Research Foundations

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Why is educational research important?

- the development of evaluation and critical thinking skills. - gain knowledge of and learn how to apply these techniques.

The domain of educational research (the big picture) consists of four essential phases:

1. literature review 2. research design 3. data analysis 4. report research

A constant is a single value of the larger variable group

A constant represents what in relation to a variable?

Narrative data

A primary goal of quantitative research is to test hypotheses, which is accomplished through the employment of which of the following?


A researcher wants to test a specific hypothesis and applies random assignment for the study. Which quantitative research method should be used for this study?


A team of educational researchers plan to conduct a local study in the community in order to resolve a critical problem at hand. What variety of research does this represent?

Moderator variable

A variable which controls the change of relationship between the IV and DV is known as ___________ ___________.

Overly abstract theories

A weakness of quantitative research studies is the possibility of producing what?

Used mixed methods to align both the strengths and limitations of each approach.

An action researcher designs a study that has weak internal validity. What might the researcher do to help strengthen the research?

wanting to determine cause-and-effect relationships under controlled conditions

An investigator decided that a quantitative research study would be appropriate. Which of these factors would have led to this decision?

Changes in the independent variable cause changes in the dependent variable.

Assuming the effects of extraneous variables have been accounted for, a cause-and-effect relationship between variables is present when what occurs?

Qualitative research

Classify each research method as belonging to either the quantitative or qualitative research. Answer options may be used more than once or not at all. CASE STUDY

Qualitative research

Classify each research method as belonging to either the quantitative or qualitative research. Answer options may be used more than once or not at all. ETHNOGRAPHY

Quantitative research

Classify each research method as belonging to either the quantitative or qualitative research. Answer options may be used more than once or not at all. EXPERIMENTAL

Qualitative research

Classify each research method as belonging to either the quantitative or qualitative research. Answer options may be used more than once or not at all. GROUNDED THEORY

Quantitative research

Classify each research method as belonging to either the quantitative or qualitative research. Answer options may be used more than once or not at all. NONEXPERIMENTAL

The use of ______________ is used to support a theory or concept.


Rating scales

For researchers looking to gather information regarding study participants opinions, which of the following tools would be recommended?

The purpose statement names variables to be studied while the research question asks what type of relationship exists between variables.

How does a statement of purpose differ from a research question in a quantitative study?


In order to focus in on a single or select few factors of a given situation, quantitative researchers use a _______________ lens.

Mediating variable

Intervening variables are also known as what?

Discovery oriented; conducted in natural setting; tends to use the exploratory scientific method to generate hypotheses and develop understandings about particular people, places, and groups

Qualitative research

Focus group

Match each description with the method of data collection it describes. Data gathered by discussing issues with multiple research participants at the same time in a small-group setting


Match each description with the method of data collection it describes. Data gathered by researcher talking to individual participants


Match each description with the method of data collection it describes. Data obtained by having participants fill out an instrument or perform a behavior designed to measure their ability or degree of skill


Match each description with the method of data collection it describes. Data obtained by having research participants fill out self-report instruments

Narrative inquiry

Match each type of research report with the corresponding type of qualitative research. Answer options may be used more than once. Account that includes patterns, connection, and insights uncovered


Match each type of research report with the corresponding type of qualitative research. Answer options may be used more than once. Extensive description of physical and social settings aimed at holistic understanding

Case study

Match each type of research report with the corresponding type of qualitative research. Answer options may be used more than once. Holistic narrative that triangulates data and places study into a meaning context.

Grounded Theory

Match each type of research report with the corresponding type of qualitative research. Answer options may be used more than once. Methodological description followed by proposed idea built during the study


Match each type of research report with the corresponding type of qualitative research. Answer options may be used more than once. Rich narrative that lets readers experience phenomenon through eyes of participants


Metacognition: Jump straight to the activities without reading the text. For each activity, select different answer choices to see if they are right or wrong and read the feedback that appears.


Metacognition: Jump straight to the first activity and, if he cannot answer it, go back to the beginning of the unit to read the text.


Metacognition: Read the unit straight through from the beginning and do the activities as they come up.


Metacognition: Read the unit straight through from the beginning, but skip the activities.

plan an effective strategy for working through the course.

Metacognition: Rudolfo anticipates a very busy semester, so he completes the entire Research Foundations course in the first month of the semester, passing each Checkpoint easily. While this frees up his time for other courses, he finds that when he goes to take the final exam a few months later, he has forgotten a lot of what he learned. Rudolfo failed to

Distribution is negatively skewed; Mean is less than the median

Which two properties can be attributed to this distribution? Choose two answers


On which principle do mixed methods researchers base their design and research?

Whether mixed research is appropriate for the research question.

Once a mixed approach has been selected, what must researchers consider in constructing their research design?


Overly abstract theories are considered what in terms of quantitative research strengths and limitations?

adjust her approach

Penelope has worked her way through the entire Research Foundations course by skipping the text and jumping straight to the activities, which she enjoys. When she does not get an answer right on one of the activities, she tries the other answers until she discovers the correct one. Unfortunately, she does not pass the final exam and has to retake it. "Oh well," she sighs. "Back to the drawing board." Once again, she opens the first unit, skips the text, and goes straight to the activities. Penelope has failed to

Completed under controlled conditions; uses confirmatory scientific method focusing on hypothesis testing and theory testing; hope to find common patterns in thought and behavior and to generalize broadly

Quantitative research


Quantitative researchers most often follow what scientific method to test hypotheses?

The Exploratory arrow

Research Wheel Figure: Which arrow represents the inductive method?

Numerical data

Researchers choosing a quantitative research approach collect what type of data to test hypotheses?


The process by which environmental factors are isolated in order to determine rate of a specific process is known as what?


The results of a study showed that as daily cholesterol consumption increases, life expectancy tends to decrease. What type of correlation can be seen in this result?

The rule of parsimony

Theories A and B provide explanations for variance in students' academic performance. Both theories explain performance well; however, Theory A is more concise and succinct. Which approach for evaluation quality is applied to determine that Theory A is preferred for explaining the phenomenon?

The Happy Days Past

Theory ⇒Hypotheses, Predictions ⇒ Observations, Data ⇒ Patterns, Descriptions

Informally describe any observations made during the investigation

To obtain results that are defensible and trustworthy, what should action researchers do?

It provides stronger evidence for a conclusion through convergence; It provides stronger evidence for corroboration of findings through triangulation; It uses strengths of one method to overcome the limitations in another method

What are three strengths of mixed methods research? Choose 3 answers

It does not lend itself to making strong statements of cause and effect; It produces small-scale results that are different to generalize to different and larger contexts.

What are two limitations of action research?

Discuss the results of the data analysis; Develop a plan for sampling from a population

What are two primary purposes of a literature review? Choose 2 answers

To focus on solving specific problems; To engage local practitioners in inquiry

What are two purposes of action research?

Obtain the probability value; State the null and alternative hypotheses

What are two steps of hypothesis testing?

It is impossible to find universal truths through research.

What belief did John Dewey hold that influenced action researchers?


What does quantitative research attempt to test through the collection of numerical data?

Approximates casual relationships through experimental research studies

What is a main strength of quantitative research?

A measurable characteristic

What is a variable in educational research?

The procedures that are followed to obtain data.

What is meant by a method of data collection?


What is the emphasis of action science (AS), as a form of action research?

No manipulation of an independent variable

What is the hallmark of nonexperimental research studies?

Deductive reasoning

What is the name of the process where one determines the truth of a conclusion by determining the truth of the underlying premises?

To understand

What is the primary objective of education research that studies a phenomenon about which little is known?


What is the purpose of a mixed method study that is conducted to extend the breadth and range of inquiry by using different methods for different inquiry components?

The degree to which the researchers' explanations fit the data.

What is theoretical validity?

The type of analysis; The type of data

What must a researcher determine before conducting a mixed analysis? Choose 2 answers

External validity

What term refers to the extent to which a study's results can be generalized across populations of persons, settings, times, outcomes, and treatment variations?


What type of statistics allows quantitative researchers to draw conclusions about populations?

Inferential statistics

What type of statistics do researchers use to draw conclusions about characteristics of a population based upon a sample?

Sample relationship; Time order

When designing a mixed methods study, which two factors must a researcher consider when combining qualitative and quantitative approaches? Choose 2 answers

A researcher examines how closely scores correlate on two forms of the same test.

Which example addresses evidence of validity?


Which major research approach seeks to understand people's subjective and shared experiences through systematic observation?

Randomly putting 150 college athletes into three different exercise groups for a study; Randomly placing 20 administrators into one of four groups to be studied

Which of the following are examples of random assignment for a research experiment? Choose 2 answers

Ethnography; Grounded theory; Case study

Which of the following are theoretical frameworks of qualitative research? Choose 3 answers

Amount of variables

Which of the following information is not provided by a correlation coefficient?

Unclear temporal order of variables

Which of the following is a key problem with two-variable cases of nonexperimental research?

Which aspects of the intervention worked and which didn't work

Which of these questions is most likely asked during the "reelect" phase of action research?


Which research activity is occurring when a researcher assigns numerical scores to achievement tests by adding up the total number of correct answers?


Which research approach views research with the attitude of being both a practitioner and a researcher?


Which scale of measurement has a true zero point?

Peer-reviewed journal article; Research proposal; Research report

Which three documents would include an APA-style literature review? Choose 3 answers

It is fluid; It is highly situational; It is personal

Which three views of human thought and behavior are characteristic of qualitative research? Choose 3

Context sensitive; Triangulated

Which two characteristics of data collection and analysis are common to the theoretical framework of qualitative research? Choose 2 answers

A population is a set of elements taken from a sample. Sample results are generalized to a population.

Which two statements about samples and populations are correct? Choose 2 answers

Predictable behavior allows for hypothesis development; Human behavior is regular

Which two views are consistent with the assumptions of quantitative research? Choose 2 answers

Unique case orientation

Which type of qualitative data analysis places a high priority on being true to, respecting and capturing the details of individual situations?

They help to pinpoint exactly what is being investigated.

Why are research questions essential to study?

In order to describe aspects of the study that may influence willingness to participate

Why is it necessary to obtain informed consent from research participants?


___________ existing studies is NOT a function of variables in quantitative research.


______________is not typically a formal section in a quantitative research report.

Education research is a field of inquiry aimed at...

advancing knowledge of education and learning processes and development of the tools and methods necessary to support this endeavor.

Examples of research objectives...

describe, understand or explain a phenomenon, or to influence and integrate a new policy or change.

Education researchers aim to ...

describe, understand, and explain how learning takes place throughout the life cycle and how formal and informal processes of education affect learning, attainment, and the capacity to lead productive lives.

In all cases of research, the question is one of _____________.


Educational researchers first __________ ________ to explore and then determine a research ______________.

identify issues objective

A ___________ ____________ assists researchers in developing appropriate research questions to investigate.

literature review

Quantitative researchers often use the information gathered from a __________ __________ to develop a hypothesis

literature review

In the final phase (report research), researchers often report their findings through various outlets such as...

professional conferences journal articles newspaper articles

Throughout the next two phases—_______________ _________ and ___________ ____________ —researchers plan out and collect data related to their research objectives.

research design and data analysis

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