Respiratory acidosis

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pharmacologic therapy

brochodilator naloxone for overdoses. Clients with severe respiratory acidosis and hypoxemia may require intubation and mechanical ventilation. Pulmonary hygiene measures may be instituted, such as deep breathing and coughing exercises, breathing treatments, and percussion and drainage.

what is carbon dioxide narcosis

is a deceases that patient with COPD has the risk to develop. If the resratory center is suppressed by the administration of excess supplemental oxygen.

chronic respiratory acidosis

is associated with chronic respiratory or neuromuscular conditions such as COPD, asthma, cystic fibrosis, and multiple sclerosis. The acute effects of hypercapnia may not develop when carbon dioxide levels rise gradually, allowing compensatory changes to occur. When carbon dioxide levels are chronically elevated, the respiratory center becomes less sensitive to the gas as a stimulant of the respiratory drive.

Respiratory acidosis

is caused by an excess of dissolved carbon dioxide, or carbonic acid. It is characterized by a pH less than 7.35 and a PaCO 2 greater than 45 mmHg.n.


Frequently assess respiratory status and lung sounds. Evaluate mental status; document and report changes in alertness. Place in semi-Fowler's to Fowler's position as tolerated. Encourage the client with chronic respiratory acidosis to use pursedlip breathing. Monitor airway and ventilation; insert artificial airway and prepare for mechanical ventilation as necessary. Administer pulmonary therapy measures such as inhalation therapy, percussion and postural drainage, bronchodilators, and antibiotics as ordered. Monitor fluid intake and output, vital signs, and ABGs. Administer narcotic antagonists as indicated.


Impaired Gas Exchange Ineffective Airway Clearance Anxiety Risk for Injury

diagnostic test

ABGs: show a pH of less than 7.35 and a Pa CO 2 of more than 45 mmHg. In acute respiratory acidosis, the bicarbonate level is initially within normal range but increases to greater than 28 mEq/L if the condition persists. In chronic respiratory acidosis, both the Pa CO 2 and the HCO3 may be significantly elevated. Serum electrolytes may show hypochloremia (chloride level <95-105 mEq/L) in chronic respiratory acidosis. Pulmonary function tests may be done to determine whether chronic lung disease is the cause of the respiratory acidosis.

risk factors

Acute lung conditions that impair alveolar gas exchange (e.g., pneumonia, acute pulmonary edema, aspiration of foreign body, near-drowning) Chronic lung disease (e.g., asthma, cystic fibrosis, emphysema) Overdose of narcotics or sedatives that depress respiratory rate and depth Brain injury that affects the respiratory center. Airway obstruction Mechanical injury.

acute respiratory acidosis results from?

Acute respiratory acidosis results from a sudden failure of ventilation, Chest trauma, aspiration of a foreign body, acute pneumonia, and overdoses of narcotic or sedative medications can lead to this condition.

Clinical manifestations

Acute respiratory acidosis: Headache Warm, flushed skin Elevated pulse Blurred vision Irritability, altered mental status Decreasing LOC Cardiac arrest Chronic respiratory acidosis: Weakness Dull headache Sleep disturbances with daytime sleepiness Impaired memory Personality changes

what causes respiratory acidosis?

Both acute and chronic respiratory acidosis result from carbon dioxide retention caused by alveolar hypoventilation. Hypoxemia (decreased oxygen) frequently accompanies respiratory acidosis.

in chronic acidosis

In chronic respiratory acidosis, the bicarbonate is higher than 26 mEq/L as the kidneys compensate by retaining bicarbonate.


Promote Gas Exchange Promote Effective Airway Clearance Reduce Anxiety Levels Reduce Risk for Injury Care in the Community

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