psychology chapter 10

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Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

(level 1) Physiological Needs, (level 2) Safety and Security, (level 3) Relationships, Love and Affection, (level 4) Self Esteem, (level 5) Self Actualization


(longterm)processes emotion and behavioral reactions, most important for emotional learning and the developmenmt of clasically conditioned fear

Kelly and her family have a place to live, enough food to eat, enough water to drink, and plenty of clothing to wear. She and her children have their basic needs satisfied, but she feels that the apartment where they live is in a bad part of town; she constantly worries that a break-in will occur and that the family will be robbed. Kelly is struggling with the __________ stage of Maslow's need hierarchy.


delayed gratification

A willingness to give up something now in return for something later.

After nearly hitting a deer with her car, Nadia's heart began to race and her palms started sweating. Which of the following responses is consistent with the James-Lange theory of emotion?

After she noticed her racing heart and sweaty palms, Nadia concluded that she was scared.

Emerging Synthesis

Different emotions rely on different combinations of body and brain reactions and interpretation

Which of the following is true about the neurochemistry of sexual arousal?

Dopamine receptors in the hypothalamus stimulate sexual activity. Sexual stimulation leads to nitric oxide production, which increases blood flow to the penis and clitoris.

Which of the following describes the relationship between motives, drives, and needs?

Drives motivate the satisfaction of needs. They create arousal, which motivates the organism to fulfill a physical or emotional deficit.

Which of the following statements best encapsulates the James-Lange theory of emotion?

I am happy because I am laughing


One's belief in his or her own ability.

Which of the following statements is true about how our brains process emotions?

Sensory input enters the amygdala, which sends information to various organs to activate the appropriate physiological response.

Sharon has been through several "sexual phases" in her life. In her teen years she was most interested in boys, and in college she explored relationships with both men and women. In her mid-20s she identified as a lesbian, but now, in her 40s, she feels that she is exclusively heterosexual. The term __________ describes this evolution and change in sexual orientation over time.

erotic plasticity

display rules

cross-cultural guidelines for how and when to express emotions

Cannon-Bard Theory

events cause arousal, bear comes towards you and at the same time you experince psychological arousal and fear. pencil in the mouth experiment

sexual response cycle

excitement, plateau, orgasm, resolution

Chanese believes that eating foods high in protein and low in sugar will minimize hunger and make weight loss easier. Chanese believes in the __________ theory of eating.


Casey is a struggling sculptor. He is very talented and creates incredible pieces, but he has yet to be discovered. He is living on almost no money, is constantly in danger of being homeless, and displays his pieces on a busy city street corner. He refuses to give up his dream, and he is certain he will be a famous sculptor one day. Casey is demonstrating a high level of ________.


Suppose you are suddenly whisked away to a foreign country where you do not know the language or customs, so you have to communicate by reading facial expression. You would be most likely to accurately identify the facial markers of __________ and least likely to identify the markers for __________.


Ryan has been served a large meal at a restaurant, but when he feels full, he stops eating. He asks for a box to take the remaining food home instead of overeating to the point of being uncomfortable. Ryan has achieved a state of __________ with regard to his food consumption.


Which of the following would be the best example of a drive?



hunger hormone

Which region of the brain is considered to be the most important for stimulating sexual behavior (given its role in controlling the release of sex hormones into the bloodstream)?


Which structure in the brain is responsible for regulating the release of hormones that both stimulate puberty and create sexual motivation?


Courtney sits down on an airplane, and immediately realizes that the baby sitting in the seat in front of her has a dirty diaper. She wrinkles up her nose in disgust of the odor, hoping that the parents will deal with it before the plane takes off. Which part of Courtney's brain is particularly active during this moment of disgust?


Bernice has been working on a project for several hours, and a specific hormone in her blood has dropped. As a result of needing more glucose in her blood, she feels hungry. Which hormone is affecting her in this manner?


Jon-David is taking a course in Italian this semester. The class does not satisfy any of his college prerequisites; in fact, it will not help him get a degree at all. Instead, he is taking it because he has always been interested in learning to speak a foreign language and his grandmother is Italian. Jon-David is demonstrating __________ motivation


Ryan and Katie both like games, but Ryan prefers to play solitary games, like sudoku or crossword puzzles, whereas Katie likes contests, such as trivia or strategy games. Ryan plays games for his own enjoyment, while Katie likes to win games for prizes or others' admiration. Ryan's motivation is __________, while Katie's is __________.

intrinsic extrinsic

ventromedial prefrontal cortex

involved in controlling emotional responses from the amygdala and decision-making, rats eat more

Whereas the hormone __________ is involved in fat regulation, __________ originates in the stomach and triggers hunger.

leptin and gherkin


males have more antrogen/testosterone, females have more estrogen

Lie Detector Tests

measure arousal of sympathetic nervous system, stimulated by lying and anxiety

hippocampus is mostly associated with....


In the movie Speed, a woman is rescued from certain death by a daring police officer. Near the end of the movie, the two are romantically interested in each other, and they may have mistaken the exciting events of the rescue for sexual feelings. In the psychological study of emotions, this is an example of ________.

misattribution of arousal


motivates to satisfy a need

huppothalamus is mostly associated with.....


The __________ theory suggests that human beings have a fundamental need for interpersonal attachments, which has evolved over time for adaptive purposes.

need to belong

Fredericka has decided to join a gang in her community even though she knows that it is a dangerous lifestyle to lead. When asked by her brother why she is doing it, she replies by saying, "I just want to have some people in my life who have my back at all times!" Fredericka's decision supports the __________ theory.

need to belong theory

limbic system

neural system located below the cerebral hemispheres; associated with emotions and drives

self-determination theory

people are motivated to satisfy needs for competence

self-perception theory

people are seldom aware of their specific motives


people chnage there behavior to attain personal goals


receives and integrates somatosensory signals from the entire body, involved in the awarness of heart beat and when your hungry, if it was damaged it would intefere with the experience of disgust


regulates blood glucose levels


released from fat cells as more fat is being made, inhibit eating behavior

Paul and Michael have just had a very satisfying sexual encounter. Both have had an orgasm, and they are now laying together relaxing and talking. According to the sexual response cycle of Masters and Johnson, they are both in the __________ phase.


Takahi is sitting in his living room, when he hears a loud noise from his 8-year-old's bedroom. At first he thinks his son is laughing, and Takahi feels happy. After he realizes that he's really hearing crying, Takahi gets upset and goes to check on his son. The fact that his emotional response is affected by his assessment of the situation supports the __________ theory of emotions.

schachter and singer 2 factor

When Marika enters her house one night, she sees something running toward her in the dark. Before she has any response to it, she turns on the light and realizes that it is her cat, Buttons. She smiles, talks to Buttons, and gets him some food. Marika might have responded very differently if the scurrying creature had instead been a rat or a mouse. This distinction is explained by the ________ theory of emotion.

schachter singer 2 factor

sigmund freuds pleasure principle

seek pleasure/avoid principle

After years of false starts in disappointing career paths, Bruce feels happy. More than that, he feels that he is living up to his potential and doing what he is meant to do with his life. What state has Bruce reached?

self actualization

Nicola has been playing Roller Derby for several months now, but she has not seen many improvements in her skills lately. She is at the rink three nights a week, but she is starting to feel that there is no point in practicing so hard as it is not paying off. Given what you know, you can reasonably conclude that she is developing

self efficacy

A TV ad tells the viewers that if they eat only cabbage soup for one week, they are guaranteed to lose weight. Almost nobody who follows the ad makes it through the week, because the monotony of eating the same thing over and over again is almost intolerable. This effect is called

sensory specific satiety

lipostatic theory

set point for body fat


something like air, food, or shelter that is necessary for survival


something that induces a person to act

acheivment motive

the desire to do well relative to standards of excellence

social comparison theory

the hypothesis that people compare themselves to other people in order to obtain an accurate assessment of their own opinions, abilities, and internal states

need to belong theory

the need for interpersonal attachments is a fundamental motive that has evolved for adaptive purposes

Yerkes-Dodson Law

the psychological principle stating that performance is best under conditions of moderate arousal rather than either low or high arousal

sensory-specific satiety

the reduced desire to continue consuming a particular food

glucostic theory

theory that when our blood glucose levels drop, hunger creates a drive to eat to restore the proper level of glucose

Vito, the head of a mafia family, gets very upset at his son for making an angry face when having a conversation with a business rival. He admonishes his son to never let anyone "outside of the family" know what he thinks. In this case, Vito is correcting his son based on ________.

display rules

circumplex model

emotions are plotted along two continuums: valence (negative to positive) and arousal (low to high)


Chemical messangers released from nueron to nueron.

Because of its role in both emotion and memory, this part of the brain helps emotions like fear strengthen memories, which could be helpful for avoiding future harmful situations.


primary emotions

basic emotions, are universal, ex: angry,happy,sad, etc.

secondary emotions

blends of primary emotions, ex: guilt,remorse,love

Schachter-Singer Theory

body reacts, then you interpret based on context, then you feel emotion. bear is ocming to you then you feel your heartbeat faster and would process that its a scary bear and then would feel fear.

After hearing the front door slam suddenly in the wind, Bradley felt both physiological arousal and a sense of being immediately terrified. The bodily arousal and emotional experience happened at the same time. This would be best explained by the __________ theory of emotions.

cannon bard

Quinn is given an offer to be the new lead singer for a popular band, and there is a good chance that she will become a major talent in the music industry. According to the ________ theory of emotion, she will experience happiness and have a physiological response to the offer at exactly the same time

cannon bard


according to Maslow, the motivation to fulfill one's potential

sexual strategies theory

Women and men have evolved distinct mating strategies to maximize the probability of passing along their genes to future generations.

intrinsic motivation

a desire to perform a behavior effectively for its own sake

extrinsic motivation

a motivation to take actions that lead to reward


a need or desire that energizes and directs behavior


a negative or positive response to environmental events or internal thoughts

While several parts of the brain work together to regulate hunger and eating behaviors, the __________ plays an important role in satiation and the cessation of eating.

ventromedial hypothalamus

James-Lange Theory

you feel emotions after your body reacts,(something happens, your body responds, that gets interpreted to your brain, and then it tells you what emotion your feeling) you see a bear , your heart starts pounding, you start to run,your brain tells you all those are associated with fear so you must be scared

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