Quiz 6 Concepts

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Two kinds of direct functional behavior assessment tools are _____ and _____.

ABC data; scatterplots

*Answer "DTT" for discrete trial training or "IT" for incidental teaching* ABA strategies use *instruction* and prompting with an *inter-trial interval*, reinforcement, and errorless teaching.


*Answer "DTT" for discrete trial training or "IT" for incidental teaching* Attempts to build motivation


*Answer "DTT" for discrete trial training or "IT" for incidental teaching* Contrived setting


*Answer "DTT" for discrete trial training or "IT" for incidental teaching* Skills to teach include: imitation, matching, play skills, functional communication training, receptive and expressive language (e.g. sequencing, prepositions, pronouns, social skills)


*Answer "DTT" for discrete trial training or "IT" for incidental teaching* Tasks are broken down into short, simple trials that are repeated over and over again


*Answer "DTT" for discrete trial training or "IT" for incidental teaching* Teacher directed/initiated


*Answer "DTT" for discrete trial training or "IT" for incidental teaching* Teacher-to-student ratio is 1:1


*Answer "DTT" for discrete trial training or "IT" for incidental teaching* Teaching environment is a table top or floor space


_____ group-oriented contingencies involve consequence sharing; reinforcement of whole group relies on an individual or a small segment of the group.


_____ is the only approach demonstrated scientifically to teach children with autism new speech sounds and to combine these sounds in words, syllables, and phrases.

Discrete trial training (DTT)

*True or False:* Discrete trial training (DTT) is synonymous with applied behavior analysis (ABA).


*True or False:* Functional analysis guarantees successful treatment.


*True or False:* The hero procedure always facilitates positive social interactions.


_____ is a pre-treatment assessment that consists of manipulating environmental variables (systematically) to provide information regarding the functional relation between those events and the behavior being assessed.

Functional analysis

*Answer "DTT" for discrete trial training or "IT" for incidental teaching* ABA strategies include *reinforcement* and *errorless teaching*, with prompting


*Answer "DTT" for discrete trial training or "IT" for incidental teaching* May be student- or adult-directed


*Answer "DTT" for discrete trial training or "IT" for incidental teaching* Occurs in a natural setting (may be contrived based on student interest and motivation, but takes place in the student's natural environment)


*Answer "DTT" for discrete trial training or "IT" for incidental teaching* Skills to teach include: communication (e.g. commending and manding), social skills, on-task behavior, understanding directions, generalization of skills learned in [the other kind of teaching]


*Answer "DTT" for discrete trial training or "IT" for incidental teaching* Student-initiated


*Answer "DTT" for discrete trial training or "IT" for incidental teaching* Teacher-to-student ratio is not specific. Other adults, students, or peers can be present during teaching


*Answer "DTT" for discrete trial training or "IT" for incidental teaching* Teaching environment is the student's natural environment (e.g. classroom, home, community)


*Answer "DTT" for discrete trial training or "IT" for incidental teaching* Teaching opportunities based on occurrence (student interest, student initiation)


*Answer "DTT" for discrete trial training or "IT" for incidental teaching* Uses student interest and motivation as a teaching strategy


*Name the Stokes & Baer generalization-programming technique* Transfer of behavior control from teacher to stable natural contingencies

Introduce Naturally Maintaining Contingencies

*Name the Stokes & Baer generalization-programming technique* Teach responses to be used for other problems

Mediate Generalization

Two formal indirect functional behavior assessment tools are the _____ and the _____.

Motivation Assessment Scale (MAS); Functional Assessment Interview (FAI)

*Name the Stokes & Baer generalization-programming technique* Use stimuli from natural environment

Program Common Stimuli

_____ generalization is the extent to which forms of responding are emitted which serve the same function.


*Name the Stokes & Baer generalization-programming technique* Treatment procedures are used in new condition if generalization has not occurred

Sequential Modification

_____ should be used in assessment when client presents with dangerous behavior that could seriously injure client or put others at risk.

Systematic manipulation

_____ should be used in assessment when descriptive analysis (written records) does not provide sufficient information ineffective intervention and no other changes are indicated by descriptive analysis.

Systematic manipulation

_____ should be used in assessment when there is a huge time and resource investment in training a large number of staff across a number of relevant environments to perform the requisites of the selected behavior change strategies.

Systematic manipulation

*Name the Stokes & Baer generalization-programming technique* Incidental teaching; little control over stimuli

Train Loosely

*Name the Stokes & Baer generalization-programming technique* Teach additional examples from a stimulus or response class until generalization to untrained members is achieved.

Train Sufficient Exemplars

*Name the Stokes & Baer generalization-programming technique* Provide training and hope it generalizes

Train and Hope

*Name the Stokes & Baer generalization-programming technique* 1) Reinforce response variability 2) Instruct the learner to generalize

Train to Generalize

*True or False:* Dependent group-oriented contingencies have been shown to facilitate positive interactions among students.


*True or False:* The presence of a functional relation alone does NOT imply causation.


*Name the Stokes & Baer generalization-programming technique* Make contingencies unpredictable a because it may promote generalization

Use Indiscriminable Contingencies

Two single-subject designs of systematic manipulation are _____ and _____.

alternating treatment; reversal

Over time with discrete trial training (DTT), the response comes under control of naturally occurring _____ and _____.

antecedent stimuli; contingencies

Systematic manipulations for behavior-function assessments are used to confirm hypotheses regarding: - Potential _____ that are associated with a target behavior - _____ of a target behavior

antecedents - Consequences

Discrete trial training (DTT) is a teaching method based on the principles of _____.

applied behavior analysis (ABA)

With tact, the reinforcement is _____ (not related to a motivational variable).


In systematic manipulation, the participant typically is her/his own _____ and the dependent variable is _____ (3 data points) before independent variable is manipulated.

control - stable

Discrete trial training (DTT) is composed of: _____ + _____ ⟶ _____ ⟶ _____

cue - prompt - response - consequence - intertrial interval

In discrete trial training (DTT), prompts are faded to transfer stimulus control to the naturally occurring _____ or _____.

cue; discriminative stimulus

Three categories of group-oriented contingencies include _____, _____, and _____.

dependent; independent; interdependent

In _____, the discriminative stimulus is clear verbal instruction presented by the teacher or in another form (such as a math worksheet or workbook).

discrete trial training (DTT)

In verbal behavior, _____ refers to when the speaker repeats verbal behavior of the other speaker ("point-to-point correspondence").


*Why use discrete trial training?* While typically-developing children learn from their _____, children with autism are often unable to learn in this manner. Therefore, problem behavior during necessary instruction tends to develop in many of such children.


Two types of antecedent variables that can be manipulated during functional analysis are _____ and _____.

establishing operations; discriminative stimuli

Systematic manipulation can either be used to assess the _____ of behavior or evaluate _____ effectiveness.

function - intervention

To be effective, mands must: - Match _____ - Have minimal _____ - Result in _____

function - response effort - reinforcement

In a _____, you gather information that allows you to hypothesize as to function (cause) of behavior; you can also discover alternative behaviors.

functional behavior assessment (FBA)

A _____ exists when 2 or more variables have shared variance.

functional relation

Two variables have a causal relation when: (1) They have a _____ (2) When the hypothesized causal variable reliably _____ the effect (3) A logical _____ exists for the hypothesized causal relation (4) The effect cannot be wholly attributed to a common effect of another _____

functional relation - precedes - mechanism - variable

Echoic verbal behavior produces _____ (specifically, _____).

generalized conditioned reinforcement - attention

With _____, reinforcement or loss of reinforcement is dependent on the behavior of one individual in a group, a segment of the group, or the entire group.

group-oriented contingency

The _____ is a kind of dependent group-oriented contingency where one individual earns reinforcement for the group.

hero procedure

In _____ group-oriented contingencies, the contingency is presented to entire group but only those who meet the criteria receive reinforcement.


In _____ group-oriented contingencies, reinforcement is given under one of the following conditions: - Whole group meets a criterion - A mean score is achieved by the group


The "good behavior game" is an example of _____ group-oriented contingencies.


Systematic manipulations for evaluation of interventions is used to demonstrate that a particular _____ (independent variable) is responsible for a change in the _____ (dependent variable). NOTE: do NOT confuse this with functional analysis!

intervention - behavior

In verbal behavior, _____ refers to when a verbal discriminative stimulus sets occasion for another verbal response. EXAMPLES: conversational exchange, question/answer


In verbal behavior, a _____ is requesting various forms (signing, oral responses, writing, PECS) to obtain tangible, attention, or other future reinforcement in response to MO.


The four classes of verbal behavior include _____, _____, _____, and _____.

mand; tact; intraverbal; echoic

In discrete trial training (DTT), learning can be increased by: - Capturing naturally occurring _____ - Tailoring learning to the _____ - Keeping it _____ - Employing all other methods of _____ (shaping, differential reinforcement, etc.)

motivation - individual - simple - ABA

Incidental teaching is _____, and instructional goals are pre-identified, but _____ reinforcers are used.

planned - naturalistic

In discrete trial training (DTT), the _____ is presented at the same time as the cue or immediately after.


If a correct response is given during discrete trial training (DTT), _____ is provided; if an incorrect response is given, extinction and _____ are used.

reinforcement - error correction

The most important components of discrete trial training are _____, _____, and diversifying _____.

reinforcers; motivation to learn; instruction

With interdependent group-oriented contingencies, the following considerations must be made: - Must have a _____ reinforcer for all - Determine behaviors to change and _____ behaviors that can be affected - _____ with other procedures when appropriate - Select most _____ contingency - Monitor all _____ (data)

salient - collateral - Combine - appropriate - performance

In _____ generalization, the target behavior is emitted in the presence of stimulus conditions other than those in which it was trained.


In discrete trial training (DTT), _____ intertrial intervals have historically shown to result in less noncompliance, more learning.


The method of discrete trial teaching consists of a _____ of instruction implemented by a teacher and can either an involve working 1:1 in a _____ setting or can occur during _____ situations with many other stimuli present (incidental teaching or NET).

small unit - distraction-free - natural-environment

The four experimental conditions in the Iwata study were _____, _____, _____, and _____.

social disapproval; academic demand; unstructured play; alone

In incidental teaching, the teacher should follow the _____'s lead in teaching; anything can be teachable moment.


In verbal behavior, _____ is naming/labeling and is an immediate response to a nonverbal discriminative stimulus.


Rationale for group-oriented contingencies: - Save _____ during administration - Effective in producing _____ - Can be used when individual contingencies are _____ - Capitalize on peer _____/_____ - Can occasion positive social interactions and _____ with a group

time - behavior change - impractical - influence - monitoring - behavioral supports

Name Stokes & Baer's (1977) the nine techniques of programming generalization.

train and hope; sequential modification; train to generalize; introduce naturally maintaining contingencies; train sufficient exemplars; train loosely; indiscriminate contingencies; program common stimuli; mediate generalization

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