Purchasing and Buyer Behavior Exam 3 Review: Ch.10-14 Testbank

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One motivation research technique known as the cartoon technique has consumers fill in the words or thoughts of one of the characters in a cartoon drawing. Which type of technique is this?

construction technique

Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding consumer decisions and the consumer decision process?

consumer decisions are rational and functional; otherwise they do not involve decisions per se

How are actual behaviors and response tendencies most often measured?

direct questioning

Stan was feeling very tired and hungry in the mid-afternoon, so he ate a Snickers candy bar. Stan is attempting to manage his _____.

momentary condition

Which type of consumer decision making only includes the stages of problem recognition, limited internal information search, purchase, and limited postpurchase behavior?

nominal decision making

Which of the following is FALSE regarding the central route to persuasion in the elaboration likelihood model?

persuasion operates through classical conditioning

Which of the following is the FIRST step in the approach for developing situation-based marketing strategies?

use observational studies, focus group discussions, depth interviews, and secondary data to discover the various usage situations that influence the consumption of the product

How does music influence consumer behavior?

influences mood

Which VALS segment of consumers is comprised of successful, sophisticated, active, take-charge people with high self-esteem and abundant resources and are driven by a mix of motivations?


Which core trait in the Five-Factor Model of personality is manifested by an individual being moody, temperamental, and touchy?


Individuals with which type of self-concept are more likely to seek adventure and excitement through travel, sports, and entertainment, to be opinion leaders, and to prefer magazines over TV?


Which need results in the consumer playing various roles and gaining pleasure from adding new, satisfying roles and by increasing the significance of roles already adopted?

need for identification

Which motives reflect needs for observable cues or symbols that enable people to infer what they feel and know?

need for objectification

Which of the following is a type of cognitive preservation motive?

need for objectification

Action-oriented consumers that strive to express their individuality through their choices and purchase experiences are driven by which primary motivation?

self-expression motivation

With respect to the specific lifestyle scheme developed by Porsche, which segment of consumers is ambitious and driven, values power and control, and expects to be noticed?

top guns

For years, L'Oreal hair color would say in their ad that L'Oreal is "expensive, but you're worth it." This is an example of which type of advertisement?

two-sided message

Which type of advertisement or sales presentation presents both good and bad points?

two-sided message

Which of the following is a major PRIZM social group?


Which following PRIZM factor is determined by population density, relates to where people live and is strongly related to the lifestyles people lead?


When orange juice attempted to expand the various times of day when consumers would see orange juice as an appropriate beverage to consume, they were trying to influence which situation?


The source of a communication represents _____.

"who" delivers the message

How many PRIZM segments are there?


Which type of consumer problem is one on which the consumer is not aware?


What is the most common approach to discovering consumer problems?


A consumer's need for reinforcement is _____.

passive and external

The extended self consists of the self plus _____.


When considering consumers' ideal levels of performance on attributes when using a multi-attribute attitude model, which attitude index is best?


Which of the following is a global lifestyle segment identified by Roper Starch Worldwide?


Consumers who actively complain when a product is not satisfactory are probably fulfilling _____ need.

an assertion

Self-concepts have been categorized into two types, which are _____.

independent and interdependent

Which of the following is a way that gifts communicate symbolic meaning?

all of them

Which of the following is an approach to problem identification?

all of them

Which of the following is considered a dimension of brand personality?

all of them

Which of the following is true regarding consumers who are highly involved in a specific product category?

all of them

Which of the following is typically included in a psychographic or lifestyle study?

all of them

Which of the following is NOT an appropriate condition to attempt to influence generic problem recognition?

all of them are appropriate

Which of the following is NOT a situation in which consumer behavior occurs?

all of them are situations in which this occurs

Shopping on the Internet provides which important time-related dimension?

a and b

What do Hispanic girls celebrate when they are fifteen years old?

a and c

Which of the following statements adequately reflects the concept of attitude component consistency?

a change in one attitude component tends to produce related changes in the other components

Emma noticed that she was almost out of gas, so she pulled into the nearest gas station and filled up her tank. Emma's decision on which gas to purchase is characterized by

a low level of purchase involvement

The purchase decision and consumption process always occur in the context of _____.

a specific situation

In recent years, body piercing and tattooing have become additional ways to alter both the extended self and the physical self. In what way do tattoos have meaning?

a, b, and c

Self-image congruity influences on brand preference and choice depend on which of the following?

a, b, and c

To understand a consumer's behavior, we must know about the _____

a, b, and c

Which group needs to understand how situational influences affect consumers' disposition decisions?

a, b, and c

Which of the following do marketers need to be concerned about with respect to using celebrities as company spokespersons?

a, b, and c

Which of the following is a type of consumer decision making discussed in your text?

a, b, and c

Which of the following is an approach used by marketers to increase consumers' affect toward their brand?

a, b, and c

Bob is a consumer that strives for a clear social position and is strongly influenced by the actions, approval, and opinions of others. He drives an expensive automobile, and only buys brands of clothing that are considered "status symbols." Which primary motivation is driving Bob's behavior?

achievement motivation

Consumers driven by which primary motivation strive for a clear social position, are strongly influenced by the actions, approval, and opinions of others, and tend to purchase status symbols?

achievement motivation

Jonathon is a career-oriented person who feels in control of his life. He values consensus, predictability, and stability over risk, intimacy, and self-discovery. Convenience and time-saving products and services are important to him and his family due to their hectic lifestyle. To which VALS segment does Jonathon belong?


Many elderly consumers have problems with arthritis. This painful condition makes it almost impossible for them to open jars or medicine containers because the joints in their fingers are so stiff. Which type of consumer problem is this?


Which type of consumer problem is one the consumer is aware of or will become aware of in the normal course of events?


What are the types of consumer problems?

active and inactive

Which of the following statements is true regarding active and inactive consumer problems?

active problems require the marketer only to convince consumers that its brand is the superior solution

Kim was participating in a focus group in which the discussion centered around the participants' problems encountered while taking care of their hair. Which approach to problem identification is this?

activity analysis

Which approach to problem identification focuses on a particular activity such as lawn maintenance?

activity analysis

Renee sat down and did some serious soul searching. She wanted to understand her perception of her self-concept of who she is now. Renee is searching for her _____.

actual self-concept

Which dimension of self-concept refers to the individual's perception of who I am now?

actual self-concept

A(n) _____ is the way an individual perceives his or her feelings and situation to be at the present time.

actual state

Bessie is at the grocery store and is trying to remember some of the things she needs to buy. She is in the cleaning products aisle looking at the floor cleaning products. She's pretty sure she has another bottle left at home, so she doesn't purchase another. Bessie's perception of her current situation regarding this product reflects her ____.

actual state

Which of the following statements is true regarding moods?

ad and brand attitudes are often influenced in a mood-congruent manner

In an attempt to alter consumers' cognitive component of their attitude toward Pepsi brand of cola, a freshness date was added on the cans. Pepsi wanted consumers to consider this attribute that was never a consideration before. Pepsi was using which strategy to alter the cognitive structure of a consumer's attitude?

add beliefs

Nike has several models of athletic shoes, and most have high functionality. However, several models are also sleek looking and can actually make a fashion statement for the wearer as well as performing the functional aspects of the product. By going beyond the cognitive associations of functionality and attempting to tap consumers' affective reactions, Nike and other marketers are developing products with _____.

aesthetic appeal

Which term is used to refer to the liking/disliking aspect of a specific feeling?


Feelings or emotional reactions to an object reflect the _____ component of an attitude.


Janice and her mother were visiting an art gallery, and they were looking at modern art. When they came to one painting, Janice said, "I like that." When her mother asked her why she liked it, all she could say was, "I don't know, I just like it." Which component of attitude does this represent?


Kimberly-Clark is interested in mothers' emotional reactions to their Huggies brand of disposable diapers, which usually have popular characters or cute designs printed on them. Which component of attitude is Kimberly-Clark interested in?


SAM (Self-Assessment Manikin) is used to assess which component of attitude?


_____ motives deal with the need to reach satisfying feeling states and to obtain personal goals.


An advertising theme such as "Serve Pepsi to your friends, they'll love you for it" is most likely based on _____ motivation.


Kevin is shy and doesn't really like to be around others. Most of the others from his high school that went to the same college he did got involved in student organizations, such as fraternities and sororities, business organizations, and religious groups, but Kevin didn't join anything. Kevin has a low need for _____.


Which of the following is NOT a way emotional ads may enhance persuasion?

all of the above ARE ways they do this

A store's atmosphere can influence which of the following?

all of them

Generally speaking, compared to attitudes formed under the peripheral route, attitudes formed under the central route tend to be _____.

all of them

Mark is developing the marketing strategy for his business, which is a retail store. He knows that situation characteristics will interact with his marketing activity. Which of the following is a situation characteristic he needs to consider?

all of them

Maslow's hierarchy of needs is based on which premise?

all of them

Spokescharacters can be _____.

all of them

Under conditions of crowding, consumers tend to _____.

all of them

Which condition is appropriate to attempt to influence generic problem recognition?

all of them

Which of the following can be a component of a multi-attribute model?

all of them

Which of the following is a common technique for inducing trial behavior?

all of them

Which of the following is a concern marketing managers have related to problem recognition?

all of them

Which of the following is a dimension of a consumer's self-concept?

all of them

Which of the following is a factor that may account for inconsistencies between measures of beliefs and feelings and observations of behavior?

all of them

Which of the following is a function served by attitudes?

all of them

Which of the following is a hedonic shopping motive related to McGuire's typology?

all of them

Which of the following is a motivation research technique?

all of them

Which of the following is a nonmarketing factor affecting problem recognition?

all of them

Which of the following is a reason consumers give gifts?

all of them

Which of the following is a situation in which consumer behavior occurs?

all of them

Which of the following is a step in the approach for developing situation-based marketing strategies that was given in the textbook?

all of them

Which of the following is a strategy for altering the cognitive component of a consumer's attitude?

all of them

Which of the following is NOT a key situational dimension or characteristic that influences consumer behavior?

alternative evaluation

Raymond is conducting motivation research. He gives consumers a list of words, and they are asked to respond to the list with the first word that comes to mind. This is an example of _____.

an association technique

Nicholas is examining consumers' responses for themes and key concepts, which is referred to as content analysis. Which type of motivation research technique is Nicholas using?

analysis and use

Features of the individual person that are not lasting characteristics, such as momentary moods or conditions, are called _____.

antecedent states

In which type of motivational conflict must a consumer choose between two attractive alternatives?


Nikki likes to attend the movies, but she is concerned with how expensive ticket prices are getting and the cost of concessions. She wants to have fun, but she also knows that she needs to save money for college. Which type of motivational conflict is Nikki experiencing?


_____ is the process managers use to manipulate the physical retail environment to create specific mood responses in shoppers.


A learned predisposition to respond in a consistently favorable or unfavorable manner with respect to a given object is known as a(n) _____.


Caleb learned from his parents that littering was bad, so when he sees someone doing it, he forms an unfavorable impression of that person. Caleb's learned predisposition to dislike someone who litters represents his _____.


The simplest form of message framing where only a single attribute is the focus of the frame is known as _____.

attribute framing

The tendency of many consumers to discount claims made by sales people can be explained in part by _____.

attribution theory

Which of the following statement is true regarding comparative advertising?

audience characteristics, especially brand loyalty associated with the sponsoring brand, are important

Individuals with independent self-concepts tend to be _____.


Elizabeth is 15 years old and is asking her parents for more freedom. She wants to make more of the decisions that affect her, such as the clothes she wears, how late she can stay out, and what school she attends. This is an example of Elizabeth's need for


Which of the following is a theory about how attitudes are formed and changed under varying conditions of involvement?

elaboration likelihood model

Brad was out of soft drinks in his dorm room, so he went to the store and purchased Coke. This is the brand he always buys, and he would not even consider purchasing another brand. Which type of nominal decision does this illustrate?

brand loyal decision

Which type of nominal decision is characterized by a fairly high degree of product involvement but a low degree of purchase involvement?

brand loyal decision

A set of human characteristics that become associated with a brand is referred to as _____.

brand personality

Which of the following is an ancient solemn event marketing the coming of age of a Jewish male?

bar mitzvah

Why are the SAM and adSAM measures effective across cultures?

because the pictorial representations don't require translation or alteration

Which component of attitude represents one's tendency to respond in a certain manner toward an object or activity?


Which VALS segment consists of consumers that are conservative, conventional people with concrete beliefs based on traditional, established codes of family, church, community, and the nation, and are motivated by ideals?


Which of the following is a VALS segment of consumers?


Which need in Maslow's hierarchy reflects a desire for love, friendship, affiliation, and group acceptance?


Segmenting consumers on the basis of their most important attribute or attributes is called _____.

benefit segmentation

Which of the following is a lifestyle segment of Porsche owners?

bon vivants

Nominal decisions can be broken into which two distinct categories?

brand loyal and repeat purchase decisions

Which of the following is NOT a core trait in the Five-Factor Model of personality?


Which of the following is NOT a reason why celebrity sources are effective?

celebrities are physically attractive, and research has shown that individuals will agree with a physically attractive person regardless of the message or their own initial attitude

The elaboration likelihood model posits two routes to persuasion, which are the _____.

central and peripheral route

Addison is a brand manager and wants consumers to form attitudes that are strong, resistant to counter-persuasion attempts, more accessible from memory, and more predictive of behavior. Which route of the elaboration likelihood model should he encourage consumers to take?

central route

Carissa is highly involved is a purchase decision for a new car. She has searched the Internet, visited car dealerships, talked to friends and family, and paid attention to advertisements. According to the elaboration likelihood model, by which route is Carissa likely to be persuaded?

central route

For years, American automobiles did not have the level of quality that foreign, particularly Japanese, automobiles had. However, that has changed, and most automobiles built in the United States have comparable or superior quality than imports. Consumers' attitudes are slow to change, however, and marketers must use which strategy to change the cognitive component of consumers' attitudes?

change beliefs

Lori reads three newspapers a day and is always reading a book in the evening. She has a high need to engage in thinking, and she actually enjoys it. She likes to complete crossword puzzles and do other types of word games. Lori has a high need for _____.


Maslow's hierarchy of needs includes all EXCEPT which of the following?


In McGuire's classification of motives, which ones focus on the person's need for being adaptively oriented toward the environment and achieving a sense of meaning?


Mitch likes Toyota automobiles because he thinks they have the highest reliability of all automobiles. His belief about Toyota's reliability represents which component of Mitch's attitude?


When the SPCA presents facts to counter untrue myths, they are dealing most closely with the _____ component of attitudes.


Which component of attitudes consists of a consumer's beliefs about an object?


Which of the following represent the three components of attitudes?

cognitive, affective, behavioral

Which of the following are components of the physical environment?

colors, aromas, music, crowding

In which situation do marketers attempt to place their ads in appropriate media contexts to enhance their effectiveness?


The situation in which consumers receive information has an impact on their behavior and is referred to as the _____ situation.


An advertisement for AT&T long distance telephone service split the screen in two and showed a person on each screen talking on the telephone. Below each person, there was a running total of the cost of the call. At the end of the commercial, the total cost on the AT&T side was lower than that for the Sprint side. This is an example of which type of ad?

comparative ad

Which type of ad directly compares the features or benefits of two or more brands?

comparative ad

Which of the following is NOT a type of consumer decision making discussed in your text?

complex decision making

Gwen lives in Dijon, France. To her, French wine is the only wine worth drinking, and she would never consider drinking wine from California. Gwen is exhibiting

consumer ethnocentrism

Which trait reflects an individual difference in consumers' propensity to be biased against the purchase of foreign products?

consumer ethnocentrism

Which of the following is an individual factor that can influence attitude change?

consumer knowledge

What has research revealed regarding consumers' variety-seeking behavior?

consumers are more likely to become bored on sensory attributes such as taste

Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding crowding as a situational characteristic?

crowding is unpleasant regardless of the consumer's culture

Which of the following services would be classified as having an extended hedonic consumption purpose?


Which nonmarketing factor affects a consumer's desired state?


The totality of the individual's thoughts and feelings having reference to himself or herself as an object is known as _____.


Tony the Tiger, the Jolly Green Giant, and the Aflac duck are examples of _____.


Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding ritual situations?

marketers cannot change or create consumption patterns associated with ritual situations

For which type of product is self-image congruity likely to matter more?


Which of the following occurs when a company provides financial support for an event such as the Olympics or a concert?


The willingness to buy a particular product or service is known as _____.


A(n) _____ is the way an individual wants to feel or be at the present time.

desired state

Candice is on a diet and wants to lose 10 pounds. She wants to be thin right now, which represents her _____.

desired state

Which global lifestyle segment values duty, tradition, faith, obedience, and respect for elders?


A substantial amount of brand switching when the current brand is satisfactory may be explained by the _____ motive.


Decisions made by consumers regarding the _____ situation can create significant social problems as well as opportunities for marketers.


Gertrude is very environmentally-conscious, so she only uses paper bags at the grocery store and tries to purchase items in packages that are recyclable. Her behavior concerns which type of situation?

disposition situation

Walker and his wife have two children. They have purchased a new computer for their household every four years or so for almost twenty years. When Walker purchases a new one, usually for him to be able to work at home, one of his children will get the old one. However, they have a few old computers sitting in the attic and garage because Walker doesn't really know how to get rid of them. This is an example of which type of situation?

disposition situation

Which situation involves consumers disposing of products or product packages after or before product use?

disposition situation

Which emotion would be classified under the "arousal" dimension of emotion?


After experiencing a major earthquake in California, Tina often felt powerless and helpless. This caused her to be fearful and anxious, which sometimes made her panicked. Which dimension of emotions is Tina experiencing?


Consumers who purchase only popular brands because of insecurity, are most likely influenced by the _____ motive.

ego defense

One of the major distinctions of self-concept is between _____ and _____ - which is also related to an important value dimension in the U.S. and abroad.

independent self-concept; interdependent self-concept

Amber tends to be individualistic and prefers to do things her own way. She lives on her own and decides for herself what she wants to do or how to do things. Which type of self-concept describes Amber?

independent self-concept

Margaret only wants to buy her clothes at American Eagle Outfitter because she knows that they are considered acceptable by her peers, and she wants to be accepted by her peers. This attitude toward this brand of clothing is serving which function for Margaret?

ego-defensive function

The Smith's oldest daughter, Olivia, is a senior in high school. She has all "A's" and scored a 34 on the ACT. She is president of the debate team and the national honor society as well as a member of the cheerleading squad. Olivia wants to attend medical school, so both she and her parents are very concerned about which undergraduate school she attends. They have spent countless hours on the Internet examining universities, and they have already visited five campuses. For Olivia and her parents, which type of decision making does this represent?

extended decision making

Very high levels of purchase involvement tend to produce _____.

extended decision making

Clara is shopping with her friend, Jane, when they both went into a drug store. Clara needed to buy medication for hemorrhoids, but she was reluctant to do so in front of Jane. Which emotion was Clara probably experiencing in this situation?


Which of the following is a negative emotion influenced by both the product (e.g., hearing aids, feminine hygiene products) and the situation?


One retailer asked a group of consumers the types of emotions they experience in both positive and negative retail situations. The purpose of this research was to uncover consumer reactions to various situations so that clerks could be trained to respond appropriately. Which approach to problem recognition is this?

emotion research

Which approach to problem recognition examines emotions associated with certain problems?

emotion research

Which type of ad is designed primarily to elicit a positive affective response rather than to provide information or arguments?

emotional ad

Strong, relatively uncontrollable feelings that affect our behavior are known as


Which of the following is a characteristic associated with emotions?

emotions are often triggered by environmental events

Which of the following is one of the shopping lifestyle segments based on consumer shopping motives?


Which shopping lifestyle segment based on hedonic shopping motives is the youngest and most likely to be female?


Which type of industry has developed around the use of ambient scents?

environmental fragrancing

One factor motivating U.K. travelers is status. Which of Maslow's needs is this most related to?


Which of Maslow's needs reflects individuals' desires for status, superiority, self-respect, and prestige?


Consumers have described Apple's iPod products, such as the MP3 music player and the new video player, as imaginative and up-to-date. The brand is also considered to be daring, changing the traditional media models. Based on this description, which dimension of brand personality best describes the iPod?


In the United States, a man usually gives a woman a diamond ring for her to wear on her left-hand ring finger when they become engaged to be married. However, one diamond distributor has developed the idea that women should wear diamonds on their right hands as well. Marketing communications regarding the Diamond Right Hand Ring stress the independence of women and their ability to buy a diamond for themselves. One ad claims that a diamond on a left hand says "we," while a diamond on the right hand says "me." This diamond distributor is attempting to _____.

expand the usage situation

Arm & Hammer baking soda has been very successful promoting other uses for this product. Advertisements provide several uses other than baking, such as removing odors from carpeting, the laundry, and kitty litter boxes. Finding more uses for a product is known as _____.

expanded usage situation

Graham is a college student who is impulsive and somewhat rebellious. He seeks out variety and excitement, usually looking for something new, offbeat, and risky. Even though he was old enough, he didn't vote in the last presidential election and is not very interested in world events. To which VALS segment does Graham belong?


A consumer who purchases a certain style of clothes to establish and reinforce a unique identity is most likely fulfilling a need for _____.


Which type of consumer decision making involves the evaluation of many attributes and alternatives and employs complex decision rules?

extended decision making

Which type of decision making involves an extensive internal and external information search followed by a complex evaluation of multiple alternatives and significant postpurchase evaluation?

extended decision making

Which type of self-concept emphasizes personal goals, characteristics, achievements, and desires?

independent self-concept

Mickey and his three roommates were asked to participate in a research study. They arrived and were seated in a room with about 8 other guys their age. Then the researcher started asking them questions about their sporting activities, but he let them talk pretty freely. Mickey and the others participated in which type of research technique?

focus group

Carla and her family lost their home and everything in it in to a fire. People would console her by saying that at least her family was not harmed and that everything else can be replaced. She would reply, "I know it was just stuff, but it was our stuff and was special to us." This is reflecting Carla's _____.

extended self

Dolly prefers to be in a large group rather than alone. She is talkative when with others and is very bold. Which personality trait best describes Dolly?


Which of the following is NOT a factor accounting for inconsistencies between measures of beliefs and feelings and observations of behavior?

failure to consider negative reactions

Which of the following is a major PRIZM lifestage group?

family life

A long-running television commercial for Dial soap would show an individual in various situations with other people (e.g., car pool or elevator). This individual would join the others and look around, appearing to be in discomfort. Then a voice over would say, "Aren't you glad you used Dial...don't you wish everyone did?" Which type of appeal does this illustrate?

fear appeal

Which type of appeal uses the threat of negative (unpleasant) consequence if attitudes or behaviors are not altered?

fear appeals

Which of the following is NOT considered an emotional dimension?


Which type of research technique gathers 8 to 12 similar individuals (e.g., working mothers) brought together to discuss a particular topic?

focus groups

Before doing most things, Erin considers what others will think of her actions and how her behavior will affect them. Others' opinions and feelings really matter to her, more so than most people she knows. Erin is an example of a(n) _____.

high self-monitor

Christina lives in Japan, and she and her friends value adventure, pleasure, and excitement. They are heavy users of electronic media, are fashion conscious, and like going to restaurants, bars, and clubs. To which global lifestyle segment identified by Roper Starch Worldwide do Christina and her friends belong?

fun seekers

Crowding generally produces which outcome for the retail outlet and the consumer?

generally negative outcomes for both

Two basic approaches to causing problem recognition are _____.

generic and selective problem recognition

Campbell's soup used several advertising campaigns that stressed the benefits of soup in general. For example, one tagline used was "Soup is good food," and another was "Never underestimate the power of soup." Which type of problem recognition was Campbell's attempting to stimulate?

generic problem recognition

Which problem recognition involves a discrepancy that a variety of brands within a product category can reduce?

generic problem recognition

Which type of message framing stresses either the positive outcomes of performing a behavior or the negative outcomes of not performing a behavior?

goal framing

When asked why she likes to shop, Melanie replied that it relaxes her, and she looks at is as a personal reward. This is an example of which hedonic shopping motive?

gratification shopping

Which motives emphasize development?


Nominal decision making is sometimes referred to as _____.

habitual decision making

Technographics is a technology segmentation scheme that examines lifestyle segments across such technologies and activities as online access, PC ownership, instant messaging, and shopping online. Which of the following is one of these segments?


Beiersdorf is working to have their Nivea for Men brand introduced and publicized in America in order to _____.

have men recognize a problem with respect to facial care

Marcie will soon be 50 years old, so to pamper herself, she decided to get a massage. With respect to the typology of service environments, this type of service would be categorized as _____.


For which type of products can affect, emotions, and Aad play a role in more conscious, high-involvement settings?

hedonic products

Consumers who place heavy weight on the opinions and feelings of others are called _____.

high self-monitors

Appeal characteristics represent _____ a message is communicated.


Relative importance of a problem is determined by which of the following?

how critical the problem is to the maintenance of the consumer's desired lifestyle

The manager of a bank branch is concerned about the number of mistakes the tellers were making, so he started manipulating different aspects of the environment in the bank to see what effect each has on the tellers' performance. He examined factors such as the lighting, temperature, and the volume of the music playing in the bank. Which approach to problem recognition is this manager using?

human factors research

Which approach to problem recognition attempts to determine human capabilities in areas such as vision, strength, response time, flexibility, and fatigue and the effect on these capabilities of lighting, temperature, and sound?

human factors research

Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding humorous appeals?

humorous ads are low risk because they tend to translate well across situations and cultures

Charles was examining his perception of himself as whom he would like to be. Charles is examining his _____.

ideal self-concept

Which dimension of self-concept refers to the individual's perception of who I would like to be?

ideal self-concept

In the VALS typology, which primary motivation is characteristic of consumers guided in their choices by their beliefs and principles rather than by feelings or desire for social approval?

ideals motivation

Pamela is a consumer that is guided in her choices by her beliefs and principles rather than by feelings or desire for social approval. She tends to purchase products based on functionality and reliability. Which primary motive is guiding Pamela's behavior?

ideals motivation

The Martin's home has potentially unsafe levels of radon, but they have no idea because it is odorless and they have not been feeling any ill effects from it. In fact, several homes have this problem and the owners are not aware of it, and they may never become aware of it unless testing is done. What type of consumer problem is this?


An advertisement theme of "do your own thing" is most likely to be based on a need for _____.


Barbara derives the meaning of herself from her relationships with her family. She has never sought a career of her own, and she is most happy when she is "taking care of someone." If her grandchildren do not like what is prepared for dinner, she will make them something else. Which type of self-concept does Barbara have?

interdependent self-concept

Individuals with which type of self-concept tend to be obedient, sociocentric, holistic, connected, and relation oriented?

interdependent self-concept

Which type of self-concept emphasizes family, cultural, professional, and social relationships?

interdependent self-concept

Individuals with which type of self-concept are more likely to engage in home and domestic-related activities and entertainment including cooking at home and from scratch?


Rudy is a product category manager for a major consumer packaged goods manufacturer. Part of his job requires that he analyze a given product category and logically determine where improvements could be made. Rudy has determined several consumer problems this way. Which of the following best describes how Rudy uncovers consumer problems?


Which of the following also includes a situation-specific component?


Which of the following is a motivational state caused by consumer perceptions that a product, brand, or advertisement is relevant or interesting?


James is giving his cousin, Conor, a new video game for his birthday. Which of the following is the most likely reason James is giving this gift?

it is a ritualized consumption experience

Some attitudes serve primarily as a means of organizing beliefs about objects or activities such as brands and shopping, which serves a(n) _____ function.


One type of motivation research involves showing consumers a product or brand and asking them to name all the benefits that possession or use of that product might provide. Then for each benefit mentioned, the respondent is asked to identify further benefits that the named benefit provides, and this is repeated for each round of benefits until the consumer can no longer identify additional benefits. This technique is known as _____.


Mike is the owner of a restaurant that also has a bar. Based on research that studied the impact of background music on restaurant patrons, what can Mike expect if he uses slow music in his establishment?

larger amount of bar purchases

James begged his mother to buy him some high-top Converse shoes. When asked why he wanted these shoes, he said that he wanted them because they are comfortable. He really wanted them because his two best friends have them, and if he had them, he would be considered "cool," but he didn't want to tell his mother that. Wanting to appear "cool" to his friends represents which type of motive?


Motives that are either unknown to the consumer or are such that he or she is reluctant to admit them are referred to as _____ motives.


Which of the following is NOT an advertising tactic used to communicate brand personality?

length of the ad

Which of the following is considered an outward expression of one's self-concept?


_____ is how a person lives.


What is the premise underlying geo-demographic analyses?

lifestyle, and thus consumption, is largely driven by demographic factors

Marla is bored with her cell phone. She wants to purchase a new one that has cool ring tones and can take a picture. She's not going to conduct a big search for a new phone as she's just going to consider a few others. Which type of decision making is this?

limited decision making

Which type of consumer decision making includes the evaluation of only a few attributes, simple decision rules, and few alternatives?

limited decision making

Which type of decision making covers the middle ground between nominal and extended decision making?

limited decision making

Which type of decision making involves internal and external search, few alternatives, simple decision rules on a few attributes, and little postpurchase evaluation?

limited decision making

Blake doesn't much care about cars but is engaging in a substantial amount of information search about cars since he is about to buy a new car. In terms of involvement, Blake is _____.

low in product involvement; high in purchase involvement

Consumers who do not place heavy weight on the opinions and feelings of others are called _____.

low self-monitor

Self-image congruity really doesn't matter much to Sam, particularly because he doesn't usually consider the opinions of others or their feelings when he acts. Sam would be described as a(n) _____.

low self-monitor

Under conditions of crowding, consumers tend do to all of the following EXCEPT _____.

make more demands of the sales personnel

Leonard is a hardworking individual who works for himself and can do just about any construction or carpentry job around. He builds cabinets primarily, but he has also done masonry work. His idea of fun is fixing his truck, and several of his friends and family have him work on their cars as well. He is unimpressed by material possessions other than those with a practical or functional purpose. To which VALS segment does Leonard belong?


When asked why he bought a specific automobile, Jeremy replied that is has good gas mileage, is rated one the best cars in terms of safety, and was in a moderate price range. These reasons reflect Jeremy's _____ motives.


Motives that are known and freely admitted are called _____.

manifest motives

Simply presenting a brand to an individual on a large number of occasions might make the individual's attitude toward the brand more positive is known as _____.

mere exposure

The tendency of an owner to evaluate an object more favorably than a non-owner is called the _____.

mere ownership effect

_____ refers to presenting one of two equivalent value outcomes either in positive or gain terms or in negative or loss terms.

message framing

Which segment of shoppers is primarily motivated by value, not fun and adventure?


A consumer who buys a product because a close friend bought one may be fulfilling a _____ motivation.


The person present during a focus group discussion that keeps the discussion moving and focused on the topic is called a(n) _____.


Clark and his family normally live paycheck to paycheck. However, this month, they found themselves with a little extra money, so they decided to go out to a nice restaurant and to a movie. This is an example of the antecedent state of _____.

momentary conditions

Which of the following reflects temporary states of being rather than temporary states of mind?

momentary conditions

A market research study asked consumers to rate themselves with respect to several adjectives, such as happy, cheerful, peaceful, sad, blue, and depressed. What is this research trying to assess?


Transient feeling states that are generally not tied to a specific event or object are known as _____.


Which of the following are antecedent states?

moods and momentary conditions

The energizing force that activates behavior and provides purpose and direction to that behavior is known as


Kelly is hungry, and this inner force is making him search for the type of food he wants to eat. He decides that an Arby's roast beef sandwich will satisfy his hunger. This inner force that is compelling him to search for food is known as a(n)


Which construct represents an unobservable inner force that stimulates and compels a behavioral response and provides specific direction to that response?


Consumers in which technology segment are optimistic, have a high income, are motivated by entertainment, and are the most likely to shop online, have a mobile phone, and bank online?

mouse potatoes

Duane is attempting to determine consumers' attitudes toward his restaurant by asking them their beliefs about how his restaurant performs on several attributes, such as price, ambience, quality of the food, and friendliness of service. Consumers can rate his restaurant with a score of 1 to 7 for each of these attributes, with 7 being the highest. Duane adds up the scores to see how he performs, using the assumption that a higher total is better. At a basic level, which type of model is Duane using?

multi-attribute attitude model

Which of the following is used to understand a consumer's cognitive component of attitude?

multi-attribute attitude model

Which term is often used interchangeably with the term "motivation"?


Which set of motives deals with our need to determine who or what causes the things that happen to us?

need for attribution

Which need is activated when one's identity is threatened, motivating the person to protect his or her self-concept and utilize defensive behaviors and attitudes?

need for ego defense

Shelby wears Tommy Hilfiger clothing and drives an expensive automobile. He likes these types of brands because he feels they communicate his image to others. These brands are satisfying Shelby's _____.

need for expression

Stephanie is a working mother of two children. She has a stressful job, so she makes a point of walking two miles on her treadmill each day to help her unwind. By doing this, Stephanie is satisfying her _____.

need for tension reduction

A consumer's propensity to pursue differentness relative to others through the acquisition, utilization, and disposition of consumer goods is exhibiting _____.

need for uniqueness

Adam was working on a term paper and was exposed to so much information that he devised a classification system to organize the different sources of information he was using. This reflects which cognitive preservation motive?

need to categorize

Thomas is an optimistic individual, earns a high income, and is motivated by his family. He believes strongly in the value of technology for his family and his children's education, so much so, that each of his children have their own computers with online access. To which technology lifestyle segment does Thomas belong?

new age nurturers

Which type of consumer decision making does NOT include alternative evaluation?

nominal decision making

Which type of consumer decision making includes only a limited internal information search and no external search for information?

nominal decision making

Which type of decision making process in effect involves no decision per se?

nominal decision making

An approach to measuring the importance of attitude components that requires consumers to allocate 100 points among the components such that the distribution of the points reflects the relative importance of the component is _____.

none of them

Carmen was participating in a psychographic study, and several questions pertained to activities and interests. Questions regarding this aspect of lifestyle include which of the following?

nonoccupational behaviors to which consumers devote time and effort, such as hobbies, sports, public service, and church

All EXCEPT which of the following nonmarketing factor affects consumers' desired state?

normal depletion

Toyota offers a hybrid version of its popular Highlander mid-sized SUV. The advertising for this car features the positive benefits of owning a hybrid, but it fails to mention that the Hybrid is considerably more expensive than the conventional version of the model. This is an example of a(n) _____.

one-sided message

Advertisements or sales messages in which only one point of view is expressed are referred to as _____.

one-sided messages

Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding problem recognition?

only when the desired state is greater than the actual state will a problem exist

Erin is very imaginative and appreciative of all types of art. She is very creatively talented, and others come to her for novel solutions to problems because she tends to "think outside the box." Which core trait best describes Erin?

openness to experience

Changing behavior prior to changing affect or cognition is based primarily on _____.

operant conditioning

The situation interacts with the marketing activity and the individual to determine behavior. Which of the following is a marketing activity?


An experience that surpasses the usual level of intensity, meaningfulness, and richness and produces feelings of joy and self-fulfillment is known as a(n) _____.

peak experience

Dana is watching television when a commercial for a brand of bathroom cleaner comes on. She is not very interested in the product category, but the ad was entertaining and made her laugh. As a result, she had a positive attitude toward the brand of cleaner advertised. According to the elaboration likelihood model, which route to persuasion influenced Dana?

peripheral route

Which of the following reflects the relatively stable behavioral tendencies that individuals display across a variety of situations?


_____ is an individual's characteristic response tendencies across similar situations.


Some consumers are highly susceptible to interpersonal influence, which is a _____.

personality trait

Decor, sounds, aromas, lighting, weather, and configurations of merchandise or other materials surrounding the stimulus object are included in which situational characteristic?

physical surroundings

Melanie lives in a small city that does not have a lot of the interesting retail stores. She and her two best friends take a trip twice a year to places such as Atlanta, Dallas, and Chicago to go shopping. It's so exciting for them to go in some of the stores because they are so unique, and they have only seen them online or in catalogs. Also, several cities now have lifestyle centers or town centers that are reminiscent of downtown in bygone days. All of the factors such as decor, sounds, aromas, lighting, weather, and configurations of merchandise or other materials surrounding the merchandise that Melanie and her friends make a special trip to experience comprise which situation characteristic?

physical surroundings

In Maslow's hierarchy of needs, food, water, sleep, and to an extent, sex, are considered _____ motives.


Many victims of hurricane Katrina were left without their homes, food, and water, basic necessities for living. Based on Maslow's hierarchy of needs, which motives were activated for these individuals?


Which PRIZM segment consists of consumers that are evolving into older "empty-nester" couples as their children grow up and leave home, live in older, stable neighborhoods with pools and patios in their backyard, are college-educated, and are typically Caucasian?

pools and patios

____ motives emphasize the individual as striving to maintain equilibrium


What are the two dimensions of the VALS typology of consumers?

primary motivation and resources

Kerri is searching within herself and trying to determine how she would like to be to herself. Kerri is seeking her _____.

private self-concept

Which dimension of self refers to how I am or would like to be to myself?

private self-concept

A food manufacturer asked a group of working mothers to think about the problem of serving nutritious meals to their families given their time constraints and to indicate what activities, products, or brands are associated with or perhaps could eliminate those problems. This manufacturer is using which approach to problem recognition?

problem analysis

Which approach to problem recognition starts with a problem and asks respondents to indicate which activities, products, or brands are associated with (or perhaps could eliminate) those problems?

problem analysis

Tess noticed that she was almost out of shampoo. Which stage of the decision process will this observation activate?

problem recognition

What is the first stage of the consumer decision process?

problem recognition

_____ is the result of a discrepancy between a desired state and an actual state that is sufficient to arouse and activate the decision process?

problem recognition

A manufacturer of a digital music player asked several consumers the problems associated with using these types of products. Several consumers said that they had trouble downloading music onto their computers and then onto their music players. Which approach to problem recognition is this marketer using?

product analysis

Which approach to problem recognition examines the purchase or use of a particular product or brand?

product analysis

Which of the following is a nonmarketing factor affecting consumers' actual state?

product/brand performance

Which of the following is(are) designed to provide information on latent motives?

projective techniques

Rod purchased Porsche to satisfy himself, not to impress others. He sees this car as a reward for his hard work. To which segment of Porsche owners does Rod belong?

proud patron

Which of the following is NOT one of the shopping lifestyle segments based on consumer shopping motives?

proud patrons

Veronica is a shopper primarily motivated by enjoyment of shopping for her family and finding the best value. She's not motivated by fun and adventure. To which shopping lifestyle segment does Veronica belong?


Attempts to develop quantitative measures of lifestyle were initially referred to as _____, and is a term that is frequently used interchangeably with lifestyle.


The level of concern for, or interest in, the purchase process triggered by the need to consider a particular purchase is known as _____.

purchase involvement

A firm that introduces a new line of non-fat snack food due to increasing consumer concern with health is _____.

reacting to problem recognition

Which of the following is NOT a primary motivation on which the VALS typology is based?

realist motivation

Which color is arousing?

red and yellow

A closed-in feeling created by a crowded store will result in adaptive strategies that could _____.

reduce shopping time, reduce purchases, and alter the use of in-store information

All EXCEPT which of the following nonmarketing factors affect a consumer's actual state?

reference group

Rita is doing her family's grocery shopping and purchases ice cream. She's purchased Blue Bell ice cream before and purchases it again. She's not committed to this brand; it's just that she and her family like it. Which type of nominal decision is this?

repeat purchase decision

Which type of nominal decision is characterized by a consumer believing that all brands within a given product category are about the same and not attaching much importance to the product category or purchase?

repeat purchase decision

Carmen is double majoring in fashion merchandising and graphic design in college. When she graduates, she wants to design the physical environment of retail stores, particularly those in women's fashions. She wants to create environments that create specific mood responses in shoppers. Which field best describes what Carmen wants to do?

retail atmospherics

Binge drinking among college students can be described as a(n) _____.

ritual behavior

A socially defined occasion that triggers a set of interrelated behaviors that occur in a structured format and that have symbolic meaning is referred to as a _____.

ritual situation

Every year around the 4th of July, families get together and celebrate a family reunion as well as Independence Day. The Normans, one such family, does this every year, and the party is pretty much the same every year. A cookout is held at one family member's home, and games for the children are played, such as a three-legged race and an egg toss competition. The family that wins the overall competition gets to take home a hideous, but meaningful trophy for that year. This is an example of a _____.

ritual situation

Giving out candy to children on Halloween, giving chocolate and roses to sweethearts on Valentine's Day, and wearing green and drinking green beer on St. Patrick's Day are all examples of _____.

ritual situations

Which of the following is NOT a global lifestyle segment identified by Roper Starch Worldwide?


Smoke detectors, preventive medicines, insurance, retirement investments, seat belts, burglar alarms, and sunscreen are all examples of products to satisfy consumers' _____ needs.


Which PRIZM social group is characterized by smaller, less densely populated cities or satellites to major cities?

second cities

An advertisement for Topol toothpaste, which is targeted at smokers and coffee and wine drinkers, stresses how this is the only brand that can remove the stains associated with these consumption behaviors. Which type of problem recognition is this

selective problem recognition

Which problem recognition involves a discrepancy that only one brand can solve?

selective problem recognition

For years, the U.S. Army ran an advertising campaign with the tagline, "Be all you can be." To which of Maslow's needs is this appealing?

self actualization

Which of Maslow's needs involves the desire for self-fulfillment, to become all that one is capable of becoming?

self actualization

One factor motivating U.K. travelers is learning. Which of Maslow's needs is this most related to?


Jennifer sees herself as a loving, caring mother and wife. She also sees herself as an accomplished professional. Finally, she sees herself as a good citizen and devoutly religious person who takes the concerns of others seriously and tries to make the world a better place for those less fortunate than she and her family. This totality of Jennifer's thoughts and feelings about herself is known as her _____.


Marty is an action-oriented consumer, and he strives to express his individuality through his choices. He purchases products and services for the experience they can provide him rather than what they might say about him to others. Which primary motivation is guiding Marty's behavior?

self-expression motivation

What is the most common measurement approach to measuring self-concept?

semantic differential scales

A market researcher asked Adam to place an "X" on one of the seven spaces that are placed between several sets of adjectives that best represents how he sees himself on those two opposite adjectives. This is the most common approach to measuring self-concept and is known as _____.

semantic differentials

Barbara is an individual that usually feels restful, serene, comfortable, and soothed. Which emotion is Barbara experiencing?


Atmosphere is referred to as _____ when describing a service business such as a hospital, bank, or restaurant.


Whole Foods Supermarkets have been described as down-to-earth, honest, wholesome, and cheerful. Which dimension of brand personality does this represent?


Richard is studying how various usage situations influence the consumption of his company's products. He conducted qualitative analyses (i.e., focus group discussions and depth interviews) as well as surveyed a larger sample of consumers to better understand and quantify how products are used and the benefits sought in the usage situation by the market segment. Richard is performing the first two steps in an approach to develop _____.

situation-based marketing strategies

All those factors particular to a time and place that do not follow from knowledge of the stable attributes of the consumer and the stimulus and that have an effect on current behavior are known as _____.

situational influence

Richard is reassessing his life and asking himself, "How am I seen by others?" He is also asking himself, "How would I like to be seen by others?" Richard is seeking his

social self-concept

Jessica and her friends are 16 years old like to shop at Aeropostale, which is a clothing store targeted to teens and young adults. They like to go in that store because there are usually some pretty cute guys working and shopping there. Even though there are some parents shopping with their teens, the other customers are usually teens like themselves. The other individuals present in this store represent the _____.

social surroundings

Mimi is a teenager and wants to be accepted by her friends. In fact, she might act a certain way not because she really wants to, but rather, she does it because others around her are doing it. The influence these others have on Mimi represent which situational characteristic?

social surroundings

The other individuals present in the particular situation are referred to as the _____.

social surroundings

Dr. Rosenfeld is the doctor on Sunday House Call, a Sunday morning health program on the Fox News channel. Dr. Rosenfeld is highly esteemed in his field and provides up-to-date medical information for viewers. Sometimes he recommends specific products, and Valerie, a regular viewer of the program, trusts what he says or recommends because he doesn't seem to have an apparent motive to mislead viewers. Which characteristic does Dr. Rosenfeld possess?

source credibility

_____ consists of trustworthiness and expertise.

source credibility

Many of you have probably heard of Banana Republic retail stores and perhaps have shopped there. Many of you may not know that the store used to look much different than it does today. It used to be more like an adventure, and the merchandise assortment was more appropriate for a safari. If you've ever seen an Indiana Jones movie, you can get a pretty good idea of what Banana Republic used to look like. The stores would have a jeep in the store, camouflage netting, and music from the 1940s playing. The inside had wooden beams and maps hung on the wall that looked like treasure maps. Much of the merchandise was accompanied by a sign that had a tale of some adventure associated with it. These physical features of the retail environment are referred to as the _____.

store atmosphere

The sum of all the physical features of a retail environment is referred to as the _____.

store atmosphere

Which of the following is NOT a construction technique of motivate research?

story completion

Which VALS segment of consumers is style conscious and trendy, has limited education, narrow interests, and money defines success for them?


Effective quality control and distribution and package inserts that assure the consumer of the wisdom of their purchase are attempts at _____.

suppressing problem recognition

Which research technique asks relatively large numbers of individuals about the problems they are facing?


Which VALS segment of consumers lead the most constricted lives, living simply on limited incomes but are relatively satisfied?


A person who shops a nicer store than normal because he or she is buying a gift is influenced by the _____ characteristic of the situation.

task definition

Stacy is shopping to purchase new linens for her guest room. Which situational characteristic is influencing her behavior?

task definition

The reason the consumption activity is occurring is the situation characteristic of _____.

task definition

Which of the following is NOT a consumption response?

task definition

Which of the following is NOT an individual characteristic influencing consumer behavior?

task definition

Karen went to a movie and was disappointed because the main character died. She prefers happy endings to movies, and this one really put her in a bad mood for the rest of the day. This movie was in contrast with which need of Karen's?

teleological need

One aspect of purchasing from QVC, one of the cable shopping channels on television, is that the "offer" will expire within a certain amount of time, creating a sense of urgency among consumers. Teresa watches this channel frequently, and admitted that this aspect of the situation does influence her decision to buy something. Which characteristic of the situation is influencing Teresa and others' behavior?

temporal perspective

Sharon has to purchase a gift for her mother and only has this afternoon to do so because her birthday party is that evening. She's wondering how she will be able get to the mall in time to pick out the perfect gift. This is an illustration of which situation characteristic?

temporal perspective

Which of the following is a situation characteristic?

temporal perspective

Which situational characteristic deals with the effect of time on consumer behavior?

temporal perspective

Anne appears in a television commercial for a local chiropractor. She tells the audience how she suffered from migraine headaches several times a month. However, once she started treatment at this particular chiropractor, her headaches disappeared. She claimed, "I kept expecting them to come back, but they didn't. I have a whole new lease on life, thanks to Peavy Chiropractic!" Which type of ad is this?

testimonial ad

In which type of ad does a person, generally a typical member of the target market, recount his or her successful use of the product, service, or idea?

testimonial ad

A completely nominal decision does not even include consideration of _____.

the "do not purchase" alternative

Which of the following drives problem recognition?

the consumer's perception of the actual state

John is a salesman and gave one of his customers an expensive watch. Which of the following is the most likely reason John gave this gift?

to elicit a favor in return

The level of one's desire to resolve a particular problem depends on which factors?

the magnitude of the discrepancy between the desired and actual states and the relative importance of the problem

American Sports Data, Inc., which examines trends in sports, found that _____.

the values underlying extreme sports are very different from those of traditional team sports

Eric is 25 years old and has a favorable attitude toward drinking alcohol. However, he knows that he should not drink and drive, so he always makes sure that someone in his group is the designated driver. Which theory can explain his behavior?

theory of reasoned action

Which theory holds that behavioral intentions are based on a combination of the attitude toward a specific behavior, the social or normative beliefs about the appropriateness of the behavior, and the motivation to comply with the normative beliefs?

theory of reasoned action

David is a retired attorney who is satisfied and comfortable with his life. He keeps informed about the world by reading three newspapers a day and attends lectures at the senior activity center near his home. He is very content with his life, and he tends to center his leisure activities around his home. He plans his purchases carefully and looks for functionality, value, and durability in the products he buys. Which VALS segment best describes David?


Advertisements and packages for Kellogg's Smart Start breakfast cereal include the seal of the American Heart Association, indicating that it is a hearty-healthy choice. This seal can influence consumers to purchase this brand because the American Heart Association has a reputation of trustworthiness and expertise. The seal appearing on packages and in advertisements represents a _____.

third party endorsement

Angie was participating in a market research study. The researcher gave her a shopping list and asked Angie to describe the type of person who would go shopping with this list. This is an example of which motivation research technique?

third person technique

Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding self-concept and culture?

those aspects of the self that are most valued and most influence consumption and other behaviors do not vary across cultures

How does mere exposure enhance attitudes?

through enhanced familiarity

The tendency of many consumers to discount claims made by sales people and ads is related to the need _____.

to attribute causation

A consumer's tendency to initially react to a new product as though it were the same as similar existing products is most likely to be based on a need _____.

to categorize

The owner of a local restaurant wants to enhance consumers' attitudes toward his restaurant by changing the affective component of their attitude. Which of the following is an appropriate approach to achieve this objective?

use positive music in their advertisements so that over time consumers will transfer the positive affect associated with the music to the restaurant

Advertisements for BC Headache Powders usually show blue-collar workers using this product to obtain fast pain relief caused by their job (e.g., heavy lifting). Which advertising tactic is BC using to communicate its brand personality?

user imagery

Rachel is going to the mall to purchase a wedding gift for a co-worker. Based on research, which type of product is she likely to buy?


With respect to the typology of service environments, a bank would be categorized as _____.


An advertisement for the Honda Civic Hybrid featured gas mileage in the subheading (49 city/51 highway). The copy also noted that owners of this automobile may be eligible for a clean-fuel tax deduction. At the time this ad appeared, gas was over $3.00 per gallon, which made the information important to consumers. This is an example of which type of appeal?

utilitarian appeal

Which type of appeal involves informing the consumer of one or more functional benefits that are important to the target market?

utilitarian appeal

Which of the following is true regarding value-expressive versus utilitarian appeals?

utilitarian appeals are most effective for functional products

Josh is in elementary school, and he has learned that when he gets good grades and behavior reports, his parents are really proud of him and reward him. So he has developed a favorable attitude toward behaving and doing well in school. This attitude is serving which function?

utilitarian function

Theories based on which need view the consumer as a problem solver who approaches situations as opportunities to acquire useful information or new skills?

utilitarian need

One study found that wedding gifts tend to be _____ while birthday gifts tend to be _____.

utilitarian; fun

Instead of featuring any functional benefits of the product or brand in ads for the iPod, this product was introduced by showing a silhouette of a person dancing with the white earbuds and holding a white iPod MP3 player. Which type of advertising appeal does this illustrate?

value-expressive appeal

Which type of appeal attempts to build a personality for the product or create an image of the product user?

value-expressive appeal

Which function of attitudes serves to express an individual's central values and self-concept?

value-expressive function

James likes to eat a strawberry Pop-Tart for breakfast before school. After about two weeks of this, he starts to get bored with that and switches to waffles. James is displaying which type of behavior?

variety seeking

Which of the following is FALSE regarding how emotional responses to advertising influence consumer behavior?

while emotional content in advertisements may increase attention, emotional messages have not been found to be processed more thoroughly than neutral messages

Carl is young and single. He has a high school education and works at a construction job. He lives in a tiny apartment. Even though he doesn't have a high income, he tries to live an active life attending sporting events, and sometimes he brings a date with him. He eats fast food almost every day and likes to go fishing on his days off. To which PRIZM group does Carl belong?

young and rustic

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