py 316 final

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Your friend Gaby loves reading articles about psychology studies in her monthly women's magazine. Which of the following would you tell her?

"Be careful about reading those articles because they may not present findings accurately."

Which popular media headline might suggest that a multiple regress has been used?

"Vacations are important for happiness, even when length of vacation is controlled for."

which set of correlations correctly shows the highest to lowest degree of relationship?

-0.91, +0.83, +0.10, -0.03

RESEARCH STUDY 10.1 Dr. Lonsbary is a cognitive psychologist who is curious about how mood affects memory. She recruited 60 high school students and divided them into three groups. Group A listened to a 5-minute piece of music intended to make them feel happy. Group B listened to a 5-minute piece of music intended to make them feel sad. Group C listened to no music and instead was asked to sit quietly for 5 minutes (thought to make them feel neutral). When participants would come into her lab, Dr. Lonsbary would greet the participant and then ask him or her to roll a six-sided die. Participants who rolled a 1 or 2 were assigned to Group A. Participants who rolled a 3 or 4 were Group B. Participants who were 5 or 6 were Group 5. The participants were then given an unlabeled CD to listen to based on their group assignment. The CD contained either the song selection or 5 minutes of silence. They were then escorted into a different room, where they were greeted by a research assistant who conducted the experiment. The research assistant sat the participants in front of a computer screen and told them that a list of 25 words would be displayed on the screen. They were instructed to listen to the CD with headphones while trying to memorize the list of words. All participants were given the same list of 25 common words to remember (e.g., desk, gray, plane, car, mask).When 5 minutes had passed, the screen displayed a question asking them whether they felt happy, sad, or neutral. After the participant responded, a new screen was displayed asking them to type in all the words they could remember from the list of 25 words. All participants were given 3 minutes to type the words they remembered. Afterward, the participant was thanked and dismissed. In response to the mood question, a majority of Group A participants said they were happy, a majority of Group B participants said they were sad, and a majority of Group C participants said they were neutral in their mood. Dr. Lonsbary found the following results in response to the number of words remembered. 1. Which of the following is an independent variable in Dr. Lonsbary's study? 2. How many conditions/levels of the independent variable were in Dr. Lonsbary's study? 3. Which of the following is NOT a control variable in Dr. Lonsbary's study? 4. What type of design did Dr. Lonsbary use in her study? 5. In Dr. Lonsbary's study, which of the following is NOT present?

1. Participant's mood 2. Three 3. The mood of the participants 4. independent-groups design 5. a placebo group

In which of the following studies is self-report the best data collection option?

A study examining the intensity of pain during natural childbirth

factorial design

An experiment in which there are two or more IVs. The IVs are also called factors.

Which of the following has been used as a defense of animal research by animal researchers?

Animal research has resulted in many benefits to both animals and humans.

RESEARCH STUDY !: Dr. Farah Based on her pattern of correlations, which of the following can Dr. Farah safely conclude?

Because correlation 3 is significant but Correlation 4 is not, Dr. Farah has evidence that increased homework comes before academic achievement.

A researcher wants to know what people really do, not what they think they do. Which method would you advise him to use?

Behavioral observations

RESEARCH STUDY 1: Dr. Farah. Which of the following correlations in the table is a cross-lag correlation?

Both Correlations 3 and 4

How are quota sampling and stratified random sampling similar?

Both identify subgroups that need to be studied.

Which of the following is NOT an example of a probability sample?

Convenience sample

RESEARCH STUDY 1 Dr. Farah again. She finds the following correlations. Which is the above correlations is an autocorrelation? Of the correlations listen in the table, how many are autocorrelations?

Correlation 2, Two

RESEARCH STUDY 1 Dr Farah. Which of the above correlations is a cross-sectional correlation? and how many cross-sectional correlations can you find in the table?

Correlation 6, two

Dr. Rodriquez is considering conducting a study examining whether narcissistic people have poorer romantic relationships than those who are not narcissistic. One of her first tasks is to determine which of her participants are narcissistic and which are not. She decides to use the scale created by a colleague, the Donal scale. Question 1 reads, "I tend not to think about other people as much as I think about myself." Question 2 reads, "I do not have a high opinion of myself." Question 3 reads, "I think other people think I am really special." Dr. Rodriquez is concerned about the validity of the measure of narcissism recommended by her colleague. She sends a copy of the measure to the faculty members in her psychology department to look at, and they all tell her it looks like it will measure narcissism. She now has evidence of which of the following?

Face validity

RESEARCH STUDY 4.1: Dr. Kushner is planning on conducting a study next semester. He is curious as to whether sleep deprivation is associated with poorer cognitive performance. For example, if you sleep poorly the night before a big exam, will you do worse? Dr. Kushner is especially curious about selective sleep deprivation, where people are kept from entering REM (rapid eye movement) sleep. Using an electroencephalograph (EEG) to monitor brain waves, he plans to let participants sleep until they enter REM sleep and then wake them. After the participants are awake for one minute, Dr. Kushner plans to let them return to sleep. As they enter REM sleep again, he will wake them again and follow the same procedure. He plans to do this through the entire eight-hour sleep session. The following morning, participants will be asked to take a sample SAT test. Which of the following is true regarding obtaining informed consent in Dr. Kushner's study?

He needs to obtain informed consent because there is a likelihood of risk in his study

For his research methods class project, Hiro is studying the effect of pet ownership on stress levels. Although a lot of research has been done on dog and cat owners, not much is known about other pets, so Hiro decides to study bird owners. Which of the following would demonstrate a purposive sampling technique?

He recruits bird owners by e-mailing members of the National Bird Owners Association and asking for participants.

Dr. White reads about a new theory that states that depression is caused by increased levels of estrogen in the womb. To test this theory, she conducted a study comparing the level of estrogen in amniotic fluid in individuals who were later diagnosed with depression with the level of those who did not develop depression. Dr. White found no differences between the groups in estrogen levels in the amniotic fluid. In this study, "depressed individuals will have higher estrogen levels" was the .


Dr. Rodriquez is considering conducting a study examining whether narcissistic people have poorer romantic relationships than those who are not narcissistic. One of her first tasks is to determine which of her participants are narcissistic and which are not. She decides to use the scale created by a colleague, the Donal scale. Question 1 reads, "I tend not to think about other people as much as I think about myself." Question 2 reads, "I do not have a high opinion of myself." Question 3 reads, "I think other people think I am really special." Before using the measure in her study, Dr. Rodriquez analyzes the data she gets from her students. She looks at the relationship between each of the individual questions. She sees that participants who agree with Question 1 also agree with Question 3 and disagree with Question 2. This is a test of which of the following?

Internal reliability

Online surveys commonly suffer from which of the following?


Which of the following sampling techniques would you recommend to a researcher interested in studying rare individuals, like people who have been struck by lightning?

Snowball sampling

What makes certain constructs harder to operationalize?

Some constructs are difficult to observe.

Convenience sampling relies on which of the following?

Studying people who are easy to find

Which of the following is true when asking people questions about themselves?

The confidence people have in their memories is not strongly related to the accuracy of their memory.

The belief that the participants in a research study should be representative of the type of people who would also benefit from the findings of the research stems from which principle of the Belmont Report?

The principle of justice

Tiffany is researching methods used to treat autism spectrum disorders and begins by searching on the Internet. Which statement should make her suspicious that she is on a site rooted in pseudoscience?

The website focuses on testimonials from family members that describe seemingly miraculous cures.

In addition to being ethical violations, why are data falsification and fabrication problematic?

They impede scientific progress.

Why are double-barreled questions problematic?

They may have poor construct validity.

Which behavior is an example of plagiarism?

Using someone else's ideas in your research report without a citation.

Dr. Sheffield is a clinical psychologist who specializes in treating pathological gambling. Pathological gambling is defined as being unable to resist impulses to gamble. Bothered by not having a good measure that he can give to clients to determine whether they are suffering from this condition, he creates a new measure of pathological gambling. The measure has 15 questions, and it takes 20 minutes to complete. If Dr. Sheffield's measure does not actually measure pathological gambling, his measure is said to lack which of the following?


Which question can be addressed with a descriptive strategy?

What is the average number of hours of sleep that a typical college student gets each night?

A common response set is acquiescence- which is another word for ------------

Yes saying

which of the following cannot be found in a one-group, pretest/posttest design?

a comparison group

what is most characteristic of a correlational study?

a focus on evaluating whether a relationship exists between variables

dr. anderson conducted a study investigating whether exercising immediately before an exam boosted cognitive abilities. She randomly assigned participants to either do jumping jacks or count to 60 before giving them a geometry tes. She did not find any differences between groups but believes there may have been a ceiling effect. What might be a clue that this was the case?

all participants' scores are centered around 100% correct.

factorial designs

are a good way to test an interaction to see if the results are consistent with your theory.

RESEARCH STUDY 1 Dr. Farah is an educational psychologist who is interested in studying the potential causal relationship between doing homework and academic achievement. In January, Dr. Farah has her students report their fall GPA and estimate how many hours they spent doing homework doing a typical week in the fall semester. In May, Dr. Farah measures the same variables again. In considering the three criteria for causation, which of the following questions with Dr. Farah's study NOT be able to address?

are there third variables that could explain the relationship?

What is indicated by a negative correlation between GPA and the number of hours spent studying for a sample of college students?

as the number of hours increases, GPA decreases

Which of the following statements is an operational definition of "fear of snakes" that could be assessed as a structured question?

asking, "On a scale of 1 to 10, how afraid of snakes are you?"

____ can be examined in both simple bivariate designs and longitudinal designs


when examining the results of a multiple regression, which of the following should be compared to determine which predictor variables have the largest relationship to the criterion variable?

beta variables

an independant-groups design is also known as a ----- design


Dr. Alfonse, a developmental psychologist, conducts a study to determine whether children prefer books with drawn illustrations or with photographs. A group of 30 preschoolers are shown two copies of a book (Ferdinand the Bull) at the same time. Although the story is the same, one book is illustrated with drawings and the other is illustrated with photos. This is an example of which of the following designs?

concurrent-measures design

adding several variables to a regression analysis can help do which of the following?

control for several variables at once

----- is used to control order effects in an experiemtn


when conducting longitudinal research, researchers typically find --- to be the most interesting

cross-lag correlations

A researcher is performing an experiment to determine whether eating chocolate can improve memory. Measurements of memory in this experiment would be the ____ variable.


One responsibility of the IACUC is to ensure that ____.

discomfort is minimized in nonhuman subjects in research

which of the following studies is an example of a longitudinal design?

dr benson's study in which she measured people's spatial manipulation ability in August and measured their ability again in may after they had taken two semesters of art classes

Any factor that limits the ability to generalize the results of the study is a threat to ____.

external validity

because there is a strong positive correlation between depression and risk of divorce, we can conclude that depression causes divorce.


Dr. Gore is conducting a survey examining people's opinions toward funding for collegiate athletics on his campus. He notices that several participants agree with all 12 questions. This could be an example of all of the following EXCEPT:

fence sitting.

Researchers often use a coding system to associate data with a particular participant during the course of a research study in order to ____.

help protect confidentiality

One responsibility of the Institutional Review Board (IRB) is to ensure that ____.

human participants will be kept safe in research

If you are a psychologist embarking on a research study, what should you do first?

identify an idea and search the literature to form the research question

If individuals are pressured into participating in research because the researcher is in a position of power or authority, then which ethical principle is being compromised?

informed consent

Dr. Hoff is curious as to whether children in a kindergarten classroom will be friendlier after talking about friendship. Immediately before and after the discussion, she has several undergraduate research assistants code the "friendliness" of a group of kindergarteners. Which of the following threats should Dr. Hoff be most concerned about?


A colleague of Dr. Farah's asks her why she did not simple conduct an experiment. Which of the following is a probable reason for Dr. Farah's choice not to conduct an experiment?

it would be unethical to manipulate whether students are told to do homework for a semester

researchers conducting an experiment can ensure temporal precedence by doing which of the following?

manipulating the cause before measuring the effect

spontaneous remission in clinical studies is an example of which of the following threats to internal validity?


A measurement procedure is valid if it ____.

measures what you intend it to measure

which of the following is a necessary component of a longitudinal design?

measuring the same variables at two points in time

in true experiments, --- is to dependant variable as --- is to independent variable

measuring; manipulating

An artist tries putting a freshly painted canvas outside during a rainstorm to see how the painting will change from the pattern of the raindrops. Which method of acquiring knowledge is she using?

method of empiricism

Which of the following is a dependent variable?

one that is measured

A researcher who wanted to observe behaviors in a private social club with restricted access, would probably need to use ____.

participant observation

Testing threats involve ________ whereas instrumentation threats involve ________.

participants; measurements

Why is there a publication bias against null effects?

people generally want to read about independent variables that matter

Dr. Ziser conducts an experiment on life satisfaction using participants above the age of 80. All people above the age of 80 would make up the ____.


which of the following is a threat to internal validity found in within-group designs but not in independant-group designs?

practice effects

You develop a new measure of anxiety and you find that people who score high on your measure show more anxious behavior later, than people who score low on your measure. You have demonstrated ____.

predictive validity

the figure above depicts which type of research? random assignment -BP - plays a competitive video game - BP random assignment - BP - plays a noncompetitive video game - BP

pretest/post test design

After measuring a group of individuals, a researcher finds that Jared's score is three times greater than Jasmin's score. These measurements must come from a(n) ____ scale.


Last year Tomas and his friend Jamie were both too short to ride the rollercoaster. Jamie went to the park this year and was tall enough to ride. Because Tomas is taller than Jamie, he thinks that he will be able to ride the rollercoaster as well. Tomas is using the ____ to answer his question.

rational method

The presence of an observing researcher, can cause participants to show signs of ____.


Which example illustrated a positive correlation?

salary level decreases as education level decreases

Experiments use random assignment to avoid which of the following?

selection effects

The direction of a relationship between variables is indicated by the ____.

sign of the correlation

A researcher's attempt to control sounds, smells, and even temperature in a testing environment is meant to reduce which of the following?

situation noise

which pair of variables should produce a negative relaitionship?

speed of running and time to complete a race

a threat to internal validity occurs only if a potential design confound varies --- with the independent variable.


to be a history threat, the external even must occur:

systematically, affecting most members of the group

Dr. Ramos is interested in studying how indoor temperature can influence people's sleep quality during the summer. A sample of 100 households is selected in which the residents keep their houses at 76 degrees during the summer. The residents wear a monitoring device that measures their sleep cycles for several nights to get baseline readings. Then, 50 of the homes are randomly assigned to the warm temperature condition in which the residents agree to keep their houses at 82 degrees Fahrenheit. In the other 50 houses, the residents agree to keep their houses at 70 degrees. For several nights, Dr. Ramos collects the sleep data for the people living in the houses to see how the residents' sleep patterns have changed. In this study, the independent variable is the ____.

temperature of the houses

Dr. Hadden wants to conduct a study that will allow him to make claims that apply to all college students. Which of the following validities is he prioritizing?

the external validity of the study

which of the following means a study used a bivariate correlational design?

the presence of measured variables

What additional information is obtained by measuring on an interval scale as compared to an ordinal scale?

the size of the differences

Dr. Kline, an environmental psychologist, conducts a study to examine whether visiting zoos causes people to have more positive attitudes toward environmental conservation. He asks a group of 45 people attending the zoo on a Saturday morning about their attitudes. He finds that 69% of the people report having a positive attitude after their visit. Which of the following is true?

the study does not qualify as an experiment

factorial designs can also be used to test ---

theories. many theories make predictions about how variables might interact with one another

Which hypothesis is most problematic because it cannot be tested?

there would be less stress today if 9/11 had never occured

Which of the following is a reason why multiple regression designs are inferior to experimental designs?

they can only control for third variables that are measured

which of the following is NOT a reason that a researcher might choose a pretest/posttest design?

to allow for the study of spontaneous behaviors

Why should journalists report on the previous body of research when writing about a newly published scientific study?

to highlight pattern and parsimony in scientific research

In the study depicted in the future above (same as 85), why might researchers have measured blood pressure twice?

to make sure the two groups were equal before the manipulation

According to the text, the bridge between basic and applied research is known as:

translational research

With a very large sample, even a small correlation can be statistically significant?


a pearson's correlation of r=-1.00 means that all the data points fit perfectly on a straight line


Anderson is reading his morning paper and sees the following headline: "Men Should Avoid Rock Music When Playing Board Games." (This headline is based on a study conducted by Fancourt, Burton, & Williamon, 2016.) In the study, men and women played the game "Operation" when listening to different types of music. Male participants performed worse when listening to AC/DC than when listening to Mozart, but female participants' performance did not differ based on music. How many variables are included in this study?


If a sample is biased, then it is --------the population of interest.

unrepresentative of

which of the following is NOT a reason that a study might yield a null result?

use of a within-subjects design

which of the following things can be done to reduce measurement error?

using more reliable measurements

Regression is the statistical process for___.

using one variable to predict another

Counting how many times a child exhibits disruptive behavior during a 30-minute observation period is an example of measuring behavior using ---- method.

using the frequency method.

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