Psychology Final Exam

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The neuron with dendrites located in the skin on your fingertip and an axon carries information TO the spinal cord is a(n) _________ neuron


Diminished sensitivity to an unchanging stimulus is known as:

Sensory adaptation

The somatic or skeletal nervous system is made up of __________

Sensory and motor neurons going to and from the CNS

In the case of split brain subject, if the picture of a basket was flashed in the left visual field and a picture of a bird was flashed in the right visual field, what would the subject say she saw?


You are unsure whether you want to complete an experiment you began an hour ago. According to the section on ethics in your text, when you ask the researcher if you have to continue, the researcher should respond with __________

"You have the right to drop out of the study at any time."

Which of the following correlation coefficients accurately expresses the strongest degree of relationship between two variables?


When the Moon is near the horizon, it appears larger than when it is high in the sky. This effect is primarily a result of:

The presence of distance cues in the case of the horizon moon

According to trichromatic theory, what is the basis for color vision?

Three kinds of cones

The term phi-phenomenon is:

A gestalt psychology phrase for apparent motion

Most of the neurons in the brain and spinal cord are _______ neurons


Ebbinghaus found that he could accurately recall about _________ percent of a list of nonsense syllables 20 minutes after he had learned the list perfectly


According to lecture about ________% of adults in the United States are either overweight or obese, as measured by BMI levels


The best rea search method for investigating rarely occurring situations, or situations that would be unethical to create, is:

A case-study

Cognitive dissonance theory predicts that when we experience ________ inconsistency between our behavior and our belief that cannot be justified, we will be _______ likely to change our original belief concerning that behavior

A large; more then

A correlation coefficient of -0.84 between the variables "impulsivity" and "hours spent viewing TV," indicates:

A strong relationship & the more impulsive, the less TV viewing

Chronic stress has _______ effect on the immune system

A suppressing

A hypothesis is _______:

A testable statement about the relationship between variables

Singh finds that he has to drink several more beers to get the same buzz he used to get with one or two. It is likely that Singh has developed _____

A tolerance to alcohol

The smallest magnitude of a particular stimulus is energy that can be detected fifty percent of the time is called its _______________ threshold


______ is the explanation of dreaming which attributes dreams as simply by-products of random electrical activity in the brain; therefore, dreams have no hidden meanings

Activation synthesis hypothesis

The text pointed out that telomere shortening is associated with _______


As Michael watches his instructor pass out papers, he suddenly realizes this is the first major exam and he is totally unprepared. Which phase of the GAS is the he most likely experiencing?


The area of the limbus system that is most involved with fear and aggression is the:


A cognitive map is:

An internal representation of ones environment

The story of Phineas Gage is a famous case of brain damage discussed in your text. Phineas experienced his brain damage from:

An iron rod which blasted a through his skull in a railroad construction accident

A drug that blocks or hinders the action of a neurotransmitter is called a(n) _________


Small differences in the loudness of a sound received by each ear enable us to identify the _______ of the sound


In NREM sleep, dreams

Are particularly vivid and colorful

The process that controls the flow of information from sensory memory into short term memory is:


A nerve is a bundle of:


Stress increases the risk of heart disease because unused fat cells released during the stress response may _____

Be deposited on and block coronary arteries

Why do so many studies in psychology make use of non-experimental methods of research, rather then true experiments?

Because of framing of questions and bias issues when investigating human behavior

According to lecture, when an obese rat loses weight through reduction of caloric intake, its fat cells:

Become thinner

Ecological validity is a term that is used to describe:

Behavior that occurs in the natural environment

Psychology is the scientific study of _________ and _________:

Behavior; and mental processes

Which of the following terms do NOT belong together?

Behaviorism: mental events

Which psychological perspective emphasizes the interaction of the brain and the nervous system as the source of behavior?


In terms of brain evolution, the sequence of brain regions from oldest to newest is:

Brainstem, limbic system, cerebral cortex

Transduction refers to the process:

By which physical energy is converted to action potentials

According to information presented in the text, clearly remembering in detail where you were and what you were doing when the news broke of the 9/11 attacks would be referred to as _________ memory


Lisa is the sole baby sitter for the Smith family. Whenever the Smith's leave, Lisa is present. The Smith baby reflexively cries every time his parents leave. After 6 months of consistent baby-sitting, Lisa is invited to attend the child's birthday party. When she arrives the child begins to cry. In this example, the parents absence is a(n) ______ for the child's crying.


Stressful situations cause Kazi to break out in hives. He finds his psychology class to be very stressful. Now Kazi breaks out in hives every time he approaches the doors to his Psychology classroom. In this example, the classroom door is a(n) _________ for breaking out in hives.


Extinction of the CR in classical conditioning occurs when the:

CS is repeatedly presented without the UCS

The idea that emotion and bodily changes occur simultaneously is known as:

Cannon-Bard theory

A loss of physical coordination and a difficulty performing fast -paced, timed automatic motor movements are most likely to result from damage to the:


Jan has destroyed part of the occipital lobes of several cats and is now observing the behavior. What kinds of changes should Jan see in her cats?

Changes in their vision

Our sensory systems have evolved to focus our attention on __________ stimuli


In a digit span test, Bill was able to recall the 12 individual numbers 194719481949 by grouping the digits together to form higher-order units. His technique for remembering the numbers as three years 1947, 1948, 1949 rather then 12 individual digits is called:


Learning the association between two stimuli is known as __________; learning the association between a behavior and its consequence is known as _________

Classical conditioning; operant conditioning

The tendency to see complete letters on a neon sign, even though some of the bulbs are out, illustrates the Gestalt grouping principles of:


All of the following are myths associated with homosexuality EXCEPT:

Homosexuality may be caused by prenatal hormone exposure during critical developmental periods

According to the ________ view of emotion, we perceive a stimulus, experience the emotion and then behave

Cognitive appraisal

The use of a computer model to investigate types of memory processing among humans would most likely be done by:

Cognitive psychologists

When your bright red car appears pinkish-gray as light decreases, you still perceive it as red because of:

Color constancy

All of the following are attributes of the rod photoreceptors EXCEPT:

Color vision

Which of the following is NOT one of the characteristics associated with hardiness?


Seth loves eating super sour pickles. He finds that just the sight of a sour pickle causes his mouth to water! In Seth's case, his salvation to the sight of the sour pickle would be referred to as a(n):

Conditioned response

Sam is in a situation in which she needs to commit to dating exclusively either the utterly dreamy Riley or the equally utterly dreamy Morgan. Because Sam had to choose between two incompatible outcomes, her source of stress is from:


A response is learned most rapidly and is most resistant to extinction if it is acquired under conditions of ___________ reinforcement followed by __________ reinforcement

Continuous; partial

The name for the bundle of axons that carries information between the brains left and right hemispheres is the ___________

Corpus callosum

________ is a hormone that plays a critical role in the long-term effects of chronic stress, and is the most common measure of stress in research studies


In the lock-and-key analogy, the lock is the _______ and the key is the ________

Dendrite receptors; neurotransmitters

An impulse travels through the structures of the neuron in the following order:

Dendrites, cell body, axon

According to lecture, the goals of psychology are to:

Describe, explain, predict, and change behavior

According to lecture memory is reconstructed because:

Details are added in STM after information is retrieved from LTM

In Schachter's experiment with the adrenaline and the "stooges" portraying emotions, those subjects who were CORRECTLY informed about the side effects __________

Did not experience the emotions demonstrated by the stooge

According to your text, rats with total sleep deprivation:

Died after two weeks to a month or so

A participants agreement to take part in a study after being told what to expect is known as:

Informed consent

The _______ theory of emotions offers an explanation for the "addictive" nature of many experiences, and serves as a model for drug addiction


Hypothetical constructs that reflect some internal state that orientates an organism to some goal are called:


A smile in which the corners of your mouth turn up and your muscles contract around your eyes is known as a(n) __________ smile


For a behavior to be considered learning, it needs to be:

Due to experience

This type of brain scan involves using an array of electrodes placed around the head to record the electrical activity of the brain:


Which of the following refers to the process of getting information INTO the memory system, as discussed in lecture:


In a computer model of memory, __________ would happen at the keyboard, ___________ on the monitor, as _________ on the hard drive

Encoding, retrieval, storage

Guido twists his ankle quite badly in the last ten minutes of his school's championship soccer game. He continues to play and does not notice the plan in his ankle. This is probably because of an increase in his __________ levels


According to your text the physical trace of memory is know as:


According to your text and lecture, drugs act at the synapse by ___________

Enhancing, replacing, or decreasing the neurotransmitters

Drugs act at the synapse by ____________

Enhancing, replacing, or decreasing the neurotransmitters

Split-brain studies involve primarily individuals suffering from ________


Remembering what you had for dinner last night is an instance of ________, whereas remembering the meaning of the word divine is an instance of _________

Episodic memory; semantic memory

Positive stress is also referred to as ________


According to lecture, which of the following is the most effective coping mechanism to use when stressed:


Structuralism made an important contribution to the science of psychology because it ________________

Explained why individuals experience stimuli differently

The explanation that contractions of the muscles around the eyes and mouth produce or intensify emotions is also known as Ekman's:

Facial-feedback hypothesis

In signal-detection experiments, if signal is not present and the subject identifies it as a present, this would be considered a(n):

False alarm

If your neighbor was abducted by aliens and they removed his right parietal lobe, he would be unable to _____

Feel sensations from the left side of his body

To what does "phantom limb" refer?

Feeling sensations coming from a limb that had actually been amputated

Direct stimulation of a part of the motor cortex would most likely result in:

Feelings of anger

According to Gestalt principles, ____________ is perceived as being distinct from surroundings; it "stands out" perceptually and is the focal point, while ___________ refers to everything else perceived as surrounding it

Figure; ground

Carson enjoys writing mystery novels, and has even managed to publish some of his work. When he's writing, Carson becomes extremely focused on his work; in fact, he becomes so absorbed that that he often loses track of time, often staying up well past 3 a.m. Carson's experience best illustrates the concept of _______, as presented in your text


The function of the middle ear bones (the ossicles) is to:

Focus the sound wave vibrations on a small area to amplify them

The area at the center of the retina, specialized for acute vision and upon which images are focused is the:


The cones are primarily found in the _________ for humans


Surveys indicate that people are much less likely to support "welfare" than "aid to the needy." These somewhat paradoxical survey results best illustrate the importance of:

Framing of questions

After learning to fear a white rat, Little Albert responded with fear to the sight of a white rabbit and to many other white fuzzy objects. This best illustrates the process of:


Which of the following is the best example of a hassle, as described in lecture?

Getting behind a particularly slow driver when you are in a hurry to reach your destination

According to the text, a simple form of learning in which one stops responding to meaningless stimulus is called __________


Nanette highlights the margin-definition of terms in her psychology textbook; Nathan thinks about how each term applies to his own life or to other concepts in the chapter. According to depth of processing research terms, Nathan is more likely to recall and use the terms better on an essay exam because _____.

He processed the terms semantically and Nanette did not

Which component of the limbic system plays an essential role in the formation and consolidation of new verbal memories:


The tendency for an animal to maintain a constant physiological state within fairly narrow limits is known as:


Bernard is an ambitious, highly competitive corporate lawyer who recently had a heart attack. He tends to be impatient and a perfectionist, and he gets angry over little things. Research suggests that Bernard's susceptibility to heart attacks may be most closely linked to his


The phrase "7 +/- 2" refers to

How many meaningful units of information you can hold in your STM

All of the following are cognitive theories of motivation EXCEPT:

Hulls drive reduction

Tom has an optimistic view of people and believes that we all have an actual using tendency that leads us to engage in creative activities, which then contribute to our own satisfaction and to society. Tom's beliefs tend to identify him with ___________ psychology.


The dissociation theory of hypnosis suggests that _________

Hypnotic effects result from a splitting of experiences from awareness

The temporal lobe of Great-Aunt Sally's brain was damaged when she had a stroke last year. You are not surprised that Aunt Sally had been suffering from:

Impaired hearing

Josef has a bag of coins in front of him. He reaches into the bag and pulls out a penny three time in a row. Based on these specific observations, he forms a general conclusion that all the coins in the bag are pennies. Josef is illustrating _______ reasoning, as he has created a general principle from a collection of specific observations.


Innate and complex patterns of behavior that occur in every normal functioning member of a species under certain set conditions are called:


It is the early 1900's and a subject in Tichner's lab is engaged in self-observation to learn more about the elements of conscious experience. This subject is most likely using:


The phrase applied research is BEST defined as research that:

Is designed to solve practical problems

According to the psychoanalytic theory of dreams, the manifest content of the dream:

Is the actual reported dream images

A disadvantage of experimental method is that:

It lacks ecological validity due to artificial settings

Judy conducts a correlational study to investigate the relationship between listening to pop music and committing violence among teenagers. She finds that the more hours that teenagers listen to pop music, the more times they are arrested for violent behavior. What can Judy conclude from her data about the relationship between listening to pop music & violence?

Judy cannot draw conclusions about causation from a correlational study

Maintenance rehearsal is the general term for the process by which people _________

Keep information active in short term memory

Chronic stress was discussed in lecture as a factor that increases the likelihood of all of the following EXCEPT:

Kidney disease

The hallucinogens are classified as such because of the changes they produce in sensory perceptions, thinking, and emotions of the individual user. According to lecture, hallucinogenic drugs include ________

LSD and marijuana

Learning without reinforcement, or learning that is not immediately apparent, is the definition of ________ learning


The fact that there is tremendous variation in human sexual behavior behavior across cultures gives the strongest evidence for the ________ in adult human sexual motivation and expression

Learning and cultural factors

The Social Readjustment Rating Scale, reconstructed by Holmes and Rahe measures the stress in a persons life on the basis of ________

Life events

The apparent narrowing of a railroad track as it goes directly away from you into the distance best illustrates the depth cue known as:

Linear perspective

While in the living room, you think of something you need from the bedroom, but when you get there, you forget what you wanted. You go back to the same spot in the living room and the memory returns. Recalling the information when you returned to the living room is an example of __________

Locus-dependent memory

This type of brain scan involves using a large magnet to orientate hydrogen atoms in the brain, creating a very clear picture of brain tissue from the energy released by the hydrogen as they return to their initial orientation:


According to lecture, one major disadvantage of a case study is that it:

May not be generalizable to other people

In the 1960's Masters and Johnson pioneered research in the sexual response cycle by _________

Measuring physiological responses during sexual behavior

The _________ controls many vital life-support functions such as breathing and heartbeat. Damage to this area of the brain would likely result in death


The main function(s) of the limbic system structures is/are ___________

Memory and emotion

A correlation of -0.92 between the number of apples on the store shelf and the price of the apples would indicate:

More apples are associated with lower prices

According to lecture, a national health survey indicated that the longest life expectancies were associated with those Americans who attend religious services:

More then once a week

Your companion on a train ride through Kansas notices that telephone poles near the tracks are passing by very quickly, while telephone poles in the distance are passing much more slowly. This is an example of __________

Motion parallax

The activity of the hypothalamus most directly influences:

Motivated behaviors

According to your text and lecture, multiple sclerosis is believed to be the result of a progressive deterioration of:

Myelin sheaths

During a heated argument with his teenage daughter, Mr. Reid suddenly lapsed into a state of REM sleep. Mr. Reid apparently suffers from:


Terminal buttons are the points where _________

Neurotransmitters are stored

Numerous studies examining the metabolic rate of normal and obese individuals have shown that:

Obese individuals often do not eat any more then normal weight individuals

Do and Joel, both 4 year olds, have been watching reruns of "Superman" on television. Joel's mother recently found the boys standing on the garage roof, with towels as capes, ready to try flying. What learning term best accounts for the boys behavior?

Observational learning

Negative after images (such as the red, white, and blue flag from the lecture) are best explained by which theory of color vision:

Opponent-process theory

The most psychological of all the senses is the sense of _________


After discovering that the shadows outside his window were only the trees in the yard, Ralph's blood pressure decreased and his heartbeat slowed. These physical reactions were most directly regulated by his:

Parasympathetic nervous system

After a cortical stroke, Great Aunt Millie does not seem to recognize her own right leg. She ignores that it is there and even occasionally seems to think the leg belongs to someone else. Based on this information, you would suspect her stroke was located in the ___________ lobe


Dr. Rodriquez, an expert in animal behavior, reads manuscripts of studies in her field of study which have been submitted to a journal for publication. She then recommends whether the rationale, methodology, and interpretation of findings presented in a study are appropriate for the article to be published. According to the texts terminology, she is engaged as a(n) _________ for the journal:

Peer reviewer

Your assignment in Journalism 101 is to research hypnosis. Which of the following statements would be most ACCURATE to include in your report?

People under hypnosis can do things that require superhuman strength, which people who are not hypnotized cannot do

One person, alone in a house, dismisses its creaking sounds and experiences no stress; someone else suspects an intruder and becomes alarmed. These different reactions illustrate the importance of ________ in determine what is stressful

Perception and appraisal

Psychology as a discipline has its roots in:

Physiology & philosophy

According to the _________ theory, the basilar membrane resembles the keys on a piano in that the particular area of the basilar membrane that is maximally distorted by the sound wave determines the perceived pitch


If a patient had severe damage to the frontal lobe, you might predict he or she might also have difficulty:

Planning ahead and anticipating consequences

If damage occurs in this area of the brain, animals may no longer experience paralysis during REM sleep:


Day 1: Rico throws ten tantrums. Mother picks him up and kisses him each time. Day 2: Rico throws eight tantrums. Mother picks him up and kisses him each time. Day 3: Rico throws four tantrums. Mother picks him up and kisses him each time. Day 4: Rico throws one tantrum. Mother picks him up and kisses him. A behaviorist would conclude that Mother's picking up and kissing Rico is functioning as a _________ for Rico's tantrum-throwing behavior.

Positive punisher

When Emma attends a birthday party, she expects that people will give presents, sing "Happy Birthday," and put candles on a cake. According to your text, her idea of what she expects to happen at this event is known as:

Primed memory

Recalling the word "goat" instead of the word "boat" from a list of words given during a cognitive memory test would be an example of the type of errors that typically occur in:

Procedural memory

Because Carmella, Jorge, and Gail were sitting close together behind the same bowling lane, Ruth perceived that they were all members of the same bowling team. The best illustrates the organizational principle of:


Of the following, who can legally prescribe medications for psychological conditions in all states of the United States?


According to the James-Lange theory of emotion, if we come across a bear while walking in the woods, we will

See the bear, run, feel fear

According to research on stress effects, rats that received electric shocks to their tails were unlikely to develop ulcers if the:

Rats could control termination of the shocks

Bandura's observational learning studies focused on how:

Rats learn cognitive maps through exploration

An essay test requires the use of _____ because you must use very general retrieval cues to search the contents of your LTM


The function of dendrites is to:

Receive incoming signals from sensory stimulation or other neurons

In Festinger's original study of cognitive dissonance, the participants who changed their beliefs about the study from "boring!" to "kinda interesting" were the ones who _________

Received $1 to lie to the next participant

All of the following are things which influence what we encode as presented in lecture EXCEPT ___________ :


Long-term potentiation (LTP) is defined as a change in the strength of a synapse resulting from:

Repeated experiences

Professor Saxton was very skeptical about the findings of a recently reported experiment on the effects of sleep deprivation. Which process would best enable her to assess the reliability of these findings?


While conducting research, you unintentionally provide subtle cues to the study's participants about the purpose of the research, which influences your results in the direction you expected. This is a demonstration of __________

Researcher bias

The ____________ is a diffuse set of neurons that extend through the brain stem to the thalamus and serves as a "volume control" by amplifying and dampening attention and arousal

Reticular activating system

Since Jolly Roger, the pirate, lost one eye in a fight, he can no longer use ________ as a binocular cue for the perception of depth and distance.

Retinal disparity

After recently learning his new phone number. Alex found he had difficulty recalling his previous phone number. The effect of recent information interfering with the recall of old information is called __________ interference


Tara is in 8th grade and is interested in the question of the effects of text-messaging on the quality of friendships. The very first step Tara would perform in order to follow the scientific method is presented in lecture is ________:

Reviewing the published literature for existing theories and study findings

Suppose, to determine whether college men or women are faster sprinters, you located 15 women at the sports complex and 15 men at the local pub and asked them all to run 100-yard dash. Suppose the women ran faster then the men, and the results were statistically significant. The most justified criticism of this study is that the:

Samples were biased

You conditioned your dog to fear the word "No!" by swatting the dog after saying the word. Now a rolled-up newspaper is presented whenever you yell "No!" After a few trials, the sight of the newspaper alone is enough to produce fear response. This is an illustration of:

Second order conditioning

For most people, money and praise are _________ reinforcers


An animal trainer is teaching a miniature poodle to balance on a ball. Initially, she gives the poodle a treat for approaching the ball, then only for placing its front paws on the ball, and finally only for climbing on the ball. The trainer is using the method of:


Which of the following is an unconditioned response?

Shivering in cold water

The direction of the relationship between variables is reflected by the _______ of the correlation coefficient:


A sleep disorder in which people fail to breathe regularly during sleep is:

Sleep apnea

Biological preparedness suggests that primates would be MOST likely to develop a classically conditioned aversion to __________


Rebekah took Spanish in high school, but had difficulty remembering most of it. However, she found that she was able to learn Spanish more quickly and was able to retain it longer when she took it in college. This phenomenon is know as the _________

Spacing effect

After Miguel's recent automobile accident, doctors detected damage to his frontal lobe in Broca's area. It is likely that Miguel will have difficulty

Speaking fluently

The addiction of myelin ________

Speeds up the action potential

After extinction had occurred in Pavlov's dogs, the bell could cause salvation when presented again at a later time. This phenomenon is called:

Spontaneous recover

Which of the following most accurately describes an initial complete sleep cycle?

Stages 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, REM

Bianca was studying geometry proofs after having several drinks containing caffeine. The next day during her geometry test she couldn't remember the proofs. However, that evening after consuming several drinks of caffeine, she could recall the geometry proofs. This illustrates _________

State-dependent memory

Amphetamines are to ____________ as alcohol is to ___________

Stimulants; depressants

The most common cause of insomnia has been identified as:


The main job of the axon hillock is to:

Summate the charges received by the neuron

The __________ is the part of our brain responsible for maintaining our 24-hour rhythms

Suprachiasmatic nucleus

Stressors activate the ________ nervous system


The part of the nervous system that activates the glands and internal organs of the body for "fight or flight" response is the:

Sympathetic nervous system

________ is the rare condition in which sensations from one modality cause perceptions in another (such as seeing colors when hearing music).


The Tuskegee study described in the textbook led to the National Research Act of 1974, after men with _________ were not informed they had the contagious disease, even after an effective treatment for it was known in the late 1940's


Patients with damage to Wernicke's area have sustained damage to the _________ lobe of the cortex and will have trouble _________

Temporal lobe; understanding speech

If you wish to increase the level of the female sex drive, you would most likely have the greatest results if you gave her:


While traveling through Kansas on a train, you notice that you can see individual stalks and details of the wheat near the train tracks, but in the distance, the wheat stalks blend together into a smooth blanket of yellow. This is an example of the _______ cue for depth perception

Texture gradient

The subcritical structure at the top of the brain stem that acts as a "switchboard" to relay sensory information to the cerebral cortex is the:


Functionalism was most interested in:

The adaptive value of consciousness

In order to study some effects of alcohol consumption. Dr. Chu measured the physical coordination skills of 21-year-old men who were assigned to drink a beverage with either 4, 2, or 0 ounces of alcohol in the laboratory. In this study, the independent variable is:

The amount of alcohol consumed

Where is myelin located on a neuron?

The axon only

The central nervous system (CNS) consists of:

The brain and the spinal cord

Sensation involves:

The detection of physical energy in the environment

The case of Terry Schiavo is discussed in your text to illustrate:

The ethical questions that arise in the case of a brain dead person and life support

Which of the following methods is most helpful for revealing cause—and-effect relationships?

The experiment

According to lecture, most people do NOT have cancer because _________

The immune system keeps cancer cells in check

Reinforcement and punishment are defined by operant conditioning in terms of:

The increase or decrease of subsequent behavior

A rat is rapidly losing weight and does not seem interested in food. It also doesn't seem to attend to stimuli in its environment, and, quite truthfully, it doesn't seem to want to move at all. You suspect damage to:

The lateral hypothalamus

The term "action potential" is used to describe:

The movement of sodium ions down the axon

In lecture I defined stress as:

The nonspecific response of the body to any demand made on it

The circular process of the scientific method refers to:

The ongoing modification of theory due to test conclusions

According to the text, the elements of happiness include of ALL of the following elements EXCEPT

The relaxed life

In the case of a split brain subject, if the picture of a ribbon was flashed in the left visual field and a picture of a crayon was flashed in the right visual field, what would the subject pick up with the left hand?

The ribbon

An experiment is conducted in which different groups of people are given IQ tests under varying conditions of noise to determine the effect noise has upon IQ scores. One group takes test with a high noise level, one with a moderate noise level, and one with a low noise level. The temperature, lighting conditions, and other environmental factors are the same for each group. In this experiment what is the dependent variable?

The score on the IQ test

After hearing a long list of worlds, Matthew found he could recall a few of the items at the beginning of the list, and a few items at the end of the list, but items in the middle were lost. This best illustrates __________

The serial positron effect

Synapses refers to _________

The spaces between axon terminal buttons and receiving cells

REM rebound refers to:

The tendency to go into REM sleep more quickly after deprivation of REM sleep

Numerous studies have been conducted on student test-taking behavior. The data from these studies have been compiled, and researchers have developed a set of concepts to describe and explain this interrelated data. These concepts are also used to predict possible outcomes. The resulting organized set of concepts would be called a(n) ________


Which of the following three terms are most closely associated with the scientific method

Theory, hypothesis, replication

All of the following were provided in lecture as bad points of surveys EXCEPT:

These are generally expensive and time-consuming to conduct

Laid-back, easy-going and relaxed individuals are referred to as ________ personalities

Type B

According to lecture, sensory memory has a(n) _______ capacity for information and a(n) __________ duration

Unlimited; limited

Ethical issues in human psychological research involve all of the following except:

Use of invalid instruments in data-gathering procedures

Damage to this area of the hypothalamus creates very obese rats:


Iconic memory refers to:

Visual memory in sensory register that lasts for only about a second or less

The sensation of hot results from the simultaneous stimulation of adjacent ____________ receptors of the skin

Warm and cold

Gestalt psychology emphasizes the:

Whole of an experience or perception

The founder of scientific psychology is considered to be __________, in part because he founded the first university-based psychology laboratory and published his research results.

Wilhelm Wundt

The ________ Law states that less demanding tasks require higher levels of arousal, and more demanding tasks require lower levels of arousal


Why is it easier to detect a faint star at night if you look slightly to the side of the star:

You are focusing the star in the periphery of your retina where there is a predominance of rods

Which of the following is an example of naturalistic observation?

watching workers on an assembly line in a factory and recording how they adjust to stressful situations

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