REL Islam, God is not One (25-63)

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What were the first words revealed to Muhammed?

"Recite: In the Name of thy Lord who created, created the human being of a blood-clot." - They were not written down until long after Muhammed's death

What does Jihad mean? What are the two kinds?

"Struggle" 1) Spiritual struggle against pride and self-sufficiency 2) Physical struggle against the "house of war" and enemies of Islam - Some consider this the 6th Pillar of Islam

What does Shariah mean?

"The Right Path." - Shariah Law is Muslim Law that covers almost all aspects of life

What does the word Islam mean?

"submission" or "surrender"

Where did the formation of the muslim community first happen and in what year? What was this emigration called?

In 622 in Yathrib (now known as Medina). - It is called the Hijra

What is Fatwa?

Legal opinion. - Carries authority only to those who recognize the authority that issues the Fatwa

What is the Hijra?

The emigration of Muhammed and his followers to Yathrib (Medina). - This marks the beginning to the Muslim calendar

What is Shirk? What does it refer to?

"Idolatry" and refers to any practice or belief that ignores the unity and uniqueness of God.

What is the Hijab?

A head covering for muslim women.

Who is Abraham?

According to all 3 major religions, he is the progenitor of monotheism.

What are Imams?

Leaders of Shia Islam.

What is Kafir?


Islam emphasizes law over theology.


What does Tawhid mean?

Divine oneness.

where do most of the worlds muslims live?

Most live in Asia.

The Shia centralize their religious authority in the Imam.


What does Salaam Alaykum mean? What is the response to that and what does it mean?

- "Peace be with you" - Wa alaykum as salaam meaning "And upon you be peace"

Who controlled Jerusalem during what time periods?

- Christians before 637 c.e. - Muslims took it in 637 c.e. - Crusaders took it back in 1099 - Saladin took it in 1187 - British recaptured it in 1917

What do Jews, Christians, and Muslims all have in common?

- They are all "People of the book" who believe in one God who talks to his people through prophets - Believe in angels - Have scriptures - Believe in Judgement Day and destiny - All share the patriarch Abraham

Adam sins in the Quran but that is not put onto the rest of the human race just on him.


Islam is a "Way of knowledge".


Most African American muslims are Sunnis.


Muhammed is ranked above Jesus in "The 100: A Ranking of the Most influential Persons in history."


Muhammed was illiterate.


Muslims believe that God is beyond gender and is neither male or female.


Muslims do not believe in original sin so Islam does not address sin as the problem.


Of the 10 largest muslims countries only 2 are plainly in the Middle East (Egypt and Iran).


Shia backed Muhammeds Son-in-Law, Ali.


Stopped mid 51.


Sunnis backed Muhammeds Father-in-Law Abu Bakr as his successor.


Sunnis constitute about 85% of Muslims., Shia= 15%


Sunnis recognize 4 major legal schools and have decentralized authority in the muslim community as a whole.


How many chapter does the Quran have?

114 "suras" (chapters) - They are presented by length from longest to shortest

How many times a day and a year do muslims pray?

5 times a day and 365 times a year for more than a millennium.

How many names did Muhammed say God had?

99 names.

What is Ramadan and when is it?

A celebration that commemorates the coming of revelation to Muhammed. - It falls on the 9th month of the Islamic year (Lunar calendar)

What is Isnad?

A chain of transmission from Muhammed to someone else that is required for something to be put into the Hadith.

What is Id al-Fitr?

A fast-breaking festival that concludes Ramadan.

What is Id al-Adha?

A feast celebrating the willingness of Ibrahim (Abraham) to sacrifice his son Ismail (Isaac).

What is Mihrab?

A marker that is present in all mosques that points worshippers in the direction of Mecca.

What do you need to do in order to become a muslim?

All you need to do is testify to Shahadah and proclaim the two truths out loud with understanding and intent, ideally in the presence of witnesses.

What is Abrogation?

An Islamic doctrine that states that later suras (Medinian) can overturn earlier suras (Meccan).

Who was the Quran written by?

By Allah who gave his words to an angel to give to Muhammed who then recited them to his companions (never wrote them down himself).

What do Meccan Suras focus on?

Focus on spiritual matters.

Who founded the Nation of Islam? Who founded it after his disappearance?

Founded by Wallace Fard and led by Elijah Muhammed after Fard's disappearance.

When did Islam first burst into modern Western consciousness?

In 1979 when Ayatollah Khomeini rose to power during the Iranian Revolution. - During this they captured 52 US diplomats in Tehran, finally setting them free 444 days later

Where are the core practices found in Islam?

In the Five Pillars.

Which country has the most muslims?

Indonesia (178 million). - 3X as many as Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, and Iraq combined

What is Fiqh?

Interpretation of Shariah Law that is based on both the Quran and the Hadith.

How is the Quran divided?

Into two sections the earlier section is the Meccan and the later section is the Medinian.

Who is the founder of Islam? Who is their God?

Muhammed and Allah.

What does Ummah mean?

Muslim community.

Where did God first come to Muhammed?

On Mount Hira. - This was his place of prayer and contemplation - Gabriel told him to "Recite"

What is Salat? When is it said aloud and when is it silent? What does it start with?

One of the 5 pillars of Islam that is the call to prayer 5 times a day. - Aloud at dawn, sunset, night - Silent at noon and in the afternoon - Starts with Allahu Akbar

What is Zakat?

One of the Corner Pillars of Islam that requires muslims give charity to the poor (give 2.5% of your assets to the poor above a subsistence level known at the nisab). - Personal possessions such as homes, cars, and clothing are excluded

What is Sawm?

One of the Corner Pillars of Islam that requires you fast during the month of Ramadan. - Abstain from eating, drinking, smoking, and sex from dawn until sunset and instead, recite and listen to the Quran

What is Orthopraxy? Orthodoxy? Which does Islam emphasize?

Orthopraxy- The right action (Practice/obedience) Orthodoxy- The right doctrine (Belief) - Islam emphasizes Orthopraxy

How many people identify as muslims in the world?

Over one billion people (1/5 of the world population).

Who founded Christianity?


What is the problem Islam addresses? What is the goal of Islam?

Problem- The hubris of acting like you can get along without God Goal- A "Soul at peace" in this life and in Paradise

What does the word Quran mean?


What are the Corner Pillars?

Salat, Zakat, Sawm, and Hajj

What do Medinian Suras focus on?

Social, political, and economic matters.

What are the two branches of Islam?

Sunni and Shia that split because of debate on who Muhammed's predecessor should be.

What is Masjid and what does it mean?

The Arabic term for mosque that means "place of prostration".

What is the Shahadah?

The Central Pillar of Islam that says "I testify that there is no god but God, and Muhammed is the messenger of God."

What is Islam's main holy book?

The Quran.

What is the Central Pillar?

The Shahadah

What is Matn?

The content of the Hadith that must align with the Quran.

What is Hajj?

The hajj is a pilgrimage only open to muslims that you must attend at least once in your life time given you are physically and financially able. - Occurs in the last 10 days of the 12th month of the lunar calendar - You can add "al Hajj" to your name after going

What is the Kabah Shrine?

The most sacred place in the muslim world. - When praying you point yourself in this direction - Contains a black stone believed to be a meteor - It was built by Adam and rebuilt by Abraham - Destroyed in Muhammed's youth but rebuilt after Muhammed took it back in 630 c.e.

What is the Adhan?

The muslim call to prayer that is almost always done in Arabic because according to muslims, God delivered his final revelation in Arabic to Muhammed.

What is the most popular chapter of the Quran? What is the word for chapter?

The word for chapter is "Sura" - The most popular Sura is Fatiha where the Lord's Prayer of Islam comes from

When did Islam first become visible in the US?

With the rise of the NAtion of Islam, Malcolm X, and Muhammad Ali.

When did Muhammed die?

in 632

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