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A typical 6-ounce brewed cup of tea contains about how many milligrams of caffeine: W) 30 X) 70 Y) 110 X) 150

core; mantle; crust

Based on compositional boundaries, name the three different layers that make up the structure of the solid portion of the planet Earth?


From which of the following sources is the food additive carrageenan derived: W) petroleum X) seaweed Y) corn husks Z) yarrow root


Give the common chemical name for where new bases are added to a DNA strand:

[Ne] 3s2 3p4

Give the electronic configuration for sulfur, located in Period 3 and Group 16 of the Periodic Table:


How many electrons would fill the 4d energy subshell?


How many parts per million of arsenic are in a 2-gram water sample if it contains 8.0 micrograms of arsenic?


How many walking legs are found in arachnids?


Element number 19 has an isotope named potassium-40. How many neutrons does this isotope contain?


Evaluate the following radical expression: 5 root 3 − root 75


In most cars, what acts as the circuit ground?

1s2 2s2 2p5

In standard chemical nomenclature, what is the ground-state electron configuration for fluorine?


In which of the following wavelengths does DNA absorb the best: W) 3,900 angstroms X) 260 nanometers Y) 340 nanometers Z) 540 nanometers


Penicillium notatum is to penicillin as Bacillus subtilis is to:


What branch of mechanics customarily deals with force and why objects move as they do: W) kinematics X) dynamics Y) statics Z) mechanics


What cell in the peripheral blood is the immediate precursor of the macrophage?


What common product is made by taking water that is filtered through hardwood ashes, evaporating it in iron pots, mixing what remains with tallow, and allowing it to cure for a few weeks:


What planet is known to be most like Earth in size and density?


Which of the following trees has a distinctive variegated bark with a leopard-like pattern of light and dark greens? W) American Sycamore X) Linden Y) Manchurian Maple Z) Persimmon


What is the main part of the Small Bear constellation also commonly called?


Find the sum of all interior angles, in degrees, in a regular polygon having 100 sides:


Which 3 Noble gases undergo no chemical reactions and form no known compounds?

graham's law

Which Law states that the rate of effusion of a gas is inversely proportional to the square root of its molar mass?


Which of the following is NOT an endothermic process: W) sublimation X) melting Y) vaporization Z) condensation


Which of the following is considered a nonpolar molecule: W) H2S X) NH3 Y) NO2 Z) BeH2


In what layer of Earth's atmosphere do most meteors experience the most heating?


What scientist was the first to propose that in the absence of air resistance, all objects fall with the same constant acceleration?


What specific human bone cell is antagonistic to osteoblasts and is known to cause apoptosis of osetoblasts in vitro?


What specific ion is most central to muscle contraction in striated human muscle?

RNA polymerase

What specific molecule binds immediately upstream of the structural genes in the lac operon and functions to transcribe these genes?

(x+1)^3/3 + C

Calculate the following indefinite integral: I = ∫ (x+1)^2dx


Resetting a computer that is already turned on to its initial state whereby any data or programs in main memory are erased is called a: W) clean boot X) cold boot Y) warm boot Z) hot boot


The area under the curve of a velocity versus time graph represents: W) acceleration X) velocity Y) displacement Z) position


Tripling the distance to a star will typically reduce its apparent brightness by about how many times?


What planet of our solar system has the most nitrogen-rich atmosphere?


According to the Arrhenius theory, an Arrhenius acid is any substance that does which of the following in a chemical reaction: W) donates a pair of electrons X) accepts a pair of electrons Y) produces H+ ions in aqueous solution Z) produces OH- ions in aqueous solution


Avery and Macleod attributed the transforming principle to what substance?


What is the brightest star in the Northern sky?

12 newtons

What is the centripetal force, in Newtons, required for a 12 kilogram body traveling at 2 meters per second in a perfect circle with a radius of 4 meters?


What is the most common name for the micro-gametophyte in flowering plants?


What is the most common term for the method Louis Pasteur used to create the first rabies vaccine?

the sun

What star has the greatest apparent magnitude?


What human organ produces the majority of immune complement proteins?

charles' law

Which of the gas laws specifically states that the volume of a fixed amount of gas at a constant pressure varies directly with its absolute temperature?


Which of the human plasma proteins plays the greatest role in osmoregulation?


Which of the terrestrial planets has the lowest albedo?


Which one of basic plant cell types has a primary and secondary cell wall that is dead when mature?


The Lewis dot structure for the N+2 ion would show how many dots?


From what amino acid is the vasodilator histamine primarily synthesized?


Identify the type of conic section represented by the equation, x^2 - 16y^2 = 64:


Simplify: i^17


Which of the following is a diprotic acid: W) H2C2O4 X) H3PO4 Y) HCl Z) HNO2


How many degrees above the celestial equator is the north celestial pole?


1 bar equals how many Pascals?


Add the following rational expressions and give your answer in fully factored form: x/(x+2)+4x/(x-6)


Afferent neuron is to sensory neuron as efferent neuron is to:


Animal cell is to gap junction as plant cell is to:


Approximately what percent of the water in the hydrosphere is groundwater: W) 10 X) 5 Y) 2.5 Z) less than 1


Boolean algebra involves ideas or subjects that have how many possible states?


Continental margins facing the edges of diverging tectonic plates are called: W) passive margins X) Pacific-type margins Y) transform fault margins Z) active margins


Data travels on a 100MHz, 64-bit bus at how many megabytes per second?


During meiosis, how many chromatids are in a chromosomal tetrad?

25(2x + y)(2x - y)

Factor the following expression completely: 100x^2- 25y^2


How fast data flows on a given transmission path and the width of the range of frequencies that a signal occupies on a given transmission medium is generally known as:


Rounded to the nearest whole number, how many feet does light travel in one-billionth of one second?


Red light has a wavelength of: W) 300-350 nanometers X) 450-500 nanometers Y) 550-600 nanometers Z) 650-700 nanometers


Shistosomia mansoni is to shistosomiasis as Trypanasoma cruzi is to:

14 - 7i

Subtract the following complex numbers, giving your answer in standard form: (11 - 4i) - (-3 + 3i)

1 - 6x + 12x^2 - 8x^3

Use the Binomial Theorem to expand and simplify the following equation: (1 - 2x)^3


The lambdoid suture is found in which of the following parts of the human body: W) scapula X) pelvis Y) skull Z) knee

2/3; -1/3; AND -1/3

What are the electric charge values for up, down, and strange quarks, respectively?


What lepton was the first to be discovered?


500 metric gigatons is approximately equal to how many pounds: W) 1.1 trillion X) 11 trillion Y) 110 trillion Z) 1,100 trillion


A bolometer is used to: W) measure the energy output of the Sun X) measure the length of a bowling alley Y) measure the size of celestial bodies Z) standardize the azimuth of a sextant


A circle with a dot in the center is most commonly the astronomer's symbol for what?


A client-server architecture is also known as: W) peer-to-peer architecture X) mainframe architecture Y) two-tier architecture Z) docking architecture


A constant force acting on a body experiencing no change in its environment will give the body: W) constant acceleration X) constant speed Y) constant velocity Z) zero acceleration


A double membrane is found in the: W) endoplasmic reticulum and nucleus X) nucleus and golgi Y) lysosomes and golgi Z) nucleus and chloroplasts


A measure of how easily water flows through rock is called its: W) porosity X) aquifer system Y) permeability Z) zone of aeration


A number of "8" on the Beaufort Scale indicates a wind speed of: W) 7 - 10 knots X) 17 - 21 knots Y) 34 - 40 knots Z) 40 - 64 knots


A parallelogram whose adjacent sides are unequal is called a: W) rhombus X) rhomboid Y) deltoid Z) rectangle


About how many calories per gram will it take to sublimate water at standard pressure: W) 180 X) 360 Y) 540 Z) 720


According to VSEPR bonding theory, what type of geometry does a molecule have when the central atom is surrounded by 4 bonded groups, such as in methane?


An object is launched straight up from the ground with an initial velocity of 176 feet per second. What is the height of the object above the ground, in feet, 2 seconds into the flight?

F2; O2; N2

Arrange the following 3 choices in order of increasing bond energies: O2; N2; F2


Arrange the following 3 liquids in order of DECREASING surface tension at 20ºC: water; ethanol; mercury

Li-F; K-Br; P-Cl; Br-Br

Arrange the following 4 bonds in order of decreasing polarity: Br-Br; K-Br; P-Cl; Li-F


Arrange the following 4 elements in order of increasing atomic radii: lithium; oxygen; potassium; sodium


Astrophysicists, when referring to interstellar gases, typically use the Roman numeral I to indicate that an atom is: W) singly ionized X) doubly ionized Y) contains one proton Z) neutral


ATP is to energy-rich phosphate as NADPH2 is to energy-rich:


Adastea, Amalthea and Callisto are moons of what planet?


A lightning bolt is seen and its accompanying thunder is heard 15 seconds later. This means the storm is most likely how many miles away: W) 3 X) 6 Y) 9 Z) 15


A logic chip that is just 20 nanometers wide would be about how many times wider than a single silicon atom? W) 5 X) 50 Y) 200 Z) 500


According to one of the most common color triangles, if blue and green are primary colors, what is the third primary color?

4 times

A jet traveling at 800 kilometers per hour has how many more times the kinetic energy than the same jet traveling at ½ that speed?


A ketone is a class of compounds that contains a carbonyl group bonded to: W) 2 carbon atoms X) 2 hydrogen atoms Y) 2 nitrogen atoms Z) 1 hydrogen and 1 carbon atom


A lead chromate solution is typically what color: W) blue X) red Y) yellow Z) green


According to quantum electrodynamics, what is exchanged that gives rise to the electromagnetic force between 2 charged particles?


A nucleosome is composed of what general class of proteins?


A racemic mixture is a solution that contains: W) a 50:50 mixture of (+) and (-) isomers X) greater than 50% of the (+) isomers Y) greater than 50% of the (-) isomers Z) only one species of isomer


A sarcomere is a basic unit in what specific tissue of mammals?


A substance with an acid dissociation constant, or Ka, of 1 × 10^-9 would be considered a: W) weak acid X) strong acid Y) weak base Z) strong base

SO3 2- (note the 2- is a subscript)

According to standard chemical nomenclature and indicating the proper charge, what is the formula for the sulfite ion?


According to standard chemical nomenclature, what is the formula for aluminum bicarbonate?

(NH4)2 SO4

According to standard chemical nomenclature, what is the formula for ammonium sulfate?


As the intensity of metamorphism increases, which of the following transformations occurs: W) granite to slate X) schist to slate Y) gneiss to quartzite Z) limestone to marble


At which of the following wavelengths will photosynthesis in a spinach plant be greatest: W) 475 nanometers X) 550 nanometers Y) 600 nanometers Z) 750 nanometers


At x=-1/2, the graph of y = x^3 is: W) increasing and concave up X) increasing and concave down Y) decreasing and concave up Z) decreasing and concave down


Bacteria that can oxidize inorganic substances for energy are called:


Because of precession, the celestial pole traces out a complete circle on the sky about every: W) 26,000 years X) 12,000 years Y) 6,000 years Z) 600 years


Biologists usually refer to the head of a tapeworm by what name?


Debbie pushes a 10-kilogram box of books with a horizontal force of 500 newtons. What is the acceleration of the box, giving your answer in standard SI units, if friction is neglected?


Diatoms are: W) bacteria X) twinned crystals Y) seaweed Z) algae


Fossil are most commonly found in what general type of rock?


Non-circumpolar stars that lie north of the celestial equator when viewed from Michigan will: W) spend less than 6 hours above the horizon X) spend more than 6 hours but less than 12 hours above the horizon Y) spend more than 12 hours but less than 24 hours above the horizon Z) spend 24 hours above the horizon


On a weather map, what type of frontal boundary is represented by alternating blue and red lines with blue triangles pointing toward the warmer air and red semicircles pointing toward the colder air?


The following are all reasons why the LISP programming language is NOT widely used except: W) its dependence on recursion X) most LISP systems are interpreted, and thus slower Y) LISP is only effective for explicitly defined problems Z) dynamic storage allocation is expensive


The formation of what is referred to as "metallic hydrogen" on some of the our solar system's planets is driven by what basic force?


The largest worldwide use for hydrogen gas is in the production of: W) methanol X) ammonia Y) water Z) hydrogen fluoride


The leaf of the Sugar Maple tree is considered to be: W) palmately lobed X) palmately compound Y) pinnately lobed Z) pinnately compound


The length of the longest side of a U.S. dollar bill is about how many nanometers in length: W) 70 million X) 1.10 × 106 Y) 1.55 × 108 Z) 600 million


The letter "T" in 10 Base-T wiring refers to: W) Teflon coated X) telephone wire Y) tetrahedral packing Z) twisted pair

sin=12/13, cos=-5/13; tan=-12/5

The terminal side of angle θ (read as: theta) in standard position passes through the point (-5, 12). Find the sine, cosine and tangent, in fractional form:


The two points where the ecliptic intersects the celestial equator are known as what:


Bacterial transduction is primarily caused by the transference of what specific biological substance?

HI; HBr; HCl; HF

Based on the acid dissociation constants of the following acids, order the following 4 acids from the strongest to the weakest in acid strength: HBr; HCl; HF; HI


Because of its enhanced capacity to refract light, which glass formula is most suitable for making lenses and prisms, as well as for imitation jewels: W) soda-lime X) potassium silicate Y) borosilicate Z) lead


Blepharitis in humans is an inflammation of the: W) urinary bladder X) eyelid Y) fingernail Z) tongue


Blood albumin is most directly involved with: W) osmoregulation X) hormone regulation Y) bile production Z) acid base regulation

group 1

Bose-Einstein condensates were initially created by using elements from what specific part of the periodic table:


By words or numbers, name all of the following 4 choices that are TRUE for an object moving at a constant speed: 1) it must have a constant velocity 2) it must be constantly moving in the same direction 3) it can be accelerating 4) it must have a constant weight


C6H6 is the molecular formula for what aromatic hydrocarbon?


Exchange of DNA among chromosomes occurs in what phase of meiosis-one?


Express 600º in radians as a reduced fraction in terms of π:

-8ab^2c root 5c

Express the following radical in its simplest radical form: -2 root (80a^2 x b^4 x c^3)


Factor the following expression as completely as possible: x^4 - 16

(x - 2)(x + 2)(x^2 + 4)

Factor the following expression completely over the integers: x^4 - 16


For a perfectly spherical planet of uniform density, the gravitational acceleration at a point half way to the surface from its center will be what fraction of the gravitational acceleration at the surface?


For every carbon dioxide molecule fixed in the Calvin-Benson cycle, how many NADPH molecules are utilized?


For individuals who are "Lactose Intolerant," the reason for their gastric distress is the production of: W) methane X) acetic acid and nitrogen Y) lactic acid and carbon dioxide Z) acetic acid and methane


For the function f(x) = 1/x , what is f '(5)?


For two objects separated by a distance d, if the mass of one of the objects increases by two times, by what factor will the gravitational attraction between them increase?


From what vitamin is the electron carrier FAD derived?


From which of the following is camphor derived: W) petroleum distillate X) the wood of an evergreen tree of the laurel family Y) the bark of a fir tree from the Mediterranean Z) the seed pod of the camphor herb


Galena is a primary ore of which of the following metals: W) zinc X) lead Y) germanium Z) tungsten


Geothermal power plants use which of the following to generate electricity: W) coal X) steam Y) sunlight Z) pressurized water

iron sulfide

Give the chemical name for the compound formed when pure iron and pure sulfur are mixed together and heated:

10^18; 10^15; 10^9

Give the respective SI multipliers for the following prefixes: exa; peta; and giga


Give the systematic chemical name for the following ionic compound: Cr2(SeO4)3


Give the value of c that completes the square of the following expression: x^2 + 2/5x + c


Given f(x) = x^2 + 2x + 3, express f(x + 1) in standard polynomial form:

338 m/s

Given that the speed of sound at 0ºC at sea level in dry air is 331 meters per second, what is the speed of sound through dry air at sea level, giving your answer in proper SI units rounded to the nearest whole number, if the temperature of the air is 12°C?


Given the points, (0, 0) and (-4/5, 3/5), find the distance between them:


Giving your answer as a proper fraction, what is the cube root of 125/343 ?

(0, 3)

Giving your answer as an ordered pair, find the solution of the system of the following 2 equations: x = (2/3)y - 2 and x = y - 3:


Giving your answer as morning, afternoon, evening, or night, when does most radiational cooling occur for any location in the U.S.?


Giving your answer as north, south, east, or west, from what general direction does the jet stream flow?


Giving your answer in centimeters to the first decimal place, if one leg of an isosceles right triangle is 100 centimeters long, how long is the hypotenuse?


Giving your answer in decimal form, what would the "Z" value be if a distant celestial object were shifted towards longer wavelengths by 40% of the original wavelength?

5 root 2

Giving your answer in inches and in simplest radical form, if the hypotenuse of a 45-45-90º triangle is 10 inches, find the length of the other sides:


Giving your answer in standard form, give the equation of the circle with center at (0, 0) and diameter of 6:

1/2 1/4 1/2 3/4

Giving your answer in the order of the 1st row followed by the 2nd row and in lowest common fraction form, find the inverse of the following 2-by-2 matrix: 3, -1 -2, 2


Giving your answer to the first decimal place and in liters, one mole of gas at 1.00 atmosphere pressure and a temperature of 273.15 kelvin occupies what volume?


Giving your answer to the first decimal place, an increase of 1ºC is equivalent to an increase of how many degrees Fahrenheit?


Giving your answers in terms of π and in inches squared, find the total surface area of a closed right circular cone whose altitude is 8 inches and radius is 6 inches:


Glacial till is: W) sorted and stratified X) sorted and unstratified Y) unsorted and stratified Z) unsorted and unstratified


Group 1 cations and group 7 anions combine to form: W) metal alloys X) alkali halides Y) alkaloids Z) organometallic compound


How many Viking spacecraft have landed on Mars?


How many degrees above the horizon will the north celestial pole be for someone standing at latitude 53° North?


How many neutrons does the most common isotope of hydrogen have?


How many nodes are in an 's' orbital?

SIGMA 14; PI = 1

How many sigma and pi bonds, respectively, are there in a molecule with the following formula: CH3CHCHCH2CH3


How many significant figures are in the number 3.8400 × 10^4?


How many unpaired electrons are in a neutral bromine atom?


How old is Michelle if 4 years ago she was one-half the age she will be 10 years from now?


How would one compute the change in centripetal force if an object moving with uniform circular motion triples its radius while maintaining the same kinetic energy: W) multiplying by 3 X) dividing by 3 Y) multiplying by 9 Z) dividing by 9


Human epidermis is mostly composed of which of the following basic animal tissues types: W) epithelial X) connective Y) nervous Z) muscle


Huygen's principle can be used to most directly derive which of the following: W) the speed of light X) the law of diffraction Y) the laws of reflection and refraction Z) Fermat's Principle


Hydrogen gas effuses through a pinhole opening from one xXcompartment to another about how many times as fast as nitrogen gas: W) 2.4-times X) 3.7-times Y) 5.3-times


If 200 coulombs pass through a wire in 0.5 seconds, what is the average current, in amps, passing through the wire?


If a computer has a 64-bit bus, how many bytes of information can travel across it at the same time?


If a stargazer in Vermont during the midnight April sky follows the pointer stars of the Big Dipper about 35º in the opposite direction of Polaris, which one of the following 5 constellations will she most likely encounter: Bootes; Libra; Canus Major; Leo; Lepus


If a substance has a molecular weight of 88, which of the following will it be: W) KCl X) C4H8O2 Y) RbF Z) C6H14


If one end of a single polypeptide chain has an amino group exposed, what functional group is typically exposed at the opposite end?


If the area of a right triangle ABC is 6 and leg BC is one-third the length of leg AB, what is the length of AB?


If the atomic mass of carbon-12 is exactly 12 atomic mass units, why is the atomic mass of carbon not exactly 12 when listed on the Periodic Table: W) the mass deficit X) neutrons are not the same mass as protons Y) it adds the mass of the electrons Z) the presence in nature of about 1.1% carbon-13


If the average of 5 numbers is 16, what is the sum of the 5 numbers?


In C programming, the number used to refer to a particular element of an array is called its: W) numerator X) superscript Y) subscript Z) exponent


In a normal distribution, a mean of a sample population, plus or minus 1 standard deviation, includes what percentage of the sample: W) 16% X) 32% Y) 68% Z) 95%

a secondary color

In additive color synthesis, what do equal proportions of two primary colors create?

31, 37, 41, 43, 47

In order, what are the prime numbers between 30 and 50?


In photosynthesis II (read as: two), what is light energy most notably used to initially accomplish?


In the BASIC programming language, what does the acronym BASIC stand for?


In their studies of trans-uranium elements and crystallization studies of barium, Hahn and Meitner discovered what process?


In which of the following illustrative techniques would sunspots occur nearer the solar equator as the cycle of sunspot activity progresses: W) Kirkwood's chart X) Maunder's diagram Y) Hubble's chart Z) HR diagram


Main sequence stars are found in a region on the H-R diagram that is oriented on the diagram from: W) upper left to lower left X) upper left to lower right Y) upper right to lower left Z) upper right to lower right


Many large volcanoes are marked near their summit by a large, basin-shaped volcanic depression, more or less circular in form and steep-walled, which is called?


Order the following 4 Earth materials in order of INCREASING specific heat capacity: solid water; liquid water; granite; lead


Order the following three types of magma based on their typical percentage of dissolved gas, starting with the lowest: andesitic, basaltic, rhyolitic


Rough endoplasmic reticulum is named rough because it possesses what cellular structures?

4.8 (Solution: E = Wt = (10A)2 × 2 ohms × 24 hr = 4.8 kilowatt-hours)

Rounded to the first decimal place, how many kilowatt-hours of energy are used if 10 amps flows for one day though a circuit with a resistance of 2 ohms?


Rounded to the first decimal place, how many synodic months are in an accurate calendar year if a tropical year is 365.2 days?


Rounded to the nearest centimeter, if side A of a right triangle measures 2 centimeters and side B measures 10 centimeters, what is the length of the hypotenuse?

200 (w = F × d × cos angle = 100N × 3 m × 0.7071 = 212.13)

Rounded to the nearest hundred joules, how much work is done in pulling a sled across a pond for 3 meters with 100 newtons of force, with a rope that makes a 45º angle with the pond?

23 (24)

Rounded to the nearest whole degree, what is the obliquity of the ecliptic?


Rounded to the nearest whole number in kilometers per hour, what is the net ground-speed of a bird flying at 30 kilometers per hour east with a southerly crosswind of 10 kilometers per hour?


Rounded to the nearest whole number, convert 283K into degrees Fahrenheit:


Rounded to the nearest whole number, convert 3,000 meters per second into kilometers per hour:


Rutherford discovered that x-rays were produced by: W) uranium when bombarded with slow neutrons X) certain binary stars Y) particles emitted by a cathode, which then struck an anode Z) the sun


Separation of proteins by centrifugation in a sucrose density gradient is based on: W) size and shape only X) size only Y) density only Z) size, shape, and density


Simplify the ratio of the following factorial: 4!/6!


Software that is often distributed free of charge and usually intended for sale after a trial period is called: W) freeware X) shareware Y) open source Z) public-domain


Stars in the spectral class A would have a surface temperature of about: W) 5,000 K X) 10,000 K Y) 15,000 K Z) 20,000 K


Suppose you measured the voltage of a fully-charged 12-volt battery and you get 3 identical results of 10.45 volts. Which of the following BEST describes your data: W) precise but not accurate X) accurate but not precise Y) both accurate and precise Z) neither accurate nor precise


The change in enthalpy, ∆H, (read as: delta H), is to a calorimeter as the change in internal energy, ∆E, is to what?


The cloaca is a reproductive structure of: W) female bird X) male shark Y) female cestode Z) male lobster


The coat of a plant seed is typically derived from which of the following: W) the hypoderm X) the carpel Y) the micropyle Z) the integument


The combination of lingering air and abundance of particulates and other pollutants in the air over cities produces what is commonly known as the: W) urban depletion area X) urban dust dome Y) urban frontal zone Z) urban overcast zone


The conversion of olein, a liquid oil, into stearin, a solid fat, by the addition of hydrogen in the presence of a catalyst and high heat is commonly known as what type of reaction?


The conversion of solid CaSO4 into solid CaO and SO2 gas is an example of what class of chemical reaction: W) decomposition X) hydrolysis Y) combustion Z) single replacement


The coronal suture is found between what two bones?


The geology of the surface of Venus appears to be dominated by: W) volcanoes X) plate tectonics Y) erosion by flowing water Z) old impact craters


The process in which fat globules in milk are broken up into smaller, more evenly dispersed particles is BEST described as: W) lactation X) pasteurization Y) fermentation Z) homogenization


The temperature of a star can be estimated most directly from its: W) distance X) elemental makeup Y) color Z) density

carbon dioxide

What gas makes up most of the atmosphere of Mars?


What was the electrolyte used in the first voltaic piles built by Volta?


Which of the following is a substance that is generally considered friable: W) concrete X) topaz Y) quartz Z) perlite


Which of the following is not a characteristic of the terrestrial planets: W) low average density X) closely spaced orbits Y) craters in old surfaces Z) very few moons


Which of the following is the SI unit for the product of newtons and meters: W) henry X) watt Y) erg Z) joule


Which of the following most directly addresses that a gas of low density, when excited, will emit light of a certain wavelength: W) Kirchhoff's second law X) Bode's second law Y) Wien's law Z) Balmer's law


Which of the following would you expect to have an electron affinity of zero: W) chlorine X) carbon Y) hydrogen Z) helium

912 (Solution: 1.2 atm × 760 mmHg/1 atm = 912 mmHg)

Convert a pressure of 1.2 atmospheres into millimeters mercury:


Convert an atmospheric pressure of 0.25 atmospheres into mm Hg:

18.31 (Solution: 18+18/60+36/3600)

Convert the angle, 18º18'36" (read as: 18 degrees, 18 minutes, 36 seconds) to degrees, to the second decimal place:


Consider the reaction, N2(gas) + 3H2(gas) yields 2NH3(gas). If the concentration of ammonia increases from 0.3 molar to 0.9 molar in a 10-minute period, find the average rate of reaction over this time interval. Give your answer to the 2nd decimal place in moles per liter minute:

49 m/s

Considering air resistance is negligible and that gravitational acceleration is 9.8 meters per second squared, what is the velocity acquired by a body in free fall, starting from rest, after 5 seconds?


Consider an organ pipe open at both ends. For a standing wave in the pipe, what is the wavelength of the fundamental tone, in terms of the pipe's length?


Convert 2,000 meters per second into kilometers per hour:


Calculate the heating degree day in the U.S. if the day's high temperature is 70ºF and the low is 30ºF:

15 (65-50)

Calculate the heating degree day in the U.S. if the day's high temperature is 70ºF and the low is 30ºF:


Cells that become quiescent enter G-zero from what stage of the cell cycle?


Charles law is particularly useful in explaining which of the following: W) dry air is more dense than humid air X) CO2 escapes from a bottle of soda when opened Y) the change in enthalpy when nitrogen and oxygen react to form nitrogen dioxide Z) a hot-air balloon rises when the air in the balloon is heated

a and c

The curve defined by the equation, Ax2+Bx+Cy2+Dy +E=0, can be an ellipse if which of the constants are positive?


1.0 gram of an unknown organic molecule is dissolved in 50.0 grams of benzene. Determine the molecular mass of the unknown if this solution freezes at 4.5ºC. Assume the freezing point constant of benzene is 5.0ºC per molal, and the freezing point of benzene is 5.5ºC. Give your answer to the nearest whole number in grams per mole.


A 10-kilogram hay bale is raised to 5 meters above a barn floor and is then lowered to 4 meters below the floor. Relative to its starting position on the floor, what is the final gravitational potential energy of the bale, in joules, if g is rounded to the first decimal place?


A 25-microliter blood serum sample contains 50 micrograms of an enzyme. What is the enzyme concentration in parts per million?


A 2s orbital has 2 regions of maximum probability where electrons can be found separated by a spherical surface of 0 probability that is called what?

6 x 10^22

A 4.0 gram sample of calcium chloride contains 6.0 × 1022 cations. Giving your answer in scientific notation to the nearest whole number, determine the number of anions in 2 grams of CaCl2. Assume the atomic mass of calcium is 40 and chloride is 35


A Buchner (read as: BYOU-kh-ner) funnel is a piece of laboratory glassware often used in chemistry labs for which of the following procedures: W) combustion X) filtration Y) centrifugation Z) distillation


A Lewis base is defined as any species that does which of the following in a chemical reaction: W) donates a proton X) accepts a proton Y) donates a pair of electrons Z) accepts a pair of electrons


A beam of white light is incident on one face of a prism. Which of the following colors will emerge on the other side at the lowest angle with respect to the primary beam: W) violet X) yellow Y) red Z) blue


A boat's velocity has a northward velocity component of 15 kilometers per hour and an eastward component of 10 kilometers per hour. Which of the following BEST represents the direction of the boat's motion: W) 35 kilometers per hour northeast X) 35 kilometers per hour southwest Y) 18 kilometers per hour northeast Z) 12 kilometers per hour northeast


A chemical reaction in which esters are hydrolyzed under basic conditions to give an alcohol and a salt of the acid is generally known as what type of reaction?


A child learns that mixing approximately equal amounts of the paint colors orange and green produces brown. This is an example of: W) additive color mixing X) summative color generation Y) subtractive color synthesis Z) neutral coloration

5 pi

A circle has a diameter of 20 and a minor arc whose interior angle is 90°. In terms of π, what is the arc length?


A hardware frame and set of electrical connection interfaces that enable a notebook computer to effectively serve as a desktop computer is called a: W) docking station X) local bus Y) proxy interface Z) swapping deck


A mixture of molten rock, suspended mineral grains, and dissolved gasses that forms in the crust or mantle when temperatures are sufficiently high, is a definition of what?


A molecular solid will most typically have which of the following melting points: W) very high X) high to very high Y) low Z) variable


A molecule that has a trigonal bipyramidal molecular geometry will have how many charge clouds around its central atom: W) 4 X) 5 Y) 6 Z) 8


A network technology based on transferring data in cells or packets, what does the acronym ATM stand for?


A photon of only a certain wavelength is able to be absorbed only by an electron at a specific energy level of an atom. This is the basis of what commonly used astronomical technique?


A severe and chronic deficiency in what vitamin causes the disease known as pellagra: W) vitamin C X) vitamin D Y) niacin Z) thiamine


A trigonal planar arrangement of electronic orbitals around an atom in a molecule most generally implies what type of hybridization: W) sp X) sp2 Y) sp3 Z) sp3d


A type of lens aberration whereby the lens cannot focus the image of a flat subject onto a flat surface is called: W) barrel distortion X) chromatic aberration Y) field curvature Z) spherical aberration


A wave base is defined as the depth below an ocean wave in deep water below which stirring due to wind is negligible, and is approximately equal to: W) 1/8th of its wavelength X) ¼ of its wavelength Y) ½ of its wavelength Z) ¾ of its wavelength


About how many years ago is it thought that the dominant ice-age cycle changed from 40,000 year periods to 100,000 year intervals with very large fluctuation: W) 200,000 - 400,000 X) 600,000 - 800,000 Y) 2 million - 2.5 million Z) 4 million - 4.5 million


According to Aristotle, the celestial bodies are made of what fifth element?

earth, water, air, fire

According to Aristotle, the portion of the Cosmos lower than the moon is made of what four elements?


According to quantum chromodynamics, what is the name for the particle that transmits the color charge?


According to standard chemical nomenclature and indicating the proper charge, what is the formula for potassium perchlorate?


An aldehyde is a class of compounds that contains a carbonyl group bonded to: W) 2 carbon atoms X) one or more hydrogen atoms Y) one or more nitrogen atoms Z) 2 sulfur atoms


An amine is a class of compounds that contains a: W) sulfur and hydrogen group X) nitrogen and oxygen group Y) nitrogen and hydrogen group Z) carbon and sulfur group


An animal that primarily eats fruit is called a: W) frugivore X) herbivore Y) omnivore Z) detritivore


An arc of length 2π is cut off by a central angle of π/4 radians. What is the radius of the circle?


An element with an electron configuration of 2-8-8-2 is found in what Period and main Group number on the Periodic Chart?


An emergency floodlight draws 1 ampere from its battery pack. How many coulombs will flow through the light in 4 hours?


Arrange the following 4 metals in order of increasing reactivity in dilute HCl: zinc; aluminum; gold; calcium

2, 12, 8, 63

Arrange the following 4 radicals in order of increasing value: 6th root of 12, 6th root of 63, cube root of 2, fourth root of 8

225 million

At the Sun's distance of 8 kiloparsecs from the Galactic center, how many years would it take for material here to complete one rotational circuit?


At which of the following locations would Betelgeuse most likely be found by a stargazer at mid-northern latitudes during January at about midnight: W) at the beginning of the handle of the big dipper X) at the zenith near the star Vega Y) about 10º north of Orion's belt in the southern sky Z) in the northern sky just above the star Capella


At which of the following pH levels will human pepsin be most active: W) 2 X) 4 Y) 6 Z) 8


Beadle and Tatum primarily used what organism to show that mutations in a single gene caused disruptions in metabolic pathways because of the lack of a single enzyme?


Because of Earth's rotation and shape, ocean currents are intensified along which of the following borders of all oceans: W) northern X) southern Y) eastern Z) western

two times

By what factor will the gravitational attraction between two masses be multiplied, if the distance between their centers of mass remains the same, but the mass of one doubles?


By words or number, name all of the following 3 statements that are TRUE for the function, f(x) = -3x 2 - 2x - 2 = 0: 1) there are no real zeros 2) the graph is a parabola opening downward 3) the graph has no x-intercepts


By words or numbers, identify all of the following 4 choices that MUST be true for 2 objects in thermal equilibrium: 1) they both must radiate no energy in any direction 2) they must be at the same temperature 3) they both must have the same thermal expansion coefficients 4) they must have the same internal energy


Calculate the density, in grams per liter, of diatomic helium gas at 100K and at a pressure of 2 atmospheres:


Calculate the one-atmosphere boiling point elevation, in degrees Celsius to the 2nd decimal place, for a solution made by dissolving 1 gram of solute in 0.1 kilograms of water. Assume the formula weight of the solute is 300 and the boiling point depression constant is 2.0ºC per molal..


Calculate the percent relative humidity for air at 70°F containing 10 millibars of water vapor if the saturation vapor pressure is 25.0 millibars at that temperature:


Calculate ∆Gº (read as: delta G naught), giving your answer in kilojoules, for a reaction in which ∆Hº = +180 kilojoules and ∆Sº = +100 joules per kelvin at 300 kelvin and 1 atmosphere pressure:


Carbon monoxide, or CO, will be adsorbed onto the surface of which of the following metals the MOST strongly: W) iron X) nickel Y) cobalt Z) gold


Cards numbered 1 through 10 lie on a table. If two cards are picked at random, without replacement, what is the probability, as a fraction in lowest terms, that the two cards will have values within one of each other?


Case hardening is a process through which: W) the surface of a metal is hardened X) the metal is hardened completely through Y) the hardness of a metal is determined Z) metals are shaped or formed


Cepheid variables are a large and important group of: W) yellow giants and super giants X) red giants Y) blue giants Z) pulsating quasars


Cherries, plums, and peaches belong to what genus?


Choosing from noon, sunset, midnight or sunrise, at what time of the day does a new Moon rise for an observer at mid-northern latitudes in September?


Choosing from primary through quaternary, what level of protein structure is conferred by a beta pleated sheet?

1685 meters

Consider a sailor off the coast of Cape Cod, Massachusetts. How far from a fog horn, in meters, is the sailor if it takes 5 seconds to hear the horn at 10° C?

4 × 10^7

Consider a satellite that is a uniform sphere rotating about its axis. What is its moment of inertia, giving your answer in scientific notation and in kilogram meters squared, if it has a mass of 10,000 kilograms and a diameter of 200 meters?


Consider an astronaut on the Moon and g is exactly 1/6th of g on Earth. If he threw an object vertically upwards with an initial velocity of 1.6 meters per second, how many meters up would it be after 1 second, rounding your answer to the first decimal place?


Consider an electric charge moving through a magnetic field. A force acts on the charge perpendicular to the direction of the charge's motion and direction of the magnetic field. Which of the following is the MOST common name for this force: W) B field X) Lorentz force Y) electrodynamic force Z) Faraday force


Convert 0.001 grams per cubic millimeter into kilograms per cubic meter:


Distinctly and finely stratified layers of silt and clay deposited in lakes of glacial origin are known as: W) varves X) moraines Y) drumlins Z) eskers

x^2 + 2x + 4

Divide and simplify the following 2 polynomials, combining like terms: (x^3-8)/(x-2)


During beta minus decay, what nucleon type is reduced by one?


During photorespiration, the plant enzyme RuBisCO (read as: rueBIS-ko) will bind what molecular substance rather than carbon dioxide?

6 and 12

Find 2 mean proportionals between the numbers 3 and 24:

-3 + or - 3

Find the solution set of the following equation: x^2 + 6x + 6 = 0


Hawaiian volcanoes such as Kilauea and Mauna Loa are examples of which of the following types of volcanoes: W) basaltic X) rhyolitic Y) andesitic Z) andesitic and rhyolitic

90 degrees

How many degrees of arc are in 6 hours of right ascension?


How many different letter arrangements are possible with the six letters in the word 'SECOND'?


How many grams of KCl, with a molar mass of 75, are needed to make 1 liter of a 3 molar solution?


Hydrocarbons that contain a carbon-carbon double bond are generally know as what:


Hydrogen bonding is due to a combination of forces, the most important of which is what type of interaction: W) dipole-dipole X) dipole-induced dipole Y) induced dipole-induced Z) induced


If one parent has an AB blood type and the other parent has an O blood type, what blood types will the children possibly inherit?


If you were using a 50-millimeter camera lens and changed the lens aperture from 8.0 to 5.6, about how much LESS light would the lens be allowing to pass through it: W) 60% less X) 50% less Y) 35% less Z) 22% less


Ignoring air resistance, wind velocity, and the rotation of the Earth, if a projectile is fired directly upwards, the horizontal component of the projectile's velocity: W) is zero X) remains a non zero constant Y) continuously increases Z) continuously decreases


In a strong acid-base titration, what is the pH of the solution when the equivalence point is reached?


In a titration experiment, it takes 20.0 milliliters of a 0.05 molar barium hydroxide, Ba(OH)2, solution to neutralize 40 milliliters of a nitric acid, or HNO3, solution to the equivalence point. Calculate the molarity of HNO3, rounded to the second decimal place:


In a triangle ABC, angle A = 55° and angle B = 70°. If line segment AB = 3x - 2 and line segment BC = x + 10, what is the value of x?


In the equation for Gibbs free energy, if ∆H is positive and ∆S is negative, then the reaction will occur: W) spontaneously at all temperatures X) nonspontaneously at all temperatures Y) spontaneously only at high temperatures Z) spontaneously only at low temperatures


In what Era of the geological time scale did mammals and grasses become abundant?


In what constellation is the brightest-appearing star in the night sky?


In what quadrant does θ (read as: theta) terminate if sine θ is positive and secant θ is negative?


In what specific part of a eukaryotic cell will pyruvate be converted into acetyl Co-enzyme A?

seminiferous tubules

In what specific part of the testes does spermatogenesis occur in mammals?


In which element is the first crossing in the orbital-filling order encountered, whereby the next 2 electrons go into the 4s subshell rather than filling the 3d orbitals? W) argon X) scandium Y) rubidium Z) potassium


Jan is riding her bike northward on Main Street at 20 kilometers per hour and applies her brakes. In what direction would a physicist MOST likely record her acceleration?


Kepler's third law states that the square of a planet's period is proportional to the: W) cube of its average distance from the sun X) square root of its average distance from the sun Y) cube of its average distance from its two neighboring planets Z) square of its average distance from the sun

-65 and -67

Name 2 consecutive ODD integers where 5 times the second number minus 6 times the first number equals -55:


Name the two elements that have atomic numbers less than that of lead that have no stable isotopes:


Ocean tides of diminished range are called: W) spring tides X) neap tides Y) diurnal tides Z) semi-diurnal tides


Of the 3 basic types of magma on Earth, which one generally has a chemical composition intermediate in iron, magnesium, and calcium?


Of the 3 basic types of magma on Earth, which one generally has the LOWEST eruptive temperature?


Of the 3 basic types of magma on Earth, which one generally has the LOWEST gas content?


Of the following, which is the most powerful tool available for the quantitative elemental analysis of metals in solutions: W) potentiometry X) nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry Y) atomic absorption spectrometry Z) liquid chromatography


Of the following, which is the strongest base: W) potassium hydroxide X) barium hydroxide Y) calcium hydroxide Z) sodium hydroxide


Of the primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary levels of protein structure, at what level would a beta-pleated sheet be placed?


One species benefits while the other is unaffected is most specifically an example of what symbiotic relationship?


Our Sun is a: W) A-type star X) B-type star Y) G-type star Z) K-type star


Panning is a simple mining technique that is used for extracting gold deposited in: W) banded gold formations X) evaporite deposits Y) placer deposits Z) lode deposits


Pyrex glass contains many of the same components as soda lime glass but in addition contains at least 5%: W) boric acid X) pure silica Y) clay Z) dyes


Recent evidence shows which to be the best advice for a person suffering from recurrent kidney stones: W) decrease their intake of calcium-rich foods X) increase their intake of calcium-rich foods Y) increase their intake of oxalate-rich foods Z) decrease their intake of magnesium-rich foods


Refracting telescopes always contain which of the following: W) mirrors X) lenses Y) television systems Z) film


Relative to the floor, what is the gravitational potential energy, in joules, of a 25-newton bag of beans on a shelf 5 meters above the floor?


Removal of a predatory starfish results in an overabundance of mollusks dramatically altering the community population. The starfish would be considered: W) a keystone species X) primary competitor Y) secondary producer Z) an endangered species


Scoria is most typically described as having which of the following textures: W) phaneritic X) fragmental Y) porphyritic Z) vesicular

root (x+1)

Simplify the following equation: root (9x+9) - root (4x+4)

12A - 4.03B + 1.2

Simplify the following expression by combining like terms: 12.03A - 4.03B - 0.03(A - 40)


Simplify the following expression: x^1/2 times x^2/5

1/3 root 6

Simplify the following fractional radicand to an expression that has the lowest whole number radicand: root 2/3


Simplify the following rational expression by combining like terms, assuming x is not equal to 4: (x^2-16)/(4x-x^2)

4 OR -4

Solve the following equation for x: 2^7 x 2^(x^2-2)= 2^21


Thallassemia and Marfan Syndrome are both which of the following types of diseases: W) virus-related diseases X) bacteria-related diseases Y) toxic-exposure diseases Z) inherited disorders

pauli exclusion principle

That no two electrons in an atom can have an identical set of quantum numbers is best known as what principle?


The "dead zone' that has been occurring off the central Oregon coast since 2002 and recently expanding is thought to be caused by which of the following: W) toxic sulfur gas from undersea vents X) abnormal upwelling processes due to highly variable winds Y) an increased presence of invasive predatory species Z) toxic release of waste products from oil refineries


The branch of geology that deals with the study of the origin, composition, distribution, and ordering of layered sedimentary rocks is called what?


The decimal number 15 is equivalent to what octal number?


The graph of the relation y = √(25-x^2 ) is a: W) circle X) semi-circle Y) parabola Z) straight line


The local group is generally referred to as a collection of what celestial objects?


The molal is a concentration unit that is most appropriately used in experimental designs that determine: W) freezing point depression X) osmotic pressure Y) density Z) vapor pressure lowering


The molar heat of vaporization for water at its boiling point and in kilojoules per mole is: W) 6.01 X) 40.7 Y) 540 Z) 2,260


The monthly revenue, in dollars, for sales of widgets is given by the equation R(q) = 8.5q - 0.02q2, where q is the number of widgets made per month. The cost for creating the widgets is given by the equation, C(q) = 200 + 0.5q dollars. A maximum of 400 widgets can be made in 1 month. How many widgets should be made each month to maximize the profit, as given by the revenue minus the cost?


The most common method used by Beadle and Tatum in generating mutant molds for their metabolic studies was to expose the molds to what?


The number 22.5 is 5 percent of what number?


The oil used with an oil-immersion objective in compound light microscopes takes advantage of what optical phenomenon to improve magnification: W) chromatic coherence X) index of refraction Y) polarization Z) dispersion


The oval window is directly stimulated by the vibrations of what bone?

(10, 3)

The point (3, 2) is reflected across the graph of y = 6 and the resulting point is then reflected across the graph of y = x. What are the coordinates of the final point?

sulfur oxide, nitrogen oxide

The primary anthropogenic cause of acid rain is the emission of what 2 gases?


The principle constituent of most granites is: W) feldspar X) muscovite Y) calcite Z) dolomite


The slope of a velocity versus time graph represents: W) acceleration X) velocity Y) position Z) displacement


The spines of cacti are a modification of what plant structure?


The stars Merak and Dubhe in the bowl of the big dipper are most commonly used to locate what star?


The time interval between the generation of P and S waves from its arrival at a seismometer is BEST translated as: W) the magnitude of the earthquake X) the distance to the epicenter Y) the wave height of a potential tsunami Z) the distance to the nearest fault zone


The toroidal magnetic field in the Tokamak fusion confinement is oriented in which of the following directions: W) uniformly throughout the toroid X) oblique to the toroid axis Y) perpendicular to the toroid axis Z) parallel to the surface of the toroid


The total amount of energy of a star's surface radiated into space each second is most commonly referred to as what?


The type of muscle that is in the walls of human arteries is: W) smooth X) striated Y) skeletal Z) fast twitch


The zone of aeration is BEST described as pores in rock or soil that contain: W) only water X) only oil Y) air and water Z) oil and water


There are 10 people on a bus who, when ranked from youngest to oldest, all differ from those on the bus closest in age to them by the same number of years. If the youngest is 6 and the oldest is 51, what is the common difference in their age?


Thin layer chromatography most commonly employs what substance as the matrix for the chromatographic separation?

120 (15 per hour)

Through how many degrees does the Earth rotate in 8 hours?


Through which of the following mechanisms do allosteric inhibitors typically operate: W) binding the substrate X) binding to an enzyme's active site Y) binding to a site other than the active site and changing the shape of an enzyme Z) acting as a competitive inhibitor and overpowering the active sites of enzymes


Tim hears water dripping from a faucet while trying to take a nap. If he counts 20 drops in one minute, what is the period of the drops, in seconds?


Trilobites are index fossils that lived: W) in warm, ocean waters X) during the Achaean geological time Y) in desert environments Z) in lakes, rivers and streams


Two common igneous rocks derived from andesitic magma are: W) andesite and alkali basalt X) diorite and andesite Y) komatite and rhyolite Z) rhyolite and kimberlite


Typically, thin veils or sheets of white fibrous clouds composed entirely of ice crystals which can sometimes cover the whole sky are called: W) alto-cumulus X) cirro-stratus Y) nimbo-stratus Z) alto-stratus

x^4 - 4x^3 + 6x^2 - 4x + 1

Use the Binomial Theorem to expand and simplify the following equation: (x - 1)^4


Used as a way to categorize rivers and streams, what is the term for the volume of water flowing through the cross-section of a channel over a given period of time?


Using electrophoresis at a pH of 6.0, which two of the following 5 amino acids would move the least remaining at the origin? arginine, glutamic acid, glycine, alanine, lysine?


Using proper chemical nomenclature, finish balancing the following combustion reaction for the gaseous products of carbon dioxide and water: 2C4H10(gas) + 13O2(gas) yields what?


Wein's law expresses the relationship between the wavelength at the peak emission in black body radiation and: W) the change in pressure X) the black body's structure Y) the temperature in Kelvins Z) the interference patterns of associated electrons


What 2 characteristics of Uranus are most commonly noted as the reasons why Uranus was not discovered until the late 1700's?


What Greek letter is used to symbolize wavelength?


What are probably the only particles emitted by stellar cores without being influenced appreciably by the outermost layers of the stars, and are detected by an instrument in the Homestake gold mine?


What are the common names for the 2 functional groups that combine to form a peptide bond?

(2, 8)

What are the coordinates of the hole in the graph of the function, g(x) = (2x^2-8)/(x-2)?

(-1, -9) (x = -b/2a = -8/2(4) = -1; y = 4(-1)2 +8(-1) - 5 = -9)

What are the coordinates of the vertex in the graph of the following equation: y = 4x^2 + 8x - 5

o, a, b, ab

What are the four main human blood types?

MEDIAN = 8.; MEAN = 7; MODE = 8

What are the median, mean and mode of the following set of numbers: 2, 3, 3, 8, 8, 8, 10, 14


What are the names for positive and negative ions, respectively?

cytosine and thymine

What are the names for the pyrimidine bases found in DNA?

mercury, venus, mars, jupiter, saturn

What are the proper names of the 5 celestial bodies called wanderers by Greek astronomers because they had unusual paths in the sky throughout the year?

1, 1/2, 0

What are the spin quantities for a gauge boson, a lepton, and a kaon, respectively?


What are typically given as the two parameters of a velocity vector?


What chemical term is given to the formations that occur in water when a hydrophilic head and a hydrophobic tail organize into spheres that orient the tails within the sphere?


What class of immunoglobulins is most directly responsible for hay fever and common allergies in humans?


What color light does water absorb the most: W) red X) yellow Y) green Z) blue


What color of light is produced when equal intensities of cyan light and red light are combined?


What color would be produced when mixing magenta and cyan pigments?


What common organic molecule is made of an adenine residue, a ribose sugar, and three phosphates:


What constant is given as the amount of electric charge per mole of electrons?


What element is a corrosive, greenish-yellow gas, is widely used inmthe manufacturing of polymers such as Teflon, and is the 13th most abundant element in the Earth's crust?


What element is central to synthetic chemistry because of the unique ability of its atoms to bind to one another with single, double and triple bonds and form chains, branches and rings of varying sizes?


What element makes up the innermost core of a type II supernova just before core collapse?


What element was first discovered through spectroscopic analysis of the Sun?


What general term describes a substance whose electrons are all spin-paired and that are weakly repelled by magnetic fields?


What human gland, which is mostly lymphoid tissue, is critical to the normal development of cell mediated immunity and, if removed after young adulthood, seems to have no ill effects on the immune system?


What is a quantity that has only a magnitude most commonly called?


What is another name for minor planets, starlike bodies, or planetoids, the vast majority of which have orbits roughly midway between the orbits of Jupiter and Mars?


What is the 13th term in the following arithmetic progression: 2, 7, 12...


What is the 5th term in the geometric progression whose first three terms are: 64, 16, 4


What is the MOST common name for the electrical device often made of two parallel conducting plates separated by a paper insulator all rolled into a cylinder to function in storing electrical energy?


What is the MOST common organic molecule in the atmosphere of the planet Uranus?


What is the MOST common term for the division of a somatic cell into 2 nucleated cells following of mitosis?


What is the MOST common term for the general type of nourishment characteristic of mushrooms where the organism derives its nutrients by absorbing the biological products of another organism?


What is the MOST common term for the type of energy that is most directly related to the energy of atoms, molecules and other small particles that are in random motion within a system?


What is the Roman numeral equivalent of the year 1776?


What is the SI unit given to a volt per ampere?


What is the SI unit of capacitance equal to one coulomb per volt?


What is the average acceleration of a cyclist traveling on a straight path from 0 to 25 kilometers per hour in a minute and 40 seconds: W) 2.5 km per hour X) 0.25 km per hour Y) 2.5 km per hour per second Z) 0.25 km per hour per second


What is the biological term most often used for the act of a cell engulfing a particle by extending its pseudopodia (read as: SU-doe-POH-dee-ah) around the particle?


What is the bond order between the 2 carbon atoms in acetylene?


What is the botanical term for the stem of a group of flowers?

9 newtons

What is the centripetal force, in Newtons, that is required to cause a 10 kilogram body to move at 3 meters per second in uniform circular motion with a radius of 10 meters?


What is the chemical formula for the conjugate base of HNO2?


What is the common astronomical name for areas where gravitational attraction of two or more celestial bodies prevents objects in that area from maintaining an orbit, such as the spacings of semi-major axes of orbits of asteroids in the asteroid belt?

2 amperes

What is the current, in amperes, running through a 200-watt light bulb running on a 100 volt power source:


What is the degree measure of the angle formed by 2 secants intersecting outside a circle if the measures of the intercepted arcs are 80º and 34º?


What is the degree of unsaturation for a ring chain of the molecule C9H16, assuming it contains only sigma bonds?


What is the derivative of the following expression with respect to the variable x: 4x^3/2-5x^1/2


What is the general name for a substance that facilitates a chemical reaction by providing an alternative reaction pathway with a lower activation energy while remaining unaltered?


What is the general name for the myriad of suspended particles or aerosols in the Earth's atmosphere that allow rain droplets to undergo coalescence?


What is the general term for a salt of one of the halogens?

faraday's first law

What is the most common name for the Law or principal dictating that the amount of a substance that is released or deposited from an electrode is directly proportional to the amount of electric current passing through the circuit?


What is the most common name for the conformation that the ring structure of cyclohexane adopts to reach a strain-free value?

canola oil

What is the most common name for the edible vegetable oil that is derived from cultivars of rapeseed plants and is low in erucic acid?


What is the most common name for the temperature-slope or depth interval over which temperature changes with depth in a lake?

3-prime terminus

What is the most common name for the terminus of a tRNA molecule to which amino acids are attached?


What is the most common scientific term for plant water loss through stomata:


What is the most plentiful class of immunoglobulins in human plasma?

big dipper

What is the most well-known asterism in Ursa Major?


What is the name for the voltaic cells in which the reactants are continuously supplied to the cell and the products are continuously removed?


What is the potential difference, in volts, if 35 joules of work is needed to move 5 coulombs of charge in a uniform electric field?

vitamin e

What other vitamin acts like an antagonist and has the most similar structure to vitamin K?


When a one solar mass star becomes a red giant for the first time, its energy comes mainly from the fusion of helium forming into what final element?


When a strip of sodium reacts with dilute HCl, what gas is produced?


When bacteria are introduced into a nutrient rich medium they follow a standard bacterial growth curve. Place the following into the proper sequence from the earliest to the latest in this growth phase: stationary, log, decline, lag


When mixing equal proportions of green and red light, what color light is produced?


Which 2 of the following 4 parameters most directly yield the product used in the Lawson criterion for nuclear fusion: ion density; fusion temperature; isotope half-life; energy confinement time


Which 2 of the following 5 genera of organisms are not Monerans? Leishmania, Rickettsia, Neisseria, Echinococcus, Klebsiella


Which 2 of the following 5 minor planets have the largest diameters: Eros, Juno, Ceres, Amor, Apollo

velocity, acceleration, magnetic field

Which 3 of the following 4 are vector quantities: velocity, acceleration, speed, magnetic field


Which acid connects the 2-deoxyribose units within every DNA strand: W) acetic acid X) phosphoric acid Y) citric acid Z) glycolic acid


Which of the following are the units of the rate constant for a 2nd order reaction given that concentration is measured in molarity and time in seconds: W) M-2s-1 X) M-1s-1 Y) Ms-1 Z) M-2minutes-1


Which of the following best approximates the relative humidity in the stratosphere: W) 1% X) 10% Y) 35% Z) 50%


Which of the following colors of light has the greatest angle of refraction in normal glass: W) yellow X) green Y) orange Z) blue


Which of the following colors of light would give the highest resolving power of a compound light microscope: W) infrared X) orange Y) green Z) ultraviolet


Which of the following compounds contains a coordinate covalent bond: W) NH4+ X) N2H4 Y) N2 Z) NH3


Which of the following compounds is most SOLUBLE in water at 10ºC: W) KNO3 X) CaSO4 Y) BaSO4 Z) AgBr


Which of the following compounds is used as a fuel additive in what is commonly known as "dry-gas" by solubilizing water to reduce its contamination in gasoline: W) isooctane X) glycerol Y) MTBE Z) isopropyl alcohol


Which of the following explains why a sailboat can sail into the wind: W) Archimedes' Principle X) Bernoulli's Law Y) Pascal's Law Z) Reynolds' Numbers


Which of the following has the highest specific heat value: W) wood X) ice water Y) sand Z) gold


Which of the following ions does NOT have a noble gas electron configuration in ionic compounds: W) Ca2+ X) F- Y) Al3+ Z) Na-


Which of the following is a rational number: W) 1+root 4 X) 2+root 5 Y) root 6 Z) π


1 cubic foot per second equals approximately how many gallons per minutes: W) 256 X) 449 Y) 646 Z) 724


As seen from the Earth, what planet has the smallest maximum eastern elongation?


Groundwater that is rich in calcium and magnesium bicarbonates is termed: W) hard water X) soft water Y) well water Z) recharge water

Ethylene (Accept: Ethene)

HDPE is a tough plastic often used for the manufacture of toys. What monomer is the primary repeating unit in this polymer?


Halos and rings around the Moon in the night sky are most often caused by which of the following: W) nucleation particles in the stratosphere X) small water droplets in nimbostratus clouds Y) temperature inversions Z) ice crystals in cirrus clouds


How many joules are in a single watt-hour?


If a supernova with an apparent magnitude of -2.0 was observed for the first time in the year 2,000 at 35.00 kiloparsecs from Earth, how many years before observation, rounded to the nearest whole number, did the supernova most likely occur?


If a violin string is 0.5 meters long and has a mass of 3.0 grams, what tension, in Newtons, must be on the string to give a wave velocity of 14.14 meters per second?


If a wave has a frequency of 50 hertz, what is its period, in seconds?


If e^(x/5)=30, which of the following is the value of x, assuming that the natural log of 2 = 0.7, and the natural log of 15 = 2.7: W) 15 X) 16 Y) 17 Z) 18


If g = 9.8 meters per second squared, to the first decimal place and in newtons, how many newtons of force are required to keep a 500 kilogram slab of granite moving across a horizontal surface at constant speed if there is a kinetic frictional coefficient of 0.10 between the surface and the slab?


If it is 7:47 AM, Tuesday September 23rd in Beijing China at 116º east longitude, what day and time, respectively, would it be in London, England?


If it were to be renamed today based on what constellation the sun is in on December 22nd, what would the new name be for the Tropic of Capricorn?


In an autologous tissue transplant, from whom does the person receive the tissue?


In one cycle of alternating current, 180º is given to the point at what fractional amount of the way through the cycle?


In order and starting with the highest, name the 3 boundaries that separate the 4 thermal layers in the Earth's atmosphere:

4s, 4p, 4d, 4f

In order of increasing energy, number and designate all the subshells in the 4th electron shell:


In population ecology, which of the following best defines the number of individuals of a species per unit of area: W) population size X) population density Y) biomass Z) cohort

uric acid

In primates, what is the final product of most purine degradation?


In which of the following areas of the human body is the zygomatic arch found: W) shoulder X) pelvis Y) head Z) knee


In which of the following cell types does phosphocreatine provide the greatest role: W) hepatocyte X) parafollicular cell Y) endothelial cell Z) a skeletal muscle cell


In which of the following instances would using a student t-test be most appropriate: W) comparing yes or no answers on a single question on a questionnaire X) determining statistical differences between 5 different age groups of males that received a drug that increases red blood cell production Y) finding the statistical differences between two groups in an experiment on a drug's effect in raising or lowering blood pressure Z) comparing the strengths of 5 different types of fishing lines


In which of the following locations has water at its highest temperature ever been recorded in nature: W) within gullies on Venus X) in very deep ocean hydrothermal vents along the mid-Atlantic ridge Y) at the bottom of Yellowstone Lake in Yellowstone National Park Z) within volcanic vents high atop Hawaii's Kilauea volcano


In which of the following locations is oceanic crust converging with oceanic crust: W) the Aleutian Islands X) the Himalayan Mountains Y) the Mid-Atlantic Ridge Z) the East Pacific Rise


In which of the following locations would there typically be more Population Two stars than Population One stars: W) in globular clusters X) in spiral arms of galaxies Y) in planetary nebula Z) in regions actively forming stars


Name all of the following 4 choices that are typically considered human autoimmune dysfunctions: Rheumatoid arthritis; Lupus; shingles; Down's syndrome

all but conductors

Name all of the following 4 choices that would typically be considered to supply electromotive force: transformers; generators; batteries; conductors


Name all of the following 4 diseases that are NOT caused by bacteria: cholera; bubonic plague; syphilis; mumps


Name all of the following 4 diseases that are caused by protists: botulism; rabies; typhoid fever; toxoplasmosis

measles, AIDS

Name all of the following 4 diseases that are caused by viruses: measles; AIDS; tuberculosis; leprosy

all but lysosome

Name all of the following 4 organelles that are bounded by a double membrane: nucleus; mitochondrion; lysosome; chloroplast


Name all of the following 4 organisms in which transposons are found: humans; maize; fruit fly; bacteria


Name all of the following 4 organisms that are bivalves: clam; oyster; mussel; snail


Name all of the following 4 organisms that are human ectoparasites: Plasmodium ovale; Ascaris; Trichinella spiralis; Ixodes


Name all of the following 4 organisms that would be considered to have radial symmetry: flatworms; cestodes; Echinoderms; sea urchins

rubidium and lithium

Of the following group of 4 cations, which are the LARGEST and SMALLEST ions, respectively: K+; Na+; Rb+; Li+


Order the following three lipids from lowest to highest melting points: lauric acid, myristic acid, palmitic acid


Organic compounds that contain double bonds are said to be: W) saturated X) unsaturated Y) unable to undergo cis-trans isomerization Z) unable to undergo addition reactions


PHYSICS Multiple Choice Which of the following is the part of an electric motor that functions as an electromagnet: W) ballast X) relay Y) armature Z) brushes


Pitch in an airplane is typically controlled by which of the following: W) horizontal stabilizer X) aileron Y) vertical stabilizer Z) swing arm


Pitchblende is one of the main ores of what element?


Placodonts, which lived during the Triassic Period, were a group of: W) meat-eating land reptiles X) flying reptiles Y) small, lightweight, plant-eating reptiles Z) marine reptiles


Polystyrene is produced by which of the following reactions: W) free radical vinyl polymerization from the monomer styrene X) metalocene catalysis polymerization Y) graft copolymerization Z) butadiene polymerization


Portions of the Ogallala aquifer are located under: W) Nebraska X) the San Jaoquin valley Y) Arizona Z) Florida


Pure gold is how many karats?


Recent studies of Troglodytes indicate they are some of the most sensitive endangered life forms. In what specific environment do Troglodytes typically live?

cube root of 15

Reduce the following radical expression to its simplest radical form: square root of the cube root of 225

(x^3 times y^4 times z^5)/2

Remove all negative exponents and simplify the following expression for all non-zero values of x, y, and z: (2x^2 times y^-1 times z^3)^0/(2x^-3 times y^-4 times z^-5)


Subtract the following 2 numbers and give your answer with the proper significant figures: 25.101 - 0.9608


The "one gene one enzyme" rule proposed by Beadle and Tatum was mostly based upon their work with what genus of organisms?


The Adams family bought a home entertainment system for $10,000.00. They paid $4,000.00 down and must pay off the balance in 12 equal payments. If the simple interest on the balance is 10% of the amount borrowed, how much is each monthly installment?


The Alpine-Himalayan mountain chain formed by: W) rifting X) transform faulting Y) continental collision Z) continent to ocean subduction


The Stefan-Boltzman Law states that the energy emitted from a black body varies with what power of the temperature?


The Tharsis bulge is the major geological feature of what planet?


The abyssal plain of the Atlantic ocean lies directly adjacent to the: W) continental slope X) continental rise Y) continental shelf Z) continental crust


The allowing of long file names was a primary difference between: W) DOS and Windows 3.11 X) Windows 3.11 and Windows for Workgroups Y) Windows 3.11 and Windows 95 Z) Windows 95 and Windows 98


A termite is best classified in which trophic level: W) herbivore X) omnivore Y) primary detritivore Z) secondary detritivore


After a 20% increase, the new price of a tennis racket is $180.00. What was the original price of the racket?

mass, size and density

Based on what three physical properties do astronomers divide the planets into terrestrial and Jovian:


Cassini's division is associated with what planet?


Classify the following 3 particles as bosons, leptons, mesons, or baryons: muon; pion; neutron


Colloids formed by the dispersal of a gas in a liquid are called: W) emulsions X) foams Y) aerosols Z) solid sols

3pi/8 and 67.5 degrees

Convert to both radians and degrees the angle that equals one-half of 3π/4 radians:


From what monosaccharide is cellulose primarily composed?


In word processing, a collection of letters and associated characters in the same typeface, style and point size is called:

adrenal cortex

Most corticosteroids are synthesized in what specific part of the human body?

geranium; rose

Name all of the following 5 plants that are dicots: wheat; geranium; garlic; bamboo; rose

5 and -5

Solve the following equation for x: - 3|x| = -15


The f subshell is associated with what L quantum number?


To early astrophysical researchers, the Sun was originally found to emit about one-third of the expected amount of neutrinos. Which of the following BEST explains why: W) about 66% of the neutrinos were deflected by the Earth's magnetic field X) two-thirds of the neutrinos were too energetic to be detected Y) neutrinos were changing flavor on their way to Earth Z) original estimations of the numbers emitted by the Sun were incorrect


To prepare a tincture of iodine the iodine is mixed in what general type of solvent?


To the first decimal place, how many astronomical units is the average radius of the Earth's orbit around the Sun?


What human gland or organ produces tri-iodothyronine (read as: TRY- I-OH-doh-THY-row-neen)?


What is the Greek name meaning sparkling or scorching for the star, alpha Canis Majoris?


What is the Latin-derived term for the relatively smooth lunar plains that are areas of the Moon that appear dark as viewed from Earth?


What is the anticodon on a tRNA for AAA (read as: A, A, A)?


What is the common name for the product of human lachrymal glands?


What is the kinetic energy, in Joules, of a 50 Kilogram person who is moving at 5 meters per second?


What is the most common color for the calyx of angiosperms?


What is the primary calcium-binding protein in eukaryotic cells, that is about 148 amino acids long, and has a wide variety of functions often through kinases and phosphatases


What is the primary product produced when ethyl alcohol is heated to 170°C in the presence of 95% sulfuric acid? V


What is the spin of the muon, in quantum units?


What planet is the most distant gas giant from the sun?


What planet is usually obscured by the sun and never seen against a dark sky: W) Mars X) Venus Y) Mercury Z) Jupiter


What plant hormone is primarily responsible for apical dominance in angiosperms?


Where is intercellular fluid normally found?


Which of the following best illustrates a limitation of a supercapacitor, or electric double-layer capacitor, versus an electrochemical battery: W) virtually unlimited cycle life X) rapid recharging Y) low impedance Z) high self-discharge rate


Which of the following cells would NOT typically be found in the peripheral circulation: W) Polymorphonuclear leukocyte X) plasma cell Y) reticulocyte Z) erythroblasts


Which of the following chemicals is most predominant in chocolate: W) tyrosine X) theophylline Y) theobromine Z) caffeine


Which of the following colors of light has the SMALLEST angle of refraction in normal glass: W) violet X) green Y) orange Z) red


Which of the following describes the quantum number that indicates the direction in space of the electron cloud surrounding the nucleus of an atom: W) magnetic quantum number X) principle quantum number Y) angular momentum quantum number Z) spin quantum number


Which of the following is the atomic sublevel with the next highest energy after the 4p sublevel: W) 4d X) 4f Y) 5s Z) 5p


Which of the following positions is an inferior planet most likely in if it is seen just after sunset: W) opposition X) superior conjunction Y) greatest eastern elongation Z) greatest western elongation


Which planet is 14.5 times the Earth's mass, has a rotational rate of 17.2 hours, and a year length of 84 Earth years?


A Java stock ticker that runs within the user's Web browser is an example of: W) an applet X) liteware Y) firmware Z) a taskbar


A beaker of concentrated aqueous ammonia is placed next to a beaker of concentrated aqueous hydrochloric acid at room temperature. After a short while, a white cloud forms between the beakers. This is a demonstration of: W) effusion X) diffusion Y) efflorescence Z) effervescence


A circle has a diameter of 32 meters. Find the degree measure of the central angle of a sector of the circle if its arc length measures 8π meters:


A circuit with 2 different resistors wired in series will have a total resistance that is: W) equal to the sum of the two resistances X) less than either resistance Y) equal to that of the greater resistance Z) equal to that of the lesser resistance


A clastic particle falling within the size range of 1/16th mm to 2 mm is called: W) silt X) sand Y) clay Z) pebble


A common type of distortion in CRT monitors in which horizontal and vertical lines bend inwards towards the center of the display is called: W) spiral distortion X) barrel distortion Y) trapezoid distortion Z) pincushion distortion


A component of the CPU, what does the acronym ALU stand for?


A data set has a mean of 10 and variance of 10. If every set element is multiplied by 2, which of the following is TRUE of the new mean and variance: W) mean is 20, variance is 40 X) mean is 20, variance is 10 Y) mean is 20, variance is 20 Z) mean is 10, variance is 20


A draft horse has a hoof print of 50 square inches per hoof. If the horse weighs 1,400 pounds, what is the pressure it exerts, in pounds per square inch, on the ground when all its hooves equally distribute its weight on the ground?


A fermentation reaction and a saponification reaction are similar in that they both can produce: W) a soap X) an ester Y) an alcohol Z) an acid


A first quarter Moon will cross the meridian at what time of the day or night: W) midnight X) sunrise Y) sunset Z) noon


A flagpole casts a 100-foot long shadow. If a 6-foot tall person standing at the base of the pole casts an 8-foot shadow, how many feet tall is the flagpole?


A flurry of recent reports in neurology and psychology points to protein translation in cerebral cortex dendrites leading to changes in synapses vital to what biological process: W) voluntary motor control X) stem cell repair Y) myelination Z) learning


A hexadecimal number is a numeral system with a radix or a base of what?


A hunter uses a 30-gram arrow that is fired by a bowstring at a velocity of 56 meters per second. What is the impulse on the arrow, to the second decimal place in kilogram meters per second?


A jar of 100 marbles contains only 2 colors of marbles, red and blue. If there are 13 red marbles for every 12 blue marbles, how many blue marbles are in the jar?


A lens defect resulting from its inability to bring all wavelengths of light into the same plane of focus is called: W) barrel distortion X) astigmatism Y) chromatic aberration Z) spherical aberration

0.5 GRAMS OF $0.40 AND 4.5 GRAMS OF $0.60

A merchant wants to mix 2 types of sugar that sell for $0.40 per gram and $0.60 per gram, respectively. If he wants a mixture of 5 grams that sells for $0.58 per gram, how many grams of each should he mix?


A meromictic lake has layers of water that typically: W) intermix once a year X) intermix each spring and autumn Y) intrtmix only when the winds are favorable Z) do not intermix


A physician orders 0.1 gram of a drug be administered to a patient. If it is only available as 20 milligrams per 5 milliliters, how many milliliters needs to be administered?


A recipe calls for flour, sugar and butter to be mixed in a ratio of 7 to 5 to 2, respectively. Assuming there is enough sugar and butter to use all the flour and 20 pounds of flour is available, how many pounds of the mixture can be made?


A rising parcel of air reaches the lifting condensation level at 2,000 meters at a dew point temperature of 15ºC. At 3,000 meters, the temperature of this parcel of air will on average be: W) 15ºC X) 10ºC Y) 6ºC Z) 3ºC

350 newtons

A runner, with her feet braced against her starting blocks, accelerates with a horizontal magnitude of 5 meters per second squared. How much horizontal force, in Newtons, must she exert on the blocks to produce this acceleration if the she has a mass of 70 kilograms?


A sample of gas is heated from 300 degrees K to 500 degrees K. If the container is sealed and of fixed volume, which of the following will remain constant: W) the average kinetic energy of the gas molecules X) the average speed of the gas molecules Y) the density of the gas Z) the pressure of the gas

1.2 (Solution: P2 = P1V1/V2 = (2 atm)(300 cm3 )/500 cm3 = 1.2 atm)

A sample of gas occupies a volume of 300 cubic centimeters at a pressure of 2 atmospheres. Calculate what the pressure would have to be, in atmospheres to the first decimal place, in order for the gas to have a volume of 500 cubic centimeters at constant temperature:


A sample of oxygen gas is collected over water at 14ºC. Knowing that the vapor pressure of water at 14ºC is 1.6 kilopascals, and that the pressure of the resultant mixture is 120 kilopascals, find the pressure, to the first decimal place, exerted by the dry oxygen alone:


A sharp ridge of erosion-resistant rock formed between adjacent cirque glaciers, often forming a saw-toothed mountain ridge is known as: W) arête X) scree Y) levee Z) moraine


A sodium chloride solution in water has a weight percent of 6%. What mass of solution, in grams, contains 1.5 grams of sodium chloride?


A standard rain gauge consists of a metal canister open at the top in which a funnel drains rainwater into a narrow cylinder. Each time they are deployed to the field, a small amount of light oil is added to the cylinder. This is done to: W) deter birds from drinking the water X) stop the canister from oxidizing Y) prevent the growth of blue-green algae Z) prevent water evaporation


A star is found to have a surface temperature of 20,000 kelvin. Which of the following spectral types is it most likely to be: W) A X) F Y) G Z) O

standard error of the mean

A statistician who computes the standard deviation of a set of sample means is computing what statistical quantity?


A substance's heat of sublimation at a given temperature is equal to which of the following at the same temperature: W) heat of fusion X) heat of vaporization Y) heat of fusion plus heat of vaporization Z) heat of fusion minus heat of vaporization

H2 = 0.7; N2 = 0.2; He2 = 0.1

A tank contains the following mixture of gases: 14grams diatomic H2, 56 grams diatomic N2, and 8 grams diatomic He2. To the first decimal place, what is the mole fraction of each gas in the mixture?


A tetrahedral arrangement of electronic orbitals around an atom in a molecule generally implies what type of hybridization: W) sp X) sp2 Y) sp3 Z) sp3d


A wave with a wavelength of 40 meters and a height of 2 meters, will NOT be refracted in water with a depth of more than: W) 1 meter X) 2 meters Y) 10 meters Z) 20 meters

silver and tin

A widely used dental amalgam is formed by reacting metallic mercury with an alloy consisting primarily of which 2 metals?


About what percent of all glaciers in the world are retreating today: W) 25% X) 50% Y) 75% Z) 100%


According to Beer's law: W) the energy of a photon of light is inversely proportional to its wavelength X) the concentration of a species that absorbs light can be measured by the amount of light absorbed Y) the energy of characteristic X-rays increases with increasing atomic number of the emitting element Z) excitation of the electrons in a molecule takes place on a shorter time scale than motion of the nuclei


According to EPA nationwide emission trends for common air pollutants and excluding fires and dust, which of the following accounted for the least amount of emissions in the past 5 years: W) volatile organic compounds X) carbon monoxide Y) sulfur dioxide Z) particulate matter


According to Kepler's second Law of planetary motion, in which season in North America does the Earth currently move the fastest in its orbit about the Sun?


According to VSEPR bonding theory, if 2 of the bonded atoms in an octahedral molecule are replaced by 2 electron pairs, the molecule will assume what geometric shape, such as in XeF4: W) linear X) trigonal bipyramidal Y) square planar Z) square pyramidal


According to VSEPR bonding theory, if one of the bonded atoms in a trigonal bipyramidal molecule is replaced by 2 electron pairs, the molecule will assume what geometric shape, such as in ClF3: W) t-shaped X) see-saw Y) linear Z) bent


According to conventional nomenclature of nuclear science, what case and letter is used to symbolize mass number?

iron hydroxide, barium sulfate

According to general solubility rules, name all of the following 5 substances that are NOT soluble in water: lithium iodide; sodium chloride; iron(II) hydroxide; sodium nitrate; barium sulfate


According to standard chemical nomenclature and indicating the proper charge, what is the formula for hydrogen sulfide?


According to the Atterberg and U.S. Department of Agriculture classification scales, what type of soil particles have diameters of less than 0.002 millimeters and are considered the smallest particles of soil?


According to the Bronsted-Lowry system, a base is defined as which of the following: W) electron pair acceptor X) proton acceptor Y) proton donor Z) hydroxide donor


According to the Continental Drift Theory, Australia remained attached to Antarctica until the 2 entities drifted apart about how many million years ago: W) 80 X) 120 Y) 250 Z) 350


According to the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation, the pH equals the pKawhen the ratio of the conjugate base and weak acid equals: W) 0 X) 1 Y) 2 Z) 7


According to the Pogson scale for brightness, by what multiple does the brightness of 2 stars differ that have apparent magnitudes of +3 and +8?

weak force

According to the Standard Model of Particle Physics, through what force would the top quark decay?


According to the classical taxonomical system, order the following from the most general taxonomic group to the most specific group: order, genus, kingdom, class, family, species


According to the discontinuous side of Bowen's reaction series, which of the following is likely to first crystallize as basaltic magma cools: W) quartz X) olivine Y) pyroxene Z) hornblende

red, green, and blue

According to the typical color triangle, what are the three primary colors of light?

2 times

According to the work of Coulomb, if the charge on either one of two tiny objects was doubled, by what multiple would the total force on the particles increase?

sulfuric acid

Acid rain, a major environmental problem, results primarily from the production of what aqueous acid?


Aeolian sandstones are produced primarily by sand grain motion as a result of: W) river currents X) ocean currents Y) glacial transports Z) winds


All elements in a given period of the periodic table have similar: W) valence-shell electron configuration X) maximum principal quantum number Y) atomic radii Z) atomic number


Also known as mock suns or parhelia, what is the name for a pair of brightly colored spots, one on either side of the sun, that are caused by sunlight passing through a thin layer of ice crystals: W) sun pillars X) cloud iridescence Y) sundogs Z) silver lining


Although not known as such at the time, what was the first form of spectacular electric discharge seen by humans?


Although scientists are unable to obtain samples by drilling, they believe the predominant mineral in the mantle is: W) iron pyrite X) potassium feldspar Y) quartz Z) olivine


Although the crystal habit of quartz is widely variable, its most common habit is: W) orthorhombic X) cubic Y) hexagonal Z) triclinic


Although you might expect this planet to be visible to the unaided eye because of its maximum apparent magnitude value of about +5.8, what planet is unlikely to be seen by most stargazers since it requires nearly ideal viewing conditions?


An aqueous solution in which the concentration of OH- ions is greater than that of H+ ions is: W) basic X) acidic Y) neutral Z) in equilibrium


An email sent over the internet most likely uses what protocol: W) HTTP X) FTP Y) SMTP Z) HMTTP


An example of negative feedback control is when: W) thyroid hormone interrupts the stimulation of the thyroid by TSH X) the initial enzyme of a metabolic pathway inhibits a later reaction Y) FSH inhibits progesterone production by the corpus luteum Z) the initial product of a metabolic pathway inhibits the next reaction


An experiment aboard a recent Space Shuttle mission exposed Salmonella typhimurium to a space environment. Which of the following resulted when the bacteria came back to Earth: W) they were more virulent X) they were less virulent Y) they had about the same virulence Z) they changed into a new but similar species of bacteria


An increase in which of the following conditions would NOT lead to an increase in pressure of a gas in a piston: W) increased temperature X) increased number of gas molecules Y) increased average kinetic energy of gas particles Z) increased volume


An isotonic solution of sodium chloride, also known as normal saline, is what percent by mass: W) 0.045% X) 0.9% Y) 2.5% Z) 10%


An oligotrophic lake is one that is BEST defined as: W) deep, cold, and nutrient-poor X) deep, cold, and nutrient-rich Y) shallow, warm, and nutrient-poor Z) shallow, warm, and nutrient-rich

W (alkanes = CnH2n+2)

An organic compound with the formula C6H14 is an: W) alkane X) alkene Y) alkyne Z) arene


Andesitic magmas typically erupt above: W) hot spots X) divergent plate boundaries Y) subduction zones Z) fissure eruptions


Animals that produce eggs that develop and hatch outside of the body are called: W) viviparous X) ovoviviparous Y) oviparous Z) parity


Anthropogenic means: W) generated by humans X) created many years ago Y) carried in primate genes Z) harmful to elderly people


Arrange the following 4 substances in order of increasing pH: orange juice; human gastric juice; blood; aqueous ammonia


As a close relative to the bacteria that cause botulism and gas gangrene, which of the following bacteria are a growing concern in hospitals, killing patients who have been treated with antibiotics: W) Bacillus anthracis X) Clostridium difficile Y) Treponema pallidium Z) Vibrio cholera


As a comet approaches the Sun, most of its icy substances are released during what phase change process?


As a format for representing integers in which each digit is represented by four bits, what does the acronym BCD stand for?


As a percentage by volume in Earth's atmosphere, what are the two most abundant gases in Earth's atmosphere?


As exemplified in beta decay, as an atom's atomic mass increases, more of these particles are needed to maintain nuclear stability:


As of the summer of 2001, what planet was shown to have the most known moons orbiting it in our solar system?

stimulated (emission)

As opposed to spontaneous emission, what is the type of emission, first theorized by Albert Einstein, where a photon interacts with an atom's electron which, when it returns to a ground state, emits a coherent photon?


Assume A and B are the subsets of the universal set that contains 100 elements. If the number of elements in set A is 75, and the number of elements in set B is 25, and the number of elements in the intersection set of A and B equals 10, then how many elements are in the union set of A and B?


Assuming a man has Daltonism and marries a homozygous, normal woman, their children would most likely have which of the following genetic distributions: W) 100% of the females would be carriers and 50% of the males would be carriers X) 100% of the females would be carriers and 100% of the males would be normal Y) 50% of the females would be carriers and all of the males would have Daltonsim Z) both the females and the males would all have Daltonsim

80 meters

Assuming air resistance is negligible and the gravitational acceleration is 10 meters per second squared, what is the distance traveled, in meters, by a body in free fall after 4 seconds if it started from rest?


Assuming all the following substances are in pure form, order them from the WORST electrical conductor to the BEST electrical conductor: aluminum, water, iron, gold


Assuming average size, order the following from the smallest to the largest: red blood cell, Polio virus, Rickettsia, Anthrax bacillus

5 seconds (mv/f)

Assuming friction is negligible, how long will it take an object to stop if it has an initial velocity of 5 meters per second, if the average braking force is 20 Newtons, and if the object's mass is 20 kilograms?


Assuming g = -32 feet/sec2 and friction is negligible, if a coffee bean is thrown upward from the top of a building with a vertical velocity of +32 ft/sec, what will its velocity be in ft/sec after 3 seconds?

5 meters

Assuming g = 10.0 m/sec2 and friction is 0, if a rock is thrown vertically upward at 10.0 m/sec, how far up in meters will it be after 1 second?

27.6 meters

Assuming g = 9.8 m/s^2 and negligible air resistance, how far, in meters rounded to the first decimal place, would an object travel after 2 seconds if thrown down vertically, with an initial velocity of 4 m/sec from a 100 meter tower?

686 newtons

Assuming g = 9.8 m/sec^2, what is the weight on Earth, in Newtons, of a 70 kilogram person?


Assuming that the Hubble constant = 40 km/sec/megaparsec, how far away, in megaparsecs, is a galaxy whose red shift is 20,000 km/sec?


Assuming that the natural log of 5 = 1.6, find, to the first decimal place, the natural log of 5^1/3

6.67 × 10^-11

Assuming the universal gravitational constant is 6.67 × 10^-11 newton-meters squared per kilogram squared, what is the gravitational attraction, in newtons, between two, 10-kilogram perfectly uniform spheres separated by a center-to-center distance of 10 meters?


Assuming the velocity of light is 300,000 kilometers per second in a vacuum, what is the velocity of light, in kilometers/sec, in a transparent substance with a refractive index of 1.25?


Astronomers will often refer to certain stars as low metal content stars. In this sense astronomers consider metals as any element: W) heavier than helium X) heavier than carbon Y) heavier than copper Z) heavier than iron

48 cents

At 10 cents per kilowatt hour, how much does it cost to run a 1200 watt heater for 4 hours?


At 8:00 AM in early August of 2006 in New York, the Moon could be seen low in the western sky. What phase was it most likely in: W) waxing crescent X) just past new Y) a few days past full Z) first quarter


At about 10 PM in late summer of 2006, an observer at about 35 degrees north latitude would most likely see the stars Altair, Deneb and Vega in which of the following places in the sky: W) low in the east X) low in the west Y) about half way up in the northern sky Z) almost directly overhead


At how many parsecs is a star's absolute magnitude the same as its apparent magnitude?

brown dwarf

At less than 8% solar mass, what is the common term for a potential star that does not gather enough mass to initiate core nuclear fusion and become a main sequence star?

4 times

At normal operating speed for a motor vehicle, how many times as much kinetic energy does a car have if its velocity is doubled?


At present estimates, the Earth's planetary albedo is estimated to be: W) 30% X) 40% Y) 50% Z) 60%


Because of its linear-temperature relationship and its chemical inertness, which of the following materials is almost always used in resistance temperature detectors: W) mercury X) platinum Y) iron Z) brass


BenzoPyrenes are food toxins that can be found in low concentrations in: W) charcoal-broiled meats X) uncooked shellfish Y) raw eggs Z) wild mushrooms


Bioluminescence is a phenomenon most common in which of the following environments: W) marine X) fresh water Y) land Z) atmosphere


Biomagnification is MOST likely to result in the concentration of toxic chemicals in: W) chemoautotrophs X) eutrophic lakes Y) primary consumers Z) primary producers


Boundaries that form where lithospheric plates are breaking apart to move away from each other are called: W) transform boundaries X) divergent margin boundaries Y) suture zone boundaries Z) subduction boundaries


Boyle's gas law concerns which of the following two variables: W) volume and pressure X) volume and temperature Y) pressure and temperature Z) pressure and moles


By words or numbers, name all of the following 3 functions that meiosis accomplishes: 1) reducing the copies of alleles in the ovum and sperm 2) reducing the numbers of chromosomes in the ovum and sperm 3) increasing genetic diversity through chromosomal exchange events


Ca(OH)2, NaOH, and Ba(OH)2, are all: W) weak bases X) completely ionized in water Y) alkali halides Z) standard buffers


Calcite belongs to which of the following mineral groups: W) oxide X) sulfate Y) carbonate Z) calcium silicate


Calculate the enthalpy of vaporization, in kilojoules, of water at 25ºC and 1 atmosphere. Assume the standard enthalpy of formation of liquid water is -286 kilojoules and the standard enthalpy of formation of water gas is -242 kilojoules:


Cats have a special layer of tissue behind their retina called the tapetum lucidum that does which of the following: W) reflects back to the retina stray photons of light X) allows for color vision Y) allows only for black, white and grey vision Z) serves as a second eyelid to protect the eye

upper left

Choosing from upper left, upper right, lower left, and lower right, where on the HR diagram would a blue Supergiant be found?

lower left

Choosing from upper right, lower right, lower left, and upper left, in what area of the Hertzsprung Russell diagram will the Sun end its life?


Cirrus clouds are typically found at elevations of: W) 20,000 feet and above X) 10,000 to 20,000 feet Y) 5,000 to 10,000 feet Z) 2,000 to 5,000 feet


Classify the following 3 elements as a halogen, metalloid, or transition metal, respectively: silicon; iron; iodine


Clean or unpolluted rain water has a pH of about: W) 5.6 X) 6.5 Y) 7.0 Z) 7.6


Cleavage is caused by a mineral's crystal lattice having: W) planes that contain relatively fewer or weaker chemical bonds X) planes that contain relatively more numerous or stronger chemical bonds Y) planes that contain many hydrogen bonds Z) planes that contain only covalent chemical bonds


Closely spaced isobars on a weather map most directly indicate which of the following weather-related events: W) calm conditions X) windy conditions Y) a gentle pressure gradient Z) torrential rainfall


Color photography and the eventual development of the color television was advanced most directly by: W) Planck's quantum theory of light X) Young's and Helmholtz's three color theory of light Y) the three color pigment theory Z) Kichoff's understanding of the photoelectric effect


Compute the estimated temperature, in Kelvin, of a stellar body's surface that emits light with a spectrum that peaks at 145 nanometers:


Consider a 6-sided irregular polygon whose perimeter is 100 centimeters. If 4 of the sides have a length of 7 centimeters each, what is the length, in centimeters, of each of the remaining two sides if they are congruent?


Consider a hypothetical reaction, A + B yields C + D. At zero time, the concentration of A = 1 molar, after 30 seconds A = 0.5 molar, and after 50 seconds A = 0.3 molar. Calculate the average rate of disappearance of A over the time interval 30 seconds to 50 seconds, in molarity per second:

8 centimeters

Consider a lever with a 4-gram mass located 12 centimeters from its fulcrum. A 6-gram mass is placed on the opposite side of the lever. How far, in centimeters, must the 6-gram mass be placed from the fulcrum to equally balance the 4-gram mass?


Consider a marble rolling in a straight path at 25 meters per second that slows to 15 meters per second in 5 seconds. In meters per second squared, what is the marble's average acceleration?


Consider a mixture of nitrogen and oxygen gases that has a total pressure of 0.63 atmospheres. If the partial pressure of nitrogen is 0.32 atmospheres, what is the partial pressure of oxygen in the mixture, in atmospheres to the second decimal place?

40 meters

Consider a planet where g equals 5.0 meters per second squared. Ignoring friction, if an object started from rest, how far would it fall vertically off a cliff in 4.0 seconds, giving your answer in standard SI units?


Consider the following equilibrium reaction, FeO(solid) + CO(gas) ↔ Fe(solid) + CO2(gas), where ∆H equals -10 kilojoules. Which of the following would have a similar effect on the equilibrium position as lowering the temperature: W) adding iron X) increasing pressure Y) removing carbon dioxide Z) removing carbon monoxide

8 x 10^-3

Consider the following equilibrium reaction, PCl5(gas) ↔ PCl3(gas) + Cl2(gas). If a 1-liter flask contains 0.02 moles of PCl3 and 0.02 moles of Cl2 at equilibrium, how many moles of PCl5 are in the flask. Assume the equilibrium constant is 5 × 10^-2.


Consider the following equilibrium reaction, PCl5(gas) ↔ PCl3(gas) + Cl2(gas). If a 2 mole sample of PCl5 dissociates to give 0.2 moles of Cl2 at equilibrium, find the molar amounts, to the 1st decimal place, of PCl5 at equilibrium:


Consider triangle ABC, where the measure of angle A = 20º, B =117º, and C = 43º. Arrange the 3 sides in order of increasing length:


Containing roughly ten times more gas than Earth's, why does Titan's atmosphere extend some ten times farther into space than does our own?


Convert 1 cubic decimeter into cubic centimeters:


Convert 135° into radians:


Convert 140ºF into degrees Celsius:


Convert 300° into radians:


Convert 5π/3 radians into degrees:


Convert log base 4 of 53 into a base 10 expression:


Cyanocobalamin is more commonly known as: W) vitamin B12 X) vitamin D Y) vitamin A Z) vitamin K3


Diatomite, or diatomaceous earth, is readily available in the U.S. and is used primarily for which of the following functions: W) soil improvement X) crushed stone Y) filtering agent Z) lubricant


During a Nor'easter, areas far to the east of the storm center will feel which of the following storm-generated winds: W) northeasterly X) southeasterly Y) southwesterly Z) northwesterly


During his work in 1892 on the liquefaction of hydrogen, what Scottish chemist invented a double-walled vacuum flask which became widely known and named in his honor?


During photosynthesis, from what substance does the oxygen that is liberated originate: W) glucose X) air Y) water Z) carbon dioxide


During positron emission, which of the following most likely occurs: W) a proton changes to an electron X) a proton changes to a neutron Y) a neutron changes to an electron Z) a neutron changes to a proton


During the past 500,000 years, there have been how many periods of major glaciation on Earth: W) 2 X) 3 Y) 4 Z) 5


During the winter solstice in the northern hemisphere, which of the following northern latitude positions will have a day length of 10.1 hours: W) 30º X) 40º Y) 50º Z) 60º


During what month is the average surface temperature of the Earth typically the highest?

prophase 1

During what phase of meiosis-one do homologous chromosomes exchange genetic information?


During which of the following orbital arrangements can a transit occur for the planet Venus: W) opposition X) greatest eastern elongation Y) superior conjunction Z) inferior conjunction


Dynamic RAM is called such because: W) the value it holds can be dynamically changed at any time X) the address space the RAM refers to can be dynamically changed Y) the value it holds must be dynamically refreshed every few milliseconds Z) the value it holds must be dynamically refreshed once a session

Y (Solution: mosquitoes attracted to CO2)

Ed the entomologist is setting up mosquito traps in a farmer's field in Nebraska. Which of the following would be the BEST mosquito attractant to ensure he traps the greatest number and variety of mosquitoes: W) oxygen X) nitrogen Y) dry ice Z) methane


Eggs exit a chicken's body through what specific structure: W) rectal plexus X) cloaca Y) rostrum Z) spiculum


Einstein proposed that the photoelectric effect was a test for which of the following: W) the wave nature of light X) that light traveled a constant speed in a vacuum Y) the photon theory of light Z) the wave particle duality of light


Electric appliances and tools are grounded to: W) complete the electrical circuit X) balance the voltage in both lines Y) prevent the overloading of circuits Z) prevent surface static charge buildup


Evaluate the expression, x(y + z)^2, when x = 2, y = -8; and z = 3:


Evaluate the following expression when a = 1/3, b = 4, c = -1, and d = -5: 2[3a - (b + c) - 4d]

9.5873 × 10^3

Express the number 9587.3 in proper scientific notation with the correct amount of significant figures:

12(x + 3)(x - 1)

Factor the following expression completely: 12x^2+24x-36


Factor the following expression completely: 81x^2 + 180xy + 100y^2


Fermi noted that the biggest advantage of bombarding nuclei with neutrons was because: W) they have no electric charge X) they were easily produced in large numbers Y) they often interacted with electrons Z) they seldom had enough energy to split the nucleus


Find sin 2θ given that tan θ equals minus three-fourths and θ is in the second quadrant:


Find the area, in centimeters squared and in simplest radical form, of a regular or equilateral triangle whose circumcircle has a radius of 8 centimeters:

24 (Solution: A = ½ d1d2 = ½ (6)(8) = 24 cm, (3:4:5 triangle))

Find the area, in square centimeters, of a rhombus with a diagonal of 6 centimeters and a side of 5 centimeters:

(-2, -8)

Find the center of the circle given by the following equation: x^2 + y^2 + 4x + 16y + 3 = 0


Find the cotangent and cosecant, respectively, of a 90º angle:

cos(ln x)/x

Find the derivative of the following function: f(x) = sin (ln x) (read as: f of x equals the sine of the natural log of x)


Find the following number: When the number, one-half of the number, and one-quarter of the number are added, and then 8 is subtracted, the result is 2 less than twice the number:

28x^6 + 16x^5 + 7x^4 + 4x^3

Find the following product, giving your answer in standard form: (4x^3 + x)(7x^3 + 4x^2)

2/41, 5/41, 7/41, -3/41

Find the inverse of the 2-by-2 matrix whose rows are 3, 5 and 7, -2. Give your answer in rows.


Find the mass of 1 mole of cuprous oxide, or Cu2O. Assume the atomic mass of copper is 64 and oxygen is 16.

K = 32%; Cl = 29%; O = 39%

Find the mass percent composition, rounded to the nearest whole number, for each atom in KClO3. Assume the atomic masses of potassium = 39, chlorine = 35, and oxygen = 16


Find the numerical value of the geometric mean of the following 4 values: 2^1; 2^3; 2^8; 2^8


Find the positive geometric mean between the numbers 1 and 10,000:

2 x 3 x 5^2 x 7

Find the prime factorization of 1050:


Find the solution set of the following equation: (2/2x-3)=(2/4x+1)

-5 < x < 1

Find the solution set of the following inequality: x^2 + 4x < 5

-1 ≤ x ≤ 2

Find the solution set of the following inequality: x^2 - x - 2 ≤ 0


Find the sum of the first 10 terms of the arithmetic sequence whose first three terms are 7, 11, and 15:


Find the x and y intercepts of the line passing through the point (4, 8) that is perpendicular to the line 3x - 6y - 12 = 0

the big bang

First proposed by Georges Lemaitre, what is the name, most likely coined by Fred Hoyle, for the theory that the universe originated at a finite time many eons ago from an extremely compressed hot state?


Fonts that are digital representations of fonts that are not scalable are called: W) bitmap fonts X) outline fonts Y) TrueType fonts Z) vector fonts


For a given time interval, when is the average velocity of an object equal to the instantaneous velocity for every time in the interval: W) never X) always Y) only when the velocity is changing at a constant rate Z) only when the velocity is constant


For a population of 100 individuals with a normal distribution, how many individuals will be found to fall greater than 1 standard deviation above the mean: W) 12 X) 16 Y) 32 Z) 68


For a radioactive element with a half-life of 5000 years, if a sample of the radioactive element is left to decay for 15,000 years, what fraction of the original radioactive atoms in the sample will be left?


For a standing wave on a guitar string, the first overtone represents what harmonic?

15 ohms

For an electric saw that draws 8 amps on a 120 volt line, what is the resistance of the saw?


For his discovery of a new form of radiation in 1895, what person received the first Nobel prize in physics?


For someone standing at 43° north latitude, how many degrees above the horizon will the north celestial pole be?

1) + 2) + 3) -

For the following 3 processes, predict whether the change in enthalpy, or ∆Sº, is positive or negative, respectively: 1) decomposition of ammonium nitrate 2) sublimation of dry ice 3) condensation of gaseous iodine to liquid iodine

12 beats per second

For two sound sources heard simultaneously, one of which vibrates at 444 hertz and the other vibrates at 456 hertz, what is the beat frequency in beats per second?


From data primarily on the motions of what planet did Kepler propose that planets follow elliptical orbits?


From mid-northern latitudes, during which of the following months would the constellation Orion be most prominent in the southern sky at about 10 PM: W) April X) July Y) August Z) December


From the FIRST to the LAST, what are the stages into which interphase is most commonly divided?


From the LEAST to the MOST, what are the 3 most abundant elements in a G-type star?


From the OUTSIDE to the INSIDE, name the 3 embryonic germ layers in mammals:


From the lowest to the highest atomic number, give the full names of the 6 alkaline earth metals:


From what basic plant cell type are the majority of cells in a corm composed?

right ventricle

From what chamber of the human heart does blood carried by the left pulmonary artery leave?


From what protein is gelatin, which is used as a food additive, most commonly derived?


From what specific biological molecule are Barbara McClintock's transposons made?


From what specific celestial body do meteor showers originate?


From what vitamin is NAD derived?


From which of the following does the seed coat of angiosperm seeds typically develop: W) integuments X) polar nuclei Y) nucleus Z) cotyledons


From which of the following is the cell wall of plants mostly composed: W) protein X) lipid monolayer Y) lipid bilayer Z) polysaccharide

1, 2, 3

Give by name or number all of the following 4 choices that would be considered units of electrical power: 1) ampere volt; 2) joules per second; 3) watts; 4) coulombs


Give the Binary, Octal, and Hexadecimal equivalents for the decimal number 9:


Give the genus and species name for the first bacterium shown to be the cause of a disease:


Give the resulting vector for the cross product of vector (1,0,0) with vector (0,0,1):

3/5 and -3/5

Given that tangent θ = -3/4, find the possible values of sine θ:


Giving your answer as north, south, east, or west relative to a point on the Equator, in what direction is the Earth's angular velocity as it rotates daily about its axis?


Giving your answer as up, down, left, or right, the graph of the equation x = 5y - 8y^2 - 1 opens in what direction?

0.5 (Solution: 40/80 = 0.5 km/hr/sec)

Giving your answer in kilometers per hour per second, what is the average acceleration of a truck traveling on a straight road from 10 kilometers per hour to 50 kilometers per hour in 1 minute and 20 seconds:


Giving your answer in meters squared, find the total surface area of a right prism whose base is a right triangle with legs of length 3 meters and 4 meters and whose altitude is 2 meters:


Giving your answer in millimeters squared, find the lateral surface area of a right pentagonal prism whose altitude is 12 millimeters and base has sides of length 8, 10, 12, 14, and 16 millimeters, respectively:

1 x 10^-4

Giving your answer in proper scientific notation, convert 100 millimeters into kilometers:

1 x 10^7

Giving your answer in scientific notation, convert 10 square meters into square millimeters:


Giving your answer in simplest radical form, rationalize the denominator of the following expression: -3√2/(√3-√5)


Giving your answer in standard form, what is the last term in the binomial expansion of the following: (x + y)^6


Giving your answer in terms of pi, what is the area of a circle whose circumference is 20?

9 pi

Giving your answer in terms of π and in inches, what is the arc-length of a semi-circle whose diameter is 18 inches?

uric acid

Gout in humans is the result of the precipitation of what substance in joints?


Hair is mostly composed of what protein?


Heating ethylene in the presence of water vapor at 300°C and under high pressure, is a common industrial method of producing billions of pounds of what substance?


Hematite belongs to which of the following mineral groups: W) oxide X) carbonate Y) halide Z) silicate

45 km

How far, in kilometers, will the runner travel in five hours on a straight path if her average speed is 9 kilometers per hour?

3 seconds

How long will it take a squirrel to run straight down a tree trunk 18 meters long if it accelerates from a stop at 4 meters/sec^2?


How many arc-seconds wide, rounded to the nearest whole number, would Galileo have been able to resolve with his telescope, if one assumes that its 1.7 inch diameter lens was free of optical aberrations?

Al = 2; S = 3; O = 12

How many atoms of each element are in the following molecule: Al2(SO4)3


How many autosomes are in a normal nucleated human nerve cell in G-zero of the cell cycle?


How many carbon and hydrogen atoms are in a cyclopentane molecule?


How many carbon and hydrogen atoms are in an octane molecule?


How many embryonic seed leaves does a bean seedling have?


How many grams of sodium chloride is in 2,000 milliliters of 0.9% NaCl solution?


How many human ova are produced by a full round of meiosis from a single primary oocyte?

384,000 (E = I2 R × T = (8A)2 × 20 ohms × 300 s = 384,000 joules)

How many joules of energy are used by an electrical appliance operating on 8 amps of current flowing through a 20-ohm resistance circuit for 5 minutes?


How many kilojoules of thermal energy, rounded to the first decimal place, must be lost from a 250-gram block of Teflon with a specific heat of 1 kilojoule per kilogram kelvin, to lower the block's temperature from 125º C to 75º C?


How many kilometers will a mosquito travel in 9.5 hours if it moves in a straight path with an average speed of 8 kilometers per hour?


How many milliliters of a 0.250 molar H2SO4 solution will react with 10 milliliters of a 0.250 molar NaOH solution?


How many nanometers are in an angstrom?

neutrons=7, protons=8

How many neutrons and how many protons are present in a single oxygen-15 nucleus, respectively?


How many nodes are there in the first overtone in a standing wave of a vibrating guitar string?


How many quantum numbers are required to completely describe a specific electron in a multi-electron atom?


How many sidereal minutes are in 7.5 sidereal hours?


How many significant figures are in the number 0.00750?


How many solutions are there for the equation, cosine 4x = 1/2, for the interval 0 ≤ x < 2π?


How many times as intense is 60 decibels than 30 decibels?


How many yards are in 1 rod?


How were the rings of the planet Uranus discovered: W) astronomers in 1977 noticed stars were occulted by Uranus before the planet passed in front of them and reappeared afterwards X) the Magellan 1 space probe took pictures of them Y) the Hubble space telescope detected them with its infrared detector Z) the rings are made of gases with certain signatures revealed in absorption spectra


Identify each of the following 3 rocks, respectively, as igneous, metamorphic, or sedimentary: marble; pumice; conglomerate


Identify the following 3 fabrics as derived from animals or plants, respectively: jute; linen; wool


Identify the type of conic section represented by the equation, x^2 + y^2 + 10y + 16 = 0:


If $10,000 is placed in a savings account that pays 5% interest compounded annually, what is the total amount of money in the account at the end of 2 years, to the nearest dollar?


If 1000 pounds is applied to a spring with spring constant of 100 pounds per inch on top of a hydraulic piston, how many pounds of force is transferred to the piston: W) 1,000 X) 900 Y) 100 Z) zero

16 amperes

If 8 coulombs of charge pass through a conductor in ½ second, how many amperes did the conductor carry?

C = Q/V

If C is capacitance, Q is charge, and V is voltage across the capacitor, what mathematical formula is the most direct representation of the capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor:


If Emily can paint a fence in 4 hours but Kathy takes 6 hours, how many hours will it take them to paint the fence if they work together?


If Jim expends 200 watts of power to vertically lift a 200-newton rock 3 meters high, how many seconds did it take him to lift the boulder?


If a 5,000-pound elephant is on one end of a plank at a distance of 5 feet from the pivot point and a 200-pound man is on the other end at a distance of 15 feet from the pivot, what will the available torque be, in foot-pounds, at the pivot while the plank is in motion?


If a 5.0 × 10^5 liter swimming pool at 25°C contains 35 grams of chloride ions, what is the concentration of chloride ions in parts per million?


If a 6-foot tall person who is standing next to a vertical pole casts a shadow of 8 feet and the pole casts a shadow of 40 feet, how many feet tall is the pole?

30 kilograms

If a 60 kilogram object displaces 30 kilograms of water when immersed, what will its apparent weight be?


If a beam of white light passes through a prism, which of the following colors color will emerge on the other side at the lowest angle with respect to the incident beam: W) orange X) indigo Y) green Z) blue


If a car is going around a corner, which of the following statements correctly describes the relationship among the speeds of the wheels on the car: W) the wheels all rotate at the same speed X) the wheels on the inside of the corner rotate faster because they have less distance to travel Y) the wheels on the inside of the corner rotate faster because they have more distance to travel Z) the wheels on the outside of the corner rotate faster because they have more distance to travel


If a car, traveling at 15 miles/hr, travels 22 feet per second, how many feet per second will it travel at 120 miles/hr?


If a germ cell of a genus of grass has 48 chromosomes at metaphase-two, how many chromosomes will a germ cell of this grass have in anaphase-two?


If a new Moon occurs on May 5th at 8:20 AM eastern daylight time, on what day will the full Moon occur that month?


If a person passes a yard stick at 1/2 light speed, what length would he measure the yard to be, rounded to the second decimal place: W) 1.13 yards X) 0.13 yards Y) 0.75 yards Z) 0.87 yards


If a piano string is 1.6 meters long and has a fundamental frequency of 320 Hertz, what is the wavelength, in meters, of the fundamental?


If a planet had an orbital period of 11.2 years, what is the length of its orbital semi-major axis, in astronomical units rounded to the nearest whole number?


If a plant had a taproot, it would also most likely have: W) parallel leaf venation X) two cotyledons in its seedling stage Y) diffusely arranged vascular bundles in its stem Z) no stomata on the upper surfaces of its leaves

(-3, 0)

If a point has polar coordinates (3, π), what are the rectangular coordinates?

9 times

If a race car driver fully engages the brakes of his car traveling at 150 kilometers per hour, how many times farther will the car skid than if it was traveling at 50 kilometers per hour when the brakes were engaged?


If a satellite moving in a circular orbit is raised to another circular orbit 3-times as far from the Earth's center and where the kinetic energy of the satellite is 3-times less, by what factor does the centripetal force on the satellite decrease?

upper right

If a star has a surface temperature of 3,000 degrees kelvin, a core temperature of 100 million Kelvin, and a luminosity of 2,000-times our Sun, choosing from upper right, upper left, lower left, and lower right, where on an H-R diagram would it most likely be found?


If a star is seen just above the eastern horizon at sunset, where would it most likely be found just before the following sunrise: W) just above the eastern horizon X) half-way up in the eastern sky Y) low in the western sky Z) directly overhead

81 times

If a star were to be 9 times farther away than it originally was, how many times fainter would it appear to be if all other things remain constant?

0.002 (Solution: period=1/f)

If a wave has a frequency of 500 hertz, what is its period, in seconds?


If a woman's mass on Earth is 60 kg, what is her mass, in kilograms, on a planet where the gravity is six times less?


If an atom X, which has an electronegativity of 3.5, bonds with atom Y, which has an electronegativity of 0.9, what type of bond is most likely prevalent: W) ionic X) polar covalent Y) non-polar covalent Z) neutral


If e is energy, f is frequency, and h is Planck's constant, which of the following is NOT possible according to Planck's quantum hypothesis: W) e = hf X) e = 0.5 hf Y) e = 1 hf Z) e = 2 hf


If one considers the distribution of the means of 5 groups, such a distribution is most accurately referred to as a: W) sample distribution X) sampling distribution Y) composite distribution Z) population distribution


If one of Earth's tectonic plates moves at a rate of about 10 centimeters per year, how many kilometers will it move in 100 million years?


If pure water is at its boiling point at standard pressure, how many additional calories of heat are needed to convert 1 gram of water from the liquid to the vapor state?


If the Earth was the same mass but half its present diameter, by what multiple, to the first decimal place, would escape velocity increase?


If the air temperature is 0ºF and the wind speed is 10 miles per hour, which of the following is closest to the wind chill, in degrees Fahrenheit: W) 10 X) 0 Y) -10 Z) -20


If the area of a regular pentagon is 280 square centimeters, what is the length, in centimeters, of each side if the apothem is 16 centimeters?


If the cosine θ = ½ and θ terminates in Quadrant I of the Cartesian coordinate system, in a unit circle find sine θ: W) (root 3)/(2 root 2) X) 2/(root 3) Y) (root 3)/2 Z) 2 root 3

polar covalent

If the electronegativity difference in the bonding atoms is intermediate in strength, what general type of bond is typically formed?


If the electronegativity difference in the bonding atoms is large, what general type of bond is formed?


If the intensity of a sound is 10,000 times as loud as another sound, by how many decibels do the two sounds differ?


If the intent is to neutralize soil acidity, the mixing of which of the following materials in the soil would be the LEAST effective: W) ground limestone X) ground oyster shells Y) pure CaCO3 Z) gypsum


If the resolution of the human eye is about 0.1 millimeter and the resolution of a light microscope is about 2,000 angstroms, what is the approximate useful magnification of a human eye combined with a light microscope: W) 250 times X) 500 times Y) 1,000 times Z) 2,000 times

12 and 6 root 3

If the shortest leg of a 30-60-90 right triangle is 6 inches, what is the measure, in inches, of the other 2 sides?

kepler's third law

If the sidereal period "P" of a planet is measured in years, and the semi-major axis of the planet's elliptical orbit, "a", is measured in astronomical units, then the equation governing the planet's motion given by the formula, P2= a3, is best known as what law?


If the speed of a charged particle is doubled while it is moving


If the speed of sound in a certain medium is 360 meters per second, what is the wavelength, in meters, of a sound-wave that has a frequency of 60 hertz?


If the surface of a star is 15,000 kelvin, at what wavelength, in nanometers rounded to the nearest whole number, does it emit its maximum energy?


If the surface temperature of a star increased from 6,000 kelvin to 18,000 kelvin, how many times as much energy would it radiate?


If the temperature of a 4L tank of gas changes from 200K to 500K, at constant pressure what is the new volume of gas, in liters:


If the total number of moles of gas in a mixture of oxygen and nitrogen gases is 12 moles, and the mole fraction of oxygen is 0.6, how many moles of oxygen gas are present, to the first decimal place?


If the universal set is represented by the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and set A is represented by the numbers 1, 2, 3; set B by the numbers 3, 4, 5, 6; and set C by the numbers 2, 3, 4, then what set is represented by the union of sets A and B?


If triangle ABD is congruent with triangle EFG, which of the following MUST be true: W) side AB is congruent to side EF X) side AD is congruent to side FG Y) measure of angle B = measure of angle G Z) measure of angle A = measure of angle G


If two solutions that are separated by a semipermeable membrane have the same osmotic pressure, they are said to be: W) isotonic X) hypotonic Y) hypertonic Z) hyperosmotic


If y varies directly as x and z, and y = 12 when x = 4 and z = 5, find y when x = 10 and z = 20:


If y varies directly as x, and y = 42 when x = 30, find y if x = 45:


If you could shrink the Earth to a quarter its present diameter while maintaining its mass, by what factor would the escape velocity change? W) the escape velocity would be doubled X) the escape velocity would be four times larger Y) the escape velocity would remain unchanged Z) the escape velocity would be reduced by half


If you cut a Mobius Strip in half down the center of the strip, how many pieces do you end up with?


If you have 1 milliliter of a 75% ethanol stock solution, how much water, in milliliters, must be added to the 1 milliliter stock solution to obtain a 25% ethanol solution?


If you need to measure 100 milliliters in an Erlenmeyer flask that has a stated volume of 100 ml but has no calibration lines, typically the stated volume will approximately fill to: W) the top rim of the flask X) where the neck attaches to the flask Y) 1 centimeter below the where the neck attaches to the flask Z) there is no safe way to approximate 100 ml in such a flask


If you wanted to prepare the ester, methyl acetate, which of the following could you start with: W) formic acid and ethanol X) acetic acid and ethanol Y) acetic acid and methanol Z) formic acid and methanol


If you wanted to see the detailed internal structures of living unstained organisms, which type of microscope would you use: W) bright-field X) dark-field Y) phase-contrast Z) scanning-tunneling


If you were looking to purchase magnesium sulfate in a retail store in the U.S., which of the following would you be correct in buying: W) alum X) cream of tartar Y) soda ash Z) Epsom salt


If you were to evaporate 1 liter or kilogram of water, how many calories of latent heat are stored in the vapor?

11.5 meters

Ignoring friction and assuming g = 9.8 m/s2, how high will a stone reach, in meters rounded to the first decimal place, if launched vertically from rest at 15 m/s?


In 1885, Johann Balmer derived the formula for the 4 spectral line of what element?


In 1905, on the basis of apparent irregularities in the orbital motion of Neptune that later proved to be incorrect, who predicted the existence of a ninth planet with an orbit beyond Neptune: W) Percival Lowell X) Charles Dillon Perrine Y) George Ellery Hale Z) Johannes Franz Hartman


In 1931, who disproved that axioms of arithmetic were consistent and could sufficiently prove or disprove any mathematical conjecture?


In 1995, two scientists from the University of Colorado created what new state of matter that would lead to their winning of a Nobel prize:


In 2004, 19.7 million barrels of petroleum products were used each day in the U.S. Rounded to the nearest gallon, how much does this represent per person per day?


In Barbara McClintock's famous experiments revealing the existence of transposable genes, she primarily used which of the following as her experimental organism: W) drosophila X) E. coli Y) lambda phage Z) corn plants


In Freudian theory, libidinal drives reside in what division of the personality?


In Galileo's experiments on balls rolling down an inclined plane, he had originally hypothesized: W) that all objects have inertia X) that all balls underwent uniform acceleration Y) the 2nd law of motion Z) the 3rd law of motion


In Java, a vector is different from an array in that: W) it is unordered X) it has no API to support it Y) it can store only integers Z) its size does not need to be explicitly declared


In Java, when a class implements an interface it: W) may or may not choose to implement the methods defined in the interface X) cannot implement any methods with the same signature as those defined in the interface Y) must implement all the methods defined in the interface Z) designates the user language in the interface


In North America, what is typically the most spectacular meteor shower in the month of August?


In Plate Tectonic theory, a transform fault is associated with: W) places where crust is being generated X) places where crust is being destroyed Y) places where crust is being neither generated nor destroyed Z) places where crust is being both generated and destroyed


In Windows 98, long file names can be up to how many characters long: W) 35 X) 75 Y) 100 Z) 255


In Windows 98, what screen would you access to change device resources and troubleshoot resource conflicts: W) Device Performance Console X) Device Add/Remove Y) Device Changer Z) Device Manager


In a Newtonian telescope, how many degrees is the secondary mirror tilted in reference to the primary?


In a Venn diagram, what is the most appropriate name of the rectangle that contains the circles that represent the subsets?


In a chemical reaction, what is the term that describes the time required for a reactant to reach half its original concentration?

In a circle with diameter AB, if the radius is 6 centimeters, find the length in centimeters, giving your answer in terms of π, of the arc AB:


In a double reciprocal plot of Michaelis-Menton kinetics, what is the effect of a competitive inhibitor: W) change in the vertical axis intercept X) change in the slope only Y) change in the horizontal axis intercept only Z) change in both vertical and horizontal axes intercepts


In a flame test for lithium, sodium, potassium, and magnesium, which gives off a red color:


In a gearing arrangement where a 10-tooth pinion drives a 40-tooth gear, what is the gear ratio: W) 1 to 4 X) 4 to 1 Y) 1 to 10 Z) 40 to 1


In a non-oligometric protein, reversible denaturation changes which of the following levels of protein structure: W) primary X) amino acid sequence Y) tertiary Z) quaternary


In a recent breakthrough announcement by the CDC, which of the following diseases has been shown to have both a genetic and physiological component: W) malaria X) chronic fatigue syndrome Y) Tay Sach's disease Z) sleeping sickness


In a standing wave of a vibrating wire cord, what are the points of constructive interference most commonly called where the cord oscillates with maximum amplitude?


In a tug-of-war, each person on a team pulls with an average force of 500 newtons. What is the tension in the center of the rope if there are 10-man teams on each side: W) 0 newtons X) 2,500 newtons Y) 5,000 newtons Z) 10,000 newtons


In addition to iron, what 2 substances must be present for iron to rust?


In addition to the "sniff test", which of the following is a standard laboratory test for a sulfide, such as hydrogen sulfide gas: W) the gas passed over a filter paper soaked in colorless lead nitrate turns the paper brown X) when inserted into a flame, a glowing wooden splint bursts into flames Y) a flame test gives off a deep purple color Z) paper chromatography


In algebra, what is a second degree polynomial equation most commonly called?


In an application where ductility is required, which of the following materials would be your BEST choice: W) grey cast iron X) copper Y) granite Z) 1040 steel

2 polar nuclei

In angiosperm seed development, what fuses with the second sperm nucleus to form the endosperm?


In any order, give the full names of any 4 metalloids:


In apoptosis, what is programmed into the cell:


In astronomical units to the first decimal place, what is the Chandrasekhar Limit?


In bacterial transference of genes, what is the term for when naked DNA enters the cell from the surroundings:


In coastal engineering terms, the area from the shoreline to just beyond the breaker zone is called what?


In collaboration with Bémout, the Curies found what other radioactive substance with chemical properties similar to barium?


In computer graphics, the electronic process of eliminating or reducing jaggies in an image is called: W) pixelation X) anti-aliasing Y) digitizing Z) radial filling


In degrees Celsius to the nearest whole number, what is the normal core body temperature of a human being?


In electrochemical cells, what is the most common term for the electrode that acts as the negative electrode?


In general, a buffer solution used in titrations is characteristically which of the following: W) a strong acid and its conjugate base X) a strong base and its conjugate acid Y) a weak acid and its conjugate base Z) a solution that changes very rapidly in pH when acids or bases are added


In general, metals are relatively hard except for what group of metals in the Periodic Table?


In general, which of the following stereoisomers are the most dissimilar in terms of their physical and chemical properties: W) conformational X) mirror-image Y) enantiomers Z) geometric


In geologic mapping, the angular difference between dip and strike is: W) 45° X) 90° Y) 180° Z) 360°


In humans, backflow of blood from ventricles into atria during contraction is prevented primarily by what structures?


In keeping with developments in the science of physics, Freud incorporated which of the following into his personality theory: W) relativity X) quantum theory Y) conservation of energy Z) entropy constantly increases


In mammals, the action potential of a neuron is most dependent on the transmembrane movement of what 2 ions?


In many yeasts, what is the major coenzyme used in the conversion of acetaldehyde to ethanol?


In meteorology, a center where air spirals inward around a low-pressure center and designated on weather maps by the letter "L" is called: W) a center of divergence X) coriolis inversion Y) gradient wind Z) cyclonic flow


In microbiology, a standard method of obtaining a pure culture is: W) centrifugation X) streak plate Y) stab culture Z) liquid fermantation


In most computer systems, a byte is a unit of data that is how many binary digits long?


In most microprocessors, cache memory built into the microprocessor is what kind of cache: W) L1 X) L2 Y) L3 Z) L4


In plants, water molecules are generally protected from water loss to the outside environment by what lipid-based structure covering the epidermis?


In reference to glacial ice, the process by which ice below the snow line is lost by evaporation and melting is called what?


In response to the development of incandescent lights, gas lights were vastly improved by soaking the mantles in what substance to help convert heat and UV energy into visible light: W) thorium oxide X) titanium dioxide Y) uranium oxide Z) tungsten

1s2 2s2 2p6

In standard chemical nomenclature, what is the complete electron configuration for the sodium ion, Na+?

standard deviation

In statistics, what is the square root of the variance most commonly known as?

4 pi

In terms of π, what is the area of a sector in a circle whose central angle is 40° bounded by two radii of 6?


In the 1950's, the Oak Ridge National Laboratory made a significant impact on medical treatment and diagnosis by providing which of the following to researchers and clinicians: W) x-ray machines X) power sources for pace makers Y) radioisotopes Z) large amounts of technetium


In the Bragg equation which is conventionally written as, nλ = 2d sin N (Read as: n lambda equals two d sine phi), which of the following is the correct description of the angle phi: W) the complementary angle with respect to the normal to the crystal surface X) the angle between the incident ray and the normal to the crystal surface Y) the angle between the incident ray and the crystal surface Z) the internal angle of reflection of the crystal


In the Calvin cycle, for each 6 CO2 fixed how many PGAL are typically formed?


In the Operating System environment, what is a shell: W) a specific type of operating system X) a user application program written in Java Y) the interface that interprets commands between the user and the operating system Z) the part of the operating system which allocates blocks of memory to a process


In the US Senate, Senator Bill received four-sixths of the votes, Senator George received two- tenths of the votes, and Senator Mary received the remaining votes. If 48 votes were cast for Senator Mary, how many votes did Senator Bill receive?


In the Windows environment, which of the following file extensions represents a hidden file to replace pages or segments of data in memory: W) .dll X) .swp Y) .exe Z) .ini

1 and 2

In the algebra of real-valued functions, give the name or number of all of the following 3 choices that the implied domain usually excludes: 1) numbers causing division by zero 2) numbers causing imaginary numbers in the range 3) numbers causing irrational numbers in the range


In the chemical reaction that expands a typical car air bag, when sodium azide is broken down, what main toxic product is released in the first reaction?


In the cloning of plants such as orchids, the most desirable tissue to begin culturing in vitro is: W) radial cambium X) shoot meristematic tissue Y) amyloplasts Z) stem internodes

carbon monoxide

In the combustion of methane, if the supply of oxygen is somewhat insufficient, what colorless, odorless and poisonous gas is produced?


In the double reciprocal Lineweaver-Burke plot of enzyme activity, the line passes through the ordinate, or the one over V zero, axis at: W) -1/Vmax X) Km/Vmax Y) Km/V0 Z) 1/ Vmax


In the electrolysis of a copper chloride solution, what forms at the cathode and anode, respectively?

2H2O(liquid) yields O2(gas) + 4H+ (aqueous) + 4e-

In the electrolysis of water, if a very small amount of sodium sulfate is added to the water, give the equation for the half reaction that occurs at the ANODE. Make sure to indicate proper charges and the state of each substance, such as solid, liquid, aqueous, or gas:


In the electrolysis of water, if the production of each molecule of oxygen requires 4 units of electricity, each hydrogen molecule will require how many units of electricity?


In the equation for Gibbs-free energy, if ∆H of a reaction is negative and ∆S is negative, then the reaction will occur: W) spontaneously at all temperatures X) nonspontaneously at all temperatures Y) spontaneously only at high temperatures Z) spontaneously only at low temperatures

right ascension, declination

In the equatorial celestial coordinate system, what terms are synonymous with longitude and latitude, respectively?

a = 134; b = 70; c = 8

In the following number sequence, what are the values for a, b and c: a, b, 38, 22, 14, 10, c


In the following reaction, H2 + Cl2 → 2HCl, assume the bond dissociation of H2 is 430 kilojoules per mole, of Cl2 is 240 kilojoules per mole, and of HCl is 400 kilojoules per mole. What is the standard enthalpy change, or ∆H°, (read as: delta H degree) for the reaction, in kilojoules:


In the geological time scale, the Devonian Period belongs to which Era?


In the late 1800's, who was the first person to isolate and grow numerous pathogenic Monerans?


In the mks system, what are the 3 fundamental units?


In the northern hemisphere, name all of the following 4 northern degree latitudes that will experience a 12-hour length of day during the vernal equinox: 0º; 10º; 15º; 20º


In the northern hemisphere, which of the following degrees latitude would experience a length of day of 6 months: W) 0 X) 30 Y) 60 Z) 90


In the oceanic ecosystem, which zone is defined by the depth of light penetration: W) probiotic X) euphotic Y) photobiotic Z) bathyal


In the oceans, waves and surf currents are generated by: W) wind X) El-Nino Y) salinity and temperature gradients Z) the Intertropical Convergence Zone


In the periodic table, what are elements 58 through 71 classified as?

atomic mass

In the periodic table, what name is given to the number representing the total of a given element's protons and neutrons?


In the radioactive decay scheme of uranium, what is the final stable element produced?


In the ray approximation in optics, which of the following is NOT true for a converging lens: W) a ray parallel to the optical axis passes through the focus X) a ray passing through the center of the lens is bent parallel to the optical axis Y) an object at infinity is imaged at the focus Z) a ray passing through the focus is bent parallel to the optical axis


In the single-lens reflex camera, which of the following is TRUE of focal length of a lens as it pertains to angle of view: W) the longer the focal length, the narrower its angle of view will be X) the shorter the focal length, the narrower its angle of view will be Y) the longer the focal length, the wider its angle of view will be Z) the focal length of a lens does not affect the angle of view


In the soil profile, which horizon is know as the zone of accumulation: W) A-horizon X) B-horizon Y) O-horizon Z) E-horizon


In the solar neutrino detector in Lead, South Dakota, when a neutrino emitted in positron decay in the sun is captured by a Chlorine-37 nucleus, what isotope is most likely formed?


In the southern hemisphere, Ekman transport generated by trade winds over the equatorial Pacific Ocean is how many degrees to the left of the prevailing winds?


In the tempering of steel, the slower the hot steel cools in the quenching process: W) the softer its core and the less the outer hardness penetrates X) the softer its core and the more the outer hardness penetrates Y) the harder its core and the less the outer hardness penetrates Z) the harder its core and the more the outer hardness penetrates


In the typical titration of a weak acid, such as 0.1 molar acetic acid, with a strong base, such as 0.1 molar sodium hydroxide, what is the best description of the characteristic titration curve: W) at the equivalence point, the pH is primarily controlled by the acetate ion X) at the equivalence point, the pH drops dramatically Y) the second equivalence point is primarily controlled by the hydroxide ion Z) the pH at the equivalence point isalmostalways7


In triboelectric charging, when one object loses electrons, the object that accepts the charges acquires the same number of charges that the other object has lost. What law most directly governs this equal exchange?


In what 5-year period did the U.S. experience the highest level of North Atlantic hurricane activity: W) 1970 - 1975 X) 1980 - 1985 Y) 1985 - 1990 Z) 1995 - 2000

right atrium

In what chamber of the human heart is the sinoatrial (read as: sineoh-AYE-tree-al) node located?


In what constellation is the star Polaris found?


In what part of photosynthesis, named after its discoverers, is NADPH used to produce 3-carbon sugar phosphate molecules?


In what part of the chloroplast is carbon fixed during the Calvin cycle?


In what phase does the planet Venus appear during superior conjunction?


In what specific part of the uterus does implantation normally occur?


In which of the following lakes in North America would you typically find a thriving community of halophiles and alkaliphiles: W) Lake Michigan X) Mono Lake, California Y) Great Slave Lake, Canada Z) Lake Powell, Utah/Arizona


In which of the following latitudes would you expect belts of high pressure to typically develop: W) 30° North X) 0° Y) 50° North Z) 60° South


In which of the following locations would you typically expect the average salinity of surface sea water to be the HIGHEST: W) at the mouth of the Mississippi River X) in the waters above the Arctic Circle Y) in the Black Sea Z) in the Dead Sea


In which of the following organ systems of the human body do chief cells primarily function: W) excretory X) digestive Y) nervous Z) reproductive


In which of the following pairs are both elements classified as semimetals: W) tellurium and tin X) selenium and bromine Y) scandium and silicon Z) arsenic and germanium


In which of the following processes would isinglass most likely be used: W) clarification of beers and wines X) baking of yeast-free breads Y) glazing of ceramics Z) thickening of puddings


In which of the following regions of the world's oceans are you most likely to find the greatest uniformity in density changes with increasing depth: W) equator X) tropics Y) high latitudes Z) desert latitudes


In which period of the Geological Time Scale did trilobites first appear: W) Permian X) Cambrian Y) Devonian Z) Silurian


In workflow modeling, which of the following is NOT part of the ACID properties of transactions: W) Atomicity X) Consistency Preservation Y) Invertibility Z) Durability


Intestinal absorption of what vitamin is most directly dependent on intrinsic factor?


Into what specific mitochondrial compartment are hydrogen ions pumped out during chemiosmosis?


It takes 20 minutes for Janis to prepare lunch. When Kristen helps, it only takes 12 minutes. How many minutes would it take Kristen to prepare the same lunch if she worked alone?


Jay walks to his car and drives to the store. The trip takes 20 minutes. Jay figures how far he traveled on foot and by car and divides the distance by how long the trip took. Which of the following BEST describes what Jay has computed: W) total velocity X) average acceleration Y) average speed Z) instantaneous velocity


Knowing that the chemical name for gypsum is calcium sulfate dihydrate, gypsum is what percent water by weight? Assume the atomic masses of calcium = 40; sulfur = 32 and oxygen = 16.


Koch's Postulates have to do mainly with which of the following: W) culturing of viruses X) causative agents of viral diseases Y) proving what bacterial agents cause what diseases Z) how to prove that a certain gene causes a certain disease


L-alanine and D-alanine are BEST classified as what type of isomers: W) cis X) trans Y) structural Z) optical


Land is to tornadoes as the ocean is to what?


Launched by NASA in December of 1999 as part of the EOS Terra payload, what is the name of the instrument which provides high radiometric sensitivity that can study atmospheric, land, and ocean imaging in a single instrument that can also be custom tailored to the individual needs of the user:


Liver enzymes oxidize ethanol to: W) methanol X) formaldehyde Y) oxalic acid Z) acetaldehyde


Longitude is to right ascension as latitude is to:


Many of the driest locales on Earth are situated between which of the following latitudes: W) 0º to 15º X) 15º to 30º Y) 30º to 45º Z) 45º to 60º


Martin is swinging a yo-yo in a large room with a circular motion perpendicular to a level floor. If the yo-yo breaks away from its string at the top of the yo-yo's circular path, in what direction will the yo-yo initially move: W) at an angle between horizontal and vertical X) straight up, toward the ceiling Y) straight down, to the floor Z) horizontally, tangent to its original circular path


Mary and Joe are on a merry-go-round. Mary is seated near the center of rotation and Joe is on the outer edge. Which of the following BEST describes their motion: W) Mary has a greater acceleration than Joe X) Joe has a greater acceleration than Mary Y) neither Mary nor Joe are accelerating Z) both Mary and Joe have the same acceleration


Members of the "Key Project", while working with the Hubble space telescope, are using observation primarily of what specific type of celestial object to calculate the Hubble constant?


Mendel succeeded in forming the basis of modern hereditary theory in part because of his training: W) as a printer of rare and scientific documents X) in calligraphy of scientific manuscripts for the Royal Austrian Science Society Y) in probability and mathematics Z) as a scientific apostolic nuncio

1,000 (1 Hpa = 1 mb)

Meteorologists commonly use the hectopascal for air pressure. 1,000 hectopascals equals how many millibars?


Meteorologists think of wind as circulation patterns which are divided into 4 "scales of motion". A land-breeze circulation is grouped into which of the following categories: W) mesoscale X) microscale Y) medium scale Z) synoptic


Methods that cause hair to have curls usually rely on manipulating disulfide bonds in what amino acid?


Microtubules, intermediate filaments, and microfilaments are integral components of what basic infrastructure of a eukaryotic cell? W) flagella X) cillia Y) cytoskeleton Z) cell wall


Modified tropical grasslands characterized by alternating wet and dry seasons that produce areas typical of grasslands are called: W) tall grass prairies X) short grass prairies Y) chaparrals Z) savannas


Most VOC's, or volatile organic compounds, are: W) hydrocarbons X) oxides Y) nitrogenous wastes Z) particulates


Most astrophysicists believe that the universe is: W) isotropic and homogeneous X) isotropic and non-homogeneous Y) anistotropic and homogeneous Z) anisotropic and non-homogeneous


Most manufactured glass used to make bottles, tableware, lamp bulbs, and window and plate glass, is of what composition: W) potassium silicate X) borosilicate Y) soda-lime Z) lead


Most of the galaxies in the universe are classified as which of the following: W) spiral X) elliptical Y) irregular Z) dwarf


Most of the hydrogen that makes up the planet Jupiter is in what phase?


Most of the molecular oxygen in Earth's atmosphere came from what biological process?


Most plants absorb nitrogen from the soil through their roots in which of the following forms: W) dinitrogen X) ammonia Y) ammonium Z) nitrate


Most terrestrial plants grow best in soil with a pH range of: W) 4.5 to 5.5 X) 6.0 to 7.0 Y) 7.0 to 8.0 Z) 7.5 to 8.5


Mount Vesuvius in Italy is a typical: W) mud volcano X) caldera Y) cinder cone Z) composite volcano

2.7 x 10^8

Multiply the following 4 numbers and give your answer in scientific notation: 30,000 × 3,000 × 30 × 0.1

21 + 18i

Multiply the following complex numbers, giving your answer in standard a + bi form: (6 + 3i)(4 + i)

a^4/3 + 2a^2/3b^2/3 + b^4/3

Multiply the following, giving your answer in standard form and without negative exponents or radicals: (a^2/3 + b^2/3)^2


Murray Gell-Mann coined the name of these point-like entities that make up hadrons from a novel by James Joyce:


Myelination of nerves is an adaptation to: W) increase axon lifetime X) increase speed of nerve conduction Y) protect nerves from damage Z) prevent nerves from misfiring

inductive, deductive

Name 2 of the following 4 choices that are the 2 main logical reasoning methods used in science: inductive; synthetic; observational; deductive


Name all of the following 3 choices that are chemoautotrophs: Nitrosomonas; Paramecium; Volvox


Name all of the following 3 concentration units that are temperature-dependent: molal; molarity; normality


Name all of the following 3 groups of organisms that generate ATP by chemiosmosis: Cyanobacteria; plant cells; animal cells


Name all of the following 3 lavas from which stratovolcanoes are typically composed: andesite; rhyolite; basalt

electron transport system

Name all of the following 3 metabolic processes which directly require oxygen: glycolysis; alcohol fermentation; electron transport system

ethane; cyclohexane

Name all of the following 3 molecules that are considered saturated hydrocarbons: ethylene; ethane; cyclohexane


Name all of the following 3 processes that do NOT occur in E. coli: glycolysis; photosynthesis; glycogenolysis (read as: GLYKO-jen-oh-LY-sis)


Name all of the following 3 sub-atomic particles that interact with all 4 of the fundamental forces: electron; quarks; neutrino


Name all of the following 3 transport systems that directly require energy to operate: active transport; facilitated diffusion; sodium potassium pump


Name all of the following 4 animals for which L-ascorbate is an essential nutrient: humans; dogs; cats; horses


Name all of the following 4 cells that are leukocytes: neutrophil; basophil; melanocyte; macrophage


Name all of the following 4 cells that typically possess mitochondria: erythrocytes; plasma cells; lymphocytes; neurons


Name all of the following 4 cellular structures that are NOT typically found in diploid higher plant cells: centrioles; flagella; lysosomes; plasmodesmata


Name all of the following 4 choices that are characteristic of E. coli: gram negative; an enteric organism; non-motile; bacillus

1, 2, 3

Name all of the following 4 choices that are characteristic of scientific publications: 1) scientific papers are peer reviewed 2) scientific papers present more detailed data 3) conclusions in scientific papers are supported by original data in the publication 4) scientific papers have data that has been proven to be true


Name all of the following 4 choices that are complex carbohydrates: chitin; amylase; cellulose; glycogen


Name all of the following 4 choices that are considered part of the connective tissue: blood; adipocytes; muscles; nerves


Name all of the following 4 factors that are reasons why biomes are not considered homogeneous biotic communities: local topography; soil characteristics; temperature; water


Name all of the following 4 hormones that are formed primarily from the amino acid tyrosine: glucagon; thyroxine; epinephrine; erythropoietin


Name all of the following 4 isotopes that release energy if they undergo fission: helium-4; hydrogen-2; uranium-235; iron-56


Name all of the following 4 layers of the atmosphere where temperature typically increases as altitude increases: troposphere; stratosphere; mesosphere; thermosphere


Name all of the following 4 plant structures that are typically modified leaves: corms; tendrils; cacti spines; bracts

dandelion, milkweed

Name all of the following 4 plants that have their seeds typically dispersed by wind: dandelion; milkweed; maize; lupine

apple; cherry

Name all of the following 4 plants that produce seeds with a fleshy covering that are eaten by animals and dispersed in their droppings: apple; orchid; cherry; sphagnum moss


Name all of the following 4 plants that produce seeds: cycads; ferns; mosses; conifers

evaporation; water melts

Name all of the following 4 processes where latent heat is absorbed: evaporation; condensation; water melts; water freezes


Name all of the following 4 species that contain an odd number of electrons: O2(1-); O2(2-); SO2; CO


Name all of the following 4 sub-atomic particles that are never found in isolation: electrons; protons; quarks; positrons


Name all of the following 4 substances that would typically be considered exocrine products: insulin; pepsin; hemoglobin; epinephrine


Name all of the following 5 animal groups that are NOT echinoderms: sea urchins; sand dollars; tunicates; rotifers; brittle stars


Name all of the following 5 muscles that are NOT part of the human rotator cuff: supraspinatus; infraspinatus; subscapularis; teres minor; latissimus dorsi


Name all of the following 5 organs in the human body that are NOT typically considered part of the respiratory system: nose; bronchi; pharynx; esophagus; cervix

CH4; N2

Name all of the following compounds that exhibit ONLY London forces: CH4; N2; BaCl2; NH3

electrons and antineutrinos

Name all the leptons that are produced during beta minus decay?

90; 180

Name the 2 different bond angles present in a molecule with octahedral geometry, such as in SF6:


Name the 3 cloud families based on their shape:


Name the Greek astronomer who ranked the naked-eye stars into six groups of relative brightness in the second century B.C.?


Name the LARGEST atom or ion in EACH of the following 3 pairs: 1) an iron 3 plus ion or an iron 2 plus ion 2) an oxygen atom or an oxygen 2 minus ion 3) a gallium 3 plus ion or a gallium atom


Name the elements in the following reaction that have been oxidized and reduced, respectively: Zn(solid) + CuSO4(aqueous) →ZnSO4(aqueous) + Cu(solid)


Neglecting air resistance, at what angle above the horizontal would you aim your garden hose nozzle to obtain the greatest horizontal distance if the nozzle is at ground level: W) 0º X) 30º Y) 45º Z) 60º


Neglecting any amplification effects that might be produced by shoreline irregularities, what is the tallest wave-height that can reasonably be created by an earthquake-generated tsunami: W) 3 meters X) 15 meters Y) 75 meters Z) 150 meters


Neglecting friction, what is the acceleration, in meters per second squared, when a force of 144 Newtons is applied to a 12 kilogram object:


Neglecting friction, what is the net force required, in Newtons, to accelerate a 500 Kg object at 3 m/sec2 in a horizontal direction:

para and ortho

Normal hydrogen at room temperature contains what two forms of hydrogen, as defined by the spins of their electrons and nuclei?


Ocean sediments that form from the precipitation of dissolved organic chemicals in seawater are classified as: W) terrigenous X) hydrogenous Y) biogenous Z) siliceous


Of the following 5 alkanes, which one has the LEAST combined strain energy from angle strain and torsional strain: cyclopropane; cyclobutane; cyclopentane; cyclohexane; cyclo-octane


Of the following 5 functions identify all that are NOT differentiable for all real numbers: | x |; cosine(x); tangent(x); e^x; the greatest integer function

mars, jupiter, saturn

Of the following 5 planets, name all that can be in opposition to the Sun: Venus, Saturn, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter


Of the following liquids, which is normally basic: W) milk X) Pepsi Y) laundry detergent Z) pure water


Of which of the following is endosperm in wheat primarily composed: W) protein X) nucleic acid Y) carbohydrate Z) lipid


Of which of the following is the Hubble Law most directly a consequence: W) Doppler shift X) Kirchoff's second law Y) Kepler's second law Z) Drake's equation

DNA ligase

Okazaki fragments are joined by what specific enzyme?


Oligodendrocytes are responsible for producing what nerve coating that speeds nerve conduction:


Olympus Mons, one of the largest volcanoes in our solar system, is located on which planet: W) Mars X) Venus Y) Titan Z) Callisto

2 2/3

On a blueprint, if three-quarters of an inch represents 1 foot, then 2 inches will represent what distance, in feet, expressed as the most reduced compound fraction?


On a topographical map, what are the lines drawn that connect points of the same elevation above or below mean sea level called: W) isobars X) ridges Y) isohyets Z) contours


One important difference between spiral and elliptical galaxies is that: W) spiral galaxies contain Population II stars X) spiral galaxies contain clouds of gas and are still forming stars Y) spiral galaxies contain a massive black hole Z) spiral galaxies are formed by a more rapid accumulation of mass


One kilogram is nearly equivalent to how many pounds: W) 454 X) 4.54 Y) 220 Z) 2.2


One knot is approximately equal to how many kilometers per hour? W) 0.6 X) 1.9 Y) 1.65 Z) 1.0

one million

One metric ton equals how many grams?


One of the major challenges to making more accurate atomic clocks was: W) high atomic frequencies were difficult to monitor X) maintaining constant atomic vibrations Y) finding pure elementary samples for studies Z) cosmic ray interference disrupts the accurate measurements of atomic vibrations


One of the ways to start a computer running Windows 95 or 98 in Safe Mode is to: W) press control and F1 key at any time X) restart and hold the Escape key Y) press Control + Alt + Delete key at the same time Z) restart and hold down F5 key


One standard atmosphere of pressure is equal to how many Pascals: W) 760 X) 1,325 Y) 10,325 Z) 101,325


One-fifth of 0.04% is equal to: W) 8 × 10-2 X) 8 × 10-3 Y) 8 × 10-4 Z) 8 × 10-5


One-half of a number added to one third of the same number is 68 less than the number. What is the number?


Order the following 3 choices from the EARLIEST stage to the LATEST stage of ovarian follicle development, and identify which of the structures is typically the LARGEST: secondary follicle; corpus luteum; corpus albicans


Order the following 3 choices from the MOST penetrating through a thin sheet of cardboard to the LEAST: beta rays; alpha rays; x-rays

1F4; 3E8; BB8

Order the following 3 hexadecimal numbers from SMALLEST to LARGEST: 3E8; BB8; 1F4;


Order the following 3 isotopes from the one with the LOWEST nuclear binding energy to the HIGHEST: iron-58; hydrogen-2; oxygen-16


Order the following 3 monosaccharides from the smallest to the largest: erythrose, glyceraldehyde, arabinose


Order the following 3 monosaccharides from the smallest to the largest: xylose, threose, glyceraldehyde

t-tauri, red giant, white dwarf

Order the following 3 stages from the EARLIEST to the LATEST in the evolution of a G-type star of 2 solar masses: red giant; T-tauri; white dwarf

85ºF; 32ºC; 310 K

Order the following 3 temperature values from the COOLEST to the WARMEST: 32ºC; 85ºF; 310 K


Order the following 4 acids from the strongest to the weakest: nitric acid; perchloric acid; hydrochloric acid; acetic acid


Order the following 4 categories of electromagnetic radiation from the LOWEST frequency to the HIGHEST: Ultraviolet, VHF TV, AM radio, radiation from 60 hertz AC current


Order the following 4 choices from the one with the LOWEST temperature to the one with the HIGHEST temperature: copper freezes; water boils; solar corona; lead melts

MgI2; LiF; NaF; KF

Order the following 4 ionic solids in terms of their lattice energies, going from the highest to the lowest: LiF; MgI2; KF; N


Order the following 4 molecules from the earliest step in glycolysis to the latest: 3-phosphoglycerate; 1,3-diphosphoglycerate; glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate; phosphoenolpyruvate


Order the following 4 monosaccharides from the smallest to the largest: erythrose, glucose, dihydroxyacetone, xylose


Order the following 4 objects found in the human body from the SMALLEST to the LARGEST: mitochondrion; ribosome; erythrocyte; average monocyte


Order the following 4 processes from the one to typically occur the EARLIEST to the one to occur the LATEST in the production of collagen: spliceosome; transcription; translation; golgi modification

B-7; K-2; K-3; M-10

Order the following 4 stars from the HOTTEST to the COOLEST: K-3; K-2; B-7; M-10


Order the following from the substance with the lowest dielectric constant to the highest: air, quartz, rubber, pure water


Order the following metals in terms of their electrical conductivities from the highest to the lowest: gold; silver; copper; aluminum


Order the following planets from the one with the least number of known moons to the one with the most: Saturn, Neptune, Mars, Uranus


Organisms that have radial symmetry and belong to the Radiata typically have how many germ layers?


Reaction with a copper compound is a qualitative test for which functional group: W) alcohol X) aldehyde Y) ketone Z) carboxylic acid


Remove all negative exponents and simplify the following expression for all non-zero values of x: (-32x^5)^-2/5


Robert Hooke coined the term 'cell' mostly because of: W) his observations of red blood cells X) his observations of cork cells Y) his analysis of hundreds of different protozoans Z) his readings of the works of other early microscopists


Rounded to the nearest decimal place, convert 13 Kelvin into degrees Centigrade:


Rounding g to the first decimal place, how many newtons are required to keep a 120-kilogram sled moving at a constant velocity across a pond if there is a frictional coefficient of 0.20 between the sled and the pond's surface? Round your answer to the nearest whole number.

235 (Solution: 0.2 × 120 kg × 9.8m/s2 = 235.2 N)

Rounding g to the first decimal place, how many newtons are required to keep a 120-kilogram sled moving at a constant velocity across a pond if there is a frictional coefficient of 0.20 between the sled and the pond's surface? Round your answer to the nearest whole number.


Rust is a plant disease that attacks cereal plants such as wheat and rye and is caused by a: W) virus X) larval insect Y) bacterium Z) fungus


Seventy percent of the platelets released from the bone marrow are in the peripheral circulation. Where are most of the rest stored?


Sieve cells and sieve tube members are types of what specific conductive plant cell type?

The same (cannot be further simplified)

Simplify the following rational expression: (5y-3x^2)/(9y^2+5x)


Simplify the following trigonometric equation for a right triangle ABC whose right angle is at B: (cosecant2 A - 1) × cosine(90° - A) sine(90° - A) W) sine A X) cosine A Y) tangent A Z) cotangent A

1.6 x 10^-23

Simplify the following, giving your answer in proper scientific notation: (2.0 × 10^-6)^4

2.4 x 10^33

Simplify the following, giving your answer in proper scientific notation: (6.0 × 10^12)(2.0 × 10^10)^2

cube root of x^2

Simplify the following, giving your answer in simplest radical form: 9th root of x^6


Software for which the source code is furnished and users agree NOT to limit the distribution of improvements is called: W) public-domain X) freeware Y) open-source Z) shareware

1 and -7

Solve the following equation for all real values of x: (x + 3)2 = 16

4 of -2

Solve the following equation for all real values of x: 1/8x^2-1/4x-1=0


Solve the following equation for b: (a+b)/b=(c+d)/d

0; 3

Solve the following equation for x over the integers: x^2 = 3x


Solve the following equation for x: (x+9)/(x+10) = 20/18

3 AND -7

Solve the following equation for x: -10 |(x + 2)| = -50

4 and -16

Solve the following equation for x: -2|3 + ( 2 x )| = -10 (read as: negative 2 times the absolute value of 3 plus, open parenthesis, x divided by 2, close parenthesis, close absolute value, equals negative 10)

19 and 1

Solve the following equation for x: x^2 - 20x + 19 =0

x is greater than 16/3

Solve the following inequality for x, giving your answer in fractional form: 1/3x + 2/3 is less than 5/6x - 2

0 < x < 3

Solve the following inequality for x: x^2 < 3x

all real numbers

Solve the following inequality for x: |(x + 5)| > -7

-2 ≤ x ≤ 5

Solve the following inequality for x: |3 - 2x| ≤ 7 (read as: the absolute value of, 3 minus 2x, close absolute value, is less than or equal to 7)

x is less than -2

Solve the following inequality: 3 - 6x > 15


Solve the following radical equation for x, when x is a real number: fifth root of x + 1 = 2

x = 1 + root 3 AND x = 1 - root 3

Solving for x, find the roots of the following equation: x^2 - 2x - 2 = 0


Southern blot is to DNA sequences as Northern blot is to: W) amino acid sequences X) RNA sequences Y) DNA sequences Z) hybrid DNA/RNA sequences


Species similarity is partly based on DNA hybridization studies that determine: W) similarity in where restriction enzymes cleave X) determining exact nucleotide sequences Y) generating a restriction enzyme map Z) degree of base pairing between DNA strands


Stories have been told about opera singers breaking crystal glass by singing a certain tone loud enough. What is the most common term for the property that would account for this happening?

north star (polaris)

Subtract the following 2 numbers and give your answer with the proper significant figures: 25.101 - 0.9608

-8x^3y + 9x^3y^2 + x^2y^3+ 3y

Subtract the following 2 polynomials: (-4x^3y + 2x^3y^2+ 2x^2y^3+ 2y) - (4x^3y - 7x^3y^2+ x^2y^3- y)


The BEST explanation of why population I (read as: one) stars have a higher proportion of elements heavier than helium than population II ( read as: two) stars, is because Population I stars are: W) younger than population II stars X) older than population II stars Y) usually closer to planetary nebula than population II stars Z) often found near H-I (read as: H, one) regions


The Chesapeake Bay Foundation has enlisted the help of volunteers to raise oysters within cages tied to docks just below the water's surface. Which of the following is the BEST reason why these amateur conservationists will not be tempted to eat their oysters: W) they are genetically engineered and their impact on human heath has not been assessed X) they were irradiated prior to seeding to ensure they were disease-free Y) there is a water pollution advisory against eating oysters grown within most of the watershed Z) some are equipped with a radio transmitter to allow biologists to easily measure population changes


The Coriolis effect causes northward flowing air currents in the Northern hemisphere to veer off course: W) in the direction of rotation X) in the direction opposite to rotation Y) to the left Z) at a 90º angle


The Earth's greenhouse effect is primarily caused by which of the following: W) incoming solar ultraviolet light is absorbed by the ozone layer X) outgoing infrared solar radiation is trapped by the lower atmosphere Y) incoming infrared solar radiation is trapped by the magnetic field Z) outgoing X-rays are absorbed by the troposphere and reflected to the Earth's surface


The First Law of Thermodynamics equates: W) velocity and pressure X) entropy and energy Y) heat and work Z) temperature and energy


The Hawaiian Islands originated from magma: W) intruding along the boundary between two lithospheric plates X) formed within an island arc Y) injected along a mid-ocean fracture zone Z) coming from a hotspot within the mantle


The IUPAC name 1,4-dimethylcyclohexane is an example of which of the following: W) cyclic alkane X) branched alkane Y) straight chain alkane Z) haloalkane


The Meissner effect is most directly associated with which of the following: W) superconductors X) rare earth magnets Y) very strong electromagnets Z) Tesla coils

the milky way

The Sagittarius Arm is part of what galaxy?


The Sahara desert in Africa is an example of what type of desert: W) subtropical X) continental Y) rainshadow Z) coastal


The ability to create a table in Microsoft Word and embed it into a section of a spreadsheet created in Excel, is an example of: W) OpenGL X) database indexing Y) OLE Z) Direct 3D


The amplitude of a sound wave most closely relates to its: W) frequency X) wavelength Y) loudness Z) overtones


The angular distance of a star east of the Prime Meridian is most commonly referred to as the star's: W) deviation X) gnomon angle Y) zenith point Z) right ascension


The aurora occur high in what layer of Earth's atmosphere?


The average of -40, 36, 5, 0, 10 and x is 5. What is the value of x?


The binary number 10101 is equivalent to what decimal number?


The concentration of a solution expressed in the number of gram-equivalent weights of solute per liter of solution is called: W) normality X) molality Y) equivalent weight Z) molarity


The development of this is usually considered by anthropologists and sociologists the main prerequisite for an advanced social, economic and political structure: W) art X) technology Y) monetary system Z) agriculture

30 degrees

The doldrums are to 0° latitude, as the horse latitudes are to what?


The earth's outer core is interpreted to be liquid because: W) S-waves don't travel through liquid X) S-waves are faster than P-waves Y) S-waves don't travel through gases Z) P-waves don't travel through liquids


The ecliptic is: W) the line that divides the sky into the northern half and the southern half X) the Sun's apparent path across the celestial sphere Y) the point directly overhead Z) the line on the celestial sphere directly above the celestial equator

access time

The elapsed time between the initiation of a request for data and the receipt of the first bit or byte of that data is called:


The electronegativity of oxygen is 3.4 and the electronegativity of calcium is 1.0. Which of the following best describes the formation of the calcium oxide: W) 2 electrons are transferred from calcium to oxygen X) 2 electrons are transferred from oxygen to calcium Y) 2 electrons are shared between calcium and oxygen Z) 1 electron is shared and another is transferred from calcium to oxygen


The fertilizer potash provides plants with what element necessary for healthy growth and which is also the seventh most abundant element on Earth?


The file extension .MID usually means that the file can be opened by what type of program: W) text editor X) graphics Y) database Z) music


The governing factor that controls flow within the Hydrologic System is: W) humidity X) capillary pressure Y) vapor pressure Z) gravity


The graph of r = 3 secant (θ) is a: W) parabola X) circle Y) hyperbola Z) line

II and III

The graph of the polar equation, r = 5 - 5 cosine θ, is a cardioid. In which two quadrants is most of the area of this cardioid?


The hypoxic zone in the Gulf of Mexico, and many other areas in the world, is largely caused by the influx of which of the following into waterways: W) phosphorous X) nitrogen Y) potassium Z) sulfur

alluvial fan

The land counterpart of a delta, what is the term for a fanshaped assemblage of sediments built where a stream moves from a steep gradient to a flatter gradient and suddenly loses transporting power?


The largest deposits of diatomite, or diatomaceous earth, are typically found in which of the following regions of the U.S.: W) western X) eastern Y) midwest Z) southern


The line spectra of low density gases is usually produced by the emission or absorption of light by: W) molecules X) crystals Y) crystal lattices Z) individual atoms


The local group is a collection of what type of astronomical bodies?


The luminosity of a star is most directly related to the star's: W) relative magnitude X) magnitude Y) distance from Earth Z) intrinsic brightness


The lunar maria are: W) composed of granite X) less than one billion years old Y) between three and four billion years old Z) older than the lunar highlands


The lush forest of the Pacific northwest is classified as what type of rain forest?

Mars and Jupiter

The main asteroid belt is located immediately between what two planets?


The margin of an ash tree leaf would most generally be called: W) divided X) entire Y) serrate Z) lacerate


The mass of a new 2002 USA quarter is about how many grams: W) 3.0 X) 4.5 Y) 5.5 Z) 7.0


The neutralization of the magnetic field around a body by encircling it with a conductor through which a current is maintained is called: W) demodulation X) degaussing Y) debugging Z) dehissing


The nominal galactic center lies on the galactic plane in the direction of what constellation?


The north magnetic pole of the Sun reverses every so many years. How many years does it take for one complete cycle for the Sun to return to its original state or what might be looked at as two reversals?


The nucleus of what element is the same as an alpha particle?


The overall charge at the top and bottom, respectively, of a towering cumulonimbus cloud during a thunderstorm is: W) positive, positive X) positive, negative Y) negative, positive Z) negative, negative


The oxidized form of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide has what specific charge?


The precise measurements of Wilson and Penzias of cosmic background radiation was in what region of the electromagnetic spectrum?


The price of a postage stamp changes from 33 cents to 34 cents. What is the percent increase in price?


The primary contributors of phosphorous to the Phosphorous Cycle are: W) animal waste products X) volcanic gasses Y) weathering of rocks Z) lightning


The principle quantum number 'n' of an electron largely determines its: W) energy X) spin Y) shape Z) orientation


The process of converting 3D information to a 2D screen image is called: W) texturing X) rendering Y) rastering Z) modeling


The profundal zone of a lake is the: W) bottom of the lake X) area between the shore and water extending to a depth of about 10 meters Y) upper layer below which the temperature drops Z) deeper part where light does not penetrate


The ratio of total leaf surface area to the total ground surface area covered by the leaves is know as what?


The reaction CuCl2 + Na2S yields CuS + 2NaCl2, is an example of what class of chemical reaction: W) synthesis X) single replacement Y) double replacement Z) decomposition


The reaction Fe3O4 + 4H2→ 3Fe + 4H2O, is an example of what class of chemical reaction: W) decomposition X) single replacement Y) combustion Z) combination


The reaction of 2 chemical substances to make a product that has a standard enthalpy of reaction, or ∆H°, of -200 kilojoules. If the reaction is carried out at a constant pressure of 40 atmospheres and the volume change is -2.00 liters, what is the total energy change, ∆E, in kilojoules, of the system:

sulfuric acid

The reaction of lead oxide in the presence of what acid is fundamental to the operation of the lead-acid rechargeable battery found in most cars?


The related quantities charted on a line graph are most often called: W) results X) lines Y) sets Z) variables


The release of hydrogen gas in the above experiment is called: W) combustion X) effervescence Y) diffusion Z) ebullition


The salts and ions derived from the chemical weathering of rocks are carried by a stream are part of its: W) bed load X) suspended load Y) dissolved load Z) salt load


The sea nettle is the Bering Sea's most common: W) jellyfish X) crab Y) sea urchin Z) walleye pollock


The seismic discontinuity that marks the base of the crust of the Earth is known as the what?

one and two

The sine of θ is positive if the angle terminates in what two Quadrants of the Cartesian coordinate system?


The sinoatrial (read as: sine-oh-AYE-tree-al) node is located in what human organ?


The so-called d-block elements of the periodic table constitute the: W) lanthanide and actinide series X) transition metals Y) group 3A to 8A elements Z) group 1A and 2A elements

index of refraction

The speed of light in a vacuum divided by the speed of light in a specific material is a way to compute what common optical value:


The starch amylopectin is: W) unbranched with alpha 1,6 linkages between the monomers X) highly branched with alpha 1,4 linkages at its branch points Y) highly branched with alpha 1,6 linkages at its branch points Z) unbranched with alpha 1,4 linkages between the monomers

carpel (pistil)

The stigma, style, and ovary make up what part of a plant?


The total amount of sediment a stream can carry past a point in a given amount of time, is known as its: W) competence X) capacity Y) abrasion Z) dissolved load


The triple point of a substance can be represented in what type of graphical representation: W) Lewis diagram X) phase diagram Y) energy diagram Z) time-temperature transformation diagram


This distributed information system was prevalent in the years before the World Wide Web: W) Gopher X) SSL Y) LINUX Z) Fox

photons and neutrinos

Through what two particles is most of the energy released by a star like our Sun?


To a stargazer in Ohio, a star far enough south of the celestial equator to be circumpolar such as Miaplacidus is: W) only seen for about 6 hours X) only seen briefly for about half an hour on the horizon Y) only seen on the winter solstice Z) never seen


To an observer on the Moon, in what phase would the Earth appear when an observer on Earth saw the Moon in its 3rd quarter?


To the nearest cubic inch, find the volume of a sphere whose diameter is 4 inches:


To the nearest gram, convert 20 ounces into grams:


To the nearest meter per second, what is the speed of sound in air if the temperature of the air is 15°C?


To the nearest whole number, convert 50ºF into kelvin:


To the nearest whole number, how many grams of Na2SO4, whose formula weight is 142, are needed to prepare a 500 milliliter 0.100 molar solution?


Tobacco, jimsonweed, belladonna, and tomatoes all belong to what family of plants?


Total distance traveled divided by total elapsed time is most commonly called: W) velocity X) acceleration Y) average velocity Z) average speed


Transfer RNA charged with an amino acid is most accurately called: W) a nascent tRNA X) a tRNA with an amino acid attached Y) an amino acyl tRNA Z) t-primed RNA


Tree growth is often very stunted and gnarly at the tree line of high mountains in North America. Known as Krummholz formations, this is primarily caused by: W) winds X) subsidence Y) lowered atmospheric pressure Z) low sunlight levels


Trellis drainage patterns are most likely to form on: W) coastal plains X) folded terrains Y) glacial outwash Z) permafrost


Ultrasonic sound frequencies are typically considered to be: W) above 20,000 kilohertz X) below 20,000 kilohertz Y) above 20,000 Hertz Z) below 20,000 Hertz


Under constant temperature conditions, a sample of gas has a volume of 8 liters at a pressure of 1.5 atmospheres. If a 2 liter container is used to hold the gas, calculate the new pressure, in atmospheres:


Under constant temperatures, a sample of gas at a pressure of 120 kilopascals is allowed to expand from 2 liters to 8 liters. Calculate the new pressure, in kilopascals:


Under which of the following conditions is the average velocity equal to the average of an object's initial and final velocity: W) always X) never Y) only when the acceleration changes Z) only when the acceleration is constant


Until the Large Hadron Collider came on-line at CERN, what accelerator was generally believed to be the only one energetic enough to produce top quarks?


Upon which of the following does the mass of a body MOST directly depend: W) its magnetic properties X) how much volume it has Y) the amount of matter it contains Z) its location


Uranium-238 and plutonium-239, primarily decay by what mode?


Using g rounded to the first decimal place, how much does an 80-kilogram person weigh on Earth, giving your answer in proper SI units?

Na3PO4(aqueous) + 3H2O(liquid)

Using proper chemical nomenclature, finish balancing the following chemical reaction. Make sure to indicate the state of each substance, such as solid, liquid, aqueous, or gas: 3NaOH(aqueous) + H3PO4(aqueous) yields what?

2Fe + 3CO2

Using proper chemical nomenclature, finish balancing the following equation: Fe2O3 + 3CO yields what, assuming the iron is totally reduced:


Using standard chemical nomenclature, what is the chemical formula for perchloric acid?


Using standard chemical nomenclature, what is the chemical formula for phosphine?


Using the Cartesian coordinate system, find the distance between the points (-4, 3) and (2, 6): W) 3 root 5 X) root 12 Y) 3 Z) 5 root 3


Using the Cartesian coordinate system, find the distance between the points (2, 3) and (-3, 1): W) root 29 X) root 7 Y) root 5 Z) root 39


Using the most common temperature-based spectral classification system, a star with an apparent color of blue and a surface temperature of 55,000 kelvin would have what spectral letter classification?

sodium and potassium

What 2 ions are most directly involved with the conduction of a nerve cell message down an axon?

jupiter; saturn

What 2 planets of our solar system are most alike in elemental makeup to the solar nebula?


What 2 simple alkenes (read as: al-KEENS) are the two most important organic industrial chemicals?

carbon; nitrogen; oxygen

What 3 elements are most prominent in the carbon fusion cycle?


What German mathematician in 1865 cut a long rectangular strip of paper, gave the paper a half-twist, and pasted the ends together, to show that a sheet can have only one side?


What alkene is a plant pigment that is a precursor to vitamin-A?


What anatomical structure is responsible for the various colors of eyes in humans?


What ardent behaviorist and author of "Walden Two" believed that human behavior is strongly influenced by what he referred to as operant reinforcement?


What are generally considered the most common and most primitive type of meteorites?


What are the 2 alkenes (read as: al-KEENS) with the shortest carbon chains and lowest molecular weights?

t and b cells

What are the 2 basic categories of lymphocyte cells?


What are the Ice Cube observatory under construction at the South Pole and the ANTARES telescope off the coast of France primarily designed to detect?

farads per meter

What are the SI units for permittivity?


What are the five countries that currently produce the greatest amount of nuclear electric energy?


What are the four most common names for the four fundamental forces of nature:

FIRST = 880; SECOND = 1320

What are the frequencies of the first and second overtones, respectively, for a string vibrating at a fundamental frequency of 440 hertz?


What are the leading coefficient and degree, respectively, of the following polynomial: 3x^2 - 6x^5 + 7

HYPOTENUSE = 24; LONGER LEG = 12 root 3

What are the lengths, in centimeters, of the hypotenuse and the longer leg, respectively, of a 30-60-90 degree right triangle if the shorter leg is 12 centimeters long?


What astronomical instrument, used to determine the position of celestial bodies, uses light in parallel rays falling on a mercury surface, which then pass through a prism and into a telescope?


What basic force is responsible for forming the liquid-metallic hydrogen layer on the planet Jupiter?


What biological substance is the SECOND MOST abundant organic compound on Earth after cellulose, and is especially abundant in sclereids, xylem fibers and tracheids?

higgs (boson)

What boson is the only particle predicted by the Standard Model of Particle Physics that had not yet been observed as of June 2008?

the solar wind

What celestial phenomenon most directly causes a comet's tail to point away from the Sun:


What cell type is MOST directly responsible for secreting the bone matrix in developing humans?


What common organic molecule has a hydrocarbon phytol tail and a multi-ring structure with a magnesium metal ion in the center?


What contemporary of Autolycus wrote a set of thirteen books titled "Elements", which remains among the most studied works in human thought and was a culmination of classical geometry?


What disease was first discovered in the mid-19th century in the Far East and later correlated to a vitamin deficiency caused by the introduction of polished rice as a food staple?

to contain and to deliver

What do the abbreviations TC and TD stand for that are seen on some laboratory pipettes?


What does the acronym DBCS, a language script that requires two bytes to represent a character, stand for?


What does the acronym MSDS, the safety information sheet for a particular chemical substance, stand for?


What does the acronym OLE stand for?


What does the acronym SRAM stand for?


What does the acronym for the JPEG graphics file format stand for?


What enzyme in E. coli functions as the primary proof-reading molecule during replication?


What eukaryotic cell organelle primarily functions to modify, sort, and package products for exocytosis?


What gas is most directly responsible for the bends or decompression sickness that divers may experience?


What general chemical term best describes a metal that can be drawn out into thin wire or threads without breaking?


What general term BEST describes the use of electrical current to cause a normally non-spontaneous reaction to occur?

quantum theory

What general theory of science, begun by Max Planck, allows scientists to quantitatively understand the behavior of atoms, subatomic particles, phases of matter, and semiconductors:


What general type of bonding is found in molecules in which electrons are shared by nuclei?

pineal gland

What gland in humans is the primary producer of melatonin?


What is the MOST accurate term for predicting values of data that are located between known data points on a line graph: W) extrapolation X) extension Y) interpolation Z) cheating


What is the MOST common anatomical synonym for ventral, when locating a part of the human body in relation to another part?


What is the MOST common method for separating a mixture of liquids based on the differences in component volatilities?


What is the MOST common term for the behavior of light where it appears to bend around small obstacles or the spreading out of waves as light passes through pinholes or slits?


What is the SI unit of electric charge?


What is the anatomical term for movement of a bone that results in a decrease in the angle of a joint, bringing bones together?


What is the anatomical term for the specific section of the small intestine into which the pancreatic duct delivers its digestive enzymes?


What is the angle formed, in degrees, between the hour and minute hand of an analog clock at 10:30 AM?


What is the angular velocity of a wheel with a radius of 15 meters and a surface velocity of 120 meters/sec:

20 (Solution: Τ = v/r = 50m/s/2.5m = 20 rad/s)

What is the angular velocity, in radians per second, of a wheel with a radius of 250 centimeters and a surface velocity of 50 meters per second?

9 root 3

What is the area of an equilateral triangle whose side is 6?


What is the area of the human brain that functions to allow the two hemispheres to communicate?


What is the area, in square feet, of a triangle whose perpendicular height is 20 feet with a base of 12 feet?


What is the astronomical distance at which a star would have a parallax of 1 arcsecond?


What is the astronomical term for a planet's orbital point that is closest to the Sun?


What is the bond order for each oxygen-oxygen bond in the ozone or O3 molecule?


What is the common astronomical term that derives its name from the Latin word meaning ocean or 'seas' that is used to label the darker and smoother parts of the moon's surface:


What is the common biological name for the product of human sublingual glands?


What is the common botanical term for the response a cell or plant has towards or away from a stimulus?

kilowatt hours

What is the common commercial unit of energy equal to 3,600,000 joules:


What is the common name for the 27-carbon lipid whose synthesis is in part regulated by HMG CoA (read as: H, M, G, koh, A) reductase and is the basic starting point for estrogen synthesis?


What is the common name for the 88 sections into which the International Astronomical Society has divided the sky?


What is the common name for the instrument consisting of a weighted glass tube or bulb which, when floated in a liquid, indicates the liquid's relative density?


What is the common name for the part of a compound light microscope that functions to converge a light source so that it passes through the specimen:


What is the common name for the units in DNA to which phosphates are covalently linked?


What is the current, in amperes, for a 3600-watt electric conveyor operating on a 240-volt power source?


What is the declination of the north celestial pole?


What is the determinant of a 2-by-2 square matrix whose rows are 4, 2 and -3, -4?


What is the efficiency, in percent, of a Carnot cycle operating between 1140°F and 140°F?

both are zero

What is the electric charge and mass of the carrier particle for the electromagnetic force?

2, 6, 10, 14

What is the electron capacity in each of the 4 sublevels s, p, d, and f, respectively?

CH2O (Solution: C2H4O2 in 1:2:1 ratio)

What is the empirical formula for acetic acid?


What is the empirical formula for the following: C18H33N6O3


What is the energy used in Kilowatt-hours if a current of 2 amps flows though a circuit whose resistance is 5 ohms for one hour?


What is the equation of a line that has a slope of 4 and a y-intercept of 5?


What is the formal charge of nitrogen in the ammonia, or NH3, molecule?


What is the formula for the volume of a sphere?


What is the general biological term for organisms that synthesize organic molecules from inorganic molecules using light as an energy source?

ideal gas

What is the general name for a hypothetical gas that obeys Boyles's law at all temperatures and pressures?

polar covalent bond

What is the general term for a bond in which the shared bonding electrons are attracted somewhat more strongly by one atom than the other?


What is the general term for the process by which glass is strengthened, which involves reheating the glass until it almost softens and then rapidly and uniformly cooling it again, causing it to go into extreme compression?


What is the general term for the process in which a crystalline hydrated solid loses water of crystallization to the air, whereby a powdery deposit is gradually formed:


What is the general term for the process of making different types of semiconductors by adding slight amounts of impurities into the silicon matrix?


What is the generic name for the trade-named drug Tylenol?


What is the genus name of the most thoroughly studied bacterium?


What is the greatest common factor for the numbers 63 and 273?


What is the hexadecimal equivalent of the binary number 1011? W) 7 X) 8 Y) A Z) B

100 (Solution: mechanical advantage, radius of wheel/radius of axle = 250 cm/2.5 cm = 100)

What is the ideal mechanical advantage of a wheel and axle, if the diameter of the wheel is 500 centimeters and the radius of the axle is 2.5 centimeters?


What is the joint that is formed by the articulation of the tibia, fibula, and femur: W) wrist X) knee Y) elbow Z) ankle

middle lamella

What is the layer typically found between 2 plant cell walls of adjoining plant cells which is composed of pectin?


What is the least common denominator of the following 3 fractions: 2/5, 7/6, 7/12


What is the least common multiple of the following 4 numbers: 12, 15, 16, 20


What is the longest chord of a circle also known as?

500 times

What is the magnification of a telescope with an objective lens that has a focal length of 250 centimeters and an eyepiece with a focal length of 0.50 centimeters?


What is the main respiratory pigment of skeletal muscle cells?


What is the mass, in kilograms, of a 5-kilogram rock on a planet with a gravitational acceleration one-half that of the Earth's?


What is the maximum number of 100-watt light bulbs that can run on a 110-volt residential circuit protected by a 15-amp fuse without blowing the fuse?


What is the medical term for the type of lung cancer specifically associated with asbestosis?


What is the minimal force, in newtons to the first decimal place, that a mother must exert to vertically lift her 4 kilogram baby out of her play pen?


What is the minimum amount of RAM required for the proper execution of Windows 2000 Professional: W) 80 MB X) 64 MB Y) 40 MB Z) 32 MB


What is the molarity of a sodium hydroxide solution made by dissolving 4 grams NaOH in 250 milliliters of water?


What is the molecular formula for the conjugate acid of the following Brønsted-Lowry base: HCO3

HSO4 -

What is the molecular formula for the conjugate acid of the following Brønsted-Lowry base: SO4 2-


What is the molecular formula for the conjugate base of the following Brønsted-Lowry acid: H2CO3


What is the most accurate term astronomers use for the time it takes for a planet to orbit the Sun relative to the stars?


What is the most appropriate term for the genetic character of an organism having a pair of identical alleles for a certain trait: W) dominant X) recessive Y) homozygous Z) heterozygous


What is the most common astronomical term for the angle analogous to geographical longitude?

tropical year

What is the most common astronomical term for the interval of time between two successive passages of the Sun through the vernal equinox?


What is the most common biochemical term for the degradative phases of metabolism?


What is the most common isotope of carbon?


What is the most common name for a molecule of glycerol with all three hydroxyl groups esterified to fatty acids?

pair production

What is the most common name for interactions of high-energy photons and atoms that create electrons and positrons, thus providing an example of the conversion of energy to matter?

higgs field

What is the most common name for the field, which is believed to act somewhat like a fluid that fills space and endows quarks with mass?

cyclic amp

What is the most common name for the first membrane-associated molecule discovered to function in a wide variety of cells in what is commonly referred to as a second messenger?


What is the most common name for the histone octamer used in the coiling and packing of DNA and regulation of gene expression?


What is the most common name for the horizontal enlarged stem of Solanum tuberosum?


What is the most common name for the magnetic fusion confinement system first developed in the USSR that has the shape of a toroid?


What is the most common name for the pattern found etched on samples of iron meteorites? W) Widmanstätten pattern X) Rhombic pattern Y) Halley's pattern Z) Chondritic Rhombite pattern

interference pattern

What is the most common name for the pattern of light and dark lines produced when coherent light is passed through two horizontal slits in a thin opaque sheet, causing superposition of waves projected on a wall?

the fundamental theorem of algebra

What is the most common name for the theorem proved by Gauss which states that "every polynomial of degree n ≥ 1 with real or complex coefficients has n real or complex roots"?

DNA polymerase

What is the most common name of the protein that synthesizes DNA?

null hypothesis

What is the most common statistical term for the assumption, when comparing sample means, that there is no significant difference between the two samples?

average acceleration

What is the most common term for a change in velocity divided bythe time it takes to make the change?


What is the most common term for the apparent dividing line between night and day on the Moon?

the solar wind

What is the most common term for the celestial phenomenon that causes a comet's tail in our solar system to point away from the Sun?


What is the most common term for the direct addition of water to an alkene to make an alcohol?


What is the most common term for the form of protection when a non-poisonous frog has the same appearance as a poisonous frog?


What is the most common term for the imaginary band on either side of the ecliptic where the path of the Sun, Moon, and planets are generally found?


What is the most common term for the specific type of cartilage that forms the disks between human vertebrae?


What is the most common term for the substance recognized as foreign and able to elicit antibody production:


What is the most common term in physics for the product of mass times velocity?


What is the most common term used in genetics to describe the observable physical characteristics of an organism caused by the expression of a gene or set of genes?

instantaneous velocity

What is the most common term used to describe the velocity equal to the average velocity in the limit that the measurement time period approaches zero?

instantaneous velocity

What is the most common term used to describe the velocity of an object at any one discrete moment along its path?

volcanic rille

What is the name for a lunar ditch where molten lava once flowed?


What is the name for a plastic or ceramic funnel that has a flat stage on which a filter paper can be placed that is intended for use under suction with a thick-walled side-arm flask designed to withstand the changes in pressure that occur when the flask is connected to a suction pump?


What is the name for the apparatus commonly found in chemistry labs that is designed to store materials in dry air that consists of a glass bowl, an air-tight lid, and a place where a drying agent, such as silica gel, is placed:


What is the name for the common ocean waves that are not driven by the wind but sustained by the energy they obtained by the sea?

canis major

What is the name for the constellation with the brightest star?

rotator cuff

What is the name for the group of muscles that stabilize the shoulder joint by holding the head of the humerus in its socket?


What is the name for the high-speed serial bus developed by Apple and Texas Instruments that allows for the connection of multiple devices, supports hot-swapping, and transfers data at rates of up to 400 million bytes per second:


What is the name for the lowermost 12 to 18 kilometers of Earth's atmosphere?


What is the name for the measure of memory or storage capacity that is equal to 2 to the 40th power bytes or, in decimal, approximately a thousand gigabytes?


What is the name for the most malleable and ductile metal which can be dissolved in aqua regia but is unaffected by air and most other reagents?

the tyndall effect

What is the name for the phenomenon that occurs when a light beam becomes visible after passing through a colloid, an example of which is a beam of light passing through fog at night?


What is the name for the straight-chain alkane containing 5 carbons?

vertical line (test)

What is the name for the test that can be used to visually determine whether or not a relation defined by a graph represents a function?

heat island

What is the name given to the urban microclimate whereby a region around a city remains up to several degrees warmer than the surrounding countryside, especially on warm, still summer nights?


What is the name of the element with the symbol Sb?

cloud chamber

What is the name of the instrument invented by Charles Wilson and used in the early 1900's in many experiments to show the tracks of charged particles passing through a chamber?

hess' law

What is the name of the law that states that the overall enthalpy change for a reaction is equal to the sum of the enthalpy changes for the individual steps in the reaction:


What is the name of the layer lying between the base of the Earth's lithosphere and a depth of about 2900 kilometers, where rock exists in a hot, weak, plasticlike form?


What is the name of the particle detector in Ontario that is buried 2 kilometers underground in a nickel mine?


What is the name of the simple astronomical instrument consisting of a vertical stick placed in a sunny spot to cast a shadow?


What is the name of the universal constant that relates atomic spectra of elements to that of hydrogen?


What is the octal equivalent of the binary number 1100? W) 11 X) 14 Y) 2 Z) 4


What is the oldest Eon on the Geological Time Scale within which the first organisms appeared between 550 million and 3.4 billion years ago?

2 (exponents, 1+1)

What is the overall reaction order for the following rate law: rate = k[NH4+][NO2-]

6 (+6)

What is the oxidation number of chromium in the chromate ion, or CrO4 subscript 2-?

6 (Solution: 2(+1) + S + 4(-2) = 0)

What is the oxidation number of the sulfur atom in H2SO4?


What is the pH of a 1 molar NaOH solution at 25ºC?


What is the pH of a solution at 25°C that has a hydrogen ion concentration of 0.001?


What is the pH of a solution with a pOH of 6.8 at 25ºC?


What is the percent relative humidity if the vapor content is one-half the amount of vapor the mass of air can hold?


What is the perimeter of a right triangle whose leg lengths are 6 and 8 and whose hypotenuse is 10?


What is the predominant immunoglobulin class found in human saliva?


What is the predominant immunoglobulin class found in human tears?


What is the primary elemental product of stellar hydrogen fusion?


What is the product of the following 2 values: (1) the greatest common divisor of 7 and 14; and (2) the least common multiple of 7 and 14: W) 21 X) 49 Y) 98 Z) 196


What is the proper name for the closest spiral galaxy to the Milky Way?


What is the remainder of (148 + 10) / 7 ?

180 ohms

What is the resistance, giving your answer in standard SI units, of an electric device operating on a 9-volt battery that requires 0.05 amps to run?


What is the resistance, in ohms, for an electric stove that draws 24 amps on a 240-volt circuit?


What is the resistance, in ohms, of an electric curling iron that draws 10 amps on a 120 volt line?


What is the resulting electrical potential, in volts, when a charge of 12 coulombs is applied to a 1 farad capacitor?

octet rule

What is the rule that states that main-group elements tend to undergo reactions that leave them with 8 outer-shell electrons?


What is the scientific name for the openings in the grasshopper body through which air enters?


What is the scientific term for a change in velocity per unit time?

specific gravity

What is the scientific term for the ratio between the density of a given substance to that of water when both are at the same temperature?


What is the scientific term given to the shape of the E. coli bacterium?


What is the side of a square, in centimeters to the nearest whole number, given that its diagonal is 16 centimeters?


What is the sine of the angle θ (pronounced: theta) whose terminal side passes through the points (4, -3)?


What is the sling psychrometer used to measure?


What is the slope of a line perpendicular to the line given by the graph of the equation, -5x = -6y + 4


What is the slope of a line that passes through the points (5, 3) and (-1, 1)?

y = 2/3x - 11/3

What is the slope-intercept equation of the line that passes through the point (4, -1) and is parallel to the line with equation 2x - 3y = 9?


What is the smaller of two integers whose sum is 19 and whose product is 48?


What is the smallest integer that satisfies the following inequality: x/2+x/3>5


What is the specific gravity, to the first decimal place, of a cubic foot of metal that has a density of 188 pounds per cubic foot if water has a density of 62.4 pounds per cubic foot?


What is the specific intermediate informational molecule for human retrotransposons:


What is the specific name for a common tangent that intersects the segment joining the centers of 2 circles?

neap tides

What is the specific name for the tides that occur during the first and third-quarter phases of the Moon and have the smallest range?


What is the specific type of protein from which spindle fibers are composed?

10 parsecs

What is the standard distance a star would need to be placed for it to appear as bright as its absolute magnitude?


What is the study of the size and shape of the Earth, the measurement of terrestrial gravitational forces, and the location of fixed points on the earth's surface: W) geography X) geology Y) geotropy Z) geodesy

hydrogen peroxide

What is the substrate for which catalase has the greatest affinity?


What is the sum of the first 5 terms of the geometric sequence in which the first term is 2 and the common ratio is 2?

720 degrees

What is the sum of the interior angles of a 6-sided polygon?


What is the systematic IUPAC name for the following acid: HClO

iron two carbonate

What is the systematic name for the compound FeCO3?

tidal bore

What is the term for a tidally generated wave that propagates up a relatively shallow and sloping estuary or river in a solitary wave form, the leading edge of which presents an abrupt rise in level?


What is the term for half a byte, or four bits?

focal length

What is the term for the distance, usually given in millimeters, between the optical center of a lens and the point at which rays of light from objects at infinity are brought to focus:


What is the term for the epidermal rupture in cork cells, common to the birch tree, that allows air to diffuse trough the bark?


What is the term for the part of the secant contained between the points of intersection on a curve?


What is the term for the process of the addition of small amounts of certain elements that makes semiconductors become useful electronic materials?


What is the term for wave activity between the line of breakers and the shore, produced as an ocean wave steepens and falls forward?


What is the third most common gas naturally found in the Earth's clean, dry atmosphere?


What is the three-bit natural binary code equivalent of the decimal value 5/8?


What is the typical reported initial threshold value, in millivolts, of a human peripheral nerve axon?


What is the unit for electric current equal to 1 coulomb per second?

0.1 meters

What is the wavelength, in meters, of a sound wave that has a frequency of 3,500 hertz and a speed in a certain medium of 350 meters per second?


What is the wavelength, in meters, of a sound wave that has a frequency of 600 hertz and a speed in a certain medium of 360 meters per second?


What is the wavelength, in meters, of a wave moving at 500 meters per second if its frequency is 20 Hertz?


What is typically the largest organelle of a mature plant cell and can comprise up to 80% of the cell's volume?

neutron star

What kind of celestial bodies have cores that consist primarily of neutral particles in a superfluid state and are thought to have evolved from stars with masses more than about 1.4 times the Chandrasekhar limit?


What kind of viruses modify their appearance and change their program code periodically: W) multipartite X) non-resident file Y) stealth Z) polymorphic


What laboratory method uses a Liebig condenser arranged almost horizontally such that when the liquid mixture is heated and vapors are produced, they enter the condenser and then flow away from the flask to be collected, and is used when only one volatile fraction is to be collected:


What law states that the total amount of energy radiated per unit time from the surface of a body is related to the fourth power of its temperature?


What major biome occurs only in the Northern Hemisphere and is composed of both Low Arctic and High Arctic areas?


What mass of sodium hydroxide, in grams, would contain 40 grams of oxygen?


What moon of Saturn was shown by the Cassini space-craft to be spewing a watery, gassy plume from its geothermally heated south pole?


What name did Marie and Pierre Curie give the radioactive substance they separated from uranium ore that had chemical properties close to bismuth?

american chestnut

What native tree, prized for its wood, which looked like oak, and valued also for its fruit, is now almost extinct in the wild in the US?


What object in the night sky can reach a maximum apparent magnitude of negative 12.6?


What parameter, usually signified by a lower case r, describes the direction and strength of a straight-line relationship between two quantifiable variables?


What particle of an atom is most directly responsible for the emission of light when an atom is excited by electromagnetic radiation?


What percent of a normally distributed sample lies within 2 standard deviations of the mean?


What percentage of the earth's total volcanic activity occurs under the ocean? W) 30% X) 45% Y) 65% Z) 90%


What person, in 1676, reported to the Royal Society of London the first known observations of protozoans?


What physical property of neutrinos, which was confirmed in the past decade, contradicts earlier assumptions that neutrinos travel at the speed of light?


What physical property of stars is most directly responsible for how long they will continue fusion?


What pioneer bacteriologist in 1873 located a particular bacterium that caused anthrax in the spleen of infected cattle and, after transferring it serially to mice, recovered the same bacterium in the end: W) Louis Pasteur X) Robert Koch (pronounced: Coke) Y) Rudolf Virchow Z) Peter Vogt


What planet has the greatest variation in temperature over a single one of its planetary days?


What planet is never more than 28º from the Sun in the evening sky?


What property of a sound wave is most commonly associated with loudness?


What property of a sound wave most directly determines the pitch of a violin's note?


What property of a wave is generally said to increase during constructive interference?


What protein, that takes its name from its apparent molecular weight, can arrest cells in the G1-S checkpoint, initiate apoptosis and, when deactivated, is implicated in a wide variety of cancers?


What reduced coenzyme donates its electrons to complex-one in the electron transport system?


What scale is based on the amount of vibration felt by people during low-magnitude earthquakes and the extent of building damage during high magnitude earthquakes?


What scale is used to classify the strength of hurricanes based on its greatest wind speed: W) Saffir-Simpson X) Beaufort Y) Modified Mercalli Z) Fujita


What scientific principle BEST describes why fresh pickles soaked in brine shrivel up after a period of time?

the ecliptic

What scientific term is given to the apparent path of the Sun around the celestial sphere?


What scientific term is most often used when specifically referring to the nucleus of a deuterium atom?


What scientist in 1936, building on the discoveries of Szent-Gyorgyi, postulated the basic reactions of the tricarboxylic acid cycle?


What section of the brain is sometimes referred to as the body's thermostat?


What section of the small intestine is the first to receive gastric contents?


What shape do interstellar dust particles have since the light emitted by stars is dimmed and partially polarized: W) sphere X) cube Y) disk Z) rodlike


What simple alcohol is commercially produced by reacting carbon monoxide and hydrogen gas under pressure and heat and in the presence of a catalyst?


What specific area of the human diencephalon is responsible for producing factors that regulate the release of hormones of the pituitary?


What specific biological process is believed to have produced most of the diatomic oxygen in the Earth's atmosphere?

guard cells; 2

What specific cells and how many of them border each stomal pore?


What specific cells of the human stomach secrete pepsinogen?


What specific class of antibodies is most commonly responsible for degranulation of basophils or mast cells?


What specific class of stars was discovered by Henrietta Leavitt to have special properties that allowed it to be used in measuring long astronomical distances?


What specific part of any member of the Anthophyta produces pollen?


What specific part of the human brain has the most influence on heart rate, sleep, body temperature, and metabolism, and is a large part of the ventral portion of the diencephalon: W) hypothalamus X) cerebellum Y) pituitary Z) sella turcica


What specific physical state does Bacillus anthracis form that allows it to survive in an exposed environment for decades?


What specific type of microscopy passes a beam of electrons through an ultra-thin specimen that is usually stained with an electron opaque substance, producing an image which can be captured by a charged coupled device?


What specific type of semiconductor is produced by doping silicon with arsenic?


What substance converts pepsinogen into its active form in the human stomach?


What substance made of several fibrous materials was widely used in the 20th century for its heat resistant properties but is now banned because it can cause lung cancer when inhaled?


What technology used to transmit digital information specifically takes advantage of the property of light called total internal reflection?


What term BEST describes 2 angles with 90º as the sum of their measurements?


What term derived from the Greek word for "shortcoming" generally means an apparent lag in effect behind what is causing it?


What term describes the ability of a microscope to remain very nearly in focus when switching from one objective lens to another:


What term is given to a body of sediments deposited where a stream flows into a body of standing water and its velocity and transporting power are suddenly reduced?


What term, coined by Mendel, delineates the variant form of a gene?


What terrestrial planet has the longest sidereal period?


What terrestrial planet has the most elliptical orbit?


What tree in the North-Central to Northeast US has heart-shaped leaves and a light-colored wood which is prized by wood carvers W) pin oak X) cottonwood Y) American sycamore Z) basswood

fructose and glucose

What two monosaccharides make up the disaccharide sucrose?


What type of chip is commonly used to store the BIOS in a PC: W) ROM X) DAT Y) DOS Z) FAT

radiation fog

What type of fog frequently forms in valleys when the wind is light and the ground cools until the dew point is reached?


What type of glacier flows outward from a center as opposed to down a mountain valley?

hydrogen bonding

What type of interaction occurs between molecules of H2O that causes it to have a higher boiling point than H2S?


What type of seismic wave causes the most damage during an earthquake: W) shear X) compressional Y) expansional Z) surface


What type of volcano is made mostly of andesite and typically erupts violently and dangerously with pyroclastic flows, an example of which is Mount Fuji in Japan?


What was the last name of the father and son team that developed the theory and technique of X-ray diffraction by crystals?


What was the most sensitive device Coulomb used to measure the electric forces between pith balls?


What was the name eventually given to the particles that make up cathode rays?


When Johann Schweigger invented the first galvanometer, what did he recognize could be used to measure current: W) deflection of a compass needle X) movement of iron particles in a magnetic field Y) movement of electrons through a potential Z) a magneto


When biologists use bacterial conjugation to map genomes, what electrical appliance is most often used to interrupt conjugation?


When bonded together, which of the following pairs has the highest average bond dissociation energy: W) H and Br X) H and F Y) C and Br Z) N and Cl


When dissociated in water, which of the following acids has its dissociation equilibrium shifted farthest to the right: W) HClO X) HClO2 Y) HClO3 Z) HClO4Z


When emissions of nitrogen oxides and VOC's react in the presence of sunlight, what ground-level pollutant is formed?


When geologists find pillow basalts in ancient rock sequences, which of the following BEST explains their presence: W) the area was once underwater X) volcanic bombs and lapilli landed on snow or ice and quickly cooled Y) they hardened in mid-air, sometimes forming a tear-drop shape Z) nearby volcanoes erupted enormous quantities of ash


When iron becomes the ion Fe2+, it W) loses two, 3d electrons X) loses two, 4s electrons Y) gains two, 3d electrons Z) gains two, 4s electrons


When rain freezes into pellets while falling to the ground during a winter storm, the most accurate forecast would have predicted: W) hail X) snow Y) freezing rain Z) sleet


When referring to disease, endemic refers to: W) the habitual presence of disease within a geographic population X) the occurrence of a group of illnesses clearly in excess of normal expectancy Y) a worldwide epidemic Z) diseases which often exhibit a seasonal pattern


When sampling for organic matter in seawater, any organic matter retained by a 0.2 micrometer pore filter is classified as: W) dissolved organic carbon X) particulate organic carbon Y) detrital organic carbon Z) live or dead marine algae


When spreading centers reach above the ocean's surface, they typically form which of the following types of volcanoes: W) shield X) composite Y) stratovolcano Z) cinder cone


When successive beats of the heart result in an increased enddiastolic volume leading to optimal sarcomere length for strength of contraction, it is most commonly referred to by the name of what law:


When the color of an organism alerts predators to stay away it is technically referred to as: W) aposematic coloration X) homological coloration Y) analogous coloration Z) camouflage coloration


When two halves of a crystal aggregate are mirror images of each other and joined together in some definite, shared crystallographic orientation, such crystals are referred to as being: W) polymorphs X) symmetrical Y) twinned Z) anhedral


When utilizing dissimilar metals in a device that operates over a large temperature range, which of the following factors is most important to consider in determining internal stresses: W) ductility X) hardenability Y) conductivity Z) coefficients of thermal expansion


When working optimally, which broadband connection to the internet provides the fastest download speeds: W) cable X) DSL Y) wireless satellite Z) MMDS


Which 2 of the following 4 amino acids contain nonpolar R groups? serine; glutamine; leucine; phenylalanine


Which 2 of the following 4 factors most directly determine the apparent visual magnitude of a star: distance from Earth; intrinsic brightness; color; age


Which acid-base theory states that any molecule or ion that can produce a proton is an acid, and any that can take up a proton is a base:


Which body wave can travel at the greatest velocity of all the seismic waves?


Which element has the lowest ionization energy of all stable neutral atoms?


Which element is used in scientific research as a cooling agent for extremely low-temperature studies because at 4.2 K, it has the lowest boiling point of any known substance?


Which famous primatologist, a protégé of Louis Leaky, dedicated her life to research of gorillas and was most likely murdered by poachers in 1985: W) Jane Goodall X) Shirley Sparling Y) Margaret Mead Z) Dian Fossey


Which genus of bacteria has been found to be the most successful at restoring the intestinal flora and relieving the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome?


Which germ layer in mammals is predominantly responsible for the gut lining and digestive glands?


Which is the more common specific name for the polymorphonuclear leukocyte?


Which law most directly states that a black body is a perfect source of thermal radiation: W) Carnot's law X) Kirchoff's law Y) Planck's law Z) Dirac's law


Which law states that galaxies are receding from one another at velocities directly proportional to the distances separating them?


Which lower case letter is most typically used to denote Planck's constant?


Which metal acts at the anode in mercury batteries that are commonly found in cameras and watches: W) mercury X) mercury (II) oxide Y) zinc Z) lithium


Which of the 4 basic forces of the universe is most directly related to the ability of various metals to be hammered and formed into various shapes?


Which of the Galilean moons orbiting Jupiter is the most geologically active object in the entire solar system, commonly referred to as the "pizza moon," and has the longest diameter of 3,630 kilometers?


Which of the following 5 metals has the lowest thermal conductivity: iron; lead; tin; magnesium; zinc


Which of the following 5 sources accounts for the largest share of energy used in the U.S.: coal; petroleum products; nuclear energy; renewable energy; natural gas


Which of the following BEST describes Earth's current climate type: W) glacial X) interglacial Y) pre-ice age Z) post-ice age


Which of the following BEST describes Fermat's principle: W) light disperses in a specific medium depending on the medium's refractive index X) light follows the path of least time between two points Y) the angle of incidence can be greater than the angle of reflection Z) light always travels in the same medium at the same speed


Which of the following BEST describes a small lake in an arctic environment that is likely to be surrounded by a ring of so-called drunken trees leaning toward the lake: W) paternoster lake X) thermokarst Y) tarn Z) fen


Which of the following BEST describes an air mass that originates in northern Mexico, moves into the Great Plains and stagnates, resulting in severe drought: W) continental tropical X) continental polar Y) maritime tropical Z) maritime polar


Which of the following BEST describes how Pasteur attenuated the rabies virus to create an effective vaccine: W) by heat-treating the purified virus X) by treating the live virus with a weak solution of formaldehyde Y) by passing the rabies infection through a successive series of rabbits Z) by purifying the protein from the viral capsids


Which of the following BEST describes how Thomas Young produced sufficiently coherent separate light sources in order to produce interference patterns: W) passing coherent light through 2 closely spaced holes in the same opaque screen X) passing incoherent light 1st through an opaque screen with a single hole, and then through a 2nd opaque screen with 2 holes Y) passing polarized light through 2 holes in a single opaque screen Z) passing laser light through 2 holes in a single opaque screen


Which of the following BEST describes how and why electrical resistance is related to temperature: W) as temperature increases, resistance decreases because electrons move faster X) as temperature increases, resistance decreases because electrons are lost from the conductor Y) as temperature increases, resistance increases because protons move faster Z) as temperature increases, resistance increases because atoms vibrate more, increasing electron scattering


Which of the following BEST describes how one would compute the speed for a sound wave through a liquid: W) the square of the density of liquid divided by its bulk modulus X) the square of the bulk modulus of the liquid divided by its density Y) the square root of the density of liquid divided by its bulk modulus Z) the square root of the bulk modulus of the liquid divided by its density


Which of the following BEST describes how the most accurate value for the gravitational constant has been determined: W) through theoretical calculations from General Relativity X) through theoretical calculations using the masses and motions of certain celestial bodies Y) through theoretical calculations from quantum electrodynamics Z) through experimentation


Which of the following BEST describes one of Maxwell's equations that is a mathematical conceptualization of Faraday's law: W) a magnetic B-field is a solenoid vector field X) an EMF induced in a conductor opposes that motion Y) induced currents are caused by the magnetic field and in opposition to the opposed flux Z) a time-varying B-field produces an E-field


Which of the following BEST describes spin quantum numbers: W) orientation of intrinsic angular momenta of electrons X) centripetal accelerations of atoms Y) angular momenta of only hadrons Z) centripetal acceleration of electrons


Which of the following BEST describes the Balmer series: W) a series of quantum numbers indicating certain energy levels X) hydrogen atom spectral line emission Y) a sequence of elements that are produced chronologically in supernovae Z) the energy spectrum of the early universe


Which of the following BEST describes the Lorentz Contraction: W) reduction in the mass of a body as it approaches the speed of light X) reduction in the length of a body along the direction of motion as it approaches the speed of light Y) loss of kinetic energy when any object slows Z) loss of potential energy when any body emits electromagnetic radiation


Which of the following BEST describes the function of boric acid in the manufacture of Pyrex or borosilicate glass: W) makes the glass more scratch-resistant X) makes the glass more brittle Y) reduces the linear coefficient of expansion of the glass Z) reduces the effect of detrimental ultraviolet light exposure


Which of the following BEST describes the function of a spliceosome: W) splicing DNA together during replication X) splicing out mutations Y) joining multiple copies of structural genes Z) removing introns


Which of the following BEST describes the function of the golgi (read as: GOAL-gee) complex: W) metabolism of carbohydrates X) production of peroxides Y) modification and packaging of proteins for exocytosis Z) storage of lipids


Which of the following BEST describes the location of the heliosphere: W) the region that extends a few thousand kilometers outside of the Sun's corona X) the region that extends from the Sun's corona to the end of the solar system Y) the region that extends from the Sun's core to the end of the solar system Z) the region of the expanding solar wind between the sun and the heliopause


Which of the following BEST describes the most common functions for which most transistors are used: W) to switch on and off or amplify electronic signals X) to allow electric current to pass in only one direction while increasing or decreasing the voltage Y) to store electrical energy Z) to regulate the frequency of electrical sine waves


Which of the following BEST describes the position of the first quarter Moon to an observer in northern mid-latitudes on a clear summer night just after sunset: W) rising in the east X) setting in the west Y) high in the south Z) unable to be seen


Which of the following BEST describes the size of a typical animal virus: W) 600 micrometers X) 100 nanometers Y) 1 nanometer Z) 1 angstrom


Which of the following BEST describes the size of the average amoeba: W) 1 angstrom X) 2 micrometers Y) 600 micrometers Z) 1 centimeter


Which of the following BEST describes the zenith: W) the point in the sky that is at 180 degrees of inclination to the horizon X) 90 degrees opposite to the nadir Y) the opposite position on the ecliptic to an observer Z) the point on the celestial sphere directly overhead of an observer


Which of the following BEST describes what the term virulence means: W) the specificity of a virus to cause disease in a certain host X) the ability of a microbe to cause cellular damage Y) any transmissible disease caused by a microbe Z) the degree to which a microbe causes disease or harm to its host


Which of the following BEST describes where the zodiacal light is brightest to a stargazer at mid-northern latitudes: W) within about 20 degrees of the ecliptic X) at the western horizon at sunrise Y) at right angles to the Milky Way Z) parallel with the Milky Way


Which of the following BEST determines the maximum height of open ocean waves and is the point where breaking white caps form in a fully developed sea: W) the cohesive forces in water molecules are overcome and the waves break apart X) the waves are losing as much energy as breaking white caps as they are receiving from the wind Y) the trough moves a little bit faster than the crest and the wave becomes unstable Z) the waves have reached a maximum period


Which of the following BEST explains how a radium isotope with a half-life of about 1,600 years can be found in the crust of the Earth that was formed millions of years ago: W) its decay is slowed by the pressure of the Earth X) the radium is replenished by decay of longer lived radioactive elements Y) the radium was replenished by meteors and asteroids over the millennia Z) the radium is recycled from the Earth's core where magnetic fields slow the decay


Which of the following BEST explains how cyclic AMP can cause so many different intracellular responses in a mammalian cell: W) it is produced in large quantities X) it migrates to the DNA where it binds to a variety of histones Y) it activates a wide variety of specific protein kinases Z) it prevents the activation of other hormonal signals


Which of the following BEST explains why Mono Lake in California is hypersaline: W) it has no outlet and a high evaporation rate X) it is subject to extreme saltwater intrusion emanating from a vast system of underground aquifers Y) it is underlain by massive salt domes formed 250 million years ago Z) it has been subjected to periodic eruptions of volcanic ash


Which of the following BEST explains why a single base substitution in a gene-coding region for amino acids will sometimes lead to no change in amino acid sequence: W) all nucleotides are subject to the same mutation rate X) some nucleotide bases are covalently joined by stronger bonds Y) the code is degenerate with more than one triplet coding for the same amino acid Z) some amino acids act in the same fashion in determining the tertiary structure of a protein


Which of the following BEST explains why gravitational acceleration on Earth varies from one place to another: W) the Sun's gravitational pull varies irregularly X) the Earth is not a uniform sphere Y) the Moon and the Sun exert a complex combination of gravitational pulls on the Earth Z) the changing angular momentum of the Earth varies during its yearly orbit


Which of the following BEST explains why leaves fall off trees in the autumn: W) the leaves die and passively fall off X) an abscission layer forms at the base of the leaf stem causing it to fall off Y) the leaves slowly dry out from the bottom up because of abscisic acid that prevents phloem from delivering nutrients Z) the vascular tissue of the leaves fill up with resin increasing their stiffness and causing them to become brittle


Which of the following MOST closely represents the location of the temporal bone in humans: W) above the eye X) cheek or lateral border of the eye Y) back of skull Z) top of skull


Which of the following MOST closely represents the location of the temporal bone in humans: W) above the eye X) cheek or lateral border of the eye Y) back of skull Z) top of skull


Which of the following MOST directly determines the permittivity of a material: W) ability of the material to magnetize X) electrical susceptibility Y) electrical insulation capacity Z) electrical conductivity


Which of the following MOST directly modulates the intensity of incoming solar radiation through the course of a year: W) the eccentricity of Earth's orbit X) the time for 1 orbit of Earth around the Sun Y) Earth's rapid rotation about its axis Z) the tilt of Earth's axis


Which of the following Orders does NOT belong to the Class Insecta: W) Lepidoptera X) Diptera Y) Isoptera Z) Chelicerata


Which of the following Venn diagrams would best represent a relationship where sets A and B have no elements in common: W) 2 non-overlapping shaded circles X) portions of circles A and B are overlapped and the intersection point is shaded Y) circle A is entirely within circle B and only circle A is shaded Z) only circle A is shown


Which of the following age groups would have the most brown fat per kilogram of body weight: W) infant X) adolescent Y) middle age Z) elderly


Which of the following angles would be located in Quadrant IV of a rectangular coordinate system: W) 2/3 rev X) -480° Y) 3/16 rev Z) 0.8 rev


Which of the following anthropogenic air pollutants is the major contributor to reduced visibility in most regions of the U.S., excluding fires and dust: W) elemental carbon X) hydrogen sulfide Y) sulfate particles Z) lead


Which of the following are clastic in origin: W) chalk X) coal Y) gypsum Z) sandstone


Which of the following are elements in the Periodic Table whose outer shell electrons are on two principal energy levels: W) alkali metals X) noble gases Y) alkaline Earth metals Z) transition elements


Which of the following are intrusive masses of igneous rock that extend downward to unknown depths and do not show signs of a definite floor: W) laccolith X) batholith Y) sill Z) volcanic neck


Which of the following are likely to form in the crater of a stratovolcano following a catastrophic eruption, such as what happened several times in Mount Saint Helens: W) cinder cones X) lava domes Y) flood basalts Z) spatter cones


Which of the following are mostly under the control of the hypothalamus: W) metabolism, heart rate, sleep X) metabolism, heart rate, ovulation Y) metabolism, heart rate, micturition Z) metabolism, heart rate, balance


Which of the following are the most important and abundant rock-forming minerals: W) carbonates X) silicates Y) iron sulfides Z) sulfates


Which of the following are the most important calibration references that Celsius used to devise his temperature scale: W) melting point and boiling point of water X) ice-point and freeze-thaw point of water Y) specific gravity of water Z) boiling point and steam point of water


Which of the following are thought to form the mantle of the Earth: W) ultramafic rocks X) felsic rocks Y) silicic rocks Z) mafic rocks


Which of the following atmospheric gases is created naturally by the action of sunlight on molecular oxygen: W) ozone X) carbon monoxide Y) nitrous oxide Z) methane


Which of the following atomic features is the most important in controlling the reactivity of an atom: W) core electrons X) valence-shell electrons Y) protons Z) neutrons


Which of the following best describes REM sleep: W) active dreaming with desynchronized EEG X) atonia with deep sleep Y) deep sleep with atonia and active dreaming Z) deep sleep with active dreaming


Which of the following best describes a router: W) segments an existing network X) provides the network address for the PC Y) manages traffic on the network by filtering data Z) controls the flow of data between 2 or more separate networks


Which of the following best describes glacial till: W) well sorted and stratified X) well sorted and poorly stratified Y) poorly stratified and poorly sorted Z) stratified and poorly sorted


Which of the following best describes how well a balance can repeatedly indicate the same mass over a series of identical weighings under similar environmental conditions: W) precision X) accuracy Y) linearity Z) readability


Which of the following best describes mesons: W) a subgroup of leptons X) a subgroup of hadrons Y) hadronic leptons Z) particles with a spin of 1

W (Solution: all in the same phase, namely gases))

Which of the following best describes the catalyst in the destruction of ozone by chlorofluorocarbons: W) homogeneous X) heterogeneous Y) enzymatic Z) autocatalytic


Which of the following best describes the concept upon which Kirchhoff's current law or first law is based: W) charges come in unit dimensions X) all charges flow from the negative to the positive Y) charge can neither be created nor destroyed Z) what goes up must come down


Which of the following best describes the direction of the force on an electron moving through a magnetic field: W) opposite to the direction of the velocity X) the same direction as the velocity Y) the same direction as the magnetic field Z) perpendicular to the magnetic field


Which of the following best describes the hydrogen spectral line strength for an A-type star of about 3 solar masses: W) missing X) weak Y) medium Z) strong


Which of the following best describes the luster of quartz: W) dull X) silky Y) metallic Z) vitreous


Which of the following best describes the repressor protein in the lac operon: W) uncompetitive inhibitor X) structural protein Y) regulatory protein Z) transcriptional factor


Which of the following best describes why the optical spectrum of an atom exists as discrete lines and not as a continuous spectrum: W) atoms have electrons with unit charge X) all atoms when excited emit light Y) all energy levels of atoms are quantized Z) all electrons have spin


Which of the following best explains from where most of the dust that covers the surface of the Moon came: W) weathering when the Moon was young and had an atmosphere X) interstellar dust deposited over billions of years Y) from rock pulverized from many impacts Z) from its original makeup of a soft, silicate rock


Which of the following best explains why carbon monoxide is very harmful to animals: W) it binds very strongly to hemoglobin X) it is an irritant to the alveolar lining Y) it is a highly potent neurotoxin Z) it causes a severe allergic reaction


Which of the following best represents the data transmission speed of a USB port: W) 128 kilobits per second X) 480 megabits per second Y) 650 megabits per second Z) 12 megabits per second


Which of the following biomes is NOT properly matched with its description: W) tundra has extreme cold and presence of permafrost X) taiga has moderately wet summers and long cold winters Y) chaparral has hot wet summers and moderate dry winters Z) temperate grasslands have occasional droughts with warm summers and cool to cold winters


Which of the following both have very similar chemical compositions but exhibit different colors: W) ruby and sapphire X) opal and pearl Y) diamond and quartz Z) amber and citrine


Which of the following can you estimate BEST if you know the color of a star: W) luminosity X) elemental makeup Y) temperature Z) mass


Which of the following classes of antibodies will predominate upon a second exposure to an antigen: W) IgG X) IgE Y) IgA Z) IgN


Which of the following classifications of crystalline solids is NOT true: W) quartz is a covalent network solid X) calcium carbonate is an ionic solid Y) sucrose is a molecular solid Z) iron sulfide is a glassy solid


Which of the following cloud types is classified as a low cloud: W) altostratus X) cirrostratus Y) cumulonimbus Z) nimbostratus


Which of the following conditions must be true for Hooke's law to apply: W) the spring must be within its proportional elastic limit X) the spring must me made of cold formed steel coils Y) the deflection of the spring must be less than one tenth the spring's free length Z) the carbon content of the metal must be over 0.023 percent


Which of the following constellations are circumpolar for people in North America and are found on opposite sides and close to Polaris: W) Cassiopeia and Ursa Major X) Orion and Leo Y) Aquarius and Capricorn Z) Leo and Sagittarius


Which of the following constellations can be seen highest in the November sky of the northern hemisphere? W) Orion X) Cassiopeia Y) Mensa Z) Cancer


Which of the following descriptions is NOT true of eskers: W) they were formed above glaciers by the widening of crevasses X) they are low, steep-sided ridges of sand and gravel Y) deposits were laid down by running water Z) their deposits are roughly sorted and bedded


Which of the following did J. J. Thompson use that primarily led him to conclude that electrons were basic particles of atoms and carried electric charge: W) a compass and batteries X) a solenoid Y) cathode ray tubes Z) electromagnets


Which of the following diseases is NOT caused by bacteria: W) strep throat X) toxic shock syndrome Y) scarlet fever Z) influenza


Which of the following distance-measuring techniques measures the farthest: W) radar ranging X) stellar parallax Y) variable stars Z) standard candle/Tully-Fisher relation


Which of the following does NOT belong to the Arthropoda: W) Arachnida X) Diplopoda Y) Chilopoda Z) Nematoda

W (has configuration of neon)

Which of the following does NOT have the electron configuration of argon: W) Osub2- X) Clsub- Y) S2sub- Z) K+


Which of the following elements is found in Period 3 and main Group 5A: W) phosphorous X) silicon Y) nitrogen Z) arsenic


Which of the following exhibits the least resistivity at 20°C: W) gold X) tungsten Y) iron Z) copper


Which of the following experimental approaches was used by scientists to discover that the atomic nucleus held most of the atom's mass and a positive charge: W) directing alpha particles at thin metal strips X) finding the amount of magnetic deflection in cathode rays within a well-evacuated tube Y) exposing photographic film to certain radium salts Z) using a crude cyclotron to disintegrate large nuclei


Which of the following forms of ionizing radiation expends most of its energy over the shortest distance when passing through human tissue: W) alpha particles X) beta particles Y) x-rays Z) gamma particles


Which of the following forms of radioactive decay does NOT alter the atomic number of an element: W) alpha X) beta minus Y) beta plus Z) gamma


Which of the following four molecules can have both righthanded and left-handed forms: W) 2-chloro-2-bromobutane X) 1-chloro-2-bromoethene Y) trichloromethane Z) glycerol


Which of the following gases has the highest effusion rate through a pinhole opening from one compartment to another and at room temperature: W) argon X) CO2 Y) SO2 Z) helium


Which of the following gases will have the LOWEST freezing point: W) hydrogen X) water Y) helium Z) carbon dioxide


Which of the following genera of plants contains a species that traps and digests insects: W) Ulmus X) Nepenthes Y) Lupinus Z) Psilotum


Which of the following geological periods is oldest? W) Cambrian X) Cretaceous Y) Tertiary Z) Devonian


Which of the following groups of elements have the strongest or highest electron affinities, corresponding to the largest release of energy: W) group 1A X) group 2A Y) group 7A Z) group 8A


Which of the following happens to the shells of snails and limpets as seawater becomes increasingly acidic: W) they begin to dissolve X) they become thicker Y) they develop much later in the organism's life Z) they become darker


Which of the following has a melting point of 185ºC and readily dissolves in water at room temperature, but is NOT an electrolyte: W) NaCl X) decane Y) methane Z) sucrose


Which of the following has the highest vapor pressure at standard temperature and pressure: W) mercury X) ethyl alcohol Y) methyl alcohol Z) acetone


Which of the following has the largest seasonal hypoxic zone in coastal waters of the western hemisphere: W) the Chesapeake Bay X) the Gulf of Maine Y) the Gulf of Mexico Z) Hudson Bay


Which of the following has the lowest refractive index at STP: W) diamond X) water Y) dry air Z) a perfect vacuum


Which of the following have largely replaced vacuum tubes that were used in electronics of the mid to later 20th century: W) capacitors X) transformers Y) transistors Z) amplifiers


Which of the following human cell types is MOST directly responsible for the secretion of antibodies: W) monocytes X) CD4+ cells Y) T activator lymphocytes Z) B cells


Which of the following infectious agents is NOT properly matched with its disease: W) Trichophyton and ringworm X) Hepatitis A and serum hepatitis Y) Rubella and German measles Z) Epstein Barr and infectious mononucleosis


Which of the following is FALSE about the Coriolis Effect: W) it is an apparent force due to the precession of the Earth X) it is an apparent force due to the rotation of the Earth Y) it causes winds in the Northern Hemisphere to be deflected to the right Z) it causes winds in the Southern Hemisphere to be deflected to the left


Which of the following is LEAST accurate regarding earthquakes: W) scientists agree that mega-quakes of magnitude 10 are very likely in the near future X) the world's greatest earthquake zone is the circum-Pacific seismic belt Y) Alaska has the greatest number of earthquakes in the U.S. Z) deep earthquakes are much less likely to be followed by aftershocks than shallow earthquakes


Which of the following is LEAST accurate regarding non-fuel petroleum products: W) petroleum jelly is often used to make household toiletries X) asphalt is often used in making roof shingles Y) petrochemicals are used to make latex Z) printing inks and paint solvents are often petroleum-based


Which of the following is LEAST accurate regarding human genetics: W) genes from gametes are typically unchanged during their passage to the zygote X) the zygote gets 1 allele from each parental gene pair Y) all genes independently segregate Z) the number of copies of a particular gene can vary among individuals


Which of the following is LEAST accurate: W) alpha particles are the same as helium nuclei X) polarization of light supports the particle behavior of light Y) a photon is a particle of light Z) light slows down when it moves from a vacuum into glass


Which of the following is LEAST accurate: W) at the equator, stars appear to rise and set vertically X) all Mira stars are Red Giants Y) right ascension is analogous to longitude Z) the Earth is closest to the Sun during December


Which of the following is LEAST accurate: W) most stars visible to the unaided eye are part of the Milky Way galaxy X) there are 88 constellations officially recognized by the IAU Y) a red supergiant has a hotter surface than our Sun Z) the constellation Leo is located within 9º of the ecliptic


Which of the following is LEAST likely to occur for a stargazer observing from mid-northern latitudes during summer months: W) the planet Venus passing within a few degrees of the Moon a few hours after sunset X) the Moon at perigee Y) the planet Saturn passing with 5 degrees of the Moon Z) the planet Mercury within 10 degrees of the zenith


Which of the following is LEAST likely to occur when viewed from mid-northern latitudes in the month of August: W) Venus passing within 2º of Saturn X) Neptune at opposition Y) the Moon at apogee on the 1st of the month and perigee at the 29th of the month Z) the Moon passing within 5º of Uranus


Which of the following is MOST characteristic of human blast cells in on observation with light microscopy: W) large nuclear to cytoplasmic ratio X) small nucleolus and mostly heterochromatin in the nucleus Y) lack of cytoplasmic granules and small overall size compared to mature cells Z) absence of nucleolus (read as: NEW-clee-oh-luss) and endoplasmic reticulum


Which of the following is MOST closely related to the mosquito: W) fly X) wasp Y) human body louse Z) dragonfly


Which of the following is NOT a Pythagorean triple: W) 15, 20, 25 X) 10, 24, 26 Y) 16, 24, 30 Z) 33, 44, 55


Which of the following is NOT a Rickettsial disease: W) Q fever X) Scrub Typhus Y) Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever Z) Relapsing fever


Which of the following is NOT a blood vessel located in the human head or neck: W) jugular vein X) jugular artery Y) internal carotid artery Z) temporal vein


Which of the following is NOT a colligative property: W) vapor pressure lowering X) osmotic pressure Y) boiling point elevation Z) color of solution


Which of the following is NOT a common mineral in igneous rock but rather an accessory that typically occurs in small amounts: W) quartz X) muscovite Y) plagioclase Z) orthoclase


Which of the following is NOT a composite material: W) bone X) plywood Y) wood Z) mild steel

Z (facial bone)

Which of the following is NOT a cranial bone: W) parietal X) occipital Y) sphenoid Z) lacrimal


Which of the following is NOT a fat-soluble vitamin: W) vitamin K X) vitamin A Y) vitamin D Z) biotin


Which of the following is NOT a fermentation product of yogurt: W) acetaldehyde X) formaldehyde Y) acetic acid Z) lactic acid


Which of the following is NOT a hexose: W) mannose X) glucose Y) fructose Z) xylulose


Which of the following is NOT a process that makes up the Earth's hydrologic cycle: W) precipitation X) condensation Y) transpiration Z) sedimentation


Which of the following is NOT a protocol associated with the workings of the internet: W) POP3 X) FTP Y) HTML Z) TFT


Which of the following is NOT a storage class specification in C programming: W) auto X) switch Y) register Z) static


Which of the following is NOT a type of meteorite: W) chondrites X) achondrites Y) stoney-irons Z) andesites


Which of the following is NOT associated with sedimentary rocks: W) bedding X) fossils Y) foliation Z) ripple marks


Which of the following is NOT characteristic of B-type stars like Rigel or Spica: W) very luminous X) apparent blue color Y) medium strength hydrogen spectral lines Z) average solar mass of about 3.2


Which of the following is NOT classified as a low-level cloud: W) altostratus X) nimbostratus Y) stratocumulus Z) stratus


Which of the following is NOT classified as an intrusive igneous rock: W) granite X) diorite Y) rhyolite Z) gabbro


Which of the following is NOT considered a form of transverse wave: W) radio wave X) electromagnetic wave Y) sound wave Z) ocean wave


Which of the following is NOT considered a state function of a system in a reaction: W) work X) enthalpy Y) temperature Z) volume


Which of the following is NOT generally characteristic of a passive continental margin: W) relatively wide continental shelf X) oceanic trench Y) terrigenous sediment Z) continental rise


Which of the following is NOT generally true of activation energies in chemical reactions: W) activation energies vary from reaction to reaction X) the Arrhenius equation can be used to determine the activation energy of a reaction Y) the lower the activation energy is, the faster the reaction Z) increasing the temperature of a reaction decreases the activation energy


Which of the following is NOT generally true of reaction equilibria: W) if the temperature of an exothermic reaction is raised, the equilibrium shifts to the left X) the equilibrium constants for forward and reverse reactions are the reciprocals of each other Y) pure liquids appear in the equilibrium expression but pure solids do not Z) an equilibrium constant greater than 1 means that the reaction favors products at equilibrium


Which of the following is NOT generally true regarding trends for the representative elements in the Periodic Table: W) nonmetals predominate the periodic table X) metallic character increases from top to bottom Y) nonmetallic character increases from left to right Z) atomic radii increases from top to bottom


Which of the following is NOT properly matched with its function or operation: W) conjugation and transfer of genetic material between bacteria X) F plasmids and reversible incorporation into bacterial genome Y) transposons and plasmids interchanging genes Z) R plasmids and antibiotic resistance


Which of the following is NOT true about Earth's history: W) the Ordovician Period predates the Silurian Period X) we currently live in the Cenozoic Era Y) we currently live in the Pleistocene Epoch Z) the Holocene Epoch began about 10,000 years ago


Which of the following is NOT true about Earth's water: W) more fresh water exists underground than in streams and lakes X) the total amount of water in the global system varies greatly from year to year Y) ground water can take thousands or millions of years to recharge naturally Z) a rock is permeable if water can pass through it


Which of the following is NOT true about aqueous solutions: W) diluting a buffer with water can change the pH of the water X) metal cations can act as weak acids in water solutions Y) an acid whose Ka = 6 × 10-10 is weaker than an acid whose Ka = 5.8 × 10-4 Z) an acid whose pKa is 3.0 is stronger than an acid whose pKa is 7.0


Which of the following is NOT true about statistical correlation: W) correlation typically distinguishes between explanatory and response variables X) the correlation "r" always lies between +1 and -1 Y) a negative correlation indicates a negative association Z) correlation is usually strongly affected by outlying observations


Which of the following is NOT true about the Earth's troposphere: W) within the layer, temperature decreases with altitude X) it is terminated by the tropopause Y) it contains the jet stream Z) within the layer, temperature increases with altitude


Which of the following is NOT true about volcanoes: W) stratovolcanoes are typically found at convergent plate boundaries X) 80% of all magma erupted by volcanoes on Earth is basaltic Y) Mount Kilimanjaro is a stratovolcano Z) the Ring of Fire is dominated by volcanoes that erupt basaltic magma


Which of the following is NOT true in humans: W) trisomy X originates from a nondisjunction X) all enzymes are proteins Y) albumin is produced by the liver Z) the spleen produces red blood cells in the fetus


Which of the following is NOT true of DNA replication: W) it is initiated by a short DNA primer X) the growing strand is polymerized in a 5-prime to 3-prime direction Y) DNA polymerase helps form the phosphodiesterase bonds Z) synthesis of the lagging strand is discontinuous


Which of the following is NOT true of Kepler's works in astronomy: W) Kepler gathered most of his data from his monitoring of the planets with a quadrant X) Kepler very seldom observed the planets and looked through a telescope only a few times in his life Y) many of Kepler's computations were based on data gathered by Tycho Brahe Z) Kepler assumed planetary motion was not circular

Y (vice versa)

Which of the following is NOT true of an El Nino: W) when an El Nino is present, fish are less abundant off the west coast of South America X) El Ninos typically come along every 4 to 5 years Y) during a peak El Nino, strong high pressure will be present in the eastern Pacific with lower pressure to the west Z) El Nino affects global weather patterns


Which of the following is NOT true of basalt and gabbro: W) they formed from magma at the same temperature X) they are derived from basaltic magma Y) they formed from magma with the same silica content Z) they are both intrusive igneous rocks


Which of the following is NOT true of breccia rock: W) it is sedimentary X) its color is variable Y) its texture consists of rounded pebbles, cobbles and boulders Z) fragments may be any type of igneous, metamorphic, or sedimentary rocks


Which of the following is NOT true of coelacanths: W) the coelacanth is considered a living fossil X) the coelacanth is a bottom dweller fish and uses its 4 limbs for walking Y) the coelacanth is essentially inedible to humans Z) the coelacanth gives birth to live young


Which of the following is NOT true of coronal mass ejections: W) they can lead to a loss in radio communications X) they can indirectly cause damage to electrical transformers Y) they typically will not damage space-based satellites Z) the next peak of ejections will likely be during the years 2010 to 2012


Which of the following is NOT true of globular proteins in mammals: W) most are soluble in water X) some serve as transport molecules in the plasma Y) plasma enzymes typically have an optimal operating pH of about 6.8 to 7.0 Z) most protein hormones are globular


Which of the following is NOT true of glucose: W) when glucose joins with galactose, fructose is formed X) it is also called dextrose Y) cellulose is a polymer of glucose molecules Z) its formula is C6H12O6


Which of the following is NOT true of halogens: W) iodine is the least reactive of the stable halogens X) elemental halogens exist as diatomic molecules containing single covalent bonds Y) their outermost electron configuration is represented by ns2 np6 Z) halides of typical metals are ionic


Which of the following is NOT true of ideal gases: W) 2 or more gases form homogeneous mixtures in all proportions X) collisions between gas particles are both elastic and inelastic Y) they diffuse rapidly Z) they assume the shapes of their containers

Y (Solution: it's called singular)

Which of the following is NOT true of matrices: W) a square matrix that has an inverse is called invertible X) a matrix does not have to have an inverse Y) a matrix that does not have an inverse is called non-singular Z) a matrix must be square in order to have an inverse


Which of the following is NOT true of nucleated mammalian cells: W) mast cells contain large amounts of histamine X) the golgi apparatus processes proteins for exocytosis Y) microtubules are components in cilia Z) all the DNA in a nucleated cell is in the nucleus


Which of the following is NOT true of the Hall effect: W) it can be used to measure the strength of a magnetic field X) it is a consequence of a current carrying wire in a magnetic field Y) it was one of the first direct indications that negative charges are what move in conductors Z) it cannot distinguish between positive and negative particles


Which of the following is NOT true of the human body: W) there are substantial numbers of lymph nodes in the wall of the large intestine X) veins have comparatively thick walls with more muscle than arteries Y) there are two layers of smooth muscle in the walls of the small intestine Z) the small intestine is longer than the large intestine


Which of the following is NOT true of the most common form of DNA: W) it is a right-handed helix X) it has 3.4 nanometers between each successive nucleotide base of the same strand Y) the strands are considered anti-parallel Z) each strand has a 3-prime phosphate and a 5-prime hydroxyl at opposite ends


Which of the following is NOT true of uranium: W) it is very dense X) all isotopes are radioactive Y) uranium is sometimes used in counterweights in yacht keels Z) there are only 3 isotopes of uranium


Which of the following is NOT true of what occurs during an equinox: W) equal length of day and night except at the poles X) the Earth is not tilted with respect to the ecliptic Y) the Sun is directly overhead at the equator Z) the Moon is directly overhead at the poles

Y (Solution: beta-1,4 linkages are indigestible to humans and are found in cellulose. Glycogen has alpha 1-4 and alpha 1-6 linkages)

Which of the following is NOT true regarding glycogen: W) glycogen synthesis is endergonic (read as: en-der-GONE-ick) X) glycogen is a polysaccharide Y) glycogen side branches have beta 1,4 linkages Z) glycogen in the human liver often has more than 10,000 glucose monomers


Which of the following is NOT true regarding ribosomes: W) they are about 20 nanometers in diameter X) eukaryotic ribosomes are slightly larger than prokaryotic ribosomes Y) mitochondrial ribosomes have 40S (read as: forty S) small subunits Z) they are found in chloroplasts


Which of the following is NOT true regarding seismic waves through the Earth: W) P-waves travel through the mantle X) S-waves travel through the mantle Y) P-waves travel through the outer core Z) S-waves travel through the outer core


Which of the following is NOT true regarding the burning of biodiesel versus gasoline in automobile engines: W) biodiesel combustion does not emit SO2 X) biodiesel contains more oxygen than gasoline Y) the CO2 released when biodiesel is burned is the same CO2 the plants removed from the atmosphere as they grew Z) the energy content per gallon of biodiesel is approximately 28% lower than that of ethanol


Which of the following is NOT true: W) Los Angeles is moving towards San Diego at a current rate of 2 to 3 meters per year X) the source of all igneous rocks is molten magma Y) silicates are the most abundant group of minerals in Earth's crust and mantle Z) oceanic crust is generally thinner than continental crust


Which of the following is NOT true: W) Mount Everest is a volcanic mountain X) shield volcanoes have surface slopes of only a few degrees Y) the depression on the top of a typical composite volcano is known as a crater Z) Mount Kilimanjaro is a stratovolcano


Which of the following is NOT true: W) Vega is part of the summer triangle X) the Seven Sisters is a star cluster Y) Cassiopeia is a constellation generally shaped like a W Z) cosmic rays are electromagnetic radiation of very high energies


Which of the following is NOT true: W) a reaction that requires free energy is spontaneous X) gases, as a group, have higher entropies than liquids Y) standard molar entropies of pure substances are always positive values Z) spontaneous processes involve non-equilibrium conditions


Which of the following is NOT true: W) a spring scale can be used to indirectly measure acceleration X) momentum is a vector Y) impulse is a vector Z) a change in direction of an object's motion cannot affect its momentum


Which of the following is NOT true: W) actinides are characterized by occupying the f-block of the periodic table X) lanthanides are characterized by occupying the d-block of the periodic table Y) alkali metals are the most reactive of all metallic elements Z) actinides are metals


Which of the following is NOT true: W) all central angles in a regular polygon are equal X) irregular polygons are not considered to have centers and have no central angles Y) the circumcircle of a regular polygon is the circle that passes through at least one vertex Z) all regular polygons are convex

Z (Solution: libration will allow more than 55% to be seen over a year)

Which of the following is NOT true: W) an eclipse of the Moon only occurs during a full Moon X) Mercury will appear to be in its full phase when it is farthest from Earth Y) an event horizon is associated with black holes Z) no more than 50% of the Moon's surface can be seen over any one year


Which of the following is NOT true: W) any foreign substance added to water will cause a freezing point drop X) a nonvolatile solute raises the boiling point of a solvent Y) methane has a higher boiling point than ethane Z) freezing point depression is a colligative property


Which of the following is NOT true: W) electrical utilities deliver electricity over long distances at high voltages to reduce power loss X) in typical modern vacuum tubes, the cathode supplies the electrons Y) Faraday's law of induction is a general guide for induction of EMF with a magnetic field Z) a typical voltmeter can be used to reliably test how much life is left in a double-A battery


Which of the following is NOT true: W) hydrogen gas found in nature exists as a monatomic molecule X) when 2 oxygen atoms combine to form O2, energy is released Y) when chlorine gains 1 electron, it becomes larger Z) noble gases tend not to bond because of their stable valence configurations


Which of the following is NOT true: W) most of the meteorites that have been found have a high iron content X) a bolometer is used to measure the energy output of the Sun Y) the celestial coordinate analogous to latitude is called ascension Z) sunlight reflecting off the Earth is called Earthshine


Which of the following is NOT true: W) only a few harmful algal bloom species actually produce toxins that are poisonous to people X) algal blooms occur in marine and freshwater environments Y) algal blooms can occur in the open ocean far from any coastal inlets Z) pollution is always to blame for harmful algal blooms along coastal waters


Which of the following is NOT true: W) over 50% of all stars that appear to be single are double or multiple systems X) aurora borealis can occur in all 4 seasons Y) tetanus toxin causes muscle stiffness in affected humans Z) the Large Hadron Collider at CERN began colliding electrons in September of 2008


Which of the following is NOT true: W) phosphorous is used in the manufacture of detergents X) nitric acid is used in the manufacture of fertilizers Y) lead ore is most commonly mined in bauxite Z) flotation separation is used in the preparation of ores


Which of the following is NOT true: W) sea levels dropped during the Pleistocene glaciation making the Bering Strait a land bridge X) large animals such as the mastodon and dire wolves became extinct at the end of the Pleistocene Y) the Holocene may be an interglacial stage Z) recent ice ages are thought to be controlled by uniformitarian cycles


Which of the following is NOT true: W) the core of a red supergiant is hotter than the core of a main sequence K-type star X) helium flash is something that occurs in red giant stars Y) the Pleiades is an open star cluster Z) there is more lithium than carbon in the universe


Which of the following is NOT true: W) the magnetic field associated with the current on a straight long wire is inversely proportional to the distance from the wire X) Kirchhoff's first rule has to do with the accounting of total charges entering and leaving a junction per unit time Y) superconducting quantum interference devices, or SQUID's, are based on the Josephson Effect Z) resistance and voltage are the two most common parameters used to characterize a resistor


Which of the following is NOT true: W) the rotation of the Sun's surface is faster at the equator than at the poles X) the apparent magnitude of an RR Lyrae depends most on its distance from the Earth Y) Venus appears its largest to nighttime observers when it is in its full phase Z) a star's light curve typically plots brightness verses time


Which of the following is NOT true: W) the star Sirius at its brightest has an apparent magnitude of about negative 1.5 X) metal-rich stars sometimes have planets Y) typical binoculars allow observation of stars with apparent magnitudes of about 9.0 Z) the Sun has an apparent magnitude of about negative 12


Which of the following is TRUE about any two successive terms in the Fibonacci sequence: W) their product is a Fibonacci number X) they are either both odd or both even Y) they are relatively prime Z) their quotient is the golden ratio


Which of the following is TRUE about resolution: W) printed images resolve with dots per inch and displayed images resolve with pixels X) printed images resolve with dots per inch and displayed images resolve with dots per inch Y) printed images resolve with pixels and displayed images resolve with dots per inch Z) printed images resolve with pixels and displayed images resolve with pixels


Which of the following is TRUE concerning objects moving down an inclined plane: W) a solid disk will roll faster than a hollow disk regardless of the mass or outer diameter of either disk X) a hollow disk will roll faster than a solid disk regardless of the mass or outer diameter of either disk Y) regardless of the mass or outer diameter of either disk, a solid disk will roll at the same rate as a hollow cylinder Z) a solid disk will roll slower than a hollow disk of twice the mass and outer diameter of the solid disk


Which of the following is TRUE of a sound wave traveling in dry air at STP at a constant velocity: W) if frequency increases, wavelength increases X) if frequency increases, wavelength decreases Y) if frequency decreases, wavelength decreases Z) if frequency increases, wavelength stays the same


Which of the following is TRUE of red supergiants: W) some form Cepheid variables X) most end as nova stars Y) most have luminosities about 10 to 100 times that of our Sun Z) most have surface temperatures at least 2-times that of our Sun


Which of the following is TRUE regarding the development of a hurricane: W) they develop in waters of at least 80°F at 0° latitude X) they develop in waters of at least 80°F between 20° and 40° latitude Y) a hurricane originating in the eastern tropical Atlantic is driven westward by westerly trade winds in the tropics Z) they develop in waters of at least 80°F between 5° and 20° latitude


Which of the following is TRUE regarding the Hadley cell: W) it creates an area of high pressure along the equator X) it is an open ocean circulation at 30º north and south latitudes Y) it originates at the equator with strong solar heating Z) it is the only air circulation that is not affected by the Coriolis effect


Which of the following is TRUE: W) chimpanzees are an ancestor of Homo sapiens X) bipedal motion dominated hominoid ancestors by about 30 million years ago Y) humans and modern apes have a common ancestor Z) Neanderthals were ancestors to modern humans


Which of the following is a brief yet destructive windstorm marked by cool moist air descending from a thunderstorm that is sometimes mistaken for a tornado because of the damage it produces: W) Chinook X) zephyr Y) dust devil Z) microburst


Which of the following is a coarse-grained igneous rock primarily containing plagioclase feldspar, amphibole and biotite: W) gabbro X) basalt Y) diorite Z) granite


Which of the following is a compressional elastic seismic wave that causes rock particles to move back and forth parallel to wave direction: W) Rayleigh-wave X) P-wave Y) S-wave Z) L-wave


Which of the following is a feeding structure in arachnids : W) dentipalps X) radula Y) proboscis Z) chelicerae


Which of the following is a fine-grained silica-rich sedimentary rock that is made primarily of microcrystalline quartz: W) shale X) potash Y) dolostone Z) chert


Which of the following is a foliated metamorphic rock composed of very fine-grained mica: W) marble X) phyllite Y) quartzite Z) schist


Which of the following is a function of the pollen tube in flowering plants: W) attaches pollen to the developing anther X) allows pollen to absorb nutrients as they develop in the anther Y) enables the ovule to breach through the micropyle Z) carries the sperm nuclei to the ovule


Which of the following is a gas that is tested for by ignition in air on contact with a lighted splint to produce a high-pitched "popping" sound: W) oxygen X) hydrogen Y) helium Z) nitrogen monoxide


Which of the following is a group of about 20 proteins that aid in the attraction and phagocytosis of microorganisms by macrophages: W) alpha interferons X) complement system Y) TNF Z) hemopoietins


Which of the following is a homologous structure to a whale flipper: W) insect wing X) human arm Y) a fish operculum Z) shark fin


Which of the following is a jaw-less fish: W) lungfish X) catfish Y) lamprey Z) sturgeon


Which of the following is a long, narrow, steep-sided arm of the sea, usually formed by entrance of the sea into a deep glacial trough: W) fjord X) moraine Y) delta Z) alluvial fan


Which of the following is a man-made coastal structure that causes coastal erosion by blocking oceanic longshore drift: W) jetty X) barrier island Y) atoll Z) fringing reef


Which of the following is a manufactured fiber composed of regenerated cellulose or of regenerated cellulose in which substituents have replaced more than 15% of the hydrogens of the hydroxyl groups: W) polyester X) silk Y) rayon Z) nylon


Which of the following is a medium or coarse-grained rock that consists primarily of plagioclase feldspar and pyroxene and is essentially the plutonic equivalent of basalt: W) diorite X) rhyolite Y) andesite Z) gabbro


Which of the following is a member of the Hirudinea: W) earthworm X) centipede Y) leech Z) chelicerae


Which of the following is a metallic element, composes about 5% of the Earth's crust, oxidizes very easily, and when pure is a dark, silver-grey metal: W) cobalt X) nickel Y) iron Z) titanium


Which of the following is a mixing incompatibility of common household products that can produce toxic products: W) vinegar and baking soda X) vinegar and bleach Y) vinegar and borax Z) castile soap and salt


Which of the following is a molecule having a nonpolar covalent bond: W) bromine gas X) hydrogen fluoride Y) water Z) hydrogen bromide


Which of the following is a molecule with a square pyramidal molecular geometry around its central atom: W) PCl5 X) ClF5 Y) XeF4 Z) SF6


Which of the following is a naturally occurring amino acid that is NOT found in proteins? W) asparagine X) phenylalanine Y) citrulline Z) threonine


Which of the following is a naturally occurring amino acid that is NOT found in proteins? W) threonine X) histidine Y) ornithine Z) isoleucine


Which of the following is a port that transmits data in a sort of wave, 8 bits across, in which each bit goes in the same direction at the same time: W) LPT X) serial Y) USB Z) FireWire


Which of the following is a prime polynomial over the integers: W) 5x^2 - 8x + 2 X) 4x^2 - 4x - 8 Y) 3x^2 - 4x - 4 Z) 3x^2 - 10x^2 + 3x


Which of the following is a principal component of a siderite meteorite: W) neptunium X) carbon Y) iron Z) erbium


Which of the following is a problem that affects most plants growing in very acidic soil: W) iron deficiency X) accumulation of excess salt in their foliage Y) aluminum toxicity to their roots Z) excess calcium and magnesium ion uptake


Which of the following is a quadratic equation with a root of multiplicity of 2: W) 9x^2 - 30x^2 + 25 = 0 X) x^2 + 2x - 15 = 0 Y) 6x^2 - 11x - 2 = 0 Z) 4x^2 - 1 = 0


Which of the following is a rock that is commonly made of microscopic shells: W) limestone X) schist Y) shale Z) quartzite


Which of the following is a second quadrant angle in standard position: W) 500º X) -180º Y) -680º Z) 930º


Which of the following is a space observatory, launched in 2004 through the combined effort of Italy, the United Kingdom, and the United States, for the detection and study of gamma-ray bursts: W) SOHO X) SWIFT Y) MOC Z) international GRB


Which of the following is a substance that is very reactive with the oxygen in air and must be stored under water or some other substance to keep it from becoming incendiary: W) fullerene X) white phosphorous Y) calcium fluoride Z) calcium oxide


Which of the following is a substance whose molecular and empirical formulas are NOT the same: W) benzene X) water Y) ammonia Z) sulfur dioxide


Which of the following is a trace element in coal that is a pollutant and neurotoxin released into the atmosphere when coal is burned, for which some states are currently developing technologies to reduce these emissions by 70 to 90%: W) sulfur X) mercury Y) carbon Z) chromium


Which of the following is a tree that is very well-adapted to surviving above shallow permafrost: W) cottonwood X) white pine Y) aspen Z) black spruce


Which of the following is a type of colloid that is classified as a sol at room temperature: W) gelatin X) milk Y) whipped cream Z) marshmallow


Which of the following is a ubiquitous trace mineral found in many igneous, metamorphic and clastic sedimentary rocks, and has been used to date Earth's oldest rocks at 4-plus billion years: W) titanite X) tremolite Y) zircon Z) beryl


Which of the following is a weak electrolyte: W) ammonia X) dilute sulfuric acid Y) 1 molar sodium chloride Z) dilute perchloric acid


Which of the following is a widely-used analgesic and antipyretic medication which is not considered an NSAID: W) acetylcysteine X) acetaminophen Y) acetylsalicylic acid Z) ibuprophen


Which of the following is an EXTENSIVE property of matter: W) temperature X) density Y) mass Z) viscosity


Which of the following is an all but obsolete battery technology stopped by government regulations in this country because of toxicity issues: W) nickel-cadmium cells X) mercury-oxide cells Y) zinc-air cells Z) aluminum-air cells


Which of the following is an element that is very important to human life, is contained in vitamin B-12, belongs to a group of transition metals, and has magnetic properties like iron: W) selenium X) cobalt Y) zinc Z) manganese


Which of the following is an example of a modular organism that grows by producing additional units of body construction that are very similar to the units of which it is already composed: W) sea sponge X) cockroach Y) spider Z) turtle


Which of the following is an example of a multiple fruit: W) apple X) sour cherry Y) pineapple Z) pear


Which of the following is an insertion of the human biceps femoris muscle: W) ventral portion of the head of the femur X) lateral sides of the head of the tibia Y) ileac crest Z) pubic symphisis


Which of the following is believed to be the most likely composition of cosmic dust: W) carbonaceous, silicate or iron-bearing materials with some frozen gases X) hydrogen, helium and lithium crystals Y) thorium, uranium and lead particles from dead stars Z) pure ice crystals with small amounts of ionized hydrogen


Which of the following is best classified as a plutonic intrusive rock: W) obsidian X) granite Y) basalt Z) pumice


Which of the following is best used to date the age of the Earth to about 4.5 billion years old: W) uranium-235 X) uranium-238 Y) potassium-40 Z) carbon-14


Which of the following is both fluorescent and radioactive: W) calcite X) halite Y) talc Z) zircon


Which of the following is classified as a silicate mineral: W) gypsum X) malachite Y) halite Z) quartz


Which of the following is classified as a waterinsoluble fiber: W) algal polysaccharides X) pectin Y) lignin Z) gums


Which of the following is closest to the age of most chondrites: W) 150 million years X) 1.5 billion years Y) 4.6 billion years Z) 13.7 billion years


Which of the following is closest to the conversion of 900 millibars into atmospheres: W) 0.09 X) 0.9 Y) 9.0 Z) 90.0


Which of the following is closest to the diameter of a plasmodesmata: W) 2 angstroms X) 60 nanometers Y) 80 microns Z) 180 microns


Which of the following is closest to the maximum apparent brightness of the brightest star in the night sky from anywhere on Earth: W) -15 X) -1.5 Y) 4.5 Z) 6


Which of the following is closest to the meaning of the suffix 'lith': W) outside X) stone Y) side Z) surface


Which of the following is closest to the meaning of the suffix 'tropic' (read as: troh-PIK): W) hot X) wet Y) changing Z) under

X (pKa = -log10Ka = 3.3)

Which of the following is closest to the pKa of an acid whose Ka = 5.0 × 10-4: W) 2.3 X) 3.3 Y) 4.0 Z) 5.0


Which of the following is closest to the radius of a hydrogen nucleus: W) 1 micrometer X) 1 angstrom Y) 1 picometer Z) 1 femtometer


Which of the following is closest to the range for the Balmer series: W) microwave X) infrared through UV Y) UV to soft x-ray Z) visible light to UV


Which of the following is commonly accepted as the engine that most directly drives plate tectonic motion: W) mantle convection X) volcanic off-gassing Y) a molten iron core Z) gravitational pull of the Moon and Sun


Which of the following is considered a chiral object: W) a coffee cup X) a tennis ball Y) a corkscrew Z) a banana


Which of the following is considered a weak acid: W) HCO2H X) HClO4 Y) HNO3 Z) HBr


Which of the following is considered the principal volcanic gas: W) carbon dioxide X) water vapor Y) sulfur dioxide Z) methane


Which of the following is generally NOT true of the alpine versus arctic tundra biomes: W) alpine tundra does not contain permafrost whereas arctic tundra does contain permafrost X) alpine tundra is warmer and has a longer growing season than arctic tundra Y) alpine tundra has a lower species diversity than arctic tundra Z) alpine tundra has less severe winters than arctic tundra


Which of the following is igneous and pyroclastic in nature, and is of variable composition: W) pumice X) obsidian Y) gabbro Z) tuff


Which of the following is incorrect: W) C5H11CHO is an aldehyde X) C11H20 is an alkane Y) C5H11OH is an alcohol Z) C5H11NH2 is an amine


Which of the following is known to have created one of the largest tsunamis, also known as a mega-tsunami: W) subterranean earthquakes X) suboceanic earthquakes Y) landslides Z) volcanic eruptions


Which of the following is most accurate about the pasteurization of milk: W) it heats milk to the boiling point for about 1minute X) it kills all bacteria by passing steam through the milk Y) it kills most of the germs in the milk by moderate heating Z) it kills all the bacteria but not the viruses in the milk


Which of the following is most directly responsible for the colloid osmotic pressure in humans that acts to retain fluid in the vascular system: W) albumin X) sodium ions Y) calcium ions Z) potassium ions


Which of the following is one of the MAIN ways of preventing Brucellosis in humans: W) avoid person-to-person contact X) consume only pasteurized dairy products Y) avoid flea bites Z) boil all drinking water


Which of the following is one of the main reasons why oxygenates are used as gasoline additives: W) allow for more complete combustion X) decrease sulfur buildup in engine pistons Y) prevent water condensation in stored fuels Z) corrosion inhibition


Which of the following is one of the main unique capabilities of the GLAST observatory: W) it operates completely on photovoltaic cells X) it contains the largest superconducting magnet in space Y) it can survey the entire celestial sphere several times each day Z) it orbits the Moon


Which of the following is probably the most significant limitation for PET scans being used in remote rural hospital sites: W) lack of properly trained personnel X) the proximity to production facilities for short-lived radioisotopes Y) the high level of radiation requiring special training and increased radiation risk Z) difficulty in PET radiotracers binding to receptors when imaging certain human tissues


Which of the following is responsible for the changing of the seasons: W) the Earth's axis is not perpendicular to the ecliptic X) the Earth's orbit is elliptical Y) the Earth's axis precesses Z) the Sun moves through space


Which of the following is the BEST description of atherosclerosis: W) inflammation of the brain cortical tissues X) paralysis of extremities and loss of sensation Y) walls of blood vessels become thicker and less elastic Z) loss of ability to hear certain sounds


Which of the following is the BEST description of our Sun: W) a cool large star similar to Proxima Centauri X) a small-sized star about 6 billion years old Y) a mid-sized yellow dwarf star Z) a large-sized red giant about 4.7 billion years old


Which of the following is the BEST description of the H-R Diagram: W) it plots apparent brightness versus age X) it plots luminosity versus surface temperature with highest temperatures on the right Y) it plots luminosity versus surface temperature with highest temperatures on the left Z) it plots apparent magnitude versus average stellar temperature


Which of the following is the BEST explanation for what causes zodiacal light: W) reflection of moonlight off the Earth's surface X) dispersion of the Earth's radiant heat off the troposphere Y) sunlight reflected off interplanetary dust particles Z) radiation from the Van Allen belts


Which of the following is the BEST explanation for why the Northern Hemisphere's summer occurs when the Sun is not the closest to Earth in Earth's orbit around the Sun: W) the Sun's rays are made of mostly neutrinos that have such small mass that distance does not matter X) the Sun emits different amounts of energy at different times of the year Y) the Sun's rays strike the Northern Hemisphere more directly in summer Z) because of precession


Which of the following is the MOST common term for a galaxy that is emitting a large amount of radiation from a black hole at its center: W) bright galaxy X) luminous galaxy Y) active galaxy Z) event galaxy


Which of the following is the MOST commonly accepted reason as to why the planet Uranus rotates on its side: W) it oscillates in its rotation orientation over thousands of years X) it captured four of its moons early in its development which radically affected its primordial disk rotation Y) it was once struck by a massive object Z) because of its orbital position and low density it was susceptible to a wide variety of axial rotational possibilities


Which of the following is the MOST reliable measure of the remaining percentage of stored energy in a lead acid battery: W) pH of the electrolyte X) voltage remaining in the battery as measured on a voltmeter Y) amount of oxygen gas released Z) specific gravity of the electrolyte


Which of the following is the RNA complementary sequence of the following sequence: 5'CCGCGA 3' W) 5' UCGCGG 3' X) 5' GGCGCU 3' Y) 5' GGCGCT 3' Z) 5' TCGCGG 3'


Which of the following is the abbreviated name of the most common field effect transistor in modern electronic circuitry: W) DET X) MOSFET Y) BJT Z) BFET


Which of the following is the causative agent for chicken pox: W) Bordetella pertussis X) Varicella-zoster Y) Variolla-zoster Z) Vermicelli pertussis


Which of the following is the common name for the following compound: benzene with a methyl group on carbon #1 and a chlorine atom on carbon #2 W) chlorotoluene X) o-chlorotoluene Y) p-chlorotoluene Z) m-chlorotoluene


Which of the following is the device in a galvanic cell that completes the electric circuit by connecting the two sides of the cell with an inert electrolyte: W) electrolytic reservoir X) cathode Y) conducting wire Z) salt bridge


Which of the following is the equation for the tangent line for y = x^4 at the point (1, 1): W) y = 4x - 3 X) y = 4x - 1 Y) y = 4x + 1 Z) y = 4x + 3


Which of the following is the expression that defines the hyperbolic sine function: W) (e^x-e^-x)/2 X) (e^x+e^-x)/2 Y) 2/(e^x+e^-x) Z) 2/(e^x-e^-x)


Which of the following is the global wind system that most influences weather in the U.S.: W) prevailing westerlies X) tropical easterlies Y) trade winds Z) polar easterlies


Which of the following is the highest level of structural organization in myoglobin: W) primary X) secondary Y) tertiary Z) quaternary


Which of the following is the largest global reserve of carbon on Earth: W) oceans X) soils Y) vegetation Z) atmospheric CO2


Which of the following is the magnitude of the focal length of a spherically curved convex mirror in air, where R stands for the radius of curvature: W) R divided by 1.22 X) R divided by 2 Y) R divided by 1.5 Z) R times 4


Which of the following is the main advantage for the use of geothermal heat pumps in the U.S.: W) geothermal steam reservoirs can be tapped almost anywhere in the U.S. X) heat can be delivered directly for its intended use Y) steam can be used to directly generate electricity Z) all areas of the U.S. have nearly constant shallow-ground temperatures


Which of the following is the main reason why Africanized honey bees are much more dangerous to humans and animals than European honey bees: W) they defend their nests more intensely X) their venom is 10-times more potent Y) they can sting multiple times Z) they are larger and carry more venom


Which of the following is the main target of bacteria by the antibiotic penicillin: W) energy production X) DNA synthesis Y) cell wall synthesis Z) translation


Which of the following is the most accurate name for a molecule of glycerol with all three hydroxyl groups esterified to fatty acids : W) triacylglycerol X) fatty glycerol Y) esterified lipid Z) triesterglyceride


Which of the following is the most common and accurate term for when a person's immune system generates antibodies against its own body's cells: W) autoimmune dysfunction X) homeostatic inflammation Y) heteroimmune reaction Z) anaphylactic reaction


Which of the following is the most common instrument used for measuring gas pressure: W) manometer X) anemometer Y) tensitometer Z) flow-meter


Which of the following is the most common location of young blue and white stars in a spiral galaxy: W) halo X) spiral arms Y) nucleus Z) throughout the entire galaxy


Which of the following is the most common term for an area of primitive cells in plants where active cell division occurs: W) meristem X) ground tissue Y) primary cells Z) germinal tissue


Which of the following is the most common term for the general type of wave that results from the vibration of a physical medium: W) mechanical X) electromagnetic Y) perfect Z) pulsed


Which of the following is the most common type of ocean tide throughout the world and is the type found along the U.S. Pacific coast: W) diurnal X) semidiurnal Y) mixed Z) zonal


Which of the following is the most dense at standard temperature and pressure: W) 10 kilograms of pure water X) 10 kilograms of tungsten Y) 2 kilograms of silver Z) 1 kilogram of mercury


Which of the following is the most likely reason that the Pleiades stars were all formed together: W) they are all the same size, luminosity, and spectral class X) they all orbit a common larger neutron star Y) they are in the region of a black hole Z) they are all concentrated in a small region


Which of the following is the p value for F = 0 in an ANOVA F test: W) 0.00 X) 0.50 Y) 0.95 Z) 1.00


Which of the following is the primary characteristic of the Jovian planets: W) high axial spin rates X) low mean density Y) retrograde orbits Z) prominent layer of liquid-metallic hydrogen


Which of the following is the primary detrimental effect to humans and animals who ingest high levels of melamine: W) impaired nerve transmission X) impaired kidney function Y) liver failure Z) severe gastrointestinal distress


Which of the following is the single most important factor that generally sets a northern limit to tree growth, such as in the areas of transition between taiga and tundra in Alaska: W) high-winter winds X) lack of summer warmth Y) lack of spring moisture Z) lack of soil nutrients


Which of the following is the source of alpha radiation most often used in household ionization smoke detectors: W) americium-241 X) uranium-238 Y) radium-226 Z) iron-59


Which of the following is the strongest spectral line in the visible region of the hydrogen spectrum: W) red Balmer line X) orange Lyman line Y) green Paschen line Z) blue Brackett line


Which of the following is the target tissue of the hormone leptin where it binds with LepRB (read as: L, E, P, R, B) receptors: W) hypothalamus X) pancreas Y) adipose tissue Z) kidney


Which of the following is the term for the transfer of genes by viruses from one prokaryote to another: W) transduction X) conjugation Y) transformation Z) relaxation


Which of the following is the term used to describe the resistance to flow of a liquid: W) viscosity X) surface tension Y) maleability Z) vapor pressure


Which of the following is the theoretical end of a titration: W) end point X) indicator point Y) equivalence point Z) standardization point


Which of the following is the type of plant leaf that lacks a palisade and spongy mesophyll: W) common crabgrass X) dandelion Y) apple tree Z) lotus plant


Which of the following is true for a binary tree but not for a regular tree: W) it stores only zeros and ones X) each parent node has no more than two children Y) its branches are ordered Z) nodes without children are called leaves


Which of the following is used as a white pigment in paint, paper, and plastics: W) Teflon X) zeolites Y) titanium dioxide Z) diatomaceous earth


Which of the following kinds of microscopy will most commonly employ freeze fracture preparation of tissue specimens: W) bright field microscopy X) scanning electron microscopy Y) Normarsky microscopy Z) transmission electron microscopy


Which of the following make up approximately 80% of all magma erupted by volcanoes on Earth: W) andesitic X) rhyolitic Y) basaltic Z) andesitic and rhyolitic


Which of the following minerals has a hardness of 7, often has good crystal shape with 6 sides, varies from colorless to white, pink, purple and several other colors, and exhibits conchoidal fracture: W) quartz X) diamond Y) pyroxene Z) olivine


Which of the following minerals is classified as a native element: W) gypsum X) quartz Y) graphite Z) clay


Which of the following minerals occurs in small amounts in many igneous rocks, is black and shiny, often occurs in small hexagonal blocks, and is soft with good cleavage: W) biotite X) olivine Y) plagioclase Z) quartz


Which of the following molecular shapes would you expect from O3: W) bent X) trigonal planar Y) linear Z) see-saw


Which of the following molecules do methanogens (read as: methAN-oh-gens) most often use as their final electron acceptor in their generation of energy: W) hydrogen X) carbon dioxide Y) methane Z) oxygen


Which of the following molecules exhibits a dipole moment: W) CH4 X) H2S Y) CO2 Z) SO3


Which of the following molecules has a double covalent bond: W) hydrogen X) oxygen Y) nitrogen Z) methane


Which of the following molecules is best described as recognizing a specific nucleotide sequence and sniping the DNA at or near this recognition site: W) restriction enzyme X) DNA polymerase Y) RNA polymerase Z) DNA ligase


Which of the following molecules is most likely to have a zero dipole moment based on its molecular shape: W) PF3 X) H2O Y) PCl3 Z) BeF2


Which of the following molecules would have the most peptide bonds: W) glycogen X) hemoglobin Y) lecithin Z) DNA


Which of the following most accurately represents the complete range of wavelengths to which the human eye is sensitive: W) 320 to 600 nanometers X) 380 to 740 nanometers Y) 450 to 850 nanometers Z) 480 to 950 nanometers


Which of the following most commonly functions to limit current to one direction: W) capacitor X) transformer Y) resistor Z) diode


Which of the following most directly describes the de Broglie wavelength: W) wavelength equals Planck's constant over the quantity mass times velocity X) wavelength equals mass times velocity over Planck's constant Y) energy equals Planck's constant times frequency Z) Planck's constant equals mass times the speed of light over the frequency


Which of the following moves in the form of a longitudinal compression wave: W) ocean wave X) sound wave Y) light wave Z) electromagnetic wave


Which of the following mutations would most likely affect a gene the LEAST: W) single base deletion X) single base substitution Y) single base insertion Z) quadruple base deletion


Which of the following numbers has 6 significant figures: W) 55.0000 X) 555,000 Y) 0.00500 Z) 0.55000


Which of the following numbers is divisible by 9: W) 3191 X) 3527 Y) 212,526 Z) 439,327


Which of the following numbers is evenly divisible by 4: W) 1,722 X) 2,636 Y) 4,114 Z) 6,126


Which of the following numbers is evenly divisible by both 11 and 3: W) 7791 X) 7553 Y) 5181 Z) 8769


Which of the following occurs in meiosis but NOT in mitosis: W) spindle apparatus attaches to kinetochores X) nuclear membrane is not visible Y) crossing over Z) chromosomes line up at central area of cell


Which of the following occurs when a glass tube is rubbed with a silk cloth: W) protons are transferred from the silk to the glass tube X) protons are transferred from the glass tube to the silk Y) electrons are transferred from the silk to the glass tube Z) electrons are transferred from the glass tube to the silk


Which of the following operating systems came first: W) UNIX X) Linux Y) Windows 3.1 Z) OS/2


Which of the following organisms does NOT belong to the Class Arachnida: W) scorpions X) lobsters Y) mites Z) ticks


Which of the following organisms eventually sediments onto the ocean seafloor as a calcareous ooze: W) foraminifera X) radiolarians Y) diatoms Z) fish scales


Which of the following particles has not yet been detected but is generally theorized to exist: W) fermionic hadrons X) gluons Y) Higgs boson Z) mesons


Which of the following physiological processes generates most of the heat needed to keep an infant warm: W) digestion of food in the gut X) oxidative metabolism Y) inspiration of air Z) bacterial activity in the gut


Which of the following planets cannot come into quadrature with Earth: W) Mars X) Saturn Y) Uranus Z) Venus


Which of the following planets is NOT known to have any orbiting satellites: W) Venus X) Mars Y) Uranus Z) Saturn


Which of the following planets sees the Sun rising from the west and setting in the east during its Autumn and Spring equinoxes? W) Mars X) Saturn Y) Uranus Z) Mercury


Which of the following plastics is very tough, optically transparent, and often used in the manufacture of CD's: W) polypropylene X) polycarbonate Y) low density polyethylene Z) polyvinyl chloride


Which of the following plays the greatest role in the effect of acid rain on the environment: W) the ability of soils and bedrock to neutralize the acid X) the initial pH of the rain in the upper troposphere Y) low-level ozone concentration Z) temperature of the troposphere


Which of the following points is closest to the point (1, -2): W) (3, -5) X) (0, 3) Y) (3, 0) Z) (-5, -5)


Which of the following polymers is the first man-made polymer: W) nylon X) Teflon Y) bakelite Z) celluloid


Which of the following pore-size filters would typically be the upper size limit to ensure removal of all bacteria: W) 5.0 microns X) 1.5 microns Y) 0.85 microns Z) 0.22 microns


Which of the following properties BEST explains why small liquid water droplets on a clean sheet of glass often coalesce into larger spherical water droplets: W) tensile strength X) capillary action Y) surface tension Z) viscosity


Which of the following pure substances has the highest melting point at 1 atmosphere of pressure: W) magnesium oxide X) diamond Y) sodium chloride Z) cesium chloride


Which of the following radioactive isotopes emits alpha particles: W) hydrogen-3 X) cobalt-60 Y) carbon-14 Z) radium-226


Which of the following reagents would be labeled as highly flammable because of its low flash point: W) glycerol X) methanol Y) carbon tetrachloride Z) sulfuric acid


Which of the following represents the inverse function of f(x) = x^3 + 5: W)(x-5)^3 X)(x^3-5) Y) (x-5)^1/3 Z) (1/x-5)^3


Which of the following rocks is MOST porous: W) marble X) granite Y) limestone Z) slate


Which of the following sets of constellations would be found nearest the ecliptic to an observer in mid-northern latitudes: W) Leo, Virgo, and Scorpius X) Pisces, Aries, and Draco Y) Cancer, Gemini, and Cassiopeia Z) Taurus, Ursa Minor, and Pisces


Which of the following soil additives would be most efficient at increasing the acidity of a slightly alkaline soil: W) ground chalk X) aluminum sulfate Y) calcium sulfate Z) calcium carbonate


Which of the following solutions are miscible: W) carbon tetrachloride and water X) oil and water Y) carbon tetrachloride and octane Z) octane and water


Which of the following statements is LEAST accurate: W) solar eclipses are less common than lunar eclipses X) stars that begin their lives with greater mass have longer life-spans Y) stars in the same constellation are not necessarily at the same distance from Earth Z) M-31 is a galaxy


Which of the following statements is LEAST accurate: W) systemic autoimmunity often targets a person's own nucleic acids X) the protonated hydrogen molecule is the most abundant molecular ion in the universe Y) carbenes are highly reactive intermediates in certain organic reactions Z) recent studies show that the female brain releases up to 3-times more dopamine as compared to males which may account for higher addiction rates in females


Which of the following statements is NOT correct: W) percent elongation compared to the known value for a material is sometimes used to detect impurities in metal X) the modulus of elasticity for a material is derived from its stress-strain curve Y) ductile materials usually fail with little or no plastic deformation Z) a steel sample that is loaded beyond its elastic limit will not return to its original shape when the load is removed


Which of the following statements is NOT true: W) an ideal gas cannot undergo condensation X) the less mass a particle has, the faster it will effuse Y) when a gas is compressed, its temperature always increases Z) a gas is easier to compress than a liquid


Which of the following statements regarding geometric or cis-trans isomers is NOT true: W) they have the same molecular formula X) they have the same order of attachment of atoms Y) they have the same orientation around a double bond Z) they have the same functional groups


Which of the following statements regarding the kinetic molecular theory of ideal gases is TRUE: W) the average kinetic energy of gaseous molecules is directly proportional to the absolute temperature of the sample X) the volume occupied by the atoms and/or molecules in a gas is large Y) collisions between gas particles are both elastic and inelastic Z) between collisions, molecules exert both attractive and repulsive forces on each other


Which of the following structures is NOT properly matched with its function: W) synovial lining and joint movement X) corpus luteum and estrogen secretion Y) chordae tendonae and connection of bones to muscles Z) intercalated disks and cardiac muscle


Which of the following substances has the greatest density: W) hexane X) methylene chloride Y) diethyl ether Z) ethyl acetate


Which of the following substances is water soluble: W) ethanol X) dichloro-methane Y) chloroform Z) benzene


Which of the following surfaces would exhibit the highest albedo: W) bare rock X) an ocean at sunrise Y) an ocean at sunset Z) an ice field


Which of the following techniques employs a moving phase and a stationary phase to separate components of a mixture: W) filtration X) centrifugation Y) distillation Z) chromatography


Which of the following techniques would you most directly be using if you were analyzing a Balmer and Lyman series: W) astrolabe measurements X) spectroscopy Y) nuclear fission Z) bolometric analysis


Which of the following terms best describes the albedo of a planet: W) electromagnetic energy X) density Y) reflectivity Z) absorption


Which of the following tissues is MOST directly responsible for the increased diameter of a tree trunk from year to year: W) apical meristem X) pericycle Y) vascular cambium Z) pith


Which of the following tissues is most directly responsible for the growth in height of a tree: W) apical meristem X) shoot terminus Y) terminal cambial Z) cambium terminus


Which of the following trees does NOT have simple, toothed leaves: W) Quaking Aspen X) Eastern Cottonwood Y) White Birch Z) Yellow Buckeye


Which of the following trigonometric relationships is TRUE: W) sine θ × cotangent θ = 1 (read θ as theta) X) tangent θ × cotangent θ = 1 Y) secant θ - cosine θ = 1 Z) sine θ + cosecant θ = 1


Which of the following types of biological molecules is digested by trypsin: W) proteins X) nucleic acids Y) carbohydrates Z) lipids


Which of the following types of fatty acids would alpha linolenic or all cis-9,12,15-Octadecatrienoic acid most commonly be classified: W) an alpha 9 fatty acid X) an alpha 9,12,15 fatty acid Y) an omega 3 fatty acid Z) an omega 6 fatty acid


Which of the following types of magma would LEAST likely be involved in a nonexplosive volcanic eruption: W) basaltic magma X) a relatively viscous magma Y) a relatively low silica content magma Z) a relatively high-temperature magma


Which of the following types of moraines does NOT parallel ice flow: W) medial X) lateral Y) double lateral Z) end


Which of the following types of plutons is a cylindrical conduit of igneous rock below a volcanic vent: W) laccolith X) dike Y) volcanic stock Z) volcanic pipe


Which of the following types of prisms was developed for obtaining interference between 2 sections of a wave front with diffraction largely eliminated: W) Fresnel biprism X) Littrow prism Y) Nicol prism Z) Broca prism


Which of the following types of volcanic eruptions is distinguished primarily by its eruption of basaltic and andesitic magma from its vent, producing incandescent bombs that fall near the vent, eventually building a small cone of tephra: W) Plinian X) Hawaiin Y) Pelean Z) Strombolian


Which of the following vegetations is NOT properly matched with its location: W) boreal coniferous forest and Midwestern Canada X) rain forest and the Olympic National Forest Y) Saguaro desert and the Southwestern US Z) Taiga and the Northeastern US


Which of the following vitamins is NOT properly matched with its function in humans: W) vitamin E and antioxidant action X) vitamin C and collagen production Y) vitamin D and calcium absorption Z) vitamin A and absorption of iron


Which of the following vitamins is NOT properly matched withone of its major symptoms of deficiency: W) vitamin C and bleeding of gums X) vitamin D and poor bone structure Y) vitamin A and night blindness Z) vitamin B-1 and pellagra


Which of the following was NOT known to be a planet until 1781 AD: W) Saturn X) Venus Y) Mercury Z) Uranus


Which of the following was a time when glaciation was minimal on Earth: W) Cretaceous Period X) Quaternary Period Y) Holocene Epoch Z) Pleistocene Epoch


Which of the following was first proposed by Peter Mitchell as a potential energy ion gradient across a selectively permeable membrane that is responsible for the production of ATP: W) osmosis X) chemiosmosis Y) electro-phosphorylation Z) photosynthesis


Which of the following was first proposed by Peter Mitchell as a potential energy ion gradient across a selectively permeable membrane that is responsible for the production of ATP: W) osmosis X) chemiosmosis (read as: chem-ee-oz-MOE-sis): Y) electro-phosphorylation Z) photosynthesis


Which of the following was seen from mid-northern latitude by casual stargazers as a bright light in August of 2008 at midnight, about 1/2 way up the southern horizon: W) Venus X) Vega Y) Jupiter Z) Uranus


Which of the following was the evidence that Alfred Wegener did not have that would have convinced the scientific community that his theory of continental drift was correct: W) paleomagnetic studies X) apparent fit of the continents Y) locations of ancient glacial deposits Z) comparative fossil studies


Which of the following will MOST likely occur if the Earth crosses the orbit of a comet: W) a meteor shower could be seen from Earth X) an asteroid will likely strike the Earth Y) red sprites and bolides will be seen both day and night Z) the Earth would temporarily lose its Van Allen belts


Which of the following will deposit the greatest amount of energy per unit path in human tissue: W) gamma ray X) x-ray Y) beta particles Z) alpha particles


Which of the following will most likely result from a single base deletion in DNA: W) nonsense mutation X) stop codon Y) frame shift mutation Z) inversion mutation


Which of the following woods is most desirable for fence posts in wet environments: W) locust X) oak Y) alder Z) hickory


Which of the following would BEST describe the quaternary structure of collagen: W) fibrous X) globular Y) planar Z) transport


Which of the following would a Leyden jar most likely be considered: W) an electroscope X) a capacitor Y) a resistor Z) a Tesla cage


Which of the following would astronomers most likely consider emission nebula: W) Population III (read as: 3) regions X) Population II (read as: 2) regions Y) glowing H II (read as: H, 2) regions Z) active regions


Which of the following would be LEAST applicable for determining the end point in a titration experiment: W) pH meter X) phenolphthalein solution Y) potentiometer Z) mass spectrometry


Which of the following would be LEAST likely to diffuse through a typical plasma membrane: W) propane X) methanol Y) potassium ions Z) carbon dioxide


Which of the following would be the MOST soluble in water at room temperature: W) Aluminum sulfate X) Barium sulfate Y) Lead sulfate Z) Calcium sulfate


Which of the following would have a Widmanstätten Pattern: W) meteorite X) comet Y) planet Z) constellation


Which of the following would offer the most protection against power-failure data loss: W) UPS X) surge protector Y) data backup Z) line conditioner


Which of the following would typically appear to be the farthest away from the ecliptic: W) the planet Mars X) the constellation Leo Y) the Sun Z) the constellation Cassiopeia

ideal gas law

Which of the gas laws describes how the volume of a gas is affected by changes in pressure, temperature, and amount?


Which of the halogens is a liquid at room temperature:


Which of these substances is NOT attacked by hydrochloric acid: W) iron X) calcite Y) barium phosphate Z) n-heptane


Which one of the Gas Giant planets emits the LEAST amount of energy?


Which one of the basic 3 plant cell types has irregularly thickened cell walls, retains its cytoplasm, and functions in structural support?


Which one of the following 4 animal groups is LEAST closely related to the others: brachiopods; gastropods; cephalopods; bivalves


Which one of the following 4 plant groups is phenotypically and phylogenetically LEAST related to the others: ferns; liverworts; hornworts; mosses


Which one of the following 5 atoms can violate the octet rule with more than 8 electrons: O; F; Cl; N; C


Which one of the following 5 colors of light has the LEAST angle of refraction in normal glass: blue; green; orange; yellow; red

citric acid

Which one of the following 5 intermediates of the citric acid cycle is considered a 6 carbon intermediate: citric acid, oxaloacetic acid, succinic acid, alpha ketogluteric acid, fumaric acidd


Which one of the following was NOT formed by the deposition of sediment by a glacial stream: W) outwash plain X) kame Y) moraine Z) esker


Which physical phenomenon explains the flotation of boats and air balloons: W) Bernoulli's principle X) Archimedes principle Y) Newton's second law of motion Z) Galileo's law of displacement


Which printer uses bits of plastic that effectively are melted onto the surface of the paper: W) thermal X) ink jet Y) laser Z) dot matrix

carl jung

Which scientist and scholar is well known for such terms as "transcendental function", "archetypes" and "collective unconscious"?

Robert Boyle

Which scientist's publication entitled "New Experiments Physiomechanical, Touching the Spring of the Air, and its Effects" first enunciated the empirical relationship that states that the pressure of a given quantity of gas varies inversely as its volume, at constant temperature?


Which star is the next nearest neighbor to the Sun beyond the Alpha Centauri system having the largest known proper motion of any star: W) Wolf 359 X) Sirius Y) Barnard's Star Z) 61 Cygni


Which two elements did Chadwick primarily produce when he bombarded N-14 with alpha particles in the first artificial transmutation of atoms?


Which two of the following 5 amino acids contain nonpolar R groups? valine, lysine, arginine, alanine, histidine


Who is the author of the book titled "On the Revolution of the Heavenly Spheres" which rejected the Earth-centric universe?


Who was the first person known to have proved that the number of primes is infinite, calling them "numbers measured by no number but a unit alone"?


Why did ancient Greek astronomers ascribe the term "planet" to certain celestial objects? W) they shined very brightly X) they wandered in their paths through the heavens Y) they were believed to be the home of the gods Z) they did not twinkle


With reference to the Sun's position in the sky, when does a full Moon set?


With which of the following are cyclin-dependent kinases most directly involved: W) repairing damaged DNA X) regulating cell cycle Y) digesting plasmids Z) insulin's action on fat cells


With which of the following does human interstitial fluid differ in concentration the most when compared with plasma: W) sodium ions X) potassium ions Y) magnesium ions Z) proteins

January 7th

Without leap days every 4 years, the winter solstice would start on what month and day after 70 years?


Yellow light has a wavelength of approximately: W) 300-350 nanometers X) 450-500 nanometers Y) 550-600 nanometers Z) 650-700 nanometers


You need to prepare 500 milliliters of a 0.100 molar NaOH solution from a 0.250 molar solution. What volume, in milliliters, of the 0.250 molar solution must be diluted to 500 milliliters?

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