Scientific Revolution, Enlightenment and French Revolution Multiple Choice and Matching

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Who were Philosophes?

Thinkers who applied science and reason to understand and improve society

What was the purpose of the Continental System?

To bleed out Britain's resources and hurt them economically. Backfired and bled out the rest of Europe

What was the chief goal of the Congress of Vienna

To create lasting peace in Europe

What was the purpose of Diderot's Encyclopedia?

To spread Enlightenment ideas; compiled articles on topics like government, philosophy, and religion

What were some social changes during the French Revolution?

Tricolor flag Women wear pants Guillotine Cafe's Metric System Declaration of the Rights of Man Calendar Citizen and Citizeness Red cap of Liberty Church lands nationalized Supreme being Beer Women can drink liquor Fireworks Cravats

Who was Kepler?

Used Brahe's data to calculate the orbits of the planets revolving around the sun; ellipse

What was the old order?

Estates 1st- clergy 2nd- Nobles 3rd- everyone else

Who was Mary Wollstonecraft?

Feminist, first duty=mother, a woman should decide her own interests

Who was Van Leeuwenhoek?

First human to see cells, perfected the microscope

What was the effect of the Slave Revolt in St. Domingue?

Government abolished slavery

Who was Hobbes?

He believed that people were naturally cruel, greedy and selfish; absolute monarchy, people should give up their individual freedom for and organized society

Who was Defoe?

He wrote Robinson Crusoe

What were the accomplishments of Newton?

Helped invent calculus Worked with optics Furthered mechanics Worked with astronomy Newtons laws of gravity

What is Baroque art?

Huge, colorful, exciting, dark colors, and formal lines

What is the mystery of Napoleon's death?

No one know how he died

Who were Émigrés?

Nobles, Clergy and others who fled France and its Revolutionary Forces

What was a Cahier?

Notebooks listing grievances

What were Napoleons various reforms?

Overthrew the weak directory, encouraged emigres to return, became the dictator, opened jobs based on talents, undid some reforms (women rights), strengthened the gov, created the Napoleonic Code, had and outstanding army

Who radical leaders in the National Convention?

Pierre and Jeante

Who was Voltaire?

Poet, historian, essayist, philosophe, defended freedom of speech

Which nations did Napoleon not control?

Portugal, Britain, and Russia

What was the role of women during the French Revolution?

Progressed feminism and marched on Versailles

Who was Copernicus?

Proposed the Heliocentric model

Who were the Bourgeoisie?

Prosperous bankers, merchants, manufacturers, lawyers, doctors, journalists and other proffesionals. Upper middle class

Who was Newton?

Pulled the SM together, helped invent Calculus, defined gravity, all motion in the universe can be measured mathmatically

What are the steps of the Scientific Method?

Question Research Hypothesize Experiment Data Conclusion

Who was Madame Geoffrin?

Ran one of the most respected salons, brought together the most talented people of the day.

Who was Boyle?

Refined alchemists view of chemicals. Difference between compounds and elements

Who was Bacon?

Rejected Aristotle, believed in gathering data through experimentation and observation, helped develop the scientific method

How did Marie Antoinette die?

Dignified at the Guillotine

Who was Harvey?

Discovered the Circulatory system

Who was Rousseau?

"Man is born free and everywhere he is in chains.' Believed in general will, social contract, and that people are basically good just corrupted by society.

What did the Declaration of the Rights of man state?

All MEN (not women) are born and remain free and equal in rights, security, and resistance to oppression.

Who was Robespierre?

Dedicated Jacobin, hated old regime, promoted religious tolleration, chief architect for the Reign of Terror, wanted to abolish slavery.

The majority of victims of the Guillotine came from which Estate?


What was the Reign of Terror?

A time period during French Revolution when people were arrested and executed for not supporting the Revolution. 300,000 arrested and 17,000 executed

What was the Scientific Revolution?

A time when people questioned ancient thinkers views on science

Who did Diderot's encyclopedia spread knowledge to?

All people throughout Europe and America

What is a salon?

An informal social gathering at which writers, artists, philosophers, and others met and exchanged ideas

Who was Adam Smith?

Argued free market economy and the Laissez-Faire,believed in supply and demand

Who developed the Scientific Method?

Bacon and Descartes

Who was Montesquieu?

Believed in democracy, criticized the absolute monarchy, invented the three branches system and the checks and balances system

Who was Locke?

Believed people were naturally reasonable and moral, born with certain natural rights, limited government, the government is there to protect peoples natural rights

Who was Galileo?

Built an improved telescope, saw the rings of Saturn, the moons of Jupiter and sun spots

How did the members of the 3 estates live and what was their proportion to the population?

Clergy= 1% of the population, wealthy and privileged, owned 10% of the land, Bishops, abbots, and parish priests. provided some social services, did not pay taxes. Nobles= 1% of the population, top jobs in the government, army, courts, and church; owned land but had little financial income. did not pay taxes. Everyone else= 98% of the population, bourgeoisie, rural peasants, urban workers. Had miserable wages, paid all the taxes

Who was Bach?

Composed sonatas and religious works for organs and choir

Who was Denis Diderot?

Created a 28 volume set of his encyclopedia. Denounced slavery, praised freedom of expression, urged education for all, attacked the divine right, and attacked traditional religions.

What was the Committee of Public Safety?

Created to deal with threats to France. Prepared France for all out war. They held trials and executions.

Who was Pare?

Invented ointment, artificial limbs and new surgical techniques

Why was the battle of Trafalgar important?

It was a devastating loss for Napoleon and Britain's navy would never be challenged ever again.

What were the political factions in the National Convention?

Jacobins, Girodins, and Plains

What is Rococo art?

Lighter, elegant, charming, lacey, and formal patterns.

Who was the first person executed during the Reign of Terror?

Marie Antionette

Who was Mozart?

Musical genius, child prodigy, composed 600 pieces of music

Who are the Enlightened despots we studied?

Napoleon Catherine the Great Joseph the II Frederick the Great

Who was Descartes?

Rejected Aristotle, believed in human reasoning, doubt was the only thing that couldn't be questioned, helped develop the Scientific Method

What is a Physiocrat?

Someone who based thinking on natural laws, claimed rational economical system based on the Natural Laws of economics. Supported the Laissez-Faire

What is Nationalism?

Strong feeling of pride in and devotion to one's country.

Who was Vesalius?

Studied and revised Galen's observation in the medical field

Who was Brahe?

Supported the Heliocentric theory and studied it his whole life

What is Bastille Day?

The French Independence Day. The anniversary of the day 800 Parisians marched on the Bastille and ended up burning it down

What was the first non-violent event in the French Revolution?

The Tennis Court Oath

What was Napoleon's last defeat?

The battle of Waterloo

What was the first violent event in the French Revolution?

The burning of the Bastille

What was the reason for Napoleons downfall?

The disastrous campaign in Russia and nationalism

Who was the Duke of Wellington?

The guy who beat Napoleon in the battle of Waterloo

What are Sans-Culottes?

The working class men and women in Revolutionary France. They demanded a Republic.

What was the Enlightenment?

When thinkers realized that they could use reason to solve social and economical problems

Who hosted Salon Meetings?

Women in their houses.

Who was Olympe de Gouges?

Wrote the Declaration of the Rights of Women and the Female Citizen. Demanded equal rights for women. Was imprisoned and executed

Who was Handel?

Wrote water music

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