Pshychology Chapter 11

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Phase 3 of GAS

EXHAUSTION - you become more vulnerable to illness and in extreme cases, collapse and deatH

health benefits of social support

- calms/reduces blood pressure and stress - fosters stronger immune functioning - provides an opportunity to confide painful feelings

3 types of stressors

- catastrophes - significant life changes - daily hassles


- confirmed that the stress response is part of a unified mind-body system - named the adaptive response "fight or flight"

what happens in the brain when practicing mindfulness

- strengthens connections among regions in our brain - activates brain regions associated with more reflected awareness - calms brain activation in emotional situations

anger management strategies

- wait - find healthy distraction or support - distance yourself

Phase 1 of GAS

Alarm reaction (mobilize resources)


Anything that causes stress - terrifying truck ride

problem-focused coping

Attempting to alleviate stress directly by changing the stressor or the way we interact with that stressor.

research suggests that _______ is the happiest day of the week


Type A

Friedman and Rosenman's term for competitive, hard-driving, impatient, verbally aggressive, and anger-prone people

Type B

Friedman and Rosenman's term for easygoing, relaxed people

Phase 2 of GAS


depletion effect

The idea that self control takes energy, and therefore when exerting a lot of self control in one area, you have less energy to exert it in other areas (ex. time of day; morning has more energy hence more self control). People who believe this doesn't exist, however, are not as affected by it.

longitudinal study of 3000 men type A and type B.... 69% of those who had heart attack were Type______

Type A

cofounding variable

a factor other than the factor being studied that might produce an effect, other influences

mindfulness meditation

a reflective practice in which people attend to current experiences in a nonjudgmental and accepting manner

Health Psychology

a subfield of psychology that provides psychology's contribution to behavioral medicine


a system for electronically recording, amplifying, and feeding back information regarding a subtle physiological state, such as blood pressure or muscle tension - works best on tension headaches


alleviating stress using emotional, cognitive, or behavioral methods

United States' leading cause of death

coronary heart disease

adaption-level phenomenon

our tendency to form judgments (of sounds, of lights, of income) relative to a neutral level defined by our prior experience

feel-good, do-good phenomenon

people's tendency to be helpful when already in a good mood

Primates at the top of the social pecking order are less likely to contract cold-like viral infections than those with lower social status. This best illustrates the value of:

perceived control

significant life changes

personal events; life transitions, happy or sad

Macrophages are cells that:

hunt and consume harmful invaders in the body.


in psychology, the idea that "releasing" aggressive energy (through action or fantasy) relieves aggressive urges

Today, the empirical study of happiness is MOST closely associated with _____ psychology.


Among a sample of Holocaust survivors, self-disclosure concerning their experiences was _____ associated with their physical health later on


When elderly patients take an active part in managing their own care and surroundings, their morale and health tend to improve. Such findings indicate that people do better when they experience an ___________ (internal/external) locus of control.


stress does not create cancer cells, but

it weakens the body's natural defenses against them, making it more likely

Jenny's mother sets Jenny's clothes out the night before school. Her father allows Jenny to choose the clothes that she wants to wear. Jenny's grandmother noticed that Jenny was more cooperative with her father than with her mother when getting ready for school. Which of these is the MOST likely explanation?

jenny experiences more personal control when her father gets her ready for school.

social isolation

leads to higher loneliness and risk of death equivalent to smoking

One reason why Type A personalities may be more prone to heart disease is that they are more often combat ready, which leads to increased activity by the sympathetic nervous system and interferes with the:

liver's ability to remove cholesterol and fat from blood

the power to increase happiness is strongest at ___________incomes


Stress can suppress the immune system by prompting a decrease in the release of _________, the immune cells that ordinarily attack bacteria, viruses, cancer cells, and other foreign substances.


daily hassles

minor irritations and annoyances that are part of our everyday lives and are capable of producing stress

The results of a large study described in the textbook suggest that workplace stress increases the risk of colon cancer by a factor of

more than 5

The textbook describes an analysis of the emotion words used in billions of social media status updates from 2007 to 2010. Which research method does this analysis exemplify? Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button.


when facing stress women more often

nuture and band together

social support

relationships with people and groups that can provide us with emotional comfort and personal and financial resources

faith factor

religiously active people tend to live longer than those who are not religiously active - women are more religiously active than men

Joe has been in treatment for lung cancer for the past 11 months, but has described himself as thankful and happy for every day that he has. The personal strength that has helped him to cope can be described as:


subjective well-being

self-perceived happiness or satisfaction with life. Used along with measures of objective well-being (for example, physical and economic indicators) to evaluate people's quality of life.

acculturative stress

stress resulting from the need to change and adapt a person's ways to the majority culture

Process is to event as _____ is to _____

stress; stressor

Compared with monkeys left in stable groups, those that were housed with three or four new roommates each month were more likely to experience:

suppressed production of lymphocytes

aeorbic exercise

sustained exercise that increases heart and lung fitness; may also alleviate depression and anxiety

when alerted to a negative, uncontrollable event, our ______________ arouses us. Heart rate and respiration _____________. Blood is diverted from the digestion to the skeletal ________. The body releases _______________. All this prepares the body for the __________-__________ response

sympathetic increase muscles sugar and fat fight-or-flight

genetic marker of optimism

the gene oxytocin

learned helplessness

the hopelessness and passive resignation an animal or human learns when unable to avoid repeated aversive events

the more control people have over their lives

the longer the healthier they are and the longer they live.

external locus of control

the perception that chance or outside forces beyond your personal control determine your fate. - change of postraumatic stress symptoms

relative deprivation

the perception that one is worse off relative to those with whom one compares oneself

internal locus of control

the perception that you control your own fate - have better free will and self control


the process by which we perceive and respond to certain events, called stressors, that we appraise as threatening or challenging

positive psychology

the scientific study of human flourishing, with the goals of discovering and promoting strengths and virtues that help individuals and communities to thrive

in humans, uncontrollable threats trigger

the strongest stress responses


the study of how psychological, neural, and endocrine processes together affect the immune system and resulting health

Tend-and-befriend response

under stress, people (especially women) provide support to others (tend) and bond with and seek support from others (befriend)


unpredictable large scale events, acculturative stress

moderate exercise adds to your quantity of life, about _______ hours longer life for every hour exercising


Nearly _____ percent of all Americans think that being very well off is important for happiness. This belief is _____ by scientific research

75, contradicted

the positive psychology's movement pillars

1) positive well being 2) positive traits 3) positive groups, communities and cultures

transitioning from an active exercise routine to a sedentary lifestyle increases the risk of depression in the next two years by just over _____ percent.


Fighting bacterial infections is to _____ as attacking viruses is to _____.

B lymphocytes; T lymphocytes

economic growth in affluent countries has provided __________- to people's morale or social well-being


General Adaptation Syndrome

Seyle's concept that the body responds to stress with alarm reaction, resistance and exhaustion

NK cells are to macrophages as _____ is to _____.

attacking diseased cells; destroying worn-out cells

emotion-focused coping

attempting to alleviate stress by avoiding or ignoring a stressor and attending to emotional needs related to one's stress reaction

human body copes with stress well but_____

can be damaged by prolonged stress

which component of Type A personality has been linked most closely to coronary heart disease?

feeling angry and negative much of the time


the ability to control impulses and delay short-term gratification for greater long-term rewards

stress reaction

the body's response to a stressor - Ben's physical and emotional response

When Jason, aged 10, comes home from school, he is often very loud, energetic, and sometimes irritable. His mother is worried about his impulsiveness, but is unsure if it is a problem because he seems to act this way only when he has had school that day and his teacher describes him as well-behaved in the classroom. What is the BEST explanation for his after-school behavior?

used up his energy for self-control i . school

when facing stress MEN more often than women, tend to

withdraw socially, turn to alcohol, become emotionally insensitive

if your immune system is compromised by high levels of stress then

wounds heal slower more vulnerable to colds hasten the course of disease (HIV)

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