.

aestivation (estivation)

dormancy of an animal during a hot or dry period.

acoelomate, pseudocoelomate, or eucoelomate



ex: squid, octopus, cuttlefish, and nautilus

uric acid

from water were transformed in land snails into lungs, which extract oxygen from air.



which class includes terrestrial species


which is the largest class


class cephalopods: what type of animal are included

giant squid, octopus, oysters, scallops, boring clam

Class Scaphopoda where do these animals live

live buried in sand, posterior and out of water


member of a group of mollusks that includes snails and slugs. largest class. freshwater and terrestrial and marine.

Class Monoplacophora: where do these animals live

the Costa Rica

Class Scaphopoda what special structure do these animals have for feeding

thread-like tentacles around head with apprehensive tips

class gastropoda: describe their shell

-conical spire -univalve

what is the function of a cephalopods ink

-smoke screen for escape -conduse predators -anaestheic= deadens chemoreceptors of predators

class gastropoda what is the disadvantage of torsion? what solution evolved as a result

1. fouling 2. can spiral clockwise or counterclockwise

what type of larvae are common to mollusks and annelids

1. morula 2. trochophore 3. veliger

Class Monoplacophora: what is the distinguishing characteristics of these animals

10 pair pedal nerves 6 pair nephridia 5 pair gills 2 pair auricles 1 or 2 pair of gonads

excurrent siphon

A tube through which water exits the body of a bivalve.

Class Scaphopoda what type of animals are included

200 species, burrowing, Tusk or tooth shell


A colorless gas with a very sharp odor.


A protective flap that covers the gills of fishes.


An organism that eats only plants


a sea snail used to make purple dye



trochophore larva

Distinctive larval stage observed in annelids and molluscs.

class polyplacophora where do these animals live


class bivalvia where do these animals live

Marine and freshwater?

cone shells

Marine gastropoda molluscs. poisonous.


Membrane surrounding the heart.



nacreous layer

Mother of pearl, the inner shiny layer of a bivalve.


One of the two chambers of the heart which receives the blood from the veins.

Radula (Phylum Mollusca)

Rasp like feeding organ; scrapes and scoops food items.


The class of the phylum Mollusca that includes clams, oysters, and mussels. Marine and freshwater.


a gastropod mollusk that clings to rocks tenaciously with a broad muscular foot.


a light-producing organ in certain fish.


comblike structure, especially a respiratory organ or gill in a mollusk.

incurrent siphon

a tube through which water enters the body of a bivalve.

Nephridium (pl. nephridia)

a tubule open to the exterior that acts as an organ of excretion.

class bivalvia describe their shell

a two-piece show bivalve

class cephalopods: where do these animals live

all marine- indo Pacific


an animal that feeds off flesh.

which class of mollusks are filter feeders


to what phylum are mollusks most closely related



another meaning of protection is provided by special pigments in the skin called chromatophores

Cardinal teeth

are part of the anatomical structure of the inner surface of a bivalve shell. function:

byssus threads

are strong, silky fibers that are made from proteins that are used by mussels and other bivalves to attach to rocks, pilings or other substrates. (produced at the foot)

what type of symmetry


class polyplacophora: describe their shell



bivalve(2 shelled) and bivalvia.

Glochidia larvae

bivalve. freshwater and Marine.

which class includes mollusks that do not have radula


class polyplacophora how do these animals find their way back to their home Rock if washed away by the surf

broad Flat foot ,muscular , adapted for adhesion to rock in Surf swept areas

Class Scaphopoda what are the shows of these animals used for


toothshell (tusk shell)

burrowing mollusk with a slender tusk-shaped shell, which is open at both ends and typically white, and a three-lobed foot.

class bivalvia what special structures do some bivalves have that keep them from being washed away from the surf

byssus allows attachment to rocks in strong surf

class cephalopods: what are the feeding habits of cephalopods

carnivores, predatory Proteinases= enzymes for digestion

which case includes mollusks with a closed circulatory system



completely divided shell. slow swimmers. lives in indo-pacific Old Chambers filled with gas.

which gastropoda are dangerous to humans

cone shells

visceral peritoneum

covers the organs

why do animals need oxygen

for blood production

Oyster Drills

destroy oyster beds.

what type of reproduction do mollusks have


filter feeders

feed from particles in the water. gather food through gills.

class bivalvia what are the feeding habits

filter feeder

class cephalopods: what are the economic uses

food source for fish and whales Squid used as bait Cuttlefish supplies cuttlebone-toothpaste and bird bill sharpener

class gastropoda what are the economic uses of gastropods

food= abalone, snail, conch currency= cowry shells dyes and ink= murex

labial palps

help sort and direct food into mouth.

respiratory pigments

hemocyanin/ hemoglobin

class polyplacophora what do these animals eat

herbivores feed off algae scraped with Radia

class gastropoda: what are the feeding habits of most gastropoda

herbivores, carnivores, predators, scavengers, parasites, suspension feeders

how are cephalopods more advanced then other mollusks

highly developed nervous system - brain, eyes, statocyst


how respiration is usually performed. also food particles are trapped in the gills.

Visceral Mass (Mollusca)

in body (gut)


in class gastropoda land in some freshwater snails have no gills instead they have a lung which is really a vascularized mantle.

open circulatory system

in most molluscs their circulatory system is open.

pedal mucus glands

is an anatomical feature found in some snails and slugs. It is a gland located inside the front end of the foot of gastropods.


lack shell.


lack shells. bottom dwellers. nautilus.

giant squid

largest invertebrate and largest mollusk.

giant Pacific clam

largest living bivalve mollusk.


lower chamber of the heart that pumps blood out of the heart.

where does fertilization occur in most mollusks

mantle cavity


marine or freshwater bivalve mollusk that lives attached to rocks etc.

class gastropoda: where do these animals live

marine, freshwater , terrestrial: inside trees, parasites, deserts

hectocotyl (hectocotylus)

modified arm on male for sperm transfer. has grooves to store spermatophores.



which classes are all Marine

monoplacophora - polyplacophora-


muscle used for locomotion

class cephalopods: which one has an external shell with internal chambers


which cephalopods does not have sepia (ink)




Class Monoplacophora: what type of animals are included


class cephalopods: which one doesn't have a shell



of grayish or olive brown color ink


of or relating to or happening on the bottom under a body of water.


oldest part of the shell

what type of circulatory system do most mollusks have

open circulatory system

what level of organization

organ system

what organ secretes the shell of a mollusk

outer secretory

class polyplacophora how do these animals protect themselves

overlapping shapes that can roll up in a ball when disturbed

class bivalvia what are the economic uses of bivalves


parietal peritoneum

the outer layer of the peritoneum that lines the interior of the abdominal wall

what type of body plan

thin layer of tissue called the mantle.

how do cephalopods swim

rapidly expelling water from mantle cavity


respiratory pigment (hemoglobin).

with regards to the number of species where does the phylum molluscs rank

second largest phylum


sensory cells that help determine direction of gravity.


similar structure but different functions.


single shell


small class of bilaterally symmetrical marine forms comprising the tooth shells.

class gastropoda: what type of animals are included

snail, sea butterflies, giant land snail, cone shells

class polyplacophora: what type of animals are included



something like a clam, with a rounded fan shaped shell


species in Cephalopoda with a calcified, horn shaped shell.

list two gastropoda that don't have a shell


class cephalopods: which one has an internal shell made of cartilage

squid (aka pen= Internal shell layer)


study of mollusks


study of shells

what is the largest mollusk

the giant clam


the nervous system contains three gangula.


the outermost layer of a molluscan shell.

mantle cavity

the space between right and left lobes of the mantle is the mantle cavity. in class gastropoda the animal is able to draw its head into the mantle cavity. in class cephalopods, female fertilization in there mantle cavity.


the squids internal shell.


the twisting process where the mouth and anus are brought near eachother so waste exits the body.

class gastropoda what is the advantage of torsion

to get rid of waste

class cephalopods what is the function of chromatophores

to give coloration


to help with feeding tooth shows have Radia and thread-like tentacles called captacula.


toward the back


tubelike structure through which water enters and leaves a mollusk's body.

what is unusual about the reproduction habits of female octopuses

usually occurs in mantle cavity

triploblast or diploblastic


adductor muscles

two muscles that draw the she'll valves together (anterior & posterior).


two shell. ex: clam


type of mollusk-like barnacle. bivalve

class gastropoda: what other names do these animals go by


closed circulatory system

unlike other molluscs, cephalopods have a closed circulatory system.


used for respiration in nudibranchs.


used to locate food.


waste is washed back over the gills.


waste product formed in the liver, filtered out of the blood by the kidneys, and excreted in urine.

lateral teeth

when the shell opens and closes it pivots upon the Cardinal and lateral teeth.

blood sinus

where blood enters the body space.

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