Probation & Parole

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Annabelle was arrested on a drug possession charge, but her court date is four months away. In the meanwhile, she is subject to __________ and must wear an ankle bracelet to monitor her movements

pretrial supervision

Which of the following is most effective for nonviolent crimes committed by juveniles or first-time adult felony offenders partly because the victim is compensated for property losses?

restorative justice

What factors may be considered when an accused requests diversion?

Criminal history

The _______ is submitted to a court before sentencing and describes the nature of an offense, offender characteristics, criminal history, loss to victim, and sentencing recommendations.

PSI report

Stan is supposed to appear in court on Tuesday to address charges resulting from a DUI incident. Instead, he spends the day in a bar across town. In addition to the original charges, Stan will also be charged with ________.

failure to appear

Two federal circuit courts ruled that __________ in a PSI are not grounds for automatic revocation of an imposed sentence.

harmless errors

Which of the following is an argument in favor of mandatory release?

Mandatory release reflects fairness in sentencing, with all people convicted of similar offenses having similar sentences.

This term refers to sexual acts against a victim's will, and includes a wide range of behaviors

Sex offense

Which of the following would not be allowed in a therapeutic community?

Sexual relations

Amanda is considered a typical female probationer. Which of the following profiles would probably describe her?

She has not completed high school and also lacks the skills for employment above the minimum wage

Which of the following explains why the Interstate Compact was developed in 1937?

So that parolees and probationers could be supervised across state lines

Why is Depo-Provera sometimes given to sex offenders during treatment?

To decrease sexual urges

Which of the following describes gender-specific programming?

Treatment that addresses previous victimization experiences and life circumstances that most often pertain to female offenders

Doreen is on federal probation. She sees her probation officer once a month, but had to pay $17,000 in fines. She is on ______ probation


Which of the following is an example of the community monitoring method known as surveillance?


Residency restrictions prohibit sex offenders from living within ______ feet of areas in which children are likely to be present.


Of those offenders on community supervision, approximately _______are women and ______ are men

20 percent, 80 percent

A meta-analysis of drug courts found that drug courts reduced recidivism by ______ for participants compared to nonparticipants

37 to 50 percent

In order to allow an enhanced style of case management of both treatment and supervision, a mental health caseload tends to be smaller than a traditional probation caseload, with an average of around ______ clients.


________ probation is for offenders who have committed minor crimes or satisfied their financial obligations


______ refer to a community supervision officer's use of techniques during interactions with an offender to reinforce desirable behavior and decrease undesirable behavior

Core correctional practices

Which of the following is one of the most common instant offenses committed by undocumented individuals in the federal system?

Drug smuggling

Why do sex offenders who are aggressive rapists require an entirely different treatment approach than more passive pedophiles?

In order to learn anger management.

______ probation/parole is a form of probation that stresses intensive monitoring, close supervision, and offender control

Intensive supervision

Desiree takes Antabuse every two to three days, which is administered to her by staff at a community clinic. What is the reason she is taking this prescription drug?

It helps her stay away from alcohol because it causes severe nausea if she drinks it

Which of the following assessments seems to more accurately predict recidivism in adult men than adult women?

Level of Service Inventory-Revised

Which core correctional practice promotes empathy and listening to establish mutual respect and trust to address the complex issues that women face?

Motivational interviewing

Which of the following is an example of a static factor that might be included in an assessment?

Number of arrests

About what percentage of sex offenders are supervised in the community—for either their entire sentence or the last part after their prison term?

Over 50 percent

Alan is a sex offender who often groomed his underage victims for months before initiating any sexual contact. Which of the following techniques might be used on Alan during supervision?

Polygraph test

The theory behind evidence-based correctional practices includes treatment standards that, if practiced, have been shown to reduce recidivism below that of other methods. What is this known as?

Principles of effective intervention

Which of the following is an argument against mandatory release?

Prisoners under mandatory release may be less prepared to reenter society and lack social support at home.

Which statement best describes the creation of probation?

Probation was created as a way to mitigate the harsh penalties of the time.

This type of cognitive behavior program includes modules such as cognitive problem-solving, self-control, critical reasoning, values enhancement, emotional control, and victim awareness

Reasoning and rehabilitation

______ defines the conditions in which treatment will be most effective


________ are probation/parole conditions that are tailored to fit the problems and/or needs of an offender.

Special conditions

What do drug court programs for women tend to focus on?

Stressful and abusive situations that can lead to drug use

Why do most offenders with mental illness qualify for either diversion or community correctional supervision as opposed to prisons?

The cost of confining an inmate with a severe mental illness is 2.5 times greater than for other inmates

How are mental health courts similar to drug courts?

They use a team problem-solving approach to supervise and treat offenders

Max is a sex offender under supervision. Which of the following sudden risk factors would make his recidivism most likely?

Use of drugs or alcohol

The number of individuals for which one probation or parole officer is responsible is known as a(n) ______


The detailed notes written by a probation or parole officer and organized by date about any client contact and/or case information that becomes a permanent part of the offender's case file are referred to as ______


Information sharing between states as part of an interstate compact is limited to transferred offenders who are ______.

deemed potentially dangerous

The single most important element in preventing recidivism for adult probationers and parolees tends to be ______


During a(n) ______, an officer visits an offender's home or place of employment to monitor progress

field contact

Most veterans' courts require that an individual ______

has been honorably discharged from the military

Which of the following was the primary sentencing philosophy in the United States through the mid-1970s?

indeterminate sentencing

A(n) ______ is an alternative to jail for mentally ill offenders who need more structure and treatment intervention but are not yet ready to be released to outpatient services, probation, or parole.

inpatient residential facility

The cognitive component of cognitive behavioral therapy focuses on replacing self-defeating thought patterns with ______.

motivating thoughts

Drug courts began in 1989 in Dade County, Florida, under the assumption that offenders with drug problems ______

need treatment over punishment

Drug court treatment is ______ in length and is based on a system that contains ______ phases/levels

one year; four

A(n) ______ is a device that measures erectile responses in male sex offenders to determine level of sexual arousal to various types of stimuli.

penile plethysmograph

If a drug court is ______, this means that upon successful completion of a drug court program, charges are dismissed


A ______ is an agreement between one or more probation/parole agencies and one or more local law enforcement departments to share information for a specific purpose, and/or assist in the supervision and apprehension of known offenders on community supervision.

probation/police partnership

Participation process theory suggests that the three goals of community supervision are offender accountability, offender risk/need reduction, and ______.

public safety

Each interstate compact has a sending state, where the crime and sentence occurred, and a ______, the state that agrees to undertake community supervision

receiving state

A repetition of or return to criminal behavior is known as ______.


If former drug addicts ______ while under supervision, Steiner (2004) recommends graduated sanctions tailored to a treatment plan rather than revocation to prison


A probation or parole violator may be incarcerated in the receiving state, at the expense of the sending state, while awaiting transfer, which is known as ______.


The oversight that probation or parole officers exercise over those in their custody is known as ______.


Randall is receiving community supervision. His parole officer will use an assessment to determine the risks that Randall poses, as well as his criminogenic needs, which refer to ______.

the problems, habits, or deficits that are directly related to his involvement in criminal behavior

The Bail Reform Act of 1984 was passed in order to include ___________ as an important criterion in a decision to detain a pretrial defendant

the safety of the public

When outpatient treatment is not enough, some offenders require ______, which focus on long-term treatment of alcoholism and drug addiction and abstinence from substances for criminal offenders.

therapeutic communities

A mental health court team meets with each participant ______ in a status hearing to discuss progress in the program.

twice a month

A(n) _________ is a written account of the toll that has been taken on the people most directly affected by the offender's actions.

victim impact statement

Which of the following describes community-based corrections?

when offenders serve their sentence in the community

What is a motion to quash?

A request to the court to repeal, nullify, or overturn a decision

What are community corrections acts?

Agreements between the state and counties on funding for programs.

John Augustus' early work was based on overcoming what social problem?


Which of these early prison reformers is considered to deserve chief credit for developing parole for his creation of the marks system?

Alexander Maconochie

What is the biggest advantage to diversion?

Avoids the stigma and label from a criminal conviction

Parole was applied to prisoners of war as part of Articles 10, 11, and 12 of the 1949 ________.

Geneva Convention

Which best describes where probation in the United States is controlled?

In various ways depending on the state.

What was distinctive about the Irish system developed by Sir Walter Crofton?

It involved graduated levels of institutional control leading up to release

Who was the founder of probation in America?

John Augustus

Which probation supervision style is characterized by the view that probation is a legitimate sanction in its own right?

Justice model

Which statement best describes the organization of juvenile probation in the United States?

Juvenile and adult probation are separate in about half of the states

Lily was paroled in Idaho but is living in California. She reports to her parole officer on a regular basis. What is Lily's supervision status?

Supervised out of state

What is the purpose of a PSI report in states that use determinate sentencing?

The PSI report is used to identify mitigating circumstances allowing a judge to pronounce an alternate sentence.

Which of the following would be considered an acceptable reason for granting medical parole?

The prisoner has a medical condition that could be treated more cheaply in a community treatment facility than in the prison.

What does the term parens patriae mean?

The state is parent.

Which prison reformer was instrumental in getting an indeterminate sentence law passed in the state of New York in 1876?

Zebulon R. Brockway

The three major decision points in the corrections system are _______.

bail, sentencing, and reentry

One of the basic underlying assumptions of rehabilitation is that ______.

behavioral change is possible

An offender was tried "by God" when he or she was _____________________.

bound and thrown into deep water

Community hospice care has been shown to be a cost-effective and humane treatment for terminally ill prisoners, __________________.

but it is not widely implemented

The U.S. Supreme Court said that __________, which means the defendant's right to read and refute information in a presentence investigation, is not required for due process.


According to federal rules, the PSI report can be withheld from the defendant if _________

disclosure might disrupt the defendant's rehabilitation

According to a national public opinion poll, probation, house arrest, and _____ are the most well-known community-based corrections.

electronic monitoring

Early privileged release from a penal or correctional institution of a convicted offender, in the continual custody of the state, to serve the remainder of his or her sentence under supervision is called ______.


Which of the following describes evidence-based practices?

practices shown through systematically evaluated research studies to be most effective

Halfway houses, boot camps, and therapeutic communities located separately inside a prison are all examples of ______.

prerelease programs

The ___________ helps the probation officer understand the causes of an offender's behavior and allows them to clinically evaluate the offender's potential for change

presentence investigation

Judge Kyriakakis sits on the bench in a structured sentencing state where she must use _________ sentencing; she must provide written justification if she wants to deviate from a narrow sentencing range.


_______ describes the supervision of a convicted offender, in lieu of incarceration, under conditions imposed by a court for a specified period.


Jack pleaded guilty to drug possession and received a community corrections sentence. Which of the following would most likely be required for him because of this plea?

probation supervision

In research by Wilson and Hoge, juveniles with the greatest reduction in _________ were the ones who completed the diversion program that addressed their criminogenic needs.


________ refers to the concept that offenders can change their ways if given the tools and the means to do so.


______ refers to any activity or program that prepares former prisoners to live as law-abiding citizens upon their return to the community.


Judge Reynaldo is considering whether a particular defendant would be a good candidate for a community service sentence. In a process of ____________, Judge Reynaldo must consider the legal requirements, the defendant's ability to meet the requirements, and whether the community-based programs have space and resources.

reflective justice

What is the main concept of determinate sentencing?

sentence length is determined by time served

According to the Bureau of Prisons, what is the annual cost of health care for a single prisoner?


What percentage of parolees is female?


In what year was the first paid probation officer position created in the United States?


In what year was the Illinois Juvenile Court Act, creating the first separate system for juvenile offenders, passed?


When an individual is arrested, the decision whether to release them takes place between ______ hours.

24 and 72

Which probation supervision style is characterized by the linkage of services to the offender by the probation officer?

Brokerage of services model

Which probation supervision style is characterized by the provision of therapeutic services to an offender?

Casework model

What makes diversion different from other forms of pretrial supervision?

Completion of diversion means the defendant ends up with no criminal record

Which probation supervision style focuses on the probation officer as both a therapeutic agent and a rule enforcer?

Criminogenic needs-based supervision model

What is the term for the process by which the accused can avoid a conviction by remaining crime free for a set period of time and completing supervision?

Deferred adjudication

Under what circumstances would a released prisoner receive no post-prison supervision?


Who were the first paid probation officers in the United States?

Local police officers

Which of the following was responsible for the first opportunity for defendants to be released on their own recognizance?

Manhattan Bail Project

Who was the founder of probation in England?

Matthew Davenport Hill

Which probation supervision style is characterized by working within smaller areas, developing relationships with service providers and community leaders, and providing public safety?

Neighborhood -based supervision model

What was the notorious British "supermax" penal colony a thousand miles off the coast of Australia that housed the most incorrigible prisoners?

Norfolk Island

Which region of the United States shows the lowest rate of incarceration per 100,000 residents and has the highest rate of parole?


Which of the following is a quantitative instrument that the delegated release authority can use to help determine if a defendant is pretrial flight risk?


Which type of sentencing system results in the greatest consistency among judges in the same jurisdiction?


According to statistics from 2015, what was the primary reason for adults to leave parole?

Successful completion

Which of the following would be considered a collateral contact in terms of the PSI report?

The defendant's girlfriend

What is the function of sentencing commissions?

To monitor sentencing guidelines and judicial departures from guidelines

When evaluating the effectiveness of a program, the most rigorous method compares offenders who are randomly selected to receive a treatment compared to random assignments to a ______ group.


_____ refer(s) to any problem or deficit that is directly related to criminal behavior

criminogenic needs

After his booking, Trevor was released on pretrial supervision. Which of the following is something that Trevor could have experienced?

electronic monitoring

Sammy is on mandatory release from prison. Consequently, ________.

he will be supervised by a parole officer and must meet certain conditions

_______ are community-based punishments that offer graduated levels of supervision.

intermediate sanctions

Another term for the "justice model," with its emphasis on the severity of the crime rather than on rehabilitating the offender, is ________.

just deserts

Spike was sentenced to 14 years in prison for aggravated assault. He was credited with two years for good behavior, so he was released after 12 years. This type of release is called __________.

mandatory release

Franklin has been in prison for 30 years of his 50 year sentence. He has a heart condition and diabetes. Franklin is given ________ as a way to control costs for his treatment.

medical parole

A defendant who is given pretrial _________ with an unsecured bond is released from custody but must return for his or her scheduled court appearance


Wanda thinks that rehabilitation should focus on treating high-risk offenders and implementing treatment according to offenders' learning styles and personal characteristics. Her belief closely aligns with the ______ theory.


Which of the following was found to be one of the problems of indeterminate sentencing?

sentencing disparity

Which of the following is a reason a court might order correctional supervision of a defendant who is not yet convicted?

so the defendant can continue working and supporting dependents

The ______ theory assumes that offenders consider the costs and benefits of their actions, and if the consequences of misbehavior are severe enough that the sanctions outweigh the benefits, the offender will refrain from committing violations and new crimes.

specific deterrence

Sean O'Hara has been given his ticket-of-leave from prison in October, 1861. He is returning to his home in the small town of Furbo in County Galway, Ireland. Because he has been released early from prison, when he gets home he will be supervised by ________.

the police

A forerunner of parole, a(n) _______ was given to a convict as a reward for good behavior; it provided the freedom to go at large and work before the sentence expired.


The term ____________ refers to the practice of sending English convicts to the American colonies, and, after the Revolutionary War, to Australia.


_______ laws require that offenders serve at least 85 percent of their original sentence length before becoming eligible for release.

truth in sentencing

In states that use _________, the sentence for a first-degree felony could be incarceration for five to 99 years or five to 10 years on probation

unstructured sentencing

Approximately _______ of defendants are confined in jail until their case is completed


Which offender is most likely to be placed in diversion or deferred adjudication?

A juvenile misdemeanor offender.

Which term most accurately describes John Augustus' work?

A pretrial supervision officer

Which type of prison houses higher-level drug traffickers and distributors?


What is the difference between "medical parole" and "compassionate release"

Compassionate release does not necessarily have a medical component.

Which does a suspended sentence do?

Delays the imposition or execution of a sentence after a finding or plea of guilt.

Under the Irish system, ticket-of-leave prisoners living in ______________ were supervised by a civilian employee.


Community corrections acts would be required for which type of agency?

Local or county-run probation programs.

Which of the following is a condition of community supervision that is intended to shame an offender by requiring a public admission of guilt?

Scarlet letter conditions

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