REL 1103 Midterm
On the Christian Liberty (The Freedom of a Christian)
"A Christian is perfectly free lord of all, subject to none. A Christian is a perfectly futiful servant of all, subject to all."
"Fides Quarens Intellectum"
"Faith seeking understanding"
"Credo ut Intellectum"
"I believe in order to understand"
"Una Substantia, Tres Personae"
"One substance in three persons"
"Word" in the sense of eternal divine intelligence and purpose
Rosh Hashanah
"new year"
"non-falsifiable realities"
"the rightly guided one" is the name of the restorer of religion and justice who, according to a widely held Muslim belief, will rule before the end of the world
Madinat an-Nabi
-"City of the Prophet" -Yathrib after it was renamed
High Holidays
-"Days of Awe" -begins with rosh hashanah -yom kippur
-"Law"/"Instruction -First 5 books of Hebrew Bible -Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy.
-"Prophets -Joshua, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Twelve Prophets, etc.
Any Sof
-"Without End," "Infinite" -God in Jewish Mysticism
-"Writings" -Psalms, Proverbs, Job, Ecclesiastes, etc.
-"catastrophe" -refers to Nazi program of genocide
-"departure" -marks the beginning of the Islamic calendar, thus known as 1 A.H. ( after Hijrah)
Kosher and Dietary Laws
-"fit" or "proper" -Land animals that are kosher and fit for consumption include only those with split hooves and who chew their cud. -Pork is always forbidden -cannot eat meat and dairy together
-"four-letter word" -YHWH -name of God
-"gathering together" -Gathering place to read Torah, pray, study -In existence before destruction of the Temple -After the destruction of the Temple, becomes more central
Simchat Bat
-"joy of a daughter" -naming ceremony for daughters
-"listening" -whirling dance
-"my Lord" -used in liturgical context to replace YWH
-"narrative" -provides example of Muhammad -Isnad and Matn
-"order" -Jewish prayer book
-"order" -the ritual meal at which the Haggadah (liturgy that encourages how to remember and interpret) is read aloud, which relates to the story of Exodus.
-"original to land" -people who identify as indigenous -people who rely on kinship and location to define identity
-"protected people" under Islamic rule -Seen as partners in monotheism -Life better than under Christian rule
-"the God" in Arabic
-"the Name" -used outside liturgical context to replace YHWH
The Kabbalah
-"to receive" -Jewish Mysticism -The Zohar is key text -Four levels of biblical interpretation: Peshat (simple]/literal), Remez (hints/allegory), Derash (seek/comparative), Sod (mystery/inner meaning) -God is Ayn Sof ("Without End," "Infinite") -God is unknowable but aspects are revealed in the Sefirot (emanations) -Torah is given to help us -Fulfillment of commandments achieve balance
-"trembling ones) -Adherence to Jewish law -Rejection of modernity
-"unveiling" -commentary on the Qur'an
The Holocaust
-"whole" and "burnt" -Death of at least six million Jews and eradication of Ashkenazi and Sephardic cultures throughout Europe
-1st pillar of Islam -profession of faith
-3rd pillar of Islam -2.5% tax of one's wealth
-4th piller -Month of fasting -no food, water, smoking, or sex while sun is up
Battle at Karbala
-A battle in which Husayn fought against the Umayyad army, and lost -Many Shi'a Muslims see Husayn as a martyr and honor him still today -Signified the conflict between Sunni and Shi'a Muslims.
-Arabic for "struggle" -dual meanings: Inner is the struggle to make oneself more Islamic; Outer is the struggle to make one's society more Islamic.
-Aristocracy, Temple Priests, Sanhedrin -Torah as only authoritative text -Literal interpretation
Rise of Adolf Hitler
-Armistice at the end of World War I Weimar Republic -Hitler's Mein Kampf [My Struggle] -The Great Depression -Hitler became chancellor of Germany -National Socialist German Workers Party -Nuremberg Laws revoke Jews' citizenship -Jews "voluntarily" transfer businesses
Martin Luther
-Augustinian Monk -Professor of New Testament at Wittenberg -Sent 95 Theses to Albrecht of Mainz -Key Teachings: Universal Priesthood and Justification by faith -wrote: To the Christian Nobility of the German Nation Respecting the Reformation of the Christian Estate; The Babylonian Captivity of the Church; On Christian Liberty [The Freedom of a Christian]
Isreal Ben Eliezer
-Baal Shem Tov = Master of the Good Name -founding father of orthodox hasidism
King Solomon
-Builds the first Temple -After death Israel (united under David) splits into two kingdoms: Israel (North) and Judah (South)
-Combined Mishnah and Gemarah -the interpretation of the Oral Law and the commentaries on this interpretation of the Oral Law -Palestinian Talmud and Babylonian Talmud
Totem (Poles)
-Comes from Anishinaubae -"heart' -"nourishment" -"kinship group" -tells a story
Mishneh Torah
-Compilation of Jewish law from the Talmud -Comprehensive account of the Oral Law -15 Sections
Gender Equality
-Conservative, Reform and the Reconstructionist Jews: Ordination of women to the rabbinat; Full female participation in synagogue services -Orthodox Judaism: Not allowed to be rabbis; Do not count as members of a minyan; Studying of Talmud is permitted
Acts of the Apostles
-Continuation of the Gospel according to Luke -Narrates early Christian missionary movements
Common Traits of Origin Stories
-Desire for community -Underline relatedness of all -Presuppose universe exists, focus on language, culture and landscape.
Moses Mendelssohn
-Encouraged Jews to speak German rather than Yiddish -The "New Jew" is adherent of Judaism and full participant in modern culture
Energy God/First Principle
-Energy of the Cosmos (Divinity underlies everything that exists; Impersonal divine energy runs through cosmos) -There's a "first cause" of the universe -Ex. Chinese Daoism, Upanishadic Wisdom of India, Pre-Socratic Philosophy in Greece
-Father, Son, Holy Spirit -the Incarnate Word of God was crucified, suffered, died for "our salvation."
Julian of Norwich
-Female Christian mystic -wrote Sixteen Revelations of Divine Love
Imam Ruhollah Khomeni
-Founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the leader of Iranian Revolution. -Ousting of Shah of Iran, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, ends 2,500 year Persian monarchy. Khomeini (supreme leader)
New Testament
-Four Gospels -Pauline Epistles -Acts of the Apostles -Later Writings of the New Testament
Jean Calvin
-French Protestant who stressed predestination -wrote Institutes of the Christian Religion
Immanuel Kant
-German Enlightenment philosopher -we can only know what we perceive, not as they actually are
Paul Tillich
-German Lutheran pastor and professor of theology -Dynamics of Faith (1957) -Theology of Culture (1959; religion = ultimate concern/seriousness) -Systematic Theology (1951-1963) -Christian existentialism -Method of correlation (correlate theology/symbols to the question of human existence)
Hamburg Temple
-German language rather than Hebrew -includes choral music with organ, and omits hope of restoration of the Temple
Reform Judaism
-Goal is to make to make Jewish life more meaningful in Germany of the 18th century. -First to ordain women rabbis
-Halakhah observed in daily life -Interpreted scripture in a broader sense -Key beliefs and ideas include: Resurrection, Social conscience, Purity, Oral Torah
King David
-Identified as Israel's greatest king -Reign begins c. 1000 BCE -Mashiach = Messiah -Anointed one
Temple Religion
-Indo-European Priests (Performed Rituals, Kept the Calendar) -Judaism (The First and Second Temple Periods ) -Buddhism and Hinduism -Usually Males only as Priest (Vestal Virgins as exception; Vesta is Roman Goddess of Earth)
Mystery Religion
-Initiation is key to receive the blessing and belong to the group -Eleusinian Mystery Tradition (Eleusis in Ancient Greece; Persephone, Hades, Dionysus, Isis) -Influences Christianity
-Islamic jurisprudence -the theoretical and systematic aspect of Islamic law, consisting of the interpretation and codification of the shari'ah
Babylonian Exile
-Israel falls to the Assyrians in 722 BCE -Judah falls to the Babylonians in 586 BCE -Destruction of the Temple -Exile to Babylonia
Chalcedonian Creed (451)
-Jesus is fully human and God -Jesus is two natures in one person.
Haskalah (Jewish Enlightenment)
-Jewish Enlightenment -restructuring of Jewish education to devote less time to the Talmud and more to subjects like modern languages and practical skills
Bar Cochba Revolt
-Jews were exiled from Jerusalem -Judea renamed "Syria-Palestina" -Jerusalem renamed "Aelia Capitolina"
The Reasonableness of Christianity
-John Locke -God would not have made salvation depend upon one's understanding of difficult teachings -emphasizes the bare bones teachings of Jesus and the Scriptures -asserts that the Christian faith is reasonable -Jesus is the Messiah -belief in Jesus as the Messiah is the primary requirement for salvation.
Scriptural Religion
-Judaism (Tanakh) -Christianity (New Tesament) -Islam (Qur'an) -Buddhism (Lotus Sutra) -Fundamentalism: believing in literal truth of scripture
Psalm 137
-Lament over the Destruction of Jerusalem -Lamentations: crying out; a form of faith during times of destruction -Cyrus of Persia allowed Jews to return in 539 BCE
-Led the Exodus of the Hebrews from Egypt -received the 10 commandments
Rabbi Hillel
-Lenient interpretation of Torah -Rival: Rabbi Shammai
Synoptic Gospels
-Matthew, Mark, and Luke -similar point of view when contrasted with the Gospel of John.
-Medicine Man, Soul Doctor, and Witchdoctor -Intermediary between humans and spirit world -Ritual specialist -Appeases the Spirits; Enters a "trance" state as intermediary
Oral Torah
-Mishnah -Unbroken chain of oral tradition
Sayyid Ahmad Khan
-Muslim reformer, Islamic philosopher -called for a modern ijtihad or rethinking of the Islamic heritage. -rejected the hadith tradition as a legitimate basis for modern Islamic living.
Vine Deloria, Jr. and Custard Died for Your Sins
-Oglala Sioux -redefining themselves to fit white ideals
-One of three festivals during Shalosh Regalim meant to celebrate God's revelation of the Torah to Moses -stay up all night and read the Mishnah
Consensus in Jewish Movements
-Oneness of God -Authority and sacred nature of Torah -Israel as "chosen people" -Temple as place where God and Israel meet
Mendicant Orders
-Orders that, instead of withdrawing from the world and living predominantly in closed communities, dedicate themselves to pastoral work, serving the people -ex. Carmelites, Dominicans, and Franciscans.
Gays and Lesbians
-Orthodox: male same sex intercourse is considered unacceptable -Reform and Reconstructionist: full equality and accept same-sex marriage and ordination -no reference to lesbianism in bible
European Reformation
-Parallel Movements throughout the Sixteenth Century of Protest from the Church Leaders and Scholars against the Roman Catholic Church. -Protest in Print -Emergence of the Middle Class -Rise of the Proto-Nation States (autonomy from Holy Roman Empire) -It is not a Schism -It is not a Heresy -The European Reformation is the fragmented yet cohesive development of new patterns of worship and belief, which brought with it new institutions for the whole of society.
Second Vatican Council
-Popes Paul XXIII and PaulVI -made to consider the Church in the modern world
Yom Kippur
-Prayer -fasting -Seeking forgiveness of sin for the past year
Gamal Abdel Nasser
-President of Egypt -advocated for an Arab pan-nationalism. -led the 1952 socialist revolution, abolished monarchical rule in Egypt. -cracked down on Muslim Brotherhood after there was an assassination attempt on his life.
-Process by which people of one place establish and maintain a settlement in another -denotes the disastrous effects of this process on indigenous people.
Prophetic Religion
-Prophet speaks on behalf of deity (Forthteller and Foreteller) -Oracles at Delphi (Greece) -Abraham (Judaism), Jesus (Christianity), Muhammad (Islam)
-Qur'an was revealed to Muhammad by the angel Gabriel over 23 years. -root "q-r-" = "recite" or "read" -Suras could be short and on a singular theme to longer chapters -Early Meccan surahs are usually shorter and usually brief admonitions. -Later Medina surahs are fewer but longer in the form of didactic arguments, discourses and legal pronouncements, often addressing situations in the community.
Moses Maimonides
-Rambam -Three Principles of Faith: Existence of God, coming of the Jewish Messiah, resurrection of the Dead -Key writings: Mishneh Torah; Guide for the Perplexed
Guide for the Perplexed
-Reconciles Aristotelianism with the Hebrew Bible -Sought to reconcile reason and faith -Learning does not undermine faith -Biblical commandments were rational -Language helps us to understand God -Anthropomorphic explanations should not be taken literally -God as the Necessary Being Influences Christian Scholastics such as the Dominican, Thomas Aquinas
Reconstructionist Judaism
-Reconstructionist Synagogue (as cultural and social center) -Jewish Community Center -Judaism is a civilization [not supernatural], which is progressively evolving over time. -Scriptures created by the Jewish people themselves -Traditions exist for the people, thus, traditions can be modified.
-Refused to cooperate with Rome -Hoped Messiah would come to liberate the Jews from Roman oppression
-Religare = "to bind" -Relegere = "to go over again"
Antiochus IV Epiphanes
-Ruler of the Seleucid Empire (Syria) -took Judea from the Ptolemaic Kingdom (Egypt]) -Advocated Greek culture -Made several features of Jewish life illegal (circumcision) -Placed a statute of Zeus in the Temple and sacrificed pork on the altars
Connecting to the Cosmos
-Sacred Spaces/Axis mundi -Sacred Times -Discerning Cosmic and Seasonal Cycles -Animal Spirits
Axis Mundi
-Sacred spaces -World axis -Connecting to the sacred
-Sanskrit for "coming down to Earth -Gods in human form Savior figures -Special births -Can perform miracles -Ex. Vishnu and Krishna (Hinduism), Amitabah (Buddhism), Jesus Christ (Christianity)
Pauline Epistles
-Seven Authentic Letters -Focuses on the death and resurrection of Jesus
Sampson Raphael Hirsch
-Shapes Orthodox Judaism -Opposed Reformed & Conservative
Michael Servetus
-Spanish theologian, physician, polymath -Refuted the doctrine of the Trinity -Notable Works: On the Errors of the Trinity and The Restoration of Christianity
Abraham Geiger
-Spiritual leader of Reform Movement -Textual Criticism (Hebrew Bible as historically contingent and adapting) -Understand Judaism to be flexible and continually adjusting over time and place -Do not necessarily follow all commandments [e.g. Kosher dietary laws] -Interfaith dialogue
Ibn Taymiyyah
-Sunni Muslim theologian and jurist -Called for a return to pristine Islam of the "rightly guided" successors. -campaigned against Shi'ism, Sufism, and legal traditions, -sought to revitalize the practice of ijtihad. -issued fatwa [religious legal opinion] that allowed Muslims in the city of Mardin to war against occupying Mongols who converted to Islam after their conquest of Baghdad. -contradicted the Islamic teaching that Muslims should avoid war against Muslim rulers.
Hebrew Bible
-Tanakh (Old Testament by Christians) is an anthology of twenty four books. -Torah -Pentateuch -Nevi'im -Ketuvim
Adversus Praxeas
-Tertullian -asserted Trinity
-Tetragrammaton -not supposed to be pronounced (replaced by adonai or ha-shem)
Orthodox Judaism
-Traditional Judaism is compatible with everyday life -Hebrew Bible is revealed word of God -Mishnah and Talmud is Oral Torah that originated with Moses. -Liberal Orthodox Jews associate with society more so than the sub-groups
To the Christian Nobility of the German Nation Respecting the Reformation of the Christian Estate
-Universal Priesthood of All Believers -Two Kingdoms -Restriction of Friars -Abolish of Masses for the Dead
Five Ways (Quinque Viae)
-Unmoved Mover -First Cause -Argument from Contingency -Argument from Degree -Final Cause (Teleological Argument)
Rule of Saint Benedict
-Vows: Poverty; Chastity; Obedience -Moderate and Balanced Rule
Religion as a Modern Invention
-Western concern that tries to separate religious from non-religious
Nestorius of Constantinople
-accepted Christokos but rejected Theotokos -believed that no union between the human and divine were possible
Theodor Herzl
-an Austrian-Hungarian journalist -established Zionism as a political movement.
Cyril of Alexandria
-argues that the is "one nature" of the Word after the incarnation -Mary is the Theotokos
Documentary Hypothesis
-asserts there are four compilers of independent documents in the Torah -JEPD = Jahwist; Elohist; Deuteronomist; Priestly.
Second Temple period
-begins when the Persian King Cyrus allowed Jews to return to the homeland and allow the temple to be rebuilt -ends with temple's destruction in 70 CE when the Romans destroyed it after a Jewish revolt
Holy Roman Empire
-begins with Emperor Otto I -Holy Roman Empire is largely German -Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire is usually elected
Rabbinic Period/Rabbinic Movement
-begins with the destruction of the Second Temple -Romans installed Herod the Great as King -Roman client king of Judea; expansion of the Second Temple
Irenaeus of Lyons
-bishop of Lyons -important work is Against Heresies, which rebuked Gnosticism.
First Vatican Council
-called by Pope Pius IX in 1870 -reaffirmed papal infallibility
-chain of tradition -authenticates reliability of hadith
-comes from Pharisees -rev = "teacher" -Rabbis focus on the Tanakh and the Oral Torah, which live on without the Temple
-commentaries on the Mishnah -Halakhah ( legal material) -Aggadah (narrative material)
-emerges as an alternative expression of Christian identity -religion is what you do with solitude
Hasmonean Family
-family of Jewish priests -Judah Maccabeus led the Maccabean Revolt -Recaptures the Temple and rededicates it
Athanasius of Alexandria
-father of monasticism -lived in solitude and provided spiritual wisdom to those who visited him
-final destination of Muhammad's hijra and the home of the first community of Muslims -later renamed Medina
Mustafa Kemal Ataturk
-first president of Turkey -Ataturk advanced secularism and nationalism
Red Willows
-from Anishinaubae in Canada and U.S. -Nanabush got bloody diarrhea from killing and eating a bear; used a sapling to wipe with; put sapling in the ground; blood turned willow red
-greek Euangelion ("good news") -Matthew, Mark, Luke and John
-in Canada and U.S. -red willow story
-in Greek = "5 books/tools" -another name for the Torah
The Zohar
-key text of Kabbalah -Four levels of biblical interpretation: Peshat (simple]/literal), Remez (hints/allegory), Derash (seek/comparative), Sod (mystery/inner meaning)
-king of Holy Roman Emperor -further divided western and eastern empires
Augustine of Hippo
-latin bishop of Hippo -Wrote: Confessions, On the Trinity, and City of God
-majority -believed Muhammad never designated a successor
-messangers -sent to a specific community, but his message is universally binding sacred law
-minority -"party" -believed Muhammad appointed his cousin and son-in-law 'Ali to succeed him
Al-Hasan al-basri
-one of the fathers of Sufism -criticized the Ummayad caliphs -interested in the "kernel" rather than the "husks" of religion, therefore, he is less inclined to obsess over the origin and transmission of the Hadith, that is, writings that contain the way of life based on the Prophet Muhammad, which is canonical law
Sayyid Qutb
-one of the leading voices amongst the contemporary reformers who inspired member of the Muslim Brotherhood. -Arab socialism: little jobs open were government jobs, where pay was poor and responsibilities were little. Thus, we have a revivalism of religion. -wrote Milestones.
Sky Women
-pregnant spirit rests on giant turtle's back -muskrat dives for soil -woman makes soil cover turtle's back -back is now North America
Conservative Judaism
-previously known as "Positive-Historical Judaism" -between Orthodox and Reform -Oneness of God -Affirms historical developments in Judaism -Jewish law is binding and contingent -Usually follow dietary laws -Restructuring of tradition for modernity -Community participates in the shaping of the Jewish traditions for today -Vary in attitudes towards female rabbis
-prophet -conveys a message from God to a specific people at a specific time
Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad
-prophets of power -revelations universally binding
Five Pillars of Islam
-shahadah -establish regular worship; -pay the zakat alms; -observe the fast of Ramadan -perform the hajj once in one's life.
-suf = wool -Muslim mysticism
-systematic destruction and killing of particular race and people. -Christopher Columbus participated in the enslavement and killing of the Arawaks (Caribbean Indigenous people) of around 250,000 people. -90% indigenous people lost due to Europeans
Shema Yisrael
-the central prayer of the Jewish prayer service and religious life. -often a Jew's last words -contained in tefillin
-the dispersion of Jews throughout the word across time -The dispersion of Jews outside of Israel -Trauma of alienation from homeland -Theological development
-the embodiment of the divine in human form -Christian belief that God became human in the form of Jesus
Isaac Luria
-the father of contemporary Kabbalah -born in Jerusalem Rabbi and Jewish mystic who relocated to Safed -Foundational teacher of contemporary Kabbalah
-the holiest city of Islam -Muhammad's birthplace
Shalosh Regalim
-the three pilgrimage festivals -Passover, Shavuot, and Sukkot
-transmit values and beliefs -do not necessarily provide a literal truth as much as a figurative truth -a ritual, told in a particular place and people in original context and audience
Anti-Semitism in Germany
-used as scapegoat for Germany's problems -exploited by Nazis to kill and persecute Jews
Summa Theolgica
-written by Thomas Aquinas -Distinction between nature and grace so that by nature one can know existence of God but it is by grace that one believes in the Incarnation of the Word of God and the Trinity
Benedict of Nursia
-wrote Rule of Saint Benedict -Vowed poverty, chastity, and obedience
John Locke
-wrote The Reasonableness of Christianity -Jesus is Messiah is the primary requirement for salvation
Defining Religion (Three Assertions)
1. Naming [Nomenclature] is rarely a neutral exercise. 2. The meaning of any word is primarily not discovered in a dictionary but in the ways and contexts in which the given word is used. 3. There is no absolute definition of what religion is or is not, however, scholars of religion have created the category in order to create a horizon and boundary for their academic discipline.
Ban of Native Ceremonies
1883 U.S. banned manny Native ceremonies, including the Sun Dance
5 daily prayers
Loss of Religion, Language, and Land
90% lost because of Europeans
A "witness" to the truth of the faith, in which the martyr endures even death to be faithful to Christ
Twelver Shi'ism
A belief that there were 12 infallible imam (religious leaders) after Muhammad and the 12th went into hiding and would return to take power and spread the true religion.
A famous Sufi poet and founder of the Whirling Dervishes
A follower of Islam
A religion based on the teachings of the prophet Mohammed which stresses belief in one god (Allah), Paradise and Hell, and a body of law written in the Quran. Followers are called Muslims.
A sequence of movements in ritual prayer
Son of Man
A title Jesus used to refer to himself
Four Rightly Guided Caliphs
Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, Ali
Age of Ignorance prior to emergence of Islam
Angel that Muhammad received revelations from
Vision Quest
Anishinaubae boys on verge of adulthood venture into wilderness without food and water seeking out visions and dreams to reveal his true self and role in community
Arab prophet; founder of religion of Islam.
Eastern Europe
Ashkenazi and Hasidism
Augustine of Hippo's autobiography
Pelagius (Pelagianism)
British monk who emphasized that the human can work towards perfection through their own merit and efforts.
Calvin's religious theory that God has already planned out a person's life.
Christian belief that the New Testament supersedes the Old Testament
City in western Arabia to which the Prophet Muhammad and his followers emigrated to escape persecution in Mecca.
Common element of indigenous traditions
Edict of Milan
Constantine wrote a letter to Emperor Licinius that called for the toleration of Christianity
Ecumenical Council
Council called by Constantine to try to unite the church
Eastern European including German Jews
Byzantine Empire
Eastern half of the Roman Empire that survived the fall of the Western half.
Abu Bakr
Father-in-law to Muhammad and first caliph
Founder of Cenobitic Monasticism
Founder of Judaism
Zachrias Frankel
Founding Father of Conservative Judaism
Francis of Assisi
Gave up his possessions [son of wealthy clothing merchant] to dedicate his life to serving the poor.
Divine Name of God
God said to Moses, "I am who I am"
Greek "eremos" = "wilderness" or "desert"
Greek influence on Judaism
Greek knowledge
Hebrew term for "covenant"
Heretical teaching that asserted it only "seemed like" Jesus Christ died on the cross, but in actually, did not because the divinity cannot suffer
Against Heresies
Irenaeus's most important work, which rebuked Gnosticism.
Islamic concept for the indivisible oneness of God
Jews who converted to Catholicism
Sixteen Revelations of Divine Love
Julian of Norwich
Mediterranean Sea, including Portugal, Spain, Middle Eastern Jews
Sun Dance
Men dance fast, pierce their chests and backs, attach themselves to a central pole with ropes tied to sticks inserted through the piercings. They dance until they pass out or their fastenings tear loose.
Mendicant order whose monks live by a rule based on the life and example of St. Francis of Assisi
Monastic community that emphasized divine judgement
Muhammad's cousin and son-in-law
Abu Talib
Muhammad's uncle who raised him
Oral Torah
"Unam Sanctam"
Papal decree from Pope Boniface VIII that asserts there is no salvation outside of the church and the pope is sole authority above the emperor
Pilgrimage to Mecca
Maori Weavers
Potential female weavers are selected as a baby accompanied with prayer. The more the female weaver learns the more she is discouraged by her elders and peers from weaving as a form of a test.
Referring to the "Twelver" branch of Shi'ism, which recognizes twelve holy religious leaders
Barmen Declaration
Rejected the influence of Nazism on German Christianity
Holy Office The Inquisition
Roman Catholic arm that enforced the Christian faith
Sacred law of Islam
George Tyrell
Said that historical Jesus researchers of his time were simply looking down a dark well and merely seeing their own reflection
Shi'a religious holiday, commemorating the death of Hussayn, the grandson of the prophet Muhammad
Son of Abraham
Son-in-law of the Prophet Muhammad and third caliph of Islam
King Ferdinand
Spanish monarch during Alhambra Decree
Queen Isabella
Spanish monarch during Alhambra Decree
Origin Stories
Stories of how the world was created
Tanakh is an acronym of the three sections of the Hebrew Bible
Ten Commandments located in Exodus 20
Rabi'a Al-Adawiyya
The foremost of the women mystics of Islam and contributed the concepts of love and asceticism
The rulings of Islamic scholars
Moses and the Burning Bush
The story where Moses met God and said "I am who I am"
Third of the three festivals of Shalosh Regalim that commemorate the Israelites' wanderings in the wilderness
The Jewish Question
This referred to the problem that the Germans had with the Jews. The answer was destruction.
Turning to the Church Fathers and the Scriptures as resource for renewal
The Babylonian Captivity of the Church
Two Sacraments are Baptism and Eucharist rather than seven sacraments of Catholic Church
State of Israel (Jewish State)
United Nations voted to create the state to deal with Jewish displacement after WW2
Western Emperor who tried to unify the Roman Empire under one religion: Sol Invictus or Christianity
The Maccabean Revolt
\when the Hasmoneans rebelled after Antiochus IV Epiphanes desecrated the Jewish Temple
a Catholic Benedictine monk, abbot, philosopher and theologian
a headscarf worn by Muslim women
World Conference on Indigenous People
a meeting of Indigenous people from around the world, who gather to discuss the realization of the rights of Indigenous peoples, including the pursuit of the objectives of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
a mendicant preaching order formed in the early 1200s to combat the "Albigensian heresy"
a rich widow who proposed marriage to Muhammad
Teffilin (Phylacteries)
a small leather box containing words from the Torah that is tied to the body during prayer
Blessingway Ritual
a song that joins the sacred with the mundane performed before building a Hogan
a thing itself
allowed for diverse religious practices under condition Romans must demonstrate reverence by bowing down and giving pinch of incense before image of Cesar
an intensely dualistic religion, founded in the third century, that grew out of Syrian Christianity under the influence of Gnosticism
as sign of covenant for males usually done on the eighth day after birth.
Pope Innocent III
asserts authority over the secular princes and then advances Rome as power broker amongst the universal church
Pope Boniface VIII
asserts there is no salvation outside of the church and the pope is sole authority above the emperor
Redaction Criticism
attempts to explain the editorial differences between the three synoptic gospels
bearer of God
calls for the return of the Jews to the ancient land of Israel
charismatic leader who has supernatural powers and provides access to a close relationship with God to their disciples
commemorates rededication of the Second Temple after revolt
commemorates the liberation of the Israelites from Egypt.
community of believers
Alexander the Great
created hellenization in Judaism
Last Sermon of Muhammad
declared no new prophet will come after him
Ontological Argument
defines God as a "being than which no greater can be conceived"
denotes alternative and diverse expressions of Christianity, usually with core teachings
"Sacred History"
emphasizes the theological intentionality (over historical empiricism) of the Scriptures.
first Latin theologian to assert Trinity
Council of Nicaea
first ecumenical council
Emperor Otto I
first emperor of Holy Roman Empire
Dominic Guzman
founder of the Dominican order of mendicants
Mordechai Kaplan
founding father of reconstructionist Judaism
Sunrise Ceremony
four day rite of passage for girls in the Mescalero Apache Tribe
Ecumenical Councils
gatherings of Christian bishops organized to define the basic elements of Christianity
grandson of Abraham and son of Isaac
Hasidic Judaism
hasid = pious
The Potlatch
held to mark important moments such as marriage, childbirth, or death, and may include music, theatre, and ceremonial dancing.
Satisfaction Theory of Atonement
humans have sinned and deserve divine judgement; humans cannot save themselves from this judgement, only God can, but it is humans who deserve the judgement; thus Jesus must be God to save us and human to take on our judgement.
lawful and obligatory actions of Shari'ah
Donatus (Donatism)
led a movement in North Africa that argued the sacraments were invalid when administered by a priest or bishop who denied the Christian faith during persecution
Halakhah (Germarah)
legal material
Trickster Stories
male shape changer (turns to animal or woman) creates disastrous results after trying to satisfy sexual appetite
Shape Changers
male turns to animal or female
Tikkun Olam
means acts of kindness as part of the mending of the world
Rule of Faith (Regula Fidei)
measure or rule that provides interpretive framework for the scriptures
Prophets of the Power
messangers whose revelations were universally binding
monasticism practiced by religious who live in community with one another
monasticism practiced by the "desert mothers and fathers" who withdrew from society
movement towards unity in the global church
narrative material
of the same essence as the Father
Isreal Jacobson
opened the first Reform Temple in Berlin.
Earth Diver
origin stories of flooded world where deity/animal brings earth from below (North America)
person who calls people to prayer
practice of remembrance through short prayers is common amongst Sufis
The American Indian Religious Freedom Act of 1978
protects the rights of Native Americans to exercise their traditional religions by ensuring access to sites, use and possession of sacred objects, and the freedom to worship through ceremonials and traditional rites.
reasoned interpretation of sacred law by a qualified scholar
report of hadith
Jewish-Roman War
revolt that destroyed the temple for the second time and ended the second temple period
right worship/faith
second caliph
Textual Criticism
seeks to establish original manuscripts of each biblical book
solitary one
Insider vs. Outsider
someone in a religion vs someone not in a religion
Society of Muslim Brothers
sought to establish a network of Islamic social, economic, and political institutions through which the total Islamization of society could be achieved
the "bringing up to date" of the Catholic faith
Roman Catholic Church
the Christian church headed by the pope in Rome
Nostra Aetate
the Declaration on the Relation of the Church with Non-Christian Religions of the Second Vatican Council
Alhambra Decree
the Spanish monarchs (King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella) commanded that the Jews either convert to Christianity or leave Spain.
the converted who continued to practice Judaism in secret
the deeds that show inner faith
the example that Muhammad set for Muslims about how to live
the powerful merchant tribe of Mecca that had resisted Muhammad's teachings on Islam because they threatened the profit bearing polytheism that was attached to the Ka'ba.
the ritual circumciser
the stone cubical structure in the courtyard of the Great Mosque of Mecca, believed to have been built by Abraham and regarded by Muslims as the sacred center of the earth
traditional Navajo dwellings
unlawful and forbidden actions of Shari'ah
what and how we know
what is perceived
whirling dervishes
whole of Jewish law in Tanakh and Oral Torah (legal material)
wounds on body the resemble those of the crucified Jesus Christ
Life of Saint Anthony
written by Anthanasius of Alexandria
On the Errors of the Trinity
written by Michael Servetus