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Which of the below is NOT an example of a microaggression discussed in class

"Great outfit"

Which of the following is NOT an example of an employee incentive?

A cake on their birthday

In a study on employment and earnings of native and immigrant Blacks and Whites,

African-born Blacks had higher educational levels than native-born Blacks

What credit card company recently came under investigation for alleged gender bias in setting credit limits?


Which of the following is true of Asian women at work in the U.S.?

Asian immigrant women are likely to work in family-owned businesses, computer manufacturing, or the garment industry.

How a person thinks and feels about other people and major issues can be best described as their _____.


Recent estimates suggest that:

Between 4% to 17% of the U.S. population is gay or lesbian.

In class, we discussed Oprah donated $13m to support what underserved population

Black College Students

Which of the following is true of multiracial people?

Care should be taken to avoid grouping multiracials with one group and ignoring the other(s) aspects of their identity.

In research on the effects of having an Asian (Chinese or Indian) or White name in selection decisions

Chinese applicants received the lowest suitability ratings.

In terms of race and ethnicity

Confounding of race and ethnicity among Hispanics can create a double jeopardy, in which they experience discrimination based on skin color as well as ethnicity.

Which of the following statements is not true about sexual harassment of Black women?

Early on Black women were likely to be overrepresented in cases of sexual harassment brought against organizations, but are not currently overrepresented.

White privilege refers to all of the following except:

Earned advantages based on race.

What can employers offer their employees to help them grow and prosper?


socioeconomic status

Education and financial status

About 35% of the Hispanic individuals living in the U.S. were born in the U.S.


Access discrimination occurs when people are employed, but treated differently after employment.


American Indians and Alaska Natives are less likely than all racial and ethnic groups to have a college degree


Asian Americans are unlikely to experience the glass ceiling.


Avoiding lawsuits is a sufficient rationale for pursing diversity.


Because no Federal laws strictly prohibit appearance discrimination, those who are unattractive or overweight have no recourse.


Bias and perception happen in interviews often. Those in the hiring seat at job interviews often decide whether they're going to employ a candidate after hearing them speak just seven MINUTES (Links to an external site.).


Black women are less likely to be participating in the workforce than White women are


Differences in education, workforce participation, and employment levels vary too much in different locations to be helpful in identifying non-dominant groups in a particular country or location.


Diversity and Inclusion is ONLY skin color


It is illegal in most states to fire someone because he or she is overweight.


One-third of the U.S. population is overweight or obese.


Other workers may hurt our economoy


People with disabilities are more likely to be unemployed but less likely to be underemployed than people without disabilities.


The Hispanic market has become of less interest to firms due its decline. It has gone from 1.3 trillion dollars in the year 2000 to 504 billion in 2014.


The Purpose of the privilege walk is to make you feel good/bad for where you end.


Underemployment refers to when very few minorities are able to find a job.


In class, Sheri discussed that Google is being sued for bias ads

False, Facebook

Which of the following is not part of socioeconomic status?


Which of the following is true of the term sexual orientation?

It is defined as being characterized by enduring emotional, romantic, sexual, and/or affectional attractions to individuals of a particular gender.

In implementing non-discriminatory policies toward sexual minorities at work,

Organizations should consider also offering equality in benefits for domestic partners.

Which of the following is not true of poverty as a diversity concern?

Poverty is usually the result of people's lack of internal motivation and character.

If a potential employee has a degree with a lot of student debt, but lacks the practical experience needed for the position, what should an employer do to promote socioeconomic diversity?

Provide on the job training at a lower pay rate, and after 3 months review his work performance for a raise

In terms of access and treatment discrimination, which of the following is true of Hispanics?

Research has shown clear patterns of access and treatment discrimination against Hispanics.

What is the overall relationship between socioeconomic status and identity?

Socioeconomic status plays a powerful role in identity formation.

How might a person from a lower socioeconomic status behave in a situation of scarce resources?

This person is likely to respond by gathering resources quickly.

What does it mean to have an identity?

To have a way of conceiving of yourself

A 1922 court ruled that Asian Indians were Caucasian but were not White.​


American Indians and Alaska Natives have the worst employment rates in the U.S.​


Approval of interracial marriage increases with education levels.


As Whites are more likely to be managers than Blacks, the similarity effect tends to advantage White employees.


As a minority group in the United Kingdom, Asians experience marginalization and unemployment.


As the U.S. population ages, the proportion of people with a disability in the population is likely to grow.


Asian Americans are one of the fastest growing racial/ethnic groups in America.​


Asians with college degrees earn about 13% less per year than Whites with college degrees.


Because Whites are the dominant group in the U.S., they are less likely to be viewed as homogenous when compared with other groups.


Compared to many other nations, the monolingualism of the majority of the U.S. population is uncommon.


Federal tax incentives are often available to employers to fund accommodations.


Gaming wealth associated with casinos on or near reservations is significant for a very small portion of the American Indian population.


Genetics play a role in a person's propensity to be overweight or obese.


Having a disability is a strong predictor of unemployment.


Hispanics are diverse in education, language fluency, background, and experiences.


If someone is perceived as having a disability, regardless of whether this perception is accurate, that person is covered under the ADA.


JPMorgan Chase hired over 2,000 people with criminal records (Links to an external site.) last year


Lack of job autonomy and advancement at work have been associated with stress and high blood pressure for Blacks.


Mortality rates for extremely thin people are higher than those for other people.


Multiracial people may experience negative organizational outcomes because one of their racial backgrounds is invisible.


Nearly half of the new HIV/AIDS cases result from heterosexual contact or the injection of drugs.


One of the lectures in December, Sheri shared some of her favorite quotes related to Diversity and Inclusion


Practicing inclusion and fairness toward sexual minorities can be of benefit to individuals and organizations.


Research has found that people who perceived sexual orientation discrimination in their workplace had more negative job attitudes and lower satisfaction.


Research indicates that most nurses agree that obesity could be prevented by self-control.


Sexual harassment is similar in structure, type, and negative consequences for women, regardless of where the harassment occurs.


Skin color is obvious but sexual orientation is invisible.​


Some appearance requirements instituted by organizations are discriminatory and illegal.


The Chinese Exclusion Act was the first federal legislation to bar immigrants based on national origin.


The International Labor Organization views the right to decent work as a basic human right.


The U.S. Census did not include American Indians until 1860, and then only if they were not living on reservations.


The U.S. government helped Cubans who came to the U.S. through assistance with retraining, scholarships, and business loans.


The population growth rate for non-Hispanic Whites is lower than that of Asians.


The proportion of Hispanics in the U.S. has grown rapidly as the result of higher Hispanic immigration and birth rates when compared with other groups.


The retailer Abercrombie and Fitch has experienced problems with racially offensive merchandise.


There is a very wide range of estimates of the population of American Indians in the U.S. at first European contact.


When viewed as issues of power, dominance, discrimination, and control of resources, diversity is clearly an international issue.


Which of the following is true of disabilities and the performance evaluation process?

Vague performance standards may disadvantage people with disabilities.

People are most likely to negatively view ______ as being a condition that could be controlled but is not due to lack of self-discipline.


Which of the following is true of White women and diversity concerns?

White women are in a unique situation of dominance and disadvantage.

Research on layoffs in a financial firm found that

Whites were less likely to be laid off than non-Whites.

During World War II

along with people of Japanese descent, those of Italian and German descent were arrested and held in relocation centers.

Hispanic immigrants

are sometimes exploited by employers due to their immigrant status.

Asian Americans' employment experiences

are sometimes shaped by stereotypes and media representations.

Jews in the U.S.

at one time were excluded from many jobs and denied service in some organizations in the U.S.


at work, in one form or another, occurs throughout the world.

A culture of nondiscrimination

can help avoid inadvertent discrimination

Statistics about disabilities indicate that

for those participating in workforce, the unemployment rate for disabled people is 14.5% compared to 9% for those without a disability.

Symbolic ethnicity

has little impact on one's daily life and is invoked at will.

Considerations useful in determining the dominant and non-dominant groups and areas of diversity concerns around the world include

identifiability, employment, and educational attainment.

Regarding wage inequality and the glass ceiling,

in industrialized nations, women occupy no more than 10% of the highest positions.

The Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s

included lunch counter sit-ins that college students organized.

In terms of diversity, Royal Dutch Shell

includes both visible and invisible differences in its definition of diversity.

Providing training and education to employees can be considered a/n _____ for employers.


Wages of gay men

may be affected by gay men being channeled into particular positions.

Research studies on obesity and healthcare have found that

most nurses believe that obesity could be prevented by self-control.

When people with disabilities require accommodations,

most of those accommodations cost $500 or less.

Albert Einstein

perceived the treatment of Blacks in the U.S. as mocking the principle that "all men are created equal."

Diversity in sexual orientation in the military has been controversial because some believed that it would result in

reduced cohesion

Undue hardship

refers to significant difficulty or expense relative to the attributes of the employer.

Harry Holzer's research investigating the relationships between firm size and employment hiring practices indicates that:

small companies hire much smaller percentages of Black employees than larger companies do

In research involving matched pairs of Black and White applicant testers to investigate the effects of having a criminal record on job search outcomes,

the negative effect of having a criminal record on employment opportunities was 40% larger for Blacks than for Whites.

Regarding Asian Americans and education,

there are higher percentages of Asians with college degrees and higher percentages of Asians without high school degrees than Whites in both categories.

Organizations with inclusive GLBT (gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender) policies financially outperform competitors with less inclusive policies.


Reasonable accommodations

vary by employer.

Repatriation of people of Mexican descent between 1929 and 1939

was part of an effort to free up jobs during the Depression era.

Wilma Mankiller

was the first woman in modern history to serve as chief of an American Indian tribe.

White men

worked and sometimes died along with people of color pursuing equality.

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