Respiratory Review - A&P2

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Approximately _____% of blood is found within pulmonary circulation


1 atm =

760 mmHg

What is the needed intrapulmonary pressure to cause expiration?

761 mmHg

Oxygen and Carbon dioxide diffuse across the alveolar membrane how?

At unequal rates and concentrations

The relationship between gas pressure and gas volume is described by ________.

Boyle's law

The DRG regulates the VRG through?

Chemoreceptors within the arteries

Failure to maintain negative pressure in the pleural cavity leads to?

Collapsing of the lung(s)

If we double the volume of a container we expect the pressure will?

Decrease by 1/2

As you increase elevation, atmospheric pressure?


Stephen Hawking is rare given that he has survived for more than 50 years with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig's disease). In most cases, this disease of motor neurons usually results in respiratory failure within three to five years of onset of symptoms. The failure of which muscle group is most likely responsible for the respiratory failure?

Diaphragm and intercostals

Which muscles are involved in reducing the pressure within the lungs to drive inspiration?

External intercostals Diaphragm

Which muscles must relax to cause expiration?

External intercostals Diaphragm

The VRG regulates the DRG.

False, the DRG regulates the VRG

The left ventricle delivers low-oxygen blood to the pulmonary trunk. (T/F?)

False, the right ventricle delivers low-oxygen blood to the pulmonary trunk

Dalton's Law defines solubility of a gas into water based on temperature, concentration of gas, and the partial pressure of the gas. (T/F?)

False, this is Henry's Law

The pressure within the pleural cavity is known as _____ and it is measured at _____.

Intrapleural pressure, 755 mmHg

Which pressure maintains expansion of the alveolar tissue?

Intrapulmonary pressure

Within the lungs, CO2 partial pressure must be _____ within the capillaries than in the alveoli to force expiration


The PRG regulates breathing through the VRG how?

Modifying frequency

Intracellular O2 partial pressure is estimated at 40 mmHg. What process happens regarding O2?

O2 unloading occurs

Boyles Law states that there is a relationship between?

Pressure and Volume

Which of the following is true of gasses dissolving into a fluid?

Pressure is equalized

Bronchiole constriction is an example of what kind of influencing factor of pulmonary ventilation?

Resistance of airway

Alveolar Type II cells secrete which of the following? Serous fluid Mucous Surfactant Oxygen


If your core temperature becomes colder, it is more difficult for oxygen to dissociate from hemoglobin at any PO2. (T/F?)


The functions of the nasal conchae are to enhance the air turbulence in the cavity and to increase the mucosal surface area exposed to air for greater efficiency. (T/F?)


The parietal pleura lines the thoracic wall.


To produce the pressure gradient responsible for inspiration, thoracic volume must first increase in order to decrease intrapulmonary pressure relative to atmospheric pressure. (T/F?)


Surfactant is secreted from _______ in the alveoli.

Type II alveolar cells

Which respiratory regulating center contains the Pre-Botzinger Complex?

Ventral Respiratory Group (VRG)

Which of the following is an INCORRECT statement relating to the airflow to the lungs?

When the sternocleidomastoid is activated, expiration occurs.

Which of the following is/are part(s) of the respiratory zone structures?


Which of the following incorrectly describes mechanisms of CO2 transport?

attached to the heme part of hemoglobin

External Respiration is the exchange of gas...

between blood and alveoli

Internal Respiration is the exchange of gas...

between blood and tissues

The Bohr effect describes the tendency for hemoglobin to more readily unload oxygen under which conditions?

decreased pH and increased PCO2

What part of the larynx covers the laryngeal inlet during swallowing to keep food out of the lower respiratory passages?


Which of the following processes is NOT properly matched with its description?

external respiration: CO2 diffuses into the blood stream

During hypoventilation, arterial blood PCO2 __________ , [H+] ___________, and PO2 ___________; the respiratory control center responds by ___________ ventilation.

increases; increases; decreases; increasing

When we inhale (draw air into the lungs), the pressure outside the lungs ___________ the pressure inside the lungs.

is greater than

In order to draw air into the lungs, pulmonary air pressure must be ________ than/to air pressure outside the lungs.


Which of the choices below is NOT a factor that promotes oxygen binding to and dissociation from hemoglobin?

number of red blood cells

Which of the choices below determines the direction of respiratory gas movement?

partial pressure gradient

Which of the following refers to the movement of air into and out of the lungs?

pulmonary ventilation

When tissue [O2] drops, Oxyhemoglobin will... release oxygen add oxygen keep and store oxygen add carbon dioxide

release oxygen

The walls of the alveoli are composed of two types of cells, type I and type II alveolar cells. The function of type II alveolar cells is to ________.

secrete surfactant

What type of epithelial tissue forms the walls of the alveoli?

simple squamous epithelium

Pressure of a gas is equal to...

the sum of the partial pressure of gases in the gas

What is the amount of air that is normally ventilated in one breath?

tidal volume

Are the respiratory muscles voluntary or involuntary?


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