PSY 201 Final Exam

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Behavior-therapy methods for reducing fears include BLANK.

virtual therapy

BLANK is a behavior-therapy technique in which a client observes and imitates a person who approaches and copes with feared objects or situations.


A(n) BLANK is a state of deprivation.


Seligman suggested that when things go wrong, we sometimes develop inappropriate attribution towards the style of failure. Which of the following was not proposed by him?

negative or positive

In the context of the five-factor model, which of the following traits are characteristic of neuroticism?

nervousness, moodiness, and sensitivity to negative stimuli

In Stanley Milgram's study, whenever some of the "teachers" would hesitate to his research assistants would say one of the following, except for

"You cannot stop, the experiment must continue."

Kyle is possessed by the thought that he might develop a severe disease due to the germs. He tries to put these disturbing thoughts out of his mind by washing his hands several times a day. Kyle demonstrates BLANK.


Which of the following statements is true of the biological views that explain the origins of anxiety disorders?

a predisposition toward anxiety, in the form of a highly reactive ANS, can be inherited

A 2 year-old child has a pet named Sophie. The child visits her neighbor and sees the neighbor's pet dog. Even though the neighbor's dog is larger and of a different color, the child points to it and calls it dog. Which of Piaget's cognitive processes is the child demonstrating?


According to ethologist Konrad Lorenz, BLANK only occurs during a critical period of development.


The BLANK is the division of the peripheral nervous system that regulates glands and activities such a heartbeat and respiration.

autonomic nervous system

In order for Tonya to stop smoking, her therapist laced her cigarettes with incense that smelled horribly. What is the name the technique that Tonya's therapist is using?

aversive conditioning

According to Ainsworth, infants who show BLANK are least distressed by their mother's departure, play by themselves without fuss, and ignore their mothers when they return.

avoidant attachment

When Shaina is about to begin her speech in class, she notices that a few of her classmates are whispering among themselves. She becomes nervous that she might be boring to her audience and gets distracted. In this scenario, the presence of the classmates is not likely to facilitate her performance due to BLANK.

evaluation apprehension

BLANK in part reflects the horrors of mass destruction of human life through war and genocide, frequent events in the 20th century.


Which of the following is a focus of the psychodynamic theory?

far-reaching effects of childhood events on personality

Which of the following is true of metabolism?

fatty tissue in the body metabolizes food more slowly than muscle tissue does

BLANK is a type of persuasive communication that influences behavior on the basis of arousing anxiety and concern instead of rational analysis of the issues.

fear appeal

Research on acculturation shows that people who do not fully surrender to their their traditional backgrounds

have higher self-esteem than those who do

While on a study tour, Kruti realized how the trip had really helped her gain perspective on her life and why she is working towards earning her degrees. What theory best explains this?


BLANK tests are tests whose items must be answered in a specified, limited manner and have concrete answers.


According to the social-cognitive, aggressive skills are mainly acquired by BLANK.

observation of other people acting aggressively

Lisa, a high school student, is suspicious of her classmates. She does not trust them and keeps a distance at school. Lisa is most likely suffering from BLANK.

paranoid personality disorder

The BLANK is the branch of the autonomic nervous system that is most active during processes that restore reserves of energy to the body.

parasympathetic nervous system

BLANK is best described as the field of psychology that is about personal well-being and satisfaction; joy, sexual pleasure, and happiness; and optimism and hope for the future.

positive psychology

Acsh's study using line judgments was able to demonstrate BLANK.

the effects of social conformity

Which of the following Freudian psychic structures is present in a person at birth?

the id

Concerning dissociative identity disorders, which of the following is inaccurate about their identities?

the identities must not be aware of the others

Derri's mom used to give him gold stars on their refrigerator whenever he would help out around the house. If Derris earned enough gold stars, then he could have some ice cream after dinner. This type of reward system is called a BLANK.

token economy

Sean's client, Jacob, has quickly become unusually close to him, almost as if they were brothers. The term for this according to psychoanalytic therapy is what?


The embryo is connected to the placenta by the BLANK.

umbilical cord

The BLANK mind contains primitive instincts such as sex and aggression.


Jenny was beginning to panic as the store began to become crowded with shoppers. Jenny most likely suffers from BLANK.


BLANK is an unselfish concern for the welfare of others.


The tendency to avoid helping other people in emergencies when other people are also present and apparently capable of helping is known as the BLANK.

bystander effect

Which of the following statements is true of aggression?

electrical stimulation of part of the hypothalamus triggers stereotypical aggressive behaviors in many lower animals

A researcher places a baby in a room with many different objects. Then, he records the amount of time the baby spends looking at any one stimulus or object. This shows the baby's visual preference. In this scenario, the researcher is most likely measuring the baby's BLANK.

fixation time

The BLANK is the final stage of Piaget's theory of cognitive development.

formal operational stage

Keisha takes care to look smart and attractive for her job interview. She knows that her interviewers will evaluate her based on the first impression she creates. In this scenario, the impression created by Keisha is an example of the BLANK.

primacy effect

The strong tendency to view one's successes as stemming from internal factors and one's failures as stemming from external factors is called the BLANK.

self-serving bias

Which of the following is not a characteristic of middle adulthood?

sense of smell declines

In collectivist cultures that stress interdependence, such as Asian cultures, people are more likely to attribute another person's behavior to that person's BLANK.

social roles and obligations

BLANK believe that we are not likely to act aggressively unless we believe that aggression is appropriate under the circumstances and likely to be reinforced.

social-cognitive theorists

After surviving the horrific car accident, Jesus has experienced intense fear and avoids driving a car. He is most likely suffering from BLANK.


Disaster victims may experience debilitating anxiety reactions months and years after the actual disaster. These patients are diagnosed with BLANK.


Daniella thinks that she is extremely overweight despite having a normal body weight. She avoids eating food and has recently lost a lot of weight. Despite this, she continues to think that she is overweight. Which eating disorder is Daniella most likely suffering from?

anorexia nervosa

Schizophrenia is characterized by BLANK.

disturbances in thought and language, perception and attention, motor activity, and mood

In client-centered therapy, BLANK refers to the recognition of a client's experiences and feelings.


Clark Hull's drive-reduction theory states that

humans learn to engage in behaviors that reduce a state of arousal

According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, what must be developed immediately prior to esteem needs?

love and belongingness

Tom is a loner who shows little interest in making friends and does not exhibit much emotion. However, he is a star performer at work. His job involves updating a database to reflect the most recent events occurring in the world. He is showing signs of BLANK.​

schizoid personality disorder

Which of the following is a focus of Erikson's theory of personality and development?

social relationships

Psychological disorders are

sometimes associated with faulty perceptions or interpretations of reality

BLANK is the process by which test scores from various population groups, are obtained and organized so that test results can be compared to those with similar demographic profiles.


Which of Jeffery Arnett's five features of emerging adulthood is characterized by people having an optimistic belief that the world lies open before them?

the age of possibilities

Which of the following is one of the most common concerns about the Cannon-Bard theory?

the theory states that emotions occur independently from the environment

In the context of the drive-reduction theory, which of the following is true of acquired drives?

they are developed through experience

Which of the following is true of collectivists?

they are more likely to conform to group judgments

According to Piaget's theory of cognitive development, which of the following is true of children in the concrete operational stage?

they center on the motives of wrongdoers as well as on the amount of damage done when assigning blame

Baby Sam's dad could not laughing because every time he touched the soles of his feet his toes would fan out. In this scenario, the baby exhibited the BLANK.

Babinski reflex

Which of the following statements is true of changing attitudes through persuasion?

agreement and praise are more effective ways to encourage others to embrace one's views

When Brenda takes the elevator, she always faces the front. She does this even when there are no written rules or laws that require this behavior. This is an example of BLANK.

an implicit social norm

In the context of evidence-based practices, which of the following treatments would be most effective in treating depression, developmental disabilities, and bed-wetting?

behavior therapy

Tom was suffering from severe anxiety. However, with the help of his therapist, he noticed that his cheek would start to "twitch" prior to an anxiety attack. This technique is most similar to BLANK.

biofeedback training

Pansy is romantically and sexually attracted to both males and females. She is most likely to be labeled BLANK.


People with BLANK alternate between extremes of adulation in their relationships when their needs are met and loathing when they feel scorned.

borderline personality disorder

Which of the following is a similarity between adolescence and emerging adulthood?

both are ages of feeling in-between

Mary has schizophrenia and shows symptoms of hallucinations, delusions, lack of emotional expression and social withdrawal. Mary exhibits BLANK.

both positive and negative symptoms

Ophelia is 51 years old. She has begun to experience hot flashes and finds it difficult to sleep at night. More often than not, she finds herself feeling pessimistic and unmotivated. She also has a certain amount of anxiety, Ophelia is most likely experiencing the BLANK of middle adulthood.

climacteric phase

On a BLANK level, prejudice is linked to expectations that members of the target group will behave, say, poorly in the workplace, or engage in criminal behavior or terroism.


Someone who does not run on the wrong side of the road because it's the law, is exhibiting which stage of moral development?


Cory was driving the car when an accident occurred that killed his best friend who was with him. When Cory woke up the next morning, he couldn't remember where he was or what had happened the night before. He is most likely exhibiting BLANK.

dissociative amnesia

In the context of the origins of dissociative disorders, both psychodynamic and learning theories suggest that

dissociative disorders help people keep disturbing memories or ideas out of mind

Tom, a high school senior, is very clear that he wants to study medicine. He spends his summers volunteering at hospitals and studies very hard to get into Harvard Medical School. According to Erikson's theory of psychosocial development, Tom is demonstrating BLANK.

ego identity

Which of the following statements is true of groupthink?

external threat heightens the cohesiveness of the group and is a source of stress

Which of the following statements about suicide are correct?

extracting a promise to not die before calling or visiting a helping professional seems to prevent some suicides

Identify the factors that make up the big 5

extraversion, neuroticism, conscientiousness, agreeableness, and openness

Which of the following is the correct order of prenatal development?

germinal stage, embryonic stage, fetal stage

Which of the following is not an advantage of group therapy?

group members who are overly shy do better in these settings

Jenny is obsessed with collecting chocolate wrappers. She now has only a narrow pathway from the house entrance to her bedroom. Although Jenny has been advised by many to get rid of the clutter, she refuses to do so. Jenny is most likely suffering from BLANK.

hoarding disorder

The BLANK is a pea-sized structure in the brain that is involved in many aspects of motivation, including sex, aggression, and hunger.


Motives are BLANK.

inferred from behavior

BLANK involves championing the interests of the loved one, even if it entails sacrificing one's own.


In the context of group decision making, which of the following is true of the majority-wins scheme?

it is the most commonly used social decision scheme

Kim has a poor appetite and has lost a severe amount of weight in the past few months. She is unable to concentrate or make decisions. Psychologists are most likely to diagnose Kim with BLANK.

major depressive disorder

In the context of psychological problems arising from roadblocks placed in the path of self-actualization, if, when we are young, other people approve of us only when we are doing what they want us to do, we BLANK.

may learn to disown the parts of ourselves to which they object

Sanchez, an 8 year old boy, suffers from unpredictable panic attacks and constantly talks to his imaginary friends. His mother confesses "I probably drank too much alcohol during pregnancy and caused damage to Sanchez's brain." This statement supports the BLANK on psychological disorders.

medical model

In the context of motor development of children, which of the following statements is true of activities like rolling over, sitting up, crawling, creeping, walking, and running?

most infants engage in these activities in the same sequence

BLANK can be defined as the reasonably stable patterns of emotions, motives, and behavior that distinguish one person from another.


What are the names of the two terms your text discusses with regard to why we typically develop romantic relationships with those who are similar to us?

propinquity and reciprocity

Which of the following is true of psychological needs?

psychological needs differentiations markedly from one person to another

The principles of psychotherapy focus on all of the following except for

psychotherapy only influences clients' feelings

In the current political climate, there has been an increase in ethnic prejudices. Because you study psychology, your friends approaches you with his ideas to combat it. Which of the following ideas would be ineffective?

spend time with people who share your attitudes

Researchers estimate that the heritability of the extraverted personality is BLANK.


Sheryl is suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder. Her doctor recommends that she take some drugs. Which of the following drugs is she most likely taking?

an antidepressant

According to Jung's hypothesis, which of the following refers to the primitive images contained in the collective unconscious?


Jack's therapist Susan wants him to recall significant points about his recent appraisal to help him cope with his work more effectively. In this scenario, Susan is using BLANK.

cognitive therapy

It seemed like no matter what you were talking about, Sam always though you were talking about him. What type of delusion is he most likely suffering from?

delusions of reference

Steve's physician has prescribed medication that belongs to a class of chemicals known as benzodiazepines. Steve is most likely to be treated for BLANK.

depress the activity of the central nervous system

The BLANK monitors brain waves and can be used to teach people how to produce alpha waves, which are associated with relaxation.


According to James and Lange, BLANK are the cognitive representations of automatic physiological and behavioral responses.


Mark and Mindy have two daughters. Their older daughter moved to a different city to pursue graduate studies a few years ago. Recently, their younger daughter also moved to a different country for her undergraduate studies. Now, Mindy is bereft and is unable to figure out what to do with her free time. This scenario best illustrates the BLANK.

empty-nest syndrome

Eli is a school student. Her teacher's appreciation motivates her to study well. She also aims to impress her teacher and parents by getting into a good university after she graduates from high school. Eli's performance goals seem to be met through BLANK.

extrinsic rewards

Celia is taking an interest inventory. One of the questions asks her to select her preferred activity from among traveling, reading books, and cooking. The question does not give her a "none of the above" option. What is the format of the interest inventory called?

forced-choice format

According to Carl Rogers, psychological problems arise BLANK.

from roadblocks placed in the path of self-actualization

In the context of psychosurgery, in BLANK, physicians beam streams of radiation deep into the skull, destroying spots of tissue believed to be overreactive in severe OCD.

gamma knife surgery

Which of the following is true of the trait theory?

it focuses on describing traits rather than tracing their origins

Which of the following is true of crystallized intelligence?

it is shown more generally by vocabulary

According to your text, one of the common complaints concerning the Kinsey reports was that BLANK.

it was collected from a non-random sample

According to William Masters and Virginia Johnson

men and women have similar biological responses to sexual stimulation

Tom is a World War 2 war hero who suffers from PTSD and major depression. In 1954, he was sent to an institution for treatment. He was successfully cured and he reentered society to lead normal life. He was most likely admitted to a BLANK

mental hospital

Antidepressant medication tends to increase the concentration of BLANK in the brain.


Hudson was pretty depressed because, after receiving some world news updates on his cell phone, he believed that the world was a violent place. His friends were surprised by his mood because Hudson worked with wonderful people at his place of worship. According to Beck, what type of cognitive error is this?

selective perception

BLANK are beliefs that we can accomplish certain things.

self-efficacy expectations

BLANK is best described as the direction of one's romantic interests and erotic attractions-toward members of one's own anatomic sex, the other anatomic sex, or both.

sexual orientation

According to behaviorists, personality is formed by BLANK.

situational or environmental influences

Observational learning is one of the foundations of BLANK.

social cognitive theory

In boys, pituitary hormones stimulate the testes to increase the output of BLANK, which in turn causes enlargement of the penis, testes, and the appearance of body hair.


In the context of hunger, adaptive thermogenesis causes BLANK when someone goes on a diet.

the body to burn fewer calories

Anaya is a teenager who has just started wearing braces. She hates going to school anymore because she thinks that everyone is looking at her and laughing. She believes that she must look her best at all times. Which concept of Piaget's adolescent egocentrism is best depicted in this scenario?

the concept of imaginary audience

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