RADT 1031: Lecture 14 - 16 Practice Quiz

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To demonstrate the Ankle Mortise, the leg should be rotated:

15 - 20 degrees Medially

What are the three arches of the foot?

2 Longitudinal & 1 Transverse

Foe the Lateral projection of the Knee, how many degrees should the knee be flexed?

20 - 30 degrees

How many articular facets make up the subtalar joint?

3 Facets

When performing AP Axial projection of the Pelvis of the Pelvic Outlet on a female patient, CR is (Blank) at level of ASIS:

30 - 45 degrees cephalad

What projection / position of the foot best demonstrates the Sinus Tarsi, Cuboid & the Tuberosity of the 5th Metatarsal?

30 Degrees Medial Oblique

For routine AP oblique position of the foot, the leg is rotated until Plantar surface forms an angle of (Blank).

30 Degrees Medially

For the routine AP Oblique position of the Foot, the leg should be rotated until the Plantar surface forms an angle of (Blank) with the plane of IR.

30 degrees Medially

When performing the AP Axial projection of the Pelvis for demonstration of the Pelvis Inlet, the CR is directed (Blank) to the level of the ASIS:

40 degrees caudad

How many degrees should the CR be directed for Plantodorsal projection of the OS Calcis?

40 degrees toward the heel

Which projection of the Ankle will best demonstrate a Trimalleolar Fracture?

45 Degrees Lateral Oblique

The best method for evaluating injuries to the Menisci & Ligaments of the knee joint is:

A magnetic resonance imaging procedure

Which Anatomical best demonstrate on AP Oblique position of the Pelvis using Judet Method?


What soft tissue structure attaches to the Calcaneal Tuberosities?

Achilles Tendon

A small rounded process on the medial Epicondyle of the femur is termed the:

Adductor Tubercle

What anatomical structure can be used to determine rotation on a Lateral projection of the knee?

Adductor tubercle & Head of Fibula

Which of the following Innominate Bones has a spine?

Ilium & Ischium

What structure binds the shaft of the Tibia & Fibula together?

Interosseous Membrane

What is the name of the structure that separates the Greater & Lesser Sciatic Notches on the Innominate Bones?

Ischial Spine

Characteristics of the Male Pelvis:

Ischial Spines protrude into the pelvic cavity Heart shaped pelvis Pubic Arch < than 90 degrees

Characteristics of the Female Pelvis:

Ischial spines do not project medially as far into the Pelciv Cavity Oval shaped pelvis Pubic Arch > 90 degrees

The Lesser Sciatic Notch is located on the:


Which innominate bones has a tuberosity?


(BLANK) (BLANK) Articulates with the Head of the Fibula to form the proximal Tibiofibular Joint:

Lateral Condyle

The head of the Fibula articulates with the:

Lateral Tibial Condyle

The double bony ridge that runs on the posterior aspect of the Femur end passes longitudinally down the shaft is termed:

Linea Aspera

Which set of ligaments prevent lateral dislocation of the knee?

Medial & Lateral Collateral

When performing the Lateral projection of the knee, the CR is angled in order to prevent superimposition of which of the following structures over the joint space?

Medial Femoral Condyle

The structure which attaches to the tibial tuberosity from the Quadriceps femoris muscle is the :

Patellar Ligament

The (Blank) (Blank) is a flat band of ligament tissue that connects the heel of the foot with the toes:

Plantar Fascia

Which of the Innominate Bones form the anterior inferior aspect of the Pelvis?


All of the following Bursae of the knee joint lie anterior except the: Semi-membranous Pre-patellar Infrapatellar suprapatellar


A patient comes to the Radiology department with a clinical history of a Lisfranc Joint injury. Which of the following would best demonstrate this condition?

Standing AP Projection of the Foot

The shelf - like projection on the Medial aspect of the Calcaneus is termed the:

Sustentaculum Tali

The distal Tibiofibular Joint is classified as a (Blank) joint.


Which joint of the lower extremity allows for the movements of inversion & eversion?

Talocalcaneal (Subtalar) Joint

In the Lateral Projection of the Ankle, the:

Talofibular Joint is visualized. Tibia & Fibula are superimposed.

What type of projection is performed when imaging the Sesamoid bones of the foot?

Tangential Projection

Which of the following projection / position will best demonstrate the Femoropatellar Joint Space?

Tangential projection

Which of the following projection / position will best demonstrate the Femoropatellar joint space?

Tangential projection

A lateral knee image that is over-rotated toward the IR can be recognized by which of the following?

The Fibular Head will appear less superimposed by the Tibia than on a true lateral projection.

(BLANK) (BLANK) is where the Pointed structures which project into the Intercondylar Fossa of the Femur:

Tibial Spine

(BLANK) (BLANK) is the Attachment site for the Patellar ligament:

Tibial Tuberosity

A smooth Triangular area btw the anterior aspects of the condyles of the Femur is called the:

Trochlea Groove / Intercondylar Sulcus

The Greater / False Pelvis lies above the Pelvic Brim btw the Iliac Wings & the anterior abdominal muscle: (True or False)


What position is performed to visualize "Joint Mice" or bony fragments of the Knee?

Tunnel View

The Ankle Joint is located:

1" above the Lateral Malleolus

Which set of ligaments of the Knee joint prevents forward dislocation & limits external rotation?

Anterior & Posterior Cruciate

The most superior structure on the Fibula is called the:

Apex / Styloid process

A smooth arch-shaped risge running along the inferior border of the Iliac Fossa is the:

Arcuate Line

Which bone is the Sustentaculum Tali located on?


The Calcaneus articulates with which of the following bones?

Cuboid, Talus

Pelvic Cavity:

Curves with the Sacrum Coccyx

Pelvic Inlet:

Define the boundary btw the pelvis & abdominal cavities Superior Aperture

Pelvic Outlet:

Defined by the two Ischial Tuberosities & tips of the Coccyx Inferior Aperture

What should be done to open the joint spaces of the Knee on the Lateral projection if the Femoral Condyles of the Femur are not superimposed?

Direct CR 5 -7 degrees cephalad

The posterior bone on the knee is called:


The Frog-Leg Lateral projection of the Hip demonstrate the Head & Neck of the Femur in a true lateral position? (True or False)


The term pelvic girdle refers to the total pelvis including the Scrum & coccyx: (True or False)


The depression on the Head of the Femur is a site for the attachment of the Ligamentum Teres is the:

Fovea Capitus / Centralis

The Subtalar Joint is formed by that two bones?

Os Calcis & Talus

When performing the x-table lateral projection of the Hip, it is important to place the IR (Blank) to the Neck of the Femur:


Which of the following statements regarding the Symphysis Pubis are true?

The two superior Rami of the Pubic Bones meets at the midline to form the symphysis Pubis.

(BLANK) (BLANK) is Where the Menisci lie:

Tibial Plateaus

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