Reviewer AnaPhy (2nd quiz)

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flat bones

thin and curved; point of attachments


top portion of hip bone

osteoblasts osteocytes osteoclasts

types of bone cells

Intramembranous Endochondral

types of ossification

long bones

typically longer than they are wide; type of bone that is cylinder-like; for movement and support

sphenoid bone

underneath the frontal bone behind the eye cavities

Fibrous joint

united by fibrous connective tissue


united by means of cartilage


upper arm bone; from shoulder to elbow


upper jaw


vertebra prominens

malleus incus stapes

what are the 3 ossicles of the ear


wrist bones

atlanto-occipital joint

yes joint


The soft connective tissue that fills the internal spaces in bone.

false ribs

8-10 ribs attached to the 7th rib


bone in the forearm; pinky side

humerus, femur

bone marrow is numerous at birth at the _____ and ______

clavicle (2) scapula (2)

bones composing the shoulder girdle

scaphoid lunate triquetrum pisiform trapezium trapezoid capitate hamate

bones in the carpals

Femur (2) Tibia (2) Fibula (2) Patella (2) Tarsals (14) Metatarsals (10) Phalanges (28)

bones in the lower extremity

Humerus (2) Radius (2) Ulna (2) Carpals (16) Metacarpals (10) Phalanges (28)

bones in the upper extremity

humerus radius ulna carpals

bones in the upper extremity

appendicular skeleton

bones of the shoulder, pelvis, and upper and lower extremities

Frontal Ethmoid Sphenoid Maxillary

The paranasal sinuses are

irregular bones

bones that do not fit one of the preceding categories; have complex shapes




midline bone that occupies and divides the nasal cavity

lacrimal bone

side of the eye; located within the orbit above the lateral end of the eye

parietal bone

side of the skull

epiphyseal plate

site of growth between diaphysis and epiphysis; where the growth of long bones take place


slightly movable joint

sesamoid bones

small and round; embedded in tendons


small canal


big toe

floating ribs

11-12 ribs; do not attach to sternum

parathormone and calcitonin

Hormones important for maintaining bones

126 bones

How many bones are in the appendicular skeleton?

80 bones

How many bones are in the axial skeleton?

7 bones

How many bones are in the cervical vertebrae?

206 bones

How many bones are in the human body?

30 bones

How many bones are in the lower limb?

5 bones

How many bones are in the lumbar vertebrae?

4 bones

How many bones are in the pectoral girdle?

29 bones

How many bones are in the skull?

25 bones

How many bones are in the thoracic cage?

12 bones

How many bones are in the thoracic vertebrae?

26 bones

How many bones are in the vertebral column?

8 bones

How many cranial bones are there?

14 bones

How many facial bones are there?

compact (dense) bone

hard, smooth layer; protects tissue within


heel bone


produced by the parathyroid glands, release calcium into the bloodstream


produced by thyroid gland, causes the calcium to be stored in bone

bone marrow

produces blood cells; inside cavities of bones

red marrow

produces red blood cells

true ribs

1-7 ribs attached to the sternum

endochondral ossification

Bone formation that occurs inside hyaline cartilage


C1; first cervical vertebra


C2; second cervical vertebrae


Connects bone to bone

compact bone

Hard, dense bone tissue that is beneath the outer membrane of a bone

annulus fibrosus nucleus pulposus

Intervertebral discs made of two parts

spongy bone (cancellous bone)

It is located at the epiphyses of long bones and center of other bones.


Long bone; collar bone; Most commonly fractured bone in the body; S shape

paranasal sinuses

Several of the bones associated with the nasal cavity have large cavities within them, called the _____

9-18 months

The anterior fontanelle fuses together between the ages of:

calf bone

The fibula is also referred to as the:


True or False In adults most red bone marrow is in the flat bones and the long bones of the femur and humerus


True or False In adults red marrow in the diaphysis is replaced by yellow bone marrow

metopic coronal sagittal lambdoid

What are the 4 major cranial sutures?


a bone required for bone synthesis and mineralization; also for bone formation and remodelling

slip disc

a condition of the intervertebral disc where the vertebrae come out of place


a connective tissue that protects bones and joints; ; the environment where the bone develops


also known as rib cage or thoracic cage


ankle bones


anvil; middle of the three auditory ossicles of the middle ear

articular joint

are where two bones come together

pectoral girdle

attach the upper limb to the sternum of the axial skeleton

occipital bone

back of head



medullary cavity

center of diaphysis red or yellow marrow; the hollow part of bone that contains bone marrow

central canal

center of osteon, contains blood vessels

Zygomatic bone

cheek bone

long bones short bones flat bones irregular bones sesamoid bones

classification of bones according to shape

3-5 bones

coccyx consist of how many bones?

cortical bone

compact bone is also known as


compact bone tissue (on outside) main or midsection of a long bone; tubular shaft that runs between the proximal and distal ends of the bone


connects bone to muscle

lambdoid suture

connects occipital and parietal bones

sagittal suture

connects the two parietal bones

skeletal system

consists of bones, cartilages, ligaments, and joints


consists of the cervical and lumbar curvature

lower extremity

consists of the femur, patella, tibia, fibula, tarsal bones, metatarsal bones, and phalanges

axial skeleton

consists of the skull, rib cage, and vertebral column; joined by a suture


consists of the thoracic and lumbar curvature

Articular cartilage

covers epiphyses reduces friction

short bones

cube-like; stability and support; are approximately as wide as they are long


dense tough outer shell; contains blood vessels and nerves

axial appendicular

divisions of the skeletal system


example of a sesamoid bone

frontal ethmoid occipital parietal sphenoid temporal

examples of cranial bones

maxilla palatine zygomatic nasal bone lacrimal vomer mandible

examples of facial bones

skull scapula sternum ribs

examples of flat bones

vertebrae sacrum coccyx temporal bone sphenoid ethmoid zygomatic bone maxilla mandible palatine nasal concha hyoid

examples of irregular bones

humerus ulna radius femur tibia fibula metacarpals phalanges metatarsals

examples of long bones

tarsals and carpals

examples of short bones

frontal bone

forehead to coronal suture

intramembranous ossification

forms from the membrane itself (skull)

endochondral ossification

forms in the cartilage (all bones in the body)

nasal bone

forms the bridge of the nose

intervertebral discs

found between vertebrae; absorbs shock


freely movable joint

synovial joints

freely movable joints joined by fluid cavity


front part of pelvis

Protection Attachment site Directs respiratory system Stabilizes portions of the appendicular skeleton

functions of axial skeleton


hammer; first of the three auditory ossicles of the middle ear


how many auditory ossicles are there?

300 bones

how many bones do infants have in their body?

2 bones

how many bones in the pelvic girdle

60 bones

how many bones in upper limbs/extremity?

5 bones

how many sacral bones?

ribs, sternum, vertebrae, pelvic bone

in adults, bone marrow is abundant at ____, _____, _____, and _____

fourth month

in this phase of development, a complete skeleton is formed

first trimester

in this phase of development, cartilages are only formed

ethmoid bone

inside the eye cavity

temporal bone

inside the sides of the skull



periosteum compact/dense spongy/cancellous bone bone marrow

layers/types of bone tissues

palatine bone

located at the back of the nasal cavity


long bone in the forearm ; thumb side


longest bone in the body


longest living bone cells; main cell in mature bone tissue


lower jaw


made up of dense connective tissues, mainly the tough protein collagen


main bone of lower leg


means dried up; mummy


membrane around bone's outer surface


membrane that lines medullary cavity


movement away from midline


movement of a structure about the long axis


movement toward the midline

atlantoaxial joint

no joint


non-movable joint

concave convex

normal curves

33 bones

number of bones in vertebral column at birth

16 bones

number of carpals

10 bones

number of metacarpals

28 bones

number of phalanges (hands)

hyoid bone

only bone that does not form a joint


outer leg; The lateral and smaller bone of the lower leg

parietal temporal

paired cranial bones

cranial bones (8) facial bones (14) auditory ossicles (6) hyoid (1) vertebral column (26) thoracic cage (25)

parts if the axial skeleton

pectoral girdle (4) upper extremity (60) pelvic girdle (2) lower extremity (60)

parts of the appendicular skeleton

1-2 months

posterior fontanel closes by


process of bone formation


remodelling and maintaining bone mass (healing)


rings of bone matrix


rotation of the forearm with palms down


rotation of the forearm with palms up


rounded end of a long bone; connect adjacent bones to form joints

coronal suture

separates frontal and parietal bones

metopic suture

separates the two frontal bones


shoulder blade


small spaces between the lamellae which contain osteocytes


soft spots normally present on the skull of a newborn

spongy (cancellous) bone

spaces filled up by the bone marrow; porous honeycomb structure


stirrup; last of the three auditory ossicles of the middle ear; smallest bone in the body

yellow marrow

stores fat




structural unit of compact bone

talus calcaneus navicular cuneiform cuboid

tarsals consist of the


the curved bone forming the base of each half of the pelvis.

growth plate

the epiphyseal plate is known as the

anterior posterior

the fontanelle consists of _____ and _____

upper extremity

the part of the body that includes the arm, wrist, and hand


the skeleton is made up of _____ of the total's body weight

shin bone

the tibia is commonly referred to as the

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