Pocket Prep dietetics Domain 3

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The CEO of a food distribution company understands that all his employees have needs that must be satisfied. He tries to motivate his employees by offering his top-selling managers incentive trips, promotions, and advanced training. What motivational theory is the CEO applying? McGregor's Theory X McClelland's human motivation theory Herzberg's two-factor theory Maslow's hierarchy of needs

Correct answer: Maslow's hierarchy of needs Maslow's hierarchy of needs is the theory that all people have basic needs that must be satisfied before the next levels of motivation can be addressed. Basic needs include survival needs such as food, clothing, shelter, security, and safety. Motivators higher in the hierarchy include human needs such as social activities (incentive trips), self-esteem (job promotion), and job enrichment (advanced training). Herzberg's two-factor theory states that there are certain factors in the workplace that cause job satisfaction (good) or dissatisfaction (bad). McClelland's human motivation theory states that every person has one of three main driving motivators: achievement, affiliation, or power. McGregor's Theory X assumes people inherently dislike work, will avoid it if possible, are negative and are autocratic.

County Hospital announces its new cancer treatment technology at a press conference. Which of the following types of public relations is the press conference? Community relations Earned media Media relations Customer relations

Correct answer: Media relations Media relations is the part of public relations that deals directly with news outlets (newspapers, television stations, online news outlets, etc.). The interaction is the key that defines the type of public relations. If the interaction was with a patient, then it would be customer relations. If it was with the community (including both potential and current patients), it would be community relations. Earned media is a word-of-mouth type of marketing.

A manager performs in a decisional role when committing an organization to a specific course of action or strategy. Whose management theory is this an example of? Taylor's Scientific Management Mintzberg's Management Roles Katz's Skill Management Drucker's Management by Objectives

Correct answer: Mintzberg's Management Roles Mintzberg's Management Roles argued there are ten primary roles that can be used to categorize a manager's different functions to accomplish work and use skills. Katz's Skill Management identified three managerial skills essential to successful management: technical, human, and conceptual. Drucker's Management by Objectives (MBO) is the process of defining specific objectives within an organization that management can convey to organization members, then deciding how to achieve each objective in sequence. Taylor's Scientific Management is a theory that analyzes and synthesizes workflows, with the main objective being to improve economic efficiency, especially labor productivity.

A company called World Wide Healthy Food Inc. writes the following statement: "To organize the world's fresh produce and make healthy food universally accessible and useful." What type of statement is this an example of? Mission Policy Strategy Vision

Correct answer: Mission A mission statement describes what a company does that is different from others. It should reflect the goals of the company. In this example, Word Wide Healthy Food Inc. is describing their mission statement. A vision statement refers to what a company wants to achieve in the future. For example, "World Wide Healthy Food Inc. aims to expand into low-income countries in the next decade." Strategy refers to decisions and actions that assist a company to meet its objectives. For example, World Wide Healthy Food Inc. plans to negotiate five ventures in five different low-income countries each week to expand into low-income countries. This strategy directly supports the vision of the company. A policy indicates what should be done in a company. For example, World Wide Healthy Food Inc. employees must wear a polo shirt and dress pants to work every day.

"Accelerate improvements in global health and well-being through food and nutrition" is an example of which type of statement? Mission Strategy Vision Objective

Correct answer: Mission A mission statement describes what a company does that is different from others. The example in this question is the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics' (AND) mission statement. A vision statement describes what a company wants to achieve in the future. AND's vision statement is "A world where all people thrive through the transformative power of food and nutrition." A strategy is the decisions and actions that assist a company in meeting its objectives. An objective is a predetermined goal toward which management directs its efforts to serve as motivators and provide direction.

Jessica is a newly hired registered dietetic technician at a small family-owned medical clinic, and she is wheelchair-dependent. Which of the following is an example of a "reasonable accommodation" the employer can make? Adjusting the job's salary Firing Jessica and hiring a non-wheelchair-dependent employee to better perform the job Installing elevators in the building Modifying the height of desks and equipment

Correct answer: Modifying the height of desks and equipment The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) prohibits employment discrimination on the basis of workers' disabilities and requires employers to provide "reasonable accommodations." These may include changes to the workplace or job to allow employees with disabilities to do their jobs, such as providing accessible parking, lavatories, and workstations; modifying the height of desks and equipment; and having wide aisles (36") and doors (32"). The ADA does not require employers to make accommodations that would cause them an undue hardship resulting in significant difficulty or expense. Examples of undue hardship include installing elevators in a small business that has fewer resources. Examples of noncompliance with the ADA and discrimination include adjusting the job salary and firing the individual due to their disability.

Which of the following is not one of the seven widely accepted functions of management? Coordinating Monitoring Reporting Budgeting

Correct answer: Monitoring The seven major functions of management are: Planning Organizing Staffing Directing Coordinating Reporting Budgeting Monitoring is part of a clinical dietitian's function: to monitor, assess, and optimize nutrition status.

"Tools, materials, and controls should be located close by and directly in front of the operator" is a principle for what type of procedure? Flow diagram Process chart Operation chart Motion economy

Correct answer: Motion economy The principle of motion economy is to reduce motions and time required to perform a task by focusing on rhythmic, habitual, simultaneous, symmetrical, and natural movements. Process charts use symbols to shows steps involved in a process. Operation charts are graphical and symbolic representations of the manufacturing operations used to produce a product. A pathway chart, or flow diagram, is a scale drawing that shows the path of a worker during a process.

During the summer, a local food service company hired high school students. The food service manager has asked 17-year-old Rachel to set up and operate the meat slicer. Is this allowed? Yes, because she is exempted from child labor laws due to her age No, because child labor laws prevent it No, because the Americans with Disabilities Act prevents it Yes, because she is enrolled in a food-related program

Correct answer: No, because child labor laws prevent it Child labor laws regulate work hours and duties of children. These laws restrict the operation of power-driven bakery machinery, such as a meat slicer, until a child reaches 18 years of age. In food service, students can handle, clean, and use meat slicers only if enrolled in food-related programs. We do not know if she is enrolled in a food-related program based on the information given, and we cannot make that assumption. Rachel is not exempted from child labor laws due to her age because she is still under 18 years of age. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) prohibits discrimination and ensures equal opportunity for persons with disabilities in employment, state and local government services, public accommodations, commercial facilities, and transportation.

The kitchen staff meets to vote on a new soup to add to next week's menu. Every member of the staff gives a vote, duplicates are eliminated, members rank the soups, and finally, they vote on a final decision. What type of decision-making process is the kitchen staff using? Brainstorming Nominal group technique Queueing theory Delphi technique

Correct answer: Nominal group technique The nominal group technique is a group process involving problem identification, solution generation, and decision making. In this process, every member of the group gives their view of the solution, with a short explanation. Then, duplicate solutions are eliminated from the list of all solutions, and the members proceed to rank the solutions, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and so on. This technique is a creative and prioritized form of brainstorming, yet yields more ideas than traditional brainstorming. The Delphi technique is a method of group decision-making and forecasting that involves successively collating the judgments of experts, where participants do not actually meet. Queueing theory is the mathematical study of waiting lines, or queues. This theory is often used to make business decisions about the resources need to provide a service.

Which of the following is not an example of an item that would be included in a capital budget? New office space Computer upgrades Nurse salaries Lab supplies

Correct answer: Nurse salaries Nurse salaries would fall under the expense budget of the operating budget. The capital budget involves the financial plan for acquiring long-term assets. Items typically included in a capital budget are land, buildings (new office space), routine capital equipment (lab supplies), IT infrastructure or upgrades (computer upgrades), and recruitment of physicians.

Which of the following factors promotes employee retention? Unpleasant work environment Lack of employee training Low pay Onboarding for all new employees

Correct answer: Onboarding for all new employees Employee retention refers to the ability of an organization to retain its employees. This is driven by shared beliefs, good relationships between management and staff, a written mission statement, integrity, trust, adequate training (on-boarding, training, programs), and positive work-life culture. Employee turnover is driven by a lack of these things, such as lack of employee training, low pay, and an unpleasant work environment.

Food and labor costs make up the: Fixed costs Cash budget Capital budget Operating budget

Correct answer: Operating budget The operating budget is the forecast of revenues, expenses, and profit for a specific period of time. The revenue (income) is first predicted, then it is budgeted for expenses (food, labor, operating expenses). The capital budget is the budget allocating money for the acquisition or maintenance of fixed assets such as land, buildings, and equipment. This budget includes expenditures whose returns are expected to last beyond one year. The cash budget projects revenues and expenses to determine if funds will be available when necessary. Fixed (indirect) costs are business costs, such as rent, taxes, insurance, and depreciation, that are constant despite the quantity of goods or services produced.

Which of the following functions of management would delegation fall under? Organizing Directing Planning Controlling

Correct answer: Organizing The six functions of management are planning, organizing, staffing, controlling, directing, and decision making. Organizing includes the overall configuration of the unit the manager is in charge of. This includes what positions are needed, assignments, and how authority and responsibility are delineated in the unit. Planning involves an overall picture of what is to be accomplished. This includes setting goals and performance targets. Directing includes initiating action in the unit via leadership. Controlling involves monitoring of staff performance and implementing corrective action to improve performance.

Richard is hired as a dietitian and is required to spend one week at the corporate office to learn the goals, policies, and responsibilities of his new company and position. What is this process called? Orientation Training Promotion Development

Correct answer: Orientation Orientation the process that informs employees of goals and policies and explains responsibilities; this typically occurs once a new employee is hired. Training is designed to improve skills, either after an employee is hired or to enhance their skills during the course of employment. Development prepares employees for more responsibility. Promotion involves the change of a job involving higher pay, status, and/or performance needs.

Which of the following activities is not allowed for a Not-for-Profit medical clinic? Provide "charity care" Attain tax exemption status Participate in political campaigns Provide employees with benefits

Correct answer: Participate in political campaigns Only For-Profit organizations are allowed to participate in political campaigns or influence legislation. Not-for-Profit organizations serve public interests, are tax exempt, and exempt from paying most business fees. They must file the IRS 990 tax return, cannot sell stock, and must provide a defined amount of "charity care". They cannot offer stock incentives to staff, but they may provide benefits.

What type of budget is focused on answering the question, "Why is the money being spent?" Performance Fixed Incremental Flexible

Correct answer: Performance Performance budgets tie a unit or program to its outcome and cost-effectiveness. They would be looking to answer the question, "Why is the money being spent?". This type of budget is often used in not-for-profit or government organizations.

"On a scale of 1 to 3, where 1 is below expectations, 2 meets expectations, and 3 exceeds expectations, how would you rate yourself on providing patient care? If you select 3, please justify with a written explanation." On what type of form would you most likely find the statement above? Personnel records Performance evaluation Job breakdown Grievance control form

Correct answer: Performance evaluation A performance evaluation is the formal procedure to measure an employee's work and progress. The performance evaluation may be completed through methods such as rating scales, checklists, personal discussion, and management by objectives. A grievance control form is a written record of a grievance or formal complaint over something believed to be wrong or unfair, and the action to be taken. A job breakdown is the analysis of a job, which includes a list of essential steps of what to do and how to do them. Personnel records are records pertaining to the employees of an organization, such as names, addresses, former employment, wage rate, health benefits, and other items.

George started at an enteral nutrition company as a field sales representative in 2015. Based on his performance, he was promoted to regional field sales representative in 2017. Over the course of the following year, his performance continued to improve, so in 2019 his boss promoted him to a management position. George's performance significantly declined from 2019-2020 and consequently, he was demoted. Which principle does this performance pathway represent? Theory Z Unity of direction Scalar principle Peter principle

Correct answer: Peter principle The Peter principle is a concept in management that states that the selection of a candidate for a position is based on the candidate's performance in their current role, rather than on abilities relevant to the future role. Thus, employees only stop being promoted once they can no longer perform effectively, and "managers rise to the level of their incompetence." Ouchi, or Theory Z, says that workers accept responsibility when they understand the big picture, and employee involvement is the key to productivity. The Scalar principle teaches that authority and responsibility flow in a one-way direction from high to low. Unity of direction is a coordinated approach toward the same objective.

A doctor's office decides to run a marketing campaign for their new metabolic testing equipment by advertising at a medical conference, offering 40% off for any referred patients who purchase a metabolic testing package. In this example, the doctor's office is which part of the marketing mix? Place Price Product Promotion

Correct answer: Place The place in the marketing mix is the route for delivering the offer. The product is the actual good/service/idea that is being offered, in this case, the metabolic testing package. The price is the value of the offered product, in this case, the 40% off. The promotion is the activity that communicates the offer, in this case, the ad at the medical conference.

What are the written guidelines for decision-making meant to ensure that organizational members' actions are consistent with the organization's objectives and strategies? Policies Rules Procedures Vision

Correct answer: Policies Policies are the written guidelines for decision-making intended to ensure that organizational members' actions are consistent with the organization's objectives and strategies; simply put, policies are guides for decision-making. Procedures are detailed guidelines for planned activities. Rules are written statements of what must be done. Vision is an organization's philosophy or view of the future.

Which of the following is not a dimension of Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI)? Employee empowerment Process focus Process variation Customer focus

Correct answer: Process variation CQI (Continuous Quality Improvement) is the process of making improvements to an organization that meet or exceed customer/patient expectations. This process has five dimensions: Process focus Customer focus Data-based decision making Employee empowerment Organization-wide impact Process variation is the range of values that a metric can have as a result of different causes in a process.

The items on a menu, the cafeteria service, and a pleasant atmosphere are all examples of which element in the marketing mix? Branded concept Place Product Marketing concept

Correct answer: Product The marketing mix includes the elements of product, place, price, and promotion. Product is the combination of goods and services that satisfies the customer's wants and needs. Foodservice products include all of the items on a menu; the various service options, such as the cafeteria, catering, and vending machines; and desirable attributes, such as a pleasant atmosphere. Place is how the products are sold and the distribution method. A marketing concept is the management philosophy that the primary organization's objectives are determining and satisfying the customer's wants and needs; this is not part of the marketing mix. A branded concept is the marketing strategy that communicates a recognizable and consistent identity of a brand to the customer; this is not part of the marketing mix.

Mike and Ryan formed a partnership and together created a sports nutrition company called Mr. Nutrition. After five years, they have acquired 7,345 clients, generated $5,743,904 in sales, and spent $3,633,700 since starting the company in 2012. What ratio can they use to measure their company's ability to generate excess income in relation to their sales? Activity ratio Liquidity ratio Profitability ratio Solvency ratio

Correct answer: Profitability ratio A profitability ratio measures a company's ability to generate excess income in relation to sales. A solvency ratio refers to an organization's ability to meet its long-term debt. An activity ratio refers to how effectively an organization utilizes its assets (e.g., inventory turnover). A liquidity ratio refers to an organization's ability to meet its short-term debt and current financial obligations.

Joshua is a restaurant manager and has a "country club" management style. Which of the following actions is he most likely to take? Exert minimum effort to get work done Focus on both people and production Focus on production and managing tasks Promote a friendly atmosphere, seek approval and acceptance

Correct answer: Promote a friendly atmosphere, seek approval and acceptance The answer choices describe leadership styles from the "Leadership Grid" by Blake and Mouton, which plots a leader's concern for people (employees) versus their concern for production. Country club management is an employee-centered leadership style that promotes a friendly atmosphere and seeks approval and acceptance. Team management focuses on both people and production and is the most desirable leadership style. Authority-obedience focuses on production and managing tasks. Impoverished management has minimal concern for people and production, and leadership exerts minimum effort to get work done.

You are writing a blog article about the benefits of oatmeal and are plugging your signature oatmeal brand in the article. Which component of the "marketing mix" are you using? Place Price Product Promotion

Correct answer: Promotion The "marketing mix" consists of the 4 Ps of marketing: product, place, price, and promotion. An article plugging a particular product is an example of promotion. Promotion increases consumer awareness about the product/service, includes publicity (article), mail packages, paid advertisements, personal promotional visits, public visibility, networking, and contest promotions. Product is the good, service, or idea; for example, the signature oatmeal brand. Place refers to the channel, or route, through which goods move from the source to the final consumer. Price is a source of income and profits.

What is a key element in disciplinary action? Comparing employee's performance against that of other employees Providing consistency If unionized, settling informally between the employee and supervisor If non-unionized, settling using a written formal grievance procedure

Correct answer: Providing consistency A key element in positive discipline practices is to provide consistency. An employee's performance should not be compared against that of other employees, rather it should be compared against department standards. If non-unionized, grievances should be settled informally between the employee and supervisor. If unionized, grievances should be settled by a contract that states a written formal grievance procedure.

The scope of practice for the RDN includes all of the following components except which one? State and federal regulations Education and credentialing Public health and safety regulations Accreditation standards

Correct answer: Public health and safety regulations The scope of practice for the RDN includes the practice components used in nutrition and dietetics: education and credentialing, practice resources, standards of practice and professional performance, codes of ethics, accreditation standards, state and federal regulations, national guidelines, organizational policy and procedures, and resources for practice management.

Colin owns a nutrition consulting firm and he is establishing the company's budget for next year. To establish the budget, he begins with the existing budget and adjusts for current conditions using an inflation factor. What method of budgeting is this? Fixed budget Flexible budget Zero-based budget Baseline budget

A baseline budget, also known as a traditional or incremental budget, starts with a previous or existing budget as a baseline and adjusts in incremental amounts for current conditions by using an inflation factor. A zero-based budget starts with no previous figures before costs, then an inflation factor is added, and each expense must be justified. A fixed budget is prepared at one level of sales with no expected major changes during the year. A flexible budget is a budget that adjusts based on changes in the volume of activity throughout the year.

Which of the following contains information about the line of reporting for positions in the organization? Job analysis Job description Employee retention Performance appraisal

A job description provides definitions for required knowledge and skills, responsibilities, training, certification/licensure, and line of reporting for each position in the organization. A job analysis is done before the job description, and it is done to define the position itself. A performance appraisal assesses job performance. Employee retention is focused on keeping employee turnover low.

An employee of an organization who represents and defends the interests of her/his fellow employees but who is also a labor union member and official is referred to as any of the following except: Union shopper Shop steward Union steward Union representative

A union representative, union steward, or shop steward is an employee of an organization or company who represents and defends the interests of her/his fellow employees but who is also a labor union member and official. The person in this position does not get paid extra for serving and may be involved in labor disputes. Union shopper is not a legitimate term. Union shop is a type of union membership where employees must join the union after being hired.

Thomas is a new dietitian on staff and has come to you, the manager, to tell you he is struggling with his workload and finds his job too demanding. What should you do to enhance Thomas's performance? Reduce his patient load Increase nutritional education assignments Add extra employee trainings Incorporate a 1:1 manager meeting each week

Correct answer: Reduce his patient load If an employee finds a job too demanding, you can do the following to enhance their performance: simplify tasks, lessen the workload, and reduce time pressures. One way to lessen the workload would be reducing patient load. Adding more training, incorporating a 1:1 manager meeting each week, and increasing nutritional education assignments would increase overall workload, thus exacerbating Thomas's current job stress.

The SOP/SOPP is utilized by RDs or RDNs to: Create patient education material Reflect the minimum competent level of practice and professional performance Write regulations when laws are passed Develop international standards and codes to protect customers

Correct answer: Reflect the minimum competent level of practice and professional performance According to AND (Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics)t, the SOP/SOPP is utilized by RDs/RDNs to Evaluate practice and performance through self-assessment; Reflect the minimum competent level of practice and professional performance; Measure quality and performance improvement through outcome examples; Outline quality indicators for practice and performance; and Guide professional continuum growth and practice development. The Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC) is funded by FAO and WHO to develop international standards and codes to protect customers. The appropriate federal agency is responsible for writing regulations when laws are passed.

The Nutrition Labeling and Education Act (NLEA), which amended the FD&C Act, requires most foods to have nutrition labeling and requires food labels that have nutrient content claims and certain health messages to comply with specific requirements. What is NLEA an example of? Federal Register Regulation Bill Congressional Record

Correct answer: Regulation Regulations are guidelines that detail how a law will be implemented and any penalties that may be imposed if the law is violated. NLEA is an example of a nutrition label regulation by the FDA. The Federal Register is the daily journal of the United States government, which provides weekly updates for public hearings, proposed/final rules, and agency decisions. The Congressional Record is the official record of the proceedings and debates of the United States Congress, published by the United States Government Publishing Office and issued when Congress is in session. A bill is a form or draft of a proposed statute presented to a legislature, but not yet enacted or passed and made law.

Stacy is hired as a PRN dietitian at her local hospital. What type of position does she have? Absolute FTE Adjusted FTE Relief worker Full-time

Correct answer: Relief worker Relief workers are typically temporary, PRN (pro re nata), part-time, agency, temporary hires, and seasonal hires; they are not permanent hires. These workers don't typically have a set schedule or receive benefits. However, pay is usually higher due to the lack of benefits. They can cover up to 2.5 FTEs based on an 8-hour day. An adjusted FTE considers adjustments needed to account for time off (days off and benefit days). To determine the number of adjusted FTEs, multiply the total number of FTEs by 0.55 (129 days off / 365 days per year). Absolute FTE is the bare minimum number of employees needed to run an organization, which counts only for productive labor hours worked. These workers are usually full-time with benefits.

Which of the following statements is an example of a psychomotor objective? List foods high in vitamin C Plan a sodium-restricted menu for one week Arrange food in appropriate macronutrient food groups Reorganize tray lines to accommodate a new type of disposable tray

Correct answer: Reorganize tray lines to accommodate a new type of disposable tray Psychomotor objectives are specific to physical movements, coordination, and manual tasks. The other choices are all examples of cognitive objectives, which measure intellectual processes.

Which of the following would be included in a job description? Benefits Salary Mission statement Required licensure

Correct answer: Required licensure A job description lays out qualifications, duties, and expectations for the specific position. If licensure is required, it is part of the qualifications that would be given in the job description. Salary and benefits would be part of the job offer. The mission statement is not included as part of the job description.

Which of the following documents serves as the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics' position on the essential roles and activities of the RDN in the direction and delivery of food and nutrition services? Standards of Practice in Nutrition Care Scope of Practice Code of Ethics Standards of Professional Performance

Correct answer: Scope of Practice The Scope of Practice for the RDN reflects the position of the Academy on the essential role of the RDN in the direction and delivery of food and nutrition services. The Standards of Practice in Nutrition Care address activities related to direct patient and client care. The Code of Ethics establishes the foundational principles and ethical standards for the nutrition and dietetics practitioner's roles and conduct. The Standards of Professional Performance address behaviors related to the professional role of RDNs.

"Severe neonatal hyperbilirubinemia (bilirubin >30 milligrams/deciliter)" has a threshold of 0%, and if this event occurs it signals the need for immediate investigation and response. What type of indicator is this? Comparative rate indicator Threshold for evaluation Sentinel event Rate-based indicator

Correct answer: Sentinel event A sentinel event is a patient safety event that results in death, permanent harm, and/or severe temporary harm, and intervention is required to sustain life. A sentinel event indicator signals the need for immediate investigation each time it occurs and has a threshold of 0% (never) or 100% (always). A rate-based, or comparative rate, indicator assesses what will happen with the best possible care and has thresholds between 1 and 99%. The threshold for evaluation is the level at which a stimulus is strong enough to elicit a signal to respond and then the determination of why the threshold was crossed.

Which of the following parts of a position is not defined in the outcome of a job analysis? Tasks Skills Responsibilities Duties

Correct answer: Skills Skills are defined in the job description. The job analysis does not identify the skills needed to complete the tasks of the job successfully. A job analysis clearly defines the responsibilities, duties, and tasks of all positions in the organization.

"Designed to Move is a call to action supported by a community of public, private, and civil sector organizations dedicated to ending the growing epidemic of physical inactivity. The Designed to Move Report, which provides a framework for getting kids active and re-integrating physical activity into everyday life, may be downloaded here." What type of marketing is this? Business Strategic Media promotion Social

Correct answer: Social Social marketing is an approach used to develop activities aimed at changing or maintaining people's behavior for the benefit of individuals and society as a whole. An example of social marketing is Designed to Move by SNAP-Ed. Business marketing is the practice of individuals or organizations selling products or services to fill the customer's needs or desires. Strategic marketing is a long-term overall view of marketing to set objectives, analyze the target market, and create an effective marketing mix. Media promotion is mainstream promotion of your content or service into news feeds of social media users.

Kaitlin is opening a neighborhood craft coffee shop, and she wants to maintain a food-cost percentage of 40%. A portion cost of her ham and cheese croissant is $0.4819. What should her selling price be? $1.20 $1.68 $1.97 $0.67

Correct answer: $1.20 The markup is determined by dividing the desired food cost percentage into 100, which represents total sales or 100%. The resulting figure is known as the markup factor and is multiplied by raw-food costs to determine the selling price. Step 1: Solve for markup factor. 100 (total sales) / 40 (percentage of income for food) = 2.5 (markup factor) Step 2: Determine suggested selling price. $0.4819 (cost of portion) x 2.5 (markup factor) = $1.20

ReDefined is a coffee shop that sells specialty lattes, local pastries, and coffee beans. Based on the following information, how much money does ReDefined need to bring in to break even? Fixed costs: $1,075 Variable costs: $3,300 Sales: $5,999 $8,224 $2,150 $6,600 $2,389

Correct answer: $2,389 The break-even point (BE) is the point where sales revenue (income) and expenses (fixed costs [FC] and variable costs [VC]) are equal. When you want to determine how much money you need to bring in to break even, solve for BE in sales volume. BE sales volume ($ to BE) = FC / 1- (VC / Sales) BE = 1,075 / 1 - (3,330 / 5,999) BE = 1,075 / 1 - (0.55) BE = 1,075 / 0.45 BE = 2,389.375 --> 2,389 ReDefined needs to bring in $2,389 to break even.

Alicia's cafe added a new menu item (banana parfait) this month. The raw food cost is $1.02 per serving and their overall food costs are 45%. What is the selling price for the banana parfait using the factor pricing method? $1.45 $1.48 $2.22 $2.26

Correct answer: $2.26 The factor-pricing method, also known as the traditional or markup method, uses the raw cost of food and food cost percentage to determine the selling price (markup). To determine the markup factor: 100 / food cost percentage To determine the selling price: raw cost of food x markup To determine the markup factor: 100 / 45 = 2.22 To determine selling price: 1.02 x 2.22 = 2.26 The banana parfait should be sold for $2.26

Joshua is the manager at Brewer's Bagels. His raw-food cost of an onion bagel is $0.9874 and he has a markup factor of 2.5. Accounting for hidden losses in preparation, cooking, and serving, what should his realistic selling price be? $1.38 $2.47 $2.72 $2.76

Correct answer: $2.72 To compensate for hidden losses in preparation, cooking, and serving, many foodservice managers add 10% to the recipe cost prior to markup. The suggested selling price of $2.47 with markup would be changed as follows: Raw-food cost of $0.9874 x .10 = 0.09874 $0.09874 + $0.9874 = $1.08614 $1.08614 x 2.5 = $2.71535, rounded to $2.72

Cody's Prime Seafood & Steakhouse introduced a special "surf & turf" menu item this month. What should the selling price be for the new menu item using the prime cost method? Raw food cost = $18.60 Food cost percentage = 35% Labor cost = 12 minutes at $13 / hour Labor cost percentage = 48% $22.32 $25.44 $34.04 $21.20

Correct answer: $25.44 The prime cost method accounts for both raw food costs and direct labor costs involved in making the item. To determine prime cost, add raw food costs and direct labor costs. To determine prime cost: Raw food (18.60) + labor costs ($13/60 minutes x 12 minutes = $2.60) = prime cost (21.20) To determine markup factor: Food cost % (35%) + labor cost percentage (48%) = 83%. 100 / 83 = markup factor (1.20) To determine selling price: Prime cost (21.20) x markup factor (1.20) = selling price (25.44) The surf & turf should be sold for $25.44 using the prime cost method to account for both food and labor costs.

ABC Breads wants to enter the gluten-free-bread market. The fixed cost of manufacturing this product is $20,000, and the variable cost per unit is $0.60. ABC expects to sell 8,000 bread loaves. What is the break-even price of the gluten-free bread loaf? $3.60 $0.42 $0.60 $3.10

Correct answer: $3.10 The break-even (BE) point is the place where expenses (fixed costs and variable costs) and revenue/income are equal. Therefore, the break-even price of the gluten-free bread is: ($20,000 fixed costs / 8,000 units) + $.60 variable cost = $3.10 break-even price Assuming that ABC actually sells 8,000 units in the period, $3.10 will be the price at which they break even. However, if ABC were to sell fewer units, it would lead to a loss, because the price point does not cover fixed costs. Or, if ABC were to sell more units, it would earn a profit, because the price point covers more than the fixed costs.

Using the information below, determine the net profit: Sales: $177,567 Payroll: $86,750 Rent: $20,850 Taxes: $4,580 Depreciation: $1,998 Supplies: $3,248 $60,141 $62,139 $39,711 $66,719

Correct answer: $60,141 Net profit is the final profit after all expenses are deducted from sales. To solve: Determine profit: sales = $177,567 Determine total expenses: $86,750 + $20,850 + $4,580 + $1,998 + $3,248 = $117,426 Deduct expenses from profit: $177,567 - $117,426 = $60,141 Net profit: $60,141

Based on the numbers below, determine the cost of food used. Beginning inventory: $1,567 Ending inventory: $2,985 Purchases: $10,327 Sales: $24,674 Sales tax: $1,401 Operating expenses: $3,861 $14,872 $11,894 $8,909 $13,305

Correct answer: $8,909 In a profit and loss statement, the cost of food used is determined by adjusting the cost of food purchased at the beginning and ending inventories for the month. To solve: Purchases + beginning inventory = cost of goods available to be used Cost of good available to to be used - ending inventory = cost of goods used Plug in numbers: $10,327 + $1,567 = $11,894 $11,894 - $2,985 = $8,909 The other variables are not needed to solve for cost of goods used.

In the Hawthorne studies, researchers investigated ways to increase productivity in the workplace and found that certain variables increased employees' productivity. Which of the following variables would most likely increase an employee's productivity? Good working conditions Awards and prizes Monetary incentives Special attention

Correct answer: Special attention In the Hawthorne studies, researchers investigated ways to increase productivity and found that employees reacted to psychological and social conditions at work. Productivity increased when employees were given special attention, were well-treated by supervisors, and were given work breaks. They found that monetary incentives and good working conditions are generally less critical to improving employee productivity than meeting employees' needs and their desire to belong to a group and be included in decision-making and work.

Determine the break-even point for Christy's Cafeteria based on the following information: Total fixed costs = $22,250 Variable costs per average-priced meal = $2.60 Selling price per average-priced meal = $4.75 4,684 10,348 2.15 49,444

Correct answer: 10,348 The break-even point (BE) is the point where expenses (fixed costs [FC] and variable costs [VC]) and revenue (income) are equal. To solve for BE, use one of the following methods: BE in number of units sold (use to determine the number of units that need to sell to break even) = FC / Sales - VC BE in sales volume (use to determine the number of dollars that need to be earned to break even) = FC / 1- (VC/Sales) This question is asking for the number of units (meals) that need to be sold to break even, so method #1 should be used: 22,250 / 4.75 - 2.60 = 10,348 BE = 10,348 average-priced meals To break even, Christy's Cafeteria needs to sell 10,348 averaged-priced meals. If they sell less than this, they will lose money; if they sell more than this, they will make a profit.

A company has 80 full-time positions. How many total employees are necessary for everyday coverage, including FTEs and relief workers? 124 168 44 80

Correct answer: 124 Full-time employees (FTEs) typically work 236 days per year due to days off and benefits days (129 days) and a relief worker covers days off for the FTE. About 1.55 employees are required for the daily coverage of a full-time position. To determine the total number of employees needed: Method 1: Multiply 1.55 by the number of full-time positions: 1.55 x 80 = 124 Method 2: Multiply 0.55 by the number of full-time positions: 0.55 x 80 = 44 relief workers + 80 = 124

From 2016 to 2017, a meal prep company fired and replaced 6 employees out of their total of 45 employees. What is the employee turnover rate? 0.133% 15% 7.5% 13.3%

Correct answer: 13.3% Employee or labor turnover rate is the number of employees terminated and replaced during an annual time period in a company, expressed as a percentage. The rate can be determined by the following: (Number of employees fired and replaced / Total number of positions in a company) x 100 In this scenario: 6 / 45 = 0.133 x 100 = 13.3%

A food service company has thirteen 40-hour employees, seven 20-hour employees, and five 10-hour employees. How many FTEs does the company have? 17.75 88.75 13 25

Correct answer: 17.75 FTE / week = (hours worked/week) / 40 hour normal work load To solve: (13)(40) + (7)(20) + (5)(10) = 710 hours / 40 hours per 1 week = 17.75 FTEs

Eighteen FTEs produced 1,990 meals during a 40-hour week. How many meals were produced per labor hour? 0.36 meals per labor hour 49.75 meals per labor hour 14.47 meals per labor hour 2.76 meals per labor hour

Correct answer: 2.76 meals per labor hour Meals per labor hour = # meals produced / # hours worked To solve: 18 FTEs x 40 hours = 720 hours 1,900 meals / 720 hours = 2.76 meals per labor hour

How many relief employees do you need if you have 40 full-time employees? 22 42 62 72

Correct answer: 22 About 1.55 employees are needed for the everyday coverage of a full-time employee, or full-time equivalent (FTE). A relief worker covers days off for the FTE. FTEs typically work 236 days per year due to days off and benefits days, which add up to 129 days. To determine the actual number of relief workers needed, multiply the number of FTEs by 0.55 (129/236) to get the number of relief workers needed to cover 365 days per year. To solve: 40 FTEs x 0.55 = 22 relief workers

How many FTEs can a food service company hire with a weekly budget of $9,200 if the salary is $10/hour? 2.3 230 23 26

Correct answer: 23 To solve: $9,200 / $10 = 920 hours / 40 hours per week = 23 FTEs

How many FTEs can a restaurant hire at $11.50/hour with a weekly budget of $1,489? 0.15 3.2 0.308 6.47

Correct answer: 3.2 A full-time equivalent (FTE) is the hours worked by one employee on a full-time basis. An FTE is considered to be an 8-hour workday, a 40-hour workweek, or 2,080 hours per year. To solve: $1,489 / 11.5 = 129.478 129.478 / 40 = 3.236

At the end of a 12-month period, a nutrition consulting practice has an 8.5% turnover rate and 40 positions in the department. How many employees were terminated and replaced? 2.55 3.4 4.7 0.825

Correct answer: 3.4 The labor turnover rate is the ratio of employees who leave a company to the total number of employees on the payroll during a given period. Labor turnover rate is found by dividing the number of employees terminated and replaced into the total positions in a department, then multiplying by 100 to get a percentage. To solve for the number of employees terminated and replaced: X (number of employees terminated and replaced) / 40 positions = 8.5% turnover rate / 100 X / 40 positions = 0.085 turnover X = 0.085 turnover x 40 positions X = 3.4 employees terminated and replaced

Based on the numbers below, determine the percentage of income spent on food. Cost of food used today: $850 Income for today: $2,180 Number of employees: 23 Hourly salary per employee: $11.20 Average check: $10.09 Number of meals served: 216 51% 66% 35% 39%

Correct answer: 39% To determine the food-cost percentage, or the percentage of income spent on food, divide the cost of food used today by the income for today. To solve, food cost: $850 / income: $2,180 = 0.3899 x 100 = 38.99% = rounded up to 39%. The other variables are not necessary to solve for the food-cost percentage.

Based on the numbers below, determine the percentage of income spent on food. Cost of food used today: $850 Income for today: $2,180 Number of employees: 23 Hourly salary per employee: $11.20 Average check: $10.09 Number of meals served: 216 51% 66% 35% 39%

Correct answer: 39% To determine the food-cost percentage, or the percentage of income spent on food, divide the cost of food used today by the income for today. To solve, food cost: $850 / income: $2,180 = 0.3899 x 100 = 38.99% = rounded up to 39%. The other variables are not necessary to solve for the food-cost percentage.

Kaitlin is opening a neighborhood craft coffee shop, and she desires a 25% food-cost percentage. What should her markup factor be? 4 2.5 0.25 25

Correct answer: 4 The markup is determined by dividing the desired food-cost percentage into 100, which represents total sales, or 100%. The resulting figure is known as the markup factor. To illustrate: a foodservice operation that wishes to maintain a 25% (of income) food cost, 100 (total sales) / 25 (percentage of income for food) = 4 (markup factor).

Employees at a local sandwich shop work 8-hour shifts and can make 9 sandwiches per labor hour. On a normal business day, the shop sells at least 250 sandwiches. Next Tuesday, the shop is having a "Buy 1, Get 1 Free" promotion and is expecting to sell at least 450 sandwiches. What is the minimal number of total employees needed next Tuesday? 6 7 10 22

Correct answer: 7 To determine staffing needs: 9 sandwiches x 8 hours per day = 72 sandwiches per employee 450 total sandwiches / 72 sandwiches per employee = 6.25 employees --> 7 minimal total employees are needed next Tuesday

The SWOT analysis tool would most likely be used during what type of planning? Strategic Long-range Short-range Operational

Correct answer: Strategic SWOT is an acronym for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. It is used by organizations to identify their internal strengths and weaknesses and their external opportunities and threats. Since this analysis helps determine long-term goals and the best way to approach them, this tool is commonly used in strategic planning. Long-range planning focuses on goals and objectives, up to a five-year cycle. Short-range or operational planning focuses on the upcoming year, months, weeks, or days.

Which of the following is an example of a pricing strategy in a marketing program? An elementary school offers free dessert with each meal during National School Lunch Week to increase participation. A cafeteria manager offers soda at a reduced price during slow times in hope that customers will make an additional purchase, such as fries, candy, or popcorn. A restaurant manager puts candles on tables, dims the lights, and sprays incense before dinner service to add desirable attributes for customers. A large community hospital sets up kiosks on inpatient units during busy lunch periods as a convenience for medical staff with limited break times.

Correct answer: A cafeteria manager offers soda at a reduced price during slow times in hope that customers will make an additional purchase, such as fries, candy, or popcorn. In the "marketing mix," price is the amount of money that is charged for a product/service or the perceived value of a product/service in exchange for its benefit. A cafeteria manager offering soda at a reduced price during slow times in hope that customers will make an additional purchase is practicing strategic pricing. A restaurant manager adding candles on tables, dimming the lights, and spraying incense before dinner service is an example of contributing to the product in the marketing mix. A large community hospital setting up kiosks on inpatient units during busy lunch periods as a convenience for medical staff with limited break times is an example of contributing to place in the marketing mix. An elementary school offering free dessert with each meal during National School Lunch Week to increase participation is an example of a promotion.

What is the difference between a patient complaint and a patient grievance? A grievance is written and a complaint is verbal An unresolved grievance is escalated into a complaint A grievance is more formal than a complaint A complaint is written and a grievance is verbal

Correct answer: A grievance is more formal than a complaint A grievance is a formal verbal or written statement of dissatisfaction of care or service provided. A grievance is a more formal procedure than a complaint and is generally considered more serious than a complaint. A complaint is only verbal. A written complaint becomes a grievance, and an unresolved complaint becomes a grievance.

Which of the following is incorrect regarding a disaster menu? A short-term contingency plan should be determined to plan what to do if the disaster continues for more than 72-hours. A hospital should consider an inventory of food products for 96 hours. Each health care facility is required to have a 7-day disaster menu with a nutrient analysis. The disaster menu should be adapted to use fresh produce and dairy products first.

Correct answer: A short-term contingency plan should be determined to plan what to do if the disaster continues for more than 72-hours. After 9/11, foodservice operations in the United States realized the importance of having a disaster plan, or menu to utilize in the event of an emergency. The following are true regarding planning disaster menus: Determine a short-term plan to use for the first 72 hours of the disaster. Develop a long-term contingency plan to use if the disaster continues for more than 72 hours. Each health care facility is required to have a 7-day disaster menu with a nutrient analysis. The disaster menu should be adapted to use fresh produce and dairy products first. A hospital should consider an inventory of food products for 96 hours.

What is marketing and why is it referred to as a cyclic management function? A continuing series of events designed to meet the wants and needs of consumers; because it is driven by consumer feedback An organizational function that includes product, price, place, and promotion; because it is related to the customer's evolving profile An organization that has needs for products and the ability to make a purchase; because it is a cycle driven by customer feedback An activity directed at satisfying the wants and needs of consumers; because it requires planning, implementation, and evaluation

Correct answer: An activity directed at satisfying the wants and needs of consumers; because it requires planning, implementation, and evaluation Marketing is an activity directed at satisfying the wants and needs of consumers. It is a cyclical function that requires planning, implementation, and evaluation. A target market is a group of people (individuals or an organization) that has needs for products and the ability to make a purchase. The marketing cycle is the continuing series of events designed to meet the wants and needs of consumers and is driven by consumer feedback. The marketing mix includes the elements of product, price, place, and promotion.

The community and public health RDN is expected to provide a competent level of performance in which of the following professional domains? Administration of medicine Delivery of a diagnosis Compounding of parenteral formula Application of research

Correct answer: Application of research The Standards of Professional Performance (SOPP) consist of the following six domains of professional performance for community and public health RDNs: Quality in Practice, Competence and Accountability, Provision of Services, Application of Research, Communication and Application of Knowledge, and Utilization and Management of Resources. A doctor's SOPP includes the delivery of a diagnosis and administration of medicine, and a pharmacist's SOPP includes the compounding of parenteral formula.

What does an "adjusted FTE" account for that an "absolute FTE" does not? Hours actually worked Minimum number of employees Productive hours Benefit days and days off

Correct answer: Benefit days and days off Full-time equivalent (FTE) is the hours worked by one employee on a full-time basis (40-hour week) and is counted as either an absolute or adjusted FTE. An adjusted FTE accounts for benefit days and days off, while an absolute FTE accounts for the minimum number of employees needed to staff the business and counts productive hours only (hours actually worked).

Which of the following is the terminology for when an operation has $0 net income? Prime cost Contribution margin Break-even point Fixed cost

Correct answer: Break-even point The break-even point (BEP) is the point in business activity when total revenue equals expenses, or when an operation has $0 net income. The contribution margin represents the number of sales that can be contributed to fixed costs and profits after variable costs have been accounted for. Prime cost is a method of pricing based on food and labor costs. Fixed costs are those that are incurred regardless of the number of sales; rent and utilities are examples of fixed costs.

Angie is attempting to improve how the clinical RDs rotate floors in the hospital, and she has organized weekly meetings with the clinical RD team to discuss the process. Now she is talking with the RD team leaders and managers (people who are most involved with the process) to collect information and data about the floor's patient loads and responsibilities. Which step in FOCUS-PDCA is Angie at? U - Understand O - Organize S - Select C - Clarify

Correct answer: C - Clarify FOCUS-PDCA is a management and systematic process improvement method, which developed in the healthcare industry (Hospital Corporation of America, HCA). FOCUS-PDCA is an extension of the PDCA cycle, which includes Plan-Do-Check-Act. F - Find a process to improve O - Organize and train a team to work on the problem C - Clarify the problem by gathering information from the team and potentially also via data collection U - Understand the source of process variation S - Select the process improvement plan

Which of the following positions in an organization is responsible for making sure the accounting procedures comply with nationally accepted rules for how financial information is recorded and reported? CEO CFO COO Independent auditor

Correct answer: CFO Of the listed positions, the CFO (Chief Financial Officer) would be responsible for auditing, or making sure the accounting procedures comply with rules for how financial information is recorded and reported. In some organizations, this would be a separate position, the internal auditor, but that position is not in this list of answers. The COO (Chief Operating Officer) may be the same individual as the CFO, but the COO position itself handles the day-to-day operations of the organization, not the financial auditing. The independent auditor is outside the organization, not within the organization.

What type of budget is focused on the process of selecting long-term assets? Expense budget Statistics budget Capital budget Operating budget

Correct answer: Capital budget A capital budget includes assets that will be used longer than one year. Items included in a capital budget include land acquisition, facility construction, capital equipment, IT infrastructure, and physician recruitment. The statistics budget deals with expected revenue and expenses for the next year. The operating budget is an annual budget. An expense budget predicts expenses for the organization over the next year.

After a company-wide performance evaluation, the CEO states, "Most of the employees seem pretty average." What is this bias known as? Leniency error Halo effect Recency Central tendency error

Correct answer: Central tendency error Central tendency error is the tendency to rate all or most of the employees or interviewees as average. The halo effect is the tendency for an impression in one area to influence opinion in another area or to judge someone overall on their most positive trait. Leniency error is when the rater rates everyone higher than they deserve. Recency focuses only on recent performance within the evaluation period, which is a common error in performance evaluations.

The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics' 2017 Scope of Practice was revised to include which of the following key updates to nutrition and dietetic practice? Changes in ethical billing practices Changes to the CDR's professional development portfolio Changes in the Academy membership classifications New electronic medical record charting guidelines

Correct answer: Changes in ethical billing practices The 2017 Scope of Practice was revised to include the following key updates to nutrition and dietetic practice: changes in ethical billing practices, ordering privileges and delegated orders for RDNs, and new practice areas of coaching, global health, and telehealth.

A food service leader can address the issue of diversity by: Setting minimum safety requirements for all employees Establishing short-term commitments to an employee's personal growth Mandating affirmative action across the entire food service company Changing the organization's culture to allow participation at all levels

Correct answer: Changing the organization's culture to allow participation at all levels There are compelling moral and business reasons for foodservice leaders to address the issue of diversity in the workforce. To address the issue of diversity: An organization's culture often changes so that all employees feel welcome and are able to participate across all levels. Requires long-term commitments to measurable change. Separating diversity from affirmative action. Affirmative action is a government-mandated program. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is the governmental agency that sets minimum safety requirements.

The process of reviewing a patient's medical record, collecting information, and recording it is what type of data collection? Geographic mapping Pareto chart Chart audit Value stream mapping

Correct answer: Chart audit A chart audit is a type of data collection where the medical record is reviewed, data is collected and recorded. This is often done as a way for lead dietitians to review the work of less experienced dietitians to help improve quality. It may also be done as part of an insurance company audit of a patient's care. The other answers listed are other types of data collection methods.

Caitlin applies to a local company that regularly hires college students to work on construction crews. The construction manager tells her to apply for a secretarial job at the company's headquarters. As Caitlin is leaving, she overhears the manager tell a coworker that he did her a favor, since construction is really a man's job. Caitlin believes the manager has discriminated against her by not interviewing her for the higher-paying crew position, and she wants to file a claim. What regulatory compliance is she protected under? Civil Rights Act Equal Pay Act Unemployment compensation National Labor Relations Act

Correct answer: Civil Rights Act The Civil Rights Act prevents discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin, and prevents sexual harassment. This act is overseen by the EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission). Therefore, Caitlin would file a claim through them. The Equal Pay Act prevents discrimination in employment based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, and political affiliation, and is overseen by the EEOC. This act does not apply since Caitlin is not hired yet. Unemployment compensation is insurance against loss of income; however, the individual must be employed for a specific amount of time and be able and willing to work. The National Labor Relations Act guarantees the right to organize and join labor unions.

Which management theory reflects the basic tenet that there is one best way to complete every job, that there is one best way to create an organization, and that the organization should be arranged in a rational manner? Human relations Classical Unity of command Unity of direction

Correct answer: Classical The classical theory is a grouping of several ideas that purport that 1) there is one best way to complete every job, 2) there is one best way to create an organization, and 3) the organization should be arranged in an impersonal and rational manner. Principles of the classical theory include the tenets of unity of command (each person reports to only one supervisor) and unity of direction (all units should be moving toward the same objective). The human relations theory is a theory of management that was developed in response to the deficiencies of the classical theory; here, the organization is viewed as a social system.

According to McClelland's human motivation theory, which career is a person with an achievement motivation most likely to gravitate toward? Dishwasher Dietetic technician Dietary clerk Clinical nutrition manager

Correct answer: Clinical nutrition manager McClelland's human motivation theory states that every person has one of three main driving motivators: achievement, affiliation, or power. The achievement motivator is the motivation to do something better, more effectively, and/or more efficiently. These people tend to gravitate toward management and sales positions, such as clinical nutrition manager. Dishwasher, dietary clerk, and dietetic technician do not reflect the achievement motivator.

The statement "Completion of a malnutrition screening within 24 hours of admission," is an example of a: Scope of practice Clinical quality measure Standard of practice Performance improvement measure

Correct answer: Clinical quality measure Clinical quality measures, or CQMs, are tools that help measure and track the quality of health care services provided by eligible professionals, eligible hospitals, and critical access hospitals in our health care system. An example of a measure is the statement "Completion of a malnutrition screening within 24 hours of admission." Performance improvement is the systematic process of detecting and analyzing performance problems, developing interventions to address problems, implementing interventions, evaluating results, and sustaining improvement. Scope of practice in nutrition and dietetics encompasses the range of roles, activities, and regulations within which nutrition and dietetics practitioners perform. Standards of professional performance are tools used by credentialed dietetics practitioners for self-assessment, professional development, and advancement of their practice.

Using a SWOT analysis, what might be identified as a "T" for a college's dining division? Proving catering services to collegiate events High food quality at reasonable prices Lack of a modern dining hall Close proximity of restaurants that compete for college students' money

Correct answer: Close proximity of restaurants that compete for college students' money SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. A SWOT analysis helps develop business strategy. A college's dining division might identify high food quality at reasonable prices as a strength; lack of a modern dining hall as a weakness; providing catering services to collegiate events as an opportunity; and close proximity of restaurants that compete for college students' money as a threat.

A dietitian, Susie, has a private practice. She had been providing general nutrition services to adults and children over 5. She decided to change her focus to providing weight loss counseling to adults over 35. What type of target market strategy does Susie have now? Concentration strategy Specialized strategy Multifocal strategy Multisegment strategy

Correct answer: Concentration strategy A concentration strategy for market segment selection involves choosing a niche market. A niche market is a narrowly defined segment of the market with the goal of obtaining a large percentage of that market. The specialization allows the provider to focus on a distinct set of customers and market directly to them. Multisegment strategy identifies and targets several segments. For example, if Susie provided weight loss and IBS services to adults, she would be selecting two distinct segments. Multifocal and specialized are distractors.

Marketing focuses on all of the following objectives except: Profit Future growth Customer wants Coordination of subsystems

Correct answer: Coordination of subsystems Marketing focuses on customer wants, profit, and future growth to reach the goal of maximizing net profit. Management focuses on the coordination of subsystems to achieve objectives.

An outpatient diabetes clinic wants to determine if their nutrition education program is worthwhile in terms of its costs. The cost to run the program includes RD staffing, educational materials, and overhead costs, while the measured outcomes include HgA1C%, diabetes complications, and dietary changes. Which quality improvement study should be used and why? Cost-effectiveness analysis because it compares alternatives Cost-benefit analysis because it provides comparisons of alternative courses of action in terms of their costs Cost-effectiveness analysis because it determines whether the goal of the intervention is worthwhile in terms of costs Cost-benefit analysis because it examines program outcomes in terms of money saved

Correct answer: Cost-benefit analysis because it examines program outcomes in terms of money saved A cost-benefit analysis should be used because the goal is to determine whether the nutrition education program is worthwhile in terms of its overall costs. Cost-benefit analysis examines program outcomes in terms of money saved and determines whether the goal of the intervention is worthwhile in terms of costs. Cost-effectiveness analysis compares alternatives and provides comparisons of alternative courses of action in terms of their costs, financial gains, savings, and effectiveness in obtaining objectives. This analysis would be useful if the goal was to determine which nutrition education program or class was most useful.

Which of the following is an example of strategic management? Coordinating subsystems to achieve objectives Establishing one gallon of water per person per day for a minimum of 3 days Showing the command relationship from top to bottom levels Creating and implementing strategies to move toward goals

Correct answer: Creating and implementing strategies to move toward goals Strategic management is organizational and environmental analysis to achieve goals. This principle is exemplified by a company creating and implementing strategies to move toward goals and evaluating progress. Emergency preparedness includes disaster planning protocols, such as establishing one gallon of water/person/day for a minimum of three days. Management is used to coordinate subsystems to achieve objectives. Chain of command establishes command relationships from top to bottom, beginning with one person (top or highest level of authority) and extending downward (bottom or lowest level of authority).

You are assigned as project coordinator to open six new green grocery stores across the Midwest. You want to calculate the minimum amount of time it will take to complete the project. Which method would best help you and why? Operating budget because you can forecast the revenue, expenses, and profits during the project's time frame Critical Path method because it can help you keep your project on track by finding the sequence of activities with the longest duration Performance budget because you can detail the costs for this specific project Value analysis because you can ensure that the project's cost is no greater than necessary to carry out the project's goal

Correct answer: Critical Path method because it can help you keep your project on track by finding the sequence of activities with the longest duration The Critical Path Method (CPM) can help you keep your project on track by: Helping you identify the activities that must be completed on time in order to complete the whole project on time Showing you which tasks can be delayed and for how long without impacting the overall project schedule Calculating the minimum amount of time it will take to complete the project

A restaurant owner wants to determine his average food-cost percentage since the opening of his restaurant one month ago. Which report would give him the best picture of his operation to date? Daily food-cost report Cumulative food-cost report Profit and loss statement End-of-the-month report

Correct answer: Cumulative food-cost report The cumulative food-cost report should be used to determine the food-cost percentage because it can average out an operation's daily variation and give a picture of the operation to date. A daily food-cost report is a statement that contains total food costs, total food sales, and cost percentages. The end-of-the-month report, or profit and loss statement, shows the actual cost of food used based on purchases and all other actual expenditures.

Which components best reflect the goals of Continuous Quality Improvement? Customer satisfaction, data collection, team involvement Data-driven, little variation, eliminate errors Customers, culture, counting Using less human effort, space, capital, and time

Correct answer: Customer satisfaction, data collection, team involvement Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) components include customer satisfaction, data collection, and team involvement. CQI emphasizes organizations and structures instead of individuals. Total quality management (TQM) components include processes, improvement, and customer satisfaction. Its three elements include customers, culture, and counting. Lean focuses on using less human effort, space, capital, and time to make products/services more efficiently. Six Sigma is a data-driven approach for improving quality by establishing a standard deviation and achieving 6 standard deviations from the mean to achieve little variation in the process to eliminate errors and get them as close to zero as possible.

A health program spends $100 per participant on nutrition counseling, which results in reduced medical costs of $800. In a cost-benefit analysis, which of the following might represent an indirect benefit? Reduced blood pressure rate Change in dietary habits Decreased length of stay Decreased fat-free mass

Correct answer: Decreased length of stay In a cost-benefit analysis, the benefits can be calculated as any outcome attributed to the project as a direct or indirect benefit. Indirect benefits might include decreased length of stay and savings of the health care provider's time. Direct benefits might include change in dietary habits, change in physical parameters (weight, fat-free mass or muscle mass), and/or change in body functions (GI tract, blood pressure, lab results).

A bakery set its price for croissants at $4.25 because this is the amount they believe their customers are willing to pay for their croissants. Which type of pricing method is the bakery using? Demand-oriented Conventional Prime-cost Competitive

Correct answer: Demand-oriented The demand-oriented method bases prices on what customers perceive the value of the item/service to be and how much they are willing to pay for it. With this method, prices can be set as high as what the customer is willing to pay above raw-food costs. The conventional method bases selling prices on raw-food costs plus the markup factor. The prime-cost method bases selling prices on raw-food costs plus labor costs. The competitive method sets selling prices in comparison to those of the competition.

A restaurant has decided to change its name to either Jane's Steakhouse or The Texas Steak House. The CEO is hosting a vote on the new name and will be accepting the majority decision. What type of leadership style is this? Democratic Consensus Autocratic Participative

Correct answer: Democratic Leadership styles and techniques reflect the personality of the management. The democratic style accepts the majority decision. The consensus style requires the entire group to come to an agreement. For example, the CEO might require everyone to meet and discuss until they all agree on which restaurant name to go with. The participative style seeks input from and shares power with employees. A participative CEO might have used this method to brainstorm ideas for the new name with the employees. The autocratic style takes control, makes decisions, and assumes full responsibility. An autocratic CEO would choose the new restaurant's name on his own without input from the employees.

You want to convey timely and relevant food and nutrition-related news to the public. All of the following activities would help you, except: Reading Food & Nutrition Magazine Attending continuing education meetings and scientific conferences Visiting your local bookstore to browse the shelves of diet books, cookbooks and self-help books Developing the appropriate marketing mix

Correct answer: Developing the appropriate marketing mix The marketing mix is developed to achieve an organization's objectives and satisfy the target market. The 4 P's of the marketing mix are product, place, price, and promotion. When working with the media, it is important to follow professional literature and know what the public wants to read, view, and hear. Examples include: Reading Food & Nutrition Magazine Visiting your local bookstore to browse the shelves of diet books, cookbooks, and self-help books Attending continuing education meetings and scientific conferences

Which function of management requires the greatest allotment of time? Organizing Evaulating Directing Planning

Correct answer: Directing The functions of management include planning, organizing, directing, controlling, and evaluating. Directing and controlling require the greatest allotment of time in management. This function includes the distribution of work to the qualified and appropriate people, where managers must provide instruction, training, and establish appropriate control. Planning is a basic and major function of management that determines its objectives, policies, and procedures. Organizing is the identification of tasks and activities, which are delegated to positions. Evaluating is the ongoing measure of performance against standards to determine whether goals have been reached.

Which of the following factors contributes to increased food costs over time? Buying produce in bulk Checking received items against the invoice Discounted employee meals during shift Menu planning

Correct answer: Discounted employee meals during shift Food costs are the most controlled item and subject to the greatest fluctuations over time. Food costs can increase over time by wasting food or providing discounted food to employees during their shift. To better control and decrease food costs, take time during menu planning (can you use an ingredient in several different ways?), receiving control by checking items against the invoice (did you receive everything you ordered?), purchasing methods (buying produce in bulk), and determining the type of service (selective menus reduce waste and costs).

To start identifying a target market, a manager should address all of the following questions, except which one? Who are the current customers? Does the product meet our customers' needs? How many customers are in the potential market? What are the unique needs of the customers?

Correct answer: Does the product meet our customers' needs? To start identifying a target market, a manager should address all of the following questions: Who are the current customers? How many customers are in the potential market? What are the unique needs of the customers? Can we attract new customers? In promotional planning, the manager can brainstorm ideas for certain objectives by asking the following: What is it that we are trying to accomplish with this promotion? Is this consistent with our mission statement? Is this designed to meet our customers' needs? How can we measure the success of this promotion?

Grace believes her school's policy for supervised practice placement is unfair. During a meeting with the assistant director of the nutrition program, Professor Kirstin, she explains why the policy is unfair and her ideas for alternative solutions. Professor Kirstin sets a department-wide meeting to resolve the conflict by a majority vote. What type of conflict resolution method is Professor Kirstin using? Dominance and suppression Compromise Integrative problem-solving Forcing

Correct answer: Dominance and suppression Conflict resolution methods include dominance and suppression, compromise, and integrative problem-solving. Dominance and suppression represses conflict rather than settling it, by creating a win-lose environment. These tactics include forcing (one party making a decision without argument or compromise), smoothing, avoidance, and resolving conflict by majority vote (for example, Professor Kirsten hosting a vote about the current school policy). Compromise involves finding the middle ground during conflict. Integrative problem-solving is when conflict is converted into a joint problem where both parties try to find a solution that they can accept.

The umbrella term that encompasses all laws and regulations that prohibit discrimination and/or require affirmative action is known as which of the following? EEO ADA OSHA EEOC

Correct answer: EEO Equal employment opportunity (EEO) is the umbrella term that encompasses all laws and regulations that prohibit discrimination and/or require affirmative action. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) regulates and interprets guidelines in order to provide guidance to management for compliance with EEO statutes. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) prohibits discrimination against persons with disabilities in aspects of employment. The Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (OSHA) requires employers to provide employment that is free from safety hazards.

Which of the following is defined by a job description? Employee incentives Salary range Employment qualifications Performance appraisal

Correct answer: Employment qualifications A job description defines the knowledge, skills, responsibilities, training, experience, qualifications, and line of reporting for each job in the organization. The salary is not specified in the job description. Employee incentives are part of the benefits offered to employees. A performance appraisal assesses job performance.

In management, the control function involves all of the following except: Establishing policies and procedures Developing corrective actions Establishing standards Measuring performance

Correct answer: Establishing policies and procedures Controlling is the management function concerned with regulating organizational activities so that actual performance meets accepted organizational standards and goals. The control function involves: Determining which activities need control Establishing standards Measuring performance Correcting deviations Planning is the management function concerned with developing policies, procedures, and objectives.

Joshua opened his own nutrition consulting business and wants to hire a few nutrition consultants. To locate the most qualified RD's, he posted ads at a nearby university's nutrition department. How is Joshua attempting to find potential applicants? Unstructured selection process Structured selection process External recruiting Internal recruiting

Correct answer: External recruiting Recruiting is attempting to locate and encourage potential applicants to apply for job openings, and it can be achieved through external or internal sources. External sources include ads, agencies, unions, etc. Internal sources include promotions, transfers, or rehiring within a company. The structured selection process and unstructured selection process have to do with job interview methods.

Maggie's Meals and Munchies is a start-up meal prep company, and they want to determine how to price their menu items. If they want to price the items based on raw food costs using a markup factor and hidden costs, which pricing method should they use? Prime cost method Competitive pricing method Factor pricing method Cost plus pricing method

Correct answer: Factor pricing method Maggie's Meals and Munchies wants to determine menu pricing based on raw food costs, a markup factor, and hidden costs; therefore, they should use the factor pricing method. The factor pricing method, also known as the traditional or markup method, uses the raw cost of food and food cost percentage to determine the selling price (markup). Hidden costs of 10% can be added to the food cost to account for unproductive costs, such as unavoidable waste in cooking, serving, and/or preparation. The prime cost method accounts for both raw food costs and direct labor costs involved in making an item. To determine the prime cost, add raw food costs and direct labor costs. The cost plus pricing method ensures a predetermined percentage of profit by establishing profit as a cost. The competition pricing method assigns prices based on the general market price or those of the competition by pricing items the same as a competitor's, lower to attract those looking for a deal, or higher to attract those looking for higher quality.

The director of the hospital has assigned you the responsibility of the creation of a complex work task. According to the FOCUS-PDCA model, what is the first step you should take? Focus on a strategy for continued improvement Determine how to collect data Figure out the current knowledge about a process Find a process to improve

Correct answer: Find a process to improve FOCUS-PDCA is a management and systematic process improvement method, which developed in the healthcare industry (Hospital Corporation of America, HCA). FOCUS-PDCA is an extension of the PDCA cycle, which includes Plan-Do-Check-Act. F - Find a process to improve O - Organize to improve the process C - Clarify current knowledge of the process. This step includes collecting data and information about the process and should include talking with those who are most involved with it. U - Understand the source of process variation S - Select the process improvement

Jason is the director of foodservice at Hospital Food Corporation Inc. He wants to understand how to best conduct effective in-service training for his employees. During this process, he evaluates all of the possible causes and effects related to this particular event. What type of problem-solving process is Jason most likely using? Intuition Fishbone diagram Pareto charts Delphi technique

Correct answer: Fishbone diagram Decision-making or problem-solving is the recognition and analysis of a problem to determine a solution. Different problem-solving techniques include nominal groups, Delphi, fishbone diagrams, Pareto charts, and queuing theory. The cause and effect (aka fishbone) diagram focuses on brainstorming the root causes of an event and potential effects. This diagram is composed of a series of connected arrows to show relationships. Since Jason is evaluating the causes and effects of in-service training, he is most likely using this fishbone diagram for problem-solving. The Delphi technique is a method of group decision-making and forecasting that involves successively collating the judgments of experts. In this technique, participants do not have to meet in person. Pareto charts are used to graphically summarize and display the relative importance of the differences between groups of data. Intuition is when a decision is made based not on gathering data but on unsubstantiated facts or overlooking the facts.

Which type of budget works best for an organization where the revenue does not change much? Rolling Fixed Continuous Flexible

Correct answer: Fixed A fixed budget does not take into account variations in revenue. For example, if sales commission is budgeted at 5% based on projected $1 million in sales, the sales commission would be $50,000, whether sales end up being more or less than $1 million. Therefore, this type of budget works best for organizations that has a revenue that does not change much or that is reliably predictable.

Based on Katz's three skills of managers, which of the following positions would predominantly use conceptual skills to perform their primary job functions? Dietary aide Food service coordinator Dietitian Food and environmental services director

Correct answer: Food and environmental services director Robert L. Katz developed a method of classifying managerial skills in terms of the three-skill approach, which identifies the categories that every successful manager must have in varying degrees of technical, human, and conceptual skills. Conceptual skills are the ability to understand and integrate all the organization's activities and interests toward a common goal. These skills are most important at upper levels of management due to the need for policy decisions and larger-scale actions. For example, a director-level position such as food and environmental services director. Technical skills allow a worker to perform specific activities and are usually more important for lower-level managers (such as dietitians and dietary aides). Human skills include understanding and motivating individuals and groups. These skills are needed at all levels of management but are usually less important for top-level managers (such as directors) than for lower-level managers (such as food service coordinators).

What might a cost-benefit ratio of 1:4 indicate? For every $1 saved on doctor's appointments, $4 is spent on medications For every $10 required to run an exercise facility, there is $4 of medical savings For every 1 renal patient admitted, 4 doctors are required to provide care For every $1 required to run a nutrition clinic, there is $4 of medical savings

Correct answer: For every $1 required to run a nutrition clinic, there is $4 of medical savings A cost-benefit analysis examines program outcomes in terms of money saved and determines whether the goal of the intervention is worthwhile in terms of costs. A cost-benefit ratio of 1:4 (cost:benefit) reflects the statement, "For every $1 required to run a nutrition clinic, there is $4 of medical savings."

Which of the following is an example of a tangible foodservice product? Dishwasher Hamburger Lack of friendliness by wait staff Indifference on the part of the wait staff

Correct answer: Hamburger Food itself is tangible, which means it is capable of being perceived by the customer through smell, taste, and touch. An example of a tangible component is a hamburger. Service is intangible because it cannot be possessed, but the customer is aware of its presence and absence. An example of is lack of friendliness or indifference by the wait staff. Appliances, such as dishwashers, are consumer goods that are possessed but not consumed, so they are not tangible foodservice products.

Which of the following would increase an outpatient dietitian manager's span of control? Increasing how often the manager reports to her director Having a larger geographic dispersion of outpatient dietitians Decreasing the number of patients that the manager sees per week Decreasing the number of outpatient dietitians that report to the manager

Correct answer: Having a larger geographic dispersion of outpatient dietitians Span of control is the term that refers to the number of subordinates a supervisor has and is determined by complexity, proximity of jobs, quality of people, and abilities of the supervisor. An increased span of control, or wide span, requires less supervision, fewer levels, fewer managers, and is used with highly trained personnel. Examples include having a larger geographic dispersion of outpatient dietitians (increased responsibility with a decreased proximity of jobs). A reduced span of control, or narrow span, requires more supervision, more levels, more managers, and is used with less trained or newly hired personnel. Examples include decreasing the number of outpatient dietitians that report to the manager (less responsibility), decreasing the number of patients that the manager sees per week (fewer complexities or abilities), and increasing how often the manager reports to her director (more supervision).

Which of the following is not one of the characteristics beyond good pay and benefits that are common to companies considered the best to work for in the United States today? Hiring external candidates Encouraging open communication Making people feel part of the team Creating a pleasant workplace environment

Correct answer: Hiring external candidates The characteristics beyond good pay and benefits that are common to companies considered the best to work for in the United States today include encouraging open communication, promoting from within (versus hiring external candidates), stressing quality to foster employee pride, allowing employees to share profits, reducing the distinction between ranks, creating pleasant workplace environments, encouraging employees to be active in community service, matching employee funds, and making people feel part of the team.

Which of the following items should not be kept in a personnel file? Attendance records I-9 form Employment application Performance appraisals

Correct answer: I-9 form An I-9 form may not be kept in the personnel file. They must be kept in a separate file that is only accessible to those granted access. All the other listed items should be kept in the personnel file.

In the business of community nutrition, a dietitian in a management position must be able to do all of the following except: Set a direction for the business or program Motivate people to help the organization reach its goals Organize the delivery of the product or service Influence political decisions by lobbying

Correct answer: Influence political decisions by lobbying Individuals need strong management skills, whether they work in the public or the private sector of nutrition, and must be able to do the following: Set a direction for the business or program. Define goals and objectives. Organize the delivery of the product or service. Motivate people to help the organization reach its goals. Allocate materials, equipment, personnel, and funds to operations.

A manager acting as the spokesperson for the organization is indicative of which of the following managerial roles? Interpersonal Figurehead Informational Decisional

Correct answer: Informational The three types of informational roles in management are monitor, disseminator, and spokesperson. Figurehead is a type of interpersonal management role.

According to the ADA, which of the following is a "reasonable accommodation" to make a workplace and dining area accessible to a person with disabilities? Installing elevators Widening aisles to at least 46" Installing wheelchair ramps Widening doorways at a company with 10 employees

Correct answer: Installing wheelchair ramps The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) went into effect in 1994 for companies with 15 or more employees. It provides general guidelines for implementing reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities in the workplace and dining areas. Accommodations may include installing ramps, widening doorways, and lowing shelves and counters. Installing elevators might be an undue hardship and therefore an unreasonable accommodation due to its nature and cost. Aisles must be at least 36" wide to accommodate persons with wheelchairs. Companies with fewer than 15 employees are not mandated by the ADA to implement reasonable accommodations.

The skills that a manager uses when counseling an employee who has not met performance expectations are what type of skills? Interpersonal Conceptual Staffing Technical

Correct answer: Interpersonal Interpersonal skills allow a manager to effectively communicate and work with other individuals. Technical skills are those needed to perform a specific task. Conceptual skills involve analyzing and solving problems or challenges. Staffing is a function of management, not a skill.

John is the owner and manager of a nutrition and fitness company, Nutritious Fitness. This week he is hosting a company-wide training to provide information, ideas, and the latest research in sports nutrition to his employees. According to Mintzberg's theory, which managerial role category is John in during the training? Negotiator Interpersonal Informational Decisional

Correct answer: Interpersonal Management expert and professor Henry Mintzberg argued there are ten primary roles that can be used to categorize a manager's different functions. The 10 roles are divided into 3 categories: Interpersonal: The managerial roles in this category involve providing information and ideas. Since John is providing information, ideas, and research at this training, he is in the interpersonal category role. Informational: The managerial roles in this category involve processing information. Decisional: The managerial roles in this category involve using information. Negotiator is a role under decisional, where you may be needed to take part in, and direct, important negotiations within your team, department, or organization.

Which of the following steps should be included in a diet tech's employee orientation program? Introduction to food service employees Survey of the sources of labor supply Get information, give information, and make a friend Selection of the most capable person for the position

Correct answer: Introduction to food service employees The 10 steps that should be included in an orientation program: Introduction to the company Review of important policies and practices Review of benefits and services Benefit plan enrollment Completion of employment documents Review of employer expectations Setting of employee expectations Introduction to fellow workers Introduction to facilities Introduction to the job In the employment process, recruitment is surveying the sources of labor supply and determining which ones are used to bring in the most qualified prospective employees. After prospective employees are recruited, the next step is selection. Here, the employer selects the most capable person available for a particular position. The next step is the interview process, where the most capable persons undergo a selection interview. The purpose of the selection interview is to get information, give information, and make a friend.

Which of the following HR tasks involves identifying the unique tasks, responsibilities, and activities of each position in a health service organization? Working conditions Job analysis Job description Workforce planning

Correct answer: Job analysis A job analysis involves identifying the unique tasks, responsibilities, and activities for each position in the HSO (health service organization), and to make sure there is not overlap of tasks or responsibilities across jobs. A job description defines the required qualifications of a specific job in the HSO, and is a product of the job analysis. Workforce planning is a function of HR. Working conditions are part of a job description.

The following is an example of what? Registered Dietitian Collaborates with providers to identify and connect with patients Establishes treatment plans and communicates with patients Education: At least a Master's degree in nutrition and RD/RDN credential within 3 months Job description Job analysis Job breakdown Job specification

Correct answer: Job specification A job specification is a more detailed job description that includes the duties, conditions, personal qualifications (education; experience), and skills required to perform that job. Job analysis is the process of identifying and determining all aspects of a particular job, in order to collect information for a job description. A job breakdown lists the steps of a job, what to do when and how to do it; it's basically an instruction guide. A job description matches applicants to jobs by describing the required skills and responsibilities of a specific position.

A nutrition bill is sent through legislation and signed into law. What branch of government can discard the law if it considers it in violation of a person's basic rights? Legislative Executive Presidential Judiciary

Correct answer: Judiciary The judiciary branch is the system of courts (Supreme court and federal courts) that interprets and applies the law in the name of the state. This branch may discard a law if it considers it in violation of a person's basic rights and freedoms. The legislative branch includes the two houses of Congress (House of Representatives and Senate). The main task of these two bodies is to make the laws. Its powers include passing laws, originating spending bills (House), impeaching officials (Senate), and approving treaties (Senate). The executive branch is broadly responsible for implementing, supporting, and enforcing the laws made by the legislative branch and interpreted by the judicial branch. The executive branch includes the president, vice president, and cabinet.

At a hospital, which of the following is an example of an input? Labor Trays Employee satisfaction Meals

Correct answer: Labor Inputs, or resources, include labor, money, materials, facilities, and/or energy. Outputs, or units of service, include trays, customer/employee satisfaction, meals, patient days, and/or consults.

Which of the following is a source of potential employees during recruitment? EEO ADA Labor unions EEOC

Correct answer: Labor unions During recruitment, sources of potential employees include internal sources and external sources. The most common external sources are employment agencies, schools, labor unions, and the use of advertising. Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) laws, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) all have to do with regulatory compliance.

According to French and Raven's power study, which combination of powers is most important for a leader to be able to produce compliance in his or her followers? Legitimate and expert Expert and referent Reward and referent Coercive and expert

Correct answer: Legitimate and expert In 1959, researchers French and Raven identified five sources of power in leadership: Legitimate, Reward, Expert, Referent, and Coercive. Six years later, Raven added an extra power base: Informational. By understanding these different forms of power, you can learn to use the positive ones to full effect, while avoiding the negative power bases that managers can instinctively rely on. The bases of power most important for obtaining compliance are legitimate and expert. Legitimate: This comes from the belief that a person has the formal right to make demands and to expect others to be compliant and obedient. Reward: This results from one person's ability to compensate another for compliance. Expert: This is based on a person's high levels of skill and knowledge. Referent: This is the result of a person's perceived attractiveness, worthiness, and right to others' respect. Coercive: This comes from the belief that a person can punish others for noncompliance. Informational: This results from a person's ability to control the information that others need to accomplish something.

A mission statement is typically required in what type of planning? Strategic Long-range Short-range Operational

Correct answer: Long-range Long-range planning focuses on goals and objectives for up to five-year cycles and requires a mission statement of a long-range vision. Short-range or operational planning focuses on the upcoming year, months, weeks, or days. Strategic planning focuses on long-term goals and evaluating the best way to approach them. This type of planning typically uses SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats).

Danny's Donuts is advertising this week, "Buy 4, Get 8 Free Donut Holes!" They are discounting the donut holes ($0.50 each) in hopes of getting more people to come in and buy other donuts at full price, such as the kolaches ($1.29 each) or apple fritters ($3.00 each). What type of pricing technique is this? Promotions pricing Positioning statement Focus strategy Loss leader

Correct answer: Loss leader A loss leader is a product that is sold at a loss to attract customers. In this case, the donut shop is losing money on donut hole sales with the goal of attracting more customers. Promotions pricing is the sale of a product(s) for a temporary time to increase sales during a slow period. Focus strategy uses cost leadership or differentiation strategy to target a specific, niche market. A positioning statement tells the marketplace how you would like your product to be viewed.

Which manager reflects a systems approach to management? Ted, who formally organizes and administers his employees' work in a scalar principle Maggie, who considers the external and internal factors before making a decision Martha, who tells her employees that everyone will be involved in decisions and that they are the keys to the company's productivity Jeff, who inspires employees to become leaders and to motivate each other toward the group mission

Correct answer: Maggie, who considers the external and internal factors before making a decision Maggie uses a systems approach by considering both the external and internal environments that can impact her company before making a decision or allocating resources. Ted uses a traditional or classical approach by administering work in a scalar principle, where authority and responsibility flow in a one-way direction from high to low. Martha uses a human relations or Theory Z approach by preaching to her employees that everyone is involved in the decision-making process and that employee involvement is the key to productivity. Jeff uses a transformational management style where he uses activities to transform inputs to outputs to link, manage, and build functional systems by inspiring agents of change.

Juan is a 45-year-old male with a wife and four children. He works as a construction worker and supports his family making $40,000 per year. Based on market segmentation, into which group would you categorize Juan? Innovators Experiencers Makers Achievers

Correct answer: Makers Market segmentation is the process of dividing a broad consumer base or market into subgroups of consumers based on characteristics. Makers: Lower-income, self-sufficient, family-oriented. Achievers: Successful individuals, higher income. Innovators: High income, self-sufficient. Experiencers: Young, impulsive, variety seekers.

"Plan" and "control" are two functions of: Human resources Marketing Management Strategy

Correct answer: Management The basic functions of management are plan, organize, direct, control, and evaluate. The basic functions of marketing are known as the marketing mix, or the 4 P's of marketing: product, place, price, and promotion. Strategy is used in strategic planning and marketing to set the direction for an organization by determining long-term goals and the best way to approach them. The basic functions of human resources are employment processes and procedures (promotion, transfer, separation, compensation, benefits).

During a meeting, clinical dietitians each establish performance goals with their clinical nutrition manager. For example, Sarah's goal is to be able to effectively write nutritional assessments for tube feeding patients without a team leader signing off on her notes after her first 90 days. What type of management style is this? Benevolent Scientific Management by objective Transactional

Correct answer: Management by objective Management by objective is a type of democratic management that provides control from within, where precise, measurable performance objectives are established between manager and employee. Transactional leadership, or managerial leadership, focuses on supervision, organization, and performance, where leaders promote compliance by using rewards and punishments. Scientific leadership focuses on the "one best way" and on physical aspects of the job rather than the human aspect. Pay increases as production increases. Benevolent, or autocratic, is a job-centered approach to management

What is a potential impact of unionization on a foodservice management operation? The ability for a manager to set wages and fringe benefits The ability to use volunteer workers in the kitchen Management losing the right to hire Disciplining workers without being subject to appeal by the union

Correct answer: Management losing the right to hire When unionization takes place, certain rights of management may be lost. Some of the potential freedoms that are lost include the right to hire or fire, changing work assignments and schedules, setting wages and fringe benefits, changing policies without appeal, disciplining workers without being subject to appeal by the union, acting on grievances directly, and losing the right to utilize volunteer workers.

Which of the following best defines productivity as it relates specifically to foodservice management? Improving the content of a foodservice position and providing a safe, healthy kitchen for working Accomplishing foodservice-based tasks that eliminate the uneconomical use of foodservice time, equipment, materials, space, and/or human effort The measure of output of goods produced or services rendered in relation to the input of labor hours, money, and resources used The advocacy for relationship between employees and management to incorporate cooperation

Correct answer: The measure of output of goods produced or services rendered in relation to the input of labor hours, money, and resources used Productivity, especially in foodservice, measures the output of goods produced and/or services rendered in relation to the input of labor hours, money, and resources used. The quality of work-life (QWL) is an approach that advocates for the relationship between employees and management to incorporate qualities of cooperation, involvement, respect, rapport, trust, and openness. The goals of work design include improving the content of the job; providing a safe and healthy work environment; and designing a staff of fit persons, an optimum work environment, and both effective and efficient work methods. Work simplification is the philosophy that there is a more effective way of completing a task by eliminating the uneconomical use of time, equipment, materials, space, and/or human effort.

What is the purpose of total quality management? To encourage employees to identify problems and find solutions to improve the overall performance of the organization To document appropriate care patterns and identify areas needing improvement To plan what is to be done, do it, study the results, and act on the results To encourage employees to ask how the company is doing and how they can do it better

Correct answer: To encourage employees to identify problems and find solutions to improve the overall performance of the organization Total quality management (TQM) encourages employees to identify problems and find solutions to improve the overall performance of the organization. It is the philosophy of improving processes in response to customer needs and expectations. An audit is a formal study to retrospectively monitor performance. Its purpose is to document appropriate care patterns and identify areas needing improvement. PDSA/PDCA represents the PDCA cycle theory, which includes Plan-Do-Check/Study-Act. Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) encourages employees to ask how the company is doing and how they can do it better. Flag Question

Which of the following is legal for a union? To require the company to release any employee who loses union membership To require the employer to hire only union members To require engagement in collective bargaining To require an employee to become a union member in order to obtain employment

Correct answer: To require engagement in collective bargaining The Taft-Hartley Act, also known as the Labor Management Relations Act of 1947, prevents unions from coercing employees to join, outlaws the union shop (which requires an employee to become a union member in order to obtain employment) and the closed shop (which obligates an employer to hire only union members and to release any employee who loses union membership), and makes it illegal for unions to refuse to engage in collective bargaining (an obligation to discuss terms with an open mind).

Tracie is a senior manager for a food distribution company and she provides each of her operating units a specialized food budget for the upcoming year. What type of budget is Tracie most likely providing? Performance budget Bottom-up budget Owner's equity Top-down budget

Correct answer: Top-down budget A top-down budget is prepared by top management and given to each operating unit. A bottom-up budget is when individuals prepare their own budgets, which are then given to upper management. A performance budget details what it costs to perform a specific activity, for example, how much to resurface a kitchen. Owner's equity is the monetary value of a property or business beyond any amounts owed.

Jacob is hired as a dishwasher at ABC Food Nations. The employer tells him he needs to join the United Food & Commercial Workers International Union within six months to retain his job. What type of union membership is this? Agency shop Union shop Open shop Closed shop

Correct answer: Union shop A union shop is a place of work where employers may hire non-union workers who must join a labor union within an agreed upon time. An open shop is place of work where employers are not required to join a labor union. A closed shop is a place of work where membership is required to be hired and for continued employment. This form of union is illegal in the public sector. An agency shop is a place a work where employees are not required to join the union but all workers (union or nonunion) must pay the agency fee.

Paul is hired as an entry-level dietitian at a dialysis clinic. He is paid $23.23/hour and works 40 hrs/wk. What type of compensation is Paul receiving? Wages Compensatory benefit Supplementary Salary

Correct answer: Wages Compensation is the money received by an employee from an employer as a salary (annual earnings for managerial and professional positions) or wages (hourly earnings of employees under the Fair Labor Standards Act). Benefits are offered by companies as statutory (payment required by law in event of unemployment, death, or injury), compensatory (benefits or payment for time not worked), and supplementary (additional life and health insurance).

Which of the following is an example of a motion economy principle? When breading and frying foods, arrange food containers, flour, egg mixture, crumbs, and cooking pan in a correct sequence so that no wasted movements are made The elimination of uneconomical use of foodservice equipment to increase productivity The coordination to ensure that a hospital consistently meets or exceeds quality standards Enacting measurement methods to eliminate waste and pursue improvement

Correct answer: When breading and frying foods, arrange food containers, flour, egg mixture, crumbs, and cooking pan in a correct sequence so that no wasted movements are made The principles of motion economy involve the use of the human body, arrangement of the workplace, and design of tools and equipment in such a way as to reduce the motion and time required for a job, to increase efficiency. The philosophy of work simplification is that there is always a better way to do something; the elimination of uneconomical use of foodservice equipment to increase productivity is an example of work simplification. Total quality management (TQM) is a management process that coordinates to ensure that a company consistently meets or exceeds quality standards set by customers. TQM companies enact measurement methods, tools, and programs to eliminate waste and pursue continuous improvement.

Rachel was hired as a diet technician at a local community hospital. During her orientation, she was given material that outlined the work she was expected to perform, the procedures to use, and a time schedule. What type of material was she given? Work schedule Job description Organizational chart Job specification

Correct answer: Work schedule A work schedule is an outline of the work to be performed, the procedures to be used, and a time schedule for a particular position. This material is helpful in training new employees and is usually given to them right after they have been hired. A job specification is a statement of minimum standards that must be met in order to apply for a particular job. A job description is an organized list of required duties, skills, and responsibilities for a particular position. An organizational chart is a graphic representation of the relationships and groupings between positions and their functions.

What is the following an example of? 5:00-7:30 a.m. Read breakfast menu Make coffee Obtain food items to be served cold Obtain food items to be served hot Check-in with supervisor regarding correct portion sizes 7:30-9:00 a.m. Open restaurant doors for breakfast service Make additional coffee as needed Clean countertops and wipe up spilled food 9:00-9:30 a.m. Break Eat breakfast Work schedule Organizational work schedule Job specification Skills matrix system

Correct answer: Work schedule A work schedule is an outline of work to be performed for a specific position, including required procedures. Organizational work schedules give assignments by 30-minute increments for all employees; this type of schedule shows the overall workload and its division among employees. A skills matrix system is an organizational plan that allows employees to plan their growth within an organization. A job specification is a written statement of minimum standards that must be met for an applicant to apply for a certain job.

Which of the following statement(s) is false about a zero-based budget? a) It excludes previous budgets b) All expenses must be justified c) It adjusts a predetermined amount each year d) Only new budget items must be justified b, d c, d a, b a, d

Correct answer: c, d Zero-based budgets must justify all expenses, both in previous and new expenses. The previous budget is not included in the calculations because each item must be justified without inclusion of previous budgets. Traditional budgets often adjust a predetermined amount each year, such as the amount of inflation.

What do "assets" refer to? Accrued expenses Accounts payable Accounts receivable Mortgage payables

Correct answers: Accounts receivable A balance sheet lists assets and liabilities at a given time. Assets are goods and products owed to you, including accounts receivable, cash, and inventory. Liabilities are amounts owed to others, including accounts payable, accrued expenses, and mortgages payable.

The process of dividing a total market into groups of people based on things such as their sex, age, religion, and race is known as: Psychographic segmentation Demographic segmentation Market segmentation Geographic segmentation

Demographic segmentation is the process of dividing the total market into groups of people based on variables such as sex, age, religion, education, income, or race. Geographic segmentation divides a market into groups based on variables such as neighborhoods, cities, regions, states, or nations. Psychographic segmentation divides a market into groups based on variables such as lifestyle, personality traits, or social class. Market segmentation is the process of dividing the total market into subgroups based on different characteristics, such as demographics, geographic location, or psychographic traits.

A manager tells you to focus on "doing things right" and putting in the least amount of time to produce the desired result. What is the manager emphasizing? Effectiveness Expediency Efficiency Economy

Efficiency refers to "doing things right" and getting the most output from the least amount of input. The manager is requesting efficiency by asking for the desired work (output) with the minimization of resources (input, labor, time). Effectiveness refers to "doing the right things" and the degree to which something is successful in producing a desired result. Economy is the prudent use of resources. Expediency is doing something quickly.

Casey is a representative for Abbott Nutrition and she is going to a conference this weekend. At the conference, she is responsible for transmitting information about her company's new enteral formulas to people both inside and outside of the company. According to Mintzberg's theory, what type of management role is Casey in at the conference? Disseminator Spokesman Monitor Figurehead

Explanation Details Correct answer: Spokesman Management expert and professor Henry Mintzberg argued that there are ten primary roles that can be used to categorize a manager's different functions. The ten roles are as follows: Figurehead: People look up to you as a person with authority and a source of inspiration. You have social, ceremonial, and legal responsibilities. Leader Liaison Monitor: You seek out information related to your organization and industry, looking for relevant changes in the environment. You also monitor your team, in terms of both their productivity and their well-being. Disseminator: You communicate potentially useful information to your colleagues and your team. Spokesperson: Managers represent and speak for their organization. You're responsible for transmitting information about your organization and its goals to the people outside it. Entrepreneur Disturbance Handler Resource Allocator Negotiator

Josh and Mary have both been clinical dietitians at a local hospital for five years. Mary was recently recognized for excellence in patient care by the hospital and has an advanced certification in diabetes (CDE). However, Josh is paid more than Mary and he does not have any additional certifications or awards. What amendment was created to prevent this type of discrimination? Equal Pay Act Family and Medical Leave Act Fair Labor Standards Act HIPAA

The Equal Pay Act prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex. It is an amendment under the Fair Labors Standards Act, which sets minimum wage and standards for overtime work (over 40+ hours in one week). The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) is a United States federal law requiring covered employers to provide employees with job-protected and unpaid leave for qualified medical and family reasons. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is United States legislation that provides data privacy and security provisions for safeguarding medical information.

The clinical nutrition service manager is developing a two-week schedule for her team of 22 clinical dietitians. This schedule shows each employee's on and off days, vacation days, and notes if they have additional responsibilities on a certain day (such as if they are precepting a dietitian intern). What type of work schedule serves as the overall plan for developing this weekly schedule? Shift Production Organizational chart Master

The master work schedule serves as the basis for developing weekly schedules; it includes employees' on and off days and vacation days and can indicate additional responsibilities. The shift schedule shows staffing patterns for shift workers and includes shift overlap, shift changes, vacation days, training, shift differentials, and holidays. The production schedule is a plan showing employee assignments and tells an employee what to do when. The organizational chart is a graphical representation of how employees fit into an organization.

Last week, 20 FTEs produced 1.75 nutrition consults per labor hour. How can productivity be increased? Increase time spent with each patient Add a PRN dietitian Increase number of meals served Decrease overtime hours

To increase productivity, increase the output or decrease the input. By decreasing overtime hours, input is decreased. Input is further increased by adding a PRN dietitian or increasing time spent with each patient. The number of meals served is not relevant to consult productivity.

Which of the following scenarios is an example of upward communication? The nutrition department head sends a list of dietetic internships to the program coordinator Josh meets with his food service manager on his last day of work for an exit interview The RD tells the RN the patient hasn't had a bowel movement in five days The building inspector provides information about the inspection to the director of food service

Upward communication is the process of information flowing from the lower levels of a hierarchy to the upper levels. Examples of upward communication are an exit interview, an open-door policy, suggestion boxes, and grievance procedures. Feedback is the process by which a system continually receives information from its internal and external environments. An example of feedback is when the internal system interacts with the external system, such as the building inspector providing information about the inspection to the director of foodservice. Downward communication is the flow of information and messages from a higher level inside an organization to a lower one. Examples of downward communication are an organization's mission statement, procedure manuals, policy statements, and memos. Our example is the nutrition department head sending a list of dietetic internships to the program coordinator. Horizontal communication is the flow of information and messages between individuals within the same level of organizational hierarchy. An example of horizontal communication is within lateral departments, such as nursing and nutrition, when the RD tells the RN the patient hasn't had a bowel movement in five days.

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