psych 367 exam 1

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Diane has been accepted into a clinical psychology graduate program that adheres to the Vail Model of training. Upon graduation from the program, Diane is most likely to earn a ______ and work in a ______. A. PsyD; clinical setting B. PhD; clinical setting C. PsyD; university psychology department D. PhD; university psychology department

A. PsyD; clinical setting

Advocates for prescription privileges for clinical psychologists cite _____ as support for their argument. A. An excess of psychiatrists, especially in rural areas B. Convenience for clients C. The opportunity to work collaboratively with physicians D. The ability to replace psychotherapy with medication

B. Convenience for clients

Clinical psychology graduate programs that subscribe to the practitioner-scholar model of training _____. A. Typically award the PhD rather than the PsyD degree B. Emphasize practice over research C. Emphasize research over practice D. Equally emphasize research and practice

B. Emphasize practice over research

According to surveys of psychologists in private practice (Murphy et al., 1998), managed care companies have _____. A. Generally had a positive impact on the quality of psychotherapy they provide B. Exerted too much control over clinical decisions C. Had no effect on confidentiality issues D. Allowed psychologists to provide appropriate, ethical services

B. Exerted too much control over clinical decisions

Josephine is an undergraduate student who wants to increase her odds of getting into a clinical psychology graduate program. Based on recommendations provided in the textbook, which of the following is the best advice you could provide to Josephine? A. Avoid undergraduate courses in statistics and research methodology. These classes often lower an applicant's GPA B. Get to know your professors. Build a positive, professional relationship with them so they can write meaningful, persuasive letters of recommendation for you C. Limit yourself to one road to becoming a clinical psychologist. For example, once you have decided you want to earn a PhD from a scientist-practitioner program, do not consider other training options D. Do not seek out clinically relevant experience while an undergraduate. Graduate programs prefer to train "fresh" graduate students, not students who have already acquired some skills through part-time experiences

B. Get to know your professors. Build a positive, professional relationship with them so they can write meaningful, persuasive letters of recommendation for you

The 1995 Consumer Report study found that _____. A. Less than 40% or respondents reported that therapy was beneficial B. Longer therapy generally produced greater benefit C. The profession of the person providing the therapy made a significant difference, such that the clinical psychologist produced better outcomes than psychiatrists, social workers, and counselors D. Shorter therapy tended to produce greater outcomes

B. Longer therapy generally produced greater benefit

Based on current reviews and mete-analyses, we can say that tele psychology generally appears to work _____. A. About as well as in-person forms of psychotherapy B. Far worse than in-person forms of psychotherapy C. Far better than in-person forms of psychotherapy D. We cannot compare telepsychology and in-person psychotherapy because no studies exist on this topic

A. About as well as in-person forms of psychotherapy

In his manifesto, McFall: A. Agreed that clinicians should be using only practices empirically found to be effective B. Emphasized the need to incorporate intuition into one's empirical formulation of class C. Noted that clinicians are caught in a dilemma in their attempt to provide services to all clients D. Argued that group-based data are not always sufficient in working with individuals

A. Agreed that clinicians should be using only practices empirically found to be effective

A(n) _____ design is often used by clinical psychologists when they cannot adequately access the target population or situation, so they approximate it to the extent possible. For example, they may ask participants to imagine themselves in a particular situation A. Analogue B. Between-group C. Within-group D. Mixed-group

A. Analogue

When psychotherapy outcome researchers seek clients on whom to conduct psychotherapy in a study, they typically seek clients who _____. A. Are textbook cases of the diagnosis the therapy intends to treat B. Are simultaneously taking medication for their psychological disorders C. Have advanced knowledge about psychological disorders D. Have previous experience as test subjects in clinical research

A. Are textbook cases of the diagnosis the therapy intends to treat

The ABAB design is an example of a(n) _____. A. Case study B. Analogue design C. Between-groups design D. Meta-analysis

A. Case study

At the first psychological clinic, the patients were primarily _____. A. Children with school-related problems B. Adults with personality disorders C. Children and adults with depression D. Couples experiencing relationship problems

A. Children with school-related problems

The APA ethical principle of beneficence and nonmaleficence essentially requires the psychologist to _____. A. Do good and do no harm B. Avoid multiples relationships C. Obtain informed consent D. None of these

A. Do good and do no harm

For contemporary psychotherapists, the most relevant implication of the finding in the Tarasoff case is the _____ A. Duty to warn B. Obligation to protect client confidentiality without exception C. Importance of continuing education for licensed psychologists D. Importance of maintaining test security by not allowing tests to be taken outside of the professional office setting

A. Duty to warn

_____ refers to the success of a therapy in actual clinical settings in which client problems may be diagnostically complex A. Effectiveness B. Exposure and response prevention C. Internal validity D. Efficacy

A. Effectiveness

Compared to effectiveness studies, efficacy studies of psychotherapy outcome generally have A. Greater internal validity B. Greater external validity C. Little or no criteria for who is allowed to participate D. Significant funding from the American Counseling Association

A. Greater internal validity

Emil Kremlin _____. A. Is considered a pioneer in the diagnosis of mental illness B. Authored an objective personality test that remains widely used among clinical psychologists today C. Created the first diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders D. Argues for humane treatment of the mentally ill in France

A. Is considered a pioneer in the diagnosis of mental illness

Compared to clinical psychologists who work and live in large communities, clinical psychologists who work and live in small communities are likely to find the ethical issue of ______ especially challenging. A. Multiple relationships B. Maintaining confidentiality C. Informed consent D. Test security

A. Multiple relationships

The most common work setting for clinical psychologists since the 1980s is _____. A. Private practice B. Medical schools C. Psychiatric hospitals D. University psychology departments

A. Private practice

Some studies of manualized therapy have found that therapists who demonstrate flexibility while using a manual _____. A. Produce better client outcomes and are more successful in getting clients engaged in therapy B. Produce worse client outcomes and are less successful in getting clients engaged in therapy C. Cause irreparable harm to clients D. Are subject to malpractice lawsuits

A. Produce better client outcomes and are more successful in getting clients engaged in therapy

Two amendments were added to the APA code of ethics in 2010. These amendments emphasize that _____. A. Psychologists cannot use ethical standards from the code to justify or defend the violation of human rights B. Psychologists must provide both digital and paper copies of informed consent documents to telepsychology patients C. The APA code of ethics is to be followed even when it conflicts with local, state, or federal law D. Clinical psychologists must obtain a postdoctoral degree in psychopharmacology in order to receive prescription privileges

A. Psychologists cannot use ethical standards from the code to justify or defend the violation of human rights

Clinical psychology's major contribution to WWI was _____. A. The development of tests to measure the intelligence of recruits B. Treatment for returning veterans with shell shock C. Development of effective interrogation techniques D. Coaching if new trained fighter pilots

A. The development of tests to measure the intelligence of recruits

Which approach to psychotherapy that arose in the 20th century emphasized empirical methodology and the study and treatment of measurable, observable symptoms? A. Psychodynamic B. Behavioral C. Humanisitc D. Cognitive

B. Behavioral

June believes there is one general intelligence that overlaps with many abilities. Which of the following theorists is most likely to agree with June? A. Edwards Lee Thorndike B. Charles Spearman C. Alfred Binet C. Lewis Terman

B. Charles Spearman

A clinical psychologist who is sufficiently capable, skilled, experienced, and expert to adequately compete the professional tasks they undertake is fulfilling the ethical standard of ____. A. Resolving ethical issues B. Competence C. Multiple relationships D. Justice

B. Competence

Which of the following is TRUE? A. Most health insurance and managed care companies will pay for psychotherapy whether or not the therapist assigns a DSM diagnosis to the client B. Recent surveys of psychologists have indicated that the way a client is diagnosed is affected by the client's method of payment C. Studies refute the idea that psychologists' diagnostic decisions are influenced by how a client pays for therapy D. Most managed care companies will pay for psychotherapy even if a client does not receive a DSM diagnosis; however, health insurance companies require a diagnosis

B. Recent surveys of psychologists have indicated that the way a client is diagnosed is affected by the client's method of payment

Some clinical psychologists criticize the DSM, stating some disorders' symptoms are difficult to distinguish from normal behavior. This criticism best illustrates the debate surrounding _____. A. Prescription privileges for clinical psychologists B. The overexpansion of mental disorders C. Arbitrary insurance reimbursement practices for psychotherapy services D. The impact of technology on clinical practice

B. The overexpansion of mental disorders

The _____ has patients tell stories in response to cards that depict interpersonal scenes. A. Rorschach Inkblot Method B. Thematic Multiphasic Personality Inventory C. Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory D. Wechsler Adult Story Scale

B. Thematic Multiphasic Personality Inventory

According to the current edition of the APA ethical code, psychologists do not engage in sexual intimacies with the current clients _____. A. Unless the client has attended therapy for less than five sessions, in which case the client can be transferred to another therapist B. Under any circumstances C. Unless both the therapist and client live in a very small community where there are a few other psychologists or potential sexual partners available D. Unless the sexual intimacies are initiated by the client rather than the psychologist

B. Under any circumstances

In a(n) _____ design, participants within a single condition are compared to themselves at various points in time A. Analogue B. Within-group C. Between-group D. Experimental

B. Within-group

In the early 1900s, _____ created a test of intelligence to help the French school system determine is students should qualify for special services. A. Lewis Terman B. David Wechsler C. Alfred Binet D. Harland Stanford

C. Alfred Binet

The term evidence-based practice includes _____. A. The psychological treatment for a disorder B. Factors related to the people providing and receiving the psychological service C. Both the psychological treatment of a disorder and factors related to the people providing and receiving the psychological service D. Neither the psychological treatment of a disorder nor factors related to the people providing and receiving the psychological service

C. Both the psychological treatment of a disorder and factors related to the people providing and receiving the psychological service

_____ tend to be held in high regard by researchers who prefer the idiographic approach over the nomothetic approach A. Experiments B. Quasi-experiments C. Case studies D. Correlational studies

C. Case studies

Michael's career goal is to become a clinical psychologist. He envisions his work setting in academics or at a national research institute, where he sees no clients; he focuses on research. When selecting clinical psychology graduate programs to which he will apply, Michael should focus on programs that adhere to the ____ model of training A. Scientist-practitioner B. Practitioner-scholar C. Clinical scientist D. Learner-seeker

C. Clinical scientist

______ refers to the success of a particular therapy in a controlled study conducted with clients who were chosen according to particular study criteria A. Effectivenss B. Psychotherapy outcome C. Efficacy D. Therapeutic quotient

C. Efficacy

_____ variables are those variables in an experiment that are manipulated by the experimenter A. Internal B. External C. Independent D. Dependent

C. Independent

Research by Hans Eysenck on the effectiveness of psychotherapy: A. Suggested there was considerable evidence that psychotherapy was more effective than no treatment B. Psychotherapy was more effective than no therapy C. Led to research on whether psychotherapy works D. Only eclectic psychotherapy was more effective than no treatment

C. Led to research on whether psychotherapy works

Opponents of prescription privileges for clinical psychologists cite all of the following EXCEPT ________ as support for their argument. A. The need for further training during or after graduate school B. The possibility that the practice of psychotherapy would decline C. Professional autonomy and the identification for clinical psychologists D. Questions about the type and length of required training

C. Professional autonomy and identification for clinical psychologists

_____ tests assume that people reveal their personalities by their responses to ambiguous stimuli, while _____ tests offer straightforward scoring and interpretation guidelines and are often in multiple-choice or true-false format. A. Projective intelligence; objective intelligence B. Objective intelligence; projective intelligence C. Projective personality; objective personality D. Objective personality; projective personality

C. Projective personality; objective personality

The use of technology, particularly the internet, by clinical psychologists is often referred to as _____. A. Conference therapy B. DIgital therapy C. Telepsychology D. Techpsychology

C. Telepsychology

Advantages of the emergence of manualized therapies with empirical support include _____. A. An increase in unique, idiosyncratic forms of therapy created by individual psychotherapists B. Increased reliance on the clinical judgment of each psychotherapist C. The establishment of minimal levels of competence in the field D. Enhanced autonomy for clinicians as they deliver pharmacological treatments

C. The establishment of minimal levels of competence in the field

From roughly 1900-1950, the treatment of mental illness _____. A. Did not exist B. Was conducted primarily by clinical psychologists C. Was conducted primarily by physicians D. Was conducted primarily by counseling psychologists

C. Was conducted primarily by physicians

Compared to clinical psychologists, counseling psychologists tend to ____. A. Work with clients whose degree of psychopathology is greater B. Work in setting such as inpatient psychiatric units C. Work in settings such as college counseling centers D. Work in settings such as hospitals

C. Work in settings such as college counseling centers

According to the APA ethical code, which of these scenarios is unlikely to be considered a multiple relationship A. A psychologist sees an adult client in psychotherapy and engages in sexual intimacies with that client B. A psychologist conducts an assessment with a client and also engages in a nonsexual friendship with that clients C. A psychologist sees a child client in psychotherapy and also enters into a business partnership with that client's parent D. A psychologist realizes that his secretary's second cousin works at the bakery he often frequents

D. A psychologist realizes that his secretary's second cousin works at the bakery he often frequents

For the profession of clinical psychology, confidentiality _____ A. Is absolute B. Should be negotiated with a client at the onset of treatment C. Does not apply to legal minors D. Can ethically be broken in specific situations

D. Can ethically be broken in specific situations

The _____ section of the current ethical code includes aspirational ideals regarding the behavior of clinical psychologists, as opposed to enforceable rules of conduct A. Ethical standards B. Treatment standards C. Research standards D. General principles

D. General principles

Compared to PhD programs, PsyD programs typically _____. A. Accept smaller percentage of applicants B. Offer significantly more funding to enrolled students in the form of graduate assistantships, fellowships, and tuition remission C. Produce graduates who score higher on the national licensing exam (EPPP)) D. Have lower rates of success placing their students in APA-accredited predoctoral internships

D. Have lower rates of success placing their students in APA-accredited predoctoral internships

According to the most recent edition of the APA ethical code, it is necessary to obtain _____ before proceeding with research, psychotherapy, or assessment A. Consent B. Assent C. Informed assent D. Informed consent

D. Informed consent

Who was the first person to operate a psychological clinic? A. Richard McFall B. Abraham Maslow C. Alfred Adler D. Lightner Witmer

D. Lightner Witmer

_____ designs examine changes in participant or group across time, often over many years. A. Cross-sectional B. ABAB C. Analog D. Longitudinal

D. Longitudinal

A(n) _____ is a statistical method of combining results of separate studies to create a summation of its findings A. ABAB design B. Case study C. Qualitative review D. Meta-analysis

D. Meta-analysis

Lane is attending a clinical psychology graduate program that subscribes to the Boulder Model of training. Which of the following would Lane NOT experience in his program if it truly adheres to the Boulder Model? A. Training in psychotherapy and statistics B. An approximately equal emphasis on research and clinical training C. Completing an original research, such as a dissertation D. Minimization of clinical training with a heavy emphasis on research training

D. Minimization of clinical training with a heavy emphasis on research training

Who writes the greatest number of prescriptions for psychoactive medications? A. Physician assistants B. Nurse practitioners C. Psychiatrists D. Primary care physicians

D. Primary care physicians

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