psy exam 3

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what is true of the brain structure in a person with schizophrenia?

The genes in the prefrontal cortex that regulate how synapses function are dysfunctional in people with schizophrenia compared to those without the disease.

Many clinicians diagnose disorders by using the detailed diagnostic criteria in the:


Which of the following statements about cognitive dissonance is true?

When people experience cognitive dissonance, they go to extreme lengths to reduce it

Geoffrey says he failed the mathematics test because the test was very difficult. However, where he excelled on the French test, he immediately took credit for the success saying that he had prepared well. This scenario is an example of _____

a self-serving bias

operant conditioning

a type of learning in which behavior is strengthened if followed by a reinforcer or diminished if followed by a punisher

Deviant behavior can be classified as disordered only if it is:

also dysfunctional

A brain region that monitors our actions and checks for errors, the ________, seems especially likely to be hyperactive in those with obsessive-compulsive disorder.

anterior cingulate cortex

An ______ is the process by which two pieces of information from the environment are repeatedly linked, so that we begin to connect them in our minds


Social psychologists define ______ as a person's favorable or unfavorable feelings, beliefs, or actions toward an object, idea, or person.


according to the diathesis-stress model:

biological predispositions plus stress or extremely stressful environments together produce psychological disorders

_____ disorder is a mood disorder characterized by substantial mood fluctuations, cycling between very low and very high moods.


According to research on the Implicit Association Test (IAT) on implicit bias, European American college students typically found it harder (more slowly) to pair

black faces and pleasant words

what areas of the brain of a severely depressed patient did Helen Mayberg discover hyperactivity?

brodmann's area 25

A basketball game ends with a score of 155-13. The fans who paid to see the game say it was exciting, but those who got in free say it was boring. What psychological principle is probably responsible for the difference in reactions?

cognitive dissonance

An experimenter pays you $1 to tell someone else that a particular monotonous, boring task was really interesting. This procedure will probably generate

cognitive dissonance

___________________ therapy entails restructuring thoughts, loosening the client's belief in irrational thoughts that may perpetuate the disorder, and offering incentives for acquiring more adaptive thought and behavior patterns.


The behavior that an organism learns to perform when presented with a conditioned stimulus is termed as a ______

conditioned response

Maria buys pink and green shoes because everyone in her school wears shoes of the same colors. Maria's behavior is an example of ______


_____ occurs when people adjust their behavior to what others are doing or to adhere to cultural norms.


If individuals expect someone labeled as mentally ill to be hostile, they may act in unfriendly ways that provoke that person to respond with hostility. This illustrates that labels can:

create preconceptions that bias our perception of the person

Which of the following concepts is one of the explanations offered for the bystander effect?

diffusion of responsibility

what is a psychological disorder in which a person develops at least two distinct personalities, each with a unique set of memories, behaviors, thoughts, and emotions?

dissociative identity disorder

What does the central route to persuasion emphasize?

facts and logic

Which of the following symptoms best describes the source of agoraphobia?

fear of being in places from which escape might be difficult

Jose's colleagues have nicknamed him "worrywart" because he is usually apprehensive about trivial things. Thus, he has difficulty concentrating and is always restless. The given information indicates that Jose is most likely to have:

generalized anxiety disorder

An approach to personality that claims people are essentially good and possess the desire to realize their full potential is known as the ___________

humanistic approach

Which of the following best mirrors the concept of informational social influence?

incoming freshmen look to other students for details about where to hang out.

Which of the following is the most important function of the presence of others in group therapy?

it shows participants that they are not alone in their experience

what is defined as the sense of failure that results from repeated inability to control or escape from overwhelmingly stressful situations?

learned helplessness

By pairing a flashing light with a loud noise, a researcher has taught a rat to exhibit a fear response to the light, when the light is flashed amidst darkness. What is the unconditioned stimulus in this study?

loud noise

If Mariana is a schizophrenic who has trouble with selective attention, cognitive control, and a working memory, it suggests that she has:

low levels of glutamate

feelings of worthlessness are most likely to be associated with:

major depressive disorder

The beeper sounds in your car until you fasten your seat belt. The removal of the annoying beeping is _____ for fastening thee seat belt

negative reinforcement

______ is the type of conformity that occurs when people go along with the behavior of others in order to be accepted by the group.

normative social influence

Five-year old hannah learns how to operate the TV remote by watching her mother use it. This is an example of ______

observational learning

Whenever Julia gets ready for school on time, she gets a chocolate from her mother. Hence, Julia always tries to get ready on time. This is an example of ____ type of learning

operant conditioning

Which of the following statements best describes the concept of operant conditioning?

organisms learn from the consequences of their behavior

Dionne, who is from France, thinks that all people from other countries are similar, yet she is aware that everyone in France has different attitudes and behaviors. Dionne is displaying _____

out-group homogeneity

Dolareen suffers from a specific phobia of dogs. Her therapist is treating her with systematic desensitization, which means that the therapist is ___________________?

pairing relaxation with gradual exposure to dogs

_____ is characterized by an overwhelming sense of impending doom, heart palpitations, trembling, sweating, shortness of breath, dizziness, intense dread, nausea, and even a fear of dying?

panic attack

_____ is an attempt by a person or group to change our opinions, beeliefs, or choices by explaining or arguing their position.


Identify the major symptom of generalized anxiety disorder.

pervasive tendency to worry

Logan has been hearing a voice in his head for the past several months. The voice asks him to punish the sinners from the world. He hurts 9 people to obey the command of the voice. Which of the following symptoms of schizophrenia is Logan showing?

positive symptoms

Which of the following involves a set of intrusive and persistent cognitive, emotional, and physiological symptoms triggered by exposure to a catastrophic or horrifying event?

post-traumatic stress disorder

_____ therapy is the original form of "talk therapy" and is oriented toward major personality change with a focus on uncovering unconscious motives, especially through dream interpretation


Psychologist Stanley Milgram's experiments show that:

reasonable people may do things that seem cruel and unusual in the presence of powerful social influence

A conditioning perspective (associative learning) would emphasize that ________ leads those with anxiety disorders develop and maintain a phobia.


_____ disorder is marked by a pronounced fear of humiliation in the presence of others and severe self-consciousness about one's appearance or behavior or both.

social anxiety

Schemas of how people are likely to behave based simply on the groups to which they belong are known as _____


Priming people with a flashed black face rather than a flashed whiteee face makes them more likely to misperceive a flashed tool as a gun. This best illustrates the subtle character of ______


Geri, who is schizophrenic, experiences a cluster of adverse side effects from taking antipsychotics. Her symptoms include involuntary facial movements and body tremors. Geri is most likely to have developed a condition called _____.

tardive dyskinesia

In the famous case of murder victim Kitty Genovese, none of the witnessese to her stabbing came to here aid. Psychologists later called this phenomenon _____

the bystander effect

Two groups of boys at a summer camp at Robbers' Cave, Oklahoma, each developed prejudice and hostility toward members of the other group. The hostility turned into friendship when _____

the groups were required to work cooperatively toward a common goal

negative punishment

the removal of a stimulus to decrease the probability of a behavior's recurring

what is true about stereotypes?

they allow for quick, but often inaccurate, impressions

Which is the true statement regarding the mirror neuron system (MNS)?

they are involved in imitation and social learning

In the process of _____, the client unconsciously reacts to someone in a current relationship as though that person were someone from the client's past.


According to DSM-5, major depressive disorder is said to occur when signs of depression last at least _____

two weeks

In client-centered therapy, the therapist must show genuine acceptance and empathy for the client, regardless of what he or she has said or done. This is called _____.

unconditional positive regard

Since dogs always salivate at the sight of food, salivation in this case would be called a ______.

unconditional response (UCR)

Which of the following therapies is most likely to be used for the treatment of phobias such as fear of flying?

virtual reality therapies

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