Religion Chapter 2 Beginnings

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Contrast two stories from Genesis to show how human arrogance brings disaster while God works wonders through a human person

*Tell short summary of both stories* Adam and Eve- arrogance to try and be equal and like God Noah-listened to what God said and therefore saved animals and his family

Identify four reasons of the heart

-some say that they "just know" (may be from personal experience) -some yearn for a God that will be there when they hurt and suffer -knowing deep down; sixth sense or intuition -if you hope that loved ones who have died are with God

What does it meanto say that belief in God is a "leap of faith"

-when you take a leap of faith you go from physical evidence to non-physical evidence -it cannot be explained you just feel it 4 -you have trust in God -you believe that God will suffer with you, support you, understand you when you fail, and give you the strength you need for hard times

List St. Thomas' 5 proofs for the existence of God and fully explain 1

1. need for the first mover 2.need for the first cause 3. creation of matter 4.need for a perfect model 5.need for order creation of matter- if nothing comes from nothing then everything has to come from something. That something from which all matter comes is the eternal God


Abraham's wife

Describe the two creation stories and give 5 'truths" that the stories communicate about God and his creations

First Creation Story-making of the world in 6 days and on the 7th day God rested; controversy between evolutionists and creationists -Truths: _1.Everything that God created was good _2. We are made in God's image and likeness _3. We are created by God _4.We are caretakers of creation _5. We are co-creaters with God Second Creation Story: tells the Fall and how Adam and Eve were decieved by the devil therefore disobeying God -Truths: _1.We all come from God _2.There is a natural affinity between humans and the rest of creation because we are made from the same substance _3.Despite this affinity we are still different and unique (we are God's Breath of Life) _4.Woman is no more inferior to man than man is to the dust on the ground _5.Adam and Eve wanted to be like God and by themselves brought on original sin


God instructed Noah to build this in preparation for the flood that was coming


Ishamel becomes the father of Arab peoples (bedouin); the Islam religion developed many centuries after biblical times among the Arabs

Choose one story and give a brief synopsis and what lessons or truths that the story is telling

Jacob and Rachel/ Leah *Tell Story* Lesson: What goes aroung comes around Jacob tricked his father and brother and that's what Laban did to him


Joseph's "new" name after restling with God; means "one who has contended with devine human beings"


Joseph's brother who changes the brothers ideas of throwing him in a well to a dry one so that he can save him later; sold him into slavery


Laban's oldest; marries Jacob; has 10 sons and 1 daughter with Jacob (along with the concubines)


Laban's youngest daughter; Jacob loves her; marries Jacob after Leah and has joseph (favorite) and Benjamin


Rebekah's brother; father of Rachel and Leah; tricks Jacob


Sarah's maid; has son with Abraham called Ishmael; banished with son by Sarah

Briefly contrast the Theory of Evolution and the Theory of Intelligent Design

Theory of Evolution-all higher forms evolved from lower forms of life over a long period of time Theory of Intelligent Deisgn- meets the ideas of both evolutionists and creationists; believe in the Big Band Theory but they believe that God was the mind that was behind it all

Babylonian Exile

When Babylon pilvaged Judah three times, eventually causing the demise of Jerusalem; resulted in the deaths of multitudes, destruction of the land,devastation of the nation, loss of national identity, and infliction of hopelessness


a day of rest each week, was a sacred custom the Jews had carried with them to the Exile


another word for Genesis


belief in more than one god/ belief in one God


first book of the Bible; written around the Babylonian Exile (6th century BC)


first man; created from dirt by God


first woman; created by Adam's rib; takes the fruit from tree of knowledge


land where God first led Abraham and his family; land promised to Abraham and his descendents

the Rainbow

marks the end of the flood as a sign of God's love for every creature on Earth, and a promise that the world will never again be destroyed by a flood


nephew of Abraham that goes with him to follow God to Canaan


number of ancient peoples from the North East from where the Israelites descended


only man that finds favor with Godand is instructed to build an ark to protect himself, his family, and some animals from the destruction

Covenant with Abraham

our descendants will be as plentiful as the stars in the sky and the land of Canaan with eventually be your people's

Tower of Babel

people wanted to be equal to God like Adam and Eve by building the tower; they show arrogance; God stops them by confusing their language and dispersing the peoples


people who argue that the universe has evolved over millions of years, with humankind as a recent part of that evolutionary process


people who insist that the account in Genesis is factually true

Garden of Eden

place created by God for Adam and Eve to live until they disobeyed him

Abraham's Test

sacrafice your son Isaac to God


second son of Jacob and Rachel; not the favorite


shown to the messengers; custom used throughout the Bible


son of Abraham and Sarah; marries Rebekah; tricked by Jacob to give the birth right


son of Adam and Eve; farmer; God does not accept his sacrfice; murders Abel


son of Adam and Eve; shepard; God accepts his sacrifice; murdered by Cain


suppoesed to recieve the birth right from Isaac


taking more that one wife


taking only one wife

the Flood

tells how bad things can get when sin spreads its ugliness


the father of biblical faith

The Fall

the first sin of humankind

Fruit of the Tree of good and evil

the one tree in the Garden of Eden that God told Adam and Eve not to eat from, but they did anyways because they were persuaded by the devil


the sign of the covenant between God and the people which is a ritual for all males


tricks Isaac with Rebekah for birth right; goes to Unlce Labban to hide; tricked into marriage with Leah

Original Sin

what Christians call the Fall or the first sin of humankind

Sodom and Gormorrah

wicked cities in which God destorys


wife of Isaac; tricks him with Jacob

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