Psych Fund - Chpt. 8 Quiz

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Besides the everyday communication of wants and needs, what else has language allowed us to accomplish? Match. 1.) Accomplishment of Language 2.) Not an Accomplishment of Language a.) transmission of knowledge from one mind to another b.) expression and communication of abstract concepts c.) transmission of accumulated knowledge d.) consistent transmission of concepts across generations

1.) a, b, c 2.) d

Which of the following are expressions of overconfidence bias? 1.) Overconfidence Bias 2.) Not Overconfidence Bias a.) overestimating the accuracy of one's knowledge or judgments b.) certainty in answering a question that does not actually have a correct answer c.) belief that one would have gotten the right answer to a question if one had been asked d.) ignoring evidence that implies that one is mistaken

1.) a, b, c 2.) d (this is confirmation bias), c (this is hindsight bias)

Match each statement with the corresponding theorist. 1.) B.F. Skinner 2.) Noam Chomsky a.) There is a universal grammar that children understand innately. b.) Language acquisition is not a specialized capacity. c.) Humans are prewired with a language acquisition device. d.) Language learning occurs by association, imitation, and reinforcement.

1.) b, d 2.) c, a

Match each situation with the proper heuristic. 1.) affect heuristic 2.) availability heuristic 3.) representative heuristic a.) making judgments or decisions based on how frequently one has heard about a situation. b.) deciding in favor of something because you find it attractive. c.) making judgments or decisions based on how someone feels about a subject d.) making judgments or decisions based on comparing available observations to prototypical concepts

1.) c, b 2.) a 3.) d

The following graph from the text shows the success that two groups of rats had in three different environments (adapted from Cooper & Zubek, 1958). Their success was measured in their ability to learn mazes. What can be inferred about the data represented in the graph? Match. 1.) Supported by the Graph 2.) Not Supported by the Graph a.) The environment only affected the dull rats. b.) The bright rats were overwhelmingly more successful in every environment. c.) The restricted environment reduced the genetic potential of the bright rats. d.) The rats in the normal environment performed as expected. f.) Environment can practically nullify genetic potential g.) The enriched environment allowed the dull rats to outperform their "genetic destiny."

1.) c, d, e, f 2.) a, b

Samuel is required to take two tests for his various college applications. After taking both tests, he finds that he scores in the 75th percentile on his aptitude test but only in the 55th percentile on his achievement test. Identify the information that these tests reveal about Samuel. 1.) Supported by the Tests 2.) Not Supported by the Tests a.) Samuel's accumulated knowledge is much higher than the average person who is tested. b.) Samuel's potential to learn new skills is only marginally higher than the average person who is tested. c.) Samuel's ability to learn new skills is in the top 25 percent of individuals who were tested. d.) Samuel's ability to learn was scored much higher than what he has already learned.

1.) d, c 2.) a, b

Place the following steps of language development in the order that they develop in infants. 1 : ability to determine where each word begins and ends 2 : production of phonemes (babbling) 3 : recognition of phonemes 4 : reduction of perception and use of phonemes to those found in the home environment

3, 2, 4, 1

The text describes the study of a language created entirely by deaf children in Nicaragua. The creation of the language shows strong evidence for a preexisting, innate linguistic capability in humans. Match each situation with its result. 1.) The students gestured to each other and were able to create a unified set of symbols and rules. 2.) The language has gained considerable sophistication with improvements and elaboration from new students. 3.) Each gestural system ("home signs") was different and rudimentary. 4.) Deaf children invented gestural systems ("home signs") to communicate. a.) A special school was created, and deaf children were bused from all over the country to attend. b.) Several generations of new students have attended the school since it was opened. c.) Deaf children were scattered and isolated around the country. d.) Until the 1980s, there were no deaf schools in Nicaragua, and deaf children had no resources to gain an education.

1.) a 2.) b 3.) c 4.) d

Match the following terms with its description. 1.) phoneme 2.) syntax 3.) grammar 4.) morpheme 5.) pragmatics a.) individual speech sounds b.) the rules that govern how parts of a language are put together c.) specific rules that primarily govern word order d.) intonation, nonverbal gestures and rules governing how to take turns in conversation e.) the smallest units of language that carry meanings

1.) a 2.) c 3.) b 4.) e 5.) d

Which of the following are true for enrichment-based preschool programs? 1.) True 2.) Not true a.) They have been shown to have positive effects well past intellectual-development years. b.) They are more critical to areas of low socioeconomic status. c.) They have similar results with children of all socioeconomic backgrounds. d.) Their positive results are difficult to verify.

1.) a, b 2.) c, d

Brittany is born deaf. Her parents do not know American Sign Language and lack the resources to teach her sign language until she is old enough to attend school. Fortunately, there is a deaf school where she lives, but she cannot attend until she is 6 years old. Identify which of the following are likely outcomes for Brittany. 1.) Likely Outcome 2.) Not a Likely Outcome a.) She will still be able to learn a language fluently. b.) She will probably have difficulties learning languages throughout her life. c.) She will be more likely to learn ASL fluently than someone who did not learn until puberty. d.) She will probably not be as accurate with grammar as someone who learned from birth.

1.) a, c, d 2.) b

Identify each statement as framing a choice using loss aversion, maintenance of the status quo, or neither. 1.) loss aversion 2.) maintenance of status quo 3.) neither a.) This surgery has 40% survival rate. b.) This option guarantees that 30 percent of the people will survive. c.) Would you like to opt out of being an organ donor? d.) All the options are covered by your insurance. e.) Most people go with the PPO insurance plan. f.) This is the only model of the implant available.

1.) a, b 2.) c, e 3.) d, f

Identify the statements that correctly describe characteristics of insight during problem solving. 1.) Attribute of Insight 2.) Not an Attribute of Insight a.) feels like a sudden change in a person's understanding b.) involves subconscious cognitive work c.) can give a person the feeling of spontaneous inspiration d.) is made more difficult when a person is prompted by clues e.) is improved by practice

1.) a, b, c 2.) d, e

Identify whether or not each of the following is consistent with the definition of intelligence as described in the text. 1.) Part of Intelligence 2.) Not Part of Intelligence a.) the capacity to think abstractly b.) comprehension of complex ideas c.) learning from experience d.) knowledge of current events e.) accumulated knowledge

1.) a, b, c 2.) d, e

The following graph is adapted from a study of adopted children across time that measured how their intelligence scores resembled those of their biological or adoptive parents (Plomin & Bergeman, 1991). What can be inferred from the data in the graph? 1.) Represented by the Study 2.) Not Represented by the Study a.) Early in a child's life, intelligence scores are more reflective of environment than of biology. b.) Over time, the intelligence scores of adopted children increasingly resembled their adoptive parents. 3.) Over time, the intelligence scores of adopted children increasingly resembled their biological children.

1.) a, c 2.) b

Alfred Binet and Theodore Simon developed a comprehensive test to determine the mental age of students in an effort to increase overall student performance. The test included a broad range of tasks that varied in content and difficulty. Why? 1.) Goal of the Test 2.) Not a Goal of the Test a.) They wanted to compare children of different ages and different levels of social privilege. b.) They wanted to isolate only the most intelligent students. c.) They wanted to measure overall ability. d.) They wanted to identify students with specialized skills.

1.) a, c 2.) b, d

Which of the following are considered key concepts or concerns of cognitive psychology? 1.) Key Concept 2.) Not a Key Concept a.) what mental steps a person uses to make a decision b.) how individuals and their communities interact c.) how peoples' psychology changes as they grow older d.) how a person remembers something e.) how various psychological disorders should be treated f.) the way individuals think about solving problems

1.) a, f, d 2.) b, c, e

Match each term to correct definition. 1.) general intelligence 2.) fluid intelligence 3.) factor analysis 4.) crystallized intelligence a.) accumulated knowledge b.) a capacity that is advantageous on all mental tasks c.) the inspection of patterns of correlation to look for common factors or underlying connection d.) the ability to tackle new and unusual situations

1.) b 2.) d 3.) c 4.) a

Match each description to the level of concept hierarchy it describes. 1.) superordinate 2.) basic 3.) subordinate a.) includes many members but still maintains many common features b.) most abstract c.) encompasses multiple basic-level concepts d.) the level where one would find the prototype of the concept e.) most specific f.) least abstract

1.) b, c 2.) a, d 3.) e, f

The graph displays the results of a study in 2012. The subjects were school-aged children. The treatment group was offered vegetables with "fun" names while the control group was offered the same vegetables with standard names. What an be inferred about the results? 1.) Representative of the Data 2.) Not Representative of the Data a.) The students enjoyed eating the vegetables with fun names more than eating those with standard names. b.) Vegetables with standard names are not popular with school-aged children. c.) It is difficult to influence the decisions of children through their emotions. d.) The vegetables with fun names were much more popular due to a positive affective response.

1.) b, d 2.) a, c

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